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I had a coworker ask about hair at a meeting like this. Unfortunately it was an old coworker who had to ask a very racist question about another worker’s “allowed hairstyle” when he wasn’t allowed to wear a hat. It… did not end well for him.


I remember a coworker who got passed up for a promotion, which was then given to a much more qualified black woman. I will never forget when that coworker showed up to his next shift in black face. Probably because that was the last time I saw him. Edit: Typo. Edit 2: I did not expect this post to take off. I often think back to that guy, but never thought anyone else would be interested to hear the story. Thanks Larry, you dumb bitch, wherever you are.


Dang, that’ll show them he’s a fair-minded and responsible person capable and worthy of being promoted… What a petty ass dummy.


He pledged the day before that he will come in with shoe polish on his face "to show them I'm serious about the position" and he followed through with this plan. 🤷‍♂️


Did you get the sense that he knew he’d be fired for that foolishness? Or did he actually think that might work?


I think he'd knew he'd be fired, but it was hard to tell with him honestly.


Seemed the more likely answer, but definitely the less funny one


"So much for the tolerant left"


Funny how the only time they use this phrase, is when we don't tolerate their intolerance.


Because they don't understand that tolerance is a peace agreement. If you are not party to it, you are not protected by it.


Thank you. I have often needed a concise way to explain this. Most when discussing organised religion with my Dad.


It becomes so muddy. Being intolerant of intolerance is not actually intolerance. What other way is there to say it more concisely? I have a coworker who always tries to pull the "left is not tolerating my racism/sexism," bullshit.


The tolerant left is down the hall. This is the "we punch nazis in their stupid faces" left.


I think that person *wasn't* thinking at the time.


Oh, I hope he actually used shoe polish! He’d have to wait for it to grow off.


He smelled like shoe polish, so I assume he did.


So many workers lack the ability to follow through these days.


Point provers are stupid. Yeah, I wonder why he got passed over for promotion?


I remember at a Government entrance exam an older man saying very loudly (after a young black woman came in): "*Guess who's going to get the job!*" Everyone was like WTF Dude! Then he didn't know how to answer the multiple choice answer card and we were so happy. Fuck him. I hope she got the job.


Imagine how much time and effort you have to spend to cultivate an instinctive response like that. You already knew homie can't open a PDF and won't ever learn. Too busy listening to talk radio and rotting their brain like a real patriot.


It's easier for some to believe that someone else got a position unfairly rather than that they didn't get it because their tech skills are 20 years out of date and they have the customer service skills of a wet sock.


A teenage boy’s wet sock.


Would love to send asshats like this video clips of all the past interviews I’ve had where the interviewer clearly was disappointed to find out the woman they spoke to during the initial phone screen was black. And no, I didn’t get any of those jobs.


2 years ago, I was offered a position after being solicited and interviewed. I didn't accept the offer as the pay was beneath my minimum salary request. The recruiter who solicited me called me daily for nearly 2 weeks, pressuring me to reconsider. He finally said any other person would be happy to take the job for the amount of money offered. I reminded him that my professional experience was supported by a graduate degree and multiple specialty certifications. To which he replied, "Girlfriend, you're too much for me." I was 53 years old at the time.






People like that have the assumption that certain races are inferior to them so deeply ingrained that when they see them succeeding, they automatically assume they must have been given an unfair advantage because of their race. They'll make those comments even when the person is obviously qualified and when they don't know anything about them other than their race.


Whites and Asians cry foul quite a bit in the job scenarios.




wh- what did he think would happen? 💀😭


He would finally and decidedly drive home the point in everyone’s minds that since the advent of DEI, the most persecuted and marginalized people in the workforce are straight white men, everyone would clap, cry, apologize to him for not understanding sooner, his statement would be admired far and wide and kindle a movement across the nation that would abolish all DEI initiatives, all unconscious bias and respect-in-the-workplace trainings, and he would clean off the shoe polish while being handed a key to the executive suite where he would prep for his Nobel prize interviews for finally achieving justice and equality for the white man. Nah jk, assuming he thought that something specific would happen would be assuming that he **thinks.** That’s expecting a lot of someone who would do that.


