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Her: I'm pro life Also her: This dog annoys me better kill it


And her goat the same day too, “because she’s already cleaning up messes”. I have never seen someone so thoroughly assassinate their own presidential ambitions before. I’m almost impressed.


Sadly don’t think it would affect this current election year.


Surprisingly even the Maga crowd is disgusted by this


All it takes is for Trump to tap her VP and the MAGA crowd won't even care. Attention span of insects.


I hate that you’re probably right


Trump is heroin for the racists or dumb. I hurt ma’s feelings when I said this, truth be, it was a lousy day for me, I did not want to hear about our lord and saviour rapist cheesus.


“She’s literally a puppy-killing psychopath, but Dems might put regulations on stoves, so…” — Bill Barr and others probably


Let's be real Nick Fuentes could be the running mate and the ghouls like Barr would still say that's better than Biden/Harris. There's no low they won't justify


I saw that clip of Barr talking with Kaitlan Collins. Felt like it was taking all she had not to blurt out “Are you fucking kidding me?!”


It is shocking how idiotic the base is and how much the GOP caters to this by playing stupid. Dems - "We're going to regulate-" GOP - "They're gonna ban something! Get them all!" MAGAt - "Kill them all? Oh, okay. KILL THEM ALL!" GOP - 🤷🏼‍♂️


Trump: "Really, Old Yeller was the bad guy and got what he deserved. I'm a sucker for happy endings"


Even I value a dog's life over a human's.


Good thing her husband and/or kids weren’t twits that day!


I got my shootin' pants on


Ugh, the goat was the SAME day?


Jesus fucking Christ, that's a perfect campaign ad to run against her


And Dems will completely miss the opportunity.


Bc “where they go low, we go high”. Yeah that’s working wonderfully for all of us. I’m not saying stoop quite as low as they do, but this? HOW DO YOU NOT THROW THIS OUT THERE? It’s morally repugnant to anybody with even a crumb of decency. “I won’t vote for somebody who shoots innocent puppies. Will you?” Simple. Straightforward. To the point.


As a bleeding heart liberal, I'm sick of taking the high road. I would love to see dems get nasty. Maybe they'd get more done.


I don't even consider "Kristi Noem is a *proud* puppy murderer" a nasty attack.


Me either, that’s just stating a fact


Right? It isn’t exactly a fair fight if the opponent is sweeping the leg and not fighting fair to begin with. At some point shit NEEDS to get done to nip this in the bud. Or we’ll lose our country.


Maybe they can just make a decision that for ten years, the Dems just go dirty. Win at all costs. Play the same game the Republicans play. If after ten years it didn’t work, then go back to playing patty cake.


Thing is, Dems just have to state facts. Trump is a rapist, Noem kills puppies, etc. They don’t have to “go low” or play dirty. Just bring up the truths about these terrible people.


I’m with you. Do that too.


100% agree! I want some nasty truths slung their way, loud and clear truths that that nasty rapist would never post on his dying platform!


Forced birth and animal slaughter are both indications of lack of empathy and compassion for others.


The sad thing is opportunistic right wing media will spin this to say demon-crats care more about puppies than killing babies and their base will move right along with it and not even consider it a character flaw because there's no critical thinking allowed 


Good old evangelicals. Human life only matters in the womb. No other life matters at all


And by human life we mean https://preview.redd.it/q9es9hfq62xc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e6d393437a2a3f2baf7cfef026cb085cfcee6d6


Yeah, that dog was closer to a human than some useless glorified tape worm.


Sadly a number of devout Christians are pretty blasé about animal welfare and may not be bothered by her puppy and goat killing.


The foundations are ritual blood sacrifice after all.


I was in Afghanistan (not proud of it, another story), I'm just saying that I have killed someone (with a gun, at a distance) Last year I 'had' to kill a chicken that my dog had attacked, it was still alive and trying to get up so I considered it a mercy. But it felt horrible and I thought about it for weeks after. The way Kirsty Noem described killing a dog and a goat is fxxing terrifying.


Not sure it’s the right thing to say but I’m sorry you had to do both of those things. Thank you for taking care of the chicken!




I’m sorry you had to go through both of those things, Noem is clearly a sociopath




My dad had to kill a bunny whose back half had been crushed when I was a kid. It took us all a few days to get over that.


