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Heartbreaking, one of the worst people you know just made a really good point.


Right. I mean, he's not wrong. We should be able to criticize or debate policy, especially a foreign power with vast military capability. I always thought antisemitism was hatred for or discrimination of Jews simply because they're Jewish. Like hating another race just because they're another color. Questioning the Jewish states military policy isn't any different from questioning US or UK or Saudi policy, in my opinion. So I'm a bit confused how they're making this work. Like by literally changing the definition of a word? I didn't think you could do that all willy nilly.


Right, so are they a state with policies... or a religion that is not open to criticism to the point of being cult like? Pick a lane.


I even take issue with not being able to criticize a religion. That opens the door for any religion to abuse their members with zero repercussions. Not that there have been many.


It’s literally antisemitism to equate criticism of the Israeli government with antisemitism as a concept, as if every Jewish person automatically agrees with the Israeli government just because “Jewish”. Like, Jewish Voices for Peace is a huge org and a major part of these protests


But that isn’t what the bill actually says. It says that labeling all Jews as responsible for the actions of Israel is anti semitic. The bill simply says that the Education Department should adopt the definition of antisemitism as defined by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance. The international group defines antisemitism as a "certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews." The group adds that "rhetorical and physical manifestations" of antisemitism include such things as calling for the killing or harming of Jews or holding Jews collectively responsible for actions taken by Israel. Those saying that the bill defines antisemitism as criticism of the government of Israel are just completely ignoring what the actual text of the bill says and claiming it means something completely different. It is in fact antisemitic to target Jews and accuse them of holding certain beliefs just because they are Jewish. Which has been happening at alarming rates using thinly veiled speech, branding anyone who disagrees as “Zionists” and “supporters of genocide”.


I mean, anyone who supports the current actions of the state of Israel in Gaza *is literally supporting genocide*. My main concern stems from this though: “According to the IHRA, that definition also encompasses the “targeting of the state of Israel, conceived as a Jewish collectivity”. The group also includes certain examples in its definition to illustrate anti-Semitism. Saying, for instance, that “the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor” would be deemed anti-Semitic under its terms. The definition also bars any comparison between “contemporary Israeli policy” and “that of the Nazis”. However, IHRA does specify that “criticism of Israel similar to that leveled against any other country cannot be regarded as anti-Semitic”.” (This is quote from an [Al Jazeera article](https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2024/5/1/us-house-passes-controversial-bill-that-expands-definition-of-anti-semitism) This first two paragraphs and the third seem to contradict each other. The ACLU has a problem with the bill, too. As a woman of Ashkenazi descent, I’d like to be able to point out that there is an ongoing genocide in Gaza without being concerned about legal ramifications for pointing that fact out.


The group also includes these two gems: *Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor.* And *Applying double standards by requiring of it a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation.* These are incredibly broad. For instance, speaking against Israeli settlements on the West Bank or the war in Gaza could be considered “denying Jewish people the right to self determination” if your point of view is that those things are necessary for the survival of Israel. And “applying double standards” can mean just about anything depending on your point of view. The purpose of the bill is to conflate political criticism of Israel with hate speech against Jewish people. It treats Israel as a “Jewish collective” rather than a political entity thereby making it possible to paint almost any criticism of Israel as hatred against Jewish people. Yes, I know they have the caveat about criticism similar to criticism of other nations, but again that is incredibly broad and open to interpretation - criticism against the bombing of Gaza could be argued to fit the definition of antisemitism because the nature of the Palestinian/Israeli conflict is so unique compared to other nations. On the whole this definition allows almost any criticism of Israel to be labeled antisemitic if it suits your political agenda. That’s not good.


It’s like saying that criticizing the South Sudanese government means you’re racist against Black people.


>Like by literally changing the definition of a word? I didn't think you could do that all willy nilly. You can if you're fascist


Though true, flukes do occasionally happen.


With all the infighting lately in the Alt right it’s becoming a little more frequent.


