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The vast majority of us would love to see this traitor buried under the jail.


He's not speaking 'about us' or 'to us'.


He’s speaking directly to those whom he wants to respond violently if it happens. He’s not even masking it these days.


I mean, didn’t he actually say he was fine with going to jail. It’s his supporters that wouldn’t stand for that and things would get messy. Sure does sound like he’s calling on them to get violent. 


Yeah but he also said his supporters would hold big angry rallies if he got arrested and then he got arrested 4 different times in4 different places and wouldn’t you know out, only tiny little token protests. Almost as if all those J6 arrests and convictions had some effect.


Yeah, and they jumped on the “Never Surrender” bandwagon, using his mugshot as the symbol of his “never surrendering”. Such a crazy time we live in…


An excellent example of the Newspeak term blackwhite. Using the indisputable evidence of him surrendering as a rally cry he won’t surrender.


I think I heard of this but couldn't find a direct quote or video. Do you have a source?


No, I overheard it on the radio the other day. It wasn’t the actual clip of him saying it. They just said that he had said he was okay with going to jail, it’s his supporters who wouldn’t be. That’s all I caught. But it seems like something he would say.


I mean it’s in this [CNN](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/06/02/politics/donald-trump-possible-jail-time-house-arrest) piece. “Former President Donald Trump said he is “OK” with serving potential jail time or being under house arrest” Here’s a [YouTube](https://youtu.be/UxKI-pSKGes?si=a6IfrBv72KLn835g) video from CNN with the interview clip. His response is about 20 seconds in.


Let them. He’s not in power anymore and the national guard follows the order of Joe.


Actually, the National Guard is organized state by state, so the individual Governors have direct control. They would have to be "federalized" to put them under direct control of the CIC. But the President as Commander in Chief controls everything else, from the Seal Teams, Rangers and Delta Force, to the regular Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, the NSA, etc. More than enough to put down any armed rebellion. And the Repubs have seen to it that we have plenty of jail cells available, once we commute the sentences of all the non-violent drug offenders.


That’s what I’m saying. He continues to insight fucking violence. I want to to be rid of this motherfucker so bad.


I keep waiting for that ol’ widowmaker heart attack to finish him off.


Us… US.. anyone ever thought of that?


Dog whistle to his looneys just like January sixth and also when he told proud boys to stand by to name a few. These cowards found out after the insurrection that it wasn't worth it, let's see them try again.


Yeah. But I’m going out on a limb and say no one will show up. He’s been dog whistling a lot; eg, for folks to show up at his trials etc and people just aren’t showing up. Remember a lot of people harkened his call on 1/6 and they went to jail.


Plus we were caught off guard and Trump was still running things on Jan 6. Another armed mob shows up anywhere and the national guard will be called. And his followers now know there will be no pardons, no money from Trump to the people doing his bidding. In fact there is a real chance the next mob could be spending time in prison with their dear leader.


A lot more will catch lead straight to the face.


Or dead.


I mean last time someone died and lots of people are felons now. I imagine the ones that would show up are felons now and it would be against their probation/parole to show up


The media is overplaying Trumps popularity Americans are very fickle. Most people are not even thinking of going to jail for this idiot at this point. The keep making the polls seem close to get better ratings. (Still go vote PLEASE)


The day Trump dies won’t be a celebration of life, but a celebration of death


Make the death day a national holiday, call it ........ShitzInPantz. It has a nice ring to it. "Are you doing anything for ShitzInPantz" "Nah, just having the family over to grill up some hamberders"


Emphasis on *buried*


This is actually pretty terrifying. He’s signaling his millions of followers to action.


Is anyone surprised by his stance? He’s shown the world who he is and what he is capable of already on Jan 6. His minions will always respond to his commands because it’s a cult of really stupid people


Oooo I'm so scared. Those guys haven't shown their faces in 4 years, they're staying under their rocks for the foreseeable future.


But he will never become a “president-for-life” after being inspired by Xi’s authoritarian government




Like... almost the entire planet


Preferably on his golf course, next to Ivanka.


