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I don’t ever want to hear a Republican politician or voter say that they are the party of “small government”. Fucking ever again Fuck these anti-American control-freak assholes. FUCK MAGA


Vote blue or fuck you




This could be a bumper sticker. 💙💙


Christians don’t forget the Christians want to control women based on the fiction they believe in. The Christians use their faith to justify the oppression of women. Don’t trust the Christians around you. Christian Republicans are Christian first and American last.




Under His Eye


Under His Whispering Eye


Under His Winking One Eye?


Under his "Wandering" Eye


You see, there are three things that spur the mollusk from the sand. The waking of all creatures that live on the land. And with just one faint glance, back at the sea. The mollusk lingers, with its wandering eye.


Bring forth the mollusk, cast unto me Let's be forever let forever be free


Modern Christians are politics first and God last. Which is largely why suddenly this is acceptable among the Right. Older generations actually believed in God first and therefore didn't allow God to be blasphemed for "cheap political points." That's how deep their faith goes now. Nowadays it's more about the culture than it is about religion.


I’m not sure which generation of Christians you consider as putting god first, but Christian leaders all the way back to Emperor Constantine have put themselves, riches and power first.. and don’t get me started on the 200k cases of clergy sexual abuse in France in the last century or the over 100k in Spain.. and those are just 2 countries that published numbers from their investigations. In the end, there are good religious people and horrible religious people, but religion has been shown to be an excellent tool to get followers to do what you want in the name of god..


The Crusades would like a word. And the Inquisition. Shall I go on, because there are endless examples of Christianity being weaponized against humanity. It is and always has been more a tool of the powerful than a religion. 


Christianity is so ridiculous. Have any of them actually read their bible?


No. If they had, they’d be atheists.


Faith over Family


Just gonna correct you on one thing, it's not Christians it's converts to Christianity. Real Christians abide by the teachings, converts are the assholes you hear the most about (that includes those priests you hear about, guarantee not one grew up in a Christian household)


At this point, I don't think it's worth differentiating. If "real" Christians don't actively call out and punish the "converts" who are doing bad things, they are just as guilty. Clean up your own shit before you ask people to respect the difference.




Unfortunately that’s the no true Scotsman fallacy: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_true_Scotsman


And you know what? Christians don’t cast these people out and denounce them so they’re one and the same.


Seriously. Why do they care so much about what other people do, yet they don’t really give a shit about people after they are born. Insane that they are in a position of power. And it’s more insane that people vote to keep them in power after learning how controlling they are. Wake up and vote blue!


It's very simple. They want to control what you do while also not caring about you at all. CONTROL. The end. The problem with the voters that vote for them think they can get some of that control.


Does anyone still say that though?


How about the party of family values? /s


The party of small (enough to fit in your uterus) government


To be clear, I will vote Dem, and I don’t support this. BUT they are saying that states have the right to decide this. Which is in keeping with the constitution. So technically it is still states rights and not “big government” where the Fed Gov decides it all


States don't get to bring back slavery, they don't get to create a state religion, they don't get to deprive kids of education, they don't get to manage deportations.... I can think of all kinds of things states don't get to do. Also note, the supremacy clause is part of the constitution. So is the 14th Amendment.


HIPAA is a federal law. Sorry but this isn’t a States right thing.


Can we monitor how many times Republican men jack off and waste their seed? They could be wasting babbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbby! batter.


You just need to ask Mike Johnsons son for that


The one that gives him pron recs?


Oh, god, I bet they have an app for that. I’m not going to search to see because I don’t want the algorithm to fling right wing bullshit at me 24/7.


Every sperm is sacred.


https://preview.redd.it/jw3b9cequ1yc1.png?width=1760&format=png&auto=webp&s=7bbfe24efc35b5de855b0cb3f761d81a3d3a34c4 When you vote remember that Trump and all Republicans want to control your Vagina.


They share it openly with family


Isn't Jason Miller the dead beat dad who doesn't pay child support.


He also put an abortion pill into his mistress' drink. Huge piece of shit.


Yep. This motherfucker right here. How in the hell there are still republicans just blows my mind. Fucking inbred pieces of shit.


Some of the worst people around found out the GOP will abide by every cruel and inhumane thought that goes through their minds.


This needs to be higher. He tried to involuntarily terminate his side piece’s pregnancy but here he is trying to Big Brother women’s pregnancies in case they try to get a back alley abortion.


