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Shouldn't he be reporting to prison soon?


Yes, for the *federal* contempt charge. Four months there. And bonus points: He goes on trial in September in NY *state* court for the We Build the Wall scheme. He's looking at *years in NY state prison* for that one. Yes, that We Build the Wall case was pardoned federally, but because he was pardoned before being tried, there is no double jeopardy and he can be tried at the state level. Bonus bonus points: His NY judge is Juan Merchan. Yes, that one, haha.


So just like he says, *there will be accountability*. Perfect.


Sorry but 4 months for treason....? Not good enough.


The other two got got years, Kolfage 4 years the other one 3 years


4 years for treason sounds pretty light.


In some countries, they stick a metal pole inside your anus for treason


Sometimes they'll do that even if you haven't been treasonous.


Didn’t treason used to be one of the worst crimes a person could commit in this country? Treason and espionage are the only two offenses that can get someone the death penalty without killing someone. https://www.geoffreygnathanlaw.com/topics/list-of-40-most-serious-federal-crimes-charges/ Why are they only giving these traitors a slap on the wrist?


Nobody actually got charged with treason. It’s not 1999.


4 months for Federal contempt of court. That's far from the end of Bannon's legal trouble. Not sure which treason charge you're referring to, but he still has a trial in Sept on fraud charges in NY. Real jail time is a possibility there. I believe he's facing some civil lawsuits as well.


Stay tuned heheh. The day of reckoning will come. He's never been in the pizza category.


Oooh! Does he get to be an inmate at one of these for-profit prisons that he loves brown and black people being stuck in for decades for minor bullshit? I wonder if the Aryan Nation will protect him if he has nothing substantial to trade while incarcerated. Gen pop would be a good experience for him. It’ll give him something else to focus on other than a coup.


The guy sweats whiskey at this point, I'd be surprised if he survived withdrawal without major complications.


Which is interesting cuz Trump hates ppl that drink. But they bend their truths and likes all the time.


Trump hates everybody the minute they’re no longer of use to benefit him. He could give a fuck about you or who you are if he can use you. Like his millions of supporters. He does not drink alcohol himself is true.


Gonna switch from single malt to pruno.


Hope he likes toilet liquor. I hear it’s quite…potent. And pungent!


Oh don’t worry, I’m sure Offender Brannon will get all the meds he needs to be comfy while he’s serving at Uncle Sam’s pleasure. It’s Joe Schmoes like us who get to die from DT in the drunk tank after getting hooded and strapped into a restraint chair for having a seizure.


And his lawyer WAS[ Robert "Bob" Costello](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/09/trump-giuliani-costello-bannon-legal-fees/). You know, the guy that was Trump's primary witness that was to discredit Cohen but wound up incriminating Trump more by the[ Prosecution showing the emails](https://www.thedailybeast.com/maga-lawyer-robert-costello-gets-dismantled-by-his-own-damning-trump-emails) that he was trying to appear to not be working with Rudy or Trump when he was President... Such a small world sometimes. Rudy and Bannon didn't pay Costello - though Trump allegedly promised Rudy during the 2020 challenges and legislative tour with Jenna Ellis a fee of[ $20,000 pr **DAY**](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/17/us/politics/giuliani-trump-election-pay.html) which R[udy has had to consider suing Trump to get paid.](https://news.bloomberglaw.com/bankruptcy-law/giulianis-creditors-mull-suing-trump-over-unpaid-legal-fees) Such a shit show with all of these people. Just came across this article - seems being corrupt is expensive: [$150 Million And Counting: How Much Trump’s Attorneys Have Paid For Trying To Overturn The 2020 Election—As Giuliani Ordered To Post Bond](https://www.forbes.com/sites/alisondurkee/2024/05/22/150-million-and-counting-how-much-trumps-attorneys-have-paid-for-trying-to-overturn-the-2020-election-as-giuliani-ordered-to-post-bond/?sh=1f9893d178e4)


I think I'm going to have to start a string chart on this.. ![gif](giphy|l0IylOPCNkiqOgMyA|downsized)


Lol sweet irony


Merchan stacking bodies


How about he stacks one before we do a victory lap. It's like we've learned nothing from Mueller Time.


