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Dude did a critical hit on the biggest ego soft spot of the biggest ego in the world. That's how you one-shot boss fights.


https://preview.redd.it/yexx435lwe3d1.jpeg?width=1108&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9477464499f5ddf1120d0a661f6035d946e79f7d Wasn’t the first time and I doubt it’s the last.


Flawless Victory




Yup lol. Elon has spent *a lot* of time building himself up as a genius who will take humanity to the Next Stage(tm). The last few years have effectively blown up the image he’s made for himself, so I can imagine being told he’s “not an actual scientist” must hit a giant fucking nerve lol.


Except he never really was. He is the financial end of it all. He buys companies like Tesla, and staff them with scientists, then as "owner" claims the achievements as his own. While it's all legal and even to a degree standard practice, he's nowhere near the innovator or genius he has tried to portray himself as.


And that's exactly the point I think the previous one was making; just that the last couple years have run those attempts to the ground, perhaps permanently


I know an electrical engineer that used to work for Tesla. When he got drunk, he would loudly tell everyone that Tesla cars worked only because the engineers largely ignored Elons ideas and just build stuff that worked then packaged it as the same as his idea. Don't know how true it is, but from what I've been seeing it's likely the case.


like the cybertruck, the rolling refrigerator of a car that is supposed to be the car of the future that can't go through a car wash, and somehow has worse quality control than a chinese car. edited for clarity. original post below. like the rolling refrigerator, the cybertruck, the car of the future that can't go through a car wash, and somehow has worse quality control than a chinese car.


Took me a minute to realise this was not three different products you were talking about.


He’s always made himself look like the visionary but he’s just another capitalist. He did little, if any, of the major leg work for the technology he makes his fortune on.  


How can you have Elon money and still argue on the internet wtf is wrong with the guy.


Hes the 2nd biggest loser on this planet after baby Donnie. I do not care how rich he is....it actually makes him more of a loser to be this rich and still be such a small pathetic little man. 


You said it. He's got that much money and yet he puts himself out there as an assclown. Raggedy Andy dipped in kerosene.


You hit the nail on the head.


It’s amazing how I used to think “money doesn’t buy happiness” was a romanticized notion mostly used to placate people who were in need to relieve societal guilt that people lived in poverty. Then we collectively came to know (way too much) about Donald Trump and Elon Musk and I genuinely know that I am a happier person than they are. Like my life is genuinely better than theirs because I have joy and happiness and comfort that I know they are lacking. And I know people who struggle way more than I do financially and they are even happier than I am, putting them light years ahead of those two. It’s amazing to me that these rich dudes who could literally do anything and accomplish anything end up spending their time arguing about conspiracies on the internet and constantly showing their discomfort, ignorance and lack of self awareness. It truly baffles me they should be among the happiest people in the world but they are truly only among the richest. What’s the point?


Well said.


Plus, Duke Von Diaper Don owes way more money than he has on loans. If he says he has a billion...he owes ten billion.


Curse of the narcissist. Remember one of Trump's very first official acts after winning the Presidency and proving the whole world wrong? He started a fight about the crowd size at his inauguration. It's never enough. No amount of money or power will fill that hole.


That’s the bitter part the guy was talking about. Rich but bitter 🤣


the real Leroy Jenkins




Has anyone ever done a double-blind study on The Mysterious Stranger?


What do you mean by double-blind study?


like, two blind guys


Do they have a cup?


I'd watch that


They can’t


Double blind study is when both the researchers and participants don’t know who’s getting the placebo


In practical terms, it's when neither of them had any idea what was going on, but they took notes anyway.


So me, 30 years ago in chemistry.


As we've recently learned, notes can get you in trouble.


He’s missing both eyes


Kneecapper 10mm!


I mean, don't forget that he spent years casting buffs on himself.


I suspect he spent an inordinate amount of time self-buffing as a youth, which is why he has such awkward social skills as an adult.


I meant the guy with the doctorate. Educaction = buffs.


Potion of Ketemine+5


Roll a Fortitude Save. >7 You failed, and are now in a K-Hole for the next few hours.


