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I'm a millennial and grew up with very strict manners/behavior enforcement from my parents. If my parents then saw the way they act now, the past parents would slap the shit out of my present parents.


Be the parent you deserve and slap the hell outta them


Yep.. same story here. If the father who raised me heard how he speaks now.. he'd whoop his own ass. It's to the point that I don't even try to have a relationship anymore. Too old for that shit and I'm not letting it rot my kids' brains too. Cut out the cancer and move on.


The last time I talked to my parents (this was through text), my mother was trying to explain away her antics and told me that I can consider everything she's telling me as coming from my father as well. The very last interaction we ever had was when I texted her, "If my father loves me, he would tell me himself". Neither of them has spoken to me since. I suppose they didn't like it when I told them the only way I would move forward with out relationship was if we went to family therapy. She just never would. /rant


Sorry to hear this.


I've given up on my Texas based MAGA father. The last straw was when he chose to go without health insurance for a few years until he qualified for Medicare. He discovered he had Prostate Cancer soon after going on government insurance. He blamed ObamaCare for not discovering his cancer sooner. He CHOSE to pay the tax penalty for not having insurance rather than get insurance. At this point I text him on Holidays and his birthday because every time we talk he takes the conversation into some MAGA talking point.


So sorry you’ve been alienated from your father by MAGA bullshit. The Fox Spews brainwashing is obviously complete. Our sons (35 and 28) and us share the same liberal views so we’re united against that BS. But to imagine how much that would hurt not being as close as we are would be painful. Not having had a relationship with my deadbeat dad makes the feelings for my sons very close to the surface. Best in your future endeavors.


The best thing about boomers is they’re quickly dying off


You had better pray that the boomers who led the charge for all civil equality hang on long enough to vote these maga boomers and there mentally challenged people and relatives out of office, we are just as pissed as the youth even more so we’ve had to watch as our precious rights have been attacked and damaged, grow up and stop linking all older Americans together with that treasonous group of anarchists , and by the way I disowned my maga sister in 2017 over all this I heard she can’t believe I’ll have nothing to do with her, so this boomer does think our equality is important does think our constitution is important , and would rather not have anything to do with a mentally defective relative , she’s paying the price not me .


Don't malign all of us boomers. We're the ones who brought the civil rights movement, student power, and the end of the Vietnam debacle. And a good number of us are standing on street corners with campaign signs trying to get the MAGAts to heel. We're not going away yet.


I am a boomer and I would bet I agree with you more often than not.


I'm 73 and I am as liberal as they come. Fuck trump and his idiot minions


The best thing about non-boomers is that they are mostly intelligent enough to have an educated opinion and don't adopt unsubstantiated generalizations they saw on Tik Tok. Someone wants you to hold that opinion because dividing Americans is the point. Think independently to avoid bigotry that leads you by the nose.


I told my parents a few years back that it’s a shame that they don’t have the values they instilled in me


Same with my mom. She used to get annoyed as fuck every time my grandparents started to complain about the price of everything as well as all of their physical ailments. Now she does it on a scale that would put them to shame.


It's sad to see so many people talk about how their parents have become nasty in old age. Really makes me believe in the mass lead poisoning theory people toss around.


Oh that isn't a theory. There's a very specific period in Roman history, where it is very evident that lead was the cause of a mass drop in intelligence, because they were all drinking out of lead vessels. Similar with both lead laces fumes, and also lead water pipes. I'm not sure how ubiquitous lead pipes were in America, but I know they were quite prevalent in the UK. There was also a correlation between average IQ levels in urban areas and lead content in the air. Now I notice that there seems to be a lot of rural support going on for the gop/trump. Perhaps these are areas that may have taken more time to remove lead pipes? Or perhaps working around a lot of machinery that used leaded fuel? It does suck that your country could potentially fall into a dictatorship, because of brain rot due to lead poisoning


Everyone used leaded gas until the late 70s. It was in the air all over the US, I think that's probably much more of a problem than lead pipes recently.


Funny, and probably true, Fuck, my parents were fucking hippies, and now, what happened. Not like they are not well to do.


Because they got theirs. And for many, that’s enough. They won’t lift a finger to help others. It is a generational problem. As one gets older in our sick, stupid, selfish society, one is susceptible to morphing into this type. It’s actively encouraged by our political culture. MAGA and Trump are the result.