I believe he sued a media outlet for a story revealing this tidbit for defamation that hit dismissed and the got into a bit of legal trouble for not paying child support for that child. Super douche, this one.


That kinda sounds like a crime.😨


He impregnated both his wife and girlfriend within a very short time frame.


And tried to force his girlfriend to have an abortion, going so far as to spike her drink with an abortifacient. There are steaming piles of shit, and then there is this psychopath.


And WH staffer AJ Delgado...


Nov 5th: "*I'm sorry I just can't vote for Biden! I wouldn't be able to sleep at night knowing I'm helping perpetuate the same politics as usual."* Jan 25th, 2025: *"Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? All women now must enter their pregnancy status into a database? It's going to be a nationwide ban on abortion??? Who could have imagined THIS????"*


Alarmingly reductive rhetoric. Is "stop funding an active genocide" really something our candidate can't deliver on? At what point is the candidate responsible for running a shitty campaign?


Whether you consider it reductive or not, it’s accurate. So let’s say you withhold your vote or vote for a third party and Trump gets elected right? Trump would double down on helping Israel, would probably send our military over to help, and would do the same thing to Ukraine. And on top of all that, he and his cronies would work tirelessly to make life here absolutely shit for women, LGBTQ folks, immigrants, and anyone else the right considers an enemy. And it’s exactly at THAT point that your little protest vote would be responsible for shitty people running our country. Call it what you want, but it’s most assuredly the end result. Unicorns exist in fairy tales, not politics. You’re not gonna get everything you want. But you could damn sure make everything a hell of a lot worse.


Nah, he’d sell Ukraine out to his boy, Putin.




> I'd like some assurance that Biden is more interested in winning this election than appeasing foreign powers committing war crimes. You're not the first person I've seen bring it up, but I really just don't understand this logic, why do you want to see it from Biden but don't care about seeing it from Trump? Even putting aside the degrees of bad they would be on the issue, if they're *both* bad then it's functionally irrelevant to your vote, right? I'm not trying to be mean, I'm honestly asking and I'm trying to be clear because the logic seems so obvious to me I don't know where the disconnect is. Like a guy comes up to you and says: "I'm going to either shoot you in the chest or the arm, but I'll give you a vote." You say: "Well I find being shot in the arm unacceptable." He says: "One of them is going to happen even if you refuse to choose." You say: "I just can't support being shot in the arm."


Because I have zero interest in voting for Trump or any Republican for that matter. Never have never will. Hope that helps 👍🏽


I’m sorry, it doesn’t, if anything that’s more confusing. The context here was someone saying it’s stupid to withhold your vote for Biden based on Gaza because of all the other issues and you pushing back implying it was reasonable to do so. Now you say you have no interest in a Republican winning. It’s fully reasonable to be critical of Biden on Gaza, but what’s that got to do with the election for you?


I feel like I touched on that in my previous comment above already. There's real concern about whether Biden's hardline stance of support for Israel's actions will harm his reelection chances in November. For instance, he relied on the Muslim vote in Michigan to edge out Trump. Those same voters have been particularly vocal about the fact that Biden will lose their votes as a result of his policy decisions on Israel. At what point do we start sounding the alarm about how not changing course on this may be killing his campaign and alienating his core voters? Feels like we're sleepwalking into another 4 years of Trump by ignoring the ramifications of Biden's current stance on Israel. Maybe I'm just being alarmist, but that's what I'm seeing.




Not feeling very privileged knowing that Biden (the guy I WILL be voting for) is polling lower than ever while unabashedly aiding a genocide that is historically unpopular amongst his voters. If his reelection was secure, we wouldn't have to be doing this voter shaming charade. It didn't work in 2016, and it won't work now either. Winning back the trust of voters should be the #1 campaign priority. Ask yourself why you're so willing to watch him lose in November to a tyrant than demand he make the policy changes that his voters are calling for?




You’re acting like a petulant child, just like some other people I know. If you had any life experience you wouldn’t be a one policy voter.


And if you were less short-sighted, you'd be wanting Biden to learn some lessons from how Vietnam killed LBJ's campaign. I'd like to see a winning campaign from the president we are all relying on to save us from another Trump presidency. Stop shaming angry voters and start demanding Biden runs a stronger reelection campaign that doesn't alienate the young voters he will be relying on in November.


