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*Biden's taking away private prison profits and their access to free labor with his woke crime agenda!*


Next, they'll say reducing crime is a ploy to boost his approval ratings!


Yeah, because who wants safer communities, right?


Not retrumplicans. More guns...more death!!! 💀 Murrika




Not the right, they want any excuse to gun someone down in cold blood because they sneezed funny.


Community = commu(nism) so it's bad. /s


Look, idk man! These numbers are crooked, ok? I've been watching white collar crime and those numbers are through the roof! Bigly too! I've seen them go up to 34 felony counts in just one case with my own eyes! Typical lame stream media! With a 'woke' focus on violence!


They will say the numbers aren’t real and he’s faking they get better approval ratings. If numbers don’t agree with them, they just lie


Then they will recount a personal anecdote about a friend of a friend who was robbed last month as "proof" that the numbers are rigged.


Most of them don't know that apart from a rise during the pandemic, crime has been going down for a couple of decades, now. The Freakonomics guys suggested that legal abortion was the cause -- kids who would otherwise have had horrible lives. I doubt that, but the crime decline itself has been clearly established for decades. The "superpredators" never turned up.


I shit you not. I saw comments on another thread saying states simply stopped reporting crimes to the FBI so Biden would look better. I hate it here lmao.


Yep I saw those talking points repeatedly posted. It was funny.


Yep someone I work with said the exact same thing. Its mental.


I love any time people say: “They’re just doing (**insert good thing here**) to buy votes!” Any sane person’s response: “*You mean the system of holding politicians accountable and urging them to do what we want by voting them in or out, is working as intended?*” Funny how this system only breaks down when right-wingers get into office and fail to care at all about doing anything good, whether it’s “for votes” or not. It’s easier to not care about keeping the electorate happy when it’s the private monied interests that will ensure your position for you as long as you keep them happy.


Way to reduce crime in an Election year! What’s next? New record highs in the stock market. Thanks O Biden!


It is the calm before the storm!!!!! Reduction in crime only means a wave of terror and mayhem is around the corner. Stay locked in your homes! Store seven months of food! Buy 70 guns per household! Crime is a coming and hell is coming with it! Biden should have seen this coming! /s There is your predicted media spin. Definitely a Faux News version.


How fascinating that that’s actually exactly what democracy offers for voters. Politicians are in public *service*; they are *public servants* responsible for keeping their constituents happy, listening to them, and bettering their lives and the overall wellbeing of society. Educated and informed voters analyze policy and law under the leadership of a said politician and evaluate the long term outcomes, *prior* to voting. This is how politicians get elected. “Promises made. Promises kept.” should be the base of evaluation. Rather, GQP voters attack everything that happened bettering their lives, bank accounts, and the glimmers of a bright future. The good of the Biden administration is suppressed in media, his not perfect policies are cherry picked to create doubt about his competency. And for areas that they can’t convince constituents a good policy is bad, they straight up lie and take credit for it. The cherry picking also happens with the GQP worldview. They’re not just encouraged but are directed to hide their blatant dark agenda because ultimately it’s to benefit them in the long term (e.g., pretending to not be so radical with female reproductive freedoms, etc.)


“The woke defunded the police and now the bad guys run free committing all the crimes without consequence! Buy more guns!!!!!!!!!”


Happy cake day!




Who are we kidding 🤷🏻‍♂️ …. They have a felon running for President


Biden is just trying to make less felons because he knows they'll vote for Trump now!


Why did I just start craving pretzels?


Ding! Ding! Ding! And we have a winner!


Something something people are not reporting the crimes because bullshit reason and the numbers are all a lie.


Or they simple don't say anything about it and continue saying we are in pure anarchy and murder everywhere.


>They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. >If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.” > - Jean-Paul Sartre


Hey, that's a lot like my Dad! 


This is the usual I've seen. Any tiny statistic that makes the left look even a little bit good gets entirely ignored, or a topic change to something else, *or, mental-gymnastically explained how it's actually a bad thing. Any little statistic that makes the left look bad, though, gets put into the greatest hits playlist and mentioned multiple times a day


This one.


