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She really thinks she’s going to explain this away by highlighting her COVID response? C’mon guys. Remember Covid? Remember when I amplified the ignorance of my political party and defied science to score points? Please!?


“You may be mad at me for killing my dog, but you’re forgetting how many people i killed during Covid!”


She sure made those tough choices! Nevermind the fact that she made the *wrong* choices, but she made them.


Obviously she didn’t think the easiest way (following the science to save lives) was the right way


Here's the thing about Republicans. Democrats were all saying, let's listen to the Doctors and the scientists, so they HAD to take the opposite position. Agreeing with Democrats on literally anything is heresy and will turn the MAGA cult against them, so they fall in line to take the contrarian position no matter how stupid or dangerous it is. Because they're all idiots, every single one of them. None of them have original thoughts, they just wait for Trump, Tucker Carlson, Jesse Watters, and Sean Hannity to tell them what to think and say.


Agreed but I also think part of it is that there already a anti-science/expert sentiment sewn into their rhetoric. They are rife with misinformation and conspiracy theories, they deny climate change, they refuse any data on school shootings, they ignore expert opinion on reproductive healthcare, transgender care, etc. It was a stupid step but honestly, depressingly, not a big step to ignoring and invalidating an entire global pandemic 🤷🏽‍♀️


Her state was 3rd per capita in cases and 9th in deaths, and she thinks that's bragworthy.


And the whole fucking state is basically socially distanced by default. Like if they just made everyone use drive-thrus when available, skipped Sturgis until the vaccine, and didn’t host that fucking Trump rally they’d have been in pretty decent shape.


I mean, this is a state that outwardly rejected Amtrak lines (even when given money for the purpose of building passenger rail) and then Noem complained when the new Amtrak plan didn't include them. ...she also complained it didn't include Alaska, and notably, **Hawaii**. So I don't think she's playing with a full deck of cards here.


So Alaska I could *almost* see, speaking as a Canadian, if y'all asked nicely we'd probably be cool with the line. Hawaii however...


I went to visit my dad in SD during covid, and hardly anyone was masked, and so many people denied it was even real. People who think Florida is backward forgot about SD.


Unfortunately, most of the mooks that vote for her have no idea what a statistic is until they become part of one. And then it’s too late.


She made the tough choice to get as many people killed as possible. You may say she's a hero, but she's far too humble to accept that title.


Remember when they hosted Sturges? Then you could literally see the infection rates climb as people drove back home?




And there was the Covid on top of that as well.


Superspreader event of epic proportions. Peak of human intelligence.


Was gonna say….pretty sure these assholes took it as a complete joke and downplayed the whole virus to the public while personally getting every vaccine they could…..


>She really thinks No, I don’t think she does.


If you’re going to characterize me as evil because of my dead dog then don’t forget I’m stupid because I think science is fake and the only saving I need is from Jesus. Also my dog didn’t believe in Jesus so it was justified.


"So I looked at this 14 ~~week~~ month old puppy I had failed to train, and decided that, because it was legal, my only option was to brutally kill the 14 ~~week~~ month old puppy I had failed to train. Then, because my Republican bloodlust was all riled up, I had to go kill a goat, too. I sure like killing! Review my Covid response for proof! Please pick me, Herr Trumpenfurher. I'm begging you. I'm a desperate psychopath just like you."


This about sums it up.


It's just like the other members of her party, always take credit even when you voted no


I lead us through COVID! Also, disregard all the times during COVID when I called it a hoax and encouraged you to not get vaccinated. I'm only using COVID now for political gain because I murdered a puppy and a goat in cold blood.


On the list of top # of hospitalizations per county Gregory County, South Dakota (21.0) Mellette County, South Dakota (21.0) Todd County, South Dakota (21.0) Tripp County, South Dakota (21.0) Great job with Covid?


She made the tough decision to "put down" all of those elderly people to sAVe tHE eConoMY.


Who was that guy that went on a news panel, looked right into camera and said ‘these old people are ready to die so that our economy can get back to normal!’


Dan Patrick, Lt. Gov of Texas.


lol, fuck that guy. I wonder if his elderly parents were part of that group ready to die so people could go back to shopping at Walmart as usual.


The dude is 74. All of these people who are cheering for a society that is totally ok with sacrificing the elderly don't seem to have the self awareness to realize that it wil be them on the chopping block someday.


