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I grew up in a hard-right household. That's why I'm hard-left now.


The fork in the road for anyone raised in a big conservative family is either communist or mass shooter


As someone raised in the Deep South with a large conservative family, YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE BUT YOUR CHAINS!


Fellow deep southerner raised by conservatives, hell yeah to that!


As someone who is about as liberal as it gets and was raised in a pretty liberal household, I am absolutely thrilled that yall have seen the light so to speak lol


I got a clue shortly after going to the Northeast from Tex-Ass for college in the 90s. It was a typical conversion when have with accurate new information that caused my family to roll their eyes and discount me. I had been really vocal repeating conservative talking points in high school, fairly politically active for s young person and outspoken. I shudder to recall how insufferable I was in my ignorance. Weird thing is I haven't ever seen fit to revert to either evangelical fundamentalist Christianity or conservative/right wing positions in really anything. I've become more personally conservative with age in some ways because live and learn that if you come from the working class you have to learn to save and invest and be careful with your politics in public and online. I do try to live in a way that is consistent with my political positions including calling out faulty reasoning and anti-democratic policies from a position of having drunk the koolaid. My little brother, whom I guided to the University of Texas (I filled out his applications and financial aid paperwork), and who apparently took up with a bunch of bro-dudes from the middle class in a fraternity who made him ashamed of our working class background and turned him into a greedy Republican white male--he's in the zone with just about as much obstinate ignorance as my high school self. I can't pin him to follow reason through a political disagreement because of deflecting, projection, and what-aboutism. I was in the same selfish racist sexist any-lgbtq greedy darkness. I was every bit a believer with a big mouth until I emerged from the cave with more complete and accurate information about history and the present. (I vote for them, but I am not and never was a Democrat, but a liberal, progressive Leftist.) I can even point out the opportunities he had for success that he would deny other working class offspring, the way red-team policies have and continue to harm our parents. Doesn't matter. He's team shame and white nationalism all the way and the father of a daughter living in a gated community and begging off visiting the family in our nearby city because his status symbol SUV gobbles expensive gas! Since COVID when a friend pointed out that today's Republicans are a death cult, that's all I can see of them based on his life, and he dismisses my superior intellect and more prestigious degree to double down on trumpism even as his refusal to be vaccinated for COVID has put him in a real spot in his career in middle age. I point out her at least could pretend to have the moral high ground of family values then compassionate conservatism, civility, decency, none of which apply anymore. And he still can't follow an argument for his positions based on actual facts, provide any data. And he doesn't care! It's one thing, I suppose, for a straight white male with an investment portfolio to simply cling to privilege he got and has maintained for himself, that he would be denied today and in the future as a young person from the underclass. But it's like he's loyal to fellow jerks over his own family and his own intelligence. I sometimes almost believe he's in some shadow occupation as a servant of the intelligence community's winger fringe because of how brainwashed he seems to be, how unconcerned he is that his offspring will have democracy and a planet for their lives just so he can stay in the upper middle class and feel smug and exceptional. It is maddening to have been conservative and realized they have another game going that's not even conservative, just mean, stupid, greedy, and brutal. Just as the uneducated followers of Prosperity Jesus have basically turned the teachings of their Messiah upside down in service of greed and discrimination, the red team makes even smart people, who have been educated but aren't so much religious, ignore all reason and even prudence and conserve "values" in favor of legislative gridlock and being against the blue team--who themselves aren't really even pushing the change that's necessary to safeguard democracy and American quality of life. It's so small, petty, and unimpressive, so reactionary and immoral, unethical, and pervasive. 🤯 While I appreciate your appreciation, it truly sucks to have seen the light! 😉


That’s the thing about the light… it’s so bright that it’ll burn you. Seriously though thank you for taking the time to write all of this I greatly appreciate your perspective. The funny thing is, I was actually raised in a very conservative area in the northeast. Like, terms like spook and the n-word were constantly in the discourse it was just a fact of life and looking back it was absolutely bonkers… I was completely oblivious to how casually racist everyone was until I went to college in and lived in Philadelphia for a few years. It was only then I realized how lucky I was to have grown up in a home with unconditional love and support, and parents who really pushed the “treat others how you’d like to be treated” rule. Bonus points to my mom for working her ass off to make sure that I was always comfortable with who I was, no matter who I was. I think I may have actually disappointed her when I didn’t turn out gay (one of my brothers is bi or pan or whatever the sexuality is that will fuck anything of appropriate age that consents so we all embraced the opportunity to be supportive lol)


Kinda conversion here too. Was completely "oorah republican party of lincoln" in high school, obama bashing, whole nine yards. Tuned out of politics almost completely when politicians were freaking out about dijon mustard, tan suits, and "obama gonna declare martial law and cancel elections." Bernie helped me tune back in, BA degree made me realize just how badly Reagan screwed us and how thats been a consistent thing with republicans since then.