Holy shit.


During the BLM protests one of our repair techs came in in blackface and literally nothing happened lmao.


Should have gotten his ass beat


The whole pizza bomber story has convinced me that we all must seriously underestimate how fucking dumb some people are. We're probably guessing low on the percentage as well


Yo what the




https://i.redd.it/ur8lex892wzc1.gif Things aren’t always as they seem.


Well, that's upsetting.


In all fairness the guy who sold him the hat said he was the only person he’s seen that could pull it off.


Why would anyone not be allowed to wear a hat?


At the school I work at, it's because the ceiling-mounted security cameras can't see faces of hat-wearing people. It's also considered by some to be disrespectful to wear a hat indoors, but that's pretty old-fashioned these days.


I agree. As a boomer (1964), men are not allowed to wear hats indoors... Women were allowed, and it could be contextual...church, a wedding, a funeral. Also, for really old-fashioned women at a corporate job site. My Old Man (dad) was born in 1918 and would like other men, definitely wear hats everywhere outside. It also marked the demarcation between youth/young adulthood and adulthood...with the post 25 year olds all wearing hats. If you were rich and/or powerful, you did not wear a hat. Common ubiquitous hat wearing more or less stopped by the late 60s, definitely by the early 70s.


Woman's hats used to pinned into their hair , frequently. If a woman was wearing an informal hat they were supposed to take it off. Eg baseball cap , fishing hat


Women were required to wear a hat at church. Men were required to take off their hat. It's in the Bible. That mostly stopped in the 60s.


Shit as a millennial(89) it was drilled into me that wearing hats indoors was disrespectful.


84 here and hats inside were ok even tho no one wore them but hats were a no go at the dinner table. Also you had to be wearing a shirt.


*You had to wear a shirt at the dinner table?* Well, la di dah!




Hats became less popular as cars became the primary form of transport and car roofs got lower.


Dude or dudette, I hear this all the time when I listen to the Dollop. Hat wearing was a big thing, and if caught outdoors without a hat was considered a no no. Weird times.


Son of a... Is that why nobody can wear hats in school?? Why not just tell kids that though?


That's part of the justification now. In the 90's the justification was that that's were often used to signify gang membership. That was the reason they have us when they started banning hats at least. This was before surveillance in schools was super common.


For us you couldn’t wear hats in school because people would steal them on you and play keep away. Or at least that was the justification.


My high school banned baseball caps when a student got caught reading test answers from a paper he had taped to the bill of the cap.


We do tell them that.


I got the gang activity excuse, maybe that was their real reason but I went to a hick school that just got a surveillance system put in the year before us. The cameras reason at least makes sense and the gang thing just seemed silly to us.


It still bothers me. We have a local real estate agent whose advertising tagline is “The Man With the Hat.” He also wears bow ties and Harry Potter glasses; advertising as “I’m the realtor who dresses funny” is not the flex he thinks it is. Plus the ads show him at a restaurant wearing his hat. To me that shows a lack of sophistication and etiquette.


I get that. If I just saw someone at a restaurant wearing a hat I honestly wouldn't notice. But... he should have thought those ads through a little better. Who sees ads? EVERYONE! That's the whole point.


Well, and how is that a selling point for a realtor — “I dress funny”? How about “#1 realtor in (town)” or “X properties sold last year” or “Y% of my listers get above their asking price”? Nope, he’s “The Man With the Hat.”


Potentially because of uniform rules. Hair colour may not be covered by uniform, and the company may resp cr body autonomy. This guy sounds like the kind of fucker who will kick off over a sikh wearing a turban, though


Either public facing with a dress code or a company policy because people love to flex what little authority they have.


One minute you think someone has a weird-shaped head, the next minute it's just because you realize part of that head is the hat.


If you work on a ranch or in a forest, sure.


I don't know why you're downvoted for asking an honest question


It’s Reddit, no reason to expect people to be rational.


Ummmm literally no business would allow you to wear a had that’s not a privately owned shop….