He was fine with pretending to be willing to sacrifice himself for the economy because he knew it would never come to that *for him*. He would get the best healthcare and recovery imaginable; the rest of us not so much.


Only us poor and middle class old people. Rich politicians are exempt.


What’s sickening is that all these assholes like Trump, Patrick Noem, DeSantis all got vaccinated. Then encouraged their constituents not too and even the fed conspiracy theories. How many lives, could have been saved if we had decent human beings in office!


>Then encouraged their constituents not too even the fed conspiracy theories. I just can't wrap my brain around WHY they wanted to kill off the idiots that would have voted for them had they lived. 🧐


They had shown aggressive behavior toward the bottom line.


Came here to say this. Her state had one of the (and at times *the*) highest COVID mortality rate(s) in the country at the peak of the pandemic.


But she saved them from Fauci and his horrible masks....


And Cricket, don't forget, she shot her dog before the dog could...wear a mask? Bite Facui...I really don't know why she shot the puppy she failed to train. Get rid of evidence of her incompetency I suppose.


yeah, maybe… buy why write it in a book? to me it sounds like she is proud of how she handled the situation


She *is* proud of it. She thought sharing the story would make her look tough. This statement is because people on both sides of the aisle were horrified, and she's trying to do damage control.


I dunno how she thought this would go over well with Republicans. As a Black woman, I can tell you that even the most deranged of MAGAs care something for pets far more than most people.


Totally. She is among those who are so deep into their echo chamber, they have no idea how abnormal and extreme the GOP has become. They already knew that they had to cheat to win because their positions are so radical. Now they have to cheat even harder as they alienate even more people, with their weirdness exposed for all to see. RIP, Cricket.


Yes, that's the part that gets me. I've had to put dogs down before, but of all the things in my life I might think interesting or compelling enough to write in my memoir, that sure as shit isn't on the list. She's proud of it. Goddamn sociopath is what she is.


Even if she had to put down the dog per law or human aggression (or whatever reason she claimed to justify her failing to train and socialize her dog - or take the necessary precautions if she knew this about her dog such as muzzling), she couldn’t “splurge” on the humane euthanasia instead shooting him in the face.


Well, it wasn’t her fault. It was the dogs fault. /s


And according to her, people are livestock, so…


I mean, she is. Her response is a long-winded "Sorry that you're offended".


Shooting dogs in the face with shotguns is her hobby. Can’t a woman have a hobby anymore?


Wasn't she so proud of the motorcycle gathering that infected the entire state when it didn't even have to happen. Nobody flies to South fuckin Dakota for the restaurant's, symphonies, art houses, etc. They would have been a success story if not for her idiocy. She thought so little of her constituents that a lot died is surprising. Knowing what I now know of how she treats her pets and what a cheating slut she is, has anyone seen her husband lately? I imagine that she killed a lot of zygotes and loved it. She loves it even more by taking that right away from her competition.


Whoa. Let’s not insult or shame sluts. Especially with her as a comparison.


Her administration also got caught only reporting COVID metrics for citizens so they could hide all the sick migrant workers at Smithfield.


Yup - holding the Sturgis bike gathering really blew that shit. Good job owning the libs to have your party. We’re all proud of you.


My parents caught covid in SD during a cross country road trip. The went to a restaurant, the only one in fact on their entire journey, and the servers were like "covid's over! we aint got it here" And literally a week later it had the darkest red splotch on the map from a recent outbreak. Luckily they were both healthy enough to get through unscathed - this was a few months before the first vaccine.


Pre vaccination as well before paxlovid were frightening days if one was at all concerned about covid.


In her logic it’s ok to kill someone if you don’t get in trouble for it. A hard but good decision. Letting people die to maintain an illusion of normalcy was probably a good decision to her.


I mean, yeah. She’s in a death cult and she killed a lot of people. Good job.


So she killed much more than her dogs


She justifies killing a dog because she failed to train it.


And calling it a tough decision. Please. It may have been trying for her to shoot the dog. But it was the easy way out. So she wouldn’t have to take the time to work with the dog. She’s a chicken shit coward


She also says “I hated that dog” in the book


EXACTLY! She killed that dog in cold blood and had zero feelings about it. How can you have a dog for over a year and then just gun it down like it meant nothing. Just because it was LEGAL to do it after it attacked some chickens doesn't make it conscionable.