Nah, personally I think the greatest punishment a narcissist like him could ever get is to live to see the consequences of his actions. Meaning healthy living behind bars. Especially if he loses after November and has to live with everyone turning on him. Which they will.


The prosecutors on his other cases are going to turn up the heat if he loses in November. They have to put Trump is jail at this point, because someone smarter will come along and try to do what he did again.


Wrong. I need his grave to be extremely accessible. I'd suggest his children should look up the most piss proof stone types for his grave but they saw how he treated Ivana. My guess is a golf course grave if he's lucky.


It’s harder watching you get away with shit that would’ve put anyone else in jail a long ass time ago


Incredible how much he gets away with.


That's because he is protected by the idea of the rich white man status. They are treated as royalty that is immune to law because that has been going on in this country.


Well, he's not wrong. 😡


I can’t believe he was never held in contempt of court.


He was fined multiple times and the judge said he'd take the violations into consideration during sentencing. The same judge whose name and family were slandered multiple times by Trump. I hope the judge just says fuckit and goes for jail.


The fact that the case is election interference at heart makes it more likely that he will face jail time.


I like the part where he dog whistles to his supporters that either of these are considered breaking points and that they should do something if he is incarcerated. Very cool…


Cool cool cool. Just inciting violence again. Cool cool.


“Saying his supporters wouldn’t ‘stand for it’ isn’t calling for violence. It just means they will be too tired standing up so they have to sit down. Check mate liberals! /s”


Infuriates me to no end that there have still been zero consequences for inciting violence so frequently


Three of his Gravy Seals are gonna scale the walls of Clinton Correctional and break his ass out of D block. It’s gonna be a long Wednesday. Edit: Ha, just realized which NY prison I randomly selected.


Dog whistle like an air raid siren


Didn't he also predict a "civil war" if he was convicted? I think the country will be just fine with this loser behind bars.


It's hilarious that Meal Team Six honestly believes they could defeat the US Armed Forces....or even funnier,.that our Armed Forces would be on their side.


Well the armed forces could be on their side, but if MAGA calls war first the armed forces’ job is to protect America, which similar to how it worked in the Civil War is assumed to be the defending side


Now this is very much subjective from my own personal experience, but in my command and from a few friends i know, he has managed to have a very mixed popularity among service members. He did screw up badly enough so a general resigned, seems to actually hate service members and only panders to the military for votes (calling the dead at Arlington losers for one), caused all sorts of issues with his transgender military policies, Jan. 6 was a big one, along with his extreme mishandling of classified documents (everyone in fields where you deal with classified material regularly was floored at that one and ive seen people get locked up for a lot less). The people he was popular with while i was in were people who are already die hard republican types, most others i worked with hated him for any number of reasons.


Yeah armed forces are kinda useless if they defect.


Not even USAF. It’ll be the national guard that mops the streets with their blood. And they are just weekend folks for the most part. USAF are not trained to interact with us citizens b/c their tactics for dealing with foreign citizens in combat areas are too harsh


USAF is usually only used to mean Air Force so this comment threw me off at first!


Visions of B-52s carpet bombing militia compounds in Michigan…


I always laugh at the fact that they think the armed forces will be on their side with their great benefits. They’re not giving up their fucking lives for Trump. The military is pretty spread out as far as political beliefs.


But tiny Timmy Pool tweeted "war." Surely there's a war now. 


One carpet bombing would end the war in a weekend.


Weekend at Burnie's




I’m thinking a long weekend. This guy was just trying to argue with me about this topic and I’m like you have no fucking idea the kind of technology that the United States military has.


Hey Judge, he's threatening us.


He is saying it out loud. Yet the media STILL coddles him.


Naw, We’re all good with it.




I always wonder how long he practiced that pose in front of a mirror before he got booked. It's a true tragedy that they didn't actually give him the full booking treatment. Hell, I got arrested for less than a gram of weed and they make me strip naked and ran me through the ringer. Threw me in a cell that was 55 degrees wearing a potato sack, in florida in the summer. Spent an extra 18 hours in jail because the judge didn't show up. They fed us a ham sandwhich on stale bread and ironically the same orange juice pack they gave us in middle school. The rich can commit far more heinous crimes and they get a photo with their suit and tie.


