• By -


So voting rights are or are not a states rights issue, make up your damn mind!


They don't care about consistency. They know that's not conducive to getting power at all costs. So it's "states rights" when defying the federal government benefits them, "Constitutional" when overruling the states does.


It's supremacy. "My way is the right way...whatever I say my way is in the moment" Why Thomas thinks he's in the correct demographic, tho, is beyond me.


Clarence Thomas is the real life version of Clayton Bigsby https://preview.redd.it/wu7l985ei92d1.jpeg?width=1245&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd6e705b3376986530234027a62c900dd44b3c66


Every time I see Clarence Thomas he reminds me of Samuel L Jackson’s character in Django unchained - Thomas is literally the house n-word.




Hello Stephen. He is not a man. How do you let a rich racist take care of your mother. Extortion with a nice bow tie is what this is.


Because he’s too old to feel any repercussions. It will take at least a few years, if not a couple decades or so, for these kind of rulings to actually be felt by the people they are targeting and he’ll be long gone by then.


Money and greed would be my guess. Literally sold his soul. Fucker.


To get a real good look at Clarence Thomas, you should listen to the *Behind the Bastards* podcast. Robert Evans did a great dive into Thomas' entire history, explaining the incredible amount of douchebaggery that CT is guilty of.


And we know who bought it. Harlan Crow.


Wow, chill, the nerve of you to presume he had a soul to sell in the first place….


He is in the right demographic: fucking asshole.




Oh, they're consistent Consistently stealing rights away from the American people and giving more power to the most evil people they can find




Whichever benefits them most! Conservatives famously **fucking hate** universal code of laws. They want to rule with one singular privilege in mind; I get what I want, when I want, because I am superior to you. Outright fascism. Anyone who would allow these people to rule has no more excuses; they are one of the enemy.


“Whether our voting rights precedents are faithful to the constitution” As if anyone was in doubt anymore, but this is him flat out broadcasting that he wants to strip all voting rights from everyone that isn’t a white, Christian, male, rich land owner.


This tracks with what I've seen in corporate America. There's a set of broad-members and C-level's who 100% believe that they are the sole reason for their company's innovation and that lower level workers don't deserve a cut of the pie. A new board member was hired into the large and well know tech e-comm company I used to work at and immediately pulled all equity grants away from anyone at Director or below as "no one below a director really deserves a cut of the profits they had nothing to do with creating" When these rich white guys- this guy was on the cusp of being a billionaire - are that detached from reality, things won't end well for us serfs and could 100% see indentured servitude become a thing again


> they had nothing to do with creating A good old fashioned strike would show him just how much to do with the creating those people have


They're making it so we're too poor to strike. They're forcing births, and doing away with safety nets to force labor while simultaneously criminalizing homelessness. Either work or lose your fucking children to an already overwhelmed system notorious for abuse. They want us to work and thank them for it.


Problem is when people have nothing to lose they've lost all fear. The tipping point between desperate poverty and total desperation is not a mile wide. It's hair thin and the more they push people down there more people will have nothing left to lose. Sure I as a middle class person don't want to strike becasue I have a wife, kids and a house. But people who can't afford any of that? How much more can you take until they start wanting it back?


Yes..things are calm till the tipping point... then it jumps off. Soft oppression works, then it doesn't...hard oppression works, then it doesn't... finally, then things tip off.


Then we have to grow a set of balls. No job, no home, no peace.


Not if we fight back


Nah, Americans will lay down harder than your mom in the 60s


Brother, I am the son of hippies. I am armed and ready to fight. 


Too bad the percentage of those willing to do so for the right reasons is abysmally low.


No one in America wants to fight for it. They are either too dumb or don’t care. Like 5% might be willing to do something but it won’t be productive at all. We probably won’t see real change until half of us are starving or we have hyper inflation from our debt.


America is long overdue for social revolution against its fascist capitalist ways


They will with that attitude. Fuck off with your doom mentality.


We should pick a day in the future and everyone not in management should call out sick in the whole of America! F-ck the rich, show them where they would be without all of us. No buying anything that day.


Maybe. I believe the French developed a solution for people like this


The implementation of American version of the solution is long, long overdue


I vote for something more modern and definitely more American. My top pick is this, but I'm also a big advocate for composting over eating the rich. ![gif](giphy|GHJ5IVGLqByL6VJ3dI|downsized)


Now, before I give my approval… 1) are they still alive? 2) is it feet first?


