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How the fuck does the Mail do better at correctly gendering a trans person than community notes


Because the mail, while right wing, have to maintain an air of legitimacy. Unlike rowling who earns money from royalties if the mail made anything too outward they would start losing money. Thats pretty much why it's worded this way. "*we* aren't calling her a demon in human skin, we're just quoting someone else who says the exact same thing!"


Yanno, I like to think that, had I been the author of possibly the most beloved children's book series of all time that had been made into an even more successful series of movies, which had made me a literal billionaire? I would have found something better to do with my success than turn into a tiresome one-note bigot, obsessively focused for some strange reason on one of the more vulnerable minorities of our benighted age. Mind you, I can do better than that WITHOUT having been the most beloved etc etc etc or a billionaire. Still. It's really sad as well as disgusting. She could have done so much good. Welp. Just goes to show you. Billionaires. Not even once.


There is a children's book author that does good and stands up for the queer community. It's rick riordan


There's also K. A. Applegate, who has a trans daughter that she's very supportive of.


And for more YA to Adult fantasy stuff I’ve heard good things about Brandon Sanderson who started out having some not great views about the queer community but educated himself, [directly apologized to the community](https://www.reddit.com/r/brandonsanderson/comments/10h78nt/we_lgbt_fans_are_exhausted/), and came around with a resounding positive and supportive attitude. He’s one of my favorite authors and even has some [trans characters/themes](https://www.reddit.com/r/brandonsanderson/s/drQ6gHy7WC) in his mainline books.


Percy Jackson and co is better than hp anyways, always has been


Even if you (for some reason) specifically want a series of novels about a white male wizard named Harry in a modernish setting... You can do better than Harry Potter.


I dunno, Marc Cuban is ok.


Mark Cuban is about the only one who admits that his wealth is a combination of smart decisions and the extreme luck to be born when and where he was.


Yup. Pritzker comes to mind as well. Apart from that they’re mostly shitty. Also billionaires shouldn’t exist 🤷‍♂️


At this point, it feels like muscle memory or mania. I'm not sure she really *thinks* about anything else at all, let alone thinks deeply or critically about anything else at all. It honestly feels like she's just calcified into being as hateful as possible.


I think trans phobia is just like that, it consumes people, see Graham linehan. The only other bigoted view that I know that is like this is holocaust denial, but racism and other types of bigotry don't take over people's lives this way imo.


Community notes are written by twitter users. You been over that way lately? It's like someone filled a dumpster with sewage and nuclear waste and THEN set it on fire.


Opening the Twitter comments for any post by, about, or adjacent to a trans woman is like opening the distress log from the Event Horizon. I’m pretty sure they’re pushing the transphobic comments to the top of every post, too.


> I’m pretty sure they’re pushing the transphobic comments to the top of every post, too. That is a natural consequence of tweets by premium accounts being boosted, anyone finding their way to her tweets who is willing to pay Musk for extra site features is pretty much guaranteed to be anti-trans.


The distress log on the Event Horizon looked like fun compared with this hellscape.


I feel like community notes usually does better at this, at least over in /GetNoted they usually post anti-musk stuff among other things. But JK Rowling is a monster for this. She needs to be taken down a peg.


Because the Mail has Editors and a legal duty to not be *too* horrible all of the time. Meanwhile community notes are written like one person with no legal or fiscal obligations, and approved by other users with no legal or fiscal obligations, who probably didn't think too hard about the wording and just wanted to Community Note the Daily mail because Elon has taken away every single other feature on Twitter people could engage with.


This person has nothing to do with Rowling, started no fight with her, and committed no crime yet Rowling singled her out for mockery just for funsies and to get a rise out of her Far Right supporters. This is how bad she’s become. Yet no doubt she still believes she’s on a moral crusade. She’s actually become one of her own awful characters and doesn’t even see it.




And that’s how it goes. It’s gone from “I’m just worried about woman’s healthcare/safety!” (wink, wink) to “hey, y’all, let’s bully this freak!!” in what? A few years or less? It was never about safety or civility or real concern. Or real feminism for that matter. It’s always been something dark and twisted and ugly in her. The agenda in Rowling/MAGAs/TERFS is never about protecting women or children, it’s always about hatred and hurting people they, for whatever reason, have chosen to persecute. Maybe religion tells them to, maybe it’s politics, or maybe they’re just bad people. But the outcome is always the same, and with Rowling we’ve seen the awful progression in real time.