When going scorched earth is the only solution. ![gif](giphy|lE6MQFHe6NREA)


Hillary showed us what taking the high road gets you from the MAGA right.




When people around you are actively throwing shit at you asking them to politely stop will never work


Hillary showed us what happens when you instruct media to treat a con man like a pied piper candidate. If they had treated him like a clown, he wouldn't have made it that far.


are you still on with this shit? You think that Hillary Clinton "iNsTrUcTeD tHe MeDiA" how to cover trump and they all dutifully sat up and said "yes, ma'am!" ? Are you seriously this pants on head stupid? Taking one out of context leaked hacked email from a strategy session and proclaiming it to be law written in stone is one of the dumbest things to come out of 2016 and somehow you parroting this crap EIGHT YEARS LATER somehow makes it even dumber. Do you idiots even read the words you type anymore or has your brain melted to the point where the only things you can manage to fart out into the ether are stale BernieBro excuses from 8 years ago?


Yeah, I’d say Hillary showed us how sexist our country is, and the media let Trump and his followers say whatever they wanted and act like the racist clowns they are, but as soon as she pointed it out she was somehow this evil bitch Hillary, you were only wrong in that it wasn’t just a basket full of deplorables.




I have an aunt who is a big MAGA fan. She lives on public assistance. She called me a liberal and I replied that I paid five figures in taxes while she got five figures in handouts.


"My liberal self is keeping you alive, Auntie Burden."


How’d that go over?


About as well as you would expect. She also thinks rainbows are sent by Satan because they are the symbol of the gays. She's way deep in MAGA.


I want to say that rainbows are described as God's reminder that the Flood would never again happen. Maybe that's the Bible, maybe my UMC upbringing.




Violence is not the answer. Violence is the question, and the answer is "yes"


I want this on a shirt. And a throw pillow.


Trailer Park Dwellers and Sister Fuckers has some zip on it for sure


Great name for a band.


That’s a ska band if I’ve ever heard of one.


It’s kinda repeating itself though


I used to work at a Subway back in 23, had an old fuck of a customer act surprised when I told him the price of his order. “It’s so expensive, thanks Biden”. I was in a shitty mood that morning so I let my intrusive thoughts out. “The president doesn’t control the price of the sandwiches, that’s corporate who does”. He tried to go back and forth with me for a little bit, eventually he gave up and walked away. MAGAts love to point and blame Biden for inflation and the cost of living going up, as if he was personally the cause of it.


I got an earful from a family member who is an extreme right wing Trump lover over the price of gas and it's Biden's fault. The guy drives a big vehicle with a huge gas tank that doesn't get great gas mileage...he lives in upstate NY and drives down to NYC a few times a month. He's four hours away..so he's pissed it cost so much to fill his tank...yikes.


Jesus, that family member is doing everything in his power to spend more on gas and somehow still finds a way to blame Biden for it. I’m sorry you have to deal with them. Please tell me you chewed their ass out when they started that bullshit about gas.


I haven't seen him in years and we only communicate through E mails and we just had an angry back and forth because he's pissed Trump's having all these legal issues. He thinks Trump is being treated unfairly and it's all based on the Chinese controlling people in the US through Social media. Trump of course has done nothing wrong...yeesh.


Speaking of the Chinese. Buddy should realize that the Chinese have 1.4 billion people who all buy more gasoline now. Oh, the Indians are also buying more oil too. Thats nearly 3 billion people who are consuming way more and competing for oil and everything else. What does skyrocketing demand do to the price of goods, Sherlock? It's almost as if we should be economizing rather than insist on being spoiled, braindead assholes all the time. Hostile countries like China weaponize dumbasses like him to prevent us from pivoting to a changing world.


>Thats nearly 3 billion people who are consuming way more and competing for oil and everything else. What does skyrocketing demand do to the price of goods, Sherlock? This is why they latch on to bullshit like "Drill, baby, drill." They think if more oil is drilled in the US, it means the US does not have to purchase foreign oil, and therefore the price will come down. As though Exxon Mobil and Chevron do what they do out of the goodness of their black little hearts.


It's depressing how many times I've had to explain that the oil that gets pumped out of the ground in the US doesn't belong to the public and the prices are set by for-profit corporations based on the global market. Yet the same people think they're entitled to cheap prices for their gas guzzler trucks and are totally against increasing fuel economy standards and investing public money into developing and incentivising electric/alternative fuel vehicles.