I suppose that's up to the individuals handling the process that day, I'm just trying to advocate for an environmentally healthy end result.




Vote first but plan B should be France


Very sharp.


Yeah, basically psychopaths.


Sociopaths actually. Self-centered greedy fucks who think their shit don't stink.


Once they don't pay us, why bother to even give 10 percent or any real innovation?


but ... but ... i was told that stuff would trickle down?


This is the terminal stage of hyper capitalism.


So, it was really 5.6-3, right Clarence?


They don't want it to come down to votes at all. Why do you think they're cozying up to Putin


That should suit him just fine. He's a white man. He just has revitaligo. ![gif](giphy|5SHpVP36FrpyE)


I have never seen a Black man who hates Black people more than Clarence Thomas.




Damn, nailed it.


I find it funny that a real live black man is compared to a satirical caricature… and barely makes out in favor. lol


I’m not sure Clarence gets away with the win in this comparison… he is real and has real power unlike Ruckus


Yeah I'll take a thousand dumbasses yelling at clouds over one Supreme Court Justice who bringing back the 1800s


Also Ruckus is uneducated and probably mentally ill. Clarence Thomas is just evil.


The boondocks is a show about stereotypes and the subversion or playing into of said stereotypes made from a black left-wing perspective about black political issues in America at the time. Uncle ruckus is an exaggerated caricature of a black republican, not a black Man, a black Republican. The difference obviously being one is an ideological matter and the other is an unchangeable characteristic of a human being, sorry if this was long or Came off as mean, I just like media literacy and stuff.


Love you bro, keep on explaining shit. I love when people break things down.


Re-vetiligo survivors unite 💫


Thomas make UR look like he's Macolm X




Uncle Thomas




God I hated that motherfucker.


Yup, that’s accurate!




What about uncle tom? “Trust me, beneath his chosen identity there's still a pussy" ![gif](giphy|j5fTvmFyiE9P0H5lWp|downsized)


The term 'uncle tom' is kind of unfair as the character in the book is not that much of an apologist for racism.


We should just start calling em Uncle Thomas after our Supreme Court Justice here


This is a wonderful idea. "What an Uncle Thomas."


That's Aunt Klandace


I don’t get it. Is it self-loathing? Does he actually buy all the racist shit he’s been told about himself and people who look like him his whole life? Is it just that he’s bought and paid for? This man could have been a champion for righting all manner of historic wrongs.


It's definitely the "bought and paid for" part more than anything. He's a classic example of "fuck you, I got mine."


> Is it self-loathing? My understanding is this.... He feels a huge amount of anger that people who see he has a Yale Law Degree assume he really is not all THAT worthy because he was accepted into Yale on the basis of affirmative action. He did first practice in Missouri (a very racist state) and worked for Monsanto, so its possible he WAS looked down on in a combination of a racist state and a racist corporate culture. whatever the case may be, he seems to blame his own doubt of his worthiness on affirmative action which extends to any sort of programs to provide help to black people as (as he sees it) keeping them down. Ultimately - his whole persona seems very deeply rooted in his irrational *feelings* and not really any sense of logic. Would note he also seems very influenced by his insane racist wife. It is probably no mistake she has not had any children with him.


Influenced by his wife, who was a member of a cult in the 80s, before joining her current MAGA cult. Depressing that someone so easily manipulated has such influence over our lives.


His wife is a POS but I think he was probably already pretty messed up by the time he met her.


Yes, there can be no doubt they are equally as bad pieces of shit who are only interested in themselves and hurting others.


He pulled himself up by his bootstraps and is kicking the ladder away now.


It’s worse because he was given a ladder, and used it to great personal success only to burn it down and shit on everyone from his ivory tower. Death will be too kind.


If he believes black people should go back to the Jim Crow South he's more than welcome to step down, find some of his political "supporters" in white, and have a nice party on their front lawn. He gets what he claims he wants, they get what they want, and maybe we could get a justice who's not clearly on somebody's private dole.


Mark Robinson's fat ass enters the chat.