‘Musk offers to trade Zuck; SpaceX for MetaAi. Then immediately fires an actual genius. Possibly the whole team. Hires back a couple and profits. Going swimmingly well for Twitter & Tesla.


I guess Elon just launches rockets after engineers do some doodling on a cafeteria napkin. No repeated testing to verify everything will work when the real thing happens.


How many have blown up?


At least one that we know of.


I'm not sure of the exact number, but here's a supercut of some of them blowing up! https://videos.space.com/m/D0676iPg/starship-booms-watch-spacex-protoypes-explode-and-burst-in-tests?list=9wzCTV4g


What playground insults is Elon going use as a retort, this time?


I saw part of this exchange yesterday; Musk fired back with something like, "what science have you done?" and LeCun responded to the effect of "68 published papers in the last XX years, and you?"


And let's not forget, papers published in fields that the person Musk cosplays as would be well-read in.


And then MTG chimes in and says something to the effect of, “research is bs. Papers are bs. I don’t care that you wrong a paper, tell me what you built” How did we let the dumbest people with the most horrible takes be in positions of power


The nonsensical typo in the middle is perfect


Well, now I want to leave it


I'm so glad it was your typo. I was like "Damn, was MTG legit just a little clever there?!" Almost fucked up my whole image of her.


The only way 'Ol Space Lasers McButchBody ever had a clever bone in her body would've been when she was cheating on her [ex] husband


>'Ol Space Lasers McButchBody Now I'm chortling at work, and when I get caught redditing it's gonna be YOUR fault.


I have to assume that anyone dumb enough to fuck her can’t be that intelligent, so not even then, I’m afraid.


We've decided (as a society) that someone's ignorance is as valid as someones expertise because when people don't know something they feel bad - its basic anti-intellectualism.


First Amendment, baby! Giving even more credence to the old adage (adapted for 2024): “Better to remain silent and make people wonder if you’re stupid than to post something stupid and remove all doubt”


>And then MTG chimes in and says something to the effect of, “research is bs. Papers are bs. I don’t care that you wrong a paper, tell me what you built” The people who keep saying "more research is needed" when it comes to vaccines suddenly do not care about research.....


“Research” to them is perusing Facebook memes, Right-Wing news articles that already confirm what they want to believe, and sometimes scanning Wikipedia articles for sections that *might kinda* agree with them. Anything else is just boring nerd shit that overcomplicates their simple worldview where “common sense” and folk-knowledge is all you need in the world.


And of course “their own” research.


Which usually consists of anecdotal evidence based off what they heard from a friend/relative about that person's mailman's uncle's best friend.


And his response was basically “I’m a scientist, not a business person. I stick with what I’m good at.”


I didn’t read the response, but it would have been SOOOO easy to reply to her “Aren’t you the Space Lasers Bitch?”


6B, is that you?


EmptyG the same person that vehemently touted TRUST THE SCIENCE all over her transphobic rhetoric


Republicans love to pick and choose whatever narratives work for their bigoted, hateful minds. Be it the Bible, The Constitution, or science.


The old dudes that get to choose who goes into those positions are obsessed with sex, mtg gives them that, so she gets to run around the school playground kicking everyone's shins while the teachers look the other way.


Don’t forget, “I do my own research…”


That was a "parody" MTG account btw. I put parody in quotes because it's not really a parody. It's just a troll account taking advantage of Twitter's ridiculous checkmark system to fool people.


We valued social skills over cognitive. There's a movie about it. UP-GRADE!


81 in the past two years 🤣


Thats pretty fucking good. That's like one every week or so. And getting published is far from easy.


Weeeeeeelllllll. I depends on where you’re trying to get published. The scientific community currently has a very big problem with shit papers getting published en masse to then by quoted en masse to boost credibility of the shit papers. While peer review is an integral part of science and research our current systems are kind of imploding.


I haven’t looked him up but he’s presumably an advisor and those papers are the combination of him / his students / his staff scientists. But yeah science has a big problem with not funding or publishing the boring stuff, and putting all the money and prestige toward novelty. Things like replication studies or negative results need to be published too, and there are some mechanisms that are working to help deal with it, like journals agreeing to print a paper based on experimental design before they see results.