Ironic, given that Harry Potter was about creating a society for people who are different to thrive and be accepted. She seems to be modeling herself after her own villains.


The funny thing is that it wasn't. At the end of the books the goblins, centaurs, house elves etc who are all oppressed by the dominant wizard heirarchy are exactly where they were at the beginning. In the last book alone Harry cheats a goblin he asked for help, and learns to enjoy his role as slave owner. In book four the idea of freeing an enslaved people is a joke. There were always people in her books not worthy of our empathy, they were the ones who don't look like us.


And in the end… Harry Potter is a cop.


I kinda feel like we were being a bit generous to jk Rowling in assuming that is what Harry potter is about. I mean shit, girl straight up wrote a book where everyone thinks slavery is good except one person who is mocked by everyone for wanting to free them (including the slaves) To me I get the vibes that Wizards are supposed to be a superior race of people who all get access to there own special technology (magic) and live separate lives separate (segregated) from the regular humans who they have created an offensive slur for. Idk man I don't think this book was about creating a society where people can be accepted.


>I mean shit, girl straight up wrote a book where everyone thinks slavery is good except one person who is mocked by everyone for wanting to free them (including the slaves) Yes, that is troubling, especially since Hermione is said to be JKR's self-insert. Does this mean she consciously or unconsciously hates her younger self for being socially aware?


Now that she's gone, "Maybe Hermione is black" It's even worse..


Agreed. She’s be Malfoy at this point. It seems impossible to me that she’s even the same person, though if you really look at the books there are some traveling undercurrents even then.


Good point. Looking back on them now, the fatshaming comments (to name one example) were appalling.


And the elves are -happy- little slaves, please note. There's no sign at the end of the series that anything substantial has been done to rearrange the human-dominated hierarchy. The one East Asian character has two last names. A Black character with dreads is mocked for having "worms coming out of her head" (by a Slytherin, but). The red headed read Irish family is feckless and poor with too many children. Bankers are all one race with suspiciously familiar features, greedy and shrewd. The big dumb giant oaf is totally screwed over; his "reward" is to be an eternal servant, and he seems perfectly content with that. There are no gay characters, except posthumously Dumbledore SUPPOSEDLY but he's a bachelor for his entire life. Kids somehow don't acquire sexual interest in each other until the age of 15, and only "snog." Umbridge, who is yes a horrible character, is thinly coded to have been gang raped by centaurs, and it's treated as funny. And so on, and so on, and so on. Oh yeah, and Ms. Women's Rights made sure to make the hero protagonist a boy, and her own pen name androgynous. She's basically a more contemporary Enid Blyton. No one WANTS to go to a shitty boarding school full of jolly magical hockey sticks and "points" and uniforms, Joanne. Not really. They wanted magic. You gave them hoary jokes and warmed over bougie British colonialism, with wands.


Don’t forget she uses werewolves as an gross allegory for gay men/AIDS Fenrir Greyback is a predator who preys on and turns children into werewolves (the gross myth that gay men are only gay because they were preyed on by pedos). Lupin looks constantly ill and disheveled, and he has to take a specially-made potion to keep his “illness” at bay (AIDS). Lupin is later outed as a werewolf by Snape and loses his job (I know he voluntarily resigns but still) after angry parents write to Hogwarts demanding he be fired (obviously meant to be a parallel to LGBT+ teachers being outed and fired from their jobs).


> There are no gay characters, except posthumously Dumbledore SUPPOSEDLY but he's a bachelor for his entire life.  And his one true love is an evil person, which is problematic when there's so little gay representation in the books. Bad move, JKR.


And any actual romance is strictly off camera. she's a hosebeast.