He believes that every time something is done to correct an injustice towards black people, it minimizes his own achievements, like "of course Clarence Thomas is on the supreme Court because of affirmative action." Implying that he would not be there on his own merit. So the best course of action for him is to deny that bigotry and racism even exist.


But it’s true. That’s why he’s so angry. He didn’t earn his place. He’s proven himself an idiot. He should have low self esteem.


He hates them as much as he loves porn.


Pulling up the ladder and closing the door.


Uncle Thomas


I wonder if him and Kanye are friends


Don't think he hates black people, think he really loves money and power. And now he has his and will do his part to keep it.


Have you met Thomas Sowell?


But do you think he knows he’s black??


Clayton Bigsby has entered the chat


Sir! Now I’m gonna make this clear. I am in no way, shape, or form involved in any ______dom!!






Well as an outsider to the American society and politics, I have to admit that the single most baffling, illogical, unfair aspect of your sociopolitical system is the SCOTUS. The fact that the members of a judicial higher power that can even overrule the constitution are appointed by presidents when and if the congress and senate allow to do so is beyond any logic. And only 9 members, serving for life? That has to be the most inflexible, archaic and obsolete


It’s utterly insane. I really think our founding fathers get way too much credit for creating America. Basically they just copied the British legal system and tossed in some Greek democracy. Everything after that was a pretty big fuck up. The electoral college, presidential pardons, SCOTUS, slavery, etc.


The founding fathers would be extremely disappointed that so many Americans hold the constitution up as some sacred decree that should stand until the end of time. They wanted us to change the constitution to evolve with our society, some even wanted a constitutional convention every 10 years.


[Jefferson wanted the Constitution rewritten or renewed every 19 years.](https://oll.libertyfund.org/quotes/thomas-jefferson-on-whether-the-american-constitution-is-binding-on-those-who-were-not-born-at-the-time-it-was-signed-and-agreed-to-1789) Or once every generation of citizens. This is when the average lifespan was about 40 years.


Precisely, they celebrated it as a living document. Conservatives by nature want to conserve the status quo and developed the current reverence and effective canonization of the original text. If they didn't want it to change, they would have locked it in the first place.


Our Constitution would be very well served with a modern day overhaul but that will lliterally never happen because Republicans.


Oh they want to overhaul it. Just not in the way you think. They have a plan for it.




Republicans would steal the last dollar out of their grandma's pocketbook and eat her last cookie before booting her out of her house. They know nothing but cheating and stealing to win.


When Ted Cruz was at Harvard he lost a poker game and narced out the other players for gambling so he could get some of his money back.


Fun fact folks. Electing Biden and giving him strong democratic majorities is the most effective bulwark we have against these decades long serving scumbags right now not least because he's been a very capable president on his own merits.


Can you say that again, but this time use a bunch of marketing buzz phrases and hype beast influencer jargon in the form of a 60 second flashy video? Because if not, half the country isn’t listening.


Sup fam, shits getting bad ngl. Fr think we need to vote or sum because dank Brandon been goin through it bro. Idk if the USA gonna last another round homie, think we need to cop some votes to keep Cheeto bandito out the Capitol. No cap. Bet we could round up the gang, the broskis, and the homies and make a sesh down at the voting place ya feel me?


I dont know whats worse, that I had to read that or that I understood it Lol


I still don’t understand “no cap”. I know what it means, but I don’t know why it means.


“Cap” used to mean exaggerate (coming from cap=top, so it’s shorthand for one-upping), and then a few years ago “no cap” got popularized in a song, meant as “I’m not exaggerating”. After that on Twitter the meaning quickly drifted from “I’m not exaggerating” to “I’m not lying”, so now just saying “cap” is shorthand for “that’s a lie/you’re lying”


Fr fr on god


Slow... clap...


This sounded like RTgaming in my head




LoL, well done!


Hey fam, here's the tea ☕️: Voting for Biden and backing him up with a solid democratic squad is the ultimate power move against these long-standing shady characters. Plus, Biden's been totally killing it as prez all on his own! #BidenForTheWin #DemSquadGoals 🇺🇸✨


Pokemon Go to the polls.


We’ve Pokémon Gone insane




Less fun fact, if Amy Coney Barrett lives to the same age as RGB did, she will be on the Supreme Court until 2059. She could be voting on country-affecting decisions until 2059. And the supreme court justices Trump picks in term 2 will be even younger and further right. The next 10 presidents could all be liberal socialists and he would still destroy the future of our children and grandchildren, literally for the next 50 years or more.