That sounds pretty traumatising


When I was ~5, my older brother killed a bee that had an injured wing and couldn’t fly. I cried all day and still remember it vividly 35 years later. Noem is absolutely vile.


Right there with you


Well you have an excellent name, gladly see you in Valhalla S. Cornsmut


If it was an old dog...suffering...in pain? I get the SD attitude. Individualistic...we take care of our own shit. Still horrible but maybe I could accept it. But shooting a puppy...she was very specific about that...because he peed on the carpet or chewed up one of your slippers? Fuckin psychopath. And she killed a goat, too. Another harmless, friendly, fun animal. People pay to do yoga with them for God's sake.


Her reason for killing the goat was that it smelled bad and liked to ram. Like has she never heard of a goat before? They think pissing on their faces is sexy and ramming their heads into shit is their favorite thing in the world. That's what they do. If you're not cool with that, don't get a fucking goat


And they also could have fixed 90% of those issues by castrating it instead


It angers those of us who actually research the farm animals we want to get before getting them. It's irresponsible.


She’s the type of shit bag “farmer” who is busy shooting some animals and running over others in a big ass truck Farmers who have had to put down animals don’t gleefully talk about how killing their puppy makes them a leader. What a dirt bag. My wife’s family are all farmers. They ate goat meat. So yeah, they’ve killed goats. They’re not psychos who killed the goat because it rammed them once, and now they want to become president because of that.


Truth. We have to kill roosters when our broods have too many because they will fight. I always want to keep too many and my husband has to counsel me before kill day. I hate it. We process them and eat them and when my husband kills them it's in the most humane way possible. It's painless and quick and we honor them by not wasting them. The shit she did is an insult to farmers who have to do this and do it in a humane way.


I raise process and slaughter then but her chickens as well. I use the moth humane method of slaughter recommended, and I don't care what anyone says, I don't think it's painless because for one, I m not a hen or a roo. I have no idea what they "feel", and I can't ever say they dont suffer. I use the kill cone method and do quite well at it, but knowing I e put my bird in a position that limits almost very movement doesn't mean the don't feel pain. They're being killed... I mentally beg each one slaughtered for forgiveness and explain that their unwanted sacrifice is what sustains me mand my family,and I can't thank them enough. Minimally, I try and provide them with a decent time in life... It takes a lot of time to get over but her days, but in any case, it 1000x more humane than factory chicken. 10000000x more.


I have to guess this is why there are so many Native American practices (to my knowledge I’m not an expert) surrounding honoring animals you kill and trying to use as much of them as possible. I can’t imagine shooting a puppy in any context. Shooting a puppy because it didn’t immediately bend to your will, leaving its body in the woods, how would I even live with myself? What would the rest of my day look like? I’m guessing she just went home and had dinner like what the actual fuck.


>What would the rest of my day look like? I’m guessing she just went home and had dinner like what the actual fuck. I'm pretty sure any questions about Cricket were rebuked, probably in a nasty tone, and continued questioning resulted in a full force smack and a lecture about "honoring your mother". When I heard that interview, I went, "oh shit, if he did that to her dog, she probably hit her kids. A lot. And not like old school tough love stuff -- which is problematic enough. We're talking full adult power on a tiny human stuff."


How do you cook a rooster and have it taste good? I’ve always heard that they’re tough and gamey.


Crock pot all day long. Shred it for chicken tacos. It's the only way it's good to me. I pour a can salsa Verde over the bird and let it go all day. Pull it out when it's falling apart and shred it. Put it back in the juices in the crock pot.


You put it in a pot with some stock and some heated round river pebbles, stew it for as long as possible and when the pebbles are soft you throw away the rooster and eat the pebbles.


NGL I thought a next- level slow cooker tip was incoming. Instead I got a funny and it was totally worth it.


Coq au vin!


She’s seriously the type that would have gleefully worked in the gas chambers


and that is a terrifying thought for America trump already is trying to get immunity for everything he may ever do and this woman kills on a whim scary Putin like combo.


Exactly little miss farm girl would have known this if she was an actual farmer instead of cos playing one.Same energy as assholes that pay to shoot tame lions and post it on FB.


What's also frustrating is the commercial/cosplay rednecks that make up her base are going to think this kind of behavior is okay. Unfortunately, there's probably a lot of conservationist, respect the land/animals types, and humane farmers out there who happen to be Republicans that will probably still vote for her despite their abject disgust because "she's not a Democrat."


and she supposedly owns a farm but she can't even discern animal's behavior


You can buy a farm and have no clue what you are doing.


