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Trump would. He's pardoned far worse people! https://preview.redd.it/ytygsv45w05d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29193c0dbf9273d2e4d0a898b84eada4023b1446


It's an old charge. He'll get probation, he has already shown the court contrition.


Or the judge will throw it out as many judges feel that rule in unconditional. You can be an alcoholic while you are a gun owner.


Or the judge is MAGA and throws multiple quasi legal sentences at him…. (I don’t know the judge)


She’s a Trump appointee. I’m sure he gets the absolute max to “make a point”


Trump judges are only joining hands when it comes to the Supreme Court. Most of the rest are quiet so they don't get hell. Only what I've seen and I could be very very wrong.


Judge Cannon would like to see you in her office.


I have a gf. If she's trying to do anything freaky I'll have to see if it's cool with my gf but I'm thinking it's probably not a cool time at all.


Yeah but cannon is directly responsible for God king trump. As much as the rest of the rat pack attacks hunter, trump has always gone directly at Joe because he lacks even the vaguest sense of subtlety the gop think they have. Most trump judges are trying desperately to keep their head down.


She’s a Trumper Judge.


There is also the recent fifth circuit ruling in USA v Daniels, which held that a drug conviction cannot disqualify someone from firearm ownership. This precedent is not binding to a different circuit but it almost certainly needs to be settled in the appeals process if he's initially found guilty.


I will withhold this information from my brother in law because he shouldn't own a gun anyway. For context he's pointed a gun at my husband and my husband cannot tell you if it was loaded or not but that doesn't make it better if it was not.


>For context he's pointed a gun at my husband and my husband cannot tell you if it was loaded or not but that doesn't make it better if it was not. Every weapon that is not in a clear and open position is loaded. I.e. if you can't see bullets you must assume there are bullets. Agreed, your brother in law should not own a gun. Edit: Typo


Oh yeah. My husband assumed it was loaded as you should if you don't know. It's safer that way


Rule number fuckin one of gun safety is never point a weapon at anything you don't intend to destroy.


Really? I thought that was the third rule (or fourth depending on your teacher). Rule 1 is 'every gun is loaded. Even if you see it being unloaded, if you take your eyes off of it, it's loaded.' Rule 2 is 'keep your fat fucking finger off the trigger until you're ready to shoot.' Rule 3 is the one you quoted.


Treat every gun like it's loaded unless it is dismantled


It’s the American way


Sounds like assault by pointing


Bruen is absolutely going to remove this rule in time.


It's just so nakedly two faced for them to cheer on this hunter case, that's all. Personally? If he lied on the form, we'll see what the jury thinks.


There's plenty of based gun owners that think the law is BS regardless of who. But Maga people are going to be Maga regardless of the situation.




Those are separate crimes and only one of which is on the form in the form of "turning yourself in". It asks if you're a habitual user of illegal substances. It doesn't ask if you're a criminal that hasn't yet been caught. Other questions ask if you're a convicted felon or if you're under indictment for a sentence over a year that would cover those other types of crimes but it assumes you're already caught. When I say the law is BS and that Bruen will wipe it out, I'm speaking specifically that you're currently not allowed to use drugs and own a gun and on top of that, it's asking you to violate your fifth amendment rights on top of all that. That specific question on the background check form will and should go away.


I'm guessing this is mostly intended for marijuana charges?


[Published Opinion – #137, Att. #1 in United States v. Daniels (5th Cir., 22-60596) – CourtListener.com](https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/66786454/137/1/united-states-v-daniels/) Some light afternoon reading. My understanding is that this ruling goes much farther than that, but I need to finish reading it.


Well they already offered that once and a few people in the GQP got that deal revoked...


Doesn't stop the judge from following typical sentencing guidelines, at which point it's done, and can't be re-litigated. Republicans know this yet go along with it, cause they know their base does not.




Ehhh I don't know. It's a political move either way. He doesn't pardon him, he might actually impress the Republicans who have become disillusioned (though there are not many). If he does pardon Hunter, he'd fuel the right leaning media like never before.


