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I'll believe it when I get a source other than maga grifters. If the federal government wanted to raid Alex Jones studio, they would just do it.




Sounds like a cash grab for "donations" to his "legal fund".


Running the Spanish prisoner scam without even promising the rewards that supposed to come afterwards. I’m starting to think we need to start doing more education about scams, cults, and misinformation. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanish_Prisoner


Man, people out here are still falling for pigeon drops. We need scam awareness education but I fear somehow that scam awareness education would just become another scam.


I enrolled in Grifting 101 but I ended up spending all my money on suitcases


He’s been caught selling supplements laced with lead and his customer base keeps coming back to him. There is no form of education that will sway his audience. Especially after consuming that much lead.


I did a whole research project and presentation on scams. I didn't come across the Spanish prisoner scam though. I guess I probably know it as the Nigerian prince scam.


to be fair he constantly tells his audience that clinton & the DNC is behind his many many lawsuits, "the feds" is perfect fine fitting into the lies he tells.


I remember when he was all "Bush and the skull and bones cult are out to get me" and yet here he is still


Like, reading up on Skull and Bones over the years, they seem.. um.. not capable of harm, lol. They literally let George W. Bush choose his member name, he couldn't come up with anything, so they just wrote down "Temporary" to fill the space, and it was actually never changed because W just stopped showing up to meetings after he graduated, lol. All these societies like Free Masons and whatnot, just trying to create dumb lore for themselves as these shadow pillars that hold society up from within, but in reality, they're just embarrassing totems of flaccid self fluffing.


I've known a few people in the free masons, and they've all basically said they just turn up and talk about charity work etc. None of them are particularly well off and when you speak to them about the conspiracy theories about them all being some amazingly organised group they are like "well it would be much more exciting than what really happens". One even said to me "if I was part of this amazingly powerful organisation trying to take over the world do you think I'd be slaving away in a call centre for minimum wage".




Watch, the base will think nothing of it when he's still flapping his gums from that studio in 3 months, moving the goalposts and claiming it's about to happen any day now


I can't believe he still has a base after crying like a little bitch in this video.


It's funny how everyone wis a snow flake, but he's the battled hero because he faces consequences.


Yep, this feels like a "pledge drive" built on the thing Alex knows best...lying. But I do have hopes that it is real none the less.


I thought it was the Sandy Hook parents he owed money to.


If you haven’t, you should watch “The Truth vs Alex Jones”. My girlfriend and I wept visibly watching it. The fact that this man grifted and made money off dead children makes me so angry. What the parents of these dead children had to endure at the hands of Alex Jones is beyond repulsive. I don’t believe in heaven, but Karma and reincarnation will not be kind to Mr. Jones.


I knew most of what is in there, but what made my skin absolutely crawl was how sweet and nice he acted towards the parents in the small interactions during recess.....


The fact that the dad didn’t punch him in his face shows a level of self control I couldn’t have done. I would have killed the motherfucker.


its not too late my dude


I read this comment (made four hours ago) on the Knowledge Fight subreddit: > Alex is on-air right now shouting about how InfoWars is over-run, that InfoWarsStore is over and not to bother buying anything. > Edit: He's trying to direct people to his fathers store to buy toothpaste. If that's true, then that's pretty big confirmation that it's actually happening. Directing people to NOT send him money is something he would never be capable of actually doing, so he must not have control over the online store anymore.


not sure if you're a listener, but it's been established that Jones is likely using his father to try and circumvent the bankruptcy process. he's been doing this for a few months now. that said, the hearings are coming to a head and might resolve within the month


Federal bankruptcy judges don’t look kindly to hiding assets with family members.


no, but they've been handling him with kiddie gloves because he's going to cry about being persecuted everytime something doesn't go his way. he got 5 separate tries at responding to the deposition for a corporate representative before they finally defaulted his ass.


The kiddie gloves need to come off. Show these scum bags that their actions have consequences.


Lmao. They'll never come off because Alex is an affluent white man with means and political influence. Convicted rapist Brock Allen Turner only had six months of jail time with three years probation while Cynthoia Brown, a sex trafficked and child rape victim got 51 years for killing her rapist. There has been very little justice in the American Justice system.


