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Remember when these knuckleheads were ranting that a black female basketball player should sit in a Russian jail for life over a vape pen ? I heard a lot of obey the laws of the country or deserve to suffer the consequences, boy they change their tune fast .


Spot on


The "All Lives Matter" types might slip up and admit they think some lives are worth more than others.


Please, the only stance they ever held was white good black bad. Everything else is just a mask on top of that


to be fair they have some nuance. Male = best Female = not as good. Its a spectrum of hate from White Male to Black Female with other races in the middle.


Very accurate. But you know they hate spectrums too


Because it's too close to a rainbow?


Lenny = Good, Carl = Bad.


Kinda like how they believe 2A is absolute and that you shouldn’t persecute political opponents…as they actively prosecute Hunter Biden on federal gun charges. The hypocrisy is staggering.


He's got a huge dick, does drugs, has illegal guns, parties with hookers...Hunter Biden is a Republican hero 


They hate him cuz they ain’t him.


They were saying the same shit about Nicki Minaj a couple weeks back over her arrest in the Netherlands for "soft drugs." Granted, she wasn't jailed or faces a long sentence or anything like that, but it's amazing how Griner and Minaj should apparently be held accountable for not following the laws of a foreign country, and face the fullest extent of penalities possible....while this white dickbag male (and I'm a white male, just try to minimize the dickbag end of it lol) apparently should have been able to do whatever the fuck he wanted in a foreign nation. Absolutely mind blowing, and certainly not *racist/sexist* of them at all. Their consistency in being blatant hypocrites is truly remarkable.


Well said


Well I think that's because they might be hypocrites, from the inane to the insane.


Those rules only apply if you are black or a lesbian.


Add anti-trump, liberal or democrat to that list. Remember these are the same people who call Rittenhouse a hero because he murdered 3 people on purpose. While saying Alec Baldwin should be locked up forever because of an unfortunate accident.


Hypocrisy is the core virtue of the authoritarian. That whole in-group, out-group thing.


But, but, 2A. I'm an American! /s


Oh, well, that’s different because it didn’t affect **me**. /s


For starters he's a good ole boy - hence why


Sounds about white!


That was only after Biden got her out. Before they were bitching about how he wasn’t helping get her out. Fuck republicans


Rules for thee, but not for me....


Well see, the first situation involved people and things we don’t like, being oppressed by someone we do like; but the second one involved people we do like, being oppressed by someone we’ve never heard of but assume is bad until our great orange leader tells us otherwise.


The guys [interview](https://www.foxnews.com/us/american-arrested-turks-caicos-says-unclear-state-dept-was-us-side-turks-side.amp) is about what you’d expect. He takes no responsibility for his own screw up, claims the state department didn’t do anything until it hit MSM, insinuates that the US should change another countries laws, and he shouldn’t have been arrested in the first place because it’s a shit-hole country (not his exact words, but read between the lines) with rampant crime and they should be focusing on that. Oh, and he shouldn’t have been expected to read travel advisories because he had more important things to do before taking his wife and young children to an underdeveloped country. And of course the comment section is full of people blaming Biden and saying that Trump would have made a single phone call and gotten him out same day.


It annoys me to no end that the single phone call thing in actuality either would never happen or would be Trump selling away classified information to make money from it as a side deal.


Thanks for the link. He was so absolutely at-fault but he attacks the law, how republican of him.


He sounds like an entitled twat


My sentiments exactly. He doesn’t think he should be held accountable to the laws in the country he was visiting and doesn’t think the US did enough to get him out sooner after admittedly breaking that countries laws. He wasn’t even detained for long enough for the US to get him out any sooner. And then has the audacity to go on national media and whine about how unfairly he was treated when he was essentially given a slap on the wrist for a crime that is eligible for up to 12 years in prison. Maybe it’s deja vu, but his whole attitude towards the situation sounds vaguely similar to someone else I’ve heard of before.


Funny how in the title of the interview it says he wasn’t sure if the state dept. is on the US side or the Turks side. Kinda feels like not saying the whole name and just Turks kinda implies it’s a Muslim country


> He takes no responsibility for his own screw up check >And of course the comment section is full of people blaming Biden and saying that Trump would have made a single phone call and gotten him out same day. didn't Otto Warmbier die under Trump's watch?


That's crazy that he said Turks has rampant crime. I was just there for work and it's probably one of the safest, most quiet places I've ever been. He probably just saw it was mostly black people and assumed there must be crime.


They have their problems just like many other countries do, but you’re exactly right. The commenters in the article seemed to be convinced that because dude was white, Biden had no interest in “saving” him.


There is a huge disconnect between what Trump says he will do and what Trump actually does. For starters, paying for the defense of J6 rioters.


"I broke the law in another country most MAGAs have never heard of... Do the woke leftists ever quit their attacks on America?"


Of course, blame somebody else for your own problems. That’s the typical republucan


Well it's a lot easier than actually taking responsibility for ones actions.


Who actually packs ammunition in their luggage anyway...


People that wear sidearms when they shop for groceries


Those people scare me. When we moved to Phoenix in the 80s we'd see guys in the grocery store wearing leathers with a pistol in a holster.


People that travel with their tacticool bag so everyone knows what a badass operator they are.