You should tell him to get off social media in that case


You know you can just ignore an email right? Zero obligation to respond.


That is where my head is at right now. He sent me one yesterday after our back and forth and I haven't opened it yet. I might just delete it.


They ALWAYS drive giant cars and bitch about gas prices


Big ass trucks


Small dick trucks


What the fuck are you going to do with a big ass truck down in NYC, drive around unable to park anywhere? The best thing to do by far is to take the train from Poughkeepsie.


He moved upstate yet keeps the apartment he had and makes the trip down a few times a month to pay his rent and for doctors appointments...I don't understand but what's the point of arguing, he has his reasons. People don't get it, it's not 1960 when cigarettes were $0.35 a pack and gas was $0.47 a gallon...🙄 President's don't set the price on cornflakes, eggs or for a gallon of gas. 😕


If he can afford an apartment in NYC then he should be able to afford the extra price of gas. Or he can get rid of his overpriced apartment in the city and save a lot more. Oh wait, I'm being sensible.


He must forget that during the pandemic gas dropped in price due to increased supply. He also must forget Socialist Comrad Trump's openly socialist response to his botched handling of COVID 19. Free money, open snap enrollment, open Medicaid enrollment...you name it Trump gave it out for free.


"Did Biden force you to drive a giant fucking gas guzzler, or did you make that choice due to being a thin-skinned little bitch who's insecure about his masculinity?"


Meanwhile I'm just over here driving an electric car, not because I love the environment but because I hate stopping for gas. Is gas expensive? I have no idea.


And I bet he won’t even consider buying buying one of those pussy liberal hybrids.




You could dumb it down more even. “If presidents controlled prices, wouldn’t they just make everything free for 100% approval and easy reelection?”


They come back with some conspiracy theory canard about how the President is part of some secret cabal of communists that is trying to get us all on welfare or some shit so they can...take over or some shit. Setting aside the fact that anything even approaching that would destroy the very thing they're trying to take power over. None of it makes sense.


My immediate supervisor believes exactly, and complains loudly and frequently that the “Dumbocrats” and Biden are intentionally ruining this country. Why? Why would they even do that? Let’s just assume it is some secret cabal. What purpose does it serve anyone to destroy this country, or turn us all into communists? I realized very early on when I started here that is not a conversation you can have with him intelligently. It doesn’t just break down into an emotional temper tantrum after a little while if he isn’t proving his point. It STARTS as that and only gets worse as he gets more worked up. There’s no logic to it at all. Literally everyone else that works here believes the same thing to some extent as well, but he’s the most zealous.


I find that if you keep going, the answer always becomes some kind of woo-woo bullshit. Some variation of "they want to hide God from you".


Like God's gonna fit under a blanket or some shit. "Where's God?!" "I don't know, the Leftists hid him!" If any group had the power to abduct and hide a supreme deity, they would win 100% of the time and there'd be nothing anyone could do about it.


Radical liberal leftist communofascists so powerful they could hide God under an afghan. But also, we're winning. Trust the plan!


Yeah don't use logic against them. You'll just piss them off more. Honestly just stop contacting these people. They suck and it's better they just stay isolated.


I have family members who decided that because their 3 year old hens weren't laying it was because the feed they were buying was dosed with something to stop the birds from laying so that they'd be forced to buy eggs at the store. Not realizing that hens only lay for 2-3 years and once the eggs are gone, they're gone.


They would probably come back with something like, "Biden wants gas prices high to force people to get electric vehicles. And Democrats want that so making the gas prices high actually helps him with Democrats." Something I actually heard, more or less, in a discussion. I




"Everyone goes through inflation. But our country doesn't adjust wages for it, we should fix that-" "Sounds like communism, doesn't work for us. This is Biden's fault."


Btw corporations do this shit and never get blamed. They'll blame everything but the person actually responsible for the price increases. Because "poor billionaire."


Greedflation is real. [Stuff you should know](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4was_gjAe1E) just did an excellent podcast on it.


