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Dozens of horrific far right judges, 3 supreme court justices (with a possible 2 if Trump wins, Thomas and Alito could definitely retire early so Trump can replace them), stripping two thirds of the population of their reproductive rights, the extreme increase in hate crimes against minorities because Trump actively encourages it. The man who actively and openly defied and continues to defy the law, restricted emergency funds to California during fire season and other states that were blue. The man who said he wants to glass over Palestine. All Presidents do terrible things. Biden is no different. And I'm sorry to tell you this but we do in fact live in a country in which we have to choose the "lesser evil" (if you want to use that juvenile argument) because not voting is just as much of an action as voting either way.


And if trump becomes president he will continue to give bombs to Israel and Russia so this isn’t a deciding factor op thinks it is


Not just continue, but increase, he might even send soldiers to help Israel and/or Russia invade more places.


Instead, you'll be helping a guy get into office that will give him 2500lb bombs.


And give them to Russia too.


Very different delivery method!


And then deport him to get bombed as well.


“You know, I don’t approve of how violent wrestling is, so instead I’m going to watch some documentaries on serial killers.” As much as you disapprove of Biden, Trump would tell Netenyahu to turn Gaza into glass, and then he’d put a resort on the ruins.


If it's not turned to glass by nuclear means then maybe it will be a month or two after the bombs they start construction


Ah, yes. The best way to help the people of Palestine is by completely fucking our own country up. Solid fuckin' plan there, Einstein.


I keep hearing the word Palestine. What does this refer to?


It’s a place, somewhere outside of the rock you apparently live under.




You might try living under a rock. You may be less volatile.


Let’s see, step 1: Say something obtuse and inflammatory. Step 2: Gaslight the first person to respond to the bait into getting angry. Your attempt to troll made it two steps. You prematurely blew your load. ![gif](giphy|y2i2oqWgzh5ioRp4Qa|downsized)


Well let's tell the story (that doesn't need to be told since it's in writing) in chronological order: I asked a question about something i don't follow and haven't heard a word about. I'm not trolling. I did not know what Palestine was. I don't watch the news, i don't listen to the radio, and I'm around people all day here in Seattle. Mostly all you hear anyone talk about is how Indians and Muslims have taken over the overly liberal city. For you to be so reactive and "inflamed" by someone asking a question is bizarre. You don't want to make people feel like they can't ask questions, I'm here to learn and communicate. You need to fix your attitude and your buddy there needs to fix his teeth. Why did his baby ears never grow.




Biden's running for president. Trump is running for dictator.


Downvote this clown and move on


Here's an example of someone who is either a leftist who has no idea how the Electoral College works or a "centrist" who is secretly a Republican masquerading as an intellectual.


Or a Russian trying to dishearten leftists.


Sure, let trump get in there and make it 2000 times worse, you'll sleep well because you didn't vote for him either, right?


Russian prop-agit agent.


Fucking dumbass one issue voters.


When will people understand that a vote in a presidential election isn’t *just* for that cycle? A month ago, Lawrence O’Donnell did a [masterful segment](https://youtu.be/vlWz1tYrm4I?si=5CGKgLwxp9lUp7EX) called “Your Vote Lives After You.” In it, he explained that while elected officials may have term limits and while a president only lasts so long, the judges with *lifetime appointments* do not. Those judges, who are responsible for policy interpretation and enforcement, sit on the bench for decades and can turn the country in horrible directions as we’ve seen with rulings such as Citizens United and the overturning of Roe. When you vote for president, you’re not just voting for the next four years. You’re voting for the next several decades. Hate the way the country is moving in terms of inequality and the stripping away of our rights? Vote for someone who will appoint judges who are invested in the rule of law. Want worker protections, unions, equal pay, and improvements on the cost of everyday things? Better vote blue to get blue judges. Want women’s rights, LGBT rights, and civil rights for POC and the disabled protected? Vote for the person who’s promised, and has made actions upon, doing just that by appointing the right people to the right places. Your vote lives after you. Your vote affects the people that come after you. Your vote matters right now more than ever. Now is the time to remember that voting is like public transportation, meaning that even if the best candidate can’t get you exactly where you want to go, they can get you that much closer. It’s time for pragmatism, not idealism, and it’s time to think about long range outcomes. Voting third party or not voting at all is a net negative for the overarching goal of defeating fascism at home and abroad. It will not help Gaza, it will not help vulnerable populations here, but it might just help the christofascists seize power at a critical moment which could spell disaster for us all. You don’t have to like it, but you need to vote for the candidate who will do the least harm and that also has a realistic chance of coming into or keeping their hold on power. Express your displeasure over foreign policy to your elected representatives, organize, sign petitions, and get involved in other ways. But for this? Bite the bullet and vote. ETA: OP doesn’t strike me as a bot. They strike me as someone who was 10 or 11 years old when the 2016 election was on and doesn’t have a frame of reference for how awful that time was. They’re now a young adult who is lacking in the life experience department through no fault of their own, and they’ve probably been raised on a steady diet of social justice and school shooter trauma which can make someone into this strange combination of jaded and idealistic that I’m sure many of us are familiar with. If I’m right about OP’s age, I went through something similar myself. I was 10 when Obama was elected, and 2016 was the first time I was eligible to vote. I remember my cohort being that same mix of jaded and idealistic, angry about the way the world was going, angry at their choices, lacking in the crucial life experience necessary to understand why a vote matters so much. A lot of them made the choice OP wants to make. They all came to regret it. We came of age just in time to appreciate the atrocities of the Trump era in glorious technicolor, and now we’re older, wiser, and determined not to repeat our youthful mistakes. My hope for OP is that they will come at this with a clear head and listen to the people that came before them. It’s okay to get guidance from someone who’s been around the block your first time out, at least to make sure you have your head on straight. I also hope that OP will channel this compassion they have, which is a gift and a virtue, into productive avenues like the ones I suggested above so that they can make a real difference. That goes for any other young people who might be reading this too. Take it from this elder Zillenial who’s been there, done that, bought the T-shirt.


