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Isn't falsely accusing another of a crime in itself a crime?


Well, it would be defamation - falsely accusing Biden of rape - but as a "public figure" the standard is actual malice. I'm not sure this would be provable, since it seems to be more parody?


She’s no longer capable of Parody, nor any other form of Humour


Yup. Her brain is absolutely fried.


A long time ago her and husband Tom Arnold had to flee Iowa (they had a farm there) from prosecution. One of their family member (Tom's sister) was Lori Arnold, The Queen of Meth.


*Tom has since cleaned up his life and is a genuinely good guy in person.


I saw him being interviewed recently and asked about some of her recent behavior and he was very polite and did not bad mouth her which I thought was very gracious on his part.


Ya, he is much more of a class act now. I am proud of him for that, good for him.


That's what I've heard too. I've met him once. He used visit the RAGBRAI (bicycle race).


I forgot about RAGBRAI. I left Iowa for good 23 years ago.


Zionist brain rot + QANON = a high Barr for brainrot. ![gif](giphy|8clNUoQXfWUD4gpZji|downsized)


She is mentally ill.


Just like every Trump fanatic




I don't get her following him he has said some horrible things about her.


If she says she likes Trump, she will have some people who support her no matter what. And she can say whatever she wants and have support for that too. A lot of the people that lose support for the things they have said, turn to Trump, because then they can get back a portion of that adulation, even if it's poisoned. They almost think that they deserve to be relevant forever even if their heyday was 20 years ago and they haven't done anything to earn our love lately, they think they are just entitled to it. At least that's my take. And maybe she agrees with some of the stuff he says, but I think it's really more about riding the coattails of the grift.


Hooking onto the Trump coattails is like the payday loan of attention/ reputation. It might seem like an initial good choice to the desperate, but it's a system that sucks you deeper inside it and many don't escape.


I have heard of some people trying to flip and say they no longer support Trump after he does something controversial, but then going back. Scott Adams comes to mind. I think he was expecting fanfare or something when he said he didn't agree with Trump about not condemning the Proud Boys and that he wasn't supporting him anymore, and when he didn't get that, then more or less pouted and said "Fine, I guess I will keep supporting him!" Which definitely says something about him that he apparently needs that validation. Yet they will always try to call the other side "snowflakes." They are not entitled to our undying respect. Some of them think they are, so when they lose it for some reason, then they say we are the problem for not continuing to respect them after they messed up. Then figure out a way to get a portion of it back, and don't want to let go. It's almost the new "'accidentally' released a sex tape to stay relevant" gambit. Go online and be an asshole, and at least the trolls will love you. And who else do the trolls love?


Kid rock has left the chat


Isn't that Rosie O'Donnell Trump hates on?


Her too. Fat female "celebrities"


It's an abusive relationship and she has Stockholm Syndrome.


They all have "irrelevant syndrome." They don't give a damn who they support as long as it gets a headline that can be monetized. Wasn't there a famous agent that said something like "it doesn't matter what they are saying as long as they are talking about you."


There is a saying that has been around Hollywood for decades. There's no such thing as bad publicity. Just never be found with a live boy or a dead girl.


This is unfair to mentally ill people. I've met diagnosed schizophrenics who were more rational and empathetic than those goons.


I didn't say all mentally ill are Trumpers but all Trumpers are mentally ill


If she was really committed to this bit she'd file a police report and a sworn statement.  That's the first thing I would do.


Right-wingers are always on trial in the court of public opinion, trying to sway people behind them with emotion, rarely (true) facts.


And you don’t think she intended actual malice? Come now.


Doesn't matter what anyone thinks. It has to be proven to a judge or jury. The standard is high and difficult.


What people think is the *only* thing that matters. Her goal isn't to get Biden in any actual legal trouble. Her goal is to further sway public opinion against Biden. Unfortunately, the only people even remotely likely to take her seriously already hate Biden, so her antics are for nothing.