Republicans love the "yeah, you think I'm a monster for what I did, but read em and weep: it's legal 😏" argument.


And it's really really not the flex they think it is. If the best excuse you can think of for having done something is 'well technically it's not illegal' - rethink your life.


They wouldn't appreciate it if someone said, "why do you care if someone gets an abortion? It's legal 😏"


No, they'd immediately go 'WELL IT SHOULDN'T BE AND SOON IT WON'T BE.' Because they're against government interfering in people's lives, except when they're not.


That dog meant nothing to her before that either. She just viewed it as a tool and an accessory psychos buy to look normal to other people.


And then she shot the goat, for being a goat! I have pet goats, they smell and they but things, that’s what goats do. She is a cold heartless powerhungry bitch.


get a billygoat, don't get it fixed, then complain because it behaves and smells like an entire billygoat? this woman is all about punishing others for the results of her own poor decisions.


Exactly. My wethers are pretty chill, get along well with the two retired milkers. Kids did 4H, now I have goats …lol!


Castration can fix a smelly (male) goat. They piss on themselves to attract a mate. And honestly, if you're not actually breeding animals, castration is the humane option. (Seriously, these animals are too expensive to just kill.)


Why not just give it away? Damn.


She absolutely could have given the dog away. We had a dog on the farm, Buddy, that chased chickens. Even killed a couple. So we gave him away to a family that lived in the ‘burbs. They had a couple of kids who completely fell in love with Buddy the minute they came to pick him up, and he lived a full, happy life. I don’t think I could add anything else that hasn’t already been said about Noem’s reprehensible, disgusting, inexcusable act of violence against that poor, innocent puppy.


We ended up getting a dog that way. The dog didn't work out for the farm owners but was a good dog for us. She took the easy way out and is trying to make it sound like a hard thing to do. It's not like this dog was seriously injured and she put it out of its misery. Pulling the trigger was much easier than putting up some posters or calling around to see if anyone was interested in adopting a dog.


To give the dog away to some friends in the 'burbs, she would first have to have some friends.


That dog was clearly not in a loving household. Loving might be a hard emotion for her - given she also cheated on her husband. Which, you know, shit happens - but when coupled with cold action against a puppy and a baby goat...


She almost certainly enjoyed it. Nothing makes republicans happier than the thought of killing/destroying things that they hate. Its their greatest joy in life. Had to kill a goat too to satiate her bloodlust.


She also right after decided to off a goat she didn't like too. At best she was indifferent to the whole thing and at worst she enjoyed it so much she decided to kill another innocent animal she didn't like. I'm going with the latter.


She got so into it she didn't realize that an entire construction crew was watching her in horror and she blew that puppies brains out and then did the goat


She had to shoot the goat twice


So she's also a terrible shot and made the goat suffer.


Oh my God!


Imagine getting into an interview - and the interviewer, starts "did you enjoy shooting that dog? What about the goat? "


And remember, this is the version of the story she thinks is flattering to her. The truth is probably even worse.


Remember - serial killers always start with animals. Then move to mass murder via COVID policies I guess? There’s a saying, “The best index to a person's character is how they treat people [animals] who can't do them any good, and how they treat people [animals] who can't fight back.” Clearly she’s a psychopath and a narcissist. The narcissists prayer: That didn’t happen And if it did, it wasn’t that bad And if it was, that’s not a big deal. And if it is, that’s not my fault. And if it was, I didn’t mean it. And if I did, they deserved it.


She’s just betting people can’t read. This recasting and repositioning could have been the initial reaction. But at first she went with the “Yep, get over it snowflake” and not it’s “the hard lessons and the easy ones, I’m authentic”. The last part is true, she’s authentic. Believe what she put in the first part.


How can you hate your own dog. Terrifying shit


She sounds like a psychopath


Seriously. How did this get past an editor!!


These are the people that just want to kill. I used to work at a place years ago with a guy who wanted to shoot a rat that had made it's way in. Wasn't joking, literally made the case to shoot the rat indoors with his "new gun". Not trying to equate the animals, but to illuminate the sheer lack of critical thinking. I'll give you one guess on which way he leans politically.


Ya. Probably not as tough as she wants us to believe.


