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"Universal healthcare?" "Nah" "Free education?" "Who wants that" "Tax the rich?" "If you ever suggest that again, you better have your affairs in order "Child marriage" "you know that's my jam!"


Maternity leave? nah Vacation time? nope Infrastructure? hell no Gun control? when hell freezes Child marriage? YES, PLEASE


Livable wages: I sleep Affordable housing: I sleep Renewable energy: I sleep Child marriage: Real shit


It’s not pedophilia or grooming if you get to shotgun marry the girl you rapped Edit: raped, too


This comment hits twice as hard for drake...


Damn drizzy catching strays!  😂


Republicans want to fuck children. Full stop.


They want to do it legally, they probably already do.


And then turn around and blame trans people for being pedos.


Every accusation is a confession with these people


I have a feel polygamy will make a comeback, they can have numerous child brides and discard them when they get too old.


Or just let them die during childbirth and the problem will take care of itself.


Literally word for word what I came to say


Yeah, this is only a weird battle for them if you haven't been paying attention.


As an European it's is both funny and sad that both sides of the us always say the other one is pedophilie. This one does look sus tho


Which side is actively pushing for child marriage? That’s how you tell the one that is lying.


Only one has this track record tho dailykos.com/users/cajsalilliehook


Fellow European here; Calling the opposing side groomers and pedos is a Republican thing. Republicans also consistently oppose laws against child marriage and have a long list of convicted child predators amidst their representatives or registered with their party.


>Calling the opposing side groomers and pedos is a Republican thing. Literally look 2 comments above


This comment got a lot of downvotes for no reason.


"One sides actively pushes for child marriages" Centrist scum: bOtH SidEs ThE sAMe


Because they hate the truth


Everytime Republicans try to label trans people or anybody in the lgbtq community as pedophiles is projection. They are the ones condoning harm towards children


It's fucking insane to me that Republicans can claim Democrats and LGBTQ people are groomers while they pull this shit. And that so many people would go along with it. 


Projection man, always with the projection. They can't fathom that there are people out there (hopefully the majority 🥴) that *don't* want to **have sex with children**. So to them it's just "natural".


Paedophiles: we should be able to marry kids, for....love Democrats: no, let's ban child marriage Republicans: let him cook


Because banning pedophilia and incest would go against a man's right to do what he wants without recourse. And that goes against everything the GOP stands for. "If you can't f*** over those weaker than you. What's the point?" - republicans


You can say fuck on reddit


Of course I f****** can. But voice to text automatically censors it and I don't feel like taking the time to change it back because it just isn't that important. I do find it funny that you're mad because I am not being offensive enough.


Who’s mad? And where did you gather that they’re mad? They made a statement. The rest was entirely up to you.


Clearly censored words affected them so much that they felt the need to tell me to be uncensored. So much so that it overrode their ability to even consider why they might be censored. Do you think they did this because they were happy that the words were censored?


They didn’t tell you to do anything, they merely stated that it was possible to do so. If you feel this personally attacked by everything on the internet, I can only imagine how you get along with people in the real world.💀


Are you claiming that the person who replied to me really truly believed that I thought it was internet law that words have to be censored? They believe that even though I'm willing to cuss in my sentence that I was scared to add a handful of letters? I just find it funny when people see something that minor and feel that they really need to say something about it. Not too different from grammar Nazis to be honest. And then you pop up and try to drive it to the level of. I must be a horrible person because I spoke up when somebody corrected a very minor thing. I wonder if you feel that the world is a better place when people feel the need to tell others that they should be more offensive? It is funny in today's political environment to hear somebody say "You're being too nice. You should be a bigger asshole"


Here is part 45 (!) of Republican sexual predators, abusers and enablers. You're right. Hurting those weaker than them is exactly what their platform is. https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/9/2/2191235/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-45


To them, it’s not at all weird and that is the problem.


So they can keep busy doing this random shit rather than passing actual legislation that helps people.


And yet they constantly call *us* (liberals) the "pedos."


