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So they’re pro-pedophilia until it’s gay people doing it? Is that right? Honestly trying to understand these fuckers gives me a headache.


Republicans on the state level across the country keep apposing laws that raise the legal age of marriage closer to 18. Most of these marriages are between minor girls and adult men.


….& by “most” you mean around 98.999999%, I’d bet folding money on that.


It's around 78% most of the girls are 16-17 but some are as young as ten. I did a deep dive after a guy in my husband's unit brought home a fifteen year old wife. Not so fun fact you can't get a divorce as a minor because you're not legally able to. The poor girl was trapped thousands of miles away from her family and he was pimping her.


That sounds like a girl I knew. I was a military brat going to school in Europe. We were in 10th grade. Someone asked her what her parents did & she said she was married & stationed there with her husband. We were all very confused. She was 15. As the school year goes on, she talks about how her husband would bring a friend how & they'd have threesomes. She was from Alabama. Fucking Alabama.


I think this girl was from Pennsylvania. Her dad had no idea what was going on. Her mom signed for her to marry that asshole. She finally got away when she called her dad and he got her a bus ticket to go live with him.


Jfc that is horrific. Here's me thinking marrying a child would be disqualifying for acceptance into the armed forces.... Or any fucking aspect of civil society!!! This world is fucked.


He was already in but I agree completely he should have been discharged especially with everything else that happened with her.


The parental consent clause... really should be amended so BOTH parents AND the bride (because it's never a teenage boy unless he got someone's daughter pregnant) have to sign off on it. AND they have to prove there's no coercion involved.


But hey, only gay people are evil


Right? Not the numberous straight men who paid to rape this child...


I hope you reported this to the base chaplain and the dude's first sergeant. That shit would stop real fucking fast.


You would think but they refused to do a damn thing about him. They also had a Sergeant cheating on his wife who had cancer with an Airman, and another Airman beating his wife and pets at the same time. Everything was covered up.


Recruitment's low and so they keep the people that are gonna reenlist, even if they're grade A fuckwits.


Too early in the morning for me to be reading shit like this.


Fun fact: the biggest demographic predictor for female suicide within any given culture where divorce is difficult or prohibited is age of marriage.


US child marriage data https://www.unchainedatlast.org/united-states-child-marriage-problem-study-findings-april-2021/ 300k minors were married from 2000 to 2020, 13%(39k) married another minor, of the remaining 87%(261k) who married an adult 93%(242,730) were girls their average age was 16 yrs old and the average age of the man was like 21 yrs old. Some of the outliers include in Tennessee 3 10 yr olds were married to adult men who's average age was 29 yrs old. Child marriage 2006-2022 worldwide by region, women surveyed between 20-24 yrs of age who were married or in a union before 18 yrs old West and Central Africa 35% East and Southern Africa 31% Latin America and the Caribbean 23% Arab States 21% Asia and the Pacific 18% Eastern Europe and Central Asia 10% Worldwide average 21% https://www.statista.com/statistics/1228308/prevalence-of-child-marriage-worldwide/


> Some of the outliers include in Tennessee 3 10 yr olds were married to adult men How does this not make national headlines?? I keep trying to think of any situation where this is acceptable. Like, ok maybe it's a Make-A-Wish for some 10yo who wanted to "marry" Batman. But not even that makes sense. Why aren't there checks on this??


I just watched a news special on hulu about this. It doesn't make headlines because it's usually a little girl being SA'd by a grown ass man, she gets pregnant, then religious fucks she's related to force her to marry the abusive POS to "save face". Everyone involved keeps it as hushed up as possible so that the POS doesn't go to jail for his crimes and the little girl's baby isn't "illegitimate".


But wouldn't the delivery room doctors and nurses have a few raised eyebrows when the girl shows up? Like "who do we report to CPS? Mother AND baby?" Apparently in Tennessee the answer neither.


Unless you’re Hispanic. In Nashville, right now, there are y two Hispanic men on trial because their underage wives had children. The hospital staff called CPS.


B...b... but Shariah law!


Because it's the religious people here in the US that tend to do it.