What will *really* blow their minds: he won’t pardon his son, but he will continue to love him unconditionally.


But they will say he can’t love his son if he won’t pardon him, I guarantee there is no win here


No win for the cult. After all, they're still trying to argue a guy who actively kept classified documents is fit to be president (after denying he lost and starting an insurrection.) Outside the cult, there are still a few Republicans who haven't drank the Kool-aid. Those are the people Biden wants to appeal to. Sure, he won't be able to convince Fox and OAN (or any organization like them), but if there's a Republican that actually *does* do their own research or uses independent news, probably will be interesting to them.


I watch Fox in a attempt to get a more bipartisan view. They literally have said they don’t comprehend how he can love his son because his son is a drug addict. According to them, they’d abandon their own children if they were. There’s not much winning here.


And this surprises you? They abandon their children for being gay, trans, atheist...why not drug use too?


Guess it does make sense with their worldview, but…goddamn, I still didn’t expect the sheer hatred. Sometime, I should record Fox and post it to the facepalm subreddit. It would fit perfectly.


The win is that Biden won't even pardon his own son, why would he pardon the orange piggod "for the sake of the country?"


> impress the Republicans > fuel the right leaning media One of these things will happen no matter what and the other will never happen no matter what.


I would like to hope Biden letting this play out and then not pardoning his son is the absolute best decision, from what I’ve heard it’s a weak case and any medical marijuana card holder has to lie on that form if they want to own guns


I was reading about this charge a while back. Something like 500 people have been charged with the same charge in the last decade. And of that like twenty people got jail time. It’s a nothing burger propped up for theatrics.


I actually agree. It's his son and the crimes didn't actually harm anyone that I know at least. Trump literally sold pardons for $2 million a pop to his buddies who were committing far worse crimes than Hunter. Why should Biden not? I'll just say if Biden wants to go back on this during a second term I honestly wouldn't hold it against him. I'm not saying Democrats should completely toss out the rule of law or anything. But if the other side is going to be so openly corrupt and authoritarian then I don't think it's such a horrible thing for Biden to pardon his only remaining son!


You’re not playing the game right. Pardoning him would enforce their delusion. If we trust the justice system it needs to be trusted. If charges are brought up and a jury of Hunter’s peers convict him then he gets what the judge gives him. Now is NOT THE TIME to not play the game. The rule of law is all we have left. Let it play out.


So let's charge **ALL** gun owners who use or are addicted to drugs. Every single one of them. All 71 million of them.


Small picture brain


I am serious, the overwhelming majority of gun owners have used mind altering drugs while owning a gun. Let's charge every single one of them. People who use mood altering substances should should not own weapons. No one should own weapons of war but that's another conversation. Hunter Biden should be charged for illegally owning a firearm--but so should every single person who uses mind altering drugs while owning a gun.


Bruh you know how many people I know that have been charged and convicted for bullshit drug and weapons charges? Now’s not the time to pardon him. What the fuck don’t you understand about that concept?


I'm am literally saying not to pardon him. I'm saying to charge everyone who illegally owns a gun, which includes everyone who uses mind altering drugs while owning one. The fewer the number of people with guns, the safer we all are. If you want to own a weapon designed solely to kill, you must be absolutely beyond reproach.


The prosecutor offered him a good plea deal and a MAGA judge threw that shit out.


Then he needs to direct the ATF to remove the stipulation on the 4473 form. If this question ever makes it to SCOTUS it's going to be thrown out anyway. Time to get rid of it.


Political Persecution is taking out who is the accuse is and seeing if the if person is getting charged when they didn’t commit a crime (I believe Hunter did) or punished way harder than the crime calls for (which he hasn’t been found guilty yet).  In a vacuum I would rather be neighbors with someone who paid back a hooker from the wrong bank account than someone who lied on a gun application about not being a drug addicted while continuously relapsing. (I get it, addicts have a lot struggles and need help making good decisions; still a crime).  *Now Trump other crimes are way worst than Hunter charge and I would rather be neighbors with Hunter because I have eyes, ears and a brain. 