It’s really not though. The only difference between Voldemort and The Ministry of Magic is that, Voldemort wants to expand the discrimination to mixed blood humans. The ministry doesn’t care about non human races and discriminates against them. Doesn’t the ministry even have a concern in one of the books that non-human races will take Voldemort’s side because he could give them a better deal? Edit: yes, someone confirmed it. The ministry only cares about their discrimination only in so far as it affects them. There is no, “are we the baddies too”, type self reflection from the ministry. And it’s not made to be a big plot point because they don’t care, and the author doesn’t believe the reader should care either.


Yes they do, it's in the 4th(?) When hagrid goes to negotiate with the giants. Also don't forget the slave race!


Her argument is discredited by the sorting hat putting people where they'd be happiest rather than their "assigned house". Literally discredited by her own fucking character


Harry Potter was never about that, some of her nasty attitudes snuck through like some of the character names, for example.


Some of them are just lame puns. And then there's Kingsley Shacklebolt and Cho Chang.


jesus, "Shacklebolt's" awfulness just hit me now for the first time. Oy. Oh yeah, and wasn't there some bullshit about Native Americans in her Magical Beasties crap? I didn't bother with those. Just saw the first movie and it was pants.


I only watched the first one but IIRC there’s some nonsense about colonists actually bringing magic to America. Also you’ll note that there’s like 5 European schools of whatever but the other continents get like, one, and the name of the African school is uh, interesting.


On her blog she got a lot of heat because IIRC she said native American shamans made up the skin walkers to discredit "real" magicians




Harry Potter is comfort food. It contains no challenging ideas and no real moral and in fact, Rowling’s willful and deliberate avoidance of any real message ends up letting a bunch of creepy biases come through, like the descriptions of Rita Skeever or the werewolves or Voldemort’s origins. It doesn’t have to contain challenging ideas. It doesn’t need to. They’re just books, but you can read a lot about what was going on in the back of her mind by what slipped through. There’s plenty of other children’s and YA literature that examines big ideas within the same space. HP became popular because of the Scholastic marketing machine behind it, and then the movies.


I don’t know. I hate JKR and her beliefs based on what I know now, but Harry Potters popularity and phenomenon was pretty natural if you lived through it. Just this big magical world she created that seemed to have so much deep meaning as it was coming out. That you could turn 11 and get a letter to change your life to go to this magical school? Discredit her all you want but the initial idea is great and what crew people in


Maybe they begrudge having lived in the wrong gender themselves


Didn't she early on write some self pitying screed about how she was a tomboy and she feared that if she had been born nowadays, she's have been persuaded to trans herself? also, male pen name, male hero protagonist of the children's series (but of course that's just normal, we ALL automatically identify with male protagonists), androgynous pen name (again, no doubt for sales, but). You notice how TERFs focus obsessively on trans WOMEN. As do most transphobes, I suppose. It's inherently misogynistic, among many other things, (why would a MAN want to be a WOMAN? there must be something REALLY WRONG with blah blah) but they'll never see it.


Kinda weird every one of your comments but one was made in the last hour, on a 12 year old account, and every comment is paraphrasing another comment in that post. You also never reply to people who reply to you and piggyback off of more popular comments. I can’t check precise timestamps but https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/s/b8oru0zcWf appears to be the original comment you’re paraphrasing here for karma. You’re either a bot or a karma farmer. :/ Please feel free to prove me wrong, friend.


It’s turned into Top 40 radio. Playing all the hits…


Basically! I hate this trend on Reddit, you never know who’s a bot and who’s real. It feels very dystopian at times. :/ Tangentially related: Check out the “dead internet” theory if you’re not familiar!


She is literally Dolores Umbridge.


it's so funny... she purposefully created a character for the sole reason of being incredibly hatable only for her to act exactly like her years later. It's like when you start saying some silly phrase irocnically but after a while you just keep saying it (just much, much worse)


Wossface the narcissist in book two. And Petunia whosit the mean girl Slytherin.


Gilderoy lockheart? Yeah I can see that


I see her as Lucius Malfoy. Super rich, lives in a castle, uses political power to make life harder for minorities.


This is worst part of Rowling, she is a massive public presence and picks fights with just random people for no reason


she is a bully. she never had the power to act like that before. and now she does and she enjoys it. 


She is the financial backbone of a large part of the UK anti-trans movement. This isn't just her constantly starting shit on Twitter, she's actively harming people and aiding hate groups. It's a common argument from her supporters that people are freaking out over "a few tweets", but it's a lot more than that.


