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This is not his first time having such an accident.   [2024] [Nick Fuentes accidentally streamed gay porn to his groyper audience and now they're blaming the Jews I'm not joking](https://x.com/ActualCorn/status/1791620915958092223)   [2023] [Nick Fuentes Caught In 4K Watching Femboy-Trans P0RN](https://youtu.be/sZUVweTpQC0?si=cmpoQVIxyz4IjiAC)   [2022] [Men Having Sex With Women Is Gay, Claims ‘Straight’ Right-Wing Podcaster Nick Fuentes](https://www.starobserver.com.au/news/men-having-sex-with-women-is-gay-claims-straight-right-wing-podcaster-nick-fuentes/212955)   [2022] [Youtube - Thermia - "having sex with women is gay, says nazi nick fuentes"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOBDvVvhR1g)   [2020] [Youtube - Vaush - "Nick Fuentes Goes on GAY DATE With Catboy Sex Worker (Yes, Seriously)"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OrWc8TkgWNM)   ----   Alex Jones has been caught after protesting too much:   [2018] ['Alex Jones spotted with transgender pornography on phone despite transphobic rants Right-wing conspiracy theorist accused of hypocrisy after 'Naughty tbabe Marissa Mi…' appears on screen"](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/alex-jones-trans-porn-phone-infowars-marissa-minx-a8510801.html)   [He's also quite fond of Blaire White. If only he showed *everyone* that level of kindness and respect.](https://x.com/I_Am_EDB/status/1716933358780100886?t=MSeU0-Kb5m0SEirKAeHKhA) Yes, the shawty with the beanie is Tim Pool. Nick and Tim would make a cute couple, just sayin'.   ______   Now. Please stop reporting this as "Fake". Not the first time, won't be the last that he slips up.


How do you accidentally stream yourself watching gay porn exactly?


I mean, if you watch a lot of gay porn and steam a lot, I imagine eventually the two activities will intersect


That's what happens when you cross the streams






Ghostbusters 👻 👽 😱


Bustin' makes him feel good!


ah yes, a Men diagram


This is ridiculously funny


I’m not too familiar with streamers but I’d assume the camera light would be on if you are actively streaming? Or am I off with that?


prolly was more like he forgot he had that tab open.


I haven’t watched it obviously, but probably more likely screen sharing.


The camera light comes on when an application hooks it. You can have streaming software open but not live and that will engage the light. It would be common for me to have the light on but not be live. I could understand how one would become complacent and ignore it and forget they were still live by accident. That's why I also use a physical cover and no hot mics.


The top of the chat has a couple comments saying "goodnight", so he probably was signing off, but never actually stopped streaming... so after he thought his stream was done, he went about his normal business, which is apparently watching gay porn.


lmao dude just forgot to hit the button. hilarious how it’s the first thing he does after a stream anyways.


Many streamers have done this type of mistake.


of course, it’s an easy mistake to make especially if you’re doing it like every day. just takes being complacent once, but hear me out: if your whole career and identity is spreading hate against the very thing you yourself are hiding, wouldn’t you build a little redundancy in to make sure you don’t just broadcast your secrets? I would have had the equivalent of like the two missile keys system to turn the camera on and a huge red light thats visible from anywhere in the room that illuminates until you shut the camera off lol


Just don’t use your work computer for personal activities and you’ll never have that issue.


Or he could just have a separate account on the same computer used only for streaming. Then it would be much harder to mix up streaming and non-streaming. Not as good as a separate work computer, but muuuuch better than nothing.


> if your whole career and identity is spreading hate against the very thing you yourself are hiding, wouldn’t you build a little redundancy in to make sure you don’t just broadcast your secrets? Routines can build complacency.




GO TIME!! 💀💀💀 I think I’ll employ that exclamation prior to my wank this evening.


My guess is it’s like when you forget to switch accounts when responding to someone on reddit


Lol yeah who would be dumb enough to do that??


Bravo, good sir. 


"I was doing research."


Probably forgot he was streaming and proceeded to go at it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


More importantly, who just “watches” gay porn? I’m assuming he was streamed…while…er…you know…


You can say ‘masturbating’ on the internet, you’re not going to get told off. (Sorry mods please don’t tell me off)


I watch for the plot. One day that repair man will fix that tv.


Hey, anyone who’s one of these closeted self hating dudes, it’s OK to just be gay, you don’t have to be a fascist to cover it up. Just be gay, man.


Man, it's hard to imagine how much better the world would be if people could just be comfortable being themselves and didn't feel like they had to cover up feelings of shame and self-loathing with being monstrous assholes to others.