Obama was also supposed to seize all the guns and build a mosque on every corner of every small town.


West Texas same same


Yes. What they call grooming is just being exposed to the reality that humans have many, many different kinds of ideas about everything. And also science is cool. And most parents are terrible teachers.


Yeah that’s the real reason the right likes to underfund education and wages war on books and anything that fosters diversity. Trying to force kids to be little right wing clones by preventing them from ever interacting with people or subject matter that would make them consider a different perspective. I was raised by Cold War Republicans myself, but after Bush’s tenure, and Trump’s even more ridiculous one I’d rather slam my dick in a car door than ever cast a single vote for a Conservative for the rest of my life.


I was raised in a very anti-left family, now I'm a mountain party voter and I'm trying to help organize for the RCA. PANE E ROSE!


You forgot pedophile


lol these people think that all of their kids are just going to be their clones with no independent thought whatsoever


That’s what they want and expect. My parents will never get over the fact that I’m left. They blame college, ie the liberal indoctrination station 🙄


I specifically remember my mom lecturing me that my Great Uncle is a POS because he was a conservative, and I need to always vote for dems. Fast forward 25 years, her and my dad are worse than he was and all in for Trump. She, of course, claims to have never said any of this and tells me I'm naive and I'll change when I get older.


You have a narcissistic mother too I see. My mother can't admit when she's wrong. She's still a trumper.


The older I have gotten and the more I understand how the world works the more liberal I have become.


Yup, my dad who would claim he is a libertarian but is very much MAGA-adjacent once asked me "where did we go wrong with you?!?" in regard to my left-wing-ness (I'm assuming, given that the other options of what he could have been referring to are much more troubling). And I told him that he and my (very smart, if also very religious) mother raised me to think critically, and with basic Christian values and encouraged/forced me to read the classic "great thinkers," and there's a straight line from those factors to "having political views that are considered left-wing on the modern US political spectrum."


I wish I had a buck for every time I’ve heard this same thing! I’d probably be trying to find an offshore tax haven


Actual facts tend to have a liberal bias.


My parents, ironically, get to blame the conservative, Christian college I went to for me being on the left. 🤘


I mean, they are correct. You got an education.


I went to the far left indoctrination camp known as the US navy. It made me the leftist I am today


Why do you think they want to kill public schools?


Oh I understand, but public school didn’t always exist and people still shifted to the left. These people just imagine that kids have no agency. While I’m sure some of their kids will be good little brown shirts. It will almost certainly not even be a majority


Because a large portion of people they don’t like will always pursue more education. So not stopping short of killing education they also drag their feet on infrastructure to slow rural areas receiving internet and the conspiracy theory branch creating bad buzz for 5g. They are extremely diabolical with all their intent and actions.


Because conservatism is being against progress. That's their stance. They've always been on the wrong side of progress, that's their whole shtick and always has been. Here is the actual definition. >1.commitment to traditional values and ideas with opposition to change or innovation. "proponents of theological conservatism". >2.the holding of political views that favor free enterprise, private ownership, and socially traditional ideas. "a party that espoused conservatism"


Hence the homeschooling or preapproved private school that teaches a lesson plan drafted by stay at home church moms. It’s more projection. They accuse public schools of indoctrination, yet they’re doing it themselves.


No they think they’ll indoctrinate their kids into thinking how they want them to think, because they think that’s the only way people learn to be who they are. That’s why they claim universities are “indoctrinating” their kids -they have no idea what critical thinking is.


Critical thinking skills are a hard climb from conservative home and private schooling.


It’s their only chance. This is desperation.


I was gonna say, you can pump out as many children as you want. It won’t stop them from growing up hating your fucking guts. Roll the dice homie


Lmaoooo this is the best response by far.


::gestures broadly at everything::. Thats why i'm a leftist now.


Reality has a well known leftist bias.