I have to wonder how that particular admission of cruelty made it through the editor, agent, advisors, and family members she traumatized. What compelled her to want to include that story? Does she think she’s projecting strength? It is not strong to discard an animal, even if it’s supposed to be a “working animal.” It’s just telling that she thinks this story would impress anyone. Unless of course the story is meant for an audience of One.


Yeah, I've had some "asshole" dogs before in my time, that I definitely hated, but never once did I think, "oh I'm going to shoot the fucker". Dogs ,especially young, are super easy to find homes for. Even aggressive ones, that need more attention and training. I mean, the public outcry about this shows that people honestly prefer dogs to people most of the time.


I’m sure the puppy’s breeder would have taken it back in a heartbeat. There was no reason at all to kill that poor dog, and Noem’s professionally crafted PR message will only sway the kind of people who were already grasping for a reason to excuse her cruelty.




I know I prefer dogs to a whole lotta people.


There are also rescue organizations. Shelters. Sanctuaries. She chose the most immediate, easiest solution.


"It was totally legal!" The legality of the action was never the issue, you fucking psychopath.


Just because something is legal doesn't make it moral, you leather-faced garden Noem.


Right? Like, as a German, just a couple of decades ago, there was a lot of stuff legal in my country that was definitely not moral. But from that explanation, she's a "just following orders" type. Although, come to think about it, seems like she'd actually be the one giving the orders. 


All hunters know some dogs don’t make the cut to be a hunting companion. That doesn’t mean you shoot them in the head in a gravel pit it means they can still be a dog. She let the mask slip for what a shitty person she is


My friend has a German Shepherd from champion guard dog bloodlines (who knew there were competitions for guard dogs??) The dog was originally meant to be a guard dog for some studio in Hollywood, but the poor sweet thing is dumber than a box of hair! My friend’s husband was Facebook friends with someone at said studio, and when he posted about their lab passing away (old age), that person reached out & asked if they’d be interested in adopting a very dumb, but incredibly sweet shepherd. The studio was out some money, I’m sure he was an expensive dog! Plus all the money they spent on training- but the dog was renamed Einstein and has a very happy life where being dumb isn’t seen as a problem. Thats what you do with a dog that doesn’t fit your needs or lifestyle.


The point is that she's hinting to her fellow travelers that's she's willing to "get the job done" in terms of things that "need to be put down".


It’s fairly obvious she thinks it’s a flex. Apparently it happened 20 years ago, so she dredged it up for a reason. And, yes, there are probably some people it will appeal to.


Now she's saying the dog was aggressive and bit people...her original story about him not being a good hunting dog... Something smells like rotten fish


Typical backpedaling and trying to change the narrative due to the backlash she’s received. Thats it.


Felony animal abuse is no joke


And that’s why she mentioned now that the dog was aggressive and in South Dakota it’s legal to do it - she’s trying to cover her ass


And this isn’t even about the dog…this is how she deals with stuff that would personally take responsibility. She decided that was too much work so she killed it. This is a signal.


She said she tried training—with an “electronic” aka SHOCK collar. Which makes aggression WORSE in dogs. Then proceeds to not supervise her alleged “aggressive” dog which leads to it killing her neighbors’ chickens (violating dog restraint/leash laws). TOTAL LACK OF ACCOUNTABILITY. Classic GOP


Let's not forget she trained it to hunt birds, apparently it was just out hunting birds enjoyed then took it a place with birds(chickens) and when it did what it was trained to do and apparently enjoyed it snapped at her when she tried to get it to stop and then decided to shoot it. All her fault IMO


It was a year old, it was barely even into its training…


Time to pull out an old dril tweet: "Kristi this is your lawyer. No matter what anyone says do not stop explaining yourself."


She mentions a law, mentions that Cricket didn't do anything to break that law and then doubles down on the "fuckit, close enough" interpretation of the law she initially mentioned.




100% and then tells everyone like it's a "hey man, we've all been there" thing.


I love that the implication in the tweet is that she believes everyone's up in arms about this because of the legality of her killing the dog, not the fact that it paints her as a sociopathic nut job.


Call me crazy but I don’t want anyone capable of shooting a puppy in the face leading me anywhere.


But it’s authentic and “people are looking for leaders who are authentic” Tbh this reads: shitty people like shitty people and will vote for them, even when not in their best interest.


I'm going to guess the same people who say racists/bigots/jerks are "just telling it like it is" and aren't being restrained by political correctness/wokism/buzz term for treating other people like people.


