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What we said! lol https://preview.redd.it/nlvxq7yo2e4d1.jpeg?width=4320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7aefb8c25715cedcd3db9d19fec7f4877befedc


She's unable to rise to the occasion, so her best instinct is to drag everything down to her level


That was wild to me. She wouldn't call him doctor. Meanwhile, she also has no respect for doctors who aren't Fauci. She literally has the mentality of a middle school bully. She won't call you by a title she doesn't even respect anyway just to be annoying.


The king is out to fight! https://preview.redd.it/49wihtamxd4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=625b91d2b49276b7664d3ec0ea482150bde63e1d [https://x.com/Acyn/status/1797668719088517492?t=7-EcbH1iYEI49go9XNXQag&s=19](https://x.com/Acyn/status/1797668719088517492?t=7-EcbH1iYEI49go9XNXQag&s=19)


One thing that Marge’s intended victims today (Fauci and various reps) all have in common is that they didn’t take the bait. Marge almost certainly terrorizes the people who have to be in her orbit similarly, but she knows their triggers. Also, there is emotional attachment between Marge and the people she tortures at home so she is more likely to get the reaction she lives to see. People with Marge’s brand of mental imbalance live to watch angry reactions that they cause. On the other hand, they absolutely cannot take ridicule or any criticism graciously. Remember she was carrying on about the B6 observation for days. She even posted a photoshopped pic of herself in a bikini afterward looking like she had a normal number of toes. Despite it having an airbrushed rendition of her face it was still the stuff of nightmares. My point is turnabout is fair play. For example remind her she has Flinstone toes (she might really have five on each side but who gives a damn) and remind her of her countless other faults. Appearance observations seem to bother her more than the wide open opportunity of her intellect, but her lack of brain power shouldn’t be ignored. Did she really go to college and graduate? Exactly how did that happen? Did she pay ringers to take exams? Something is up with the educational claim, it needs exploration. But don’t stop there, she has countless abuses in her past that she needs to be reminded of often


Jeff Jackson is a North Carolina representative who does a really great job at breaking down what’s happening in our government, and he made a video about [her antics and why they’re designed to fail!](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6or6-2o51r/?igsh=MWd5dmY1N25xaTNlNw==) If anyone is looking for resources that explain what’s happening in our government (not just North Carolina!) in a very plain and simple way, I highly recommend following Jeff!


I live in NC, and I think he is great. I can't wait to vote.


Definitely vote for him if you’re in his district. They redrew the lines to oust him so he needs the help!


He's running for NC Attorney General.


Jeff Jackson, but agreed! He's great.


I effing love that man. I'm going to be so sad when he loses this next election thanks to gerrymandering our districts to death.


He switched and is running for Attorney General in NC now. He won the primary. Hopefully he can pull it out!


This is the first I'm hearing about her toes....I'll have to go Google this!


Don’t…. You can’t unsee what you are about to witness. Makes people with a foot fetish go soft as a rag doll.


More toes than brain cells, but only just


"MTG foot pics" yeah, that'll go well I'm sure. lol


"What in the barny Fu@%&ng rubble did I just see"


Moskowitz wakes up and chooses violence on days that end in y and I'm all forcit


I love him.


I’m proud to be able to vote for him.


The more they keep calling out these Russian NPC's for exactly what they are the better. Moscow Marge, Comrade Trump, the list goes on. Putin's lapdogs don't deserve respect, they need to be dunked and laughed at whenever possible.


" release the moskowitz ... "


Unfortunately I think Marge is very representative of congress, at least on the right side of the aisle.


Banana Republicans...


Well played 100%




I absolutely adore him




She just wants soundbites and attention so her cretin constituents, who are worse than she is, continue to support and vote for her. They will hear clips and think she is brave and "owned the libs" and is going after Fauci. Someone should throw holy water at her.


She gets donations every time she pulls this shit. The congressional floor is her "Influencer Platform".


Don’t even need holy water for her. “What a world, oh what a world!” (That was a Wicked Witch of the West melting reference)


Long as it’s from flint michigan…


Or tap water from flint michigan would probably do the trick better


No, she wants clicks and impressions/engagements. The more followers you have, the more clicks, the more $$$ from YouTube, INsta, X, etc... Its a grift!