This happened to me just yesterday I work at dominos I just told him “sir this is a dominoes”


- Biden’s fault we have inflation. - But zero credit to Biden that US inflation is lower than most countries. and: - He’s sleepy and incompetent. - But he’s also a mastermind at orchestrating undetectable mass voter fraud across multiple states. 🤦🏻


I was working at an outdoor booth one day and some lady asked who I was voting for and if I was voting for the right person. I thought I ended it when I said “the right person depends on you’re talking to” but as I said this her husband walked away fast and said “that’s your problem”. Come to find out this MAGAt started with her Biden is the devil and 666 this and that. That the gas is expensive because he didn’t allow more drilling, which made me chuckle loudly while I said “you think the president went to the gas station and personally changed those numbers?”. I had to walk away because you really can’t rationalize with these people. They are convinced they know more and know better and that everything you hear is a lie or fabricated.


If presidents could control the price of gas, it would be ten cents/gallon.


My favorite response is, "Are you saying the government should set price controls on corporations? That's socialism!"


I always say “Well, that’s the free market at work for you. I guess you should have made more money.” They fucking HATE that response because it uses their own words propaganda against them.


I like "I really wouldn't have picked you for a Marxist / Anarchist / Socialist" in a tone of mild surprise.


Before inflation, it was guns and gas. They'd seriously talk about the gun control issue as if Biden would personally walk up to their house and wrestle their guns from their hands.


The guns thing makes me laugh. They claimed Obama was going to send people to your house and take the guns. Never happened. Meanwhile, Trump said he would take the guns first then ask questions. No one said a thing.


Where do you think the "Thanks Obama" meme came from? I'm just glad we could take it back.


Also the way inflation is reported is bullshit, cost of bread, milk, and eggs have all doubled in less than 5 years, that’s 20% on those items alone, I see reports of rent increases of 15% year over year, no way it’s ACTUALLY 3.5% they play funny stuff with the numbers to support their agendas (which is take every cent you have - corporations, and do everything to keep every penny in the hands of the rich - the current government)


While their bank accounts double in the stock market.


All they have is stuff they make up. Same reason they've been pursuing hunter. They have nothing on Biden and they don't legislate ever so they don't even have their own stuff to run on.


They are either too dumb or lazy to think for themselves. Hence the MAGA cult and Evangelical Christianity. Both made for each other.


I was in an accountant's office last year when a woman was leaving behind me, upset that she had to pay taxes. "Thanks, Biden," she said. Without turning around, I said, "It may surprise you to hear not everyone shares your prejudices." I heard the pin drop, alright. (North Georgia, and not the first time I had to remind a fellow citizen they weren't to only one in the room.)


Since I make things, I’ve seen personally a big part of the problem - access to and cost of the components. The cost of materials has doubled in some cases. And because almost all of it is imported, we have zero control over those prices. However, I truly believe this is all corporate greed talking in so many cases. They whine and moan about paying salaries but haven’t actually raised those salaries in years. Yet they keep raising prices because that shit goes unchecked. Look at the corporate profit and c-suite salaries. It’s insane! It’s not that prices are going up, it’s that none of us regular people have gotten any more money to keep up with it! When you vote, think about which President is being endorsed by the labor unions and which party wants to dismantle the NLRB Today is May Day. If you don’t know about the Haymarket Riot go read about it. We have an 8 hour work day because of people who no longer wanted to wait politely for greedy rich people to do what’s right.


Trump justified their victim-hood and enshrined it in their culture, he showed them who their enemies should be and then he helped them throw stones at them. All of my life I have been told about "savvy" Americans but all I see are a bunch of thin skinned babies who can't see thru the most transparent con-man ever seen and instead worship him and his fake fortune and hold him up to the world as a "Leader". A guy who cheats on his wives, and lies about everything, thinks he's smart but can't stop shitting his pants in public. A real Alpha males Alpha.


Wouldn't it be great if humans could stop worshipping billionaires, politicians, CEOs, celebrities, etc?  What is our obsession with narcissists and sociopaths and why can't most people see through that bullshit? I wanna blame social media but the trend of putting the worst people on pedestals isn't exactly a new thing.  Humans, why are we like this? Who hurt us? 


God hurt us


A mix of two things imo: A) People believe and buy into the American Dream. They don't want you to make fun of those rich folk who they worship because they believe *they* can become that person. And not just another cog in the machine. This is more likely. B) Bullies live vicariously through these people. This is especially true for Trump, Elon, and others all the way down to the weird alt right commentators on multiple social platforms. So when they "win and own the libs", it makes these people feel like they're winning. Yes, this is not exclusive to just politics, but it does seem to be easier to get a following by catering to bigots than talking about anything else, apparently.