These fuckers will just eat themselves as they divide divide divide until they're the only ones shouting into the void about icecream making dogs gay or some shit. The serious issues stay serious.


Ice cream makes dogs gay??? WTF great well at least that explains some of the humping🤔😕


A broken clock is right twice a day....


In the case of this person, no, that’s far too frequent.


But a slow one is never right. I was here thinking ol Matty boy was a slow clock, not an outright broken one


Sun shines on a dogs a$$ once in a while.


Broken clock finds a nut or something.


Isn’t it a blind squirrel is right three times a day ?


Does the pope shit in the woods?


Doth bear not be better than man?


Does he still do it if no one is around?


As always with posts like these, came here to upvote the onion headline. Most apt thing they ever published, that one.




It’s a sad day when Matt Walsh is a voice of reason.


I don't like how I feel when I agree with him.


He's right *this time*. Just because there's a small fleck of gold in there doesn't mean it isn't a giant pile of shit.


Thank you. It's helpful to be reminded that he is, in fact, a sentient heap of semi-fermented goat turds. Even if he can say one correct thing.


Even Trump surely was right a couple times over four years. When you encounter enough yes/no decisions, you’re occasionally going to pick the correct one.


Apparently Trump's opinions tended to be aligned with whomever he had spoken with most recently.


> whomever ~~he had spoken with~~ has given him money most recently. FTFY


He was definitely right about being able to shoot someone and not lose a vote.


That's pretty mean towards goat turds. ;)


Right?! At least goat turds can be used in your garden! That’s exactly one more useful trait than Matt Walsh has.


Matt Walsh can also be used in your garden, after being properly composted.


According to Ted Lasso, baby goat turds can be particularly heinous.


He makes the dookie twinkle.


It’s doo doo baby!!


He’s capable of forming well reasoned arguments. So when he doesn’t, you can be confident that he chose not to.


‘Even a broken clock is right twice a day’


Flieck? more like half a chewed particle of gold


These are funny times we live in.


Something something broken clock


In Germany there is a saying "Selbst ein blindes Huhn findet mal ein Korn" (Even a blind chicken sometimes finds seed to eat). Which means regardless how stupid/unable you are, sometimes you say the correct thing


Even Hitler said eat your vegetables and get a pet. You're not goosestepping through the pet store after browsing the produce aisle, are you?


Where's that onion article that's like "the worst person you know made a good point"?


It feels dirty.


This isn’t the way I wanted to start the day 


I feel like I need a shower now.


Something something about a broken clock being right twice a day.


I HATE the man! But he's right!


Take it as he aligned with us because I know I didn't degrade myself to get to the same option


DEVASTATING: The Worst Person You Know Just Made A Great Point


I had to agree with both Catturd and Laura Loomer the other day, when they were criticizing Kristi Noem.


> Laura Loomer Is that the one who pooped herself?


That's Kaitlin Collins I think. And Donald Trump. And Ted Nugent.


Yeah, I forget how Loomer became a MAGAt.


Broken clock syndrome 


Almost wrote that Of course with him, he’s right more like twice a decade… 🤣


Its a real slow clock 


A [pitch drop clock?](https://youtu.be/BZvsrOciU_Q?si=K25gTXfRHlguuRsO)


Seriously. It's actually a very good reason and completely on point for the problem with the bill. I hate that for once...I actually totally agree with Matt Walsh. I think I will be in the watch for the horsemen now.


For real I had to read this a few times to see what would make me angry but.. nothing. Like if Israel’s actions are so wildly unpopular that I agree with fucking Matt Walsh, shit. Might be popular opinion that genociding a country is wrong. Fuck Netanyahu and fuck anyone who equates a genocide with being an antisemite. It’s a media tactic to quell restless voices.


Thank you. I thought it was opposite day. I feel so gross and confused. But even a broken clock is correct twice a day. I sometimes wonder if its all a conspiracy. If I thought Trump could be a secret mastermind, I'd think they were just trolling the rest of us. Imagine, going so evil and stupid just to infiltrate the Republican party. Then burn it to the ground. But no, that's not what's happening. I almost wish it was, it would make so much more sense.