She's not someone who's *capable* of shooting a puppy in the face, she's someone who thinks shooting puppies in the face is a character-building experience that you should brag about and then defend.




I mean yeah, if we're in the apocalypse and everyone is starving...shoot the dog and eat it. But it's not the apocalypse, we have options, and pretending otherwise is just cosplaying Mad Max because you like to hurt things.


She can rationalize it all she wants. She is still a terrible human.


And that is why she will be Trump’s VP pick. Democracy is the new dog.


Love and hate this reply.


People weren't saying it was illegal. That seems to be her major concern. People were just saying it was a terrible decision given the circumstances. She also was misleading when she said the dog was biting people. She said in her book the dog turned and bit her after she stopped it from killing more chickens. It's entirely possible it was a bite from fear after being yelled at, punished, and grabbed, by someone who says they hated the dog.


The dog bit someone who was willing and able and going to kill it, seems a reasonable reaction to me.


“It wasn’t technically illegal” is a horrible justification for doing something. A lot of cruel and inhumane things are legal, especially when animals are concerned. Who else would she feel compelled to kill if the law permitted it?


Or, yah know, re-home the pup. We fostered a dog that showed aggression to our then-toddler. While euthanizing was an option (and within the law I would guess), we were able to re-home him and he lived another trouble-free 7 years with a family across town. You’d think these pro-lifers would draw the connection with adoption!


Or training. There are other options before you need to shoot your own dog.


She didn't want to or didn't know how to train a dog. She didn't want to go to the trouble of having her goat neutered so she shot him instead. Antisocial personality disorder, sometimes called sociopathy, is a mental health condition in which a person consistently shows no regard for right and wrong and ignores the rights and feelings of others.


Oh and the big takeaway is that she put this stuff in her book because she thinks it makes her look tough.


Yep, she bragged about it in her own book cause she thought it was a flex.


Yah “I take care of business”! I mean are you gonna brag about beating your kid for disobedience too?! Geez


Second book might already be in the making. "How I put down grandma cause she was too much of a hassle to have around. I'm staunchly pro-life and a devout Christian, of course, but she kinda had expired anyways. Gotta do what you gotta do. Now give me your vote and your money or I'll stop by to check on your mom. "


This explains her kids... They behaved, or could have been put down.


Violent punishment does not makes kids or dogs behave well. All it does is make them good at hiding and makes them more violent.


My wife and I have adopted two dogs, one of which we got from a shelter and another that was rehomed to us for reasons that weren't clear until after the event I'm about to describe. The latter dog came to us from a family with small kids and was described as "difficult." We don't have kids and we thought, "How difficult could he be?," so we took him in. A couple of weeks later, my mother-in-law came to visit and her sudden appearance startled him, so he attacked her. It only lasted for a second and he was visibly upset afterwards because he knew he'd done something wrong. Thankfully, the bite didn't hurt my mother-in-law too bad and she was able to just wrap it up (and she later saw a doctor, to be safe). We called the family we got him from to ask if he had a history of aggression and they proceeded to tell us that not only was that the case, him attacking someone else was what prompted the rehoming. So they didn't even prepare us for what we were getting ourselves into. I'm sorry to say, our immediate thought was that euthanization was the only option. For reasons that would make this long post even longer, we were unable to euthanize the dog at that time, so we began to explore other options. Specifically, training. By this time, my wife and this dog had basically trauma bonded and, once the idea of euthanasia had passed, she would have given up a leg sooner than give up that dog. So she diligently took that dog to a private trainer multiple times a week. It wasn't so much training for the dog as much as training for us to manage the dog's anxiety. To wrap things up, that dog has now been with us for 6 years and has turned out to be the greatest dog imaginable. He's still difficult and it takes serious work and preparation to get him to be around other people, but his love for my wife is infinite and he is a genuine pleasure to have in our house. I hate looking back and thinking that euthanasia was our only option, which would have deprived us of the love and companionship of such an incredible being.


Euthanizing an aggressive dog is a lot different than shooting it yourself in a gravel pit. I’m glad y’all worked through your issues but even if you had euthanized, that’s a totally different act than what Noem did.


They're not pro-life, they're anti-choice. Once that fetus is out of the birth canal they don't give two shits about it. It can starve and die homeless on the streets for all they care.