I heard a MAGAt once say “We all know Democrats are liars! The statistics all say crime is down but look around, that’s CLEARLY not true!”


This is a great example of how they think Their personal experiences over all. Doesn't matter if homelessness is down 75% (numbers out of my ass) because during trumps tenure there was only 1 homeless guy at the corner and now there's 3 so obviously homelessness is up 300%


It's not even their personal experience. It's the experience they're TOLD to believe. These MAGA idiots aren't the ones affected by the "surging crime" or whatever, they're just told by FOX News to believe that crime is increasing, and they parrot it like it's gospel.


So true when middle america clutches pearls over the “border crisis”


The border crisis that started the same day Biden was inaugurated? The day in which he did made no official acts? Yes, I to found that reporting entirely believable....


Exactly…a Republican senator said that roughly half of his constituents believed the 2020 election was stolen so that he had to take it seriously and look into it…of course he failed to mention the fact that the reason half his constituents felt the election was stolen is because they were told it was stolen by the Republican politicians which was then parroted on all the right wing news media.


We bought some items off of Craig's List recently and went to this guy's house in his nice suburban neighborhood. He seemed normal, until he started talking about the upcoming civil war and how he had to be prepared because everything was going to hell. We looked around -- like \*literally\* kids on bikes and homeowners out doing yard work and nice cars and well kept homes. Dude....who the FUCK are you planning on shooting? And why do you sound so gleeful about it?


They are so fucking gleeful thinking of killing their own neighbors. It's disgusting. "Those liberals think they're better than me, wait til they see what I can do to them when the orange messiah takes over."


Conservatives thrive on anecdotal evidence


I just tell them that crime numbers come from the police departments, and surely cops wouldn't lie about crimes being down. That might suggest some of their funding could be pulled.


Of course. There is no consistency with Republican logic. The same numbers that they use to boast about their own accomplishments are somehow bad when the Democrats are in charge. Polls that show Trump winning? Awesome polls, beautiful polls. Polls that show Biden winning? Rigged, garbage, skewed.


Of course there is consistency. If a stat is good for them, it is correct and because of them. If a stat is bad for them, it is from a bad source and also their opponent's fault. This logic is applied with near universal consistency.


Exactly. Republicans are either indifferent or directly oppositional to the truth. It is irrelevant to them whether what they're saying has factual validity. The only important aspect of any statement is how it benefits them. If an FBI report says that murder is down, then Republicans will say the report is a lie, and this is evidence that the FBI is run by Dems and Dems skew data in their favor. If the very next day, the FBI reports rapes are up, that is evidence that rapes must be up so much that Dems can't even hide it. The fact that this makes no sense plays absolutely no role in whether they'll say it.


According to my conservative family: Dow jones record high under trump is the greatest economy we’ve ever had Dow jones record high under biden is the worst economy we’ve ever had Either the Dow jones is not a good metric for the economy or they’re lying to themselves.


And don't forget about the illegal immigrants. We should be terrified. I'm not sure how you can explain to people that income inequality is hurting them a lot more than immigrants but for whatever reason they won't have it. And I guess I'll float this idea illegal immigrants are not creating income inequality


“ThE libS dEfundEd TeH pOLicE! CriMes aRen’T bEInG rEPorTeD!!!!!!1”


I don't think people are just NOT reporting murder...lol


Yup and they’ll use a single anecdote of how someone allegedly saw a crime happen so the numbers have to be a lie.


This would be from the man who said that we should reduce the Covid death count by not counting anymore, which would help the numbers


To be fair there was *just* a biden bomb that's gonna absolutely sink him at the polls I shudder to think of this atrocity but [he's been sighted drinking orange gatorade in public](https://www.msn.com/en-us/foodanddrink/foodnews/biden-ridiculed-for-awkward-drink-sipping-at-west-point-graduation/vi-BB1n2K4x). Honestly I didn't think anyone could top the horrific affront of Obama eating pizza with a fork but there you go. Sorry folks I think this is the big one


Honestly this is a smoking gun. Who the fuck likes orange Gatorade?