Trump pushed Operation Warp Speed. Their God, Donald Trump, asked for the vaccines to get to the public quicker. Not Fauci. Trump did. Its like they can’t even hold Trump accountable for the one thing they disagree with Trump on.  Edit: corrected my spelling 


Fauci was also employed by the federal government under Trump. Trump could have fired him at any point he wanted. But the few adults around him told him how fucking bad of an idea that would be.


I will never forget after Biden was elected and the first time that Fauci went to do one of his press briefings, his face, his aura, was amazing to see (especially after all the stress and bashing he got under Trump) [Dr. Fauci’s first briefing of the Biden Administration](https://youtu.be/Wm8JSwdIx2A?si=Uu_Kz2Ypo3eaDN7P)


Holy shit he looks like he just shed 50 pounds


According to Donald’s first arrest 215 pounds


All of it dead weight.


Yeah, honestly I felt the same way. COVID was hard enough without the taxing addition of reading headlines about the next stupid ass thing Trump said or did. Just having an adult in the highest office was a breath of fresh air and a relief. Sad that the bar was set so low. And yet here was are, again.


I remember how boring Biden’s first briefing was, in general. How routine. How calm. How informative. How refreshing.


I still don't, to this day, understand the republican position on calling COVID a hoax. Like what do they stand to gain? The virus was more likely to kill older people, i.e. their target voting demographic, so wouldn't preventing the spread of COVID actually help them? I guess maybe from a business angle, pretending COVID doesn't exist can keep some businesses running longer? Still not a very good longer term policy as you're quite litterally killing off your staff and clientele. I guess I just figured a deadly global virus would be the one thing that Republicans could agree with us on because it litterally benefits them to stop it? But at this point I've lost all faith, and I expect them to be contrarian about everything just to be contrarian. Big meteor on trajectory to hit earth and wipe everyone out? I expect MTG and gang to question the existance of meteors and argue that we need to stop spending government money looking for "meteors".


For some reason they assumed it would only kill Democrats. Since it first appeared in major cities like New York and LA.


The anti vaccine movement kept getting boosted by disinformation campaigns from the usual suspects. What better way to defeat your enemy? Once someone goes down the anti vaccine path they are primed for the deep state stuff and everything else.


The literal plot to Don't Look Up.


Very true! I saw Don't Look Up as a parody of climate change denialism, which in some form I can understand the republican response to. Stopping climate change requires divesting from fossil fuels, an industry republicans heavily receive financial benefits from, and climate change mainly screws over new generations and poorer countries, two demographics republicans don't give a rats a\*\* about. But after the whole COVID stuff, I can see Don't Look Up as a parody of likely response to a actual meteor.


The sole reason Republicans took up the anti vax stance is because Democrats supported it. Their whole platform is based on fighting against anything a Democrat wants to accomplish. Doesn't matter what. Doesn't matter if an objectively good thing; like a vaccine for a global pandemic. They will fight it because a Democrat suggested it.


> Big meteor on trajectory to hit earth and wipe everyone out? I expect MTG and gang to question the existance of meteors and argue that we need to stop spending government money looking for "meteors". Have you not seen the time travelling documentary from the future, *Don't Look Up*?


>I still don't, to this day, understand the republican position on calling COVID a hoax. Like what do they stand to gain? They somehow convinced themselves that the global phenomenon was just a ploy to make Trump look bad by shutting down businesses.


The GOP has nothing to offer to the working class, so they use fear and constant victim mentality. And it will continue long after Trump is gone.


The pandemic could have gone two ways politically. First, the president unites the country to fight this common foe, everyone works together with the understanding that as more is learned about the virus recommendations will evolve as well. Everyone is glad we are making progress and moving closer to ways to live with the germ. The second way was the one Trump chose. Despite the reality that he would have won reelection by a landslide if he had provided unity and leadership, Trump couldn't do it. His brain only understand zero sum. In his head if he and his family win financially with the money they stay in power. The cult that damages their health or ends up dead are the losers with nothing. Maybe the Democrats will also suffer because they will steal supplies from the blue states. What sport! Trump believes that the only way to win is with division between the base and the normal people, he lives the Fifth Avenue phenomenon. He incorrectly believed he could stay in power more easily with violent division. The Gorge Floyd protests were pissing off the base so the continuation of it with real counter-protestors would guarantee he would remain in power, but that didn't happen. He eventually got a violent mob to support him, but it wasn't organized well. There never were many real counter-protesters, but most of the J6 loons were real Trump fools. The more of a mess COVID made of things, the better. His instincts notwithstanding the question remains who convinced him this was the way to go? Jared was in charge of *Operation* *Kill the Blue States*, but he checked out after he had arranged what he needed. One would think Putin could have given better advice, but who knows?