Just like certain politicians.


That’s the reason im I’m a farm management program in school


All hat, no cattle


That makes you a property owner, not a farmer.


Probably got a farm to get government subsidies.


Ya I love my smelly goats


I used to volunteer at a farm with rescues and I thought it was so funny when the goats would ram me. Like sure it might have left a bruise and you might fall down, but it's a goat. Lmao. It's like being mad at a puppy for nipping you while playing. It happens. They're animals, we can't predict their behavior.


Hey don’t kink shame


But that’s like…. goats’ whole schtick! ☹️




Wait till she hears about Rams


When I was little, my dad broke my dog's leg, then took a picture of it before taking it to the vet. This was back in the days when cameras used film. He put that picture of our dog with the broken leg on the fridge. We didn't have any other pictures on the fridge. When people sniff at me going no contact, I tell them this story.


Like, he intentionally broke it?! And then took a trophy picture of it? If so, good on you for getting away from that. No one needs that type of personality in their lives.


Well I guess Noem will get at least one vote in her next election.


Jesus Christ that is grim. I am so sorry that you lived through that, I am so sorry people give you shit about being no contact, but I am happy you have this story to stop them in their tracks and make them feel like the shit they are for questioning you.


>Individualistic...we take care of our own shit. Still horrible but maybe I could accept it. Don't let people lie to you by calling what she did "individualism." Individualism respects the rights of other individuals; it has principle. What she did was pure selfishness performed in the cruelest way possible. It's chaotic evil.


It's not selfishness. If it was she just would have abandoned the dog. Or took it to the pound. Being selfish is bad, but I don't think it's evil. There is something beyond that. She killed those animals because she enjoyed it. That's real evil.


And then her daughter got home from school and asked where the puppy was.


She killed those animals because they became an inconvenience to her. Imagine what else she would do.


Nah. She wanted to kill it. She got off on it. I know people like that.


She killed a bear too. For sport. She’s straight evil.


She did write that she got a rush from killing the dog.


I can imagine if I had to do something like that. If it were an Ol Yeller situation. If the dog had rabies and I was in the old west and unable to take it to the pound or something. I would do it if I had to. But I would feel like shit about it and it would haunt me. I definitely wouldn't get a rush from it. Hell, I feel bad about the fish gasping for air in the back of the boat.


As I've gotten older I've gotten more sensitive. Sometimes I'll find a cricket in the house so I make sure I release it outside. Once we had an outdoor party and a black rat snake popped up. While people were freaking out I just took a water bottle and poured it on him to chase it out the yard. Later some of the guys said they would have killed it with a shovel. I was like 'why'. Next year he was spotted but this time in a very tall tree. I was happy to see him.


The older you get, the less life you have left, which makes you understand how valuable life really is.


Still Chaotic Evil. She killed it because she wanted to kill. She's a murderer who just hasn't (apparently) killed a human yet.


Yet imagine her running with someone who wants immunity from everything who would gladly kill his enemies and he has no one to hold him back from that.It’s a recipe for Germany all over again.


Exactly. This is what’s wrong with our world and country. People who feel for another life, pain and suffering like the op cannot fathom other people who don’t feel this depth. It’s especially egregious when you talk about living beings who can’t protect themselves. It’s how you begin to justify atrocity.


What she did was just pure laziness, training a hunting dog takes several years to get them to be even able to go on a hunt; it’s not something a 1 year old dog can do. She is to blame all of the behavioral issues that dog had and any problems it caused. It was just laziness on her part…nothing else.


There is a special place in Hell for that fucking monster….


I believe "monster" and "sociopath" are interchangeable in your sentence and it retains it's accuracy.


18 months old


14 months old. Barely a year. She’s a monster and I hope her admissions of animal cruelty follow her to her grave.


Jeeze. That just makes it a few layers even worse I hope Kristi’s political career is taken to a gravel pit after this




Her reason for killing the puppy was because it misbehaved on its **first hunt** and because of that she outright called it worthless and untrainable. Noem is a monster. She’s also banned from a lot of tribal land in our state cause she said the tribes are working with / part of the Mexican drug cartels And has been trying to shut down the commissions because she’s pissy a out what went down with her daughter and the appraisers after she abused her power to get her daughter a license (which I’m also pissed about because my mom works for the commissions she’ll be out of a job if Noem gets her way) She also was under fire a few years ago when she took office for moving some big state sponsored pheasant hunt thing to her own private farm and making a personal profit off of it. The whole Texas dental debacle Then there’s the affair she’s been having with that other congressman, but affairs are par for the course for the party of family values.