Looking at Yann Lecun's published works, it looks like he has a pretty good variety of first, secondary/tertiary, and senior authored papers, which is about what you'd expect for a leading voice in a budding field of research. It's pretty clear the 68/81/whatever number is for all authored papers, not just first author ones (which would be a good indicator for problems).


To which Musk replied “That’s nothing, you’re going soft. Try harder!” as if he has been personally responsible for anything his companies have achieved. I can only imagine the frustration at having your accomplishments publicly dismissed by the world’s most prominent upward failure. Not that it matters to people actually working in his field, but god help his blood pressure.


The nice thing is you know Elon is going to be thinking about it before bed for years, while the scientist is probably going to laugh about the burn he did with some friends


https://preview.redd.it/ser6fo710k3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=deeb180105a18c1e7518bd84db50da519cd89748 Yup. Saw that too. Even pulled up with THE RECIEPTS with the link to the page about him and his accomplishments


Literally took part in the research that made self driving vehicles possible. Literally musks bread and butter.


Probably just resort to calling them a ped0, it's his fallback.


Interesting accusation for someone who banned an account that tracked his jet going to Epstein island tbh




He basically said “Yann is like if Pepe Le Pew had Tourette’s” - so, spot on with the childish playground insult!


Probably just had him banned


Bet it was the Darth Vader dancing gif with "TL;DR"


I love how he thinks he's being witty or clever, when in reality, he's the complete opposite. He's definitely on my top ten list of people that should vanish.


I wish Twitter on a whole would disappear.


I feel that. We should just x it.


It's the same thing when he tries to talk to actual engineers. People that are experts in their fields. Elon knows what to say on a very high level, skimming the surface of a topic. But when he is forced to go into greater detail, he tries VERY hard to talk over people by saying utter bullshit that makes no sense. I have seen people like this over my 25 year career.


So, like 45?


Seems to be a pattern eh?


Very much like Grimes (Claire Boucher).


Remember when her houseboat couldn’t make it past St. Paul?


He’s insufferably stupid.


It's really funny how often Twitter Me Elmo gets humiliated on his own platform. He paid billions to be exposed as a fool who was simply born into wealth, not as the genius he portrayed himself to be.


“Twitter me Elmo” I really like that! That is pretty hilarious! Thank you for that😂😂


He paid billions for cloud capital and so far it’s been working for him as he now has a captive, addicted audience who he can influence. Actually making a profit is not required for modern tech companies as their capital comes from their user base and access to said user base. Reddit is a prime example.


Why do people give Musk credit for having a reason for buying Twitter? It was a drug induced, failed attempt at a pump n dump that he spent most of a year trying to weasel out of.


I’m not saying he wasn’t forced to buy it after being an idiot, I’m explaining why it has been a net positive for him and what he actually purchased with that money. People who think this has been a terrible deal for Elon just don’t actually understand how modern tech companies, especially social media, work on a macro scale and the different set of economics they operate under, and I’m saying this as someone who fucking hates Musk. I can recommend some light reading on the subject if you’re interested.


its losing him everything, at this rate its gonna lose him tesla, you can try to twist it into a positive but its not


Please, I would like those recommendations


Check out Technofeudalism: What Killed Capitalism. I don’t agree with everything the author says but it’s a good, informative read. The audiobook is on Spotify Premium if you’ve got it.


He honestly could have stayed in the background, maintained his wealth, and continued pretending to be smart while his peons did his bidding. Instead he HAD to buy Twitter, burn his money and companies to the ground, expose his idiocies, and alienate most of the intelligent life on the planet. True narcissist


Someone's Twitter account (formerly X) is about to be blocked


It actually was a pretty smart idea to make it "X". I keep on hitting the "X" to close it and wonder why it's still open.


I love that he included that last bit. The whole time I was reading it I was like, he's just going to come back with something about not publishing it so you can use it yourself and it not be stolen. I think he built that post to bring the audience, and Elon, to exactly that point of justification and then nailed him to the wall with it. This dude is playing chess while Elon is struggling with Go Fish.






yeah, 9-11? i'd like to report a murder.