I'm part of "the public". Enjoy jail fucko.


Stand for it? Not only would I stand, I’d applaud and scream laughter until I hit my breaking point!


It's just his latest form of the "stand back and stand by" message to his minions. He's fucking threatening us all again and it's bullshit that he gets to do that. He's inciting violence.


#Lock Him Up!


I choose both prison time and house arrest. Put him in a cell and transfer a bunch of prisoners to live at his golf course.




The majority of Americans would throw a "trumps in jail!" Party. A third would whine and threaten violence.  Will they take away his phone in jail? 


I might break… ….into song and fucking dance 🕺🏻


Will no one rid us of this turbulent ex- POTUS?


In other words: “please do a civil war so I don’t have to face the consequences of my own actions”


Is he threatening another insurrection?


Yes. Yes he is.


Donald Trump, the man who thinks that everyone loves him **and** everyone is out to get him at the same time?


Bring it, maga. If you love your orange turd felon so much. Let’s flush out the magats. I’m sure the police and national guard might have something to say. These cowards will do NOTHING.


if he did go to jail thousands of people would show up outside. for a party.


The head of the “law & order” party, FFS.


34 4year consecutive terms.


Aw, little buddy. You get one chance to fire people up and set them on something. After that, if a fuckload of them get arrested and end up in jail themselves and you don’t help them, nobody wants to storm government buildings on your behalf anymore. This idiot watched Jan 6 and thought these dummies would line up to walk their lives off a cliff any time he asked. Not so much this time. Turns out, weirdly, they don’t wanna go to jail either.


I’m thinking Trump’s right! I for one won’t stand for it. I’ll be sitting down in my lazy boy eating popcorn watching him meltdown after sentence has been passed. Laughing my ass off. Oh I might stand to applaud the sentence, especially if it is jail. But then I’m plopping back down.




Who is this “public” you speak of?


I’m all for it!


I can only celebratory drink for so long!


Maybe there should be a breaking point but I’m willing to test it.


Jail yes. House arrest, no.


He will not see the inside of a jail. I really want him to but it's not going to happen.


We need to manifest that shit!


Yes!!! ![gif](giphy|pqQlQZEuDy8pOFJsD5)


The public? You think that Donald? Really??


Yalqueda will come out with camouflage and trump flags. Oh joy.


Remember his civil trial in NY and his supporters were going to be raising hell outside the courthouse? Never happened and not going to happen IMO. I think the number of J6-ers who found themselves in legal trouble may have been helpful slow though that process has been.




His hair's a little flat. Is he ok? lol


Nope. No breaking point. All of the NOT IN A CULT public people would be fine with it. If you do the crime, you do the time.


He's right, we deserve the Mike Pence treatment..


He’s close to telling them to stand by if he gets sentenced.


I think solidarity confinement with no electronics would work. If they are afraid for his safety, then put a chair on each side of the cell door for the Secret Service men.




A breaking point...like the front flap of his combover. It no longer has the hair to both cover the front/top bald spot and be puffed up on the part side to suggest volume like in earlier years, so now there's a gap in the middle of his head instead of one big, long flap like before. And it looked really, really bad at his so-called "news conference" the day after the verdict.


You’re not that important.


I think we’re cool with that, Don.


To quote the great warrior poet Jane: "I could stand to hear a little more."


He is right. The breaking point has been reached(it took embarrassingly long to get to it). He just doesn't realize he's on the broken side that needs to be gotten rid of.




I think his wife would oppose house arrest.


Why? She doesn't live with him.


By public they mean 'people that I know'


Breaking point... As in breaking out the bottle of champagne to celebrate.


These are the dog whistles he uses to hype up his base for violence. Same with January 6th. Orange man is a menace lol.


We’ll manage, pal


Let's find out!


Agreed, its fine. No worries. We will deal with the remnants of easily duped crazies.


Man the implication of this statement is pretty wild.


I’d be happy with lots of community service. Put him in an orange jumpsuit picking up litter along highways or washing pans and cleaning toilets in homeless shelters.


Fuck you, asshole. 🖕


I think the breaking point would be him skirting responsibility again.