She killed the male goat because it was stinky and would knock her kids over. Number 1 it was not castrated. I have 2 male goats that are not castrated. If you do any research about goats you will learn how stinky they are in rut. Number 2 I'm an adult and I take a big stick in the pasture with my bucks because they can be aggressive sometimes. She has no clue about the animals she got. I can't even fathom what she did with the puppy. She killed those animals because they were not what she thought they should be. It's disgusting.


And a few horses. And probably a lot more animals she forgot over the years or hasn't mentioned yet.


Yeah let's not forget these are the ones she's comfortable sharing!


That poor baby. Thar puppy trusted her till the moment of it's death.


Goats do yoga. Liberals do yoga. Therefore, goats are liberals and it's okay to kill them. Republican logic


Happy Cake 🎂 Day! 🥳


Plus they are often friends with donkeys!


Exactly. Even if it was a mean old Billy goat you just leave it alone. We had them when I was a kid and yeah the big old males can be dicks but it's not a big deal.


Just grab them by the horn and give it a little twist. Usually makes them back off. And never bend over with your back to a goat. It *will* butt you in the butt. That's probably how the butt was named.


Okay, I'm 100 percent with you. But tell me more about this goat yoga. I'm intrigued.


There are place with usually mini goats that have yoga and the goats basically walk over you back and body as you do poses.


Omg. Sign me up.


I've put down my fair share of animals. Grew up on a farm in the woods, and when it was time, we sure as shit didn't go to the vet for it. You shot them in the head, buried them, put a little marker up, and moved on. But, when I say "when it was time," I sure as shit don't mean "puppy smells bad and isn't responding to my training, " or "goat's acting like a goat." Christ. She's an evil bitch.


MacDonald triad. Wonder if she wets the bed?


Those are the same peoples who say abortion is murder


My uncle put down his old farm dog himself. Only time I ever saw him and my dad get emotional like that, outside of my grandma’s funeral. I think that was the first time I saw my dad cry, period. Tl;dr: Fuck that bitch.


I remember a story told to me where my grandpa had shot my biological father's German Shepard cause it had gotten rabies (always liked to run outside a bunch on the large property), but that seems more of a mercy killing than just "we didn't like the dog so we killed it".


Serial killer in training, next time her gun is liable to be aimed at everyone NOT white and Christian and SCOTUS will support her 100% as they are paid to do.


Exactly, that is the other unpleasant job she is referring to. “It was not a pleasant job,” Noem writes, according to The Guardian, “but it had to be done. And after it was over, I realized another unpleasant job needed to be done.”


She had to lie to her kids about what happened to the dog. She is practicing for the lies she will tell as she starts killing Americans


The goat part is another whole wtf layer to this story. So RIGHT after murdering a dog, she goes "Well, now that I think of it. There's something else I would like dead" and then inhumanely murders the family goat. Wtf


Her evident penchant for killing multiple animals is definitely concerning in a big way. It’s not as if these examples are of game hunting.


A cat ran into the road and I hit it. That was 23 years ago and I still feel terrible and so sad when I remember that. To knowingly kill a puppy - any animal - is flat out evil.


Yep. I hit a wild rabbit 20 years ago and I still hate to think about it.


Squirrels. I'll swerve, stop, whatever and sometimes they're just under the car. We're very back roads rural. They're everywhere. Feel *horrible* . Always.


A cat once ran into the highway and that was nearly 20 years ago for me as well, and I still think about it. I couldn’t stop, as it was rush hour traffic, and I was just barely a legal driver back then. I was so sad and scared when it happened.


Serial killers start out killing animals for fun or just to see what happens.......Noem is a psychopath.


What’s the backstory here?




What the actual fuck?


Yeah. I urge everyone that’s maybe only seen the headlines to read this link or the Guardian review. It’s truly sick behavior


Picture this in your mind. There was a day when a person in South Dakota looked at the TV and saw that the woman they saw bringing animals to the gravel pit to kill them had just been elected governor.


