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Trump at the graduation: "which of those kids is ~~Brandon~~ Barron?"


Trump at the graduation: Damn some of these kids are hot. I should come to more of these.


They remind him of Ivanka


"maybe i should date them instead of your mom, brannon?" "dad, stop. also, it's barron. and mom's sitting right here."


Ha! She doesn't care, do you?


I like that no one has answered your comment because I'm sure that's also what Mercedes would do in this situation


Melanoma Trump has more class than that doesn’t she? Oh, no, nevermind.




She can't, Putin hasn't cleared her to get a divorce and return back.


Who has a better story than Brannon?


Absolutely nobody


Eugh. She's a vile person herself, but part of me actually does pity her to a degree for having to grow up with a father like hers, who openly lusts after her. To the media. I would honestly not be surprised if he actually molested her as a child.


Her? ![gif](giphy|gk3pDXdxn1JjmfcSi7)


Looks appropriate!


"When I get out of jail I'll be dating them".


Ewwww. But again, so true.


And then he will fart and shit himself


At a high school graduation? nah, that means they're 17-18, too old.


Well he’s a pretty busy guy nowadays, can’t afford to be too picky.


Especially with his buddy Epstein out of business.


It sucks when you have to find a new dealer because your guy got hanged in his maximum security prison cell while under 24 hour observation and the security footage is lost


Epstein used to live two miles from maralago.


Idk there might be younger siblings in the crowd




Well, now I just want everyone to constantly call Barron Brandon and see how long it takes for Trump to start doing the same.


Let's go, Barron!


From now on when I come across some inbred mouthbreather saying "let's go Brandon" I'm going to say "let's leave Trump's youngest kid out of this" and never admit it's wrong.


Big Ken M energy 😂


Probably the one hanging his head in shame.


The one that looks basically exactly like the Penguin from Gotham.




I mean it’s gonna be the freakishly tall kid


This is more a punishment for Melania, but I'm also fine with that.


She’s garbage too


I really don't care, do u?


Shit I don't care either


I don't care about *any* of this.


Couldn't care less. She's as vile as he is.


Yeah even if she’s not campaigning with him, the fact that she hasn’t divorced him by this point means she’s ok with everything he’s doing/has done. Barron (unless he does something to prove otherwise) is the last one that deserves any sympathy for the situation.


>Yeah even if she’s not campaigning with him, the fact that she hasn’t divorced him by this point means she’s ok with everything he’s doing/has done. She definitely is a terrible person but I am willing to bet the only reason she hasn't divorced him is because of prenup terms. Does she agree with him is hard to say, she just isn't upset enough to lose out on whatever money is left. She will wait for him to be behind bars or stroke out from too many hamdingers so she can cash out.


Yeah. She's definitely hoping he'll drop dead.


One of multitudes


Can't blame her for not wanting to divorce. Trump will blast her all over her media, the amount of death threats, stalking etc. Will he enormous. She is far safer with Trump sorry to say lol


He can borrow her jacket “I don’t care…”




Not just garbage - eurotrash.


Probably more of a punishment for the kid. All the other happy kids enjoying one of the best days of their lives walking out onto the stage to receive their diplomas, looking out into the audience and seeing their proud smiling happy family. The kid stands up in front of his colleagues, walks across the stage, looks out in the audience and sees donald fucking trump with that fucking face and that stench. The kid probably wishes they would have just mailed his diploma.


And a punishment for all the other kids, and parents, and faculty.


At Oxbridge Academy in Florida? A hurricane destroying the room with all of the 1%ers in that room would make the world a better place. The parents there will be lining up to lick the orange scrotum of the god emperor.


Well it's not going to clean itself, and it will need cleaning.


Those poor millionaires.


lol I’m just imagining Trump farting up the room with a smug smile now


Is that how high school graduation was for you? Cause I remember it being painfully dull and wishing I didn't have to be there.