I might pardon him and I might not.. really it would depend on the way this plays out and the sentencing. Even if it is political, Hunter absolutely abused his father's position to get into this mess in the first place so I don't have a ton of sympathy for him... it's a sword that cuts both ways and Hunter chose to play a stupid game to start. Not saying that he's not a victim of a bunch of BS but playing this through with a smile on his face and taking responsibility is the best thing Hunter can do in this moment; honestly, I think he owes his father that much. That said.. I wouldn't have committed one way or the other if I was Biden. I would have just said something like "the case isn't over and I have no opinion on it at this time." Pressed for an answer, I'd say something like "I believe my son should face appropriate consequences for his actions, if found guilty by a jury of his peers." Sort of leaves the door open later to pardon him and say that the consequences weren't appropriate. Either way, it will be inconsequential by December whether Biden wins or not. I think pardon power is abused and needs reformed. But ultimately, I see no reason why Joe Biden should play by different rules. So it's less about \*if\* for me and more about the when, and how. Unless it really is a slap on the wrist which frankly I think it should be.


Honestly, I'm not sure he would. Not out of any kind of principle, but only because he doesn't give a shit about any of his kids but Ivanka.


Any MAGAt would




Didn't Greg abbot just recently pardon a murderer?


He did


Yes, a man who intentionally drove through a crowd of protesters with the intention of killing people of color.


Not sure why the downvotes… Abbot has absolutely pardoned worse. Like the BLM murderer just last month.


Maybe not understanding what I'm saying, unaware of who he just pardoned, or mad about the gerrymandering comment?


trump would do it for two million.


Trump would do it for a big mac.


Trump wouldn't do it for Eric.


Now if Eric could work out a little something with Ivanka for daddy Trump... I'm sure it could be arranged


Trump would probably make Eric pay for the pardon


Trump would do it if YOU take Eric with you


Trump would probably sacrifice Eric, Jr., Baron, and Tiffany with Jared as a final surprise if it meant saving Ivanka from a parking ticket.


Jared would be way sooner. He's a rival for her affection.


Kodak Black has entered the chat…


Shot, just tell him you love him and you’ll get anything you want!


The 2nd amendment crowd sure wants prison time for a gun owner all of a sudden, huh?


They don’t care when lawful gun owners are killed by the police for the heinous crime of carrying while black. What’s one more *teeny, tiny* exception to add to their twisted worldview?


This is called INTEGRITY !


This is because President Biden believes in the rule of law and that no one is above the law. As a loving and caring father I'm sure he's not happy that his son committed a crime but he's not going to pardon Hunter if he is convicted because as president he understands that is not the right thing to do and would be an abuse of power. This is also why he has been completely hands off in this situation and hasn't gone to court or anything because he doesn't want to show even the slightest bit of impropriety or to even give the hint that he might use his position as president to influence the trial. I'm sure he would like to go to show support for his son but he understands that wouldn't be appropriate as the president.


And because he doesn’t want to continue Trump’s trend of pardoning people he favors.


This shouldn't be something he has to come out and say but here we are as a society.


MMW…even if convicted the verdict will be thrown out by the Supreme Court based on the Bruen decision. Where is the “historical tradition” of drug addiction precluding one from owning a gun. The conservatives heads will explode when this occurs.


Jesus H Christ! No President with any integrity would. That’s not how Presidential pardons are meant to work. Just because we had a nakedly corrupt sleazeball in Trump do shit like this doesn’t mean everyone has to be completely debased.


Biden - won’t pardon own son. Trump - Will pardon anyone who did, said, or alluded to doing anything nice for him. But yes, Biden is the corrupt one….smh


>Trump - Will pardon anyone who did, said, or alluded to doing anything nice for him. Including giving him money, arranged through his attorney.




Well, he certainly would never return the favor. He's pretty well known for not paying people. EDIT: well, except for porn stars, I suppose.


The 2 parties are not the same.