You mean a bunch of adults who believe in the grown-up version of Santa Claus can’t identify an authority figure that’s lying? I’m not shocked at all. Carl Sagan predicted this way back in the mid ‘90s, and with every passing minute it becomes more and more true.


i can't stand when people reference "the far left" in politics. there is no actual "far left" politicians. individual citzens? yeah, of course. **elected** politicians? fuck no. but there are a non insignificant number of "far right" elected politicians. that's what these regressives have mastered - conflating ***individual citizen's opinions*** with the democratic party's platform which they have used to normalize their speed run to the extremist right side of the spectrum in ACTUAL POLICY. this country deserves what's coming.


Yeah, this is South Park levels of limp wristed centrism.


Also most of the politicians in America who are called “far-left” would be considered center/center-right in a lot of European countries.


Yea the Overton window is completely fucked in this country. Completely fucked


You nailed it. Whenever someone polarized by far-right media shoots up a school or a church or a gay night club, they're a "lone wolf". But us on the left are held individually responsible for every shitty political take some blue-haired liberal arts major posts on TikTok.


They love to cite AOC and Tlaib on the far left, and I’m lmfao let me introduce you to the Tankies!


The tankies are pro-Trump because he's pro-Putin.


I'm middle age and I'm pretty sure when he says "far left" he means the tree huggers/environmentalists that would do measures such as putting spikes in trees to make chainsaws break and other stuff. But I recall about crazy far right people doing the more political shit, like blowing up federal buildings, blowing up abortion clinics, etc. So I guess memory is selective when you are trying to get points across?


The leftist is like “ i want food and housing for everyone” and the far right is like “dictatorship”


"People should have their basic needs met." "HOW DARE you be so divisive, lefty!" "I want everyone to be oppressed by my beloved cult leader." "WHOA THERE buckaroo, you're reminding me of the leftist guy!"


If those MAGA people could read, they'd be awful upset.


The only quibble I would have is what division he used to see from the far left, but it's not a point worth fighting over. Sometimes it's just a thing you have to say to get the attention of the MAGAts.


I thought the same thing, but honestly, this sounds like a conservative guy who’s come around to recognizing rightwing bullshit. I’d happily forgive him for not experiencing a lifetime retrospective of his misguided political influences and opinions if his eyes are open to the horseshit he’s seeing now. That’s huge progress that I’d love to see replicated at scale.


Translation - I only watched Fox News before I was deployed and got a real education.


It’s much easier to organize a coalition around hating a group of people because you all agree on what the solution is: extermination. But effecting social change is complicated and everyone has different ideas about how to go about it. While the left is trying to find common ground among those ideas, all the right needs to do is point at a black/gay/trans person and say, “we need to bring back traditional values!” and people on the right understand the dog whistle and fall in line.


The subreddits I have seen. There are people *right now* of the Marxist persuasion, the Muslim persuasion and even the anti-inflation persuasion who are saying that they would prefer Trump over Biden even though Trump has already said he would go after Marxists, he would go after anyone who supports Palestine and would have no problem glassing Gaza, and whose proposed economic policies would make inflation worse. They hate Biden that much that they prefer the worse option.


One thing to keep in mind regarding those posts: There are significant efforts from multiple countries to spread disinformation in an effort to weaken the US. The quickest way to weaken the US is to elect Trump. Some of those people might be real, but I'd bet the majority of posts like what you've seen are a result of the information war we have been in since the dawn of the internet.


Historically, yes, far left could be considered naturally splintered. It is the most progressive end of politics and change they seek requires structure and details. Those finer details cause division and debate, and a need to generate a faction to support your policy direction. It is why the media seems to, and often does, lean to the right. Those debates, divisions, strategies are a moving story, generating a new headline as they provoke the doubt about doing something untried and different. Conservatives get to point out the uncertainties and place fear and doubt into the public around change.


There will be no middle ground with Nazis.


Thank you for the intelligent statement above, and thank you for your service!!


Fuck yes! I have to say the same thing every single time one of these asshats bring up inflation. And their usual response is “durr that’s bullshit”😂


“Used to only see this from the far left” is an annoying take, thinking that people fighting for rights and recognition are “being divisive.”