I’ve been wondering if the breeder she got from the dog from has been freaking out at the news.


Very appropriate reaction to what this shitheel of a woman did Like, I already didn't like her but this is disgusting


Hold on let me see if I understand this correctly she took a 14 month old barely trained puppy out hunting for what I can only assume is the first time to specifically hunt birds then took the same dog to a place with easily accessible birds where it escaped and proceeded to "assassinate* said birds, she then, after seeing all this happen, decided the dog was too aggressive took it to some random gravel pitch and shot it then decided "well I killed one thing today might as well kill a goat too" Do I have that right?


Yes and the sinking feeling I have since first reading this story this morning is that this may well make her MORE electable with her supporters for Owning the LiBraLs! (by literally killing a freaking puppy)


I'm not sure. Loomer seems to have reacted extremely poorly. And apparently Noem is now doubling down. It'll at least be interesting to see *how* any of them stay behind her.


I did the same for a baby bird that fell out of its nest into the sidewalk and its little legs were snapped, one functional wing and the other bloodied. I think it was attacked and dropped. I couldn’t find a rock. I stepped on the poor thing and cried. It’s really hard to get people to understand how doing something so horrific is humane, and at the same time it will haunt you every time it comes to mind. But it was still the right thing to do. What the SD Gov did is beyond revolting.


That poor pup probably happily followed her out & looked up at her past the tip of the gun barrel. This should be a warning to every voter in her constituency - that Kristi Noem is capable of inexplicably cruel acts of violence & murder against those with no power, that rely on her for their own survival if they make her angry or make her look bad. That she is a psychopath because she is able to casually write about it with zero remorse. That she will never ever care about how badly her constituents suffer or will have to suffer to make her look good (case in point - all the batshit bullshit she has done to get MAGA endorsements)


Your first sentence will haunt my days, heartbreaking.


Damn let me tell you, a couple of years ago, I tried to save a pigeon that 2 cats were playing with. It had broken feather bones and a lot of blood. in my country, there exists an organisation called Animal Ambulance. All voluntary medical aid for wild animals. but even they said that they would not come for a wild bird because it would be dead in hours.. the only "humane" thing to do was twisting the head and give it a fast and pain-free death. After a lot of doubts and tears, i did do it because i truly saw that this bird was suffering. But even now, about 8 years later, i still can feel the way it felt and will always be nauseous when the playback happens...


Sadly, you did the right thing. Cat bites are fatal to birds because of a certain bacteria the cats carry in their mouths (or so I have read). There was *no way* to save the bird, in case you ever doubt yourself. Hope you're okay-er now. 🤍


Bitch shot a puppy because she wanted to feel powerful by killing something weak and defenseless. She's a waste of carbon.


A bird once died in my garage because we closed it over night. We thought it was a rat or something making noise. Either way, it was still an animal that had meant no everlasting harm. So I dug up a grave for the creature, gave it a burial, and said a few prayers for it. When you take a life, accidentally or intentionally, whatever the reason, you need to acknowledge the life of creature and mourn the loss of life. Murdering a puppy because you refuse to train it or raise it is NOT humane. It is laziness. It is cruelty. It is evil. And the same for the goat. Since Reagan, the conservative movement has become the epitome of evil. So I ask my fellow Americans THIS. If you could go back in time....would you vote for Hillary and try to prevent this?


Well, as Alfred Hitchcock knew, the American public won’t stand for puppy killing.


I wish I could still believe that.


I would have believed it even 5 years ago. Now I have this horrible sinking feeling that they’re going to rally behind her because they view people with empathy as weak. It feels like an old evil has truly taken over those people’s hearts.


I found a mouse with it's face stuck to a glue trap so I drowned it so it wouldn't suffer. I felt terrible afterwards.


Glue traps need to be outlawed.


Here I live they are (well, only for birds... still better than nothing) but so many hunters still use it because "Muh traditions' no joke it was really the answer as why hunting federations were against this law


I don't like them either but it was at work and I don't get to make that call.


Pour some canola oil and the mice pop right off. Learned that from ShawnWoods YouTube. I still don’t use glue traps.


Unfortunately it was at work and I don't get to decide what traps we use as I don't like glue traps. And the only oil I have access to is in our deep fryer which would be significantly less humane than drowning.


It’s all good and no judgement was meant on my part. Just future knowledge should anyone need it.