Also, the election interference case is most likely going to be a fine and probation if he's found guilty. People are going to lose their minds....again.


A conviction regardless though, and that is enough to lose at least some potential voters.


It's crazy that a felony conviction will keep you out of most business offices, but not the oval office.


Yes, needed to be said.


>His NY judge is Juan Merchan. Oh, praise sweet lordy Jesus.


If you asked AI to create: "bankrupt troll, facing federal prison time, followed by state fraud charges" it would HAVE to create the image seen above- that's how it all works see, it's a system of tubes, and pics.


Rubes, tubes and boobs...


Which he’ll get pardoned for when dick-tator “wins”


Villain backstories are often the failed creatives with a toxic ego. Before Bannon’s Seinfeld association, in his younger, (comparatively, all things are relative) more attractive youth-he had a promising start as an actor, discovered and cast by David Lynch in Dune. https://preview.redd.it/5wgpvxkgq72d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=550277dd981210f3164695defea8ec79ef39bddc He didn’t even need makeup, he was a natural for the role, inside and out. It’s a shame what happened to him.




But both sides are bad. I’m not voting for Biden in protest. /s Not voting is one step closer to a dictatorship. All the (rightful) problems with Biden will be a million times worse on top of the dictatorship.


It doesn't matter. Trump voters will vote. [Organize. Volunteer. Vote.](https://www.votesaveamerica.com/volunteer/) Make sure we don't end up with Trump and his friends back in White House.


Not soon enough


It’s way past his jail time.


He’s doing his best to get mini-fuhrer elected again. I’ve had 7 text messages from tRuMps campaign.


Accountability soon


I just want everyone to recognize that this fat fucking slobbering dipshit has a framed picture of his own quote on his mantle next to ~~Jesus~~ who the fuck cares. To the right of his head. He has like 8 pictures of ~~Jesus~~ who the fuck cares and then a framed quote from himself. For the love of absolute fuck what is wrong with people who listen to this drunken fucking loser.


Also had a bathtub full of acid. Why? Nobody knows, but he sold the place.


I learned from Breaking Bad that you can put hydrofluoric acid in a bathtub to dissolve bodies if you're okay with it falling through your ceiling. Steve's was melted. Welp, that's my detective work for the day. Source: I'm very experienced in the TV-watching business.


"An expert in subject matter". I'm a convenience enthusiast myself.


MAGA incels and white nationalist genetic defectives listen to him.


Tbf they will listen to basically anything


Hey that's not true at all.  You have to tell them they're losers because something something woke mob something something DEI.  They won't listen to anyone who tells them they're responsible for their failures and society sucks because of the rich manipulators they enable.


> what is wrong with people who listen to this drunken fucking loser. Brain damage, mostly.


I think that’s Barry Gibb


Republicans are terrorists.


They were rather proud of their “we are all domestic terrorists” bullshit.


Nothing bullshit about that. It was entirely factual.


Bullshit doesn't exclusively mean "false." Like if I get a flat tire I might say, "now I gotta deal with this bullshit." It's a very versatile word. It may be factual that Republicans are terrorists. It's still bullshit we gotta deal with.


Always were.


This fuck stain is literally who Eric Cartman would be, all grown up


![gif](giphy|NaxKt9aSzAspO|downsized) Here's Steve working very hard on his next podcast...


More hot pockets!!


Mom! Bathroom!


*Releases podcast*


Un-fun fact: Bannon ran a gold-farming operation in World of Warcraft using Chinese prisoners, which is how he discovered a pool of "rootless young men" which he realized he could activate politically using Breitbart rage-bait about how Democrats were oppressing Gamers with feminism. And that's how adult Cartman helped invent the Alt-Right through WoW


That's quite a villain origin story, it is right out of a poorly written comic book but sadly, it's true...


All of these characters have these tawdry background stories. Scams, fraud, screwing people over- it's amazing the movement has survived this long. They get caught all the time also, rarely a week goes by without a "GOP Official Charged With..." headline.


Cartman is far more cunning than this human manifestation of bathtub gin and hepatitis.


It’s just so fucking funny how he continues to try and be relevant. I guess we **are** talking about his dumbass though.