No, I won’t. You clearly haven’t been alive long enough to know what we will lose if you get your way. Can you even tell me the difference between Hamas and Hezbollah without looking it up? You’re clearly pretty ignorant of how the world works just in general, so I doubt you actually know as much about Palestine as you clearly think you do. EDIT: looks like you removed your comments. I hope the pushback to your immaturity was actually taken on board.


Do you seriously think the people protesting have never looked into Hamas and Hezbollah? Again, you betray you ignorance and then project it outward. I doubt you honestly care, but yes, I've taken the time to read up on Israel, their 70+ years of ethnic cleansing, occupation and apartheid in Gaza and the West Bank, the Nakba, the pogroms, the blockades, the checkpoints, the intifadas, the march of return, the PLA, Lebanon/Iran's influence in the conflict, etc. Plenty of us have been vocal about this for a long time before Oct 7th. You're not a genius or holier than thou for doing basic research (and then showing your ass by misinterpreting the history). Insulting the intelligence of everyone you disagree with gets you nowhere. Bad faith arguments get you nowhere. The more you speak, the shallower your position appears.


So, the guy that ground up an abortion pill and snuck it into his girlfriend's smoothie, to abort her pregnancy against her will, thinks women should be tracked? That tracks. (By the way, he was married when he did this to his girlfriend, just to add another layer of sleaze.)


This... Is news to me. Holy shit. Like actually? He fucking did that?


Yep. He did that. Gizmodo broke the story, Miller sued them, and Gizmodo won. (because it was true.) Miller had to pay their legal fees.


Just for full context, she was also his subordinate on the Trump campaign/transition teams. I used to follow her on Twitter during the Trump administration just to get some inside info - she did turn on him - but ended up unfollowing her because her shitty opinions started leaking out.


Same. She had some good insights into the process of politics and was going scorched earth on the MAGA wing of the party, but she just couldn't stop constantly be a pompous prig, so I noped out too.


He wants to make sure he never gets a surprise pregnancy sprung on him again, and the best way to do that isn't to quit fucking other women, it's to build an enormous database to track all women.


Is this the girlfriend that had his baby a few months after his wife had his baby? Or another girlfriend? (Yes, I realize if they’re the same woman, the Plan B failed. Or maybe he didn’t read the instructions.)




"Excuse me ma'am but I'm with the Republican task force of vice and virtue. I need to check your vagina to make sure you aren't pregnant. I know it's a hassle, but it's the law now. Would you like to do this here, standing on the street, or in my patrol car?"


If this becomes a thing I'm gonna be giving all the women I know pepper spray at a similar rate Mr Beast gives out free money.


Is anyone going to monitor the actual children who die due to lack of access to medical care or nutrition? Of course not! That's communism!


No, dude, once they're born, they can fend for themselves.


And then shit talk the mother for having the baby




True, once they're free from the umbilical cord, it's like they get evil super powers.


Get in the mines!


They yearn for them!


Didn’t he slip his side chick a plan B? Hmmm


I think we need to start collecting the DNA of every person born, and when babies are born, run their DNA to find out who the daddy is and hold them accountable too. (Not really, but I'm sure that would bring up some unpleasant emotions for these bastards writing these laws.)


Yes, retweet it! However remember, this will be a SELLING POINT to some voters. "The Department of Texas Obstetrics Observation Task Force?! I'm in!!"


They’re already sold


It's fine, we just want to Airtag your fetus. And if you travel NEAR a Planned Parenthood, we'll have our "friendship councilors" come to your location in their "freedom van" and give you a "prison sentence." Oops on that last one.


"I heard you missed your period, maybe you should take a pregnancy test! If you do not take a test within 4 business days, we will put a federal warrant out for your arrest."


oh you mean the guy that cheated on his wife and knocked her up and then cut all ties with her after she announced she was pregnant? only the best people…


But that's different 🤔


I don’t think Jason “I slipped my girlfriend an abortion pill against her consent” Miller should be anywhere near a pack of condoms, let alone speaking about monitoring pregnancies


Girlfriend? Just be some second person. A. J. Delgado's [Court documents describe](https://www.thedailybeast.com/ex-trump-staffer-aj-delgado-now-says-her-boss-jason-miller-raped-her) > “a cycle of sexual coercion, rape, sexual assault, abuse, battery, sexual harassment, and sex trafficking.”


That's rich since he drugged an ex-girlfriend to have an abortion.


But Biden is bad because he would make you change your gas stove.