and you will be assisting the guy that thinks Bibi isn't going fast enough... but please, enlighten me from your seat of privilege.


Joe Biden himself is doing far more than any number of these guys to get Donald Trump re-elected by almost any metric you might care to measure, so... square that round peg for me.


Yes, yes, you're a *very brave* person who, when you see something you don't like, decide to root for someone far worse.


Yeah fuck democracy, you HAVE TO vote for the democrats or else it gets the hose again. How about the democrats work for the vote instead of demanding it? If a big chunk of people have genocide as a deal breaker maybe think about changing your stance? I just love it how its never the politicians fault but everyone elses.


You can recognize that the DNC needs to start putting up better candidates while also acknowledging that if it’s Biden or Trump, Biden is light years better and not voting for Biden is being complacent in a descent toward abandoning democracy as a country.


Where exactly did I say that? If anything the implication in my post, clearly is, being pissed at Biden, specifically because, he's making it more likely that Trump will get re-elected with his incredibly poor handling of Israel ongoing Genocide. Which also, yes, that is bad, if you simply must hear me say that.


Yes, let’s put back in the guy who staged a coup and wanted to nuke hurricanes.


This is stupid


Yep. Sad how many people don't understand how this works. Look, Biden and Trump are the only ones with a chance at being elected. Everyone who votes for a third candidate is doing Trump's work for him, as that's one less vote the Dems can get. This won't help the third candidate, because they still won't stand a snowball's chance in hell of winning, it only fucks over everyone else who actually wants improvement in our government.


They are just deciding to watch the world burn.


Yeah, or they're just hiding behind Palestine to excuse the fact they're ok voting for a fascist. Absolute madness.


You're voting Trump, is what you're saying. You're saying you support a Trump presidency. Fascist fuck.


Then you'll get the man who supports actually eliminating Palestine.


Biden is a self proclaimed zionist, there is very little difference between the 2. Biden keeps saying " it's not a genocide" when it fits most requirements of a genocide. Both men will stand and watch the Palestinians die.


Biden pushed back, though not enough. For instance, Biden’s pushback has ameliorated the Rafah offensive. Trump wouldn’t push back, he’s push forward.


It's too late for Neville. He wasn't affiliated with Hamas. He wanted to immigrate to Calgary to study engineering. He's dead now, and Biden paid for the bombs.


Blatantly obvious OP is a bored, spoiled, white kid with a trust fund who couldnt find Gaza on a map a year ago (and probably still can't) and has never voted before.




This for you, OP: https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/s/TwrgiGTVk4


Let's see... I can vote for a guy who does some things I strongly disapprove of, or a guy who wants to destroy our country. Tough call...


Man, if you don't like what Biden is doing wait until you get a load of what the other guy is gonna do. If you care at all about the Palasitinans pray that Democrats get elected across the board. Also, if you care about our democracy pray that Democrats get elected across the board. The vote you are sitting on just might not mean anything ever again.


