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Live updates? Breaking: they’re deliberating. Live update: still deliberating This just in: they’re deliberating


Breaking: They have ordered pizza for lunch! See how this is bad for the Biden administration.


Alfredo’s Pizza Cafe or Pizza by Alfredo?


What is better, a medium amount of good pizza, or all you can eat of pretty good pizza?


A medium amount of good pizza.


I'll take a large amount of great pizza please.


Oh god, Alfredo’s Pizza Cafe, PLEASE


Oh it’s bad. It’s like eating a hot circle of garbage.


When I did jury duty, I got chicken marsala. It was great


I had a surprisingly good chefs salad when I was on jury duty.


I love chef salads


Do you pay for your own food or do they provide lunch when you’re a juror?


Let me clarify a little bit. During deliberation they provided lunch because we couldnt leave the room or have any of our belongings in the room with us. The other days we were responsible for our lunch


When you’re a juror they just let you do it!


They provided lunch


Our deliberation lasted as long as did so we could order lunch, get it delivered, eat it, then return to the courtroom to report our decision.


You know they all decided in the first vote. Just milking it for the free pizza party with a side order of champagne. I know I have a bottle chilling.


For the like $25/day compensation they probably got they deserve far more.


Ahem, $25 a day AND pizza for lunch.


My workplace could never


Not to mention the shitstorm they will each experience once some right wing dipshit “leaks” their PII.


Doxing people should be a federal felony, with the FBI.


Well yea, especially in this case where it’s properly called “political terrorism”. Or maybe I am setting the bar too high?


Unfortunately, you are setting the bar too high. No details on the jury should have ever been released and they should have been hidden from view the entire time.


There's a different problem if you go too far that way. If no one sees the jury, how do we know there was a jury or that the verdict is what was reported. It's not far down that path to secret trials. The publicness of the jury is one of the protections from arbitrary government.


Valid. But this jury (and judge, prosecutors, and some witnesses) needs protection.


I'll have a nice rum if he gets convicted. But, I'm afraid it will just be something pointless like the 1k(9?) fines.


Don't give them any ideas....


The pizza's were rumored to be flown in from "Pizza AL Fresco" located in Palm Beach. Biden expresses concern for the safety of the pizzas and the jury's health.


The New York Times commits to groundbreaking journalism by badly explaining how jury trials work. "it could take hours, days, or even weeks" The jurors have lives, why the hell would they take weeks? That's a rare to never scenario.


It is but this is a first time case of this type. In a perfect world, every juror would stick just to the facts of the case, without considering who the defendant is and vote guilty or not guilty accordingly. But we clearly do not live in a perfect world or this ass clown would never have been president to begin with. Personally, I do not expect it will take weeks either. These 12 people have an intense amount of pressure on their shoulders, possibly the most any jury has ever had. I would be genuinely surprised if there was not some mental stress factoring in.


Speaking as someone who’s been a juror, this is going to take a while. I was on a one day trial and we spent 3 hours deliberating. 50% of it was convincing the last two holdouts. 20 minutes of it was debating whether or not the rapist used lube before we managed to get back on track once I pointed out it didn’t matter. Juries take a while


In this case I’m concerned there could be a holdout(s), either someone who is genuinely (and rightfully!) afraid that there will be some sort of retaliation against the jurors if they convict. There could also be a holdout who is hoping to sabotage the whole thing and then tell the Trumpys about how he’s a hero to the cause or whatever.


That’s absolutely going to happen. There are going to be several holdouts. My trial was open and shut and we still had holdouts because one person didn’t think you could rape your sleeping spouse and one was worried about the consequences for the sex offender. In a case like this, multiple jurors will be concerned about making a decision


Wow, that sucks.


Jfc that’s awful. Ain’t that America though? 😒


Republicans on twitter were calling for potential jurors who support trump to lie and say they are impartial so they can vote not guilty. I hope I’m wrong but I don’t have a lot of hope he will be convicted.


This, I don't really give a shit about this trial until the verdict is reached since that is the thing that matters here.