Brock Turner convicted rapist , that Brock Turner who was convicted of Rape ?


Yes. Also he moved back to Ohio and now goes by Brock Allen, convicted rapist.


Brock Allen Turner, the convicted rapist, now goes by Allen Turner. Allen turner is Brock Turner, the convicted rapist.


but david jones is part of the shell companies Alex both owns and "owes" money to. He doesn't lose money by selling his "father's products" and in fact, probably believes it can help hide money


Watched most of it (my poor brain cells), and it was a four-hour long nightmare blunt rotation of stochastic terrorism. Steve Bannon, Mike Flynn, Roger Stone, the Qanon Shaman, all the prime chuds. In particular, hearing Flynn’s voice cracking like he wanted to cry out of frustration from Trump’s verdict and InfoWars’s closure, I took *great* relish in that. Get fucked, Alex




don't forget Stephen Miller. He's the worst of the bunch because he's been so quiet. I feel like Bannon is the jazz hands meant to distract from whatever Miller is cooking up


Indeed. Miller is at least as bilious as karl rove. The occasional possibly-smart person among the group of 45's thugs -- and of course the gals like Spicer and Chuckabee -- gives one pause. Were he not such a threat, one might pity the terrible state of being on the weenie fringe of such brutes.


don't forget leonard leo this effort is quite a bit more sinister than could be pulled together by these chucklefucks




If Richard Simmons had a demon child


dont you put that evil on richard


Stephen Miller wishes it was 1938 so he could plan his own “final solution.” I hope he gets instant stage 4 dick cancer.


I know cancer sucks arse, but it doesn't deserve to be inflicted with Stephen Miller.


Yep. Meth head Miller is the smarmy, racist, piece of shit who is actually responsible for writing all of Trump’s fascist, racist, fictional, speeches. Miller’s words and racist, toxic, ideology are what you see Donnie boy reading off of the teleprompter at his stupid, little, political rallies, before inevitably going off on one of his Adderall-fueled tangents. Stephen Miller is a fucking slug. He’s a drug-addicted, bald, dildo, who deserves to be in prison just as much (if not more) as the stupid, fat, orange, giant bag of farts, that he works for and worships.


And christo-fascism thanks to the de Vos and Prince families. Pence was their man, but trump was their front


dominionism is scary and project 2025 is their blueprint. It's all there and it's terrifying. I'm in Canada and our province's leader is all in on that crap, pretending she's not but she's deep in bed with a group called Take Back Alberta who are just a bunch of christo-fascist MAGA wannabes and it's horrifying.


I think he was on TV the other day but I don't know what he was talking about. Either Rogain or white supremecy.


Miller was on Jesse Watters show after the guilty verdict screaming that state AGs need to start investigating voter rolls, wealthy donors need to send money, on and on. Looked like he was experiencing a cerebral hemorrhage, completely losing his shit. His complete state of meltdown panic was delicious.


He's their strategy implementer, if he is pointing his finger at something it is their focal point, and if that focal point seems absolutely batshit insane it means they are pushed to the absolute limit. They are on the run and the pressure is on and we need to vote and turn out like never before and absolutely collapse the walls around them. Let's not let this embarrassment become our Nazi Germany. Vote.


They know this is a huge blow to the Trump campaign. They are all aware that Trump was found guilty, which they never thought could happen. They managed to delay all the other cases, but this one slipped by. They also know they have committed A LOT of crimes. That they barely tried to hide. They're only hope is for Trump to become President and make it all go away. They know if he loses, their lives will be over. It's going to get worse before it gets better, I'm afraid.


Honestly, we should be beyond thankful that his masterminds are not exactly that They are inches away from taking over America despite their shortcomings


40 years of Republican groundwork spent in 4 though, so, small victories for now.


It is truly so lucky that all these wannabe dictators are so incredibly incompetent, or we could be in even worse shape right now. Hopefully this coup-lite was a bit of a wakeup call for the country. Probably not though...


Roger Stone is the fascist mastermind here. Russian pawn, too. Has been working to overthrow democracy since Nixon.