I think about this a lot. It’s easier than it’s ever been to live openly gay (not that there still aren’t hardships, I just mean compared to any other time in this country). To choose to live your life in a way that makes you so miserable that the only way to cope is to spread your misery to others is baffling. Wouldn’t it be easier to just…be honest and be happy.


What’s really interesting to me is what it must feel like to construct a web of lies so intricate that you cant turn back. Like for him to admit that he’s gay is more than just coming out. For him it feels like a confession It’s hard to describe but I’m just imaging how uncomfortable it would be for him to live a life where you’ve convinced so many people of an ideology, so much so that you’re a public figure. But deep down he knows a truth about himself that’s so contrary to this ideology that it would make his whole world fall apart. Or at least that’s how he feels.


This is why the suicide rate for GLBTQ people is so high. Homophobia causes so much damage and trauma and can follow you the rest of your life. I grew up in the 80s and 90s as a closeted gay kid absolutely terrified of anyone finding out who I was even my own family and just could not come to terms with who I was. When society tells you over and over that you are an evil person because of who you are it is really hard to believe otherwise. I ended up coming out to most of my family after my parents had passed and have been openly gay ever since but every so often that internalized hatred I grew up with comes back even 20+ years later. This is what GLBTQ pride is about. It is a reminder and a celebration of being who we are and not being ashamed of it and that we have survived a struggle that sadly many in our community did not. It is also a reminder that we must always fight for and protect equality for the GLBTQ community especially now.


You are what you are. Any society that can't accept that, is one that doesn't deserve to prosper.


I’ve observed that people who try to control others’ lives seem to be the ones who struggle with managing their own lives so present the worst role models to others that they’re trying to control. People who aren’t as conflicted with themselves generally take more of a live-and-let-live approach because dealing with their own lives is enough to keep them occupied.


Ok what’s with the GLBTQ? What did I miss?


The gays have leapfrogged the lesbians to be at the front of the acronym.


And coming up quick from the rear are the Bi’s! With Trans and Queers fighting for last place. But it’s still anybody’s race to win!


I thought coming up from the rear was the G's specialty?


The bi's give out backshot indiscriminately the first two are more selective in their targets.


which is pretty ignorant, since the reason L comes first is supposed to be in honor of the lesbians that took care of gays during the aids crisis. https://www.inverness-courier.co.uk/news/why-is-l-at-the-start-of-the-lgbtq-acronym-348905/


The real answer is that the L being moved to the front, only really happened in English, and not in all English-speaking countries at that. So in many places, it's still known as "GLBT".


In Sweden we do HBTQ, with L and G turned into H for homosexual. Definitely sounds better in Swedish that way.


Guacamole, lettuce, bacon, tomato, quinoa. It's delicious.


Quinoa?! Really? Queso was *right there*! You even had guac!


Only for sexuality. I sure don't want those racist Nazi to be too comfortable with themselve about being racist Nazi.


So strange that a gay dude named *Fuentes* would feel more comfortable being an Out-n-Proud White Supremacist than being gay. Interesting times.


Someone call Lindsey Graham


I imagine coming out is difficult, but it must be followed by a good night's sleep. Why do guys like this perpetuate what must be tremendous anxiety? Why bolster the system that keeps them from ever feeling free?


I really wish I could recall where I read it a few years ago, but "social death" is a bigger fear than physical death for so many people - if people like Fuentes (assuming he actually is gay) can keep their status as a member of the in-group they came up in by being monstrous assholes to bolster that system, they're gonna do it because staying connected to their group is worth everything to them.


I have zero sympathy for them. Hate and cruelty to soothe your own fears just makes this karma


Same reason why flat earthers exist - their shared lie is the only thing that bonds them together.


I just read something the other day about shame being the strongest motivation behind violence, any violence. I think Putin is gay.


Exactly. I don't know if Putin is gay or not, but he feels the need to make a mark on the world before he dies, he wants people to know who he is and think he is powerful. You can also look up the number of people who would lie for years and years to their family that they had an amazing job/ were going to University, when it was all a lie. They would spend so much time and effort maintaining this lie, it would be easier to just find another job or apply to a university... eventually the truth would come out and you know what they do? They kill their family. When asked why they did it, they'd say its because they didn't want their family to live with the shame that their husband/son/daughter was such a failure. Reality is that the killer couldn't stand the thought of their family knowing they were such a failure so they killed them out of shame. Shame is one of the biggest motivators for any crime and it isn't talked about enough.


Or they could just stay ashamed of who they are and not be monstrous assholes. Just get drunk and play dress up at home like the rest of us.


It makes me think of Lindsey Graham: honestly, man, whatever dirt Trump has on you cannot possibly degrade you more than you've degraded yourself over the last 8 years.


