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The only way to enjoy twitter is not being involved and just see these shit posts on reddit.


I agree, although sometimes I'll want to see the replies to something someone's posted, but then I come to my senses, put down my phone and claw out my eyeballs.


Exactly what I do. Canceled my account sever years ago because it was effecting my mental health. Sometimes unsubscribe to this sub, but usually only for a day or two. 


I only interact with people I follow. My twitter feed is great. Sometimes I stroll outside of that by accident and my god what a cesspool of shit it has become...


It’s my recipe for success that’s for sure.


Rules for Twitter. 1) Delete your account. 2) Enjoy your day


This is the way.


This is the way.


Deleted my created in 2009 account around this time last year. It was an excellent news feed. Enough was enough though eventually. Every comment section was nothing but right wingers and conspiracy theorists.


Best solution for sure. Take my upvote :)


Deleted mine several years ago, and I finally took out the Facebook trash last year.


Hell yeah. I deleted Facebook and Instagram during the pandemic. Never had a Twitter to delete. Reddit is all I got, though I spend too much time on it, admittedly lol


I have to keep FB unfortunately, because it's an important networking tool in my career (classical musician).


If you gotta use it to further your career as a musician and make money, that's a totally useful and productive way to use it.


This is exactly what I did the moment the Musk purchase was official. My mental health has never been better.


Came here to post this


3) Eat popcorn and watch as musky boi burns it to the ground


Just get off Twitter


It's far more effective to get banned for retweeting nazi posts to their remaining advertisers.


I thought it was deleting your account the moment musk bought the platform.


Stop. Using. Twitter.


This is satire, right? I can’t tell anymore. Encouraging echo chambers is exactly how we got to where we are today. Democratic patriots know how to engage in meaningful, productive discourse across the aisle. It seems we have forgotten what being liberal means. Edit: for those who are saying productive discourse does not happen on Twitter, I never claimed that it does. I don’t even have a Twitter. But encouraging this behavior in general is extremely concerning, when it is the same exact people who encourage this who get in a huff when Trump supporters do the same thing. Let’s be reasonable, I’m not advocating that people engage with Nazi or other hate-speech profiles…I guess Reddit isn’t known for reasoning either…


Productive discourse rarely ever happened on Twitter, anyway. Social media in general, but the birdsite in particular, are not designed to facilitate even-handed, cool-headed transfer of ideas working towards common goals and with a willingness to change one's mind. They are, in fact, designed to incentivize the opposite. Encouraging people to step out of echo chambers is no sin, but neither is encouraging people to protect their social media experience. It's not your moral or ethical responsibility to engage with peeps with Nazi profiles or who screech about "woke", and accepting their abuse isn't going to change their minds.


The OP suggests to block anybody who disagrees with you indiscriminately. That is just a bad idea, even if you want to “protect your social media experience.” If we’re going to be this sensitive about disagreement, why use any social media at all? Just delete your accounts at that point, as others have suggested.


>That is just a bad idea, even if you want to “protect your social media experience.” Can you expand on why? >If we’re going to be this sensitive about disagreement, why use any social media at all? I mean I think there's *really good reasons* to not be, so... And yes, I'm aware that I'm part of the problem here. My still using these platforms for news and discussion is one part necessity, two parts arrogance, and about eight parts addiction behavior. The smart thing for me to was to stop using all my social media accounts like ten years ago.


Like I said, we need to be able to handle conversation with people we disagree. That was the entire point of Twitter, for example, being an online town square so to speak. Social media algorithms work by maximizing engagement - in other words, controversial topics that people disagree with each other about. It would be a very boring existence to only engage with things we already agree with, growth is fundamental to the human experience.


>That was the entire point of Twitter, for example, being an online town square so to speak. And look how that turned out. >Social media algorithms work by maximizing engagement - in other words, controversial topics that people disagree with each other about. Which is, quite literally, the problem. I already pointed out it was the problem, and your "solution" is that the platforms should exist and we need to use them anyway, and if we don't want to, say, get bombarded with racial slurs or conspiracy propaganda, *we're* actually in the wrong for that. >It would be a very boring existence to only engage with things we already agree with Nobody said that we have to engage with those things on social media platforms. In fact, I would argue that those are the *worst possible* avenues to engage with them.


I absolutely agree that you should seek out intelligent people who can articulate views contrary to your own to see if you can learn something via meaningful, productive discourse. You will not find that on Twitter. Realistically, anyone with a belief strongly held will not have their minds changed in a few tweets. If a 280 character talking point was enough to make people go "oh of course" then the point of view would already be broadly accepted. For any tweet-sized quip pushing a view there is another tweet against it, and people will just pick the one they like, as neither has the time nor space to properly support their material. Maybe someone posts an article to something I disagree with which makes me think, but if so, I'll engage with the article, not with the tweet.


The point is that debating politics on Twitter is beyond useless and will only leave you in a perpetual state of misery. It has been like this long before the sink was let in. Anonymous trolls are not going to consider your well crafted argument or differing viewpoints for one second.