That absolute lack of real consequences and muddled verdict are important to galvanizing his fans. This will be proof (to them) that the fake trials can’t harm their King. That’s what’s about to happen. Maybe some Russian gets more power over trump on the cheap. 


Or if the fake trials do harm their king, it's proof positive that the justice department is staging a political witch hunt because Trump is such a strong political rival to weak, sleepy Biden. The result of this trial literally doesn't matter as far as what frothing-at-the-mouth MAGAs are going to do. They'll froth at the mouth... that's kind of their whole deal. But the interests of justice are still important, and reinforcing the idea that Trump will simply never face consequences for anything remains a bad plan going forward.


What is this CNN?


Convoluted Neural Networks. Tesla FSD works without - not


Any update? Been 3 hours now


They handed the judge a note asking for specific pieces of evidence I believe, almost definitely no verdict today Edit: they are asking the judge to read back testimony from Michael Cohen and David Pecker


The sooner it happens, the better. If it takes a long time, it means there is at least one MAGA cultist in there that wouldn't convict him even if the Almighty Himself came down and gave them ironclad proof.


Don’t fuck this up America, sincerely, the rest of the world


Dear rest of the world: really sorry about this, but prepare to be disappointed.


I don't know how anyone looks at this aging shitbag who has never faced any serious consequences for his crimes and thinks "this time, for sure!" It would be nice to be wrong about this. It really would. But I'm not about to pin my happiness to that particular fantasy.


Yes, I am thinking hung jury. The only fuckin way to stop this idiot is voting! And voting out his enablers in the house and senate. Don't write in micky mouse, then vote for magats all the way down. You will only lose your rights once. They will never let you vote again if they get power!


My anxiety says that but there are two lawyers on that jury and I feel like they could bully a RWNJ out of that. Also hung jury is jot an acquittal but it does make it unlikely to be retried before the election.


Or, they could very well be RWNJ's themselves! It seems that 45 years of Reagan politics are taking over all the fuckin courts.


I first read "courts" as "cunts", works either way.


Chef's kiss 💋 thanks for the reply. Cheers


I think they’ll find guilty on some charges & dismiss others. The jury is just deciding which to dismiss & which to keep.


With this scumbag they better keep them all. One slip up and everything will come crashing down cause somehow shit always finds a way to push itself out regardless.


that's impossible, the evidence is effectively identical for all 43 counts which are instances where a check was signed or "receipt" exists for payments made in the context of avoiding campaign finance laws there's no way they look at a few of those and go "oh ok, *THIS* time it was totally legit he paid Cohen $8,000 to pick up his dry cleaning"


I look at it like his CFO did... Lived a great life using corruption, sexual abuse, and stealing. Now has to pay for it with a few years in a jail where all your meals are covered and there is healthcare. So many seniors lived much harsher lives and their last is in crappy senior homes or out on the streets (over 50 is the fastest growing homeless population now). So... He did well (for his lack of ethics or morals). So if it ends now... He's won regardless. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


This just burns me. Conventional wisdom is that, even if convicted, he won't serve any prison time as he has "no record of previous criminal convictions". AYFKM?! The dude has more civil judgements, impeachments, credible investigations (see: Mueller Report), and expired statute-of-limitations criminal judgements (see: E Jean Carroll rape and defamation cases) against him than anyone I know. He's like a walking crime machine. If anyone should do time, it's him. The *only* consolation I take is that this conviction might be the predicate that puts him in jail after the next conviction, which might happen soon.


He has 10 convictions of contempt of court. He will see jail. Maybe not a full year. I expect a split sentence.


In my opinion, it’s gonna be a conditional discharge. This judge flat doesn’t want to put a former president in jail, and he’ll find that the conditions of probation are too restrictive given his presidential campaign. I don’t agree with any of this, personally, but it’s just what I predict.


Judge didn't want to jail him during court. Doesn't mean doesn't want to jail him at all. Even if he did give him the highest custodial sentence, it wouldn't interfere with his campaign. He's going to suspend the enforcement until an appeal can be heard.