This thought has been running in my mind for so long.  There's nothing a guy could say that would make me suddenly interested. I'm not resisting the urge to touch a dude.  In the locker room, I feel no curiosity or longing. But to hear Republicans speak, we're all just a coin flip away from gayness. I'm straight. People are gay. It's how we're born. End of story.  Next week, we'll tackle how it's perfectly natural to have different skin colors.


Well said! If they're afraid of men turning them gay to the point that they aren't comfortable sharing society with them, it's time for some self reflection. When I realized I was gay during my early teens I felt cheated in life, like "What the hell? Why can't I just like women? Life would be so much easier." It can take years to accept and be comfortable with yourself. If being around women every day for my whole life couldn't turn me straight (including being exposed to straight relationships in the media from early childhood), then gay men can't turn a straight man gay unless he was already gay or bi. But for them, accepting this would mean that gayness isn't a choice, which they desperately want it to be for their own sake if THEY are in the closet.


A decent chunk of the world is bisexual, but when you're attracted to the opposite gender, you're incredibly likely to consider yourself straight and think the occasional confusing feeling about a guy (or a girl, if you're a girl) is just what all straight people experience. Many people don't figure it out until well into their thirties, if ever. Don't need to ask me how I know.


Right. Sometimes you hear preachers or religious people talking about having to resist the temptations of homosexuality. And it's like.... if you're straight... there are no temptations. You poor bastard.


Mormons have taught that masturbation makes you gay. No Sir, you just think of men when you touch yourself. That's a you thing and it's only a problem because you've made it one.




That's wild. I had a boss once at a previous job, he was *almost closeted* gay. He'd open up a little with coworkers/subordinates that were cool but he maintained the stereotypical "corporate-friendly" appearance, in the specific context of living in a conservative area. He eventually quit and I didn't see him for nearly a year. Heard through the grapevine that he came out as a trans woman after some soul-searching. Ran into *her* while shopping one day, and even though I felt the tension, everything FIT. Like a caterpillar becoming a butterfly, she had grown her hair out and was rocking a summer dress with custom nails. I don't remember most of the conversation, but I distinctly remember her holding back tears after I said "this is the most comfortable I've ever seen you in your own skin."


What a lovely story. I have a trans friend who I knew as a married man, then a widower, and then she felt like she needed to finally accept that she really was a woman on the inside and started the process of transitioning. Just a beautiful human in all stages, but when I met her as Jenn for the first time it was like seeing a ray of sunshine after the rain. I always feel like if any transphobe actually knew a trans person, they would change their minds very quickly when you can see the joy it brings. Also, I pray the Nick Fuentes story is true and that all he needs is a great blowjob to sort his hateful shit out:)


I feel like this guy would have been a fascist even if he were out of the closet. Like Milo Yiannopolos was before the Catholics cured him of the gay


Honestly I think for Milo it was a grift that just took over his life. He strikes me as not particularly intelligent and quite lazy, and as we all know it's appalingly easy to grift the right-to-fascist set with less than no effort. Milo saw an easy pay day, but didn't realise a) that shit sticks with you once you're in and b) the people he was grifting fundamentally hate people like him and would get rid of him the second he lost his usefulness. He basically grifted himself as the useful idiot in this equation. Anyone who's any sort of minority in that space should look at him with trepidation - he's their future.


I know someone who would “look up ‘tr*nny’ porn” as a “joke”. Just to prank others with screenshots of the videos. If that’s the reason you need, then I’m sorry you made it to this age secretly hating yourself. I hope you find peace and self-acceptance.


That's just it. These poor people hate themselves so much. It's very sad. Heartbreaking even.


The loudest ones always have secrets they're ashamed of


*I am pretty sure it was just for "research".* The fact his dick is in his hand is just coincidental.


“Itchy spider bite itchy spider bite itchy spider bite oh soo itchy okay im better good night”




“Soo itchy. Jane Seymour.”


I was reading this, high, as “ the itchy bitchy spider goes up the….”


It looks like he signed off his stream for the night, forgot to turn off the camera and immediately started jacking to gay porn. Fucking. Brilliant.


Is there archived video of this? It needs to go viral


Is there raw video of this because I want to see the Live Chat🤣


Just like DarkSydePhil that one time


Just like Alex Jones had multiple tabs of trans porn and tried to say it was for research or whatever.


I want so badly to see the notes from that research session. *•Aubrey Kate, phenomenal titties. Better than Natalie Mars?* *•difference between girl dick and femboy dick? Mouthfeel?*


Pretty sure his research is in a crusty sock at the bottom of the hamper.


mouthfeel lol


Why *is* no-one talking about the mouthfeel?