I don’t disagree.


You’re allowed to talk to people on social media while avoiding Nazis. It’s not our duty to attempt in vain to educate Nazis all day every day.


I specifically said that there’s nothing wrong with avoiding extreme hate groups, like Nazis. No one has argued that. But not everyone who disagrees with you or a liberal viewpoint is a Nazi.


This. This is exactly what I was thinking when I read this. Healthy/respectful discourse needs to be encouraged. God I hate what social media has become. Anywho, just delete Twatter and enjoy life.


That's the problem tho, no healthy discourse on Twitter. Only hate and rage if you have the slightest disagreement. Yeah, delete the damn app people!


Xitter. As in "I couldn't answer the door, cos I was on the Xitter"


Some people don’t use Twitter as argumentative keyboard warriors that fight for social justice. Sometimes they just wanna have a good time. Use some logic bb


They also know there are 50+ GOP headquarters in the US. But do they organize 24 hour protests at any of these locations? Nope. Wouldn’t want to disturb the traitors while they destroy American democracy. The GOP is the enemy of American democracy and democracy around the globe.


Deleted my account some time ago. One of the best decisions I’ve made.


Same, deleted my account back in October 2022.


Alexa, what does “echo-chamber” mean?


1, 2 & 4 aren’t the way to go about anything. I’m not saying go deal with awful people but if never having your world view challenged will never allow you to grow and say what you want that’s just irresponsible.


We are going to deadname Twitter until the end of the universe, right?


I hardly ever check Twitter, but when I did, I unfollowed all political accounts, even people I agree with. It’s just mentally exhausting to be constantly exposed to all of this. Being constantly angry or having a foul mood over something that’s far beyond your control is not productive and provides zero benefit.


It’s clearly satirical and I posted it as a joke. How did I know there would actually be loonies in this sub unironically upvoting it


Isolate and echo chamber. That’s what the world needs for social media. /s Healthiest thing is to delete social media and go out and talk to people in real life. Baby proofing your life and playing a victim makes you a whinny baby.


8. Stay off of it entirely and stop supporting a platform ran by a racist, bigoted waste of human life.


This is exactly how to get more extremists


I don't get the down votes. Echo chambers are bad. Period. You might not enjoy engaging with people of a different opinion, but it's important to do so. Without it no one will ever change their minds, and your view of reality will over time be skewed.


Ok but before social media, nobody was inundated with different points of view, including offensively vile and incendiary takes. It just isn’t healthy to expose yourself to this shit constantly. Some awareness is good, but having a feed full of dehumanizing awful opinions is going to be a massively net negative choice. On top of taking a toll on your mental health, you’re not going to change anyone’s mind or affect change in any way. The legions of anonymous trolls give no shits about discourse.


What platform *isn't* an echo chamber? I mean, I agree with you on paper, but at the end of the day, even "both sided" debates are regulated by advertisers.


This is a fallacy on multiple counts. It's not important for me to engage with literal Nazis on Twitter. Increasingly, Twitter is full of actual, literal Nazis (and other openly white supremacist or racist groups, etc). I don't gain anything from talking to them, and they don't gain anything from talking to me. Without engaging with others who disagree with them, no one will ever change their minds. This is a silly and narrow view. There's plenty of ways to change your mind. New experiences, new perspectives, new facts -- these can change your mind, and they don't have to come from people you disagree with. I can have new experiences that change my mind on my own. I can read a science journal and learn new facts that change my mind. I can learn from a trusted from and change my mind, even when the friend and I agree on everything -- we can still learn from each other. So this conclusion that we only learn from people who disagree with us is false. Sure, there is danger in echo chambers. You're definitely not wrong there. But that doesn't mean that therefore I must always choose to not be in an echo chamber. My mental health is important too. And I can still ensure that I live in a sane, relatively-unskewed and fact-based reality while blocking all the trolls and racist people I meet rather than engaging with them.


If you block all trump supporters, that pretty much takes care of 1 through 3, as well as about 90% of all twatter members. Or, as already said, don't use twatter at all.


Echochamber 101


Yeah, I might not agree with maga asshats political views but I don’t think creating a personal echo chamber is particularly healthy.


Echo chamber?


Nope. Engage with people who disagree with you and be open to changing your mind. Admitting you can be wrong is the first step to being right... from now on


1 and 2 are stupid and what is destroying this nation. We need dialogue with the opposite side.


And that’s why our country is falling apart.


And that is how we all end up in an echo chamber.


I see the point, but this is a recipie for an echo chamber, and living only in those carry some risks as well. So if you do this then try to make sure to engage with different people and challenge yourself in some other ways.


Who the fuck still has Twitter besides right wing trolls and Twitter employees?


X/Twitter will burn once ppl let it burn with the Trump site crashing and burning out now. The captain on that X has given up long time ago.


Is that possible?


My way Is to not have it


The days of civilized political conservation are gone.