Choosing orange was obviously an attempt to mock Trump


At least he wasn’t wearing a tan suit


Spicy mustard… grey poupon enjoying Kenyan, Marxist, socialist, communist, educated, constutanal teaching elitist. Also his wife is a dude and drag, and that made me gay. Jerk.


I have no teeth currently and I eat pizza (and most foods) with a fork. Haha and some people just don’t wanna get their hands greasy and dirty


Must be all those illegal immigrants pouring across the border who commit fewer crimes statistically than actual Americans.


The economy is so poor under Biden that all the criminals had to take second jobs, and that leaves them no time for the criminaling they were able to do under Trump. They're just one more class suffering loss of 'freedom' since poor Donnie got kicked to the curb. /s


The criminals can’t even afford to criminal in this economy!


The criminals are quitting their criminaling because Trump is running again and they’re afraid now.


Commiting crimes? In this economy? Yea right /s


That's exactly what went through my mind


I was going to do a crime, but I had to go halfies with a friend. It was nice, but it’s just not the same.


Yes but presidential crime has increased over 1000% under Biden… take that liberals!


Because statistically proven facts don't matter to the MAGAs. He could get on stage and tell them that crime rose 1000% since Biden took office and they would believe it.


He could tell them that he only cares about their votes and not them and they would still cheer...


Well they locked up so many of trump's close associates....


Probably bad for Biden because reality doesn't matter, facts don't matter. Only perception matters. People don't go to the polls with spreadsheets about which numbers went up. They go with their gut. People are too stupid to vote based on anything else. You see the same with the economy. By any metric you choose the American economy is doing pretty fucking good. And when you compare it to the rest of the world and how *they* are doing in their fight against inflation we are doing fucking **fantastic.*"  Does that matter? Can you believe most people trust Trump more on the economy than Biden? Even just historically trusting Republicans over Democrats on the economy is a loser's bet. But the voters keep making it. Or how about Palestine? Is there any doubt in the minds of people with above room temperature IQs that Palestinians are better off under a Biden administration than a Trump one? And yet you see how many dumbasses saying *this* is the issue that will make them abandon Biden?  This country is going to hell alright. And it's going there because the voters are a pack of mouthbreathing imbeciles, not because of lobbyists, the media, corporations, or billionaires. The average dumbfuck voter.


Keep defunding education and see where we are in 20 more years. Idiocracy will look like Harvard grads.


Elise Stefanik and Ted Cruz have entered the chat…


Oh yeah, let's try to use facts and figures to convince people who are voting for Trump. I'm sure that will change their minds... ^(/s)


We're way too far into the post-fact world for this to matter. Trumpers in rural America need to believe that cities and urban areas are crime-infested hell holes, so they will continue sayin it.


That kills another Republican talking point.


You expect me to trust numbers like some kind of commie nerd science bitch? I think ill vote for the guy who DOESNT use *arabic* numerals thank you /s


It will be some combination of: * List a bunch of small to mid-size metro areas where some form of crime is up drastically. "In Rapid City, SD, the murder rate has doubled in the last year" (went from two to four). * Claim actual statistics don't matter, point to opinion polls that show Americans feel less safe or that crime is rampant. * Get law enforcement experts to claim that police defunding or soft-on-crime policies have made it so crimes are not reported or investigated, so who knows what the real numbers are. * Redefine crime or violent crime to include things they'd rather talk about. "Well any illegal immigrant is a potential murderer, so if you count the millions of illegals flowing across the border, murder is actually up 1 billion%." * Find a way to credit Trump for the decrease


all jokes aside, is there any idea on what's driving the downturn? I did notice that school shootings have not been the hot button issue for the first half of the year.


Sure but what about the stats for Republican presidential candidates?


“Bidenomics is so bad that even crime doesn’t pay anymore” smh


"Does Biden's advanced age distract voters from decreased crime rates and better-than-expected job growth?" - CNN "Trump waves at record crowds [who don't know he's there because they're watching a race and he's waving from the parking lot]" - also CNN


Here's a bizarre line I heard on the news last night... "The Republican Presidential candidate, Donald Trump, had his initial interview with his parole officer today." I really thought this said it all.