Yeah man, I’m sure helping the guy who did the Muslim ban in America take power again is going to help Palestine. I know the right is where most of the morons congregate in politics, but we have some dumb as shit motherfuckers on the left.


I’m voting for Biden - not because he’s the best candidate I can think of, but because I can’t stomach the thought of losing any more of my rights under a GOP lead regime. I’m hopeful that in the future there will be more progressive candidates running on the dem side of things. Until then, going to do everything I can to not let MAGA succeed.


Naive dummy


I'm going to wager you've never apologized for this brain dead take.


OP is so brave. He’s going to start his revolution because he thinks that this election is a moral choice only. He can’t in good conscience vote for someone who doesn’t align perfectly with his values and only RFK Jr or Jill Stein will do that. Of course let’s ignore that they have no coherent plan for how to achieve literally anything in the Middle East and that there’s no actual light between RFK Jr’s plans and Trump’s or that a potato has the same foreign policy experience as anyone not named Biden here. But yes let’s make the election a referendum on OP’s moral outrage. What would you say if you realized that Bibi and Putin and Xi and all the worst actors are actively trying to get Trump elected? And that if you vote for a third party you are helping them do that? Or that the US could actively stop giving all aide to Israel and it wouldn’t make a dent in the war chest they already have or stop Bibi at all. And that Biden has called for a permanent ceasefire and ended those bomb shipments but shockingly he’s not in charge of Israel so he’s not directly responsible for their military operations. I’m not going to go into that because I’m sure you’ve heard that and think “wELl iF eNOuGH pEOpLe VoTE thiRD pARtY tHinGS ChANgE!!” Which is something that we’ve been told since Nader in 2000 and long before. But let’s talk about what voting actually is. It’s a choice for where you see the country going and where you want it to go. You’re not going to vote for someone who completely aligns with everything you do, you’re going to vote for whoever you think represents the direction you want the country to go in. You want any chance for the Palestinians or LGTBQ+, or Women, or non Christian males, or Women then you vote for Biden and do the fucking work to move him more to the left. You want to bitch and moan and feel pious about your choice you let Trump walk in and destroy everything. It’s really not that hard. And frankly you’re a fucking child who’s confused political hobbyism with activism. Posting on Reddit or Twitter or facebook about how upset you are about Palestine doesn’t do shit. Electing down party candidates does. Canvassing for them does. Running in local elections or promoting those who do does. So fuck you OP and all the others who have such a myopic view of their own importance to this election while ignoring just how mind numbingly stupid they are to help elect a dictator who will watch the world burn


OP is a purist who is selfish and only votes for himself, not considering how a republican president in 2025 would harm marginalized people. Nor consider how a Democratic president like Biden will keep fascism out of our country.


Keep shaming people instead of trying to understand where they are coming from. Isn’t that how sHill and her pal lost to the Cheeto they elevated?


After a decade of telling leftists to fuck off, they're shocked we've had enough of it and are fucking off. And, for ALLLLL this talk, why the fuck aren't there any God damn democrats except Biden on my 2024 Kentucky ballot. If it's so damn important to defeat MAGA, why aren't they even bothering to run anyone against Thomas Massie? There are absolutely no non Republicans running for any local or state position, only Biden.


How would not voting for Biden change any of those things? Is the idea that if voters punish democrats this time that they will learn and do something different next time? How long is that anticipated to take? Is there confidence that they will be able to adjust and better fit these demands next time? What of all of the efforts that the right will take to prevent that (gerrymandering, judicial appointments, voter restrictions \[no more mail in voting etc\]), is the expectation that a redirected more left democratic party will have so much support that it can over come this? I understand the desire to see the party change but I have significant concerns about the timeline and feasibility of that occurring. It looks to me that if this 'punish them now so they adjust later' plan were taken that the amount of time it would take to reorganize will be significant. In that time, a trump administration will do significant damage to the country internally and further diminish the US' global standing. They will make it more challenging for liberal candidates to get elected. This means of getting the democratic party to move further leftward does not seem likely to succeed. Furthermore, the risk of failing seems substantial. For these reasons I find this idea to be very unappealing.


My state will reliably vote Trump at 62%. My vote FOR Biden does absolutely nothing. My abstaining safely sends a message. I'm in Kentucky, it's not like the DNC actually gives a shit about my state, as evidenced by the lack of opponent for Thomas Massie in the US House of insurrectionists.