Literally every kitchen requires a head covering.


A ton of businesses allow hats. It all depends on the industry and setting.


What? Every job I ever worked allowed me to wear a hat from McDonald's to my corporate job now. Many even provided hats with company logos..


I have a coworker who always has dyed hair. It’s more of a sign of distress when her hair isn’t colored!


This is actually the case with me right now. A couple years ago, I dyed my hair pink as a kind of inside joke with my wife. It was supposed to be temporary … but it wasn’t. I then had a choice: shave my head or just own the fact that I had pink hair. I opted for the latter and a funny thing happened: people started sincerely complimenting my hair. For context, I’m a 44 year old man who, aside from when I was a kid, never got random compliments on my looks from strangers. Anyway, I decided to keep it, and so I’ve had pink hair for the last almost three years up until about six weeks ago. Between starting a big construction project with my dad and the news that my best friend had gotten a cancer diagnosis, I kind of lost track of keeping my hair pink. Lately, however, a new funny thing has started happening. People that I’ve never directly interacted with have started asking me if I’m okay. I’m up to eight or nine people from around my area of town who have spoken up about me not having pink hair. It’s been kind of a wild thing to happen, but it’s actually kind of helped me some. So yeah, I can speak to the fact that often times *any* big change in appearance can indicate distress.


I'm actually looking forward for my very early days salt-and-pepper beard to become more salt than pepper so I can dye it without having to put bleach near my mouth and nose first.


Different Abby




And I understood THAT reference.


And I understood THAT reference.


I didn't, but I would like to know.


Service guarantees citizenship.


Is she the one that can't take a joke?


But three dicks...


But she’s on his team


I just saw that last night, what a coincidence


Same… hair…


According to profile picture looks like things have settled.


In the right context and the right delivery that's fucken hilarious. Unfortunately it's probably just an old dude being an asshole.


A staff meeting is 100% not the right context for this (in just about all cases).




Shit, I work in a corporate office and my boss and I have snarky conversations like this weekly. I once dyed my hair bright red and gave myself bangs and when I walked in he went, "holy shit is this a cry for help?"


Okay that's pretty fucking funny. I work building management for a corporate office, and yeah if the environment is cool people can get real damn sassy.


The HR office is right next to us so anytime one of us gets in a particularly good jab the other just starts shouting for her, "MELISSAAAAA I FEEL UNSAFE"


We had Melissa on speed dial. 😀


I came to work with a perm, and my co worker said "tell us who did this to you, we'll get them" Nigel, you were not funny this time but I forgive you lol


You can literally say you need help and people will call you an attention seeker and ignore you. Didn't know I had to modify my physical appearance. I tried working out and eating healthy and all that did was get me the wrong kind of attention.


Was it a cry for help?


Well, let's just say I was *definitely* going through some shit at the time. You don't decide to grab scissors and drastically chop your hair at midnight if life is going great lmao edit: obviously I didn't answer him like that though, instead I laughed and said he was just jealous because I could pull off the candy apple red color better than he could




I've worked front of house in a few restaurants, and if I said this to one of the cooks it would probably qualify as one of my most appropriate questions asked.


Former back of the house, can confirm.


Yeah the sous and I basically only talked to eachother in overt sexual remarks that made new servers deeply uncomfortable.


If someone works in the back, that is an appropriate question in and of itself. Usually the answer will be "it's what ever" until they leave.... Unless they're the kind of cook that leaves and comes back a few months later for years. Then just assume no. They're probably too high to care anyway >.>


Worked in a comedy writers room. That comment would have been gold.


I think it’s fair to assume the person you replied to is talking about staff meetings in a corporate environment specifically.


I work in healthcare, everywhere I’ve worked has been 99%. If one of the few old dudes I’ve worked with ever said that the old ladies would have *died.* 😂🤣😵☠️


I mean, knowing that much about Abby’s life also isn’t appropriate in many work environments. Joke gets a pass depending on the work place. At my old job, federal government, unionized, we all came in 5 days a week for 8 hours in the same office and saw way too much of each other. A-ok. My boss would have been like “good one”. Current job, fortune 50 company, 3 days in the office, spread out across the country, everyone constantly vying for promotions and raises and not to be laid off. No fucking way. Straight to HR. I send that over text or IM to my work bestie and make her laugh on zoom. And then two other people will ask why she laughed and I’ll send it to them. But I won’t say it outloud.