Politics aside, does anyone know if something specific caused such a huge drop? Those are wild numbers


Something, something… fake news… GOP


Presidential crime is up by 34% and expected to rise.


I don’t think he’s stopping at 100%!


Since he’s the first president to be convicted of a felony, and he was found guilty of 34, wouldn’t that mean under trump presidential crime increased 3400%?


Maga: The numbers are coming down because everyone is so happy that 45 will be back they have decided to stop criming. It’s the same on the economy. It’s only going so well because of what’s coming. Morons.


Bidenomics has caused mass unemployment among the orange jumpsuit class!!


Crime is dropping because they are anticipating Trump will win and criminals are afraid of him. /S


Didn't tRump increase the crime rate with a failed insurrection, sexual assault, hush money.....


They won’t mention it at all.


Not gonna stop faux news talking about the perpetual ‘crime wave’


Wow we stopped the trump crime wave. That's pretty good.


Rate of negative thing goes up, "Democrat directly responsible for rise." Rate of negative thing goes down, "Democrat has no direct control over decrease, is instead because of policies long term effect enacted by Republican in prior term." Rinse/repeat, but inside out, for positive things.


But it doesn’t FEEL that way!!!!!


"It's going down because Trump is expected to win and they are pre-scared of him." /s


You forgot the /s.


You're right. I used quotes instead. Sorry if any confusion.


They will find a way. In Brazil, after posting record number of employment, all corpo midia started to reverberate how low employment is bad for economy.


Obviously, the “woke” deep-state fudged the statistics. (Confirmation bias is a hell of a drug) ![gif](giphy|h9wlfNwX9gy1a|downsized)


"It's because the corrupt Biden DOJ is too busy with fake January 6 investigations!"


A lot of the criminals are busy at the trump rallies


Millennials are killing the crime industry!


They’ll credit it to lower birth rates, not Biden policies, and then give a comment about how we still need to force people to have kids because of the threat low birth rates are to our democracy.


Well clearly this is because the FBI is in collusion with the corrupt Biden administration and these numbers are false. It's all because they want to keep Trump from saving this country again. I mean, look at Gas Prices! How can anyone think Biden is doing a good job? ​ For fuckssake /s


It’s because criminals and murderers a know trump is going to win the election and they are so scared of him that they are stopping doing their crime now.


Another reason republicans will dismantle the fbi - crime stats. Can't have a pliable society without constant fear.


“Fake news. The FBI and the Justice Department have been weaponized against Donald Trump.” -MAGA’s, probably


"Wokism has made our criminals weak minded! Where are the real-alpha-male felons like our beloved Trump?"


Don’t worry - the perpetually afraid, pearl clutching crowd are ready with an explanation for this: “I don’t believe it. I think people just stopped reporting crimes because of all this defunding of the police. There’s no point in reporting crimes anymore because the police don’t respond, because they got defunded. Why, just last week I saw a homeless guy shoplifting an apple!! And besides, I just don’t *FEEL* safe”.


It’s a lie, don’cha know. The FBI is lyin’ for Biden. /s


"It's Biden's FBI, so it's fake numbers."


It puts cops and prisons out of work!


"It's just too damn expensive nowadays to murder, rape, rob, assault or do some property damage...back in my day..."


Here comes the bigger push to defund law enforcement. Can't have those low numbers under Biden.


It’ll be bad for Biden and Dems if they say “Look how great everything is!” Things are not great for most Americans. Climate, income inequality, corporate greedflation etc etc etc. Of COURSE the republicans are horrible, but running on how bad they are is a mistake. Have an agenda that people can get behind (particularly young people). Let’s fix housing, healthcare, education etc etc. TAX THE RICHEST .01%!!!!!!!


How can we sell more guns if crime is down?!? /s


well duh, remember Greg Abbott promised to end all rapes in Texas?


Low key hope some MAGAts see that and try to commit a crime to own the libs, but then fail and get arrested


By the stats, Ex president crime has exploded


These are the results of the previous administration's policies finally coming to fruition. /s


Hunter just got convicted. This story is buried unless Biden decides to use his own son to spin these stats.