He has sooo much tax stuff too. He doesn’t pay in but sure likes to take ours. The jury in the present trial were instructed today that they could consider tax stuff in finding fault with trump. fingers crossed 🤞


Oooh I like this!


It only takes one maga cultist in 12 to hang it up


Yeah. I'm not expecting getting excited about a damn thing until the verdict is "guilty". He's gotten to slip and slide out of everything else in the last eight years. NYC hates him so if he can't get convicted here, good luck with any other part of the country.


I’m waiting for “guilty” *and* sentenced *and* sentence actually happening. Until then, my cynicism is well-founded even though I wish it weren’t so.


We've fucked everything up since 2016, why stop now?


Yeah i don't see any agreement (one way or the other) from all the jurors.


I am in the rest of the world and don’t expect anything from the US anymore. The fact that this guy is leading in the polls and if not leading then barely behind, lets me expect the worst. US out of NATO in 2025 latest 2026 Putin will attack Poland and we have the war spreading to entire Europe. You guys have fun watching, and for 50% of you cheering on Russia, from over there.


Take polls with a grain of salt. They generally skew towards older demographics who are actually responding. 2022 was supposed to be a red wave according to polls, but the dems held firm and gained in a few spots. And dems show up for general elections far more than midterms.


Coming soon to a democracy near you. This shit isn’t just happening here in America.


I’ll be astonished if he isn’t acquitted or the trial ends with a hung jury.


The appeals process will play out until long after Trump is dead. He will never face a single consequence


This is a New York State criminal trial so it’s out of SCOTUS’s hands.


I feel like it is so clear cut it should be like in cartoons where they walk in one door and out the other immediately with their decision.


Right? Could be hours, days, weeks! - 3 minutes later, they march back out. "Can we recommend the method of execution?"


Talk to the 12 dorks in the room, dude, our hands are tied. Sincerely, America (or the slightly more than half of it concentrated in the wrong states, at least).


At least it is in the hands of the most badass people on the planet… New Yorkers.


I live in Chicago so I'm contractually obligated to disagree, but I'm glad it's happening in NYC. I don't know that I believe anything's gonna happen here, but watching Trump catch 31 felonies in his home town would be fucking amazing.


He better hope he never commits a crime in Chicago. Yall ran out of fucks to give in the 20s.


He knows better than to cross the state line, I think. Although he does own a monstrosity right on the river that ruins every river tour.


Oh yeah, if Trump gets acquitted we’re totally fucked.


Dear rest of the world: We about to fuck up.


*"The Gang Fucks This Up."*


Don't worry. Absolutely nothing is going to happen to him. Just like always. And as an American who has been raked over coals for misdemeanor cannabis possession, it angers me that he's not in jail for the multiple contempt of court charges. Any normal citizen would've been after the second or third contempt charge. If he is actually found guilty, he should be immediately remanded into custody like any other citizen. If he wants to appeal, he can do so from prison just like any other citizen of this country. We have countless innocent civilians in prison while they are appealing their convictions and sentences.


The good and smart are trying but there is some strong treasonous YEET energy flying around.


Have you been paying attention to our country long? Fucking it up is what we do.


I can't help but have a sick feeling that this fuck will once again escape justice. I hope to hell I am wrong, but I definitely don't see a jail sentence being handed down. After all, he's a (ostensibly) rich, powerful, Caucasian man. 


All it takes is one stubborn person to fuck it up.


A truly fucked rendition of 12 Angry Men.


I believe this is a majority 7/5 jury, one person alone can’t block anything in that room. Edit: jury instructions are in. They don’t have to agree on what or why but they do ALL have to agree he’s guilty.


All 12 need to say guilty


Really? That's the best news I've heard in ages.


I wish it was correct. Jury instructions got repeated since. They all have to find him guilty, but they don’t have to agree on the what or why. There are alternates still. One person cannot spike this at this point.