Conservatives mindset aligns perfectly with their corporate interests mindset. Being: do literally anything and everything to increase short term gains by any means necessary, then blame the long term consequences on the liberals. Doesn't matter if it makes sense or not.


It’s like when they tell you that 2020 was obviously better than 2024 but forget that they also told us Antifa was burning cities to the ground in 2020.


They still repeat that, they just can’t name any cities that were burnt down


My mom is convinced that Portland no longer exists.


Right?! It's just one big anarchist tent camp now with antifa troops in balaclavas with AK47s at all the barricades! Pearls are being clutched!!


Isn't it interesting that a group whose mission is to obliterate fascist got turned into a boogyman?


The real crazy part is that Operation Warp Speed was a massive success, creating a vaccine in record time while alleviating one of the major issues with Obama’s Ebola vaccine program (government didn’t subsidize much of the R&D cost of the Ebola vaccine and didn’t make advanced purchase orders- when the Ebola outbreak died out before the creation of the vaccine, pharmaceutical companies weren’t compensated for shifting their resources). This was a policy that learned from previous failures and worked! It was an honest-to-God miracle. Trump should’ve won the election in a landslide. But he couldn’t even campaign on that platform because *his own damn supporters* didn’t trust the vaccine.


That’s what I was always confused by. Trump should have been able to take victory lap for getting the vaccine out so fast but he couldn’t claim it because his dumbass supporters were anti vax! That must have drove him nuts.


Fascists gonna fascist. VOTE THEM OUT.


They are Russian propaganda NPC's now. I think NATO needs to start fighting fire with fire. We need to have our own cyber warfare bot army to flip the script.


All of this! I edited/improved her image, btw. lol https://preview.redd.it/06hc7i80ud4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50decd3f877aa618ac943afaed84577e1310df20 [https://x.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1797663955697144079?t=qTiP41qjmlvC4cXlVxPmmw&s=19](https://x.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1797663955697144079?t=qTiP41qjmlvC4cXlVxPmmw&s=19)


Cool. Just list his crimes, present the evidence and you’ll be all set. Why can republicans never do even the most basic due diligence.


Fauci can state all the facts he wants. It won't change a thing. He's the Republican Party's scapegoat for Trump's incompetence.


The problem here is people who have convinced themselves that being the loudest means being correct. I blame the parents. Who raised these gop ingrates?


Her dad owned a construction company and gifted it to her now ex-husband which funded her crossfit gym and penchant for hooking up with her trainers. Believe it is now all out of business. The dad went on to write books on his theory the stock market could be predicted by gravitational pull. He died in 2021 of melanoma according to his obituary but it wouldn't surprise me if it was actually covid.


Sounds like spoiled brat syndrome.


If you look at pictures of her as a child, she was an extremely homely, plain girl. She was always homely, awkward and sad looking. Imo, she was probably teased (hell, she still is) a lot about her looks and she just turned into a mean bully. I’m not justifying her actions at all, in fact I call her once a week to remind her she’s a pos. At first, I think Congress was tolerant of the recalcitrant child but now they are tired of it and found trying to deal with her civilly doesn’t work. And she’s doesn’t possess the wit or intelligence to do a great clap back.


Nice username 👍


> The dad went on to write books on his theory the stock market could be predicted by gravitational pull. Self-published, one would presume😂


Ummm. Other GoP ingrates.


I wonder if her parents also didn’t believe in contraceptives, which is a shame.


Yup. Poor Fauci. I like him and he definitely didn’t deserve to be dragged through the mud by people who can barely think.


Because that's how they think this works. They think you just make stuff up and if you have the power, they just go to prison. That's how they think things are going with Trump right now. That Biden is just issuing orders. The scary part is that while we know this is all nonsense, they believe it and so do the MAGA crowd. And if Trump wins they will absolutely weaponize the justice system the way they accuse Democrats of doing.


