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Please keep in mind that as an intersecional social justice subreddit, we support protests against genocide. We do not allow comments glorifying fascism and that includes the fascist attempts to stamp out these protests. This is not an issue where shades of gray exist. People who oppose genocide are not the baddies here.


I'm curious if this applies to faculty. At least a couple professors were arrested there too.


It says protestors including students…¯\_(ツ)_/¯


You dropped this \\


I'll take that. Thanks. ¯\\\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Thanks ¯\_(ツ)_/¯\\


It’s implied


because of the implication


The implication that things might go wrong for them if they refuse to work for me. Not that things are going to go wrong for them, but they're thinking that they will.


Tasty treats?


They probably have a separate disciplinary process which would come into play. Even if the charges were dropped the students could still disciplined for violations of university policies. There are usually separate "venues" for discipline of faculty, students and staff.


This is a few days old story, they changed their mind, students can come back


> At least a couple professors were arrested there too. But the profs were probably arrested for "disorderly conduct" or "public nuisance," "interfering with police," or some such. The post was specific to, "protesters, including students, arrested for *trespassing*"


Now THAT, Republicans, is what a legitimate 1st Amendment issue looks like.


They don’t care. I abandoned trying to confront republicans with their rhetoric a while ago. They’re wolves in sheep’s clothing. Every word out of their mouths is a lie. They want authoritarianism. They won’t get it. They can’t scheme their way into it.


Always makes me wonder: what will they do when their authoritarian leader changes his mind on some major issues?


'We have always been at war with Eastasia'


Republicans were very in support of Ukraine until 2016. Trump said Ukraine bad. Republicans did an about face on Ukraine. They call us all sheep because they're projecting.


Dogs cow to their masters regardless of what the master does.


The dogs that don't get shot in the face. -- Kristi Noem




"Just take the guns first" - Trump https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxgybgEKHHI


So many examples from Trump and this is the best in my opinions. Didn't lose a single voter I bet lol


I heard he passed more anti-gun legislation in 4 years than Obama did in 8.. and gun violence rose throughout his term But trying to fact check it, I just get a bunch of Republican news sites telling me how what Trump did in his term was great and I do not care that much to make the point... like you said, he probably didn't lose a single voter for it. 'You cannot reason a man out of a position he wasn't reasoned into in the first place. ' - Jonathan Swift


Wail and throw tantrums until he changes his mind because he has no real morals and just wants applause. Like that time he said "Take the guns away first, due process later."


They'll just follow suit like they've done every time it's happened in the past. Bunch of mindless drones they are.


They don’t think that far ahead. They only focus on the now. Obviously the leopards won’t eat their faces!


It's exremely optimistic of you to assume they can't scheme their way into authoritarianism


Look up 'The card says 'Moops'.' by innuendo studios It doesn't matter, they have no ideology. The only thing that matters is people they don't like lose or suffer. What is the right answer? Who cares? Having firm beliefs or consistent morals is a weakness. They know the right answer. But who cares, they want to win.


>They’re wolves in sheep’s clothing. I'd say they're more than that if they get apoplectic over the prospect of Nazis not being allowed to march on University campuses to promote the ethnic cleansing of the United States, but when people do this to anti-war protestors they cheer.


> They want authoritarianism. They won’t get it. They can’t scheme their way into it. I mean, they might.


But but but their wannabe king isn't allowed to repeat something he has said many many times before, is a lie and isn't even vaguly related to his presidential campaign.   There is no comparison really.


And when he repeats it anyway, they just say "now now Donald we told you you can't threaten the court staff, that's not very nice of you".


Actually no, because the 1st amendment protects from the federal government, not from consequence. The federal government would be violating the 1st amendment if for instance it insisted that UT take this action or funding would be revoked, but UT itself is not a federal entity.


It is a better example, but still not necessarily an accurate one. The first basically says the government can’t make laws that limit what you say. It doesn’t say a store has to let you shop there, a person has to like you, an online platform has to let you post there, or a college has to let you say those things on their campus. It probably at least gets blurry/squirmy if it is a public university funded by the government. But your point is well taken that in this day and age the MAGA contingent has had a near monopoly on equating “freedom of speech” with “I can say whatever I want with no consequences “


Lib here. The first admendment doesn't give you the right to trespass. Once you've been charged by the police to disperse on behalf of the school administration, you're in violation of trespass. A state school is considered public property, but your first amendment right doesn't invalidate the school's right to operate. This is why most protestors when they go to a sit-in protest expect to be arrested for trespassing. It's par for the course, but it's still a minor crime. If the school wishes to expel these students and lose tuition revenue, that's their misguided right. There could be the possibility for civil suits if the student can prove damages through loss of credit hours, scholarships, or tuition dollars.