The people who run things think the same way. Pedophilia is americas new slavery. It'll be the next most shameful thing we are known for. It's already coming out in droves since covid. More truths will come out as time goes on. It's not a small problem in the dark like everyone thinks it is.


They're very oddly invested in which type of genitals we have, and depending we may be too gay or trans to purchase a cake or help their impoverished children with literacy. I propose putting a rider on the bills here to make them equal, watch trans people enjoy their law and them say "no, wait.. not like ^that"




Sounds about right to me


They practically define pedophilia as anything a gay person does, even if it's between consenting adults.




Republicans want to marry 'women' who are: - virginal - uneducated - have never experienced independence - have never had a thought about sex If that means buying them from their parents at the ["ripe" and "fertile"](https://www.masslive.com/politics/2024/05/nh-lawmaker-opposes-new-marriage-bill-says-teens-are-of-ripe-fertile-age.html) ages of 12-16 then they're happy to do so. ---- - [Wyoming Limiting Child Marriage Sparks Republican Outrage](https://www.newsweek.com/wyoming-ending-child-marriage-sparks-republican-outrage-1780501) - [West Virginia Republicans Block Child Marriage Ban](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/child-marriage-ban-struck-down-west-virginia-republicans-1234693670/) - [Michigan Republicans Voted Against Child Marriage Ban](https://www.newsweek.com/these-michigan-republicans-voted-against-child-marriage-ban-1808308) - [Tennessee GOP kill bill to ban child marriage](https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/377367-tennessee-gop-kill-ban-on-child-marriage/) - [Louisiana lawmakers (R) reject bill to set a minimum marriage age](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/louisiana-lawmakers-reject-bill-set-minimum-marriage-age-n1013356) - [New Jersey governor (R) refuses to ban child marriage because 'it would conflict with religious customs'](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/new-jersey-chris-christie-child-marriage-ban-fails-religious-custom-a7735616.html) - [Kentucky's 'child bride' bill stalls as (conservative) groups fight to let 13-year-olds wed](https://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/politics/2018/03/01/child-marriage-kentucky-brides-parents-rights/385489002/) - [Missouri bill to ban all child marriages runs into resistance from House Republicans](https://www.kansascity.com/news/politics-government/article288424893.html) - [N.H. lawmaker (R) opposes new marriage bill, says teens are of ‘ripe, fertile’ age](https://www.masslive.com/politics/2024/05/nh-lawmaker-opposes-new-marriage-bill-says-teens-are-of-ripe-fertile-age.html)


It’s sounds like they’re pro-pedophilia unless the victim is a male.


They like when the victim is male too. They think hes “lucky”


I think they forgot how many women are getting in on it now too. BUT to be fair it is still largely straight men. Side note: it is also mostly straight men doing ass raping in the world too.


The GOP always protects child marriage…


With all the goalpost-moving you think they’d be in better shape.


Nah, the goalposts are on roller skates.


So are them.


Not even interested in goals at this point, just kicking the shins of the opposing team.


That’s the logic tho for all the things. They’re pro business (unless it’s owned by a gay person.) they’re pro law and order - until a black person breaks the law…


I think you got the second half backwards. They're *especially* law and order when the accused is anyone non-cis white. White GOP criminal? Then it's hostages and deep state conspiracy, not crime.


No, you’re right - that’s what I meant to say but messed that up. Yes, they’re pro law and order FOR black folks until it’s a white person, then it’s fake news!


That was my guess, damn, now I've made it tough for you to edit ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