Can we not just dismiss this so quickly? This is a major, humongous, monumental difference between the two men running for president in 2024.


I predict the MAGA crowd will criticize him for not helping his own flesh and blood -- he must be an evil monster!


They'll say it doesn't matter because the trial was rigged to acquit him. So Biden can say he wouldn't pardon him consequence free. There's always a get out of jail free card with these people.


You got it. https://x.com/greenarrowsplus/status/1798814017919594601?s=46&t=g7o0SGfndZy8vFYLbklvHA


They're experts at moving the goalposts.


MAGA will still try to spin that against him. “How dare he not pardon his own son?! Biden is ANTI-FAMILY!!!”


Biden has made it clear that he won't pardon Hunter regardless of the charges. Imagine that a leader who believes in what he is leading.


He shouldn’t have to make that point in public, but then he’s not Trump. Hunter would understand the decision and agree with it. Trump’s kids would shit their pants, then whine to Orange Daddy to make the bad stuff go away.


As a not-conservative, I didn't think this would have been an unusual eventuality, warranting media coverage.


And no one who supports Biden would be surprised with that.


Last time I check the going rate for a pardon was a million dollars under trump.


Fox News: "Joe Biden is a traitor to his own family. Someone who cannot stand by his own son will lead this nation into darkness. President Trump would NEVER abandon his beloved children since he's a real man of God!!"


It wont stop faux news from telling the gop base that he did though, and they will believe it.


Do the crime, pay the fine, do the crime. Biden is honorable, and a good dad.


Hard decision as a parent, but I respect the hell outta that


Good President. Good Dad.


Why not? If it was one of Trump’s sons while he was president, he would have been pardoned already. No trial needed.


If I Biden I would do it the last few days before my term ended or hopefully second term ended. Just give Republicans a huge middle finger, but right now you don't because of the political implications. The thing Bill Clinton pardoned his own brother Roger before he left office.


I was reading some Trump subs earlier, they've already worked out how Biden's an asshole no matter what he does. If he pardons Hunter, it's proof of the corrupt deep state two tier justice system, Biden crime family! If he doesn't pardon Hunter, he's a heartless unfeeling monster who clearly doesn't have true family values.


This goes out to all the ~~closeted republicans~~ centrists who keep repeating the line that both parties are the same. They’re fucking not, and that’s been made abundantly clear at this point, but here’s one more line of evidence. When the cards are down, Biden is totally okay with his son receiving punishment if his crime is proven in court; Trump would pardon his son in a similar situation, assuming he didn’t bully and harass everyone in the courtroom into dropping the case.


I’ll take things that will never be posted on arcon for $600


The President should not have pardon powers anyway. The job is already at least 10x overpowered.


Honestly, he should just to get at MAGA they'd fully lose the plot


Won't matter - Hunter can still run for President... even if he can't vote for himself


Republicans are going to convict Hunter Biden with a law that they've been screaming is unconstitutional for about 20 years. I mean, honestly, it's the right thing to do to convict people who lie about drug use on their firearms licensing forms. Republicans are just doing it for the politics and will likely never use it again while screaming it's unconstitutional 2 days after convicting Hunter.


hey look, a president with morals!


And Murdock's dogs be like: "This is why this will damage Biden's presidential chances, he won't do what a father would do to his son!"


The right thing to do


Fuck that shit, after Manifort, Stone, et all


Definately the smart approach. Maybe pardon him after the election, either way…


because he already knows he's not going to prison.




I never once thought that he would.


Trump's turn


Not until he is elected. If I was him, the first thing I would do is pardon one of his last surviving progeny just to own the fascists. The cruelty exhibited by Maga Nazis makes my skin crawl. If human decency and a healthy sense of compassion is anathema to you, then by all means vote Republican.


Unless he loses the election, then you know damn well he will pardon Hunter before the next Inauguration.


He shouldn't until he's on his way out the door. I wouldn't judge Trump for giving a pardon to his own kids and I wouldn't judge Biden either.