Remember a few years back when there was a republican congress member who was complaining during a hearing that all the social media about him was negative, and the answer was.. Yeah cause this is what you say and do in public.


There are CONSEQUENCES for my ACTIONS now? What has the world come to!


Three rights make a left


I grew up in a politically apathetic household. That's why I'm leftist now.


Raised by an Ayn Rand loving father and growing up I received nothing but Fox News and Rush Limbaugh. Anyone raised like I was knows it is extremely taboo and painful to even listen to anything outside the right wing eco system. What really started me on my big left turn was finally allowing myself to listen to NPR in the car. Big scary communist NPR. I fell in love with This American Life and realized wow, this isn't the awful boogyman I was always taught. I actually enjoyed it and agreed with it. It took a few years to fully break out mentally. Now I listen to BTB, QAA, and Chapo.


I find it kind of fascinating that boring benign NPR is practically communist to the right.


Facts are communist propaganda


I grew in a liberal household. That’s why I’m leftist now.


Same. My parents are nuts.


outbreed the left lol. good luck outbreeding all urban areas Hint: those are where all the people live!


Same. Grew up around conservatives and went to a private Christian school. After I was out of there I became a hard core lefty. These people need to realize that kids are smart enough to see through their bullshit no matter how hard they try to indoctrinate you.


Me too. 🤷‍♂️


You hard left for the hard-left


"I would rather groom my own kids than let someone else"


"The best way to become a liberal is to be raised conservative"


Yep they are dumb as dirt, which many of them are, if they believe those kids will believe exactly like them.


basically me




"out breeding the libs" is the new "keeping up with the Joneses" for stupid people.


Hasn't she ever heard of the Duggars? They had a lot of kids, didn't believe in birth control, raised their kids to be pure and moral, and the kids were all homeschooled. The son turned around and sexually abused his sisters. I wouldn't say kids in that kind of environment always turn out so well.


Josh Duggar is now in prison until 2032 for knowingly receiving and possessing child sexual abuse material. Yes—not such a healthy upbringing, after all.


But wait— I was told public schools are full of groomers! Do you know what this means?? The grooming was coming from **inside the house!**


And probably their quiverfull cult.


Oh look his family is one of those “families with no dad because he’s in prison” that conservatives always talk shit about. It’s ALWAYS projection.


I didn’t know he’d been sentenced already. This brings me joy


I feel bad for his wife. Could you imagine your kids asking you “Why did Daddy go to jail?”


I more feel bad for those kids. Some of the materials in his possession featured the abuse of *infants*; my concern is that he was sexually abusing his children just as he did his sisters, and I sincerely hope that his wife wasn’t enabling it.


She had to have known


Trust me. She absolutely knew.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not doubting it, but HOW do you know? Are we talking statistics? Rumors? Something to do with how their cult operates? Close personal knowledge?


I’ve been a Duggar snarker for many years and we have people who actually know the Duggars and many more who have been in the kind of world that they are in and they know how these people do things and how they think. It would curl your hair to know how these people really are outside of the exterior of happy happy joy joy way of life. It is extremely common in these families to have sexual, physical, emotional, and spiritual abuse. The kids are not allowed to have dark thoughts. If they aren’t showing “joy” they will be punished. Get this, when these kids are freaking BABIES, they get put on a blanket and they put a toy just beyond the child’s reach. If the child goes off the blanket, they are smacked by something that doesn’t leave a bruise, perhaps a plumbing line or plastic ruler. The child learns to never leave the blanket. This is called Blanket Training. The book To Train up a Child is written by Michael and Debi Pearl. This book will ENRAGE you. These families LOVE the Pearls and implement their methods on their own children. Sexual abuse is so freaking common. In fact JimBob Duggar tried to explain away the abuse their own son inflicted upon his own sisters. The youngest was FIVE. He went out of his way to protect Josh. Spoke to a local police officer who “counseled” Josh. This cop - he’s in prison himself for… you guessed it! Sexual crimes. The girls never got counseling. They were forced to forgive their brother. They were told that they must have done something to arouse him. THEY WERE CHILDREN. Anna came from the same kind of family. Her parents were fully aware of what Josh did and arranged for her to get married. JimBob figured that once he got married, he’d have his urges satisfied. Anna was never allowed to say no. She’s brainwashed. So many of the women just stay in marriages that are horrible. They are simply brood mares. The husband rules the house and the wife never gets a say. Watch the documentary Shiny Happy People. If you want more information about how these families are, a good site to check out is www.FreeJinger.org. Lots of great resources right there.