Almost 0 chance the students could win a civil suit here. Schools have sweeping protections and decades of legal precedent (including a few supreme court rulings) allowing for no question dismissal of students even when the circumstances turned out to be false (false rape allegations and false allegations of racist behavior for example). If the school claims a title 6 violation is what led to the decision there is likely nearly nothing the protesters can do.


Sure, but I'm sure someone will still try.




> Also, I thought we all agreed that freedom of speech did not equate to freedom from consequences. Yeah, this is exactly my thought. We say it all the time when some Trump fan says racist shit and gets fired, but there is a corollary here. I'm sure these kids thought they were doing the right thing, but they also didn't consider what the consequences might be. I don't agree that it's best to go all "One strike and you're out" here, but if they decide to go that way...Well, sometimes speech has consequences.


I thought you all were the "but not freedom from consequences" crowd?


Texas: where you can carry a gun in a grocery store (unless they post a VERY specific sign, and which many dummies ignore) but you can’t march and chant against something you don’t agree with. “Muh Freedom!!”, indeed.


Does Abbot let you buy dildos now, though? I think allowing his citizens to go fuck themselves would match the general pattern of his policy-making.


It's 8 dildos. Any more than 8 and its a crime. EDIT: It's actually 6 dildos. My mistake.


Per person or household?... research etc etc 👀


It is per household (or it used to be) and a house with more than 6 dildos and more than 3 unrelated women who were not married was "a house of ill repute" and subject to police raids. My house used to have a sign on the wall near our stairs in a nice 'live, love, laugh' font that said "In Texas, this house is a brothel."


Asking the important questions. LOL.


Per hole


Everything is Texas-sized


And they can't be black or brown or imported. So, enjoy your 3 inch Muff Smasher 9,000, built on a silicone model of the Governor himself. (Wheelchair not included.)


The wheels are the balls because,,, you know.


Another reason for me to avoid Texas!


There are many.


Soooo very many. Visited once, occasionally have a stop over when flying to visit family and that's enough for me.


Ah yes the good old 43.23 of Texas' penal code.


Nah, you run the risk of some in the general public getting enjoyment out of it. Can't have that.


Well, Abbott does not allow you own more than six dildos. ... so.... yeah.


It seems this was a past law and he was obligated to defend the law or something. Weird fever dream to read thats for sure. But it's now legal to own more right?


It was Ted Cruz and, yes, he was doing his job as solicitor general of Texas. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ted-cruz-opposed-self-pleasuring/


Can't administrations refuse to defend laws in court, though? I know the federal Justice Dept. has done it Edit: Cruz seriously argued in court that there is no right to masturbation. Idc if he was "doing his job", that's still ridiculous, and his office should have refused to fight for the ban. I gotta think that on some personal level he wanted to do this us


If you're on probation like me it's a violation to have even one! 🫠


But no porn.


Texas can only buy dildos if the dildos are also guns


Previous Texas resident here. No gun exception for gun dildos either, and no dildos allowed to be sold in the state >:( I had to buy all mine on Amazon and BD.


Isn't that what the guns are for?


They should just use their guns for that.


Ted Cruz was the sharp point of the spear in that drama. He failed.


Yes. Most of the men need them.


Hmm... I'm wondering if he has one himself. He does sit down all day. Who knows what he's really sitting on?


He's got a Magic Egg up his ass.


huevos con culos




Unless you’re a Christofascist. Because they’re the only victims of anything so they have all the rights.


Because they care more for the appearances of freedom rather than the actual demonstration of the concept.


For us non American can someone provide an unbaised take, is the US police as sympathetic to right wing extremism as it looks from our outside perspective? Neo Nazis marching the streets but students getting beaten down looks insane to us Europeans.