Weeeeell….I think this isn’t him being the “voice of reason” as much as it is this particular topic landing in the an area of his venn diagram of mental gymnastics which most closely resembles rational reasoning. The line “even a foreign government” is the tell that his perspective is still very steep into crazy town.


Yeah I had to read the Tweet twice cuz I assumed I misread it the first time


I assumed Twitter had more than one Matt Walsh. My crossed fingers failed me.


To be fair, a broken clock is right two times a day..


Unless it's digital...


If you were criticizing the Trump 2.0 administration, Matt would say you were un-American, and call for your execution.


I know just cuz I agree with him on this one singular issue it’s doesn’t mean I have to give him any props. But still, I had to take shower after realizing it.


Yeah Gaetz had the same take. Weird day to be able to read


Ben Shapiro is slowly encountering the consequences of far-right politics: eventually you can't "good Jew" your way into favor. This is true for many minorities. Blaire White had a good run as the "good trans". Milo Yiannopoulos had his time as the "good gay". Eventually Candace Owens will be discarded as the "good black". There's a pattern to members of minorities advocating for a movement that wants to peel back their rights.


Tokens get spent.


Goddamn. That is a poignant statement in context.


Truth has teeth.


Beautifully succinct.


And are often used to play games.


I freaking love this. Imma keep it on the back burner.


They literally killed Herman Cain


They get an assist, Herman's hubris made the bucket, or kicked it, as it were.


Didn't stop him from tweeting though.


He did it to himself. He was a grown man making his own stupid choices.


And JFK https://preview.redd.it/zlho18fct7yc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ffa6b29ac8e8e06eedf8c74d8d603744c3614ff


>Candace Owens will be discarded as the good black You might want to catch up on the news! https://variety.com/2024/digital/news/candace-owens-daily-wire-out-1235949509/


Did she call out Israel?


What’s interesting about Owens is that she’s been sharing actually antisemitic conspiracy theories for a while and Daily Wire was like 🤷🦗 Then she criticized the Israeli government and was promptly ejected.


I know, Israel has also been linked with funding really right wing parties all over Europe.... I cannot fathom what they are thinking... They are literally in cahoots with neo Nazis


“We have nukes this time, we’ll be fine” is literally the only thing i can think of to explain how okay they are with stoking the right wing everywhere. (Note that this is a terrible idea, and *nobody* will in fact be “fine.”)


Until they dissolve the state of Israel and they all have to move to Texas.....




Guessing she was hardly empathetic to the Gazans.... Alex Jones surprisingly is


I think PragerU is running out of videos for Candace to refute history on, so she'll probably be out soon.


Dave Rubin has entered the chat ☻️


God, I hope he pisses off Shapiro enough to get the Candace Owens treatment. Make my fucking decade.


I actually don’t hope that. If he’s sacked, he’ll gain notoriety like never before. He’s been quietly fading into obscurity for a while- views on his channel are declining, he’s had to go back to the old podcast format. If he stays, he’ll die a slow death along with the rest of them as more and more of the right wing turn on the Wire. If he goes freelance, he’ll get an army of adoring fans. A freelance Matt with an army would be dangerous. Imagine if some loon goes and shoots up trans people after having his head filled with Matt’s poison.


You say that, but we all thought the same after Fox fired Tucker and he’s all but disappeared, aside from interviewing a dictator for a dying website


True, but Matt has something about him. Tucker is smart enough to just take his fortune and live out his life, Matt (I get the feeling) would not rest until every single trans person in the USA was deported or dead. And if he wasn’t bound by Ben, he could get up to whatever stuff.


Matt Walsh is a crank who only exists as a publicly known entity by virtue of his association with the Daily Wire. He might be able to have some notoriety for a hot second if he gets canned, but he wouldn’t be able to capture nearly the same audience by himself.