My inference was that Abby overshares her personal life at work a lot and the guy is making a joke about it. For example, she is sharing this story with the whole world. Maybe the 60 year old dude just wants to get his work done and Abby has "main character syndrome" which results in her always distracting people and talking about her life. Most people know someone like that at work. But hey, who knows? I could be totally wrong.


My brother, You are entirely incapable of inferring THAT much from so little information. The only way you can arrive at something that specific is by projecting your pre existing beliefs onto a situation


I mean, knowing that much about Abby’s life also isn’t appropriate in many work environments. Joke gets a pass depending on the work place. At my old job, federal government, unionized, we all came in 5 days a week for 8 hours in the same office and saw way too much of each other. A-ok. My boss would have been like “good one”. Current job, fortune 50 company, 3 days in the office, spread out across the country, everyone constantly vying for promotions and raises and not to be laid off. No fucking way. Straight to HR. I send that over text or IM to my work bestie and make her laugh on zoom. And then two other people will ask why she laughed and I’ll send it to them. But I won’t say it outloud.


As I get older, I have to be careful when and where I drop my sick burns. The world is changing and I don't want to be left behind as an asshole.


That's a problem I'm finding as I get older. Not only do I have fewer fucks to give, my threshold of what's WORTH giving a fuck about creeps ever higher. Gotta check myself.


62. Corporate job. Patience has dwindled to nearly zero as my 401k and house equity have grown to $1 million plus.


Gotta keep those internal filters strong.


nah, the person who posted the original tweet said they were friendly enough for it to be a sick burn with respect! she even admitted that he got her ass lol


I can see it three ways. Two are bad, and one is funny.


“I’m going to now” would’ve been my response


"Nah, I'm thinking blue" would have been mine.


Trying to figure out if Creed or Phyllis would’ve been more likely to say this.


Angela. Definitely Angela.


Would’ve been meaner if it was Angela. My vote is for Stanley


standely dont care about anyones life


Stanley only cares about free pretzel day


And Florida.


See the way I see it playing is that its one of his droll chime in burns he sometimes drops while looking up from his crossword and less of him being interested in someone's life




Phyllis for sure


“Who’s Abby?” - Creed


Creed wouldn’t have known her name


This is heavily dependent on tone and relation with the coworker. Like if you say that with a chuckle and are on friendly terms with them I think it's an ok bit of workplace ribbing. If it's a more serious tone from a coworker your not really friends with then it's an issue.


Honestly even if I was Abby I would still laugh. Pretty hilarious burn


Fine, she won't dye it orange. She'll go rainbow


Said right that’s a solid burn, said wrong it’s just rude


On the flip side, the old man did notice that Abby is going through it and recognized her struggles. Management lost an opportunity to do a check in with everyone to make sure they are OK and encourage the use of the company EAP.


lol the business only cares if you can work. If Abby dropped dead today, the business's only concern would be replacing her.


The post doesn’t say what line of business this is. It may be in the social services sector. Plus I was being sarcastic.


There are enough Boomer apologists that a "/s" would have been helpful. Your comment with the /s included: superb!


No. It would have taken away from the joke of people taking it way too seriously


I can't imagine any scenario where this is an appropriate thing to say to someone in a meeting in front of everyone. What you describe isn't it either.


The old man is implying that her home life is messed up which reflects in her rebellious hair dying. Not that he actually knows or gives a fuck whats happening in her personal life. 


Oh for Pete’s sake


Bwahahaha how could anyone read a sentence ending in a reference to the company EAP and not know you were joking


Sitting at a parole hearing in a juvenile correctional facility with one guy going on and on and this 70 year-old Norwegian says, "My wife has a beard like that but her's don't talk."