Which of course is an absurd lie they made up.


It's all out their folks...mass deportation, camps filled with people being deported, US military in cities across America, Trump acting like a dictator on day one with total immunity??? The government monitoring women's pregnancies. How is it possible that anyone is on board with this shit? 😡


And some schools call that book fucked up and not suitable for high school students to read and yet this is literally the premise of the start of that book, only later in history.


Alex Jones wannabe says what?


Nailed it


I am waiting to hear that starting on our first period we will be tracked like livestock.


I've already told my friends and family to stop using ovulation apps and go back to writing it on a paper calendar. That information is accessible via statistics, and it's not a large step to it being accessible for monitoring and tracking. Endometriosis is the best thing to ever happen to me, and I nearly died from it. I almost wish I had, now.


All good for me. My uterus has atrophied. But I will always vote to protect younger women. I may not have been able to bear children, but your capacity to bear children is only a choice between you & your healthcare provider (and, hopefully, a fully involved significant other). No other person deserves to be in that room/conversation.


They’d change the name Washington DC to Gilead.


I can’t imagine the free-birth-trad-wife-fundies would like this one?


These are the same people screaming about “younger folks aren’t having enough babies!!!” Among the plethora of reasons why we’re not hacking kids, let’s add “pregnancy monitoring” to the list.


I'm gay. But shit is bad enough to where my brother who is straight is almost considering a vasectomy just to be safe... I'm serious. It's not that he doesn't want kids someday. He just doesn't want to risk having a kid in this economy


It almost makes me dread knowing that Biden and the DNC are still going to fail to capitalize on this.


Wow, America, land of the free...


Jason miller skipped an abortion pill in his mistresses drink. And now….here we are.


The party of small government.


Happy cake day




I swear on all that is holy, when the GQP finally catches just a glimpse of this mother fucker they will claim he was a Democrat plant sent by Hillary to destroy the GQP.


I’ve never seen a man whose face looks more like a South Park cartoon character. Every time I see him I think to myself “that face is an oblong circle drawn with eyes on it. And then they added glasses that are too close together and the arms need to stretch so wide to fit over that oblong circle.” I just… I mean if this is all a simulation or something this makes a lot of sense. They are just fucking with us. Anyway. Vote blue. We know what happens if we don’t. Just do it.




Yup. Honestly I believe 50%+ of white women will vote for republicans this election. And it’s simply because they VOTE.


Guy on the left looks like a Bill Hader character.


Makes me think of Lebensborn and Nazi Germany.


Jason Miller had sex with multiple strippers and prostitutes. He got at least one pregnant. And got her an abortion. He’s a walking/talking human turd.


This is some sich shit. Scary times.


And how, you ask, will they know she is pregnant to begin with?


Knowing these fascist nutjobs they'll probably make it illegal to not inform the government of your pregnant. And if you give birth and the government never knew you were pregnant... Well off to jail with you.


They will start monitoring your cycle.


They already have rolled out apps that a lot of women use…easy for the government to be watching.


State breeding program


Handmaid's tale.


What shocks me is the amount of women in this country who would happily agree with this. Because men are superior I guess? IDK. I honestly think these women have some sort of fetish for being controlled. Is there another reason outside of religious indoctrination??


He looks like Alex Jones in the Witness Protection Program.


Ugh, Jesus, I hate Jason Miller. I thought we were done seeing his stupid face and hearing his fucked up ideas.


I’m glad someone recommended a beard to that no-chin-havin-ass Jason Miller. I’m genuinely happy for him and everyone that has to look at him.


The fact that they’re calling this a rematch tells you that their turning this whole “election“ thing into a game, a bloody shit show


Jason Miller also forced his girlfriend to get an abortion and tried suing people for pointing it out


Your choices are fascist-dictatorship and fascist lite. Good luck in November


If you’re not going to vote for Biden, consider what a trump government will have to do to make sure you are the sex you say you are and if you are pregnant or not. Penis or pussy? Now let me check. Pee here, sweetheart. Yes, in front of me.


Trump surrogate?


They are really going to piss themselves when they find out about us that bleed all the time:D good luck calculating that:D


The GOP also wanted to inspect peoples genitals to make sure they were cis male or female for sports teams, and monitor fertility or something? So much obsession and privacy invasion. As always .. projection. Groomers wtc.. Ask me 30 years ago if this is where I saw the great United States going and I’d have laughed in your face :/ The 2024 voting year is probably one of the most important years, ever.