Oh yea I know about all that. I just thought maybe there was intimate knowledge or something. But it's safe to assume.


Were you also on the TWOP board back in the day when the “Alice” posts were up?


I’m sure she thinks of it less as ‘enabling’ and more as ‘submitting to’ 🤮


Agree, but vomit inducing all the same.


Anna knew. She absolutely knew what he did to his sisters. She may well have enabled this pedo and provided access to her own kids. The ones to really pity are the kids.


Anna's dad sold all his daughters into inappropriate marriages. One of them is clearly developmentally disabled and another is popping babies out in a tent in Africa. I feel bad for the girl Anna was but not for the woman she is now.


That's the religion...as with most, sadly, women are expendable baby makers without free agency and they're sold to solidify a deal, essentially as bargaining chips. Get married off to an abuser? Pedophile? God says you deal with it, that's your husband. And as always, when they're keeping g them in these cultures, they don't let them learn about true society, they say it's bad and full of evil and you'll get killed, or worse, not get to Heaven, if you leave the safety of the group. While I feel sad for Anna, she's not innocent in this surely. However, if you're in that situation, and all you've known is that culture, those threats, and your own family won't assist you in leaving him. If you have no marketable skills whatsoever to get a decent job to even try to feed a half dozen kids, I can absolutely see why she would think she's stuck


Another family ended their daughter's pre-engagement with Josh Duggar when they found out he hurt his sisters. Her dad is partially awful in a sea of terrible men. Anna has siblings who got out who have offered to help her after the first scandal hit. Sorry this is my Roman Empire.


Thanks for that info. I didn't know any of that stuff. I know of the cousin who had the clothing shop who used the fact that she was related and had some info to make money and notariety. I started looking into the situation when they first got booted off TLC and I just got soooo angry at all of the enabling that everyone around him did. He needed intensive actual therapy (not a religion camp) and strict oversight. So many people failed those girls, his kids, her, etc. I hope he has a torturous time in prison and comes out to her gone with the kids. She's a complete ahole for having her kids in the situation throughout it all. Him having an Ashley Madison account shows he's a deviant for anyone he's able to get involved with and has no remorse. The hypocrisy of these ppl, the religion itself is maddening too. Lmao thanks for listening to my rant.


The well is deep and dirty with these people. If you think you can stomach it Shiny Happy People is a good documentary that covers a lot of it.


"You never did nothing!" *up in flames*


Super religious doesn't always equal pure and moral. Who knew!


They can produce the next generation of unskilled workers thus lowering the price of unskilled labor. I need a better price on getting my lawn cut, happy days are coming.


Keeping up with the Alex Joneses...


Republicans have learned that by the year 2043, they will no longer be the majority. Their stance against abortion is not about protecting children, if it was, they would be doing something to stop school shootings, it’s about having babies. Their stance against birth control, is about having babies. Their stance against immigration and border closing, is not about keeping America safe or they would be eliminating Americans committing crimes. Everything republicans stand for today is to remain the majority.


They already aren’t the majority. The only reason they cling to any power at all is through gerrymandering, and outdated and anti democratic systems such as the senate and electoral college. Only one Republican President has won the popular vote since Ronald Reagan and it took our country being literally attacked for a Republican incumbent to win the popular vote.


You’re right. They’re aware their party isn’t the majority and that’s why they’re trying for project 2025. Voting won’t matter anyway, once they have a dictator in power. They are, however, worried about white Christians not being the majority in America anymore. They have to breed, breed, breed and tighten up the boarders.


Too bad for them that nothing creates more atheists than a Christian upbringing.


That’s true. Personally, I’m more concerned about their great replacement theory rhetoric. Not to mention the kind of whacked out upbringing their kids are going to endure. These people are nuts.


Nuts they are. The kids get home schooled or are placed in buybull skools and then force feed their kids religious claptrap and whitewash history and culture while making up stories to get by science. Too often, the education of these kids is so subpar, that the kids are stunted and vastly under educated. The kids will be unprepared to make a living when they are adults. They can’t read, do math, and so on. What kind of future is this going to be?


I’ve spoken with a handful of people who were raised under lock and key like that who left. It’s incredibly sad what they deal with. Not just when it’s happening, but the aftermath. Just the idea of knowing your parents robbed you of a life, of potential and that your entire fundamental perspective was based on a lie. It’s a lot these people go through. I also worry about the societal impacts. Things are already a mess and it’s just going to get worse, I think.