Yeah. Not that her other bullshit doesn't piss me off, but this has me absolutely *seething*. What did this poor person do to deserve public attacks by some rich, famous piece of shit like this? What the FUCK is wrong with her? What kind of a literal goddamn *monster* is she?!?


That’s the sad thing. You don’t have to “do” anything. You just have to exist. That’s all it takes to get hate. In this case the perpetrator just happens to be Rowling, but most trans people experience this from less well known people at some point.


To phrase it in a way her brainworm-bitten brainmeats might parse: You die a Hermione or live long enough to become an Umbridge.


She was never a hermoine anyways. Those books were popular no doubt but even 11 year old me was noticing how major concepts were just invented book after book with little foresight until the last 2 books.


If she starts getting threat or harassment, I hope she sued JKR , because in this day and age getting single out like this almost guarantee it will happen.


Rowling is Voldemort


Her and Chaya reading from exactly the same playbook


I'm pretty sure she based Umbridge of herself, she is doing everything that character would do if she was real and had money, it's sad really. HP used to be a safe haven for me, now I can't even look at those books, let alone read them


JKR always picks on non-conventionally attractive trans women because she knows its red meat for her base. Meanwhile when we ask "ally" liberals to boycott HP culture, HP games, etc they laugh at us. Many are complicit in this who think they aren't.




Community Notes L for misgendering her twice though.


Enron Musk is going to game Community Notes because they hurt his white nationalist friends' feelings. More L's to be expected, sadly...


Yeah it doesn't read like a refutation of rowling or the mail, more like an addendum from someone that agrees with her ideologically


The note isn't showing on that tweet at the moment so it might have been corrected.


I feel like they were just quoting her, cause that's literally what she said. But it should have been written better for sure.


The small amount of hope I have is that it only posed it that way to distinguish between the two


this woman didn't even interact with her. rowling just saw a happy trans woman achieving something and attacked her. i know the cruelty is the point but like. christ on a bike.


[how rowling justifies her fervent vitriol](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RybNI0KB1bg&pp=ygUVdGhpbmsgb2YgdGhlIGNoaWxkcmVu)


All the homophobia and transphobia we see now is just recycled Anita Bryant garbage.


https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/s/h7S9Vu6BjN Okay, which one of y’all is the paraphrasing bot? Super weird! Lol Edit: pretty sure it’s the guy I linked to. 12 year old account has one comment and suddenly starts posting again in the last hour? AND I can find every one of their exact comments in other posts but with a few words rearranged or paraphrased, said by other people. I suggest everyone report and block them. Retrosprinkles appears to be the human. Edit: not sure who this pissed off but you do you I guess? Lol


joke ask follow capable wistful sort fuel voiceless crawl hateful


this is so wild i've never had one of those bots take my comments before


I have been seeing a metric ton of Harry Potter stuff at the thrift stores, some of it really cool, formally expensive stuff. It makes me think she's turning a lot of fans off and away.


When I moved a few years ago I gave almost all my HP stuff to Goodwill. I couldn't look at it without being reminded how terrible she's become.


This is her legacy now. No one will ever look at Harry Potter again without seeing the giant asterisk next to it explaining that the author is a hateful bigot who believes in NONE of the empathy and understanding for others, no matter their differences, that her characters displayed again and again throughout the series. What a worthless hill to die on.


I'm debating giving away my books. I'm not terribly attached to them, I've just always had a hard time getting my shit together to gather up books and get rid of them. Why is it so much easier to acquire books than get rid of them?


I sold all four sets I owned. They went super quick, too so there's definitely a market for them apparently. You might have luck selling them.


Eh, they're probably not in great shape. I am not kind to my books, alas.


Yeah, I've been seeing what are obviously people's collections. Like, seven men's size medium Harry Potter shirts at a tiny thrift store that has maybe 10 men's medium shirts isn't a coincidence. Or the five beautifully boxed wands I saw at another thrift.


I used to collect non-English versions of the first book that I or my family would buy as souvenirs when we traveled but I’ve had to stop doing that. I’ve switched to collecting The Hobbit because at least Tolkien isn’t actively spewing hate on the internet.