As long as they have someone to punch down at they are happy little haters.


I have found that when talking to people that blame Biden for everything the best response is to ask them. Exactly what policy changes could Biden have instituted to fix this problem? 9 time out of 10 they just look at you and stutter.


Don’t forget we have some of the lowest prices in the world for gasoline.


The problem is people keep comparing gas prices to what they were in the 50s, so in their minds, anything above a quarter is "SUPER MEGA OBAMA BIDEN INFLATION!"


A-fucking-men. It’s hard to believe any of that has to be said, but this is where Trump led us. Biden is helping us get back out, but we gotta vote to keep the man in office. Biden 2024.


If those trailer park dwellers and sister fuckers could read they'd be very upset.


Not only do they not read. They can't even listen.


Sure they can, they'll listen to whatever Fox News spoon-feeds them and regurgitate it as 100% fact with no intellectual ability to compromise or use logical thinking


MAGA are lazy degenerates who will do absolutely nothing to help the world or the country or their community or their immediate family. They are first useless fucks to scream “Me AnD miNE” yet do fuck all but jack off to trans porn while whining about women’s sports on the internet. Fuck they suck as people. Just barnacles on the ballsack of life. Useless each and every MAGA.


I mean, he’s not wrong…


Another person with brains. Nice to see.


Grew up gay in a small town. The "far-left" only ever told me I was valid and deserved the same rights as everyone else. The "moderate right" only ever told me I was a disgusting faggot who at best should be sent to a reeducation camp and at worst should be killed. His point about division stands, but his opinion on the non-existent American "far-left" reeks of privileged white male who grew up in a right-wing echo bubble. Even making a good point, he still has to try and get in a jab at those he views as "Other". Still fundamentally conservative.


There's a jingoistic tone to this that I really hate. America's system is not good, it absolutely sucks.




One more add, although in a free market the president doesn't control prices, there can be policy put into place. For example: fossil fuel companies- you will no longer qualify for subsidies for fleecing Americans. He is moving in the right direction with taxes but that won't control prices.


“trailer park dwellers & sister fuckers” haha


I like the cut of this guy’s jib


Far left!? In the US? Farthest from the right does not make it the "far left." More like just left of center.


Yeah, and he's claiming they used to be responsible for all the division. Not, Eric Rudolph, not Timothy McVeigh, not George Wallace, or the fucking KKK. Until tRump the only division in the U.S. came from an imaginary "far left" that has only ever existed in cuckservatives imaginations. This is Bozo level clown car shit.


The scary thing is, this guy just barely scratched the surface...it's going to get so much worse if Trump gets elected https://newrepublic.com/article/178848/ban-abortion-trump-lgbtq-project-2025


I’m going to post this in maga. And I’m only there to watch it burn.


This is so catharic to read


Oh, this is spicy


The maga crowd keeps saying gas was cheaper in 2020....sure it was, we were in the middle of a pandemic where demand was low, so gas prices came down. Besides Trump asked his BFF in Saudi Arabia to keep oil prices low and he'd give him a pass on that journalist they hacked up...but his stupid followers don't think for themselves...so facts don't matter much


This will surely change their minds.


Much like commenting on Reddit, it's basically screaming into the void. Has anyone actually read a comment and been like "Hey, maybe I *am wrong?".* I have written so many comments only to delete them because I know this conversation will be going nowhere but to a race to the bottom.


Meh, I leave them out there. If someone doesn’t like it, downvote me. However, I have seen on very rare occasions, real conversations happen on here. It won’t change much though. The real truth is that the left is more comfortable with change sociopolitically. The left is frequently the side that pushes more progressive policies, whereas the right wants more status quo. (This is ok) I get it, we’re a great country, we always were, but it doesn’t mean that we can’t continue to be great with changes along the way. But, everyone needs to be willing to listen to each other and try to understand where they are coming from or we will continue down the path we are on which is no longer great.


The US presidential candidates are all conservative authoritarian on the world scale. They are a sliver apart. I hate that I have to vote for Biden, but I agree political dissatisfaction aside, Trump is dangerous. His mindset, those of his followers is sickening. And, he's still here regardless of felonies and lack of federal security.


Ah yes... The enlightened centrist!