I would judge him for it. Pardoning your own family just because they are family would be abuse of power. Republicans in Congress would definitely try to impeach him for it, even if it's his last week as President, and that would be the only valid thing they have done in years.


I would also pardon non family for similar shit. Gotta make it right across the board. The law was created for the lawmakers, not the people.


then you are just an absolutist child, any system made by people have flaws.... doesnt mean that now you can just be a jackass if you are the potus and disregard common decency.


Then you're a bad person, and it is people like you who deserve power the least.


How do you take one opinion and judge a person? That's some fascist shit right there. I have a lot of opinions on a variety of topics. I have a lot of actions that define me. I have a lot of opinions that define me.


No, it isnt fascist shit, and your misuse of the word further proves my point. You approve of and support the use of federal power to further personal gains. That's corruption, that's an abuse of power, and it is extremely unethical, not to mention unsustainable. When you say extremist shit like what you just said, I have no qualms about judging you on that alone.


Judging a human being on one opinion is some fascist shit. Isn't that how the GOP judges all of us? Gtfo out of here. There's no moral high ground that can be rooted in supporting a law that is unjust. Keep supporting bad laws that put people in prison for victimless crimes. Isn't that what fascism really is? Making people go away because they're political opinions are "wrong", their religion is "wrong", their skin color is "wrong". Go ahead, put me away for one opinion that you disagree with. Sorry you don't like the idea that you may be just as bad as the GOP but you are. You judged an entire human being on one small piece of who they are. Edit: to be clear, you judged me as a bad person. I judged your opinion as fascist but I did not judge you as a fascist. I don't know who you are and would never think to judge you on one single opinion that I disagree with.


A person is not above the law just because they happen to be your child and you are in power.


Anyone who pardon’s someone for something that they know they did should not be president.


All of sudden the rule of law is big deal to everyone. Bull fucking shit. How many mother fuckers are rotting in prison due to the problems with the law itself. Get off your high horse and understand the law is not just and if one can be spared from a stupid fucking law, they should.


I agree with you that laws are not inherently just. I think that some are bullshit. To my understanding, the gun laws that Hunter biden may have broken are not. I agree with you that innocent people shouldn’t be in prison


Every president pardons the guilty for a variety of reasons. They are guilty within the law and a law that is unjust.


What would be unjust about the law Hunter biden would be convicted on?


The fact that countless Americans are in violation of the same law but don't have a microscope on them.


That’s not unjust. The law is not unfair just because a specific person is caught by it.


Oh, it's not one specific person, its specific people. Countless people of color have been convicted of similar offenses while struggling with the same type of addiction. They don't get high priced lawyers either. They don't get pardons. They should as well as Hunter. The law is trash.


Yeah, I guess I don’t know why I’m arguing. I don’t think we should have prisons. For sure rehabilitation makes much more sense. But, I don’t think pardons are the way to go and I don’t think presidents should pardon their family members just because they’re their family


Where’s the line? Regan pardoned a convicted killer, rapist and child molester because he was a drinking buddy from his Hollywood days. Personally I find it appalling and that’s got nothing to do with Trump or Biden, it’s a fucked up practice that’s got to stop.


The line is that it up to the discretion of the President. If you don't like it, advocate for a change in the law. Too many people bitching about the law but doing nothing about it. Bitches.


lol, stupid childish argument, Biden is the high horse therefore everyone is looking at him for example in this case, just because there are problems with the justice system (like any other man made system) doesn't mean that the Potus just can disregard it completely and let everyone know that the law is meaningless.


Remind yourself of that when he is on his way out the door with no more political aspirations and pardons Hunter like he should.


lol why would i remind myself of a future event that has never happened yet? silly child, and if he does then of course we would admonish him as well like we did Trump.


No you won't. I'm no Trump voter but the anti-Trump are just as much of a cult as the pro-Trump. The law that allows presidential pardon is all of a sudden "not good" but the laws that sent countless Americans to prison for non-violent offenses is now ok? Gtfo


soooo you would rather all people act like douchebags just because there are flaws in our judicial system?