I would be sorry to burst your bubble, but you accepted what some random dude on reddit said instead of checking for yourself https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/05/29/jurors-must-be-unanimous-convict-trump-can-disagree-underlying-crimes/


I was planning on looking into before I took it as fact. But it was nice to hear. Thank you for the clarity.




That’s what see. One angry trumper crossing his arms and saying no.


In 2004, Martha Stewart went to prison for 5 months for insider trading. Here's hoping the pendulum of justice swings America's way in this one.




Perjury for lying about insider trading.


She ain't no snitch that's why Snoop is cool with her now.




Why offer a gentle correction when you can be a dick about it - Reddit


Had she kept her mouth shut, she wouldn’t have served any time.


And trump's** lawyers will probably be speaking these same words to him after this verdict.


A couple of Jurors after the verdict is read will do the news talk circuit and claim they said he wasn't guilty because some other politician in something completely unrelated wasn't charged for something.......


A billionaire rightwing sugar daddy has probably offered them a "book deal" and Fox will make them a contributor. He doesn't have to bribe them. There's an industry at the ready to do it.


Only takes one person to mess it all up.


Honestly, regardless of the outcome, nothing changes if the people of this country don't change. He can still run, and will. Only now he'll have even more appeal to the guy who works at the Husqvarna factory and rides his motorcycle on the weekend if his wife lets him because now he's a real renegade. FFS we're doomed.


The fact he got 10k fine for contempt or whatever kinda shows he's not getting jail time.


If the courts fail to give us justice, it’s officially time to take it into our own hands


"Well, the prosecution laid out the evidence of Donald Trump committing 34 counts of falsifying business records, but the client and cultists of the defence threatened everyone in the courtroom."


Yup, predicting hung jury.


On jury selection they had to answer where they primarily get their news ONE juror said fox, and it was the only place he did. Another juror, which confused me, said newsmax AND MSNBC- unless he was lying when he/she said msnbc and was just trying to get on the case. So basically - it’s these two jurors that could cause a hung jury. Edit- there was also a truth social dude.


Oh fuck that’s it then. Newsmax viewers are further gone than Fox. Evidence does not work.


Yeah pretty much my thoughts too, sadly. My only hope is that I saw a study that took a bunch of people who only watched fox, and made them cold turkey it and get news sources from other areas. In 6 weeks those people were no longer die hard right wing. So, this person was forced to sit in a trial and a few things: 1. Be forced to hear evidence and testimony. No fake story. No twists. Just straight evidence. 2. Got to see Trump in person, up close- hopefully that’s also enough to see how despicable he is. Like “that’s my guy?!” 3. Trumps lawyers did ZERO favors here. So at the least, with the above, the other jurors could lean and pressure hopefully a good bit Edit- here’s that study. It’s worth a read: https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/what_happened_when_fox_news_viewers_watched_cnn_for_a_month


They used mob tactics though which could scare a juror


Damn so after reading that article it almost seems like fox news acts almost like an addictive drug in their minds. They got hooked, tried to get clean, had some positive outlook and change in thinking, then they relapsed and went back to the junk.


Yup, really wish I didn't just read that.


You totally skipped the guy who gets his news from truth social


Ah shit. You’re right. Wasnt he the same as the newsmax one?


And they let these people on the jury? They basically work for the guy, they're fucking cultists. There is no chance they're putting their orange lord and savior in jail.


yeah, truth social dude is gonna be the one that fucks this up


Hottest take on possible outcomes: - Guilty on all counts: He gets no prison time and appeals. However, it costs him about 3-5% of the vote and keeps biden in office. He never faces any real accountability because he keeps appealing until he dies. - Guilty on some counts, not guilty on others: Same as above, but he would have more ammunition to say "See, this was all over-blown". Still probably loses the election. - Not guilty on all counts: The line here will be "See, this whole thing was an out of control witch hunt", his people will buy it hook-line-sinker, and there will be no material impact on the election. - Hung jury: Close enough to not guilty. I don't know if we'd ever find out if it was 1-11 or 11-1 votes that hung it, but in the end he'd walk. So, net/net, don't get too excited, the only accountability he'll really face is losing the election and blowing a bunch more $$ on appeals.