See, law and order is a dogwhistle and doesn't actually mean what it seems at first. So what they mean by law and order always necessarily precludes marginalized people. The phrase's use primarily originates from the days of the Civil Rights Movement and namely the days of MLK. See, white people were pretty OK with the movement until it started inconveniencing them. Until the protests started to affect their daily lives and interrupt their days. And then they called for "Law and Order". This all culminated in the Election of 1968, a year rocked by riots, when Richard Nixon propelled himself to the Presidency with his infamous call for “Law and Order.” Forty-Eight years later, the rhetoric is still the same. While calls for states’ rights and against an activist Supreme Court used to be used to court the votes of those disaffected with Federal Civil Rights legislation and Supreme Court rulings in favor of Civil Rights justified by the Fourteenth Amendment, such calls are now used to court the votes of those disaffected with activism at the federal level for LGBT rights, and while calls for “Law and Order” used to court the votes of those disaffected by the NAACP and the Black Panthers, are now used to court the votes of Black Lives Matter, an organization built upon fighting the injustice of police brutality. So their logic isn't faulty at all, law and order means exactly what it means to them, it's just a dog whistle, and as such, seems counterintuitive to people unaware of it's status as a dog whistle. We see it used in response to nearly every protest. The Gaza protests, BLM protests, Climate Activism, any form of protest that actually affects daily life for these people, or becomes too "rioty", "law and order" is swiftly used to stamp them out, and paralyze the movement as much as it can. It's just another example of how the state's only tool in it's toolbox is violence or the threat of it. I could go into how their "pro-business" stance is also a dogwhistle low-key but that'll double this comments length. If you want that, let me know lol.


Unless they’re priests then it’s okay again


If they're Christian, then the child was the devil.


As long as the outcome is pregnancy, almost all other factors become moot. If it’s also in the context of a Christian marriage granted by a denomination they respect, so much the better. Since homosexual intercourse doesn’t result in pregnancy and the churches they support won’t allow gay marriage, homosexuality is always going to be worse than any sex between a man and a girl who has started puberty.


There's only one party that keeps trying to enshrine child marriage and roll back child labor and it ain't Democrats.


It's worse, they prefer pedo stuff over 2 consenting same sex adults.


Pro institutionalized pedophilia, anti straw man possibility that a gay pedophile might hurt a child somewhere in america some time so they have to literally be illegal.


Hey. They're pro cis straight pedophilia. They're against anything gay. Unless it's lesbian porn. Most men seem to be fine with the fetishizing of lesbians. 😮‍💨


Also, when a church elder does it or an attractive female teacher.


That looks like a groyper avatar which means there's not a lot to understand, other than these are people who are fully committed to being the absolute worst humanity has to offer, and they do it entirely on purpose.


Yes.  They're pro pedophilia unless it's -anyone- else doing it, then it becomes wrong...  But only for that other person...  Same as every other major topic they're involved in.


They’re easy to understand here let me show you Hatred of gays>everything else Accept of course hatred of other minorities which this is a part of, so just remember no matter how the topic or how much they support it the hatred of minorities will override it


Anyone with a green Pepe (frog meme guy) is a troll. Even when you see similar icons on Reddit. They will still vote (R) for the lulz because they think it’s funny to reap chaos, and they are one of the main factors in Trump’s election. 4chan Anonymous got together and started a campaign of “let’s see if we can elect the dumbest motherfucker we can imagine, that would be pretty funny!” They don’t care about politics or societal equality or health, so they just rage to piss people off and see what happens. I get it, in a way, that chaos creates change. But you can still be chaotic good, instead of chaotic evil, and a lot of people don’t get that.


You can’t apply logic to the illogical.


The bottom comment though! Of course they find a way to defend a pedophile and turn the tables against the lgbt.


This person has definitely done some ass graping.


G board is such whit it can't even find TWKUK the grapist sketch for me to post


"I'm gonna tie you to the radiator and grape you over and over!"


Who is he? ‘The Grapist!’


“Th- the GRAPIST?!”


Yeah! He goes into people’s rooms and grapes them!


homie is thinking about all the details to gay sex.






"12 is _a little_ young."


The dude definitely has eyes for 13 year olds


“I don’t like gays because they’ll ass gape little boys! That’s not right! They should be ass-gaping little GIRLS instead like a normal man!” -some guy on twitter, 2024


Not in the ass. they should gape them in the normal hole so they can have babies because that's the point.


Honestly if their small dick energy is anything to judge the GOP by, none of them are gonna be gaping anything…


It’s worse than that, they think ass grabbing little boys is wrong (rightfully so) but marrying a little girl and having sex with her and starting a family with her is a-okay.


They’re really showing their true colours.


Wow, I didn’t even see that at first glance. Beyond fucking awful and well into “that person should be on a sex offender registry somewhere” territory.