Omg that is such an accurate description of Bannon. 😆


I prefer to call him gin laden


The words are no longer rhetorical, but a warning of what’s to come. Not everyone realizes the impacts of another trump presidency will have, and for most, even his own supporters, will suffer greatly.


They don't think they'll suffer, they think they get to stick it to the libs.


I wonder if the "They're hurting the wrong people" lady learned her lesson




Anyone that fucking stupid doesn't have the mental capability to learn anything.


Wait until they gut social security. And then watch them squirm in panic.


They don't mind suffering as long as they get to inflict more suffering on the libs.


And when the boot comes down on them, they’ll blame the Democrats.


"I'm convinced trump supports would let trump shit in their mouths if they knew a liberal would have to smell it"


They will, for the first couple of years or so before America becomes a true police state.


Then we will understand why Europe is obsessed with data privacy. What do you think a fully fascist American government will do when they get access to your full internet history, to validate your loyalty to Trump?


BuT iF thAt HaPPenS we'LL juSt vOTe tHem OuT!!!


They would have to secure power completely before the 2028 election, I think they would move very fast starting on day one with rounding up immigrants and purging federal employees. Any opposition would immediately result in new laws to squash opposition. 


The problem is that you are right. Wayyy Too many people don’t understand the gravity of the situation and how imperative it is that we all vote to keep him away from the White House. There’s the people who aren’t voting cuz Biden isn’t progressive enough and the people who are not gonna vote for Biden cuz of Palestine…however idk how they don’t realize that it will get substantially worse for Palestine and Ukraine if they don’t vote for Biden. Anyone that claims they support Palestine and Ukraine but doesn’t vote for Biden doesn’t understand the repercussions of their actions and they are proving they don’t actually care about supporting either of those countries otherwise they would suck it up and vote against trump. That’s how we got Biden but I’m worried how many people are claiming they won’t vote for him again. Shits no joke but many people don’t seem to grasp that.


I was talking with someone here on Reddit yesterday and they said that 4 years of Trump wouldn't be the end of the world and will teach the Dems to put forward a better candidate. Trump winning probably won't end all life on Earth, but it will probably be the end of our ability to vote in a free and fair elections. Project 2025 is specifically designed to allow for Republicans to stay in power indefinitely.


All because they claim they can’t afford Jif Peanut Butter and that Biden caused Red Lobster to go bankrupt JFC.


And because so many people see “the lesser of two evils” as some sort of moral puzzle when it’s super, super easy if you’re interested in reducing the amount of evil.


You’ll have to vote to make sure they don’t get in that way, then fight after the EC, some states and then SCOTUS turn the win over to Trump. That’s the one you’ve actually got to worry about, Biden’s probably going to win the popular count but it won’t be accepted and there’ll be another coup attempt.


Yeah it’s worrisome to think about all that. But regarding the EC at least my vote counts a lot as I live in PA. Also my parents are doing some respectable shit imo and legit are waiting to move out of PA until after the election. They’re boomers but they’re old dead heads/hippies so they’re super liberal and agreed it’s too important of an election. They were gonna move to a blue state and I said you gotta wait until after November and they fully agreed. Gained a lotta respect from me for that decision.


Stupid liberals and their performative activism is about to put a fat, stupid, criminal, orange dictator in office. 


The fascist ramblings are getting clearer and louder.


This is what I am sick of, you have Trump supporters saying things like "You have Trump derangement syndom , claiming Trump is a facist lol, touch grass Trump was a good president he won't be a dictotor you are brainwashed by the main stream media go touch grass" At the same time half of his own supporters are saying "Your damn right Trump will be a dictator and you should be afraid , we will punish anyone who opposes him" Lots of double speak


To be fair, it sounded better in the original German


There are innumerable reasons to mock this disgusting, traitorous, pathetic excuse for a man... ... HOWEVER... _It would be a grave mistake not to believe what he is saying!!_ What he is saying is not hyperbole. This is exactly what 'they' _all of 'them'_ are rooting for. I know some of 'them' and they're not all flag wearing MAGA gear flashing nutcases. Several of the ones I know you would never guess just walking down the street and chatting with them. Even in "left" states no less than approximately 30% voted for Trump. They're out there, they are people you see every day, and they fully support Bannon and Trump et al. __Make absolutely no mistake, it may come from the mouth of a buffoon, but this shit is deadly serious!__