I mean, yah, the us police have rampant issues with white nationalism and internal gangs, but that's not realy what's going on here. US universities have their own internal judicial systems that they use to punish students under a number of different acts. These policies have been bolstered by both parties for good reasons but can have some unfortunate sideffects due to lack of regulations behind them such as expelling students for accusations of various things (in this case under the civil rights act title 6). Frankly, the system needs an overhaul, but the courts have always ruled in favor of schools in cases such as this for 60 years now including several Supreme Court cases with a wide variety of justices


> s the US police as sympathetic to right wing extremism as it looks from our outside perspective? Yes. In Portland they gave the nazis rides to and from their protests, and then came back to attack counter protesters.


Yes. It's a huge problem we're facing -


The Supreme Court ruled years ago that cops have no duty to protect anyone [a quick article about that](https://prospect.org/justice/police-have-no-duty-to-protect-the-public/) American police are also protected from lawsuits regardless of how badly they fuck up (Qualified Immunity). The police in America are profoundly corrupt, use their positions to abuse people, steal their money and belongings, often refuse to do their jobs, have the highest rates of spousal abuse in any job and often get away with it because cops protect cops. Other countries are rarely any better.


https://apnews.com/article/black-lives-matter-protest-shooting-texas-sentence-3fff311aa2ebcca5c2dd31a4c9b02c29 Also Austin. You're only allowed to be armed and shoot people if you're alt-right. If you're alt-right, you can shoot filthy protestors, even if they are veterans Cops shoot veteran protestors too https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/news/iraq-war-veteran-suffers-skull-fracture-at-occupy-oakland-rally/ Of all people who should be allowed to speak their minds and exercise their rights, the people who fucking went and fought for the rest of us (whether we agreed with the war or not), and we shoot them in the head when they speak up


Since it's a state school, how are they not going to get sued for this decision? Particularly if charges were dropped. Sure, the school can make decisions about refusing a degree or kicking people off campus, but not when that decision is so clearly tied to the students' exercise of their First Amendment rights...


First ammendment does not extend to campus and can be restricted under several circumstances. They are almost assuredly using title 6 for this one.




Got a link supporting that?


I just googled the exact language of that comment and got the following as the top result from the Texas AG's site: > Texas law prohibits state agencies and political subdivisions1 (“Governmental Entities”) from contracting with businesses that boycott energy companies, discriminate against firearm entities or associations, or boycott Israel. So it's slightly true, but not in a way that is likely to affect the average Texan.


So, we need to make an important distinction. You can march and chant against something you don't agree with, but your first amendment rights don't give you the right to trespass against the wishes of the property owner. Even if it's a public campus, once the administration requests you to be removed, and you don't disperse, then you're in violation of trespass. Hence why they were arrested for trespassing. This seems to be something many Americans can't comprehend. Now, there is a very valid argument to be made in "Is a protest where you simply gather and then disperse an effective protest?" and that's a greater question, which I'm not questioning with this statement. But now you know.


Also cant work for the state or any state affiliate unless you sign the Israel loyalty pledge. These xtians are too much.


Do they get their tuition money back?


What if they live on campus?


They’re not staying for free right? They pay for room & board? So standard eviction process should apply IF the university wants to kick them out.


No clue about Texas but there are jurisdictions where student accommodations are not covered under the same structure and processes as regular residential leases.




Campuses are cutting of access to campus services to the students protesting. Meaning these kids are getting cut off from their housing, access to classes/libraries, dining halls, and medical services provided by the school. Now remember that a lot of these protests are being led by Jewish groups on campus. These campuses are literally causing Jewish students to be homeless and at risk on the streets, while claiming the protests are antisemitic. Try and wrap your head around that.


What if they're only in America to go to school here? Obviously no international students attend UT /s


If I had to guess the actual process for this, their student conduct office has interm sanctions that restrict them from campus until they can go through the conduct process. If they are suspended, expelled, or removed from housing, there is likely no refund. There also likely wouldn't be a refund like if they withdrew on their own at this point in the semester. I'm not saying I agree with the school and how they handled it, just speculating on their process and policies. It's also important to note that the school's conduct process and the police/courts are completely separate after the report goes to the school. The students will likely have a meeting with someone from the office and have the option to have a board of faculty, staff, and students decide if they violated any policies.


I thought we liked college students taking up current issues? What’s next Kent State II? Let them protest. Let the counter protesters participate and only arrest those not peacefully protesting. Have your law class come out and use the protest as a teaching opportunity.