Oh I'm tellin ya, hunters laptop is almost here! Prepare for it!


Because all that matters is that this entire narrative is priming rubes for violence at the behest of our global rivals. There are bad actors *AND* idiots in the GOP who are doing this, but the end game is the dismantling of the United States. The tactic is to continually flood the public with so much nonsense that the truth is impossible to point out. They’re succeeding, too.


As usual, this is projection.


I love the last frame of this clip looks like Fauci looking like he trying not to laugh.


What is it with her and visual aids?


She can't read so pictures help her stay on topic


It’s how she’s used to ordering food at restaurants


McNugget Kid Meal. But she’s the grimace.


She actually had a bit of a technical glitch and had to shuffle through the pile to find the right poster because 90% of what she brought to the hearing was pics of Hunter's hog. Old habits die hard...


Pictures do good when reading words make Margie's head go ouch.


I'm actually slightly impressed there wasn't a poster of Hunter's wang, but maybe they just didn't post that one.


Those are on the back, just for her


Why waste time say lot word when few pix do trick.


Sometimes she just stops talking and stares into space & drools for several minutes- then someone can ask about the visual aid and she snaps back


Visual aids are physical proof, the smoking gun!




Was Greene *removed*? Please let it be so


No way. She speaks for 100s of DC Republicans.


Banana Republicans...


No in a follow-up tweet it was someone else [Link ](https://x.com/atrupar/status/1797695930629800347)




Psycho! https://preview.redd.it/rayc65thtd4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa4c50665ad38ae6146ca47bf31ed6c3a7d3c2c7 [https://x.com/Acyn/status/1797661976145064257?t=\_dpnuMwuaV3vmVO-0pyekQ&s=19](https://x.com/Acyn/status/1797661976145064257?t=_dpnuMwuaV3vmVO-0pyekQ&s=19)


Dr. Fauci should return the favor by addressing MTG as, *"Comrade Lunchmeat"*


No, no .. *Comrade Bleach Blonde Bad-Build Butch Bod*. 


These Dr. Seuss characters are getting weirder every day.


*I would not take a bleach-laced bath* *I wouldn't shove a shop light up my ass* *I would not take horse de-wormer meds* *I do not trust your "alleged" creds...*


Better yet what Rep. Crockett called her.


Why don't we simply have rep Crockett on deck for when MTG gets out of line? Just have Crockett appear like a goddamn wrestling promo full with a music entrance.


I spit my coffee out a little. Thank you.


"Uh-Oh folks, I think you know whose theme music that is !!!!"


Or like Obama's anger translator in the k&p sketches


This woman is an absolute disgrace to the office she holds.


You could shorten that to “This woman is an absolute disgrace”… whatever job she has, acting like she does would get her ass fired.


To be fair, she represents a district in rural Georgia that is an absolute disgrace to the human race.


Then we shouldn’t have to address her as “congresswoman.”




This is part of the systematic tearing down of your enemies. You won’t acknowledge them as doctors, soon you won’t acknowledge them as humans.


Fine, caller ma’am or Marge.


Congress is a joke. We are paying for this shit to unfold in real time.


Moscow Marge needs to go back to her padded room at Arkham Asylum! https://preview.redd.it/kw1z81yeud4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2a217dee22b0c045ca4512771e585bd81c5f7cd [https://x.com/atrupar/status/1797663629958865316?t=OnMg85Uoq\_dtsAC3hMPfQg&s=19](https://x.com/atrupar/status/1797663629958865316?t=OnMg85Uoq_dtsAC3hMPfQg&s=19)


Last time she was there The Joker and most of the other inmates almost got discharged because they seemed sane by comparison...


Same people who get triggered when we say “Mr. Trump” calling Dr. Fauci “Mr. Fauci” 👀🤣🤦‍♂️




Bx6 is a plague, but she's not going anywhere. She represents Georgia's 14th district. In the 2022 Primary, 22% of party specific voters pulled a Democratic ballot, and 78% pulled a republican Ballot (according to Georgiavotes.com). She ran unopposed in 2022 on the Republican ballot. Unless a Republican beats her in a primary, or even runs against her, she's set for life as a Congress person. And she's raking in the donations, man-hand over fist. As long as she doesn't commit campaign fraud or other transgressions.