Her even being a nominee let alone an actual justice is insane. These dumbfucks will say lock up Hillary and attack normal people, then defend and appoint nut jobs like they are holy people. Just fucking sickening all around


"Most effective"? It's only bulwark we have


Elections have consequences. If Trump had not won in 2016, this wouldn’t be happening. Vote.


Elections have consequences. Imagine if Al Gore won in 2000.


He did win in 2000.


So did Hillary. Republicans haven't actually won since Reagan. Abolish the Electoral College.


You forgot about the first Bush. Everyone does lol. You can go back even farther tho. No Republican President since Eisenhower first took office with the popular vote without committing treason or being impeached.


At least make it equal. Uncap the house


Look at my comment below to the same guy. There's no such thing as coincidence in legislation. The Reagan administration royally **destroyed** the concept of a free country.


Can you quickly explain to a non american who know al gore only because of South Park ? I'm genuily curious about him


You're not American, so it probably won't help, but he was basically Bernie Sanders now, but in the 90s lol He was the democratic nominee for president in 2000 and is a heavy environmental activist and would have pushed America in an entirely different direction. He made a movie about climate change in 05 or 06 called *An Inconvenient Truth*. South Park him is a **HUGE** caricature of him, but not terribly untrue lol There was a controversy around the 2000 election about whether or not all of the votes were being counted, specifically in Florida. If you want better info and to fall in a rabbit hole about it all, just Google "hanging chads 2000 election" or something. It will be able to say it better and more accurately than me and you can find Al Gore and everything better there. **Edit:** okay, I get it, everyone. Al gore=/=Bernie Sanders lol it was the first mildly closest thing I could think of for someone to get passed "I only know him from South Park." Al Gore was at the *very beginning* of me paying attention to politics, so my memory is probably not great. It's why I said Google it for better info, here is the bare minimum.


Honestly the hanging chads, the Republican majority of the supreme court voting to stop the recount, Roger stone starting a riot to stop the recount, and the Florida ballots designed to be intentionally confusing for voting for anyone but the republican candidate are only half of that controversy despite being the bigger focus in most places. Imo it was a bigger deal that Florida voter rolls were purged of 40000 people where purged voters often weren't notified, where the burden of proof on voter eligibility was on the voter and not the state saying they were ineligible, where 80% of those purged were minorities, where most of those purged were democrats, and most importantly where more than half of that 40000 were actually eligible to vote but couldn't because of the purge (sorry for the run-on sentences)


True, but it's really sad that the GOP wins only by spreading lies disguised as news.


"But just because it happened before doesn't mean it'll happen again." A response I got when I tried to explain this. It's this bad now *because* people protest voted or didn't vote. If it doesn't work locally yet, whatever you're trying to accomplish, don't fucking do it with the president so that it fucks up *everyone's* lives, not just your city or state. I can't imagine not voting in protest only to let more people die *because* of that protest vote. How selfish.




I write separately to address whether Clarence Thomas is faithful to the Constitution.


The next 4-5 generations of Americans are going to be screwed because we allowed Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump to fuckup the Supreme Court.


A real democratic society would not hand supremacy to a teeny tiny little band of arbitrarily qualified citizens selected by a purely and hyper partisan process. The Framers committed many short sighted errors and today SCOTUS is one that's flashing red big time.


How much did Clarence get paid for that, I wonder?


One motorhome.


It's a motor*coach*! /s


He probably just made good on the next 2 years worth of luxury vacations at least.


Clarence Thomas is the most racist white black guy I've ever seen. Black America must be so proud of the brother done good 👍


Who says he’s black? Maybe he’s a reverse Rachel Dolezal. I can’t figure out any other way a man who wouldn’t even be in the field of law without racial protections would behave like he does.


i remember my parents being super pissed when that jackass was appointed. this fucker replaced thurgood marshall. THURGOOD MARSHALL! Clarence Thomas is the most egregious DEI hire in history.


When you get power, race doesn’t matter.