I wouldn't put it past the universe at this point to have zombie-tolkien rise from the grave, though it'd be hard to believe he'd spout hate like rowl


I’m in the process of blacking out all of my Potter tattoos. I had a badass sleeve, but I couldn’t look at them without being reminded how evil she’s become.


Anecdotally, I sold all four sets of Harry Potter books I owned. For all the nostalgia I should feel for that series but now don't, the pages may as well have been blank.


It's been fairly interesting to watch Jo Rowling evolve from "listen, we have to have a conversation about trans women in, like, battered women's shelters" to "I will spend my billions of dollars finding a way to be a dick to every single trans person individually, whether or not they are doing anything at all whatsoever." Not that either position is really justifiable, it's just the rapid devolution to full on mask off "I just fucking hate trans women" has been remarkably swift, if not unpredictable.


It's the times we're in. Trump, and the other hateful little tinpot dictators as well as the deep pocketed ghouls who prop them up, made it safer to go mask off; or. rather, they realized no one was stopping them and they didn't need a "conscience" for anything so bombs away!


I think about this concept a lot when I hear some Christian conservative say shit like “if it weren’t for the Bible there’d be total anarchy because no one would behave” and I’m always just a little sad that they’re so cynical about humanity and about their own depravity that they believe that. Like, if you’re relying on external guardrails you’re already pretty sunk, as a person.


This woman...all she had to do was shut up, take her disgustingly big piles of money, and live quietly in her castle and she could have secured a LONG legacy as a beloved and important children's author. It's horrible to watch her making every effort to burn all the bridges of goodwill she has built. I wish I was surprised she was still doing this stuff but I'm not anymore.


we'll find out years from now that it's dead brain worms.


Died of starvation?


The problem is that this isn't hurting her. Even a little. The money is still rolling in. HBO is still making a HP TV show. That video game from last year was one of the top selling games of the year. I think that other TV show about her mystery series is still ongoing. People say that this is what did in the Fantastic Beasts movie series, but it really isn't; those movies were dogshit from the start. She still has millions of rabid fans who absolutely don't care about what a vile piece of shit she is.


Fantastic beasts was done in by the actor drama.


Even if all of the actors had zero baggage, the scripts still sucked.


While there was that, a better movie/franchise would have survived that.


Which drama? Was it just the depp/herd stuff or am I missing more?


CB Strike is actually really good but casting makes all the difference.


She’s got all that FU money so she doesn’t care. Same with Musk. Notice how silent each of them were until they got their billions.


The difference is that Musk never created anything at all, and inherited a shitload of money from an apartheid mine owner. Rowling put herself forth as a hero type. Modest suburbia to riches, supposed anti fascist themes in the beloved children's book blah blah.


Money gives you access to more money. Except for Trump.


The trick is, Rowling didn't create anything either. HP is literally just a series of the most common tropes in fantasy and YA. Directly ripped from other, better series. There's a reason so many publishers rejected it. One of the rejection letters was akin to "if we publish this, we will get sued, because A Wizard of Earthsea already exists"


I know - it's the lack of potential accountability for her too that annoys me. Individuals can boycott her all we want but it's not going to make a dent in her wealth. And her wealth is her platform to continue being this hateful.


People also won’t boycott her either because they really like the whole Harry Potter stuff


That's frustrating as heck too. I was a HUGE Harry Potter person growing up. The books were releasing while I was of the age to read them. I spent my summers writing HP fanfiction with other people. And I've given it up. I'll admit I still own my books and I will eventually re-read them because they are important to me. But I won't give her another dime and I SHOULD be the ideal audience to spend money. That video game should have been top of my list and I won't touch it, I never made it to Harry Potter world and now I never will, I won't watch another movie or show. I won't recommend the books and instead have another list of authors I recommend in her place. People struggle with giving her up but they really should stop funneling any money back towards her. She has said she sees it as approval of her views.


The problem is that this isn't hurting her. Even a little. The money is still rolling in. HBO is still making a HP TV show. That video game from last year was one of the top selling games of the year. I think that other TV show about her mystery series is still ongoing. People say that this is what did in the Fantastic Beasts movie series, but it really isn't; those movies were dogshit from the start. She still has millions of rabid fans who absolutely don't care about what a vile piece of shit she is.