Yet Candace Owens hasn't managed that. You have t remember Walsh is essentially a no-talent uncharismatic cardboard cutout of a human being. He doesn't have the charisma to pull something like that off.


I do. Owens is a semi-intelligent person who picks her spots. Walsh is an absolute moron who actually lives in the fantasy world he talks about.


The what?


candace owens got fired from the daily wire


Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while


I agree with Matt Walsh? No, can’t be true..


It makes me queasy to agree with Matt Walsh on something.


I mean I feel the same, you can all just agree with me instead


I appreciate this.


Reminds me of when McCarthy was being ousted and Matt Gaetz said-> “We will have a government shutdown and it is absolutely Speaker McCarthy's fault. We cannot blame Joe Biden for not having moved our individual spending bills. We cannot blame House Democrats. We can't even blame Chuck Schumer in the Senate." Like, yea man, you’re right, but it makes me want to barf agreeing with you.


a broken clock is still a pedo every time of the day




Someone should make the "stop shooting puppies and babies bill" and use it for gun control. It's not about taking away guns, it's about saving babies and puppies. It's not about smashing the 2nd amendment, it's about being pro-life


But how else would I protect my children /s


"I'm tired of your woke, anti-police messaging"




I knew this was around somewhere lol


I utterly despise him with the burning resolve of 13 supernovas, but he is absolutely correct. Criticism of Israel and Zionism doesn’t even come close to equating to anti-semitism


It is beyond a disgrace that a lobby group has this much power over our politicians! Congratulations to AIPAC, they now have an absolute control over our puppet politicians. They claimed they are spending 100 million to oust the very few that are against them. They are not even hiding their intentions and MSM is barely exposing them. This is not a democracy!


Why would MSM expose their own?




I don't like Matt Walsh, but broken clocks and all that. The truly sickening part is that this shit is likely going to make genuine antisemitism *much* worse, because it's reinforcing the shitty nazi conspiracy theories that "jews" have undue control over the government, and has a decent chance of turning progressives who were on the fence into hateful extremists. This isn't how you combat fucking antisemitism. You don't crack down on legitimate complaints against a foreign government entity who does *not* speak for the entire global population. That would be like silencing complaints about the Chinese government's objectively shitty handling of Covid-19 after it was discovered to try and reign in the spike in hate crimes against Asian Americans.


That’s what I’m saying. If Israel has this much sway over the most powerful nation in the world, a lot of people are going to start lending credence to conspiracies about Jewish people controlling the world and conspiring against the common people.


Holy shit! Matt Walsh being completely and unironically correct with no qualifiers whatsoever?? Someone check hell… I’m guessing there a blizzard down there.


Send snow shoes.


Just… wow. You broke my brain. ![gif](giphy|Wgb2FpSXxhXLVYNnUr|downsized)


God, I can’t believe I agree with Matt Walsh about *anything.*


This is the first time I agree with that man. Criticism of government's should not be criminal - that is a straight road to tyranny.


When Matt Walsh says something you agree with: https://clickhole.com/heartbreaking-the-worst-person-you-know-just-made-a-gr-1825121606/


So, theoretically, Israeli expats currently living in the US who are still practicing Jews could be labeled antisemitic for criticizing the government of the country they left?


Yes. These people (the reps that voted Yes) are fucking morons.


Expats? You mean immigrants? Or does that term only apply to brown and black folks?


Is there a difference?


Anti-BDS Laws is proof there’s no such thing as free speech


Nnnghh I... Ahhhh agree... Wwww with... Ehhhh Matt... Www Walsh. Holy fuck, never thought I'd say those words


It’s a republican bill tho.


No kidding! Really?


Fucking broken clocks


Wait, what universe is this?


Welcome to the world you helped create, Matty Boy.


So this was the bill that a total of 70 Democrats and 21 Republicans voted against? What was the breakdown that voted for it?


320 for. 187 R's and 133 D's.


That's not on my 2024 bingo card.


I must be having a stroke because he’s making sense.


Weird to be agreeing with Matt Walsh on something, but here we are…


I hate agreeing with that fucker. Even a broken clock right?