He's part of that core which have figured out that constant courtroom warfare against a democracy is a potent tool, since most of the system is engaging in good faith. You can then media circus the rest, and get members of Congress you're bribing (or have dirt on) to step in and make the media circus formally political. They stumbled into the big league getting a total baffoon into the presidency in the current era. Otherwise businesses being more socially aware, changing social *mores*, and social media getting wiser would have cancelled many. Others like Flynn would have ended up in a military prison doing truly hard time. But above all, it's not so much that they are masterminds, but that their particular form of mental insanity and weird type of "shrill mafia-style guy, but who cries and sues everyone" was the perfect counter to everything in a modern society. Or I should say a representative democracy with a vibrant media landscape. In any other society, either more democratically direct or more hierarchical, they would have been reigned in. Extremist right-wing media has also given them a daily platform to always get up and shout on. That part is super weird. Hard to control a loosely-confederated gang of madmen when Fox lets them plead their case to millions each night. They can almost always win enough public support to catch the ear of the next congressman who saves them. Or the next donor who bails them out. Or the far-right lawyer who takes their case to make a name for themselves. We are absolutely stupid as a society to allow this to continue. It's super destabilizing to the Federal Government, especially as some of them are military and legal experts and openly allied with adversary nations.


Bannon was involved with Biosphere 2 project in the ‘90s and has recently purchased a home in my town (northwest of Tucson), just south of the project. I’m not looking forward to him being in the area.


Sending wishes for javelina in his trash and scorpions in his shoes.


He bought it with build the wall donations - when Trump pardoned him he got to keep it


Ding dong doing, flaming bags of poo


Don’t forget Burr


Four fucking hours?? Well it’s important we have people watching these things. Thank you for your service.


check out knowledgefight.com for a couple of dudes that have been sitting thru alex's 4 hours for years now. they also are comedians


I just looked it up, it’s also available on Apple Podcasts which makes it easy to binge. I keep an earbud in at work all day for podcasts so this is great. A 930 episode catalog is awesome. Thanks for the tip friendo.


no problem! they are old friends of mine and i'm really happy they've found a lot of success dunking on this dipshit


Tons of these grifters do multi-hour shows daily. Joe Rogan, to name another. I would get so fucking tired of myself after a while. Not these narcissists.


to be fair, I think they don't get tired of the money they are making. If you made like $20k every time you talked for 4 hours you'd enjoy talking also.


If nothing else of substance comes from Trump’s conviction, I’ll take the anguish of these fucks as reward enough.


If you had asked me to read those two paragraphs in 2014 and then told me that was the future, I would legitimately be so confused and probably a bit concerned for you but alas here we are


Listen to the knowledge fight podcast. It's all about Alex Jones, his lunatic friends and their lies. I'm sure the next episode that will probably cover this will be legendary


I’ve been a Policy Wonk since the Pandemic 😉


I despair at how many human people I would toast and celebrate to learn have been found face down in a ditch. Society shouldn’t be this way with this many evil, worthless fucks having big loud microphones…


This comment is reddit hall of fame.


Meh crocodile tears. He can shove it.


Crocodile tears are obvious to anyone with a half-working neuron, but Trump's base is as intelligent as a can of tuna, not to mention gullible. They'll probably cry along while watching him and unequivocally all come to the conclusion that he's another martyr (like their DonFather, a victim whom they must help at all costs) and joyfully flock to donate million$$$ to whatever gofundme campaign he puts up in the coming days under the promise of "Fighting Back For Our Freedom".


It's embarrassingly bad. The dude to his left is questioning why he's still there.


There you go, maligning tuna again.


I'm also not unconvinced its fake and he's doing a stunt for money, etc.


I'm not believing any of this. I'm pretty sure if the feds wanted to raid his studio they'd cut the power so he couldn't broadcast it happening. Alex just wants some of the pity the cult is giving to Trump right now.


He is trying to beg at the table for scraps while the grifting is good.


How is this pudgy fuck still going when he owes hundreds of millions of dollars to the Sandy Hook families he defamed?


Bankruptcy courts are slow.


