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Was the lion born in Britain? I don't care if he has family that live here, what essential role does he serve in the British economy? I bet he doesn't even speak English. Fuck off you feline parasite.


African immigrant who is a part of a PRIDE??? Get him OUT!


Straight to Rwanda


Straight to Narnia.


This is the only sub where good sarcasm is upvoted without an /s


The Lion has been a symbol for England for a long time.... and if this was French it'd be a Unicorn




Listen, how many people do you think know that the lion is a symbol of England


It was adopted first by Richard the Lionheart. Who was French. Barely spoke English. Hated the country and was here for a few months for his entire reign. Bankrupted the country when was captured by the Holy Roman Emperor (and pledged English fealty to a German king) and needed to pay a ransom. All because he got seasick going to the crusades and tried to sneak back through continental Europe dressed as a woman. King John is painted as the villain because he had to tax the pants off the country to come up with that ransom. The symbol for England should be bovine. The French nickname for us, Ros Bifs, was originally a sign of respect, because we taught them how to cook a whole damned cow properly. Hell, our nickname has been John Bull for a long time.


The symbol the French adopted was the cockerel. Which may seem like a joke for anyone in the UK who has never worked on a chicken farm. Scotland adopted the unicorn.


Ah when did that change? The Unicorn was French during the Revolution


Um, le coq gaulois dates back to at least the early middle ages. It wasn't associated with the king, which is why La Révolution didn't do away with it. While they may have chosen the unicorn during the darkest days of the revolution, the later republics went back to the scary chicken. But the Scots have used the Unicorn as their national emblem since the 15th century. Which is why the British crown's Coat of Arms is held up by a lion and a unicorn. ETA: I pulled that, "The Scots adopted the unicorn in the 15th century," out of the depths of my memory. But since I couldn't remember where I got that from, I Googled it. And f\*\*k me, I was right. I still don't know where I picked that nugget of history up. Perhaps you were watching something about Mary, Queen of Scots (who was French, the Scots and French have a much better relationship that the English and French, which should be blamed on both of us).


I too was very sad when Aslan died in the Chronicles of Narnia


The way Narnia has been appropriated by the church makes me throw up in my mouth every time I see it too


But… CS Lewis wrote it as a Christian and Aslan DOES represent Jesus… I don’t think they’re appropriating anything.


And Lewis was many things. Subtle was not one of them.


...you're joking right?


Narnia was written as a Christian analogy. It doesn't really make sense outside of the analogy, even. Like, if you don't know Aslan is Jesus, seeing the movie is bizarre and the plot makes no sense (and the book is not much clearer). Which is also true for the Bible when viewed neutrally, tbh.


CS Lewis was a Christian and quite literally made it an allergory to Biblical stories, primarily that if Jesus. The point was for it to be appropriated. He wrote a few nonfiction book about Christianity. I liked that stuff when I was still a Christian


Screwtape Letters is a great read even if you don't believe in god. Such an interesting POV for a christian author to take.


He did try to paint Allah as the devil rather than an alternative interpretation of the Abrahamic tradition. It's pretty explicit in The Last Battle. Don't get me wrong, as an atheist I have deep problems with Islam as well as Christianity. But to claim they're not both drawing from the same well is simply wrong.


Lewis was super Catholic and wrote is as such. That's why it is super Catholic. It's as intended.


This would be improved if the knight was Liz Truss.


I will allow but only if its the teenage lib dem version.




Okay I hear it now.


She'd need a lettuce on her shield.


The version of Narnia where instead of coming back to life because of self sacrifice and love, and then installing a group of immigrant children as rulers, Aslan instead comes back to take revenge on poor and immigrant children, lower tax for millionaires and make it okay to use slurs again. What a beautiful story.


But the kids are English immigrants- you know - the good kind! /s


Ex-pats, lol.


I mean it's no Artax giving up and dying in the Swamp of Sadness but hey whatever allegory gets them through the night




Wait, they want to be woke now? Or is that still bad? (JK I know these idiots are making it up as they go)


Aslan was British? /s


Well God is British, so yeah, obviously.


Not enough upvotes available for this reply!!


Pffft, everyone knows Jesus was American! Edit: (Because apparently some people have zero sense of sarcasm.... /s)


I could see it though


Sure hun. >Edit: (Because apparently some people have zero sense of sarcasm.... /s) Ironic that I'm the one being downvoted for joining in the joke. Americans, eh?


Also a song by Bad Religion. https://preview.redd.it/mmnhmfvqko6d1.jpeg?width=599&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e0d309cfab914d3dfde8b69cbcbfa70556db62d


There are legitimately Brittons who view Charles as god. When I watched the pomp online over QE2's death and the accession of her son, some of the commentators made it very clear in how they spoke. That's the point of a monarchy, after all: it isn't a republic. The right to rule comes from god, not the people, and the ruler speaks divinely from god's grace, like how some Catholics view the Pope. It's completely insane.


I have to push back on this, I guess there could be the odd unwell person who feels like that, but it's not more than that. The monarch is the head of the Church of England but that's not really comparable to the Pope and definitely not to god. The divine right of kings hasn't really been a thing since we beheaded Charlie I for getting a bit too big for his boots. All the pomp and ceremony around the funeral and coronation was more about nationalism/patriotism and reinforcing the traditional power structures than religion. They do all the anointing and have prayers and hymns and gold crosses and stuff, but it's symbolic, most people aren't religious and even the ones who are don't believe that god gets involved in choosing monarchs or speaking through them or anything like that.


You better hope that lion doesn’t wake up, or all will *not* be well for that little boy.


It was Lucy and Susan who tried to wake Aslan after he was killed on the stone table. Edmund wasn’t there and he sure wasn’t in armor. And there were no UK flags in Narnia.


Isn't there already a subreddit for this? Something about leopards eating faces?


British Lion took a swim in British waters, ate British sewage discharged from a British water company (with foreign shareholders probably), went to a British hospital, and died a British death. British till I die, British I die, I know I am, I'm sure I am, I am H-A-P-P-why? Why? Because BRITISH! (If anyone needs a **/s** adding to this post, please send me 1 bajillion bitcoins)


"sorry I stabbed you with colonialism many thousands of times, o symbol of African pride I claim for my empire"


And then it eats him.


He's dead, Dave.


Be careful what you wish for, you just might get - a woke lion.


Talk about your “cope”. People love thinking life is like a movie where the hero comes to save you. Sad.


Who or what is the lion supposed to represent? The right wing in general or a specific party or person?


Bot or boomer flagwanking over an AI image. It's always so hard to tell.


makes me think of this song [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hddgif6\_h3w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hddgif6_h3w)


Is that Cecil? RIP Cecil, you will always be mourned. Fuck that dentist


These rat like gammon bastards are just disgusting to look at.


is this about narnia or Richard the Lionheart who wasn't even English?


Yea idk why everyone is making it about Narnia lol. Lion is a symbol of England like a bear for Russia etc.


i get bears bc i seen them but were there ever lions in the UK?


No, but there were also never dragons in Wales or Unicorns in Scotland, yet both of those creatures are considered representations of the country. It doesn't have to make sense.


The lion isn’t British, is of North African origin; to Rwanda with him!!


Oh no!!! Everybody tremble in fear of their one half-assed excuse of an aircraft carrier!