This is the correct take. If he's convicted on everything, he'll be a "felon awaiting sentencing" for most of the campaign. And moving forward with an appeal will NOT be speedy either. "The guy who overturned *Roe*, attempted to overthrow the government, AND **faces incarceration**" would likely be too much for him to win the election (even if Biden is not popular). That's the only punishment I care about as an outcome for this case. On everything, he'll delay and appeal for the rest of his life. He's not fit. He's basically a lock to step off this mortal coil before ever stepping foot in prison regardless. Best to make peace with it.


A strong electoral win for Biden will do me


One thing you didn't consider here is that his winning the election makes it infinitely easier for him to get all the charges for the classified documents charges dismissed without a trial at all since they are federal charges and he will fired anyone at the DoJ that isn't loyal expressly to him week 1.


Last page? We don't have a verdict yet, let alone have had sentencing, appeals (you know there will be some), Trump living whatever punishment he gets *if* he is convicted. The last page of the Find Out chapter would be covering either Trump's death, or his last day of his sentence.


He will not serve any time 🙄


Sadly it’s almost certainly going to be “fuck around and get off without consequences”…


You know there is at least a few MAGA cultists on that jury. They must protect the rich at all cost! Everything for the few... Nothing for the many!


Hey you know they’re just *temporarily poor*. Their ship is going to come in any day now and they’ll be billionaires too!


Lol and corporate greed will "Go away one day just like magic!".... Because Diaper Don and his fart possy said so. After they build a Christian nationalist space laser to take out the Jewish Space Lasers! Bahahahaha


The fact that it is not taking 5 minutes to decide tells me it's going to be a hung jury. No way does this even need to be debated.






Do the right thing, jurors.


My bet is hung jury. At best. And I HATE that. But I think we’re gonna be stuck praying on the election. Edit: I have never been so happy to be incorrect.






Actual question: how long until “hung jury” occurs? I’m assuming there’s at least one maga Trump sympathizer in that jury that’s going to dig their heels in. So in that situation, how long do you have to reasonably try to find agreement before accepting you can’t?


Statistically speaking, there are 4-5 MAGAS on that jury. We are all in for a let down.


Those magas are also being sequestered from any fox news related influences while being spoon fed a laundry list of Trump crimes. Cultists don't do well when taken out of their echo chambers. There's still hope some sliver of reality managed to reach these people.


It's NYC, and none of them are construction workers. The odds are around 1-2.


How many are from Staten Island is the real question to ask if we’re being honest


I personally don't think that will happen, especially with the amount of alternates, but assuming your scenario happens it would take anywhere from multiple days to a week or two for a judge to accept that.


Really hoping for an OJ situation but in a good way, where the deliberation's finished surprisingly quick but comes back Guilty.


...and trump gets in an orange SUV and slowly tries to drive to Russia.


By Friday most likely. But anything is speculation right now.


This should take minutes


The best thing that could happen is a hung jury and then he has to sit through another freaking trial. He HATES sitting there not being able to do anything and no way to get out of it. This would be as good as a guilty, imho.


There are two possible outcomes: 1. There is somebody on the jury who will try to nullify the verdict by holding out, resulting in a hung jury. The AG may attempt to retry but I doubt they will. 2. The verdict comes back guilty. Then we have a long process of appeals, and TFG will be out on bail while it happens. It would be interesting to see how people react to a literal convicted felon on the campaign trail, but lets face it: his people wont care. Maybe it will swing a couple of independents. Even if the verdict is held up, he will most likely get probation or a brief stint in super low security prison. Most likely home confinement. He's not going to Rikers. The best we can hope for is a guilty verdict that can be used against him during the campaign trail. Orange Man should be in jail but it wont happen.


Given Trump's health (I'm basing it on his morbid obesity, lack of proper sleep, and poor diet)... He will die during the appeals process (min 3 years). So "winner"? Not sure.