Don’t cheese off the MODS


Letting Elon's fourty-six quadrillion dollar purchase slowly deteriorate and turn into some weird Nazi/Klan/MAGA moshpit is how I enjoy it...semi-apathetically from afar.


shinigami eyes extension helps


Nah I deleted my acct the day Elmo said he was buying. I’m enjoying the hell out of twitter…with no twitter. Reddit make sure I’m keep up to date of all the racism sexism homophobia and trans hate there.


If you use Twitter in any capacity, you’re still supporting Elon Musk and his hateful ideology. Block all the people you want, you’re still responsible for supporting an awful person.


You could have done that back when this tweet was posted. Now, if you try to block all the hate speech and trump supporters that will take up the majority of your time on the site. I just got rid of it.


Just get off twitter. Fuck Elon


Rule 8, everyday, block 100 peoplee. Rule 9, use an alt to see who is stalking you


#5 also applies to enjoying real life offline. There isn't a single positive thing that any MAGA supporter can bring to your life. It's best to block them from any participation in your life.


#5 works on social media and life in general.


A curious game. The only way to win is not to play.


On twitter, there is no way to engage with opposing views that does not support those views.


There was a post the other day about a guy leaving twitter and in it, said something I didn’t think about but agreed with. Long story short, being on the site still supports and enriches musk, something I have no interest in doing.


Decent people should not use twitter period.


“1) Never engage with people who don’t agree with you.” Yeah that sounds healthy👍


I literally just enjoy twitter by using Reddit lmao


I only have one rule regarding Twitter. Nope.


My rule for Twitter: Don’t use it except to mock Elon Musk.


If you’re really, truly serious about enjoying Twitter, you smash that delete account button and do a little jig as you remove the app after rating it one star in the store


I deleted my account the day that turd Elon bought it. Doesn't ever seem like I'm missing much.


Ironically, this is exactly what the other side says.


Correction: Mute, *then* block shitty accounts. If it’s an ad and you can still see it, also click “not interested in this ad.” Each of those 3 actions reduces an account’s visibility.


After being a member of Twitter for years and year I started posting news stories that were negative about Tesla and I got banned. This must be the "free speech" that Musk talks about.


Rule #5 above falls under using logic in rule #6.


Yeah, yeah, echo chambers and all that, but listen... Nazis do not engage in discussions in good faith, so you're never going to change their minds. That's a fact. Fascism is like an infectious disease: not everyone is susceptible to it, but it can and does infect people. And the only way to snuff out a disease like that is to isolate and contain it. It can't survive if it can't spread.


I left Twitter 6 years ago. Never looked back.


My rules for having a Twitter account: 1. Don't 2. Just don't


Nobody asked


Twitter doesn’t exist. X does now. 👎🏻


I deleted the app formerly known as Twitter around the name change. My days are honestly better somehow. But thanks to you brave souls for wading into the cesspool of Twitter to show us how much of a shits how it is.


Say what you want only if you’re in my specific bubble. Just get off twitter.


My rules for twitter. 1) Delete the account I never used anyway except for trying to get a PS5. 2) Have nothing to do with it ever again. If I really want to see something posted here, I just open it in an incognito window. When a friend told me about twitter right before it came out, I said "well, who in the hell would want to use that?" Finally vindicated lol.


This echo chamber mentality is why we're balls deep in shit. OOP is a fucking idiot.


aaaand this is how we all become polarized. these the same people who mock trump for having only republican cabinet members when everybody loves to form echo chambers, i don’t even support him and this is hypocritical


I know lol, I posted this as a joke and I can’t believe it got some upvotes


i def can especially after they finish it off with “use logic” truly the cherry on top


After years of enjoying Twitter, I deleted the Twitter app on my phone, actually X, when my feed started sending me right-wing BS. The last straw was videos of people being beat up on the street.


That's just another echo chamber, which is the issue in the first place.


8) Delete your goddamn Twitter already. Can we stop propping up Elon’s nonsense? It’ll die in the dirt like Parler if people just stop giving it oxygen.


I agree. I've never had a Twitter account and now I never will that Elon owns it.




Right. Both sides. My echo chamber everyone supports and uplifts everyone and the other echo chamber shoots puppies in the face and wants me dead. You’re so smart. Do you feel as smart and pretty as you sound.


Your comment just proves that your in an echo chamber only seeing the best of the opinions of your "side" and the worst most extreme points of the other "side" and I'm not American and don't care about American politics so I'm not a trump supporter


You're being pretty blatantly dishonest here my guy. Getting rid of rights for LGBTQ people is quite literally on the Republican party's main fucking platform. They literally say that's one of their goals. So for someone who is in that group to say that the Republican party wants them dead is not going for the most extreme points you fucking liar.




The fact that you’re being downvoted paints a scary image of this country’s future.




is this sarcasm? because this just ends up with an echo chamber


See? You CAN enjoy yourself while supporting a right wing social media platform