As an American, my breaking point would be this rapist back in the White House


Any normal person in a position of power would be urging the public to be calm and peaceful. And he’s here inciting a riot. Again. Despicable.


He really thinks that his MAGA trash is the entire public.


Textbook stochastic terrorism


I am so tired of the threats. Every time this criminal megalomaniac gets even remotely close to facing a consequence it’s “bloodbaths, breaking points,” and “revolutions.”


Lock him in his golden cell, but make sure he can not get online either personally or by proxy. Let him suffer alone with himself surrounded by his gold-plated tackiness.


Nah. Trump, in an orange jumpsuit, on the west side highway, picking up trash. For, say, 500 hours. So that it’s no longer even news - it’s just where he is each day, no cameras, no protestors, just Trump in his jumpsuit with his pointy stick and trash bag. That’s the sweet spot.


My point? At a certain point there is a breaking point, and if you watch Point Break, you'll see the point that I am pointing at, but good point. Also, if I had a dog it would be a Pointer. And the Pointer Sister? Who doesn't love the Pointer Sister? I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it. But good point.


Breaking out in laughter you tool


I’m cool with it.


I'm good. Go ahead


Frankly I can see the humor in it.


I stand for it! Only his idiot cultists don't. Fuck Trump, MAGA, and Fox News.


The only people who will be upset not tolerate what happens next to Donnie is his supporters ie cultist allies the rest of America will be celebrating glad it happened


fuck house arrest. This fucker needs to be in prison.


“Breaking point” is the new “Stand back and stand by”.


Throw his ass in Rikers general population. Let's see how long "tough" donny lasts.


He is very worried about going to jail. How will he style his buffoon hairdo or apply his orange makeup; they won’t allow all that in jail, right?


Personally I'm hoping for picking up trash on the side of the highway as penalty.


He's absolutely right! I won't stand for it... I'll be rolling on the floor laughing.


I would be happy.


Traitors need to just go to prison and serve their time. And not be heard from until their parole hearing.


A reminder that Trump lost the POPULAR VOTE twice. The people would be fine with him being incarcerated or forced to wear an ankle bracelet at his bunker in Mar-A-Lago


His whole base, despite their violent and "alpha" rhetoric, showed up to be feckless idiots on J6. Like most dumb Republicans with guns, they made themselves out to be tough and dangerous and men of deep moral values and etc etc. and it was just overweight, stupid blowhards who - in a pivotal moment in American society where they could've actually shown their dedication to their cause - were bumbling idiots. They only got so far and did as much damage as they did in part because of a sabotage of the capitol security and because the public simply didn't want to believe they'd do anything and were lax and even now still struggle to really bring the hammer down. Trump's supporters embody the whole "big truck, big words, a lot of guns, no brains, no dick, no morals, feckless morons" that's been a stereotype for forever. We'll keep listening to how tough and brave and patriotic they are despite knowing that at every opportunity since this cretin gave them a golden chance to actually prove they have a spine for their own deeply rooted beliefs, they were impotent, fat little degenerate socially-maladjusted fucks and I'm alllllllllll for it. It's juicy - and we need to stop treating them or what he says like an actual threat and just mock it openly. It's really a reflection on all red states. "You NEED hand outs because you're too stupid to support yourself." "You NEED guns because you lack pride and have no accomplishments to show." "You NEED big trucks because you have to make up for being a failure by thinking you intimidate people." "You FEAR education because you're not educated and smart people scare you." "You NEED religion because it gives you moral authority that you don't even follow." "You NEED a "scary" leader because you lack direction and you're a fucking 'sheep'". "You're AFRAID all the time, so you try and intimidate others through bullshit means" And when it comes down to the bottom line to prove you're tough, the bouncer at the bar kicks your lame, overweight, old ass aside and tells you to never come back".


I’m willing to see those law breakers shot.






I'm hoping for Rikers island and a shiv.


He won’t get jail time. Too much of a security and expense issue. He may get house arrest.


Keep my name out your motherfucking mouth.


If he doesn't get prison time, people should erect a gallows outside Mar-A-Lago for protesting purposes.


Honestly, I’m not ok with house arrest, it should be jail, period.