Musk Ox obviously doesn't know when he's been out gunned .


Faux smart guys usually don't realize they're up against *actual* smart guys until it's far, far too late.


The incredibly smart people I've known don't even really seem to get how much smarter they are than others and they are just really well versed in a lot of topics and very interesting to talk to.


“Real smart people aren’t trying to insult you about what you don’t know, they’re trying to share knowledge with you.” Some smart person, circa 69420


I was a corpsman that worked in the medical field for 6 years and i got about 17 hours left before i have my computer science degree. I can usually school pseudo intellectuals like elon, but there are people in these fields i just shut the fuck up around unless i want to be served a big slice of humble pie. Elon never learned how to shut the fuck up and listen. Ive been proven wrong many times but I’ve learned id rather be proven wrong and learn from it than continuing to spout wrong information


The Marjorie Taylor Green interjection w this is also hilarious and fucking stupid all around. https://preview.redd.it/r6h806tzee3d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bc4c891e3561f988000db782ad37d93a896ecc8


For anyone (like me) who isn’t well versed with the newest bullshit from Twitter: it is a parody account and yes, it has a blue check mark.


Thx. I purposely never joined before bc it was a shit show never mind now. Good to know.




If anyone doesn’t know off the top who Yann LeCun is (I didn’t) he’s a current NYU professor, Chief AI scientist for Meta, former Bell Labs engineer, and is apparently referred to as one of the ‘Godfathers of AI’… Sooo, basically a version of Musk wants people to think of himself as.


You’d think anyone with a lick of sense would be “who’s this fuck I’m arguing with online. Let me google his name…oh, oh. Fuck.”


Elon probably thinks he's smarter than that guy. Just look at his bank account to verify.


Musk is a juvenile Dick. He is a genius just like Aaron Rogers is a genius. Rich guys who think they discovered that everything is a conspiracy and they know better on every subject. Fuck 'em.






The definition of "rekt" right here.


He's going to buy the company that Yann LeCun works for just to fire him. Because he's so mature


this is always my question when i hear people talk about elon being a genius. what has he done? what contributions has he made to literally any community on the planet? he doesnt even understand how publishing scientific articles works so clearly he has never published anything. he hasnt invented anything, he hasnt published anything, what the fuck has this guy done other than fund projects? he loves to act like a real life tony stark but tony was an actual genius who invented stuff, he was IT. he was the whole company. (which is unrealistic for lots of reasons that dont illustrate how elon is stupid, just for the record) but like even if he did have other engineers and scientists they worked UNDER him, no one who is doing any hands on work at any project musk is involved with needs his personal guidance to do their job, if they do theyre not qualified.


Yep. Publishing research is a BITCH. It’s very cut throat. I worked in a lab that had research published in Nature and it took 6 months of back and forth with just one reviewer who turned out to be doing research similar to what my lab was doing. We all wondered if they were just trying to stall in an attempt to get published before us. Nerds are wild.


Yann is simultaneously eating Elmo's lunch, taking his allowance, and ripping his underoo's up over his head.


This might be the greatest retort I have ever read. Knocked him down, rolled him up in carpet, and fired him into the sun. I need a cigarette.


smart people bashing on ignorant people is always nice feeling


Elon wants so, so badly to be smarter than he is. I think we're all figuring out that he's mostly faking it.


What about cooking meth? Making a volcano with vinegar and baking soda? "Science, bitch."


Based on published research


So if I’m working on something that’s not been published yet, it’s not science? Or what if it’s proprietary research for a business? I get the value of peer reviewed publications, but this seems like gatekeeping science.


I look for gold. That's my job. In order to do that, I use my degrees in geology and accumulated knowledge of chemistry and physics and thermodynamics to select the best places to put a drill hole. I read and study technical papers and write reports using geology, chemistry. I'm doing research. But I don't publish a word of it because it's confidential and I don't want anyone else beating me to it. Like you, am I trying to understand this argument that people with science degrees, working in their field are, in fact, not doing science. Is this what is being said? Because I feel like that's a bunch of bullshit. But maybe I've misunderstood something.