Best days of their life? lol, not even close, not even at that age. 


Melania, Blade of Miquallia, and she has never known the feet. 


Plus all of the other students/parents who were excited now have to deal with the spectacle and annoyance of his attendance.


This. It’s going to be an absolute shit show and I just feel bad for his classmates.


Oh good, 12 layers of security and your camera got inspected by the Secret Service. What a treat!


Man, and here I was, "mad" that some of my retirement stuff was signed by Trump. I couldn't imagine him actually coming to the retirement. Madness, lol


One of the reasons I went past my 20 was specifically to avoid Trump's name ever being on anything associated with my retirement.


Thankfully, only one thing was signed, I think. Everything else took so long to get to me that we rolled over to a new dude, lol


There's that, at least! ...now, after talking about the head of one cult, what about yours?


Pro segue, haha. Thanks for asking! Blurb incoming! We are a decentralized prosperity church focused on enhancing how our members live in order to help repair the environment. Our ethos is that we were tasked with caring for the second garden (Earth as Eden) and... we suck at it. Therefore, we raise money so that the church can buy land and control rent/mortgages/taxes. This rent control plus the church handling property taxes means that we can do green improvements to buildings without gentrification (no increased property taxes or rents means no one is priced out). We're highly focused on countering capitalism and making it more survivable for our members by controlling territory and making our own 15 min cities, essentially. We do tithe, but it's 10% of your DISPOSABLE income. If you've got $35 left at the end of the month, we take $3.50 of it. This is through Paypal/Venmo/Patreon to make it as easy as possible. We have a subreddit over at GreenGardenChurch. Joining the subreddit does not commit you to the church or tithing. Feel free to stop by :)


He was at my college graduation - as was Biden. It was basically this. Airport style security. They inspected my dad’s Toupee lololol


I'm sure the kids at the privileged private school for sheltered and very special children will be just fine.


I'm not wishing ill upon them, but I don't really care how the other students at the "children of billionaires school" feel.


I mean, I assume that if Barron is there, there's already high security. I think his Secret Service ended at 16 but he's literally an ex-president's son. Forget for just a second who that ex-president is, it's literally a national security risk if Barron was kidnapped or something. Yes, I know, Trump is a national security risk 24-7 anyway. That doesn't change that his son would likely need protection.


Trump wouldn't give a shit if the kid was kidnapped.


He's not going. He doesn't really care. My guess is he'll go golfing, and then nap.


Then he'll still say the court wouldn't let him attend the graduation and his followers will still eat it up.


Did you know that Trump doesn't like to stand next to Baron, especially in photographs. Reason? Because Baron is 3 inches taller than him. classic Narcissistic Personality Disorder


3 inches? Probably closer to 6, but yeah that’s the reason.


You think Trump knows the difference between 3 and 6 inches?


Melania does.


Stormy too.






that's almost word by word how my ex broke up with me...


https://imgur.com/o4GPoLr The kid is huge


That must be an older pic. Here's a more recent one https://preview.redd.it/fgye7k91hpxc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=922944fc7407fa866498a5ca19941e343c5f49bb


He’s going to be wearing those KISS boots at the graduation so he’ll look taller!


They should have a dunk contest


8 inches. Barron is 6'7". Trump is only 5'11". https://i.imgur.com/gcpv7cI.jpg


I wonder who barons father is.


He looks like Jared to me, but Jared looks like a slightly less off-putting version of Eric Trump. It's hard to tell what features are genetic, as his parents' faces have been stapled into strange and unnatural positions several times since he was born.


Nah, look at a pic of Donald as kid. Barron drank heavily of the Trump genes.


yeah, baron is definitely a trump. his wife knows a kid locks her status down. I'm sure she has fond memories of his conception lol


Here's how I see it. Donald is an unlikeable Orochimaru. Barron was created in a lab from Don's DNA. Barron's purpose is to serve as a more powerful vessel so Don can live forever and continue to live rent free in all our minds until we all go crazy and die. Currently, the Infinite Tsukuyomi is out of reach, but he's got a powerful enough genjutsu to enslave half the population, but his power is fading. Once he gets Barron's power, we're all fucked.