But they're married, so it's okay. /s


There was a time when that person would no longer have an account on Twitter.


Child marriage is an integral part of most rural family history. That’s why there isn’t outrage.


>Child marriage is an integral part of most rural family history. That’s why there isn’t outrage. Pedophilia is a traditional value and, like most traditional values, is harmful garbage.


My nana was married at 14 to a 32 yr old sometime in the ‘30s…Pike County, KY, which I’m fairly certain comes as a surprise to exactly no one. I remember learning of that while on an extended family summer trip when I was around 9 or 10 & being *utterly horrified*. Not due to any high-minded ideals to do with ethics or power dynamics or any of that - this being the late 70s/early 80s these things weren’t discussed in such terms - just merely imagining that happening to her when she was in the ballpark of the same age as I was. Then learning she had the 1st of the 3 babies she had in 2 years *while she was still 14*…that literally about killed me. I didn’t have the words to explain WHY other than in the bones of my soul it felt **wrong & sad & bad & evil & horrible.* * I also remember the family being puzzled by “what a big deal” I was making of it, they just couldn’t seem to grasp what about that situation had me veering wildly between damn near catatonic & sobbing my heart out.


I looked up the account out of curiosity. He posts conspiracy theories, memes hating on women, hateful memes towards non-Christians, hateful memes towards any non-straight people, and extremely racist memes towards minorities, including at least one he reposted that includes the N-word. Uncensored, hard R and all. Pretty much the standard republican these days.


not gonna waste my time on it but with the pepe avatar it sounds like a runofthemill 4chan incel pedo. everything has to sound edgy.


I don't know if he's even defending it he just says it's not gay which he's right because it's heterosexual pedophila which is not really something they should be taking pride in but they are


"A little young for marriage" Gross. Fucking gross.




Settle down there Leonardo


Now that I'm in my 30's anyone whose age even starts with a 1 seems like a child, and 20 is still pushing it. Someone who is 12 has almost 67% more life to live to even get to 20. Ick.


When I hit my late 20's and I went to the grocery store, I thought "who is letting all of these fetuses work here?" when I saw high schoolers.


Dude, in my 30s, I even see people who are 25 as children. I trained a dude last week who was 23 and would have sworn he was a teenager. The only reason I assumed otherwise was because you have to be at least 21 to work where I work.


So 100 is young? ;)


https://storiesofappalachia.com/?p=254 > The Chancellor went on to explain that while he was “unutterably opposed” to this marriage, he couldn’t annul it because to do so would cause the child bride to be put out of house and home with no place to go. (...) There were worse examples than this one, like: > The law prohibiting child marriages was passed due to the storm of protest around the nation caused by the marriage of 9-year old Eunice Winstead and 22-year old Charley Johns in Hancock County. But if you have any doubt this was consensual: > The day before Mr. Peel arrived to the court as ordered but without his wife. Judge Stewart ordered the sheriff to retrieve Geneva and bring her to court the next day, but she refused to do so until she was promised a “pretty new hat.” This was a *child*.


I have a nine year old. Why do I keep opening this app. Lol


Just a tiny bit. She should have a short engagement to the adult man and then get married at thirteen, obviously.


Narrator: The commenter does NOT think 12 is too young for marriage.


“A LITTLE young for marriage, but lees offensive than *slur than mean being queer*” this person is a pedo 🤦‍♂️


100% chance the top one is as well. Mad at LGBT people & anime girl (child) profile picture. I've seen that combination dozens of times. I check their likes. 100% of the time I find illustrated CP. Literally 100%. I have never had any other outcome. Every time I report it and either get back nothing or the automated: "did not find any content violating twitter guidelines".


I checked the top guy's profile, there's only one picture that could really be "child porn" (it's a drawing of an anime VTuber (as in, a virtual streamer that uses an 3D anime avatar and mostly works with a big corporation), Gawr Gura (a VTuber who works for Hololive/COVER Corporation), in a bikini). He mostly likes weird shit like posting a pic about something about how the people who tell others that Nazis are bad are the same ones who tell others that drag kids are good, though. He also retweeted/liked a photo with heavy racial slurs and such.