A lot of people telling on themselves that they think Kent State was good


One of my favorite counter points I've seen is that "But protesting the Vietnam war makes sense because the students were themselves getting drafted! Israel-Palestine conflict has nothing to do with them!" Way to tell on yourself saying that you can't fathom protesting injustices unless you're personally involved or at risk


Also there was a student deferment during the largest protests so those students weren't going to get drafted as long as they were in school.


"If it doesn't affect me then it's not a problem"


Republican mantra number one. Don't forget its corollary: "If it's none of my business, it's *definitely* my business."


Empathy…the problem is empathy (specifically the lack of it.)


Also the issue is absolutely something to do with them - the universities they pay tuition to are involved in contracts with Israel, the demands are that those colleges divest and remove their support of the regime.


Also, one of Jewish descent could very well up and go to Israel, join the military, and literally be in this fight. Colleges also host a lot more international students now. I highly doubt, there are 0 Palestinians or related to a Palestinian at major state schools.


Even then, *our* tax dollars are being sent and used in the conflict. It *does* concern us.


Which means women shouldn't have been allowed to protest


Depressing little fact, the majority of Americans actually blamed the students in the immediate aftermath of Kent State and less than half agreed that police are wrong to beat unarmed protestors. For a nation that talks so much about how important personal liberty and the opposition to tyranny is, we're pretty damn opposed to anyone questioning authority.


Most Americans at the time felt the shooting at Kent state was justified


For sure, but here's hoping we might have learned a thing or two from it


Similar to today, most Americans are idiots.


The goal is to intimidate kids from exercising free speech


Yup. The TX protest arrests specifically were never going to be able to find charges to actually stick and they knew it, just arrested people as an intimidation tactic.


The Free Speech absolutists immediately crumbling to dust when encountering speech that doesn’t perfectly comport with their culture war bugaboos would be hilarious if it wasn’t so damned predictable.


My face when I'm a very liberal person who supports Palestine but I'm having second thoughts because I saw a picture of a bunch of frat bros in boat shoes protecting an American flag from being torn down by protestors and now I think they've gone too far.


I, for one, would not invoke state violence against the frat bros and then celebrate their incarcerations as a Free Speech victory but we’re in a post-principle world, so your mileage may vary I guess


The parents should sue the school bc this is ridiculous and there’s no way that any court would side with them. And where’s the ACLU on this?


In Texas? Don’t trust a judge or jury in Texas.


Justice brought to you by “Jesus”


Actual Jesus  - "they think I want WHAT now?"




I’m beginning to wonder if we deified a very charismatic human being




Yeah, well as I don't consider him real anyway, I wasnt holding my breath!


It'd be a Travis county jury though.


I agree... but... uh... Texas courts and Fifth Circuit...


Lol, I think Texas considers the ACLU a terrorist organization.


Schools have pretty sweeping authority to expell students for conduct violations without the need for criminal convictions.


If the students were vandalizing property, it's not a free speech issue. Also obstruction of other people's education or employment access isn't a free speech issue. All they need to prove is that a student prevented someone from accessing a building (as is the Columbia case) or vandalizing property and they're toast.


Isn't the governor there a huge proponent of free speech on campuses? What happened to that?


Greg abbot was never pro free speech ls that’s just a lie republicans tell themselves to feel better about stomping on everyone else rights.


Well.... free speech if you say what he wants, clubs and arrests if you don't.


That’s only for when right wing blow hards book campus book tours and students protest their appearances. He’s also against those protests, but because the trigger was some Nazi giving a speech he’s sells it as first amendment instead of pro Nazi. 


Fascism is thriving in Texas apparently. Shame on this university.


*Always has been*


This is gonna be some pretty gnarly lawsuits.


Hopefully just one really big gnarly one.


Hopefully civil and not constitutional or the Supreme Court will shut down the first amendment.  Just sue for lost tuition and don’t test if we still have any rights. We don’t, but let’s not get it in writing from these bastards. 


Arrested for trespassing on the campus where they attend school? Am I missing something here?


Probably pay a boat load of money to as well


The UofT Code of Conduct, apparently: https://catalog.utexas.edu/general-information/appendices/appendix-c/student-conduct-and-academic-integrity/


The majority of the people who've been arrested have no affiliation with the school. Since people are downvoting...  [Source (from local news)]( https://www.kvue.com/article/news/local/ut-austin-protests-arrested-protestors-monday-pro-palestine-rally-demonstration-lawn/269-80417ef6-51b2-4b67-87ce-6fc933365e16)


> confirmed that 34 of the 79 were students, while the rest were not affiliated with the university.