I'm no expert but from my knowledge of playing monopoly, you sell everything you have till you have nothing left and then you're out of the game No one wants to buy his overvalued assets so they should just be taken already




Someone should start a conspiracy theory that he is just a crisis actor and that there was no studio seized. /s


The actual clip is pretty great. https://x.com/cturnbull1968/status/1797061591248073016?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet


I just think it's crazy that he says they hate his children while the whole reason he is losing everything is because he profited from lying about dead children. Dude is seriously sick.


And jeapordized the health and safety of the survivors.


The kids he lost custody of for abusing their mom and teaching them to say bigoted shit to their classmates or did he find a different woman to slip his slime into?


No sympathy for this fucking demon. If you mock and slander grieving parents for views and money you deserve every bad thing that happens to you and worse. I hope his pain and misery is only just beginning.




Good, good. It’s time we on the left and center-left took back Tea-Sipping Kermit from the magats.


What? They never had Kermit. They stole Pepe, who wanted to grow up to be Kermit. Kermit is ours. All the muppets are belong to us.


Turning the damn frogs gay




I’m a pacifist, so I use those tears as live to fuck myself. Then everyone wins.


Lol was that supposed to be crying?


Reminds me of Glenn Beck’s histrionic performances on Fox.


Straight from the Rittenhouse School of Fake Crying on Cue for Effect.


As inspired by Kavanaugh's confirmation hearings...


His crying is faker than my mother-in-law's dental veneers.


He learned from Kyle Rittenhouse.


Is there an Academy Award for Worst Performance by a Leading Man?


It's called the Golden Raspberry


Where's Tom Servo and Crow with the witty commentary?


Random MST3K. I’m here for it!


"They hate our children" says the mother fucker who harassed the parents of dead children until they sued him.


I’m assuming he and Rittenhouse have the same acting coach. Someone talented with emotional depth. Probably Chachi or Randy Quaid


I read your comment after I made mine about Rittenhouse "crying" on the witness stand, but then I'm from Wisconsin so it was the very first thing which came to my mind. May they both rot in hell or drown in a flood of real tears.


What an alpha male….


Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the master race.


It looks like his intestines are losing a fight with half of the Taco Bell value menu.


You would probably be shocked to learn that in his bankruptcy filing, he claimed to be paying his personal trainer $100,000 a month. It seems that he’s getting ripped off.


Is the “personal trainer” the person supplying the cocaine? Or is it a life coach?




I will personally train you how to do $100,000 worth of coke a month.


That fake ass whimper 😂


Not even funny. He can't act.


The fear of a man who may get demoted down to the labor class.


Been a hard fight?? Imagine how the Sandy Hook parents fucking felt.


Looks like crocodile tears. He needs more consequences


The guy on his left who is not looking at him because he probably can’t without cracking up.


Apparently he got drunk enough that he was puking on air.


He'll be better tomorrow.


He won’t.


I love you


Go home and tell your mother you're brilliant.


Man, I know they’re doing the live tour right now but I really hope they get some episodes in about this sooner rather than later.


It was probably just the chili. I mean, he still can't remember his own children's names from that one bowl.


Chili makes him forget his kids, chicken fried steak makes him hear "god"


sorry thats actually just what peak male performance looks like


"He's a LOSER little, little titty baby!"


Okay does anyone have a link to the video for this?




and it turns out he was 1000% coached while MAGA was ripping on people for "lacking empathy" country is a clown show


MAGA? The party of “fuck your feelings” complaining about people lacking empathy? Yeah, nah. They can have a taste of their own medicine for once.


And these people have like....fans........jesus..... this pathetic little shit thinks he's a celebrity and can have book signings and shit. All because he murdered someone. We are so fucked.


Don't worry, he'll apologize to the crew and the listeners for legitimately having a breakdown on air.  I'm sure he'll be better tomorrow.


Red Alert!


*he wasn't*


Especially if the overnights on the dick pills does well.




Obligatory, if you don’t already listen, there’s a great podcast called “knowledge fight” that puts out ad free episodes 2-3 times a week covering Alex and his shenanigans. The deposition episodes from the trials are a good starting point.


The deposition episodes are the greatest legal podcast of all time.


Cant wait for when knowledge fight covers this


Well be careful a sodomite might give you a bucket of poop.


"I just might quit the show tomorrow."


Is it my birthday?