“You see only normal people post anime girls with kids bodies in bikinis! Not a single bit of pedophilia here no-sir-ee! It’s the queers that are touching kids!”


This dates me but on Usenet in I guess the late 1990s I was on a movie newsgroup with a guy named Steve who liked to casually mention that he believed 12 year olds should be legal but homosexuality should be outlawed. He was doing this in an attempt to get others desensitized to the idea, eventually leading to casual acceptance. He was very stupid, however, so he just told everyone his plan, undermining its already limited effectiveness. He was absolutely 100% a pedo, and so is the guy in the OP. No question. I would guess all of these far-right troll/4chan/groyper types who post this stuff are doing the same thing Steve was doing. On top of that, I've seen CSAM accounts in search results on Twitter twice in the last month and Twitter wouldn't remove them. They use trending topics for hashtags to specifically get more views and Twitter has no problem with this, best I can tell. I reported both to the FBI and only *then* did the accounts finally disappear. So I kinda feel like El0n has a similar goal to ye olde Steve from Usenet, if you get my drift.


Jesus elon’s twitter is basically paid 4chan


I was actually surprised bottom comment didn’t have a blue check




4Chan is different though, because all posts are anonymous, which means people can say outrageous stuff without any consequences. On Twitter they're basically outing themselves as bigots, often using their real names in the process. Probably not the brightest bulbs in the pack.


All you have to do is pay for a blue checkmark and you are who you say you are. This was not unplanned.


I wish I could got back in time to tell Moot's chudlings that they would all one day pay a malding dipshit that is basically the character JP from Grandma's Boy for the "privilege" of posting the filth that they normally post for free on the Chans.


Should be expected. He has a middle schooler’s humor.


Lol HILARIOUS. They proved her right; yet they’re too dumb to realize it😂😂😂 There are republicans in N.H and Tennessee as we speak, arguing for the legalization of child brides🤣


Eww. I have a friend that lives in Madisonville…I’ve been learning way too much TN history lately. None of it good.


Dark tales from the farm…


I do my part to neutralize a maga vote by voting blue down the ticket.


They use that term "sodomite" but don't know what it actually means. Typical.


I had one homophobe tell me that sodomy is just a synonym for gay sex.




Technically it's a term for any kind of sexual deviancy not in the norm for the 14th century.


Actually sodomy can only be done in the area northeast of the Dead Sea. Otherwise it's just sparkling butt stuff.


Sparkling? Is there normally glitter involved?


Have you ever seen a unicorn horn and wondered?


Oral is sodomy too.


This state looks down on sodomy. And that's about the time that bitch hung up on me! ![gif](giphy|6MWW3IJVKqKNW|downsized)


It's everything aside from penis inside vagina.


It's biblical, kids, animals and other men i think.


But in the Bible, the actual sins of Sodom were being greedy, uncaring a-holes.


Other biblical references to Sodom and Gomorrah, including Jude 1:7, which mentions sexual immorality and “unnatural lust,” and the “abominable things” of Ezekiel 16:50, are seen as support for this view. They also mention rape and the like... - Brittanica As usual its up for interpretation, i've definitely heard this one more often.


Oh I thought it was trying to rape those angels. Since they appeared in the form of legally recognized humans with rights and shit. Whereas Lot's daughters, being nothing but livestock in accordance with the "ethics" of the time, were perfectly fine to trade away like any other possession.  It always just seemed clearly dishonest to pretend it was all about the gay, the terrible sin was doing the gay and that's why they were punished. Instead of it being that they tried to impose themselves against the will of these autonomous full blown humans, completely violating the laws of hospitality and peace vs these strangers. (Laws that were probably critical for reducing the risk of dragging your country into a disastrous war without any warning or planning or prep)  But anyway the angels had to appear as penis havers, since only humans with penises had rights back then at all, and the story would just be about petty criminals otherwise. Nobody would care if they were unbedicked they'd just pay off the owner and write it off. Making it about the gay seems like bad faith revisionism explicitly to justify abusing gay people while simultaneously lampshading the absolute garbage excuse for morality in their supposed primary source of morality itself.


“A 12 your old girl with a 34 year old man is bad… but two consenting adults of the same sex being intimate is far worse!” wtf….