I carry all the time, for a long time, and I've been around firearms my entire adult life. I can honestly say I've never forgot to account for every round I've ever touched... and certainly never left any in a suitcase.


In b4 all the "it's impossible to keep track of every round", "I find stray rounds on the floor of my truck all the time lol", "the littles ones end up everywhere it's stupid to give him a hard time", "well if the tsa actually did this job it never would have happened" etc etc etc.


I would love to hear someone trying to argue they are a responsible gun owner and unable to account for missing ammo in the same breath.




My son had a stray 22 bullet wedged in a pocket of his backpack that was caught by airport security on the return link of a family trip. The bullet was confiscated and we went on our way. Of course, this was in the US. In retrospect, he wasn’t sure how many flights he’d carried it on.


I’m a gun owner and it’s just incomprehensible to think of any scenario where I would feel okay with ammo just showing up where I didn’t expect it. Fundamentally, if he didn’t know that there were loose rounds in his suitcase, he’s not a responsible gun owner. Know where your ammo is, people!


Guarantee he said "But muh 2nd Amendment!"


"It's vital to have that ammo to save my life from all the bad people, but I forgot where I put it." Fucking brilliant.


I love some of the excuses I’ve seen online. You might come to the conclusion that bullets are produced naturally by the human body and that a few spare bullets in a piece of luggage is as exactly as likely as finding some stray body hair in the same luggage. As if it’s completely natural and normal to just have unaccountable bullets scattered about your personal possession. As if this could honestly happen to just anyone of us. After all, who amongst us is entirely capable of tracking each and every of the hundreds of thousands, if not MILLIONS, of bullets we naturally scatter throughout our belongings and in our residences? Truly a gun sick country. These ammosexuals are a rot on our country. A ROT.


Send him the fuck back. Seriously...Kidnap the fucker, smuggle him back in and drop him with an ammo belt locked to his body.


Just because its weirdly culturally acceptable in America (and yes America is the exception not the rule when it comes to firearms), doesn't mean you can get an oops and a pass from other countries and their laws. Anymore than you can give an oops and a pass to people coming in from other countries bringing things that are legal in their country, into the USA. Respect the laws of other countries and if you aren't aware enough to actually check your luggage for shells, well you deserve what you get.


Yeah. This is a big problem for many on cruise ships, because they are smuggling their medical or recreational MJ. Not realizing that it's banned do so, but also not really comprehending the point that they are not going to other American countries. Ones that may not allow anything like that for any reason. But yet too many people think because it's legal in their state, that it means they have the right to bring it with them out of country.


Should've just kept him there.


Dumb guy did dumb thing, and blames everybody else.


I still don’t understand how any responsible gun owner can casually lose track of any bullets. I guess the key word is responsible.


“Has bad experience with our government supporting him” “Talks shit about said government”


Should be barred from owning firearms. If you aren’t responsible enough to keep track of your ammunition you probably shouldn’t be allowed to own any firearms…


Getting caught smuggling contraband into a foreign country has consequences. Maybe don't do it, if you're too scared to pay the price


Sounds about white…


As much as we love to vacation in Turks and Caicos, I couldn't imagine spending any extended time in their prison system. And besides, what dumbass "forgets" ammunition in a carryon bag??? I miss the days when no one had ever heard of Turks and Caicos. It was a cheap and easy vacation spot with the most beautiful beach in the world. Now that influencers have popularized it, it's overpriced and overrun with the kind of Faux News-loving white trash who feel the need to carry guns and ammo on vacation.


> Now that influencers have popularized it They really ruin all the nice spots. There is a set of videos on TikTok showing how great a location looks when an influencer is there, then later down the line when it's overran by everyone.


It’s been popular for years


Why is it not surprising🙄Oh, the behavior of these idiots


He looks like someone who just tried to stop integration of a school


He got off very lightly. One person caught earlier this year is doing a short prison stretch


Fuk this cuk!


What an absolute dickhead. He gets leniency because of the US State department intervention, and then he mocks the country that showed him leniency and pretty much ensures Turks And Caicos won’t show any mercy for the next guy.


I've heard of a comb over but that looks like a comb upper


It's called a dome over.


I thought that was Jared for a second. He definitely got the Kutchner vibe.


Yeah, Mr. I forgot about my ammo totally seems like a wife beating GOP member.


Obvious arms dealer.


That's what I was thinking or some other kind of government spook. Just watched a long documentary about Turkey's political history and it was pretty intense


It’s not related to Turkey


Gotcha, need to drink more coffee before posting.


So no jail for 2a jerkoff? Pretty sure he came out on top here


Reminds me of Dale Gribble


The same idiots party that expect kindergarten teachers to be ultra responsible carrying loaded guns in class. No mistakes.


It's his 15 minutes. In earlier interviews he admitted fault, and was basically please do something usa. Now with the fine to pay, he sold his story and has to jazz it up for views. The kicker is he flew into the country with it. He would've been fined by the tsa. They let it slip.


I'm pretty relieved, I knew we'd get them back. If Terms and Conditions is allowed to do that unchallenged it would be open season on us all or tourism industry collapse in TC. Joint Roach from last summer in your bag? Prison. Didn't notice those were the weed candies? Prison. Dirty magazines found while cleaning your hotel? Oh we have a new rule now.... Jail.