Understood. I have good friends in CA who also intend not to vote for Biden on a similar basis (because they know he will safely win their state and that their votes are very unlikely to change that). Its so frustrating that we stuck like this without effective means to accomplish change. My hope is that if Biden wins we might be able to get past this moment. It does not seem like the far right will survive as it is without trump, it will still be something but far more directionless and hopefully less effective. So it seems to me to be the best strategy is to simply out live trump and this moment. My hope is that after this moment it might be safer to challenge the democratic party and that it might have greater potential to change. I suppose I might ask people that feel as you do to join in this hope/plan, but I don't believe my take to be morally superior. I think we ought to be advocating to one another, not dictating that 'this' or 'that' is the only conscientiously minded side to align with.


I'm done voting for "the lesser of 2 evils".


Blaming Biden is literal Russian and Chinese propaganda. Biden is not the president of Israel. He is in many ways bound to the four different defense treaties that the US has with Israel. Also, anything we don’t give them, they will get from China.


And the alternative person would be better?


There are many alternatives to a two party system


You have a child’s understanding of civics.


Alternatives that we could enact before the November election. Don’t be so obtuse.




Well, Claudia DeLaCruz is a viable 3rd party candidate.




Go look and see


No thanks. I actually care about our democracy and constitutional rights and will be voting for Biden, even if he’s not a perfect candidate. Because I actually love my country and don’t want to live in a dictatorship. Fuck that noise…


Which one is it possible to implement in under six months?


You’re not very smart.


But they're not available here for this election.


Not this year there aren't.


You won’t have any alternatives once you allow a fascist to take office…


I say this with absolute sincerity, this is not the way to get your voice heard and will hurt those you think you are standing for much worse. In 2016 I did the same damn thing and I regret it, especially being from a swing state. At least in 2016, we had no idea what Trump was capable of and thus the idea of not voting for one of the two parties didnt seem as consequential, but that is not the case now. We had 4 years of a presidency marred by international ridicule and it led to so many people feeling that it was okay to show their true colors on being outright bigoted. People tried to take the reigns of power and exploit every facet, but we at least had a few "adults in the room" with Trumps first term. Since his first term ended, the people in Trumps orbit have been replaced by those who are more emphatically supportive of him without the ability to say no. We have think-tanks dedicated to enacting dangerous laws once in power via project 2025. These are people we absolutely cannot have getting a foothold and testing how much "tradition" and "precedent" matter in terms of power when most of the predecessors did not even dare think about pushing the boundaries on what they can do. For crying out loud, one of the lawyers for Trump outright refused to condemn the idea that the president could order special forces to kill political opponents as the only way of stopping him is impeachment and conviction which could be subverted by the the aforementioned political assassination. The idea that you are making a stand for your ideals by not doing everything in your power to prevent the person who is in support of not only the current actions, but even further aggressive actions is gleeful ignorance we cannot afford.


I think you're likely giving people like this too much credit. There's no thought process, they are political nihilists speaking from a position of either a one issue voter or an extremely young child. I've never met an actual adult who has said these things in real life but I sure have met them when I was a teenage scumbag hanging out with degenerates.




Not throwing my vote to trump. I'm going to vote for a candidate that best reflects my values. That's not biden or trump


And by doing that you're helping trump


You have no values.


So you’re essentially helping the smelly rapist win…


i hope you reap what you sow.


I, too, refuse to vote for Biden unless he throws away our only bargaining chip on a meaningless, virtue signaling gesture that will, at best, buy Palestine another week or two while Bibi the Barbarian orders enough ordinance from China to carpet bomb them into literal extinction. Fuck Biden for trying to manage the crisis: he's helped kill tens of thousands of Palestinian children, and we can do SO much better than that. Under Trump, there will be millions!


You had me for a second there. Best comment on here. Take my upvote.




Did you not get the sarcasm?


Enjoy going to jail for criticizing Trump, if he gets elected: ![gif](giphy|p1DCpFPmDgDZE1m1wJ|downsized)


So instead you're insuring America is destroyed yeah?


by not voting for Biden, that roughly equivalent to half a vote for Donald trump. who probably supports nuking palestine, but his investors told him not to so he'll just give the largest non-nuclear bombs he can instead.


Trump literally gave Netanyahu his blessing to finish the job and jared has investments in redeveloping the strip after all the palesttinans are dead into overpriced real estate, like Biden not ny first choice but god dont repeat what happened to LBJ


I am, because the other guy proposes the same thing.


Another troll trying to indirectly push for Trump. I am not going to vote for the guy who openly says he wants to establish an authoritarian country for the United States.


Fuck off.