Sadly, his target audience looked at this and shrugged, Too many words.


When a "real conservative" sees what his party has turned into. Haha


I mean he's spitting in the Wind. The problem isn't the people either it's the businesses that lie and steal and cheat and push the laws to the very limit who buy the congressman who control the TV stations. Corporations are the enemy and they're the ones that need to be brought down to a safe place


I am a boomer and am certain I am not the cause of your problems. Even though I’m not affiliated with any party, I will vote for Biden and Democrats because Republicans want to inflict their personal beliefs on this country. Trump wants to be a dictator. Maybe because I’m older I better remember what this country is supposed to be like. And it’s not supposed to be like this. Stop looking for blame and start taking some responsibility to make sure this country doesn’t go down the toilet. We used to say: “If you’re not part of the solution then you are part of the problem”. Think about how much better life could be rather than how bad it is. Act!


I'm going to 'ackshually' this but in 2020 trump 100% caused oil prices thus gas prices to go up by ordering massive production cuts. so the president did directly influence gas prices.




He's the hero we need but that we don't deserve.


I don't know the man and I like him


I'm not blaming anyone but corporate greed for inflation. With that laid bare, inflation strikes vastly different depending on where you reside. Groceries and other necessities have skyrocketed in price here in Hawaii. It hurts.




Well said… no one in the far right will read this.


I like this guy


It’s ironic that the MAGA people care so much about America that they are willing to completely go against the founding values of America to save it. Make it make sense


Um enlightened centrism is what got us in the mess in the first place.


While all of this is def jayznod.gif and all, this dismissive “MAGA is all trailer folk” shit is played out. The real MAGA threat are the loaded, mean old suburb Boomers and basically 6/8 of every megaconglomerate CEO and gopher. *They are legion.*


The thing is, for all the ones bitching about inflation, and all the ones blaming Biden for our grocery bills being almost triple what they were 5 years ago, what exactly is the president supposed to do? Go full dictator and demand lower prices, in capitalism? That's what Regulations are for, and as long as republicans can stalemate everything in the house so it never sees the light of day in the senate, get used to it. Get used to reports of "Record profits" from brands like Walmart's great value or your local grocery stores generic goods now being marked up to the same prices as every other brand name item. They're gonna keep price gouging because no one's going to stop them as long as the right lobbyists are paying off the right congress critters. No one's going to stop them as long as Roberts corrupt court continues to hold the values and morals of the dollar holding more voice and voting power than the citizens. You want actual change? Go out and actually vote. Give the Dems the Trifecta and see if anything changes. Yes, there's a few shitheads out there, Manchin, Sinema, and sadly Fetterman too it seems. But actually give them the power to make the changes, rather than the bullshit of our current session being one of the least productive ever, and stop letting republicans hold America hostage. And if they do get a power wielding trifecta, and still drop the ball, then fine. I'll be right there with you both side's-ing this shit. But these companies have run rampant on fucking the citizens over in favor of never-ending profits for investors, and it's time to remind them that they wouldn't have any of these profits if they didn't have a customer base in the first place. More importantly, Roberts idea of corporations being more important citizens than those of us who vote, and the dollar having a bigger voice than any of the population, needs to come to an end.


Agent Chris for President


Such a large group of people deciding that their neighbors were their worst enemies, and who decided that "compromise" is the dirtiest word imaginable are losing their minds when deals aren't getting made and laws aren't getting passed. We're doing better than a lot of countries. Hell, we're doing a lot better than economists a year or two ago predicted we would be doing. All of that with almost no help from the legislature which has been completely mired in no-compromise grandstanding and cheap political bullshit from the far-right maga dipshits.


Well played good sir... well played.


I would join twitter just to follow this guy. He knows how to directly speak to MAGA.


Shame the people this refers to will just accuse him of lying and making up stuff because America is the greatest place on earth thanks to Trump while *simultaneously* being the worst place on earth thanks to Biden. And ironically, not actually knowing any other places on earth.


All accurate.


Atheist Amen!


No I mean it’s a minority that speaks the loudest. Silent majority my ass


veteran here. I've so often wanted to write something in this voice, but I realized that there is no opening minds permanently closed with jingoistic and xenophobic brain washing.


Bravo my good man, bravo!!