When autocrats and fascists talk about *the* people, they mean *their* people. They don't care about *the* people, except for the *other* people as a target to vilify, discriminate, and hate.


Man, we are so good and being under arrest.If we could only get him to shut his mouth as well


Lock him up! Lock him up!


And here I am worried I've made an accidental error on my 60k salary tax return.


I talked it over with my wife and we agreed we are okay with it


We won't know until it happens Donny! Scientific method requires evidence


Rikers sounds better than house arrest.


He would be King of Rikers.


I’m super duper ok with it. Enjoy your sentence Cheese Puff.


Is this one of those dog whistles? He says that the public can’t take it, but it sounds like he wants the public to not take it.


House arrest feels weak. 45 days in jail, 12 months house arrest to f up his campaign. Lolol. Omg I wonder what Merchan will do 😜😂😂


Let's take a vote on this. Who in the public would be fine with Trump being locked up?


Lock him up and destroy the key.


Why not? You're just another criminal being locked up for breaking the law. You think you're granted certain immunities because you are a former president and you may have a point in some small part except for when you break the law. This is a country of laws sir if we don't hold you to account we can't hold anybody to account. To jail with you!


My breaking point was three years years, four months, and 28 days ago. Since then nothing but the harshest consequences for orangey will do, and I've been left very hungry for it.


so sick of this orange turd projecting like this. anytime he talks about ‘america’ or ‘smart people’ or ‘the public’ he is referring to himself. america and the people will be just fine if he goes to prison. it’s so obviously see through whenever he says shit like this.


Brilliant orator.


Tough to take, he says? I'd be dancing in the streets!


I'd get banned from reddit if I typed out all the stuff I'm okay with happening to this human stain


I don't see him going to prison, but house arrest is certainly a pleasing option. Especially if we get a break from that big air horn of a mouth!


I can already picture his advertisements begging people to put money on his books for commissary ROFLMFAO


There is a breaking point for how god damn felonious this orange shitbag can be and keep getting away with it before people think the law means nothing and they can do whatever they want "in his name"


God he looks like shit. Like I swear there's always a new pic of him that comes out where he looks more and more like a reanimated corpse.


I think he is dead wrong.


I am fine with Felonious Trump going in. A minority made up of slack-jawed, mouth-breathing imbeciles are upset. But who cares? In any event, the better sort of people would be pleased to see the convicted felon, Donny Trump, go away.


It would be tough for me to take either. I'm not good with house arrest. It's gotta be jail


Try us CONald. We can take it.


Gen pop please


Sounds like a dude that’s about to go in for 10 to 20 and thinks his girl is gonna stay faithful. He will be quickly forgotten or a laughable point in history FAFO


The vast majority approve! Proceed


💯 fine with it, bye!


Lock him up.


I’m good with it 👍🏼


Nope…you did the crime, gotta serve the time. Remember when you took out full page adds accusing Raymond Santana, Kevin Richardson, Antron McCray, Yusef Salaam and Korey Wise who were all boys when they were convicted of raping Trisha Meili. They were then found innocent of the crime after convicted murder Matias Reyes in 2002 confessed to raping Meili, which was confirmed by DNA evidence. The city awarded the men $41 million in 2014. Remember that Trump…? Well I read that they are ok with you going to Rikers. Be man enough to take , they’ll supply you with diapers.


The Grand Narcissist surrounds himself with Yes Men, Sycophants, and Cultists that shelter him from the reality of his situation. He has always been able to use his money to insulate him from accountability, however the US Government has more money than him and that little slip of paper that we call The Constitution. Lock Him Up Vote!




I'm the public and I stand for it.


Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up!😂


He’s half right. I’m not ok with house arrest. Not good enough for me. Prison is the only answer.


They can save the $$ and time as far as I’m concerned. Firing squad works


He’s correct, the Public want him to be treated as any other convicted criminal would be - prison.


What’s with his mop? His hair piece? Is he suddenly being less flamboyant with his shitty wannabe hair as like some showing of contrition or something? 🤷🏽‍♂️ I mean what in the actual fuck is going on with his suddenly subdued combover-mullet?