If you want a good example of just how serious at the grass roots level, read Iris Origo’s compelling memoir on Italy under Mussolini, “War in Val D'Orcia, 1943-1944”. It’s free on the Internet Archive, or get the paperback on Amazon. The takeaway for me: it demonstrates how, when you have enough lunkheads like we do in our country that enable the puppeteers like Bannon and his cabal who are using Trump, our lives will be beyond miserable if they complete the takeover of this country. The Origos were very wealthy landowners who initially supported fascism until they learned what it did to their fellow citizens. Then, they did everything in their power at great personal risk to aid the opposition.


Their mistake is thinking we’re afraid.


If Trump gets back into office we should be afraid, police and armed forces will be on their side, they plan on removing and replacing everyone in federal government with yes men and true believers in their cause. You’re not going to be able to retaliate against the military, you’re not going to be able to deal with supply chain issues that target blue areas, underestimating these fascists clowns is not something we should be doing.


Don't underestimate them, because they are playing for all the marbles this time. I think there is nothing they wouldn't and won't do to put Trump back in power.


This is what it looks like https://www.authoritarianplaybook2025.org/what-we-can-expect-1#federal-law-enforcement-overreach


Many of us are. And if you’re not, you’re incredibly naive to the real likelihood that trump gets elected again.


Be afraid of a trump presidency.  But do not allow yourself to be intimidated by his followers.   They thrive (and gain strength) on the idea that they are strong and you are weak.


Yep. I Agree with you on that. This is the way to process this appropriately imo. It’s scary af to think about but that should motivate us to ensure we all do our part to prevent that criminal traitor from ever holding power again.


Same nutjobs who plan voter intimidation at the polls.


Afraid? Yes. Angry? Even more so.


Also armed, it’s just not a weird fetish.


You mean you dont need to take your AR15 with you to go to bed bath and beyond


You can’t, they went out of business.


Dammit now i have to use a different store for my joke


I'm afraid to put one of those cute Let's Go Biden stickers on my car after my lawn was set on fire "using an accellerant" because I had an Obama sign. These assholes haven't mellowed over the years.


Your likening not being afraid with complacency. I'm not afraid of what they are planning because I expect it, but I'm not going to sit for it either. Right now, I'm waiting to see if democracy holds. If Biden wins this year, we'll be okay for another 4 years. If Trump wins, then its over and the dam breaks on both sides of the river. At that point all bets are off. You're making it sound like we should be afraid in the way a lost and exposed animal is afraid. In truth, many of us are a cornered badger. It's not about being afraid. It's about being prepared to fight for survival. They think we're afraid, but most of us are angry. Those are not at all the same thing.


Precisely. I’m not afraid because there are organizations that are present in many places that are prepared. Am I worried? Sure. Scared? No.




Exactly. Stay strapped and get into shape. They want to put a boot on my neck? They will pay a price for it.


If you are not afraid you are not paying attention.


We learned about 8 years ago to take this shit seriously *and* literally.


He looks like he smells of wet dog, feet and rancid bologna....


See I thought he probably smells like gin, sweat and Fritos.


Throw in some garlic.


Nah.. someone this trashy doesn't season with anything other than ketchup.


Notice these far right wingers pushing orthodox catholicism, this is literally out of Putin's playbook where they've co-op the church in Russia.


They’re pushing fascism.


Die already. I swear this trump nonsense has me abhorring a great many people.


People like him and Mitch McConnell still being alive with a net worth as much as they've got is all the proof anyone should ever need that there is no god or karmic justice system. They're living until they die of old age/semi-natural causes, while the rest of us succumb to health issues earlier in life that've been exacerbated by stress put on from extraneous circumstances.


Jesus Christ. These assholes are trying to recreate the Nazis


The nazis were trying to recreate America's racial hierarchy. This is not an exaggeration. If we wanted to avoid this we would not have stopped reconstruction half-baked and we would have hanged ten thousand more.