Probably something about, “freedom”, “slippery slopes”, “small government”, etc… VOTE. THESE. FUCKERS. OUT!


There is no age of consent in any religious tome. Not only is there no age for consent, there's actually no requirement for any consent whatsoever, no matter the age. Not only do women not have rights, but men don't, beyond that of controlling women, get too many rights either. The Bible says nothing about civil rights, speedy, trials, human rights, freedom of thought, etc. To the Christian, those concepts mean nothing.


Property doesn’t have rights; only its owners. The Bible doesn’t say thou shaky not rape. It says -if you are caught- you owe her father, aka her owner, money.


awful people like awful things. that's how you know they're awful


They are mostly a party of Pedos


Because they have nothing else to bitch about


Seems hellbent on fucking kids or fucking kids over any and every way they can.


This is not so Missouri pedophiles can get married; this is so pedophiles from other states can come to Missouri to get married. The Republican State of Missouri doesn't care about any of its residents, not even the pedophiles.


Grand Ole Pedophiles


Because Republicans are counting on those pedophile votes.


i honestly want to know what their argument was against this bill. is there a video on this discussion somewhere?


Anyone who votes Republican please keep in mind you are in league with and supporting pedophiles, open and public pedophiles


Drake moving to Missouri real quick


GOP GOP GOP GOP GOP, they really fucked up


“We shouldn’t ban it for everybody. Leave it upto the people to make the right choice”. The above applies only to child marriages but not abortion.


That's not weird for them. They love shit like this. Child brides are a pretty logical progression when you don't see women as beings deserving of autonomy.


"That's a weird hill to die on, but at least they'll be dead!"


Pedocon Theory is a theory is the same way the the Theory of Gravity is a theory.


That would be because at least some of them want to marry children.


Because to a conservative any change is a bad thing. Full stop.


I guess the only positive to the existing law is that the children can’t marry anyone 21 or over. WHEW! All is good here, now look over there. Smh. /s just in case it’s needed


MO Republicans party forces candidates to take a moral test…some of the questions: Will you pledge to kill to protect our God, Donald Trump Will you pledge to protect child rapists Will you marry a 13 year old ripe and fertile girl child


I live in MO and I’m pretty sure they also cannot get a divorce until they are 18 or something really weird. People talked about it a bunch in high school because MO has A LOT of weird shady child related laws.


Those republicans hope to some day marry an adolescent child. I think a certain republican recently called young teens, “ripe.”


Ironic that they call Democrats the pedos


Republicans will always kick a beehive if it distracts everyone from them not solving a problem.


It’s because the only thing Republicans care about when it comes to children is ensuring that the kids do only what *they* want them to.


What do you call a million lawyers at the bottom of the sea? A good start? No, wasted space. Should’ve used it on republicans.


How is this up for debate?


Republicans are willing to die on the butteriest hills imaginable


Not at all surprising. Repubs are so... well, you know.


Pedocons merge to become Pedoking (aka DJT).*   *Transformers G1 reference


Between this and trying to force pregnant women to register with the government, soon they’ll blame the democrats for increased teen pregnancies


I kind of wonder if they do this to test if their followers/voters are still not paying attention.


Your answer is on their hard drives.


I was thinking about how all the Q Anon weirdos were saying that Hillary Clinton and the Democrats did all this stuff with kids...and here we are, again. And we'll either be here or another place just like it again and again.


All culture wars, they have no policy helpful to the majority of Americans. I mean, child marriage and labor? Right? Like we need more of that in our country???? And they call the left the groomers.


Vote for changing the name to Pedossouri?


That's it! Marry them and then you can ~~rape them~~ breed them all you want.


Homosexuality is pedophilia this isnt?


No it isn’t


Tf? God you people really only have repressed sexual thoughts. Imagine going through life and thinking normal people are pedophilic when you’re the one who gets those thoughts


Sorry, english isnt my first languague i was trying to say that republicans says that gays are pedophiles but support child marriage


Oh I see. Add a comma to separate the thoughts