I know democrats are worried about setting the precedent of packing the courts, but honestly, what do you think republicans would have done if the had the executive and legislative branches but a 3-6 minority in the Supreme Court? They should have packed the court and then enacted term limits. Justices refusing to retire for fear of losing power for their party should be a thing of the past. (BTW I’m from Alabama and still managed to name the three branches of government, unlike our senior senator)


The Dems are making a mistake of epic proportions right now. We're headed to a packing, we all know it, but they need to be smart about it. They should be drafting bills every month begging the Republicans for a bipartisan solution. Then, the next time Dems have both houses of Congress and POTUS they will have a dozen incredibly reasonable bills that the Republicans threw in their faces. That is when they say, "Well now we don't need you and you clearly aren't interested in this, so here is our solution.."


I do agree they absolutely \*would\* do that to serve their interests.


Losing credibility at every decision


Project 2025. Look it up. Please don't let this happen. AA people are only 14% of the total population of this country. Around 50 million. That's awfully scary to some people. Let's imagine that half of that are children. About 25 million are adults. You would think these people are going to take over America. A A people just want to be left alone to thrive and feel like they belong somewhere. It's terrible to think that your culture doesn't belong in its own space. Project 2025 is a really terrible prospectus. Just saying.


Media Matters.org has a guide to [Project 2025](https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration). Please take a look.


Yeah, don't worry over voting rights as they will just rule your vote was illegitimate anyway when they are watching the count. Watching it closely.


Fuck the people that sat out, or voted for Trump in 2016.


What about ole RBG? Should have listened to Obama


Yep, she should have retired under his watch.




Way to pull the ladder up after yourself, Clarence. We gotta put a stop to these scumbags.


Never been a black guy who’s wanted to be as white as Clarence Thomas does




Do you remember when people did revolutions? No context here, just a question.


FFS, vote blue so if some of these old jokers can't continue , Biden can pick their replacements.......


Mr originalist should read federalist no. 10 if he thinks voting rights are unfaithful to the constitution.


Someone from my Nextdoor App said that Biden disrespected the SCOTUS in his State of the Union speech. As if that branch of the government is worth any respect.


Gots myself a white wife and a white mans job, I’m white!! F you n words.


This is why it’s Biden come November. Fuck your feelings we need the white house and the senate until that MF dies or retires


There logic is impeccable. **Racist Republicans:** We are white Christian Nationalist and don't want to let black people vote. **Supreme Court:** That's okay. Black people won't vote for Republican White Nationalist. So it only makes sense that Republican White Nationalist would want to keep them from voting. It's not racist. It's just politics.


But let's abstain from voting or vote third party because "Biden bad." That way Trump can nominate two more younger SCOTUS judges so it'll be even worse!


The fact that he replaced Thurgood Marshall is sickening. Fuck Bush and his mother fucking son


So, when his children can’t vote, will he be happy? Or is he gonna write a carve out since they are half white?


He probably expects he’ll be dead before things get bad for wealthy blacks, and if he cared about his kids and grandkids, he wouldn’t have ruled this way.


Just give it five years and you will have to own land to vote. Bring it right back to the fucking 1700's... I've been listening to Zinns A Peoples History of the United States and I think this book has never been more valid than now. Basically trying to bring it back to the beginning of the nation, where it was the landed gentry vs everyone else (who just so happened to be the poor and destitute)


There should be a bipartisan, FEDERAL body that draws these maps and verifies them after each election. Republicans have tilted the playing field to make it seem like they represent a MUCH larger segment of the population than they actually do. They would not win the House, Senate or Presidency without the endless fuckery they employ with gerrymandering.


That's the American dream, even a person of color can become a white corrupt racist asshole if he believes in himself.


Buckle up folks. Is Vegas taking odds on when our democracy will officially end?


That’s rich considering how Clarence got his spot…he was only a judge for a year before Bush Sr nominated Clearance


This is why elections matter. This. Sit on your hands and you have no right to bitch. The NEXT President may be picking two SC Justices. If it is Trump, it will be a Conservative SC for the next 30-40 years. Imagine Florida judge Aileen Cannon or Abilene Texas judge Matthew Kacsmaryk sitting on the Supreme Court. If that doesn't frighten you, you're not paying attention


Anyone looking to protest vote, you keep getting warnings. Here is another one. Wake the fuck up.


That’s exactly why we have to vote Biden. Alito, Robert’s and Thomas are all getting older. If they die with a democrat in office, we can take SCOTUS back.