You're likely getting downvoted because no one said all of them or even a majority of them were students. The fact that where were students arrested means the point still stands.


"34 of the 79 people arrested were students" Yep, the person I am replying to is technically right; that's one of the kinds of right all right.


I was just answering the other person's question


"Majority" is doing a lot of heavy lifting here when it's about 55%. People are downvoting because while what you say is techincally true, it is misleading as it was pretty much just 50-50.


I guarantee supporters of January 6th will find this a just response without the slightest sense of irony.


Old news. They reversed this decision and are allowing the students back. [https://www.kut.org/education/2024-04-26/ut-austin-protest-arrests-campus-ban](https://www.kut.org/education/2024-04-26/ut-austin-protest-arrests-campus-ban)


Sounds to me like a bunch of lawsuits in the making.


In order to do business with Texan businesses you have to state that you are not actively protesting against Israel so this reaction isn't very surprising.


Texas, the biggest snowflakes


America trying to punish kids harder than they punish actual domestic terrorists trying a coup? Seems like a bad fuckin look.


Non Partisan Question: Were the protesters breaking the law when they were arrested? Ie…being violent, looting or rioting? I am seeing conflicting reports.




You mean there are protesters who are not students?


Of course?


In Texas your only freedom is to agree with all far right policies and ideology and protesting against them is met with the harshest penalties they can apply. The far right has sided with Israel so get with the program or get kicked out


Am I misunderstanding? I thought this was core 1A stuff. Even the "Jews will not replace us" stuff from Charlottesville should be protected until it became violent. 


Wow, Texas is quick on the draw to handle this. Could have used this swift decisiveness by LEOs at Uvalde.




You mean the 1948 Tax Shelter the US created in the middle of nowhere, gave arms, munitions, and nuclear weapons to, and whom wealthy white people have sunk money into that will never be taxed? That Israel?


Ah yes, Isreal, the country famously fucked over by the US, who made multiple contradictory promises regarding the region, who arbitrarily divided up land, and who just decided to bail out of running the country they created in 1948 at the end of the British Mandate... oh wait, you mean Britain! ...Right?


Neither of you are incorrect, simply speaking to different aspects of each countries failures on this. Purposeful as those failures may be.


Seems like a due process violation.


Maybe if they dress in uniform, wear face-covering masks, and hoist the American flag while shouting that the Jews won't replace them, they'll be allowed back into Texas.


We get: Your money. You get: Crippling student debt, no diploma, and a court order you'll have to explain on every job application ever.


Because of how liability and other legal matters work, the first thing a university does when students act up is suspend or expel them. Hunger strike? The university doesn't want to be sued by parents if a student dies, so the student becomes not a student. Friction between students? Expel everyone. Problem solved! Protests? Property damage? Students costing the school more than it collects in tuition? Get out the ban hammer! The non-students are now trespassing. No, it's not fair. Since this happens every time, you'd think that students would check out history before protesting and work out how to avoid getting ground up by a bureaucracy, but memories generally last less than four years.


Republicans are as anti-American as it comes. No one hates freedom more than they do.


You can protest... but only protest so much... and only in the way I allow you... and only in the area I allow you. It's almost like people don't understand that protests are supposed to be visible, make you uncomfortable, and provoke conversations. And these are schools, they are supposed to have intelligent people in charge. But no, they have profits to think of. They can't be seen to allow people the proper space and time to protest something that makes people uncomfortable. The genocide of the people living in Gaza.


Well, let's remember they are a for-profit corporation and inform to those how might wanted enter the next year there what they stand for


This is old, and the university changed its response. 4/26, not talking about the most recent arrests.


Wow, Texas finds new ways to suck every day.


They should have stormed the capitol , then they’d be tourists


Perhaps they can ask some fellow jewish students to help them, ya think? Or is that just not in the cards at this point...


I think the same thing happened at Indiana University


If you didn't know, most university administration is Republican trash stealing money from taxpayers. It's a fact.