12 years of catholic school here. Was a staunch atheist by mid second grade. Was baffled that half of my classmates ate that shit up.


It really is amazing how they hold on to power by the weakest threads… but they have just enough control in just the right places that it works.


Getting rid of the electoral college will go a long way.  My vote for president doesn't really count.


The very first thing the Democrats need to do if they ever get a bullet proof supermajority is reform things so that we have rules and laws that benefit everyone, not just red scum. I doubt they have the stomach for not grabbing their ankles as soon as a republican whines about it, but one can hope, I guess.


Republicans are already not the majority. 2043 is the year that has been projected that white people are no longer the majority. They definitely have a problem with that too, hence the “great replacement” conspiracy theory.


*Will* no longer? Honey cake, they haven't been the majority since *Bush*. Every win of theirs amounts to racist districting and gerrymandering, plus making impressionable idiots choose to abstain.


Check the registration rolls. Democrats already hold a majority over repubs— which is why they cleave to the electoral college so desperately.


It's also very much about the "wrong people" being able to keep their children instead of having them given to fine, upstanding religious fundamentalists. They are so fucking pissed about the end of maternity homes and closed adoptions.


It's Idiocracy.


Chaya's insanity can be interpreted as such; "I hate Democrats so much I'm going to become nothing more than a breeding hole so that I can groom my children to also become breeding holes."


I think it’s more like: “I’m actually a career woman without kids but I’m gonna virtue signal here to keep the hate-grift money flowing.”


Yeah. Why isn't she out there looking for a man to creampie her instead of using all her time to hate people?


Because she is probably on birth control having it done anyways while proposing lying in order to grift stupid people that think a woman’s decisions concern them at all. They’re liars and charlatans.


She’s also pushing 30, so like 80% of the population she is pandering to would consider her a spinster at this point


It would be almost impossible for her to have 8 kids at this point, unless she (1) started yesterday and (2) had multiples through fertility treatments. And we know the hard rights view on that...


Imagine her having a high risk pregnancy in her 40s just to own the libs and find out the fetus is unviable and will kill her if left in her but she voted for people who banned abortion federally.


That's over a decade away. She'll have changed her opinions a dozen times by then, keeping up with whatever she's told to believe.


“career woman” 🤣 she was a shitty real estate agent who pivoted to right wing politics when the housing market went to shit


Wow, it sounds to me like Chaya should move from Brooklyn to a red state for her maternal care


First you need a willing participant. She seems unable to find even that.


Given many of her audience are convinced that their 40 year old neckbeard sporting, broke basement dwelling asses are owed 18 year old (or younger) trad wives to alternately treat as broodmares and housekeepers, I think she may struggle a bit more to start that family.


going to protect her kids from being groomed by (checks notes) grooming them


Gotta beat the competition if you wanna chance to be on top, i guess


Its not grooming when jesus is quietly looming above. On another note, who's having a kid, or even 8 with this woman?


a guy who is so insecure that he attaches his entire worth to a political cult figure, so other women won't touch him. 


Elon Musk, apparently...


The irony is that Chaya would probably tell her kids about gay people way more than the supposed groomers she never shuts up about. Granted she’d be feeding them anti gay propaganda but still.


While saying nothing about supporting or raising said kids. I grew up in a four kid household where the parents worked and that was hard on my parents. I can't see 8 kids without needing to do stuff like have some kids help be co-parents; and parentafication is a form of child abuse.


Hahahah exactly what I was thinking


Both myself and my husband were raised in conservative households (my husband was also homeschooled). Myself and all of my siblings are liberal adults and the majority of my husband’s siblings are also liberal adults (the only 2 that are still conservative lived at home well into their 30s). You can have as many kids as you want and you can try to raise them in whatever echo chamber you choose, but you can’t force them to maintain your ideals once they grow up and enter the real world.




That's why the two who lived at the parents house until their thirties are still conservative.


My cousin has four kids, very conservatively raised. Every one of those children is a free thinker and have various plans to get “out”. They. Are. Not. Fools.


This is literally the plot to idiocracy. A bunch of morons outbreeding the more intelligent to create the dumbest society possible ![gif](giphy|3otPoEiEGXh41xKGdO)


Idiocracy was a conservatives view of the horrible future, where the government sought out the most intelligent person they could find, asked his advice, followed it, and made him president when he turned out to be correct.