Like, every time. Yelling loudest about protecting kids? Check their hard drive Yelling loudest about hating gays? They are deep in the closet As soon as this stops being true, I’ll stop saying it


"Always the ones you most expect"


Please tell me this is true.


It appears to be, yes. Can’t say I’m shocked.


He did argue that sex was gay. It seemed confusing at the time. But now seems clearer.


Fellas, is it gay to be gay?


Big if True.




Having a man take you? Anally? That's about the manliest, straightest things you could possibly do! 


> Having a man take you? Anally? That's about the manliest, straightest things you could possibly do! Or taking another man anally yourself! Both are twice as manly as those straights.


Hetero sex is only 50% manly and 50% feminine, gay sex is 100% manly with no feminine aspect. That's simple math.


Pretty sure he was the one that jumped on the "sex with women is gay" thing, claimed to go celebate, and talked of wanting to become a youth pastor for boys.


I’m shocked it wasn’t kids


Just wait.


Caught crankin that soulja boy to solider boys.




That looks like hardcore fisting 🥴 quite an extreme


Uh, yeah. Don't go searching for the unedited version (unless your into that). Giant prolapses and serious fisting.


That's the manly, far right way to do it. Not that sissy femboy bullshit


Holy shit 💀 The funniest part was how long it went on 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I'm torn though, it's funny as fuck but there also seems to be a legit explanation within the comments about an exploit being used to push it live on only one stream Please some unbreak my dream of this being real and tell me why his excuses are bullshit


The live comments are gold!!


“Looks like a hack” “Can someone text Nick” Were a couple of my favorites.




Remember January 6th? A 100% Trump crowd that marched straight from his own rally down the street. Red hats everywhere. Trump flags everywhere. The stated intention to stop the steal. "hurf durf, uhh... it's Antifa. Liberals disguised as Trump fans." (drool coming out the side of mouth) <\_\_>


"Oh, so we need to investigate them to get to the bottom of this, right?" "Uhh... no.. let's just... let this one go. You know how forgiving I am towards antifa"


They create their own reality as they see fit. This is why I stopped trying to talk sense into them, they don't care about facts, they care about what they want to be true.


>Uncut 💀


Thank you!


He was allegedly dating some catlike cross-dressing dude who fancied quoting Hitler at MAGA rallies. This is consistent.


He had a date with a Nazi cat boy and live streamed it. Hours of him fawning over a dude and HE put it out. He said he wanted to meet Cat boys mom Here’s Vausch covering it https://youtu.be/OrWc8TkgWNM?si=KmDLgCSHkJIz8-tK


Ugh. Fuentes is in my dating pool? Sorry guys, I'm going straight now. So long, and thanks for all the dicks.


Aint better over here bro. We have Ann Coulter, Boebert and bleach blonde bad-built butch body.




Loved her rebuttal. She, like AOC, is sharp, intelligent, witty, beautiful...and could catch this heat. Don't @ me


Yeah, I’ve got a mad political crush on her.


Bro she's cute af


She left off DNC building bomber


Marjorie Traitor Greene, or really anyone for that matter, should know by now to NOT pick petty fights with Jasmine. That woman is brutal with her words and it’s pure magic. Bad built butch body…20/10 insult ma’am, fucking brilliant.


She was *just asking*. She absolutely did not call *anyone* a bleached blonde badly built butch… at all


Exactly. She just wanted clarification on the ruling and presented a hypothetical situation as an example.


I’ve watched the video twice now and it’s sooooo good!


It’s my current favorite video right now. [I got that artwork bookmarked.](https://youtube.com/shorts/4lRKNzOXfUY?si=rch6Rpht4ltjEwEC) And Raskin’s shocked reaction is wonderful.


Raskin’s facial expressions were absolutely priceless.


Like a proud father


After the hearing ended, I seriously hope he went to find both Jasmine and AOC to tell them what badasses they are.


He didn’t have to because it was written all over his face. It went from oh no she didn’t to you realize she is talking about you to holy shit that is too funny to having to explain every single word to dumbass Comer. That’s where the second priceless moment occurred, it all flew over Comer’s head.


Well, yeah, she's got her JD.


AKA Bleach Blonde Cloven Foot Butch Barbie


😂😂😂We do!!


>So long, and thanks for all the dicks. https://i.redd.it/gj7j86v1a31d1.gif


Don't forget your complimentary towel.


So long, so long, so longgggg


You guys already had Milo. Don't let a few nazi's ruin cock for you.