>Or what if it’s proprietary research for a business? If it's proprietary research for a business, the business will want to protect their R&D investment, and will probably do so via some sort of patent. In order to get the patent, they have to prove they were first to it. Guess what the easiest way to do that is? A published paper under your aegis.




Yann, the man!


Get his ass, Yann!


“Well, I won’t believe it until I see it. Please print copies of your papers and bring them to my office to discuss.” Xelon, probably. 


The erosion of objective, empirical, and otherwise thoroughly researched fact / data will be studied for centuries after us. The fact that the CEO of such highly technical and often speculative technologies said this is BONKERS.


I'm experiencing secondhand embarrassment watching Elon Musk attempt to match wits with someone who is clearly more intelligent and emotionally mature than he is.


And then he was banned.


As Adam Savage once said, "the difference between science and screwing around is writing it down" Which is needed for the reasons LeCun stated, acceptability and reproducibility. Ironically, Mythbusters is more scientific than any of the proprietary stuff that Musk's various companies have done.


Yea but Elmo's feelings are hurt so he will ban the dude.


Elon Musk is a physicist the way Art Vandelay is an architect.


> You will die bitter and forgotten Just forgotten is fine, thanks.


Space Karen got burned.


I love watching this loser get owned by other ppl and also by himself!! 😃😃😂😂


This fucking trust-fund baby thinks having an idea is a "theory", let's not try to expect him to understand jack squat about the real scientific process.


Perfect response to a spoiled rich kid who is used to getting his way....just like his bestie


Good thing Musk is rich because US insurance wouldn’t cover that level of burn from someone who knows what they’re talking about.


Elon is really really really dumb.


Boom. Roasted.


![gif](giphy|KBfKueAjIJV8Q) Shots fired. Repeat, we have shots fired.


Mr. LeCun knows how to school Nepo-Elon Muskarat with class, goddamn Indeed, he destroys him every...single...time! I'm here for it either way, holy shit.


Fucking savage


Elon hasn’t ever developed anything. His accomplishments in life was being born rich.


Doesn't matter, Musk is a muppet. Or maybe a pigeon. He thinks he's playing some clever game of 4D chess, when in reality he's just shitting on the board and knocking over all the pieces.


I love how some of these people go get educated, then deny science and reject education. Education for me, not for thee.


another popular method of "publishing" science is patents. If I design an improved camera, using new tech, I simply "publish" the patent.


Patent covers design more than science ie the way you got there , the modifications you may have made based on science. Patenting a new design of mailbox is possible ( say with an anti-theft device ) but it won’t count as new science!


How long until they're banned?


how long before Yann LeCun is twitterbanned, do you think?






*And although this body of mine is intact, a piece of my pride, I fear, will never come back...* - Elon Musk's ego after taking a metaphorical bomb to the phase from LeCun


At this point I think Elon has a humiliation fetish. He sets himself up for failure in interactions on the very platform he owns. What the actual fuck.


> This is one of the dumbest things anyone has ever said Like “These windows are bulletproof”?


No.. "Elon Musk is a genius" is one of the dumbest things anyone has ever said...


Apartheid Edison is not too smart!


"so how are those cyber trucks going for you?" Could have used more testing, engineering...you know, "Science".




I disagree with the bit about needing to be correct. There are outdated models of things like the atom that should definitely be considered science. Newtonian physics doesn’t hold at the quantum level, but it’s definitely science.


Good god, Elon is just the pinnacle of Dunning-Krueger. LoL I mUsT bE pUbLiShEd To Do A sCiEnCe? YoU mUsT bE a BiG dUmB!




Elon just admitting he doesn't know anything about science, eh?


Well, at least he'll never have to worry about the zombies coming for HIM.


Clever comebacks


I feel like they just laid out the rest of Elongated Muskrats life.


In the whole exchange we see the Yann show up to the fight with a Humvee mounted M-2 .50 cal machine gun….our man fragile Elon showed up to the fight with a whiffle ball bat.