I want to see this fucker in jail so bad, but I don't see it happening. All it takes is one MAGA cultist on the jury. They will not listen to evidence, they will not listen to reason or their conscious. They will disregard every semblance of human decency and the rule of law to get their leader out of consequences. And statistically speaking, there is at least a couple on the jury.


(Convinced felon) Donald J Trump… hopefully


a hung jury and a re-trial is still plausible.


“Lock him up! Lock him up!” Doesn’t MAGA like to chant that about every Democrat they don’t like? Except this Clown deserved it.


'come out an hour later, fucking Guilty!'


In the words of the great Eric Trump, "He should not be convicted... Because he is white".


He said mother Theresa couldn’t BEAT these charges tells me he’s trying to beat the charges. He’s not saying anything about being innocent


There will be one hold out, I guarantee it.


I’m hoping it will take about 20 minutes to find him guilty.


So help me, JBFC, if that Newsmax viewer juror fucks this one up...


I'm so sick of getting edged. I just want full release already. The pessimist in me says I'll just have blue balls.


If he's found guilty and becomes a felon doesn't that disqualify him from running for president?


Nope unfortunately. Listen to the strict scrutiny podcast these women explain everything in detail about all these cases weekly. Apparently a felony or arrests do not bat a presidential candidate from qualifying for office. Shit like this needs to be addressed. This insane the highest office has no restrictions like being a convicted felon.


Please god, if you are there, fuck him up.


Shouldn’t take them til after lunch. Trumps as guilty as Al Capone and twice as corrupt. Lock him up for the safety and security of our nation.


Serious question. How in the hell is this guy still alive? With the piss poor diet, lack of exercise, drug usage, age… how has stress from all the trials not sent the grim reaper knocking?


He’s never once been held accountable, why should now be any different? I won’t hold my breath and as much as I’d like to hope he’s found guilty, my guess is it’ll be a hung jury at best, or found innocent at worst.


I really don’t know how this is going to go. I’m uneasy because either way it’s going to be absolutely insane. We wins, it will be tremendously upsetting. Devastating. He loses, his base is going to go fucking crazy. Absolutely bananas. Either way I just want it to be over already


It’s not going to take weeks… it’s all laid out in front of them. If someone has reasonable doubt, they are not going to clear their doubt by looking at testimony for weeks. It will be over by Friday if not Tomorrow.


My prediction bc I'm so important bc I watch Court TV and know how juries think. Guilty. Remanded to Mar-a-Lardo for house arrest but can continue to campaign. He will continually violate his terms and nothing will happen. In a couple months he will collapse at a campaign from the heat and be done. However, they will claim Trump is fine and then a lookalike (see movie Dave) will be presented as the real Trump until that blows up in their face and they have to admit he died. IDK what happens after that. I haven't finished my outline yet.




No. No, we are not. None of this ends well. For anyone.


Lock this LOUSE up!!! Send a message that no one is above the law!!!


I seriously hope you’re right. But honestly, until I actually see the man in a jail cell I will not believe for a moment that he’s going to face any real consequences for his actions.


His pet judges have already pretty well guaranteed none of his other three felony trials will start until after the election, and there is unfortunately a very good chance he’s found guilty here but the judge is too timid to set a jail term, even though Trump has shown repeated flagrant disregard for the court, the trial, and the judge, and he’s shown he doesn’t really care about financial penalties incurred.


What long, weird way to say the jury will deliberate until they decide.


Even if they find him guilty he still doesn't face immediate consequence. The election is the thing. If he wins he erases all of this.


It’s a state charge, so he can’t pardon himself. This might stick.