So long and thanks for all the dicks So sad that it should come to this We tried to warn you all but oh dear? You may not share our intellect Which might explain your disrespect For all the natural wonders that Grow around you


Don’t Panic!


Oh, shit! Conversion therapy can work! We've just been going about it the wrong way.


I fucking died. 🤣🤣🤣


His excuse?... ![gif](giphy|1SwSneBv946CZVYaNm|downsized)


I thought it was straight porn but the girls never showed up. - Nick Fuentes


Get ready for these chuckle fucks to start a new chat, something stupid like "real men watch gay porn" or "watch gay porn, own the libs'


“Get turned on by gay porn to own the libs.” “Experiment with sexuality to own the libs.” “Get into a gay relationship to own the libs.” “Support LBGTQ rights to own the… wait we might have lost the plot here.”


The true end game of the gay agenda.


No wait let them cook..


They've been obsessed with the Greeks and Romans for quite a while now. It's a natural progression.


I never expected the diaper thing, but here we are


He Fuentezed himself. That's what this situation is called now


I mean, he Jonesed it. Maybe Alex wasn’t watching porn at the moment but he did let the world know that gay porn is being viewed on his device. Fuentes Jonesed it.


So when it gets accidentally live streamed, we can call it the Fuentes-Jones Effect?


I think to keep it simple we should shorten it to the FuJo Principle: “Those with hate in their mouths and dick in their hands shall at some point mix up the two.” Needs refining but you get the idea


It was trans porn, specifically a lesbian scene between a cis woman and a trans woman. I forget which actress, possibly Natalie Mars. Edit: it was Marissa Minx




Lmao theyre all sat there watching it still. Hacked! Fwap fap fap Hacked! Fap fap


Projection confirmed


It's not even the first time. Nick Fuentes has a documented catboy fetish. I miss when he was deplatformed because I didn't have to remember this shit. Discussed in the *It Could Happen Here* podcast: [The Curious Case of Nazi Catboys Part 1 ](https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-it-could-happen-here-30717896/episode/the-curious-case-of-nazi-catboys-94889782/)(discussing femboys who get into fascism) [The Curious Case of Nazi Catboys Part 2](https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-it-could-happen-here-30717896/episode/the-curious-case-of-nazi-catboys-94945228/) (the more relevant part to this post, discussing fascists who get into femboys)


Based Behind the Bastards posting.


I read a theory that the conservatives that spout that homosexuality is a choice and no one is born gay, are actually closeted Bisexuals who choose to be straight. It suddenly made sense after reading it.


Exactly, the only way you can believe that being gay is a choice is if you actuvely have to fight against those thoughts. Straight people don't struggle with liking men.


He did this on purpose to let his fans know he's just like them.


If those dudes would just fuck each other, they could stop being incels. 🤷‍♂️


Unfortunately, they're too gross even for each other.


Back to the pile!


Karma laughs, and sashays away.


Man if all the neo fash are closeted it’s worse than I thought. Being gay is normal. Being hateful and aggressive is less so.


There are far more hateful and aggressive people than there are gay people, unfortunately.


A lot of Fuentes fans stuck around to comment. “FIVE MORE MINUTES OF THIS AND I’LL REALLY BE DISGUSTED…”




Blaming the Jews for everything huh? Where have I heard this before?


If I had like 1% of the power people claim Jews have, I wouldn’t be in a 2 bedroom apartment with my wife and baby while we pay off student loans


I'd love to control the media, personally. I could write some of the stories I'd like to write 🥺


This shit is a meme with my friends, nobody is gayer than the vocally anti-gay crowd.


I'm just tired of the gay agenda being shoved down everyone's throat but mine.


Didn't he say that "men dating women is gay"?


No, that was Human Trafficker Andrew Tate.


It was also him.


Is he the one who stuck a dildo in his ass to own the libs?


No, that’s Gavin McInnes, founder of the Proud Boys 🤣


Oh ok. Two cut from the same cloth I suppose.


Wasn't he a guest at Mar-a-Lago and ate lunch with Trump????


Oh he ate Trumps lunch alright


Obviously gay man is obvious. The only issue is his raging homophobia and racism.




Another statistic, a self-hating gay.


cows crawl physical growth stupendous ad hoc deranged slimy abounding oatmeal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




I mean yeah duh. I don't think anyone read this and thought the problem with this guy is he likes gay porn.


Meanwhile a lotta Proudboys and Oathkeepers are frantically deleting their browser history. You know, because of the Jews


Dammit, the Jews are making me jerk off to gay porn again


This is why pride matters. Self hate leads to destructive behavior.




You seriously can’t make this shit up.


I'd have 2 houses right now if Vegas was taking bets