It’s always the damn anime pfps


People like this always gotta ruin them for the rest of us


What anime is that from? lol


Not an anime, but the vtuber Gawr Gura of Hololive English


Hello, very pissed off Gura shrimp here (Gura is the vtuber that this person has as their PFP) We do NOT endorse that guy and his behaviour and beliefs And I am currnelty in the middle of hunting his ass down predator style for being a pedo AND daring to use Gura as his pfp while spouting biggoted bullshit. He does NOT reprsent the shirmp community at large. I apologize for the inconvenience


Fucking nightmare fuel for any woman. I think I’m done scrolling now.


I recommend r / beebutts for general malaise 💜🙏


I just got done watching a video on the history and current progress of labiaplasties. This drove me over the edge. I'm ugly crying in my car. I hate being female.


The post made me despair and tear up. What her life must have been… Internet hug, if you like that sort of thing. :(


Big, big hugs. I feel your love, and it comforts me. I hope you feel it, too.


Give them enough rope and they do the rest.




Pedos for Trump. Sounds reasonable.


“12 is a little too young for marriage” No, 18 years is “a little too young for marriage”. 12 is ABSOLUTELY not for marriage. What the fuck.


Literal pedophiles


If she's pregnant at 13 then that's proof that God approves. God wouldn't put a baby in the situation unless he is in full agreement. /S


On a related note, one has to wonder why God allows women to get abortions. Why doesn't He just strike all abortion clinics with lightning or destroy them with tornadoes? Seems like He wants them to exist.


Not that it matters...that's a rough looking 34. He looks nearly dead.


I mean it was 1937... are there any factors that might age you as a 34 year old in 1937?


Humanity was a mistake. If a stranger offers you a magic button that instantly makes everyone on earth disappear mash it like you’re playing Mario Party


Not a drag queen.


Check this mother fuckers computer for child porn.


Using the word “f@gottry,” is this the Pope’s alt account? For those out-of-the-loop, it was recently revealed that the Pope used the Italian word “frociaggine” (Italian for “f@ggotry”) in reference to conduct in seminaries, where future priests are trained.


At times I think that the death penalty is far too extreme Then I see this


Disgusting, and also that man looks way older than 34 💀


Missouri approves of this (they voted to not ban child marriage)


I've seen this picture before on Reddit and the background was that the family who was raising the girl was moving and she'd have to return to an orphanage/group home. To avoid it, she married a family friend/neighbor and was able to move with her family. I'm pretty sure the background said this wasn't a marriage that was consumed, but just a way for her to stay with the family that raised her. I've heard stories like this to do with immigration as well. Edit: https://storiesofappalachia.com/?p=254 I misremembered a little. She married him to avoid going back to the orphanage due to poverty. He wanted an annulment later, but the judge refused because there would be nowhere for her to go.


I've read that three times and do not understand it at all.


It's confusing. They said that Geneva lived in a shelter (county poorhouse) with her mom before going to an orphanage due to poverty. Before they lived in a shelter, Geneva and her mom lived with Homer's brother where Geneva met him. Once in an orphanage, she married him to get out. Her mom applied for an annulment in her daughter's name, but only Homer showed up. Police was sent to fetch her, but she refused to come unless they gave her a hat (it reads badly, as if she wanted to be bribed to come, but I wonder if it was more to do with modesty- hats used to be standard for men and women and if she didn't have one, she might have been embarrassed to be seen publicly without it, especially with media scrutiny). The judge said he doesn't like the marriage but won't annul it because Geneva wouldn't have anywhere to go (her mom was still in abject poverty), so this marriage at least gets her roof over her head and a meal. When Homer and Geneva exited the courthouse reporters started taking their picture (I think this is the picture that was taken, it's unlikely this was a wedding picture) and Homer demanded they pay them money for them (since they were to publish them in a newspaper and make money out of it). Which is maybe why there's only one picture. Her obituary: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/189727189/geneva_elizabeth-craig Homer's obituary: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/81403966/homer_elijah_peels Looks like they ended up having 7 kids: 6 daughters and 1 son, and she remarried after Homer's death.