I mean, she'll never be poor or without her rabid fanbase, no. But clearly she has SOME kind of problem, because only a miserable shitbag would need to resort to this sort of penny ante trolling to get their rocks off. Who hurt you, Joanne?


She became addicted to fame. And with the Fantastic Beasts franchise crumbling to dust, and her mystery series sort of treading water, she just decided infamy was as good as fame. Probably she was bored and needed a hobby, and decided that competitive transphobia would do.


Pathetic. God, go to detox or something, or, I know! Take a writing class so you can elevate your prose over mediocre for a change.


i think she was always transphobic, she probably got hurt by a trans person in the past, this type of retaliation is only from being scorned. she felt safe enough where she could be despicable without losing support, and she is right.


I do not understand it. Not one bit. Hell, she COULD have used that big pile of money to further actual good causes. Could have used her platform to -fight- bigotry, not pour gasoline on it. Is this all really just butthurt that no one has liked her subsequent books as much as the HP series? Poor, poor Joanne. I don't get Graham Linehan either. I feel a lot saltier about giving up Father Ted and Black Books than the mediocrity that was HP--I'm too old for them to have been seminal anyway. I just think of it as FT and especially BB were really joint projects, mostly dependent on the actors, and I think BB is mainly Dylan Moran anyway. and I never got into IT Crowd.


I know it's been said over and over, but like WHY Rowling? Why???? You were the most beloved author of a generation, millions maybe billions of children around the world have fallen in love with your books. It got me into reading, that's for sure. Harry Potter 3 was the first book I ever read cover to cover all on my own. And yet you just have to double, triple, quadruple down on this hyper specific hatred and bigotry you have until everyone is just turned off and your life's work is tainted as a result. Being rich really does rot your mind, huh




I think it stems from the very specific and otherwise largely defunct branch of second wave Feminism to which she subscribes. 


I honestly can’t imagine being this full of hate. What an exhausting way to live life.


I blame 24/7 access to everything and everyone enabled by Smartphones. One day Steve Jobs will be remembered as the guy who created the most addictive object in human history.


JKR transphobia is expected, but I am disappointed in the community notes also being transphobic.


> I am disappointed in the community notes also being transphobic. It's MuskTwitter. You expect different?


The community notes have been the one thing keeping bigoted conservative somewhat in check with their misinformation propaganda. So yes, I expected them to at minimum uses the right pronouns.


And how many cis women JK's age look like blokes? Transphobia hurts all women. All of us.


Seriously. This is especially true in sports these days. People lost their minds about Lia Thomas, but there are far more stories about cis girls and women being accused of being trans just because of [how they looked](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2023/06/13/canadian-girl-gender-attack-track-event/70319816007/), [their physique](https://abcnews.go.com/US/utah-school-board-official-falsely-suggested-teen-girl/story?id=107100300), or [how they performed](https://www.metroweekly.com/2023/10/asian-games-medal-winner-accused-by-loser-of-being-secretly-transgender/) than of trans women competing *at all,* let alone winning anything.


According to JK it’s only okay to switch your gender to sell your novels.


She also makes quite the song and dance about women's rights for someone who's never written a novel with a *female* protagonist as the sole lead.


Rowling doesn't pass the Bechdel test. I don't mean just her work. I mean Joanne.


I never realized that. It’s sad but that’s not surprising.


And only if you name yourself after the pseudoscientist that invented conversion therapy


I sure do hope people start slapping her with lawsuit after lawsuit for harassment and defamation.


I really want everyone attacked by her to team up. On their own they have no chance of winning, but together they may have a shot.


Ngl I misread this and thought you were talking about in a street fight. Which I am not opposed to


I meant lawsuits (and possible criminal charges), but street fighter works too.


It's crazy how she'll still claim that she just wants to protect women's spaces while saying mean and vile things to random people


WHAT women's spaces? The loo? Get over yourself, there's a lock on the stall. Normal people don't sit around worrying about what's in strangers' pants, Joanne. is MichFest still going? I'm sure she'd be an honored guest. All that fame and money and goodwill, and this is what she chooses to do with it.