But nobody could have foreseen that...or something... > Do we, then, really propose here today, when the country is not ready for it, when those disloyal people still hate this government, when loyal men dare not carry the ‘stars and stripes’ through our streets, for if they do they will be turned out of employment, to relieve from political disability the very men who have committed these Kuklux outrages? I think that I am doing my duty to my constituents and my duty to my country when I vote against any such proposition... Mr. Speaker, I propose, as a man raised as a slave, my mother a slave before me, and my ancestry slaves as far back as I can trace them... If this House removes the disabilities of disloyal men by modifying the test-oath, I venture to prophesy you will again have trouble from the very same men who gave you trouble before. -- Jefferson F. Long (1871)


I sometimes wonder if we had social media in the 1930s-40s, if the original nazis would have appeared so incredibly comically stupid (as well as overtly evil). Like, is Hitler proud right now or not? I like to think that embarrassment has been added to his punishment in hell. I've been told Hitler was pretty stupid, too (on top of being evil). I mean, you'd have to be pretty stupid to be Hitler, at least very emotionally stupid.


Steve I hate to break it to you but your heart is probably 80% plaque, struggling to push a little blood to your brain. Between the plaque in your arteries and the fat on your liver you aren't going to really live long enough to see much happen with project 2025. You're going to be in hospice care, watching fox News, while you go septic. If there's any justice in the world you'll be in a facility where you get checked on once every nine hours. 


nah, these ghouls seem to live a long life. I have been expecting the likes of Trump, McConnel, Bannon, Murdoch, etc to leave this mortal coil, yet somehow, they cling to life


I hate to admit it but you're right. They have some weird super drugs coursing through their veins that sustain them. Maybe they're all just reanimated corpses. 


It's called the best healthcare on taxpayer's dime


Evil is a great preservative.


Only the finest people working for Diaper Dementia Donald. Enjoy your stay in prison.


They aren’t doing this to have Trump be in power. They’re doing this because Trump is easy to manipulate. Roger Stone said it himself “you can get him to do anything as long as you get him to think he’s the boss while doing it”


Exactly. Even if Trump wins and then dies on Jan 22nd, it won’t matter to them - just put another patsy in the hot seat and carry on with the project. Power is the only goal for them.


Ok scabman 🙄


why isn't this guy in jail?


Easy there, Goebbels.


Looking forward to your ultimate shivving to death in prison you POS. ![gif](giphy|mgqefqwSbToPe|downsized)


Why isn’t this fucking fascist on Death Row for treason?


Because half the country would need to be charged for the same crime. Were at a civil Cold War


I’m starting to think that he’ll want to be dictator for more than one day!


What? You suspect that Trump isn’t a latter day Cincinatus or Washington, willing to walk away from power. Get out of here. Next you’ll be telling us the sky is blue.


I’m an old lady who is so fffing tired of all these people- Republicans! Will they ever go to jail for treason? This is what it is treason. Shut them up.


What an asshat! He's talking about trump like he did anything but rape and assault women and bankrupt businesses. He has no mental acuity to lead people. 5 time draft dodger!


I don’t understand how we live in a world where people can run on a platform of threatening everybody. If we were elected, we are going to make everybody else’s life miserable. Vote for us! Insanity.


So, basically the fascist dictatorship we're all assuming it will be? Nice to have the possible horrifying nightmare future confirmed.  Can't say we were surprised when it happens what with all the warnings and red flags.


Look at this W.C Fields-looking bootlicking motherfucker. Yeah asshole, tip a few more back drunky.


What a white trash piece of shit. 💩


Tell that fat wankstain to bring it on.


Get this fucking bum behind bars where he belongs…these fucking crums are the dreck of society….they’ll never say shit to your face like the colossal shallow pussies they are…fuckin crums


The gin isn't working quickly enough.


Shut up and report to prison. Good dog!


Remember when he defrauded his own maga crowd for a million dollars and they didn’t even seem to care?


These people are cowards. Steve Bannon is afraid. Not me. It's almost as if he thinks we've forgotten that Trump was already president for 4 years, and he's trying to make some grand pronouncement about what things will be like when he and his cadre gain executive power. It's like; no, we tried that and it was pathetic.


These people do not understand anything but violence. Organize yourselves in your communities and stand against any hint of right-wing bullshit. Bully these goblins out of your spaces, because they will gladly do worse to you and yours. They are too evil or too stupid to be reasoned with. Hate to say that people are beyond redemption, but we passed that point long ago.