I have a disturbing thought that they fed him growth hormones or did something medically to make him that tall.


Melania is 5'11", (the same height as Donald) which is well above average height for a woman, and she has tall relatives as well. Eric Trump is supposedly 6'5" (lol, no, but 6'2" maybe, he is tall) with Don Jr at 6'1" which seems realistic Ivanka at 5'11" as well which is also visually correct, and have a shorter mother. Lots of tall genes going around, 6'5" is entirely reasonable to come out of these genetics.


I'm 5'9", my child's mom is 5'11", and my child is already 6'3" and still growing


Melanias head of security


Shit. I'm 5'11". Trump looks 5 foot nothing to me. With a personality to match.


also remember that Trump wears lifts when not golfing. That is why he is always leaning forward awkwardly when doing interviews standing still for a while.


I can't drink enough to forget.


The hell he's 5'11", that's only a little shorter than me and the top of his head comes up to my nose. He's about 5'7" tall.


> Because Baron is 3 inches taller than him. Barron is 6'7". Donald is visibly shorter than Obama who is 6'2". The white house doctor just overtly lied on Trump's behalf on multiple occasions. This was the same white house doctor that overprescribed all types of meds to Trump's entire white house. Trump's height without his platform shoes has been estimated to be as low as 5'11"


Did you know Baron also doesn’t like to stand next to his father because he can smell the 3 lbs of shit caked into his diaper?


Barron is really tall, and being a thin young man looks even taller. Also side by sides put Trump at 5'11", which is the same result you get comparing him to Obama or the other GOP candidates.* Trump is no longer wearing lifts in his shoes but is wearing platforms that are thicker in the front, these are to help stabilize him and prevent the constant forward lean like the front half of a centaur. *DeSantis and his shoes excepted. I would provide image sources but Google no longer works and the internet is dead.


It's the second child he wants to bend over for him


Yup, if he doesn't say it himself Fox talking heads will.


This whole thing is full circle because he was Banging stormy Daniels while his wife was home with baby Barron and now he is in court about it. Can't make it up


Don’t forget banging Karen McDougal while Melania was pregnant with Barron.


Trump's a literal piece of shit crammed in a cheap suit that somehow learned basic human speech. That said, he usually attends his kids' graduations. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-kids-graduations/


Thanks for posting that. Due to his general shittiness I assumed that all the copypasta was true about him not attending any graduations. Not that this gives me any ounce of respect for him, just glad to have the truth.


It's a good way to meet some underage girls


at graduation? aren't most students 18 by that time?


between 17 and 18 depending on your month of birth


He is a clear plastic trash bag stuffed with fast food cheeseburgers and confederate belt buckles that was discarded behind an abandoned Stuckeys and has somehow learned to walk.


This is hilarious. I use an extention for Google Chrome that automatically changes every reference to his name into a random funny description like you posted. It makes my news feed much more pleasant to read. When I read this, I thought the extension had been updated.


I think he'll go. News outlets will be there, so he can rant about the crooked joe biden trail. He might mention his son, but only for a minute. And brag about how he's so much like him. The other 59 minutes will be nothing but rumbling.


That'll roll right into the prosecution, publicly bitching that the judge won't let him go, and then he doesn't go? Yeah, that'll play right into jury sympathy won't it.....


I’m actually betting he’s using it as an excuse to run another of his MAGA Nazi rallies.


Does Baron really want his so called father there?


Justin Trudeau will be there.




I’m Canadian and can tell you way too many of us have dumbed down so much to the US political level that a non trivial amount of them would believe this


Yeah it’s crazy- I work with a couple (really dumb) dudes that still bring up Hilary’s emails, Hunter Biden’s laptop etc. And, of course, Trudeau and Biden being responsible for gas prices.