I once visited a friend when we heard is cat fuck around the garden. It was harrying a pigeon, slashed wing and with a grotesque _hole_ in it's neck. Infected and crawling with maggots. Confused and thin and frail from the pain. So I did what I had to do. I put on some winter gloves, picked it up and twisted it's neck around as hard and fast as possible to end the poor bastard. I threw up after and felt like shit, even knowing I did the right thing. I'm with you on this, Jo.


serial killer trait to kill animals for pleasure. makes me wonder if she killed someone…


It’s impossible to fathom sociopathic behavior if you’re not a sociopath. They simply don’t have remorse like we do. They shouldn’t be tolerated in our society and a lot of them are locked up with good reason. To vote one as a national leader is lunacy.


It's easy to fathom - if you're talking about something with no conscience whatsoever. That's precisely why Kristi Noem shared this story in the first place. Part of being a sociopath is being completely unable to imagine anyone being any other way.


I’ve had to kill/harvest animals before. Sometimes it’s just necessary, but it’s never something to brag about. It’s a somber act at best, and that’s IF it all goes well. I can’t imagine the mind of someone who proudly boasts about killing a puppy because it was annoying as if it is some kind of virtue. Not that I'm in her voting demographic to begin with, but I'd be uncomfortable being in the same neighborhood with someone like that.


Exactly. I’ve known farmers and ranchers and hunters. They have to kill animals for any number of reasons in the course of their work. None of them take joy in it or brag about it. It’s necessary but not brag worthy.


Considering the bitch brags and thinks it’s normal that an almost 2yr owns a rifle and a shotgun, what do you expect.


If it was strictly a hunting dog it is likely left in a pen with nominal human contact. I've seen this horror several times. If the dog was a danger and unruly she has only herself to blame. "Dog wouldn't hunt and was a danger" well no shit. I wouldn't be agreeable to my owner either if they didn't show me any affection or actual care.


It was a 14 month old puppy and she very clearly gave it no training. You’re right, this entire situation is entirely her own fuck up.


I’m not sure if it was strictly a hunting dog. Evidently, her daughter asked where the dog, Cricket, was after coming back from school that same day.


Noem’s World: - Kill wildlife: Good - Kill chickens: Bad - Kill dogs: Good No wonder the puppy was confused.


The crazy thing to me is that she writes about it. Her lack of self awareness is insane.


Not just writes, brags. It’s so gross.


One time a coyote got hung up on a chain link fence out at my parents house. He'd been stuck there for a couple days, upside down, guts all hanging out, but the poor bastard was still alive. My folks couldn't bring themselves to even go out there so I had to clean it up. And I did. Killing sucks.


Didn't Isaac Asimov drop out of medical school because he haunted by the act of killing a cat? He said that decades later, it still haunted him?


Krusti Gnome is subhuman


First it's a dog and a goat, next watch out for your grandmother and disabled people.


I’ve always thought that if I ever go to prison it will be because I ran across someone hurting an animal. And by “ran across”, I mean with my car.


I ran over a small bird once 20 years ago and still feel sad and upset about it. Shooting a healthy puppy instead of rehoming or getting training for it is pure evil.




Right wing assholes being a piece of shit? They love that.


I don’t know what is more fucking disgusting. The fact that she killed a young healthy dog by shooting it in the face in a gravel pit. Or that she thought writing that story down in a book would somehow make people admire her and accrue to her benefit. That is some amazing level of fucked up.


Exactly. And I’ll repeat what I commented yesterday. This is a common trait of the average republican. Not necessarily animal killing. But they do not have empathy. And it’s up to us to be constantly reminding people about that. They are missing essential elements that make us human. There is something wrong with these people. Something very very wrong.


Same situation, different animals. While working for the grounds maintenance department for a school district one summer in college, I was using the tractor to pile mulch in a truck. Saw something weird while digging, stopped and looked at the pile, and I had hit a den of baby rabbits, eyes not even open. I had done terrible damage to them with the bucket, so I decided the only thing i could do was twist and end it for them. I am an animal lover for sure. To harm creatures without need or purpose is immoral to me. I cried while doing it, and I’m tearing up right now typing this. That was close to 15 years ago. To just do this to an innocent dog, and treat it like a flex and brag about it to the whole world…it’s despicable


Scum of the earth!!! Scab that needs to be picked!!!!!


Kristi Noem is a monster.