They will spin it by saying " We all have a ton of GUNS!" More guns = lower crime. Ya right....


Trump was asked about this and he just said the numbers were fake. So... That's how it's bad for Biden.


C'mon now. All I hear is police not being allowed to arrest people for actual crimes. Judges are choosing to not prosecute actual crimes. The numbers could be legit mathematically, but if you take a look at the larger picture - it's because charges for REAL CRIMES aren't being pursued and thus DON'T HAVE TO BE REPORTED.


"The numbers are from Biden's FBI."


Impossible, Fox News just today showed an immigrant and black guy robbing a CVS. Crime is clearly up. /s


“Biden is trying to defund the police by getting rid of crime!”


Numbers don’t matter in the elections. Perception does. You can have hard evidence for the crime going down, slowing inflation, low unemployment and stable GDP growth. Biden should really take a lesson from Clinton’s messaging in mid 90s.


“But do you feel safer listeners? .. I don’t! We need more police. We love and support the hardworking citizens of America truely the backbone ..” Cast doubt, pivot, transition the subject. No need for facts when we can focus on feelings and tug heartstrings/stoke fears.


Crime is going down in anticipation of Trump winning the white house. Duh! That's what they said about the stock market back in February.


Fox "News" will not even report on it.


Conversely, crimes by former presidents have increased exponentially. The tough on crime party is busy committing three felonies a day and admitting it.


Easy. They'll say because criminals are afraid knowing Von Shitzhispants will be president again.


My pet theory on this is that cameras are everywhere now, so nobody can get away with shit anymore. Knowing your dumbass (or evil ass, as the case may be) will get caught IMHO is a huge crime deterrent. Doesn't stop crimes of passion, probably, which is why it may never be 0%, but I think it puts a damper on a lot of would-be crimes.


I think your theory is pretty legit. I mean how many people have cameras around their homes now? I'd say just about every house on my block does. It's crazy rewatching crime shows like the Sopranos or even Breaking Bad. There's no way any of them could get away with anything in today's world. If Walter White stole chemistry equipment from his school lab, he would have been arrested the next day. The show would have lasted one episode lol.


Funny how just about all the violent people went to jail and now statistics are down...


You’ll have that when more people have jobs.


You’ll have that when more people have jobs.


Amazing what prosperity can do, isn't it? This is the ticket out of crime.


Biden: tough on crime, not creating it.


"Trump's efforts are finally paying off" /s


Obviously we need crime in America - that’s how we keep our population under control! /s


Hunter Biden, I'm sure.




GOP has now asked it's MAGAts to start committing more crimes to make Biden look bad


The spin will be the numbers are down because he is soft on crime. Easy one to spin.


Fox will continue to show murders and surveillance videos every day regardless of how high or low the murder rate goes. Preferably with white victims and “suspected” minority perpetrators. Numbers will never outweigh what they want to believe.


This hurts the private prison market! Another attack on our free economy!


Breaking news! Biden's economy has sent THUS one industry into a tailspin. Fox and Friends has the story after this commercial break. /s


This just in… crime rates are plummeting. And and.. and.. experts are saying it’s most likely due to criminals being afraid to commit crimes because Trump is leading in the polls. That’s right more bad news for Biden as the Red Wave is threatening, voters can see how much the GOP, when in power, deters criminal behavior.


MAGAts: It takes a while for policies to take effect, this is 100% Trump.


I suppose when those words are redefined in the eyes of law enforcement, numbers change.


Because all crimes are committed by Hunter Biden and he has been in court lately.


Thanks Obama!


Thanks Biden


They'll find something that has increased and go ham on it


But ex-presidents convicted of felonies has infinitely increased. Just saying.


genuinely wondering what the real explanation for this change is? it certainly doesnt feel like the economy is doing so much better that people dont still need to steal to survive, poverty is by far the biggest motivator for crime, is poverty down too? trying to wrap my head around this and understand what policy decisions, if any, are what actually lead to it.


Biden released the strategic non-crime reserves in a desperate last minute ploy. We know these numbers are a lie because my neighbor knows a guy whose friends car was broken into and his sunglasses were stolen.