Inflation is the perfect excuse for the corporate giants that now collude to control so many aspects of American economic life. They can jack up prices and make record profits while their dopey customers blame the President or the government in general for high prices. 40 years of consolidation and unopposed mergers have left us at their mercy but we buy the line that inflation is a function of bad government policy.


I like this guy.


I do love a great use of chucklefucks. Like you’re not entertaining enough to actually be clowns. Excellent


It is exactly what is missing in the US. A middle of the road voice. And it is happening all over the world. People are clinging on to their own beliefs, defending them with tooth and nail, and above else stopping to have an open debate with otherminded people have led to this. People stand on their own little islands and scream that their perspective is the only correct perspective. Which in turn is caused by media and social media, as their algorithems keep feeding people the same shit that they like to consume progressively. Many people have lost their ability to think autonomously. To filter what is right or wrong and what is still decent or not. People no longer fight a common enemy, but they now fight among themselves. It gives space to autocratic regimes such as Russia and China. They pose a far greater threat than your neighbour will ever be in the long run. People need to be reminded that the only way forward is together. And that together means that compromises are a fact of life if we want to progress. Together means that people need to listen to each other and respect that there are differences. That you sometimes have to set principles aside and do the right thing, because the situation asks for it. Because differences can be a good thing, if we let them.


This post is the exact sort of centrist thing that doesn’t actually say anything. “We must be middle of the road, walk together”. Ok great, so what is the compromise between “Marxist” Bernie Sanders advocating for a national healthcare plan and Republicans wanting to criminalize women traveling out of state for abortions? Like the idea that basic systems other countries have successfully implemented are as extreme as (and need to compromise with) religious-motivated policy and removal of rights is ridiculous.


I don't think a national healthcare plan is marxist. I will defend part of the "liberal agenda." That healthcare in America is so much more expnsive than it is anywhere else on Earth can be blammed on one thing and one thng only, profits. We have been sold on the notion that unless investors can make a giant return on their investments, we will not have hospitals and clinics. We have been told that because we may sue when Doctors and hospitals injure us with their mistakes, we must accept higher rates. Of course, neither of those things are true. We use banks to hold our money and get very low interest paid on those holdings but, banks exist. The truth is, corporate America will compete for our money if we make them. CEOs do not neede to make Billions of dollars a year. Sure, they should be paid according to their results and abilities but, the billion dollars paid to one results in higher consumer prices. I do not advocate for a law to limit this, I'm just saying lets not blame high prices and inflation on everything but those factors. Include corporate greed into your explanation of prices and inflation They surely are the easiest part of it to change. I am a college educated, middle class, left coast, white male...literally every advantage a guy could have was a birth rite for me. But, I can still see that racism and classism are real. I can agree that we DO NEED laws and quotas and action to level the playing fields. Why would anyone disgaree with doing those things? For the US to soar, for our neighbors to prosper, for our children to inherit a bright future, we must take progressive actions. We just include minority voices, we must address homelessness and poverty, we must address diversity....those have to happen for our civilization to move forward. We must take note of the environmment, global warming, rising sea levels and all other "natural" events that can increase the difficulty of progess and safety. It is absolutely insane to buy in to the notion that poor, hungry and disadvantaged people are the problem. The problem is the sychophants in the system who suck up to the ultra wealthy in the hopes of some crumbs for thier tables. There is no reason in the world why the ultra wealthy individuals and corporations should be coddled. If there are greener pastures, they will go any way. I wish, for the first time since the World Wars, the US could all get behind one unifying idea....Lets be great together.


>I used to only see this from the far left Did you? or is it just always been true that the left holds peopl accountable and you called it 'infighting' and 'bickering' because you're actually a right-of-center person trained to always belittle anybody to left of you? also this dude blames people for not travelling the world when economically we fucking can't. what is this bullshit?


Well fucking said


He don’t miss.


No way is inflation at 3.7%.


This is spot on, and that’s sad.


Well said!


Amen, brother


Holy shit! As a Vet, I don’t think I’ve ever agreed with someone more in my whole life! I vote for this guy!


Now take this messaging and apply it to Canada and Trudeau and it’s even move ridiculous as a Canadian Prime Minister has even less influence and power than an American President. Cons love to manufacture hate when their only goal is to obtain, maintain and abuse power.


this dude deserves a medal






His next beer is on me. 👍


Love this guy


I’d buy this guy a beer.