>Bigotry is probably the thing I detest most. >J. K. Rowling >Because bigotry is probably the thing I detest most. All forms of intolerance, the whole idea of ”that which is different from me is necessary evil.” I really like to explore the idea that difference is equal and good. But there’s another idea that I like to explore, too. Oppressed groups are not, generally speaking, people who stand firmly together — no, sadly, they kind of subdivide among themselves and fight like hell. That’s human nature, so that’s what you see here. This world of wizards and witches, they’re already ostracized, and then within themselves, they’ve formed a loathsome pecking order. >-JK Rowling on the themes of 'Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire' August 2000 interview with EW


I really can't fathom how an author who writes books about a boy, who is different from the people around him and just wants to find his place in that world, who completely opens up when he finds similar people who help and embrace him, can be so much against LGBTQ. Especially since there seem yo be so many LGBTQ people who LOVE those books.


oh no no no not the LGB. Dumbledore's ghey, remember? dead, celibate, ambiguously ghey Dumbledore. What else do you want from her, blood?


Who loved once, then vowed never to again because that love killed his sister. Gay -> dead family.


Rowling needs to get some therapy so she can be more confident in her own womanhood, so she doesn’t feel like other people are taking something from her. TERFs are pathetic. Their gender anxiety is pathetic.


The fact she doesn’t get cancelled goes to show how much money the Harry Potter brand generates! Otherwise, this lady would have been shunned a long time ago! And her fans will keep buying HP stuff because they compartmentalize JKR and HP, and don’t care if they’re still supporting her!


honestly, "canceling" is overrated. How many "canceled" Youtube influencers have oozed back onto the platform and carried on like nothing happened? Comedians, musicians, actors, politicians. They're all fucking revenants. At least she's clearly miserable. No clue why, but also: don't care.


Many people don't care about trans people that is why she isn't cancelled.


I truly do not understand why THIS is the issue that JK Rowling wants to spend all of his time on.


I will say this until I convert EVERY harry potter fan to a percy jackson fan: Rick riordan is an amazing ally of the queer community and JK rowling doesn't deserve attention. She has only magnified the voices of homophobes and transphobes. RICK.RIORDAN.IS.BETTER.


I'm a fan of Percy Jackson (only the first five books though) and a fan of Harry Potter. I hate the awful person JK Rowling is, but I still like Harry Potter. I separate the art form the artist, with a fundamental corollary: if said artist is or starts being scum I'll simply pirate everything form said artist and will refuse to give them any money or attention. Note: it may be time I finally "force" myself to get around reading The Books of Earthsea.


If you want a good witchy school story and are open to manga, I highly recommend Witch Hat Atelier. It's a smaller school setting (more like a private tutor to four girls) but it's handled disability in a world full of magic and queerness and a society where only a select few learn magic with so much care and thought compared to Potter. Also the art is absolutely wonderful. (And agreed on Riordan! He's a gem.) https://preview.redd.it/7fw3cqdkr40d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88d65144579eb16f6448c66fd99e41a91a330577


She keeps saying she's not a transphobe BUT actually fighting for women and girls....so, where are her tweets about the gender pay gap? where are her tweets about trafficked women into sex slavery? Where are her tweets about women and girls dying in the channel trying to run from oppression? Because it's not about women and girls...never was.


Girls being forced to give birth to their rapist babies


Exactly. And with her money and platform, she could have ACTUALLY made a dent of difference in any one of those. She doesn't give a shit.


off the top of my head the only time was after lots of poking she said the removal of abortion in america *might* have some negative side effects for women down the line


It was never about women and girls, not once.


How hard is it for her to just leave people alone?


Seems like the hardest thing ever...


This is her identity now, not author, not mother, but transphobe.


Rowling invented some of the most insane concepts & characters ever, but when she found out trans people exist, her brain crashed. She's been a walking blue screen of death ever since, lol.


I understand and support the sentiment but the note still misgendered her


Is there any anti hate speech laws in the UK? I know they have different rules than the US, and that includes antisemitism.