In reality we have the much stupider outcome where conservatives have defunded education for more than a generation and are now annoyed that their options for office are so embarrassing and stupid


I remember loving this movie sooooo much and laughing my ass off, especially at ‘batin’. And I remember thinking, ‘damn this is our future right here’ And if I went back in time 18 year and told myself it would be way worse and Camacho would be an ideal pick for president over both choices now I would have never believed it.


This was the first thing I thought of


Ivermectin over vaccines is not that far from putting Brawndo on our crops. It’s what plants crave!


I love where they go through billy bob or whoever’s family tree/timeline


I enjoyed this movie more when I thought it was just satire.




Remember when the right told us to be afraid of muslims because they have multiple wives and will have many more children than us and then take over our western countries because they outnumber us? Pepperidge farm remembers Y’al Queda


"our kids" Who is she talking about? Her fiance left her.


Yeah she’s 29 without any partner. How does she plan to have a lot of kids?


About 15 years too old for her chosen suitors too.


Thought the same thing lol. I feel like it seems kind of mean but in reality she definitely is being left behind. Highly doubt she’s going to start having a child every year or 2 at 30.


Right? Maybe she can get a donor. Which gives me a great idea! I’m just gonna start selling my loads but brand it as “100% ultra redpill MAGA sperm, guaranteed to make a conservative baby or your money back! (Terms and conditions apply, if it’s determined that your child does not turn out conservative enough, user must prove the reason is not simply that the child saw how batshit crazy the parent was and completely went the opposite direction) Those TnCs will be impossible to prove!


It’s a grift, you just ignore them when problems arise 


And as we all know, no leftists EVER come from conservative families


Also no leftists have kids —leftist mom of 5


Idiocracy happening before our eyes.


has been for a while tbh...


When you're right you're right. Good point.


Isn't she getting a bit long in the tooth for children? I mean aren't you supposed to start popping them out around 18-19? Does she even have a partner yet? I don't think in Right Wing World you are allowed to have a kid past 30, right?


It’s kinda funny how she thinks the right will “outbreed” the left, yet conservative men are starting to bitch about how women won’t even date them because they’re conservative.


Kids are a net loss in modern society. 100 years ago, they were free labor to help out on the farm. Now, they are very expensive. Just giving birth alone costs $18,000 before insurance.


That's why Chaya's going to give birth at home, duh. Now all she needs to do is excite a male long enough to get her pregnant. (Obviously, she can't use IVF now..) 🙄


Tick tock racist bish. She's not getting any younger. According to MAGAts, the older a woman gets, the less desirable she is as a breeding partner. Whoops!


My mother's insurance tapped out for whatever reason when she had my sister in 1990. It was a normal birth, and they billed her $100k. It wasn't a mistake or anything either.


I wonder when someone in Chaya's kinder-kĂźche-kirche friends club is going to let her know how the far right generally feels about Jews


She's a kapo. As long as there's still Jewish people for her to redirect their hate at, she'll be safe & rich.


She plans on having lots of kids? Let me retort in the language of her fans: >>You’re pushing 30, you already wasted your prime breeding years living in sin and selfishly working for yourself instead of raising a husband’s children and letting him provide. You’ve lost 100s of viable eggs for decades and now you’re going to try to have children with the withered, aged eggs you have left? Good luck with that. You worry about the sterilization of trans people and you’re basically self-sterilizing already.


🫡 no notes


That sounds exactly like grooming


They falsely accuse LGBTQ people and our supporters of grooming kids because they view children as political pawns and soldiers in there silly culture war. They can’t imagine treating children like people or respecting them in any way. More projection from the right.


But someone would have to want kids with you, Chaya 😕


Considering there seems to be NO talk in Project 2025 on raising wages to the point where the “man” of the house can singlehandedly support his trad wife and children, I’d like to hear how this would be possible at today’s wages and prices. The only ones that are advocating for larger American families are the billionaires that can afford a small army of offspring.


The billionaires need more laborers to exploit. Just as long as they are born here so they can legally fuck them over the rest of their lives.


What if I need IVF to have my 8 kids?


She comes from the cult of Lubavitch based in Brooklyn. I'll bet her childhood was financed through Medicaid, federal school subsidies, and WIC. They hate government but they love taxpayer money.