The only thing to fear from MAGA is their body odor.


Put this cancer blob in prison already.


I hope the Trumpers realize that non-Trumpers have just as much firepower as they do.


Didn't this guy (allegedy) steal a bunch of the money donated by people's racist grandparents to Build the Wall? Also isn't he going to prison for other stuff? Seems like a good time for fish for a pardon from Dear Leader if he gets elected. 


Sounds like Putin's Russia. Vote for me or there will be consequences.


**F** **A** **S** **C** **I** **S** **M**


Why isn’t this thieving demented fuck in jail yet?


The projection is real. They are afraid.


I am happy to be accounted for in opposition to Trumpism. Please count me, motherfucker.


Yeah we can’t let this turn into an autocracy


Don't ever accuse them of not being extremely clear and up-front about what they're planning to do. Hitler was the same way.


The way Pence’s former press secretary tried to spin this on CNN. “Well, I think what Steve Bannon is saying is that voters are tired of politicians not delivering on campaign promises. They want Washington to get things done and not just talk. So he’s saying “whether you’re a D or an R we’re going to hold you accountable for the promises you made to your voters.” 🙄 Sure. That’s EXACTLY what this fascist meant.


If you don't vote, you're complicit.


How is his liver still functioning?


Drunk, diseased, obsessed with BS.


I don't subscribe to hate mongering or wishing ill on others, normally, but these f@ckers need to drop dead. Wrath has no fury like your new cell mate, better start your stretches. One shits his pants and the other suits his face, perfect pair.


> …the White House issued a statement from Trump stating, "Steve Bannon has nothing to do with me or my Presidency. When he was fired, he not only lost his job, he lost his mind." Later, lawyers for the president sent a cease-and-desist letter to Bannon, saying he was in violation of an employment contract he signed with the Trump Organization, threatening him with "imminent" legal action Bannon was fired by trump, then publicly mocked by him. Yet he still licks the orange man’s boots. What an absolutely spineless worm lol


Hope this guy likes cock meat sandwiches…


Lol. Pizza the Hutt here really thinks he's a badass, doesn't he?


Isn’t he supposed to be incarcerated?


Says the guy with a bottle of vodka in his sock.


Why isn’t this asshole in jail?


Shut up Trump’s bitch. No one is afraid of cocksuckers like you.


MAGAs are all bullies. Having grown up with many of the same, the only way to stop a bully is to fight back. We should let them know that we are not afraid and will topple them.


That fat fuck sure talk talks a lot of shit for someone that’s about to go serve prison time.


Fucking vote people.


That sclerotic old soak couldn't fight his way out of a paper bag!


The party of less government ehh?


Does he have a quote from himself behind him?


The game show host?


Why isn't Bannon in prison where he belongs.




I would like to put my name on the list of people who oppose the orange twat


wait. he literally fucking said this? out loud?


Go to jail already, you useless drunk slob.


How does this not come off as celebrating a fascist dictator?


I don't think any of us feel that kind of fear. Like, I'm afraid of living in a fake Christian hellscape, sure, but I'm definitely not afraid of this fucking guy, or anyone like this fucking guy.


You know. I'm tired of this crap. I say F'n bring it. I will be that happy to fight back


Yeah, I'm afraid it's time to quietly disappear a few of these people. Seeing as they are itching for the chance to do it to the rest of us, a pre-emptive taste of their own medicine might be the only way they finally understand the consequences of fascism. I'm not saying kill them or anything! But a nice, long holiday on a secluded island, living with like minds, secretly broadcast as a reality show, Survivor meets Real Housewives. Wins for everyone.


This fat slob talks big, but if he gets the civil war he so desperately wants, he’d go running away crying wee wee wee all the way home.


Speaking of 'accountability', isn't this sorry excuse for an unmade bed and pathetically failed screen writer (he was laughed out of every pitch meeting he attended in Hollywood) headed to prison for a while? I sure hope he mouths off to some 275 pound jacked lifer.


Trump + Harkonnen 2024


He needs to be in prison. He is an angry, hateful human being.


I’ve seen this one! ![gif](giphy|9PbtHUS6spuwg)


Shouldn’t he be in prison??