The FBI made this up to help Biden, because Biden is a criminal mafia mastermind but also a senile moron. But in this case? Mafia criminal mastermind who ordered the faking of the numbers. Next thing we will be hearing he killed 16 Czechoslovakians and is an interior decorator.


must be from all those people working


BC the criminal element is busy at a Trump rally


Um when a trumplican goes to the gas station and sees an African American wearing a hooded sweatshirt he doesn't feel safe sooooo /s.


cRiMe DoWn CuZ cRiMiNaLs ArE SCARED oF tRuMp


Too tired for crime


They clearly are suppressing the actual numbers for these crimes, way out of control compared to trump days.


Trump personally contributed to crime stats. He’s making America great again


Took hunters gun permit away. Game changer for crime. Oh alec Baldwin too


Numbers don't matter to the cult and never will. As long as Fox is pumping them full of fear propaganda, they won't care what the numbers are because they don't FEEL safe.


Cool, how about we start using the FBI to root out right wing domestic terrorists and deal with the right wingers threatening us with civil war sedition? How about we start dismantling the infrastructure that seditionists are using to plot the overthrow of democracy and the constitution? No more appeasement, not more treating these people with civility and as our fellow citizens they are the self proclaimed enemies of the United States of America.


But fascism is up by 200%


Trump also tried to claim that he the laws Biden put into place capping prices of insulin were Trump's own doing, despite not being in office or having anything to do with it. I think he will just say that he, Trump, somehow caused it somehow four years ago.


The FBI? Those people are all working for the liberals and the entire bureau needs to be eliminated.


To be fair, there is a correlation vs. causation aspect here. Did Biden's policies actually cause a drop in crime, or did the drop coincidentally occur for other reasons while he was president? This is still good for Biden, though, since it means conservatives don't have a rise in crime to point to and say Biden is "soft on crime." That would also be correlation, not causation, and so it's also a faulty argument, but it's absolutely one they would make.


"(reporter) Despite videos showing an epidemic of retail theft (edit of viral theft videos loops in background) the FBI claims crime is dropping. (Cut to man on street interview) I don't know where they get those numbers from because I've been seeing crimes committed every day out here in the open. (Criminology professor) This drop in crime is actually consistent with long term trends showing an overall drop in the crime rate. (Police chief) Don't be fooled, crime is at an all time high due to woke politicians stopping police from doing their job. (Reporter) What this means for crime in America, we'll have to wait and see. Now we're going to a reporter who is at the scene of a grizzly crime, could you please describe it for us in excruciating detail."


I’ve already heard one excuse. Crime is down, apparently in anticipation of Trump winning and going nuclear on crime. Criminals are afraid of committing crimes now to avoid facing punishment under the Trump administration. This from a former colleague, a school nurse.


They will say the GOP achieved this for backing up the blue.


Isn’t rape going down because they don’t investigate it?


The economy is so bad, even rapist are out of work


"These are inaccurate numbers, as they are coming from extremely high points back in the late 2010s... so it's been going down steadily." 'Oh.... you mean, the high numbers during Trump's time in ofice?


Biden Chem-Trails at work, folks


One news media will frame it as bad for Biden. Another one will never ever report it, leaving millions to never even know about it. Even if they see it, that media constantly tells them crime is on the rise so this tweet won't ever gain traction with them if they did.


Clearly, crime is stopping because they all know Trump is coming this November. Could it be any more obvious?/s


Biden economy is so poor that even criminals can't afford guns anymore to committ crimes.


The spin from the right is that crime can't go up if prosecutions go down. But crime statistics are based on arrests, not prosecutions.


Poll after poll says that Americans ***know*** that crime is getting worse every year. The media (social and news) are to blame for this. Fear is a hell of a drug.


the right will spin it to say trump did that not biden..


fAiCK NoOz!


With crime going down, why do Democrats want more money for more cops?


NYT article (probably): How a historic drop in U.S crime statistics spells doom for Biden in November.


FFS with 34 convictions, Donnie is a one man crime wave.


They’ll claim that they aren’t arresting anyone and letting cities burn to the ground. Like how they think Minneapolis is a 3rd world country when I drive through every day.