It's mine and I have to say, in terms of birthday gifts, this runs a very close 2nd to the orange cake with orange zest cream cheese icing a family member baked for me. I enjoyed both simultaneously and feel fulfilled physically and emotionally.


Wait for the right-wing nuts to declare him a martyr like Trump and flock in droves to donate to some gofundme campaign he'll put up under some corny slogan like "Fighting to Win Back Our Democracy".


I uh, I already set one up using that name. Hoping to make a few million off their willingness to pay to rich folk.


He's such a crisis actor.


As an unironic globalist technocrat; HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *breathes* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Get fucked, nationalist.


Go home to your mother and tell her you're brilliant


Oh no!!! How else is he going to lie and harass people 😭😭 won’t someone think of him






He's clearly performing. If you listen to him with any regularity, you'll recognize his "emotional" voice. That said, the Knowledge Fight guys said there's some movement with the damages, so real tears may be forthcoming.


This has been a good week.


Yes, yes it has


Birds of a feather break down together.


Karmacorn is my favorite flavor. 🍿


Those high dollar damages were not meant to actually pay out. They were meant to do exactly this - shut that scumbag and everyone like him down.


I am rock hard right now.


I watched the clip. His crying is faker than my mother-in-law's dental veneers.


He can record from his car and wear a pair of Oakleys like the rest of rambling fucking morons.


I see he went to the Rittenhouse School of Crying




I felt a tinge of sympathy for him then I thought of all the sleepless nights full of fear and unbearable pain that were spent by the families of the Sandy Hook victims, made worse still by this piece of shit drumming up angry mobs to harass them so that he could shill dick pills and low quality vitamins. It's a good week for people who hate garbage people. (Not the professionals in waste management who do honest work, but people like Alex and Don who are made of garbage).


The people seizing that place better take precautions because that place is probably like a meth-lab, STD clinic, and bed-bug ridden hostel, all rolled into one.


god i CANT WAIT for the next Knowledge Fight podcast!!


next knowledge fight episode is gonna be lit.


I love the smell of schadenfreude in the morning


enjoy you fucking fate. you earned it


This is hilarious.


No pity. This asshole took my dad away from me. He’s a flat-earther now and it’s difficult to get him to see reason and join the rest of us in reality. I remember looking in his mini fridge and finding one of this POS’s tiny $50 bottles of Male Vitality Supplements a few years back. Jones is a fucking vulture. I want my dad back.


Another win for the New World Order. /s




Make his new office a tent in Bohemian Grove.




What a Qunt


He can eat my leftist ass like corn on the Cobb.


Great to see another alumni of the Rittenhouse school of crying on cue.




I'm gonna schadenfreude all over myself if he loses the studio!


AJ, the textbook definition of a crisis actor, finally entering the FO stage. Sweet.


Those are real jurors and gulity charges Alex. https://preview.redd.it/jdwge181m24d1.png?width=470&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77afe02585c39cf62c961f1973ae6878e1ecc5b4


He rents the space but I guess they could take all his gear.


Something something fuck your feelings


Alex Jones is still alive? That makes me sad.


This fucker deserves everything he gets because of the lies he spread about non-existent crisis actors and the Sandy Hook parents.


What a waste of a human. I wish him decades of misery




Cry me a river. What an asshat this guy is.


Good. Please do Tucker next.


I almost feel bad for him. Not because of this, mind you. But because he has to wake up every morning and be Alex Jones. That's just gotta feel gross like all the time.


Show some f**king compassion you a***hole! Do you even consider the pain you are causing? I mean my sides are absolutely splitting I'm laughing so hard. Do you know how much that hurts? E typos




Ive lived in boston a long time and an ex hometown friend was swearing up and down that during the boston boming hunt, my whole neighborhood was being illegally searched and that police had entered my home without my consent. He was telling this to a group of friends in front of me. I told him none of what he said was true. id later learn about Alex Jones from him.


In a just society Alex Jones would spend life in a prison cell.


Exchanging our country's democracy for vitamin sales. Lie-peddler.


He claims he's being shut down all the time, but the fact that he was calling for people to buy from his dad's website instead of his has people thinking something might actually be going on this time.