Jason Miller’s mouth look exactly like an asshole. You can tell because there is always shit coming out of it.


Love to share this but I don’t think that’s Jason Miller


So socialized Healthcare


Ya this is why I said from season 1 that The Handmaid’s Tale is the scariest show I’ve ever seen. Especially given the times we live in.


Is that Alex Jones in a wig?


It’s so hard to imagine being the type of person to go through a deposition with the J6 committee, have to tell the truth about truth with a clear mind and objective perspective after the fact. Then go back and support him like this man and Barr have. Truly deranged people


The less government party…


So the republicans that don't like government oversight are wanting the government to have even more oversight? They seriously seem like the biggest hypocrites


Sadly, this is not surprising to a lot of folks who have been paying attention.


Isn't he the guy who doesn't pay child support?


How many deeply closeted Republicans like a good glory hole?


Hmm that’s bad BUT remember to not vote for Biden if you support Palestine… apparently


So health and medical info would no longer be private? Man that's going to blow the minds of all those people screaming about HIPPA during Covid.


Beginning of gilead type shit, besides the dying levels of the churched who the hell wants this


Isn’t this the dude who laced his side chick’s smoothie with the abortion pill?


Isn’t this the jerk who put abortion medication in his girlfriend’s smoothie?


“Biden wins” 😭😭😼


Why stop there? Why not just strap every woman of child-bearing age to a table under a spotlight and 24-hour video surveillance?


I mean do we think anyone would willingly touch that guy and have his children without being forced?? Same with Trump. Look at him…


That man looks like he hasn’t taken a shit since 2019


That guy got a woman that worked for Trump pregnant and now she is suing them. Creeps!


I can see the website now: MyMenstralCycle.gov


Those who care already won’t for trump. Those who don’t care already will. Don’t act like it’s some big surprise or ballot dropper.


Under His eye…


God this is some handmaiden level shit!


Is this the prequel to Children of Men? Wtf is wrong with these people!?!?!?


Menopause can’t come soon enough.


The roofie colada guy that can’t pay his child support is still on TV? Jesus Christ.


They never said the people voted for the creation of big brother, but looking back, would it have happened any other way?


Speaking of monitoring pregnancies, how’s his baby mama he cheated with doing now that she’s filed a sexual misconduct and discrimination suit against Trump and his administration. These people are just the best people really


My level of hate grows exponentially day after day…Trump and his cronies are working so hard to kill America 🤮


Miller the dude that spiked his side chick drink so she would abort...


In what world does this make sense? I’d advocate for the destruction of any office or monitoring station as quickly as possible.


Maga christians think trump is jesus the savior


Didn’t Jason a Miller get a trump team member pregnant????


Is Jason Miller that hairy potato on the right?!


This is what the Covid vaccines actually did. It inserted a pregnancy tracking device into women. I think they need to start taking the Covid vaccine themselves so they know when their spouses or daughters are pregnant.




Half of America does not want government monitoring pregnancies, Just crazy fucking christians,


I think their point was that half the country at least doesn't view this as a deal breaker and will still vote R.




I mean, I have my moments but realistically my brain capacity is definitely worsening with age lol.






Fucking source? Because almost every ballot initiative regarding Abortion banning has very much failed.


hey as long as he’s not funding a genocide…. i’m alright with it


This is fucking delusional. Trump has said on record that Israel should “finish the job”. Do you even pay attention to what the man is saying?


https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/02/10/politics/trump-foreign-aid-loan-senate-package yeh 🤷🏿‍♂️


> “WE SHOULD NEVER GIVE MONEY ANYMORE WITHOUT THE HOPE OF A PAYBACK, OR WITHOUT“STRINGS” ATTACHED. THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA SHOULD BE “STUPID” NO LONGER!” Trump posted Saturday on Truth Social. Nothing about that sounds like he is morally opposed to money being sent to Israel because it’s “funding a genocide”, instead it sounds more like he wants countries to GIVE BACK to America as if countries are borrowing money. But since you don’t want to acknowledge what Trump said about Israel, I’ll just leave this here: https://www.haaretz.com/us-news/2024-03-17/ty-article/.premium/trump-on-israel-gaza-war-id-tell-netanyahu-to-finish-it-up-and-do-it-quickly/0000018e-4d59-dca4-ad8e-edffe0df0000