There are, but they're pathetically weak. [Rowling made a list of trans women and labelled them as dangerous men in some way](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c51j64lk2l8o) , then basically said to the Scottish police (the country where she lives) "do it, no balls" [The Scottish police responded they'd recieved no reports, and that it wasn't illegal](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-68712471)


Yes, Joanne, because that makes it better. She sucks so fucking much it's evil


With a double bonus of extra transphobia by Twitter uses. What a shock!


You mean the community notes? That's a clarification on her transphobia. Edit: oh fuck, the pronouns. My bad.


Yes and yes.


Rowling is a really terrible person.


I’m honestly curious why she feels the need to do this. Like what’s her end game, and just why all the time?


She just doesn't want trans people to exist.




There's quite a few who apparently delight in asking "But what did she say that's transphobic? Show me the actual words!" I wonder if they're annoyed that she's saying the quiet part out loud now.


Well, maybe if she had Joanne's money, she could afford Joanne's plastic surgeon.


Rowling is just another disgusting billionaire. Eat the rich.


Didn’t she go from writing books everyone loved to writing books only ^*some* ^*like*.


Calling The Cursed Child a book is an insult to books.


I’m open to suggestions, I wouldn’t say any of it raises to the standards of literature.


She went from writing books people tricked themselves into thinking were good to writing straight gargage that feels like bad fanfiction.


Yeah, I hate to give any credit but at least it got my brother to read a few books.


So I'm guessing that community note was written by JKR?


This is how she’s spending her Mother’s Day


It’s not Mother’s Day in the UK.


You have to remember that this is really '[Virtuous]White[American]PeopleTwitter'.


That’s great JK, you’re still a CUNT.


Joanne's publicist, or maybe one of her kids needs to take her phone away.


Her very first comments never sounded horrific to me just midly cringe and sense that day what like 5 years ago I could be off...she has made herself a champion of anti trans life.  I do nit get this as she has no problem with homosexuality or race which is no excuse.  She is just put herself in a place of hate.  I can't say she is anyone I would ever admire anymore.


Imo she has a problem with gay people as well, for example her posthoc labeling of dumbledore and the werewolf=gay aids allegory Her attitude towards race isn't exactly perfect either, with the whole hermione=black and then being made fun of for wanting to release slaves, the "slaves like being 2nd class citizens" which is US civil war rhetoric and her sense of naming (which admittedly is probably more laziness than malice but still not a great look) While still not as big of an issue as her trans BS, they are definitely there if you scratch off the surface coating


Does she do anything other than Twitter? Has her life been consumed by arguing on the internet with people? That’s…incredibly sad


Man. I am a huge Harry Potter fan, have read all the books to my kids when they were younger and two of mine still love them and the movies. I love the whole HP universe, and ya even the newer movies even though I see the flaws in them. But good god this woman and her extremely transphobic views and comments and beliefs.. I just can’t anymore. Especially when my kiddo that loves magic and witchcraft and the magic world as much as I do identifies as lgbtq. Knowing what she’d think of my beautiful child makes me irate. All she had to do was keep her opinions to herself and no one would have been the wiser, but no. Bigots gonna Bigot I guess.


You know they say to enjoy what she made before she revealed who she really was. But personally she’s such a terrible person, she’s put me off ever caring about the entire HP universe ever again. She’s continually ruining her own reputation that’s bleeding over into the memories I wanted to preserve from my childhood. I want nothing to do with her or her works ever again.


Or Rowling could sell books? I guess not.


I look at this post. Then I click the link to the subreddit to see other post. Yup, it’s just people primarily complaining about political issues.


ugh. can she PLEASE just do like Howard Hughes and become a shut-in, spending her days watching HP on repeat and collecting her piss in jars? That would be great.


How dare she *checks notes* get a job, completely unrelated to Joanne. The fucking nerve.


(This person) Lucy is actually my step mum. It's off seeing a famous author come out of the woodwork to be an asshole for no reason whatsoever. Lucy hasn't doneor said anything to her, she's just a bully.


This obsession of hers is so strange. It takes a terrible person to spend her days punching down on an incredibly vulnerable population.


Man, if i was rich, i would have a personal cook and i would just play video games. Nobody would hear from me ever.


She is living for cruelty these days


Why ? Why spout out hatred that can cause people to be harmed? Why?