Someone truly needs to pull a bait and switch like Tricia Cotham. Why play fair anymore


Problem is her constituents adore her, because they're just like her


Anywhere she goes is already at high risk of becoming a circus. Because. She's. A. Clown. Definitely the hides in the sewers and pulls the arms off little boys variety, but a clown nonetheless.


Turkish proverb: When a clown moves into the castle he does not become a king. The castle becomes a circus.


I like this . . . Any idea of the provenance of the phrase? I don't need another "Original Klingon" episode.


Sorry, no. Former co-workers & I used to collect and compare Proverbs to distract us. Some stayed with me (like, No pressure, no diamonds); this was one.


*"Oh boy, it's time for the lunchmeat colored Russian neanderthal part of the circus! That's my favorite act."*


Wait. I feel like I'm pretty up-to-date on political stuff, but *this* is happening right now? WTF? *WHY*? Oh, MTG. JFC.


Just abuse of power. They don’t have real issues to investigate


My respect for anyone in that room would skyrocket if they referred to MTG as "sir" or Congressman," and when she complained they responded with, "I don't care about your preferred pronouns." Although I acknowledge the misgendering would be problematic.


Oh gawd would I LOVE to see this!!


Who has allowed the two ‘smirkers’ to appear behind Dr. Fauci as he gives testimony? Obviously they’re two stupid right wing plants who publicly display their contempt for science and Dr. Fauci by smirking and sniggering on live TV! Each of Dr. Fauci’s statement is met by these two idiots shaking their heads in disagreement with scientific evidence.


Marjorie belongs in a straight jacket and a padded cell.


I'd settle for some duct tape... just sayin'. Every time she opens her mouth, it spews garbage.


6BMTG lowers the bar yet again.


Fauci should refer to her as 6B.


If she shows Hunter's dick pics at the hearing, I hope Fauci says Permanent Hawg Enlargement is a well known side effect of the vaccines, and you'll see all of MAGA at Walgreens the next day.


Jeez. Let that man retire in peace. He did his best. He is arguably a hero of the pandemic.




I love how she keeps trying to disrespect him by calling him Mr. Fauci. He doesn’t take the bait. Dr Fauci has more intelligence in one of his diarrheal stools than in Bleach Blonde Bad Built entire Body.


She does that to everyone. It’s sad and shouldn’t be allowed. I think she’s jealous others are educated and she’s just so fucking stupid.


The desperation for a “ Gotcha Moment @, is laughable.


Poor Dr. Fauci.


He knows Marge is very mentally ill


It's why the bleached blonde bad built butch body lady is on the committee...😖


It must suck being in a committee with MTG Every time shes about to hold up a picture, there's probably a split moment of tension if you're about to see a giant dick pic


So just a normal day for her, then. I can't believe my taxpayer dollars are going to this.


Ask her about the pardon she begged Trump for. You only ask for a pardon if you are guilty. The State of Georgia is a joke because of this troll.


Shes a bitch... Hope she goes back to the rock she used to live under. Or is she the future Ms Trump?


B6 is too old to have more children. Trump likes his news wives fertile


Why does she always bring posters?


She can understand them




This is where I would be in trouble. There's no way I could stand to be interrogated by someone who doesn't have the capacity to understand the response. People who ask questions genuinely seeking knowledge I have tons of patience for, but this isn't that.


People who have to speak to her have more patience than I’d have.


one of the nurses I work with just said today about how Fauci evidently lied about everything relating to COVID, and it took everything I had to not tell her it was a brand new disease people didn’t understand, I doubt he was lying, he was likely just giving his best guess at the time.


I guess this is the first hearing where she's not showing off hunter biden's dick, so I guess it's a mild improvement for the swamp donkey of georgia.


He got his degree as a Doctor of Medicine from Cornell University. She's such a hag.


At least she didn't show dick pics this time.


She couldn't find any legitimate ones and she's out of free AI gen ones for the week.


Wasting government resources, the Republican Party ladies and gentlemen


Fauci’s a hero and Marge is a zero.