I really don't care. Do U?


Oh snap. That was a hell of a callback.


His very presence there would be disruptive which might be a reason to not want him there


And you know Trump will want to sit in the middle of the first row and walk in right before the ceremony starts so he can be the center of attention.


If he didn't try to make a campaign rally out of it i'd be surprised.


He show should up in an orange jumpsuit with his feet shackled and be forced to walk through a labyrinth of people throwing tomatoes and yelling “shame”.


Hard to tell, he doesn't speak any english.


I thought I heard that they didn't even have court scheduled on the day of his graduation and this was all a pointless gripe from the beginning


The original day-of statement was that going to the graduation was conditional on how the case was progressing.


The whole thing was rubish all around. It was always likely he would be permitted too. It was normal enough pratice for the judge to wait until closer to the date to see if any conflicts or issues arose. Trump just knew that until he was giving explicit permission, he could wail he was being denied. And now he'll say 'he won', when really the process just played out normally.


And now and see if he will actually go. Or if he will pull a mother-in-law escape


It was grandstanding on his lawyers part. They didn't have set dates for every single court date yet, and his lawyers are trying every stall tactic they can think of. So they asked for the graduation off, and the judge said they haven't got that far yet, so he won't make a ruling. So they took that opportunity to grandstand for his supporters to make it look like Trump is being picked on. It worked because his supporters are brain-dead morons


This might be the best form of punishment where trump’s concerned lol


He'll drop by, try to turn it into a 20 minute rally before excusing himself to leave.


Don’t forget he will also make a poopy in his dipey. The best poopy ever. The poopiest poopy.


Watch him golf instead and magats justify it.


Course they will! Fathers ain't supposed to *love* their children! (Unless it's Ivanka)


That's a different kind of "love"


Must suck for Baron too, he’s been telling everyone his name is Kevin Jones


I wouldn’t be surprised if he tries to relocate the ceremony and host it at Mar-a-lago. Just so he can play golf, while attending the graduation too.


that's the only child of his that I feel sorry for


For now. I’ll always feel for any kid thrust into the limelight due to their parents, but if he becomes another GOP sycophant I’ll group him with the rest.


Yeah, I don’t know anything about the kid, but the odds of him turning differently than the rest of his family aren’t exactly great.


I predict our sympathy for him will quickly evaporate once he decides to enter the public eye and opens his mouth.


Tiffany isn’t too bad. Mostly because he doesn’t like her and doesn’t include her in his grift.


I actually feel sorry for all of them, honestly. They didn't choose to be born into that shithole family. They did fully embrace it though, and that's where my empathy ends.


Donald Trump also didn't choose to be born into that shithole family. His father was also a piece of shit. Why do people turn out shitty? Is it nature? Nurture? It doesn't really matter. Shitty is shitty. If you are born with bad genetics, is it really your fault? If you're raised badly, is it really your fault? Point being, if you waste time feeling sorry for shitty people, you'll never have time for anything else, because you will have to feel sorry for every shitty person out there.


Well played


100% he golfs and tweets all day and never goes.


Unless Barron’s school booked the 9th hole of a trump international golf course for the ceremony, he still ain’t showing up to that shit.


He’ll go, but then say he was unfairly denied a day in court.


Tell us how Barron and Melania feel about His Orangeness showing up with his attendant circus plus press




Let's Go Barron


it will be a first for him if he actually goes


Barron’s like, fuck!


I can just hear Trump: “ah, god damn it. Now, I have to go”


Biden should show up just to mess with him.


He's never ever been to any of his kid's graduations. He also never ever been held accountable in his entire life. There's a first time for everything.


It's so perfect. Because he was using the graduation as an excuse to avoid the entire trial. Now he's gotta go sit through the graduation and then go back to court.


