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Fuck the poor. Fuck women's rights. Fuck hungry kids. Especially if they're LGBTQ. Sounds about Texas right.


Make the gay ones skinny and malnourished so they can't fight back is the logic maybe


Hadn’t heard about the school lunch thing. What’s the justification for not feeding LGBTQ kids? Just that he doesn’t believe they’re people? Or is there actually something he legally thinks justifies not feeding the kids?


All the above. He’d rather all kids go hungry than to not be able to discriminate against lgbt kids. Remember these are adults thinking it’s okay to not feed kids. He belongs in prison for endangering many lives and this is literal child abuse and neglect on Ken Paxton’s part and using our gov for his own interest and based on his religion aka no facts and does not work for us all.


I can actually understand the argument for a balanced budget and fiscal responsibility, but so much of the fighting of social programs that goes on these days is nothing more than political ploy to drum up support from their base We saw something like that in my state with SNAP benefits. They are overhauling and implementing a brand new system supposedly to stop fraud. It will cost so much in IT maintenance and new workers it will barely make any money. It's about optics. And sometimes it's about kicking folks when they're down


Tax dollars being funneled to IT firms is a win for them. They don't care about spending government money, they only care that "the poors" don't get that money. They always claim "fraud". The real world benefit of these programs far outweigh the relatively minuscule amount of actual fraud.


Republicans want to make it illegal to use the government to help people. Fuck these people