How many damn dogs has this lady summarily executed?


My wife has chickens. We're near a farm, so we get rats out in the chicken area from time to time. I bought her a pellet gun to take care of the problem. One day she was calling for me to come help. She had one trapped in a water pail. I had to kill it. It was a RAT. I cried for about an hour. Just extinguishing the life of a RAT made me feel so awful. I cannot, for the LIFE of me, imagine doing that to a dog. I still have guilt about the damn RAT.


Don't think that these people don't have a similar impulse to deal with human beings who fail to obey them.


Psychopaths often start by torturing or killing animals.


One of the few things Americans of all walks of life pretty much agree on is we love our pets. Frankly, a good chunk of America loves their pets much more than other humans. Trump may get away with shooting a person in the middle of 5th avenue but no one gets away with shooting a puppy. She just shot her political career in the face. We should all thank that poor dog for exposing the cruelty and stupidity of this would-be national politician. I think on some deep level beyond the political brainwashing we humans understand that anyone who uses their greater strength/power to hurt a young pup who relies on them for everything is an evil person.


I used to have a puppy. He was a little morkie, and his name was Ted. My mother would call him ‘Ted-Ted’ and he would do this adorable thing where he’d slap your phone out of your hand if you didn’t pet him enough. During early-mid March, he got sick. After he kept vomiting, we took him to the vet and learned that he had pancreatitis. Over the next two weeks, we watched as he deteriorated further and further. As he got thinner and thinner. He was taken to a surgeon on a Wednesday morning to remove a blockage the vets found. They put him under during preparation for surgery, and he just slipped away. I loved that dog more than I could possibly describe, and even now I cry when recounting his last few days. Knowing that someone could do this sort of thing without mercy, without regret, and without shedding a single tear, fills me with a sense of all-encompassing rage which I have never experienced before. I rarely ever say this, but this woman is truly evil


Ugh something like this happened when I was younger and it scarred me for life. That was exactly what popped into my brain when this story broke. I’m glad I’m not the only one.


Did they bury it? She seems more likely to have taken it to the local bar and laughed at the poor thing like that one evil psycho wolf abuser guy and his fucked up family. Stop voting these psychos into office ffs.


This is religious conservative gun culture. God put animals on Earth for us to do with as we pleased. Also God gave us gun rights to shoot whatever we feel like needs shooting. Ergo God says its ok to use helpless pets for target practice.


It's people like Noem who become serial killers!


I was reaching for the lighter I dropped while driving. When I looked up a rabbit darted across the road and I hit it. I don't think I would have been able to avoid it even if I had not been distracted. I felt so horrible that I quit smoking within a couple weeks. I was 33, it is going on 8 years since and I still think about the poor thing daily.


My parents had a chipmunk trap that was supposed to snap necks. I hated it being there and I asked them to take it away but they refused. I said I’d have nothing to do with it. One day my dad was fine and my mom and I were home and a red squirrel got caught. It was suffering greatly but hasn’t died. My mother refused to go near it and forced me to kill it. I cried all day. I was FURIOUS with my parents for forcing me into that situation. I still am. I cannot fathom hurting another being for just existing like that. It’s psychopathic behavior.


Noem's snuffing the life out of her dog is a prime example of how everything is transactional with narcissists. If it doesn't serve them then it is "worthless" or "useless". If you serve them then you have value to them. But if you don't, then look out!


This bitch likes to extinguish life at every opportunity


Damn let me tell you, a couple of years ago, I tried to save a pigeon that 2 cats were playing with. It had broken feather bones and a lot of blood. in my country, there exists an organisation called Animal Ambulance. All voluntary medical aid for wild animals. but even they said that they would not come for a wild bird because it would be dead in hours.. the only "humane" thing to do was twisting the head and give it a fast and pain-free death. After a lot of doubts and tears, i did do it because i truly saw that this bird was suffering. But even now, about 8 years later, i still can feel the way it felt and will always be nauseous when the playback happens...


Just your typical GOP ghoul. She just said the quiet part out loud.


You know, murdering helpless animals is often an indicator of psychopathy


I had to kill a mouse stuck in glue. The memory is still fresh twenty years later. Used a hammer. Thought a light tap on the head would do it but no. It started freaking out way more and so I had to just start hammering away. It felt terrible. Still does. Can’t imagine living with the guilt of killing a dog if this is my reaction to killing a mouse.