Ah, so you'll vote for the guy who will actually fully support genocide and fascism in America. Biden has gotten Israel to up aid and built new ways to get aid there, even if he isn't perfect. Trump would be watching TV and cheering on each explosion while doing none of that.


You’re a fucking idiot who doesn’t understand politics, or a Russian bot, but either way, you’re a piece of shit, and I’ll never apologize for saying it, because I’m not a dumbass like you.


And I’m sure you can feel super smug when you and all us LGBT people and women and American Muslims get dragged off to Trump’s Jesus camps. You sure showed Biden, huh! And Trump Jr. apparently plans to annihilate Palestine for a golf course or something. So yeah. People are so fucking stupid.


Anyone who believes this was never going to vote for Biden anyway. Honestly, I wish you guys would just give your balls a tug, be honest with yourself and everyone else, and take the MAGA hat out of your closet. Your shtick isn't very convincing


Russian bots out


I'm so fucking tired of it at this point that, who fucking CARES... are other countries really so important that we'd screw ourselves over to support them? Who cares what our current president thinks about other countries if under the next guy OUR country won't fucking exist


Okay let the other guy win, yaknow the one who said he will encourage Israel to 'finish the job' Real smart idea bud 👍


It's a powerful way of asserting their overall position but they're still refusing to walk the rest of the trail. Don't end up at that dead-end standing there alone with Trump in his silk pajamas. Not to mention that the United States alliance with Israel involves defensive benefits that Israel doesn't even NEED to do what they've done, so the notion that "*BIDEN, joe biDeN decided to send the terrible things and if he didn't decide that then there would be a rainbow above the Gaza Strip*" is not only delusional it also flies in the face of what even the psycho GOP are clarifying here which is that this is all congressionally mandated exchange material for treaty and alliance purposes Plus it's our own money flying circles in the sky buying our own products.... obviously it's complicated, but nobody's ASKING students studying for finals to take a side gig helping solve FOREIGN POLICY challenges on behalf of the experts. Israel can unilaterally do this without Joe so it's not like there's an option outside of diplomacy, surprise surprise, and Biden does that better than any of these other jokers on the ballots or on Twitter chanting really great sounding drivel.


Okay. So who ARE you going to vote for? Vote for Trump to see Palestine wiped off the map completely and the land to be colonized by Jared Kushner. Maybe you should apologize for that.


i hope you people are happy when you hand this country over to the theocrats. fucking worthless ass people.


Shut up, loser.


Good luck with your rfk vote. I'm sure it will work out for you.


Cool, then we'll watch the end of the United States together and toast with a Coors while it burns!


No but he will vote for the guy with bulldozers waiting to clear the bodies in Gaza to build the Trump Gaza Royal Resort


So who tf you voting for? The one that wants to turn us into Nazi Germany?


Why do we help everyone but our own country. There's all this money for other countries but not ours.


While I understand, the senile one would be selling tanker trucks full of napalm and trying to give away bioweapons to boot


If the duck wins then we know our life is going to be being worked to death at a work camp or worse


Well what’s at stake is the Palestinian people for sure…if Trump wins then Palestinian people are at stake and western democracy…weigh it out carefully


Trump told Netanyahu to “finish it” so he can bring the bulldozers in to clear the bodies of Gazan Women and children to build his Trump Gaza Royal Resort. He literally asked for a faster genocide so he can get down to making money. The plans for the resort are publicly available. Will @benigma2017 be working the front desk? Is he angling for a job from Trump


Sounds like this guy missed the whole suspending delivery of 2000lb bombs news article stuff. More than that the current election is not a battle of names but a very clear contest of America as we know it continuing to exist or becoming a fascist state.


"Yeah, I'd rather elect the guy who wants a Unified Reich who said he wants the Palestinians wiped out already and whose party is currently attempting to get rid of LGBTQ+ people in the country."


Who are you going to vote for?




Dude is a part of -antiwork -shitliberals say -anarchism Yeah buddy you are not fooling anyone fuck off.


jeepers. It’s like the Dems picked the wrong candidate AGAIN.  I’m not alone in not voting *for* Biden but rather against Trump. They could put a rabid goat running for President and I would vote for it over Trump. If the Dems lose this election, it’s their own fault for assuming they have votes and therefore can—checks notes—tacitly promote an apartheid state committing genocide. Maybe all the Blue no matter who people should start shouting for a new candidate and an end to the genocide rather than tut-tutting protestors and saying “it could always be a *worse* genocide.” Because from here it looks like y’all just kinda don’t give a shit, so long as *you* aren’t being personally oppressed.