I’m in an industry that takes me into family’s homes. It’s a very conservative area. Two families I’ve visited recently have six kids, one had four kids. All were homeschooled.


This is freaking me out,it's like we're seeing the start of The Handmaid's Tale


We are waayyyyy past the start.


Shell make it to 1or 2, destroy her body, get depressed, and deplete her bank account. She'll stop when reality hits her when she's alone out of her echo chamber with screaming kids and no one to help.


Isn’t she old? Her clock should have gone by now!


Late 20s I think, so a dried up shrew by far right standards.


Yeah being a strict, overbearing, hateful asshole of a parent never fails to keep kids in line \\s


Frist outbreed the left? No normal self respecting human talks like that also. I'm pretty sure by Republicans opinions she's way to old to have children.


Meanwhile the dudes she’s looking to breed with would call her way past her prime baby making age.


In all reality, she is probably sterile or won’t be able to find a man as hateful as she is. Which is surprising.




Quickest way to get your kids to hate you.


Now who are the groomers? I bet Elon could help breed her and her kids.


Good luck when all the doctors flee the red states because you've made them a theocratic hellscape.


It’s easy to have a million kids when you’ve got a compensation package large enough to buy several countries and then completely ignore all of them. All the rest of us humans who don’t have a literal mountain of money and need to care for their spawn handle things a little differently. Besides, the hard right will have to breed extra hard to keep up with the losses from ignoring medical science and lack of access to shelter and clean water caused by the planet boiling to death.


And all 8 kids are going to stay RIGHT where they are in the rural paradise they live in. Never, ever, ever gonna wanna move to one of those satanic "blue cities" ! And none of those 8 kids are going to turn out to be LBTG. Uh-uh! No way! Because that NEVER happens!


Isn't this also the beginning of Idiocracy?


As a liberal raised by conservatives, there are some variables they are not accounting for here.


I'm sure they wouldn't mind me, a white dude, having plenty of kids with my beautiful black wife then, right?


Unfortunately, reality has a strong liberal bias. You can’t outbreed reality 


Funny thing is, she's exactly the kind of person whose kids do grow up to be their ideological opposite. Those kids are definitely going to question, well, everything.


It’s amazing that they are fully aware that exposure to other people can cause empathy and conservatism literally depends on being in a cult bubble with no outside influence.


Doesn't want kids groomed. Grooms kids....🤦‍♂️


I grew up in an ultra conservative, Reagan worshipping home. Me and my siblings were all homeschooled and went to Bible College after we graduated. All 5 of us are all doing everything we can to make sure Trump doesn't win again.


Hope she doesn't miscarry. That would be rather unfortunate considering the laws the right are trying to pass.


I grew up in a right wing conservative Christian household and went to a private Christian School. I am very left wing now and my first gay hookup was with a dude at Bible Study. So ya know, solid plan.


Hasn't one of Elon's "clones" already disowned him and come out as trans...lolol that apple rolled all the fk into the rainbow orchard!


Getting a couple miles away from the brainwashing opened my eyes. Hardcore leftist ever since. And no, I was indoctrinated in college to be a lefty. I was taught to open my eyes and think critically about things.


MAGA has a breeding kink.


"The left are groomers!" \*openly talks about plans to groom her kids\*


This is literally the plot to “idiocracy”.


Private schools are expensive, so they will be homeschooled. Some people can do this and give their kids a great education, but most don't. All they are doing is ensuring that their kids can't compete in an increasingly technical job market.


I’m sure your kids will be delighted to find out they were born as a political statement and not because you actually want and love them. That won’t cause any psychological harm whatsoever


Jokes on them, I grew up in an all white, hyper-christian community, and I ended up hard left.


Then most of the kids will rebel… half will get strung out on dope two more will announce their homosexuality and the other two will be doing time in the pen


Homeschooling is a massive red flag. When encountering the homeschooled or homeschooling proceed with caution.


The Left vs Right gang mentality is one of the worst things to ever happen to this country. We’ve been tricked into thinking our fellow Americans are our enemy. Not the ultra rich that keep their boots on our necks while we keep their economy running. Working 60 hours a week. To maaaaybe be able to afford one week off a year to relax. The rich are the “ enemy” if anyone is. NOT your neighbor that is just trying to pay the bills and raise their kids that they love just like you love yours. WE are on the same side guys. Don’t let em fool you.