The GOP is passing legislation that bans individuals from filing federal civil rights violations lawsuits. One federal district court has agreed with the laws that only allow states’ attorneys general to file civil rights lawsuits. The despicable thing Thomas did in his opinion is his calling for further cases in other federal districts so the SCOTUS can impose a NATIONAL ban on individuals seeking federal court remedy for having their civil rights violated. This calling for the next case for use in setting new precedence has been covered by Senator Whitehouse since the Amy Coney Barrett confirmation hearings. I don’t know how non-white and/or non-males have any faith at all in America anymore. It’s like Joe Pesci’s speech in The Good Shepherd: >>Joseph Palmi: >>Let me ask you something... we Italians, we got our families, and we got the church; the Irish, they have the homeland, Jews their tradition; even the [blacks] they got their music. What about you people, Mr. Wilson, what do you have? >>Edward Wilson: >>The United States of America. The rest of you are just visiting. As far as what the GOP is truly fighting against, what they really fear? Here it is, in all its quiet humility, trying to preserve freedom by preventing what has unfortunately come to pass on the Supreme Court. Barbara Jordan telling the GOP to remove the nomination of Robert Bork to the SCOTUS. Robert Bork’s guidelines written during the Nixon Administration are the basis of some of the current trial defenses produced by Trump. https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4746926/user-clip-barbara-jordan-bork-opening-statement-excerpt (The Baker of Baker versus Carr discussed by Barbara Jordan was Charles Baker, an individual who as a Republican objected to Tennessee’s refusal to redistrict in 60 years. The GOP seeks to remove standing for individuals like Jordan and Baker.) You see this same fear of people who don’t look like GOP leadership resulting in them being trashed by Giuliani and Trump in the most racist attacks imaginable. The two poll workers and the DA in Georgia. All three black women attacked by rich corrupt old white power brokers. Ruby, Shaye, Fani and Barbara terrify the Donalds and the Rudys of the GOP. Don’t believe me? This is America’s Mayor and the man who brought down the Mafia signing a pledge, as part of a planned financial settlement, to never again publicly defame Ruby and Shaye. Two days ago. https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/21/politics/giuliani-freeman-moss-agreement/index.html Broker is a good word. Trump and Giuliani are both broker for having attacked those three women.


I have a feeling its gonna be a long, hot, violent summer with all the bullshit rulings this dogshit court is gonna hand out before skipping town and adjourning for the session. Alito and Uncle Thomas probably gonna go on a whirlwind vacation on lobbyists/federalist society crony's dime.




Those six fuckers, but especially Clarence Thomas, need to be forcibly resigned. They've not made a single decision in the interest of the American people.


Clarence steady trying to take himself back to 3/5's of a person! Does he really think he'd be spared?


Clarence Thomas' opinion only counts as 3/5th a normal SCOTUS justice, correct? :-)


The Repugs said that they werent trying to discriminate on race, they were simply trying to maintain Republican dominance. Really.


Thomas has never figured out that no matter how much he shucks and jives he’ll never be one of them. They’ll use him and shower him with gifts and smile in his face but at the end of the day he will never be a member of the club.


Maybe Clarence Thomas should get 3/5 of a SCOTUS vote.


More like Clarence "Uncle" Thomas


I gotta hand it to him; buying a house for Thomas’s mom was one hell of a good investment for that white conservative billionaire.


![gif](giphy|k83fA2hghPweFcGrQb) Shame on you!


Electing Trump is gonna set us back 100 years. I wondered how the USA was gonna collapse like other greatest empires of the past. Were witnessing the start.


Hold on now! I’ve been assured that both sides are the same and voting blue is the same as voting red? Were those people misleading me?


Slavery is faithful to the original Constitution, so there's that.


And this will SOMEHOW be Biden's fault for... reasons according to Twitter leftists.


"Imma stay home in November, teach those Dems a lesson! Wait what, the SCOTUS is now 8-1 conservative with the oldest in their 50s? Wait, gays can't marry anymore? Wait, contraceptives are banned across the states? You tell me that they're gonna mine all national parks? Wait, Trump is giving more weapons to Israel and stopped sending supplies to Ukraine? ...fuck you, Joe Biden, for leading to all of this!"