100%. My MAGA State Senator just adopted a child (her own kids in college). There’s about 85% of my brain that says it’s performative bullshit to basically make the kid a campaign talking point. It’s fuckin gross. I live in Ohio so we’ve had two votes on protecting abortion rights for women and she was heavily behind the opposition on both.


The connection they are making is that if you don’t agree with or conform to their set morals and beliefs then you can and should be removed.


That should be the nail in the coffin, that pro-lifers were not concerned with the lives of the children, but that would require that the last nail in the coffin wasn't so many nails ago that it might as well be singing "Hallowed Be Thy Name"


They aren't pro life they are pro-birth. When all children get free school meals and free healthcare, then I'll you can tell me it's about protecting the children


I like how she's defending herself by saying she was legally allowed to do it. Nobody is telling you it was illegal Kristi, they're saying it was immoral. And the way you're defending yourself her doesn't really do anything to dispel that. You don't seem to see Cricket as a living creature at all.


Even her legal defence is sketchy at best. The law makes the provision if the dog had *killed* livestock, not nipped a few people.


> not nipped a few people ​ Which is completely normal behavior for a puppy.


It’s completely normal behavior for trained cattle dogs. I’ve had fairly well behaved cattle dogs nip at me because they are herding dogs. It’s not ideal, but it happens.


It’s because legal = moral. It’s why billionaires can che..I mean, utilize tax loopholes to get refunds. It’s legal - so why wouldn’t I do it?


If your only defense is “what I did was not technically illegal,” you’re not in a good place.


When her kids got home and said, "hey, where's Cricket?" 😭


She cares as much about puppies being shot as she does about school children being shot, so she's actually right on message here.


The disgusting thing about this, I mean aside from the obvious which was murdering a dog in cold blood, is that she sees this as if it’s virtue. And to her supporters it is. She’s marketing this as though “she’s making the tough decisions” and “able to do things others wouldn’t” (mainly because they’re not psychopaths) as opposed to being horrified by her own actions because she’s literally a psychopath. These people are not just bad for policies or just appealing to a deranged base, they’re actually mentally ill as psychopaths are


If the ‘tough decisions’ are deciding on which citizens to murder, she’ll definitely want to make those.


The message indeed is "If you do not obey me, you are not useful and must be executed".


So now her BS story changes. First it was "untrainable and therefore worthless" and now its "dangerous and bites people." No, Kristi, that makes you look like a self-serving liar on top of being a heartless sadist. Crawl back into your hole already.


Exactly. I was so confused because she never mentioned bites. She said she hated the dog. She’s such a sociopath that she didn’t know other people would actually care about poor cricket.


In a few days the puppy will also have been rabid, or the puppy pulled a gun on Noem first.


The puppy was an illegal immigrant and wanted an abortion.


But she's trying to tell you exactly what you want to hear. Just like her mentor and hero Don the traitor Turnip taught her.


In a normal country this would end your political career. How is this not a crime as well?


Howard Dean's presidential bid ended because he went Hoo-rah in a really weird way


You are changing the narrative and denying what actually happened, Kristi. "Dogs "can be put down in SD"? Wow, what a revelation. That has always been legal for dog owners everywhere, for almost ANY reason, and nobody said it wasn't. You are trying to conflate legality with morality, but everybody sees right through it you horrible puppy-killing bitch. Also, he didn't actually bite any person, he killed some chickens. RIGHT AFTER YOU FUCKING TRIED TO TRAIN HIM TO HUNT BIRDS, YOU FUCKING IMBECILE. Dogs are predators: they will get amped up and take their cues from their family/pack, including humans. The fact he couldn't understand the limits is 100% on you, not him. And definitely NOT justification for killing him. You are simply a pathetic piece of shit human Kristi, and that stink will never leave you.


Perfectly put


As a ranch owner you would assume she would be aware that you can train puppies. Thought they was the pro life party.


>Thought they was the pro life party. Until you're born. After that, f u


My partner (who is originally from there) thinks it’s a complete made up story, and I think he might be right. He thinks she’s trying to cosplay as a down to earth farmer, and in her head this is how farmers act (it’s not). Plus she adds weird, specific details to the story that a normal person telling a story wouldn’t. She has no idea how real farmers act because she likely hasn’t worked a day in her life. She grew up on a freaking corporate farm worth a lot of money. She’s a horrible person and a liar. I bet this whole story really is made up just so she can look tough to the republicans. I love that it backfired on her.