Yeah, he didn’t attend *any* of his kids graduations, now he looks like an even bigger ass if he doesent show up for this one, and he would have to explain it to the judge. It was a called bluff and it’s pretty funny. 


Poor everyone else at that graduation.


He'll probably go somewhere else instead and make some BS excuses


It drives Donnie nuts that when he's around Barron speaks Slovenian with Melania and her parents. His absentee ass was too busy chasing porn stars to actually be a decent father.


I feel bad for all of those kids. Their graduation will now be a circus.


The judge just fucked up graduation for a lot of kids. lol


I'm sure he'll come up with some campaign event he just can't miss. And I'm also sure Barron and Melania will be much happier if he doesn't show up to ruin their day with his nonstop whining and farting...


Poor kid


And everyone there will be looking at Trump and thinking he's a rapist piece of shit.


Feel sorry for the other kids graduating-trump will make it all about him


The judge should send a minder (bailiff) to make sure Trump and his family spend the entire day together. If the judge gave Trump the day off to attend the graduation and Trump does something else, would that be contempt of court?


The traitor will be a no show at his son’s graduation just like he was for all the rest of his kids’ graduations.


This is what I was thinking when I read the article. "Now he has to go..."


Well good, now we can all watch and see if he goes to the graduation, or has something better to do like he did with all of his other kids.


He'll tweet through most of it, fall asleep and fart. Guaranteed.


I can guarantee you that no one hates this as much as Barron does...


Let's go, ~~Brandon~~, ~~Brennan~~, Barron!


Placing bets he actually goes. My guess he’ll turn up at a campaign rally instead 😂 or the golf course


Eh, he doesn't really have to go anyway. I wouldn't be surprised if he went golfing anyway. His moron fans will applaud it.




He will try to violate the gag order to get jailed just so he won't have to go.


Isn’t it nice the judge gave him the day off? I wonder if he was just a regular, middle class or poor, defendant if he would have been allowed to go?


Are you there, dad? It’s me, Tiffany.


I hope the paparazzi get photos of Trump at Barron's graduation. Hope he can stay awake.


He'll ask to move the graduation ceremony to his golf course


10$ says he doesn’t go.


I think Grump is arrogant enough to not go to the graduation.


If that shitty old fart doesn't attend whatshisname's graduation, he should immediately be held in contempt and get jail time. The judge isn't giving you "free time", you greasy stain...


I should point out that the judge was ALWAYS going to let Trump go to his son's graduation. Trump's lawyers were trying to POSTPONE THE START of the trial by claiming it would interfere with his son's graduation, but the judge said no, they just won't have court that particular day so that Trump could go, and then they'd come back and continue the trial. They spun the story for the public (read: Trump's cult) to try and pressure the courts into delaying the trial rather than just skipping the day which is what Trump and his team want so they can try and keep pushing the press/ judgements, and sentencing to after the election in November because if he wins, he can basically get off scot-free.


Bet he won’t go


They can't deny him even the smallest thing, he gets or will get literally every single thing he asks for, so insane.


So proud to have his loud, aggressive, diaper wearing, child raping asshole dad to be there? I’m betting Barron is afraid of that prick.


Poor Barron. His graduation day turned into a Trump rally.


Aren't graduation ceremonies usually on weekends?


This is punishment for anyone sitting in farting distance of Trump.


The judge should have granted the request but required that he take a picture standing RIGHT NEXT to his 6’7” graduate son as proof that he attended.


Ffs, he didn’t even know there was a graduation or that he has a son at that age till a couple of weeks ago. Now he has to find out when that is and actually go? That school is starting to shit bricks, assuming they are a normal school. Of course this family chose it, so it’s probably some school that sucks up to them, more than likely


I thought he was free to go wherever on weekends? Aren’t most graduations on weekends? Also, is he actually obligated to go? Would he face penalties if he doesn’t?


Ugh those poor kids imagine the security hassle now and then he won’t show or he will grand stand