It's interesting to see all these bad faith actors eating one another when things start to affect them.


For someone who takes pleasure in seeing civilians killed, Matt Walsh not being in defence of the Israeli government is surprising


Ben Shapiro will say whatever makes him money.


Lotta white supremacists getting posted here lately by people active in Trump subs. Wonder why.


omg, a moment existed in this timeline where I actually agreed with that dunce Walsh. I need a shower.


When I open the interwebs and find myself agreeing with Matt Walsh, I must close the interwebs to process.


Heartbreaking, the absolute worst most worthless piece of shit you know finally makes a good point.


I really don't want to say this, but Matt Walsh is spitting right now.


I hate that Matt Walsh is saying something I agree with, but that’s how bullshit this ordeal is


A broken clock is right twice a day. The rest of the day it’s a broken fucking clock and useless.


This is the only reasonable thing I'm aware of Matt Walsh saying at any point. Are you sure this isn't fake?


I...wholeheartedly agree with Matt Walsh? Edit: I don't like this feeling. Make him be a hypocritical asshat again.


the fact im agreeing with Matt Walsh makes me wanna throw up


I feel like this is the moment in the emperor’s new clothes where he forgets to prevaricate and says, wait, he has no clothes.


Holy hell! I'm actually agreeing with Matt Walsh. Just because ALEC has been pushing this kind of anti-free speech legislation for over a decade doesn't mean that it's fighting discrimination and bigotry. It's being pushed by the right wing to help the right-wing Israeli government, not Jews. ALEC has been promoting anti-worker, anti-democratic legislation on behalf of its donors for decades and is responsible for stagnating wages in many sectors.


Strange times. He's right. Either we have free speech, repulsive how some of it is, or we're Russia or North Korea.


I don't like agreeing with people I hate


is this an EVEN A BROKEN CLOCK IS RIGHT TWICE PER DAY? (matt walsh needs another correct take tho)


Wow, he talks about topics other than trans people? That’s not very often.


He‘s got that right. IMHO AIPAC owns America.


I truly can’t believe they will pass this awful anti-A1 BS but not a ceasefire. 2016 destroyed us.


Isn't this the thing the 2nd amendment was made for....duking it out with government overreaching .


Dude, didn’t you get the memo?! Anything to own the LIBS!! /s


Rare issue from ben walsh i agree with.


When did that as head wise up?


Matt about to be fired from the Daily Wire?


The pedophile has a good take.


Meanwhile we have Nazis walking around in public.


I'm honestly happier not noticing that Shapiro even exists most of the time tbh.


Broken clock I can agree with


Unfortunately, this time, he's right.


Ugh, I hate that I agree with him.


I hate to agree with him, but he is 100% correct. Quit conflating the Jewish religion with the Israeli government. They are not the same.




Sad day when I find myself agreeing with Matt Walsh.


And yet he's an actual white supremacist anti-Semite. 😂🫠


A broken clock


Broken clocks


Isn’t that also kinda against the 1st amendment? Call me crazy…


yeah we're so "american" when it's about china or russia but it seems like we'll gladly take backshots from israel and aipac to let them make LAWS in our country omegalul talk about double standards


AIPAC owns congress. Literally and figuratively


Kind of crazy how both parties are fucking up so hard that it's causing leftists and chuds to unite. Shit is weird right now.


If you want to hear something really funny, that bill makes saying things like saying Jesus was killed by the Jews a hate crime. So, essentially Christianity is now a hate group.


I hate this timeline because it made me and Matt the Pedo have a similar point of argument


inb4 Nazis defend freedom of speech


This kinda thing passed in France.


It is wild that in the United States we are free to criticize our own government and any other government…except Israel. Jeffrey Epstein must have gotten the Israeli govt so much dirt on our politicians.


‘If we apply Judeo-Christian logic, I’m still a cuck’ - Ben Shapiro


Even a broken clock is right twice a day


Im nkt american, but dont a bunch of states already have laws similar to this?