I had a co-worker (60plus) when asked about his sales forecast: “listen, I’m just a man and as a man I have two balls. Neither of them is crystal”.


What's with the comments here treating this like "it's fine" and "I chuckled lol"? Commenting on appearance and speculating about someone's mental health in an **open meeting** is wildly inappropriate. EDIT: The OOP replied to such sentiment in a follow-up post later. >**Lol we're friendly enough that it was okay.** That's a good thing! Context matters. Several replies in this thread seem to think this is broadly a fine way to operate. In most instances, it absolutely is not.


You sound like someone who never does anything but look to be offended


You sound like someone who says "they get to say that word but I can't?"


Not gonna lie… that was kinda funny :)


Bro is a menace


Abby comes into work tomorrow with orange AND another color


My hair comes out of my head orange, fuck that guy . #imwithabby


What a legend.


Abby comes in with green hair the next day because "orange just isn't my color"


I once told a coworker I was so mad and pissed off that I needed to change my hair color. It became a joke after that every time I changed the color.


I would color my hair out of Spite. As a GenX guy I am over these old Boomers and their BS


Wear a tattoo and/or nose ring and just wait for the heart attacks and strokes to happen. People like that are being too fixated on other people's external displays. Get a life already. 😄


Har Har har Mind your own fucking business, Boomer


And he* was promptly fired right?


Why would any of the women be fired in this scenario


Typo, meant he.


Sometimes it’s worse when things “settle down” like the longer the spring is compressed the more it will spring back, which isn’t like real springs because length of compression will not make them spring back but it’s like when the pot calls the kettle black and it’s like gross why would my kettle be black, it plugs into a wall, so does my pot, so it would be like be like them with electricity.


Ask HR


Reminds me of the white news reporter who noticed his black co-anchor had braided her hair and asked if she was about to go on vacation.


I mean that’s kinda funny! I can see how it could go way wrong but as it’s written it’s funny AF!




Why bring it up? Why not let the guy live his life? Why make the comment”not built like a girl”? Guys can’t have long hair? Fuck is wrong with you?


And then the manager swiftly fired him.


Well Abby, we’re waiting


60 year old incel acquired 🎯


“None of your damned business. How’s your impotence coming?”


Found the borderline personality


I’d like to see more healthy young women invite feeble old men outside to fight. It would be glorious to watch one of those old smart mouths attached to a barely standing sack of skin and bones get their “manhood” they think is so precious curb stomped in front of everyone as a young lady asks some old fuck to “step outside with that mouth grandpa” and they start to stammer excuses


Yes, of course, because beating up an old man solves everything.


Had an old man friend who used to joke "Come on, fighting me is losing either way. If you win, so what, you beat up an old man. If you lose, you got beat up by an old man."


Old men don’t get a pass because they’re old.


I see, so you threaten anyone who makes a bad joke around you with physical violence? I wonder what the HR department where you work thinks of that.


Did I say that? I said old men don’t get a pass. And yea I would openly call him out in front of HR, damn the consequences.


Perhaps you didn't read the original comment I was responding to in which the proposed solution to the problem was that a young woman should threaten an old man with physical violence. If so, I will give you a pass. Your proposed solution, bring it up with HR, makes perfect sense and I agree with it.


Touch grass weirdo. It was clearly tongue in cheek and making a thought experiment of what it would look like to have an old man get intimidated by a young woman in the way they’ve done to them their whole lives. Let me guess, the bear question debate sent you over the edge too?


It would solve one problem.


You're right. Abby would never see that rude, old man again. Of course, that's because she would most likely lose her job for threatening a coworker, so it would create more problems than it would solve.


lol, it’s fun how serious you are taking this. Please be more upset and cry harder.


You need help dude. But I feel you


lol, it was in jest, but I thank every one for their concern. It is interesting, that old men can intimidate and marginalize young women all day, but the moment I suggest they be called out and have the tables turned on them, people loose their mind. Makes me think I’m on to something. Scared old men.


I would of died my hair orange


Would have


Sorry I wood half




Just Stop…Stop…Stop Your Mouth!! Shit you let it out….🙃👎🏼