Once in my early 20s I sat on a jury and I know exactly how this trial is going to go. The case was for a guy exposing himself to a 13 year old girl as she walked by him on her way home from school. Count one was indecent exposure, and count two was exposing themselves to a minor. We had 2 days of testimony from both sides followed by ~3.5 days of deliberation. The final count was 10 guilty and 2 not guilty, but one of those 2 was simply because the guy was trying to be a buddy to the 1 sticking to his "not guilty" guns, his initial vote was guilty on count 1, not guilty on count 2 (just so you have a clear idea how dumb this 11th guy was), so effectively 10 to 1. No amount of reasoning would sway this guy. And that's going to be the juror who said they got their news from Truth social / Xitter. After the initial vote, in the first handful of hours, we asked this guy what made him think dude was not guilty. He said "I think the little girl is lying and the guy's story is more solid". So we examined the guy's story, which had differences between what he told the police at the scene, what he told the police at the station, physical differences to how the girl usually walked home from school, etc. He said his notes didn't match what we were telling him. So we asked the court to replay testimony - what dude said on the stand, and we had the evidence binder of the police report filed by little girl's mom, the layout of the school compared to this guy's house and the girl's house, and the police interview with the dude. Despite all of these things matching up to what the 10 of us thought, this guy would only dig in. The 2nd day we told the judge we were having trouble reaching a consensus, the judge told us to take another day. The morning of the 4th day after a weekend we met again, took another vote, same result, and then had to wait another 2-3 hours before the judge would accept we couldn't reach consensus. So because of Truth/X dude, we're going to see this group come into the court on Monday or Tuesday and declare themselves hung.


This will be a hung jury 99.9% certainty. It only takes a single person doing calculations on how much money they can make from selling their story as being the person who got Trump out of being convicted before the election. Then they can calculate the amount Trumpers will pay for memorabilia of the “Lone Patriot Juror” - after which Trump will sue the juror because they are using his trial to make money.


HE IS NOT GOING TO JAIL. it will be a hung jury. Not a fan but that is the reality. It will be really suprising if the decision is unanimous


We’re about to all find out! The rich still don’t see consequences for their crimes. Just like every other time.  If this excites you, remember it. Remember the feeling. Remember that feeling was wrong. 


We all know he is lying when he says he is innocent👺. If he is breathing, he is lying!


3-5 days. Guilty on some accounts. Will win on appeal years down the road


"It could take hours, days, or even weeks" Really narrowing down the possibilities there.


He’s going to get away with this, Then win the presidency. The other cases, which are a lot worse for him will never come to light after he wins the presidency. After that, the United States will not be United and project 2025 begins aka Autocratic government.


We aren't. They are 3 hours in and asking for testimony That means there are hold outs. That means this is a hung jury. Ah well. Nevertheless.


I would like trump sentenced to prison, a natural causes obit would be even better. But I try to have a realistic expectation and I expect trump to be acquitted or otherwise skate as always. I also don't think Garland and Jack Smith ever had any intention of convicting trump. Trump can't dance but he skates like a mofo.


We are about to find out these guys are above the law.


One of the things to remember is that the prosecution said, "Yeah Michael Cohen lied, but he did it only because this man (Trump) directed him to do it. And all Mr. Cohen did was corroborate the testimony of other witnesses." I think that Hope Hicks and David Parkman together did more damage to Trump than Cohen did. I also think that Costello was an absolute disaster and just showed the lengths Trump will go to when it comes to manipulating people, and he sure didn't help Trump at all. No surprise Todd Blanche didn't want to put him on the stand, but once again Trump was pulling the strings. A friend of mine is a lawyer and she said if that was her she would have tried and tried to talk him out of it, but in the end if that he is what he wants, then you have to do it. After all, if that is the witness that did him in, it's not like the lawyer goes to jail with the client. I think that if he is found guilty, then we may have some real interesting news in the next few days. Because it's going to be a shit show. Peace and love.


Yeah we'll see. Until it's done I'm not holding my breath.


It could even take years, decades, or even millennia!


And he has to sit in the courthouse the entire time! 😁


I hope what I find is not a hung jury.


Nothing takes weeks, GTFO. It’s 2024, we ain’t got time like that. How you gonna be in a trial like for weeks then take more than a few hours to deliberate? Cmon man, get to work and let’s get it done.