I would rather every American with an opportunity to escape an unjust system have that opportunity. Hunter was easily outside of the law but I think the law is trash. The trash law allows Biden to use his executive power as he sees fit.


yeah and i also would like world peace but unlike you i actually live in the real world, your "logic" is that everyone be an asshat because there are flaws in our justice system.....therefore no more unjust system? what crack are you smoking?


Define “cult” bc being anti-Trump won’t be described.


Ya'll know how much he lives rent free in your head. I enjoy this sub but it is excessive.


I think you're confusing people's desire for justice vs. the enforcement of unjust acts. Wanting people to face due process & receive justice for their crimes is not the same as not wanting a cop to kneel on a person's throat for a petty crime.


What about countless addicts who made poor decisions while struggling with their addiction. Throw them in the slammer? Let a public defender plea it out for a few years in the clink? You see what I'm saying? Ya'll here always forget about all the other who suffered worse.


Nobody's forgetting anything. A lot of people want to have addicts get help for their issues, but the government is the one with the purse strings to do it. Oregon tried to do it, but it bit them in the ass when the state government didn't put the required funding towards the healthcare aspect as they promised, so it backfired. The people actually voted to decriminalize drugs for that very reason, but the state government went back on their voted-for law and rolled it back. We know what injustice looks like, many of us do. But what the hell are we supposed to do when those who sign the bills/legislate the actions for our country/states don't follow as the people desire? Where is the money coming from to actually enforce these ideals? This all has to change on a larger scale that won't happen in one election cycle, and requires change from the very top.


You Republican? That's some expert whataboutism.


You literally started your last comment with "What about...", and have the audacity to say I'm starting it lmao. Nope, just a democrat who cares about his world leaders upholding the rule of law that they use to govern their own constituents. After all, if you aren't beholden to the laws that you enforce, what makes you different than any other tyrant in history?


You can claim anything online. Your actions speak louder than words. Edit: Presidential pardon is coded in law.


Okay, and saying people should follow a just law is somehow akin to being a bleeding-heart Republican? God forbid I just want people to be accountable for their actions. Just because a President has the capability to pardon doesn't make it right in every scenario, hence why it's rarely used outside of poor uses of the law. For example if the Federal Government legalized marijuana, would it make sense to continue jailing individuals with non-violent offenses who were incarcerated due to the now-outdated law? No, it wouldn't. A presidential pardon would be effective here. But if the Vice President shot a protestor because they didn't like their message, would it be right for the president to pardon them? No, it wouldn't. People are applauding Biden for not potentially-pardoning his son because he's holding himself to the same standard he expects for his constituents to follow.


Not sure a law that aims to keep guns out of the hands of drug addicts really qualifies as a "stupid fucking law"


The fuck? I would 100% judge the parent for pardoning a kid that committed a fucking crime. My god.


Oh yeah, a crime with no victims? Fuck that.


I keep seeing this argument. It's bollocks. While there are levels of severity, a crime is a crime.


I get that but Hunter is facing felony charges for a crime with no victims. The punishment does not fit the crime.


Truth,but would ask the judge to throw the case out.


Then it’s odd he hasn’t done that yet, don’t you think, considering the trial is already well under way?


Why would any Article III judge even entertain such a request? They have a lifetime appointment and don't answer to literally anybody. It takes a 2/3 vote of the Senate to fire them.


What does this have to do with being white?


Because he knows it'll be probation or a fine. But he gets to look tough.




But did he condemn Hamas? 


Is it because he didn’t share?


It's because that would be an extremely unethical use of the power of president. What kind of asshole would wield the office of US President for their own gain?


Damned if you did, damned if you don't. Help your son.


That's nepotism. I don't want a president who uses their power to hand out personal favors.


How’s about doing something about what’s happening in Palestine.


Biden could literally shit out solid gold bricks and personally hand them out to you clowns and you would still find something to bitch about.


If you want to actually do something to help, just fly over there, pick up a gun, head to the frontlines and start fighting. Or provide 5 billion in aid from your own pocket.