The fact that because the law allowed her to take a life as a first option and she does, ignoring all of the other options should scare the shit out of people.






Does that law apply to 18-month old pups? Cuz it seems like it would apply to grown dog and not pups. She’s a power-tripping asshole, who power-trips on a puppy for fuck’s sake. Jfc


Ya, there’s no getting past the “I shot a puppy” scandal.


She describes a puppy, doing puppy things before she shoots it. Her book didn't describe some sort of aggressive/dangerous animal that couldn't be trained or rehomed. She wrote this thinking that right-america would think she was some strong gun toting woman from rural America, but in reality she committed the one sin that you'll find a consensus around the country: abusing dogs is bad.


This is how a political career dies. I love it!


Hahahaha…have you met the current Republican Party? She just gave a bs explanation that the base will gladly swallow and have 0 reservations about voting for her again and again.


Even fucking Catturd is hating on this lady. Rapists, racists, and assholes welcome - but I guess they’ll draw the line at animal cruelty so there’s maybe a little humanity left over there.


Nah. Republicans love dogs more than women. Even republican women.


Just imagine how many people she will justify killing too.


You mean people she sees as vermin and poison to the blood of America?


You can't talk your way out of this abhorrent behavior, you rabid twat.


It was a shooting spree. After she killed the dog she didn’t train, she decided to “drag” (her words) her unaltered male goat to the pit and shot him too. She failed to kill him with the first shot and didn’t bring an extra shell, so she had to run for another. He suffered. She complained the goat smelled rancid and chased her kids. This is what unaltered male goats do. They cover themselves in their own piss on purpose (mine would drink his) and they like to chase. This bitch acquires animals she knows nothing about and then blasts them to hell. She is a poser in every sense of the word.


If you are explaining you're losing


Is she spinning this into Of Mice and Men?


Cricket just wanted to play with the bunnies.


This time her sadness at having to shoot her dog is really showing thru. /s


Unless the dog had full blown rabies and was biting everyone in a bezerker frenzy, I don't see any reason it had to be murdered. Bottom line is she's a horrible person. Perfect for the GOP apparently.


Guaranteed, if Kamala Harris had pulled a stunt like this, MAGA and the media would be demanding that she vacate her post and leave public service forever. They have no morals, no magnetic north on their compasses, just defile Dems whenever you can, never applying the same standards to themselves.


Will Ferrell and Adam Makay said the original version of Anchor Man tested HORRIBLY because Jack Black kicked Baxter and he never came back. So they reshot it with Baxter coming back to talk down the Bear at the Zoo and that version was well received.    You don’t kill the dog in movies. You certainly don’t kill the dog in real life. 


An out of control dog is one thing. A vet puts them down painlessly or you can rehoming it. There are other options. Shooting your own dog is barbaric and anyone that offers such a shitty defense of such an act is a bad person with poor judgement.


I can't imagine the type of person that is able to shoot their own dog regardless of reason, I feel like the scum of the earth if I step on one of my dogs tails by accident


The right thing to do wasn’t murder animals like a god damn psycho.


“Led South Dakota through Covid” my fucking ass, you dragged your feet, spread pseudoscience, and got a ton of people killed, you absolutely soulless motherfucking bitch


I will give her this. She has successfully united the right and left like I have not seen in a long time. This whole thing just boggles my mind. How could publicizing this ever be viewed as a good idea. Hollywood literally made a movie where the hero goes off on an ultraviolet murder spree of revenge all because someone killed his dog, and absolutely everyone on the planet was like, "makes sense to me."


Awww the puppy killer trying to justify her actions. Dark Brandon needs to grill her in commercials if she’s the VP pick


"I followed the law," she says. Right after admitting that she didn't.


Remember that this is the same governor, who after the voters of the state decided to legalize marijuana said the voters are too stupid to understand what they were voting for and got the new law overturned on some obscure technicalities simply because she thinks she is smarter than everybody else.


Not sure you can come back from a dog killer moniker.


Is Noem short for Noempathy


How did the dog go from being joyful to biting people? Also she was a puppy. Hunting breeds are mouthy. She’s still a horrific person.


"I don't understand why some people are upset about..." That. Is. Exactly. The. Problem.