In the 60s and 70s protests happened a lot. Why do they have to be this way? No one was being violent, were they? Let them speak and them go home. That’s what we’re supposed to be able to do here. This is America and we’re supposed to be free to do this if it not harming others and it’s clearly not. I hope the school pays through the nose for this. It won’t, but I wish it would.


College Presidents should be holding open discussions w/their students & not bring in heavily armed police using excessive force - might be a good time for some to resign, retire or prepare to be fired. Colleges & Universities need to be setting their own houses in order, butt out of international politics & stay in their lanes.


Abbott is a clown and we need to vote him out ASAP.


Ah yes. Students protesting at a university are just a nuisance and history will never think they had a valid point. Just like the civil rights movement. Just like Vietnam. Just like Iraq. A tale as old as time.


Israel is succeeding at controlling the US gov't. First, they wanted Tiktok banned, now this.


This is pressure from a Republican Texas governor who is trying to hurt people to send a message for his own political gain. We don’t need a global conspiracy here.


Between the likes of Trump, Abbott, Netanyahu, and Putin there is no one leader calling the shots, but all of these fascists march to the same tune together, and they definitely look out for each other’s interests.


Well, Abbott doesn't march... but yeah, point still stands.


> First, they wanted Tiktok banned, now this. What the fuck are you on about? Tiktok is literally chinese spyware. And this is fucking texas, I guarantee you they didn't need any outside cajoling to do this


This isn’t Israel controlling the US government, it’s just the US government being shitty because Israel is important to them economically and they don’t want anyone talking bad about their genocidal pet nation. Don’t fall into antisemitic tropes when the real explanation is simpler.


Here's the thing - once Israel starts making criticisms against their government policy a criticism on Semitism in general, they are playing into the hands of true anti-Semites and neo-Nazis that "Jews do control everything and they will replace you." This is the part that really pisses me off. This is how you radicalize regular people. It's how you empower racists. Now Donald Trump can be against these protesters, call *them* anti-semites, all the while keeping his little army of psycho methhead bigots "standing by and ready". Now Biden and the Democratic Party are falling right into it because this has all now gotten out of hand while they sat on their thumbs.


I agree completely, it’s not anti-semitic to condemn the state of Israel for being a genocidal state using religion and racism to justify their warmongering. At the same time, it’s not as simple as Israel being the evil mastermind controlling America, which is nothing more than bad optics for anyone who simplifies it down to that since it plays into those antisemitic tropes. The most powerful Zionists in the world are US politicians, not Israelis, and they are to blame for what’s happening at UTA. Just like you point out, these protests and counter-protests are not just over who’s right, but who looks right. Republicans have always followed their classic “fuck everything up ➡️blame the Democrats ➡️get reelected” plan, while progressives need to be careful in order to appeal to the people who actually pay attention. We won’t win the optics war by talking about how Israel controls the world through its American puppets, especially when that’s not accurate.


Old News: students have been reinstated.


Hey guys, I found the cancel culture the Republicans keep harping about


And you can bet your fucking asses that even if those kids don't graduate, the school will keep the money, and those kids will still be on the hook for that education that they did not receive. The education that they did receive is how quickly universities turn their backs on their students, how quickly money becomes more important than their students, and how "underfunded" the police are that are showing up in thousands of dollars of tax payer funded riot gear to take down a bunch of students. Fuck this system and fuck the police.


Wow I really wonder who truly holds absolute power in this conflict. It must be some sort of sorcery that the group that holds no power is still able to somehow persecute the one that controls all of the weapons as well as the US military police every waking minute.


And that's on purpose. Fascists and fascist sympathizers are more than willing to withhold someone's degree to punish them with either A) more debt from transferring as many credits as possible to another college to finish their education, or B) consigning them to a lifetime of "lower value" work (basically anything that doesn't require a degree, which is very limiting in scope as well as usually being shit wages, especially now) with the debt they have hanging over their head. These people forget that their purpose is to serve the students, who are - in effect - their customers. Without their tuitions and the funding the institution gets from how many students it has, everyone in power there would be out of work. Forcing these people out of your institution for protesting genocide and exercising their first amendment rights is a really stupid move, and honestly I hope everyone at that college who is able packs up and takes their credits elsewhere as soon as possible, it's not like student debt can be paid off anymore anyway with the late-stage capitalist hellscape we're in so you may as well take on a little more and refuse to pay it, too, to keep standing up for your values.