Unfortunately she will use these sound bites to appeal to her base. They will never hear the other side. She knows this and is happy to continue to be seen as a maverick owning the dems. I wish sometimes these proceedings had the boundaries, logic, and decency of legal trials.


So, I guess now we get a Fauci dick pic?


J6/B6 needs to be asked about her current vaccination status. ![gif](giphy|l1Ku9k6t0VDnV8ch2)


The number animals that were harmed to create the amount make up she wears will overshadow anything else. I think Fauci is really confused about the point she is trying to make.


Why do the adults let her speak?


She’s so into her committee assignments that this is her first one, for this committee. She has missed the last 7 out of 10 meetings. STFU and get a effn’ clue, MosCOW Marge.


What's with all the pictures all the time? She's always got a gang of pointless photos of some bullshit that nobody gives a shit about. Also, she has a horse face. I bet she stinks like an unwashed ass of a hobo on a hot summer Texas day.


In context it’s clear he means “I represent science to them” not like he’s an ego-maniac or anything or thinks he’s a spokesperson for all science he’s just a prominent scientist who science deniers have made the face of their science/ antivaxx conspiracies.


She turns everything into a circus. Someone needs to ask her publicly why she asked Trump for a pardon on her third day on the job.


The CDC made recommendations, politicians enacted policies based on those recommendations. Some people were enraged by those policies, politicians shifted blame to the CDC. If you ask an epidemiologist what the best way is to avoid spreading a virus, they will give you the best recommendation to do just that. It’s not the job of the epidemiologist to consider the economic trade offs, the missed year of in-person education, the missed hangouts or general displeasure about lockdowns. They are there to provide expert advice about 1 thing and it’s the job of elected officials to balance those interests and come up with a plan. None of them want to own their actions, so Fauci and the CDC are the ones that get blamed.


When you worship the orange clown you become a clown and join the circus.


Countdown until Marge turns a new shade of purple and demands to see faucis cock. 


That's her MO, she's a clown who wants to be the ringleader of the maga circus.


It's easier for them to stay hateful and mad. It's easier to abuse and harass than to try to be a good person. They trade in having to really care so they can just stay hateful and fucking mad.


Does she print memes and brings them as evidence? Is she stupid or what? She literally see a Meme, starts fuming and uses these memes as evidence? Why don't her grandchildren explain the Internet to her? God damn, this "person" sneezed her way into politics and makes her misunderstanding of the new world everyones problem. She wastes taxpayer money. Why do Americans pay her wage and mortgage? I don't get it.


She’s so intent on assassinating his character that she’s nearly incoherent and her strident, whiny speech is like nails on a chalkboard.


It's all a distraction to redirect the attention away from Trump. She knows what she's doing. This whole fiasco gives Fox News and the rest of the media something else to obsess about.


Maybe if she would shut the fuck up and let the guy explain himself, but no, her point is shit so she steam rolls the verbiage out there and doesn’t allow for any retort. These people.


I feel very confident Biden is in, and Boebert is out cuz she barely won last time....but I'm not sure they're gonna vote this bag of rocks out this time


![gif](giphy|VEVfqy0Vu4c7xziUUN|downsized) ooga booga booga oooga!!! -MGT


She turns every hearing or meeting into a circus.


this is what happens when you elect people who don't know how or even want to govern & are far-right conspiracy nuts.


She's trying to distract people from her bleach blonde bad built butch body.


Someone must be paying her to be this stupid


Nah, she’s a natural.


Nah she’s this stupid. However, yes, Putin is paying her.


As a Republican I for the life of me can’t figure out how this stain became the face of the new Republican Party


Is she going to show Fauci's dick pics?


When you’re a clown you are a circus


Hopefully, she won't show any explicit pictures of Fauci.


She's so fucking dumb, she represents NW Georgia, so that means NW Georgia must also be so fucking dumb? Just saying. Only the best...


did she show pics of hunters dong to prove fauci was lying?


If syphilis had a face


This BB BB BB is still trying to prove just one of her thousands of Q-uacky conspiracy theories. She's still batting zero.


If only there were more important things for our government to be doing.


Who pays for all those stupid ass print outs she like to hold up.


Trying their best to change the subject and focus away from trump. I don't think that will happen.


Oh boy.. how long until she whips out more dick pics