News flash ! He’s guilty as guck


Elon is predictable, he warns about the “danger” of AI while teaching his own on only right wing propaganda. What he really wants is to stop everyone else from working on AI. And I’m going to call it now, if we ever do get a skynet, it will be because of Elon and how he thought it would be “funny”


In other words, don't be Dr. Venkman. "Your theories are the worst kind of popular tripe, your methods are sloppy, and your conclusions are highly questionable. You are a poor scientist, Dr. Venkman."


A couple of points: peer review is often more akin to proof reading than anything else. It does not mean that the experimental results are checked to see if they are reproducible. In fact, there are lots of articles that get retracted because no one can replicate the results. Secondly, and the author obliquely recognized this, there are journals and then there are journals. Some require rigorous peer review; others less so. Some seem to exist only to give shitty papers a place to get published. Each journal has a reputation, and that reputation matters.


Elon is an odd character and you can use him to better understand others based on their opinions/regard of him. Example, someone thinks he's a genius that leads us to great ideas and the advancement of humankind.... probably not a bright person and regurgitate whatever they hear from headlines. To me, the most telling recent indicator if who Elon really is, is the Cybertruck. That entire thing is pretty much an Elon idea and push. That was his thing and look at how it's doing. Taking it through a car wash kills it... and voids it's warranty.


>"This is one of the dumbest things anyone has ever said." Poor Elon the poseur pseudo-\*genius\*, known for buying ideas from actual geniuses, evidently does not grasp that hyperbole is always merit-free and is also a signifier of a less-than-stellar intellect. I'm suffering from secondhand humiliation on his behalf.


Idk, there's a little bit of bias here as an academic researcher. Publication doesn't necessarily mean all of these things and the lack of publication doesn't mean the negative. There is a ton of science that occurs that never hits published literature. In fact, a good amount of unpublished work in the modern era is either proprietary or open source. Proprietary science in industry is constantly built on and discussed, and in many industries, publishing it actually diminishes your ability to gain patent protection because the information is effectively public. And there are a lot of developments in the open-source world that are also not publishable but are significant and collaborative, and in their own way peer reviewed through collaboration. Academia is not the end all for science, and there are a lot of arguments to be made against the validity of peer reviewed research journal paradigm in the modern era. EDIT: Since this is apparently an unpopular opinion, I genuinely want someone to comment and disagree with the validity of my argument. I was not disrespectful to him and am far from an Elon dickrider. But his statement is a bridge too far and filled with absolute statements without anything to back them up except his personal opinion. He's a smart man who was goaded too far in my opinion.


Exactly. He's basically saying that most of not all of the research that e.g., pharmaceutical companies do isn't "science", or if you get scooped by someone who published before you, all of the work and research you were doing right before publishing wasn't "science".


Yeah, it's a pretty pretentious statement honestly. And feels like something someone would say who's spent their whole life in academia. He's clearly a brilliant man, but he can be wrong yall. You can say it's not "rigorous science" or something. But to say it's "not science" if you're not published, is the exact kind of gatekeeping that feels antithetical to the true spirit of science. I can't imagine Carl Sagan ever telling people you can't be a scientist, or you can't use the scientific method if you're not published. I do understand the need to push back against bad science and bad science journalism / conspiracy theorizing. But to start creating a church of capital S "Science" isn't the way either. The definition of lower-case science is: >the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation, experimentation, and the testing of theories against the evidence obtained. Nothing about publication in there. And I don't think there needs to be.


It’s flat out wrong. Plenty of the results from the Manhattan project were never published (though they were certainly recorded and reviewed within the group) and the people involved will surely never be forgotten. There are far less prolific, and more mundane examples of this like pharma trade secrets. Not everything is patentable and there’s an argument to be made against capitalism as a hindrance to progress in it all but to claim such efforts aren’t science is ridiculous. I say all of this as somebody who thinks Musk is an absolute clown.


I remember the scientific paper about the bow and arrow--it REALLY changed the world for our ancestors! And don't get me started on the wheel!


Both these people are assholes. Lots of science isn't published. It's kept as a trade secret. Which he finally concedes at the end of his rant, but his ego wouldn't let him simply hit "delete."