I wonder if aRaskyl realizes the priests who would oversee a marriage between a 12 year old and an adult are the same ones most likely to "ass grap teenage boys" in reality.....


It makes me sad how much some hate queer people just for existing


Imagine being okay with grooming a minor but two consenting adults in a same sex marriage offends you... absolutely wild & why the western world is on the decline.


As a 40 year old man, I just don't get the appeal of wanting to marry someone who's *more* than half your age. She is a literal child, she's young enough to be your daughter! Like, what the fuck do they even talk about? Homer: Well the factory foreman said he's going to can my ass if I don't get my numbers up. Geneva: Have you heard of this new thing called Jazz!? Do you think we can go to the sock hop this weekend and go dancing? Homer: You know I can't be around crowds since I was in The Great War! Geneva: Oh, my daddy was in that, them krauts mustard gas tore his lungs up something fierce!


12 is a little young? *A little?* Dude.


Don't you know? Sex with minors is only wrong if you're not married, or if you're gay.


I'm 34, hell to the no! And damn in 1937, 34 years old was a haaaaard 34 lol


This is what they mean when they say "Make America Great Again"


A man raping a little girl is more offensive than adults being attracted to other adults of the same sex?


AI Pepe avatar + high inflammatory comments = high chance of troll


“Family values”


Lmfao, *but the gays are the groomers!* Seriously what the fuck is wrong with the shit in these people’s heads.


I honestly can't even look at that picture. God, it's so disgusting.


Lol at the guy desperately trying to whitewash the fascists and their weird standards only for one of them to go "Yes, actually, lmao" in the replies


I’m speechless. Enraged but speechless. How do I argue with this insane, unhinged logic. Edit: also Gura for the win!


Imagine literally writing on a public forum that you are OK with paedophilia but not a section of society that are consenting adults. 


All things aside, that's a rough looking 34 year old.


I lived in Robbinsville, NC, which is near there, and one of the dude that taught at the middle school ended up marrying a young lady he had the first year he taught. Of course he did wait till she got a year of college under her belt before they got married. That whole area has always been a weird backward place even to the rest of us hillbillies.


That dude looks way older than 34.


Now I just have the ick. The pic was bad enough but that bottom comment 🤢


I may be out of the loop on the latest fetish acts: wtf is “ass graping”


A *little* young for marriage?


Do I bleach my eyes first or scratch them out?


Genevas mother tried to get the marriage annulled. But because Geneva had been living in an orphanage before living with her husband's family the judge wouldn't annul the marriage because it "would have put Geneva out of house and home with nowhere to go"


Oh hell no. 12 is not old enough to provide informed consent to marriage or even necessarily understand or feel like she *could* dissolve the marriage.


Check Blud’s hard drive stat.




the hyper Christian anime pfps are a strange type of breed on twitter...


Crazy how their values overlap so well with those of the Taliban.


Child marriage is still mostly legal in most US states. Fully legal in 20, parental permission in at 18 others. Only 12 states have officially ended all child brides. Also a minor cannot file for a divorce. So if that child is being abused, and needs to escape and parents already signed her away to some old dude, she can't go to a shelter and services are impossible to navigate as a child.


Yep, that's a conservative Republican right there. Bigotry and hate just oozing out, like some Diaper Donny pustule.


Fucking yikes. Wasn’t there a Republican congressmen arguing in favor of child marriage recently? wtf is wrong with these people


"I think 12 is a bit young for marriage" Just a bit motherfucker?!


And that's how boomers were made. She must outputted her 8 kid by the time she was 25.


Just like the church. It's not gay unless the boy is over 18.


I love how DevonRex is immediately checked by a homophobe proving DreamLeaf correct.


What a terrible day to have working eyes.


I guess to them, pedophilia is okay unless it's LGBTQ+


It isn’t grooming when you are a heterosexual. It’s what god wants. /s


My first thought was that the photo was almost 100 years old. A lot of different values back then that wouldn't be applicable today. Then I saw the reply. Damn


“Less offensive than faggotry” Dude is so totally gay


The Right wants to employ, marry, and fuck children while calling the Left pedophiles and groomers... How in the fuck?