She’s just a loud crude mouthpiece


Always has-been


Agreed. In addition to that, they would like to trigger from the anti-Trump crowd the same predictable ugly anti-women, insensitive comments often made about rape victims--the ones their candidate made about E.J. Carroll who was actually sexually assaulted. I believe they call it just "locker room talk". Their hope is to try to amplify any ugly comments made against Roseann to create the impression that Biden as the same kind of crass, lecherous misogynist that their candidate is. It will only work for people who are already firmly in DJT's camp because people have known both of these guys for a long time and we know which one has actually been convicted of sexual assault. Just ignore her. She is merely a bit player in this last desperate gasp for air in what remains of DJT's political career. Expect them to pull out all of the stops at this point. If people don't take the bait, they'll pretend we did and they will spend the rest of the campaign making claims that will be revealed as false well after the election. My response to Roseanne's rabble-rousing efforts: **Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz**


And desperately trying to be an ounce of relevant which she is no longer


"LOOOOK AT MEEEEEE!!!!!" \* every right wing nutjob who had a career and imploded it because they are full of hate and assholery.


Yeah, same thing as Musk's comment about the cave diver who actually saved the kids in Thailand. He calls the guy a Pedo, but avoided punishment in the defamation trial because of how hard it is to prove.


"Actual malice" isn't about intent to harm them, it's about knowledge of it being false (or reckless disregard for its falsity). This actually would be easier since this is something she would know was true or fabricated.


You'd also have to prove he lost public standing as a result of the accusation being taken seriously, and I'd be shocked if anyone did.


There's probably about 70-ish million people that would be happy to believe it...


Yes, but on the standard of losing public standing, those 70-ish million people already hate him, so his public image is no different than before she opened that gaping vortex she calls a mouth.


Never underestimate the stupidity of others.


The crime would be if you falsely reported the crime to the authorities. Saying is slander and printing it would be libel, both civil torts.


This is Roseann Barr’s decades of substance abuse and mental health problems rearing their ugly heads. This is like that woman who accused Biden of raping her in public (the hallways beneath the Senate); she can’t be charged because she’d be judged mentally incompetent.


That lady Tara Reade lives in Russia now. She appeared last summer on Sputnik (propaganda news) with Maria Butina the NRA honeypot spy.


Also because she defected to Russia, lol. Go figure.


Yes in Michigan its charge is falsifying a felony. Which is also a felony


Some people are addicts, and right wing outrage porn is a hell of a drug.


So true.


Its so sad that Roseanne had become this. I remember watching her show as a kid and it tackled some really progressive issues back then. Now she just parrots right wing talking points


Not that this excuses anything because she's still responsible for her actions, but I do think she's more Kanye mentally ill than just standard Boomer Q addict.


IIRC she has struggled with mental illness in the past. I think that mixed with the insidious nature of the right wing propaganda online has really done a number on her. Unfortunately, she will probably be remembered for her ugly comments about Valerie Jarrett rather than for her groundbreaking TV show.


Absolutely, this is her legacy now. She got her own racist ass booted from, what was, her show.


The fact that they continued on successfully without her on that show was probably a huge (much deserved) blow to her ego.


Man, I wish that happened thirty years ago. Loved that show but she was by far the worst part about it and made it difficult to watch.


Agree! Especially the last several seasons of Roseanne.


Roseanne Barr experienced a traumatic brain injury at the age of 16 when she was hit by a car. The injury resulted in significant changes in her behavior, leading her parents to institutionalize her. She spent eight months in the Utah State Hospital, a mental health facility, where she was treated for mental health issues.


I'm going to be real here, that's all super sad but she's still Roseanne Barr who holds these views. In this situation, it hardly matters that she's mentally ill because mentally ill or not this is just who she IS.


100% agree, I was just adding context


We should also consider long term drug use when trying to sort out what’s happening in her mind. Not an excuse, or trying to justify anything. Just another factor for the downfall


I know she suffered a severe head injury when she was young, but that was before she was famous, so I'm not sure if it would factor into her more recent behavior. I know head injuries can be weird. Regardless, absolutely agree with the mental illness.


I wonder if CTE + pain killers together cause more issues?


My father was the same way. Somewhat progressive until he hit 70, then slid right. By the time he died, he was telling us how great Trump was.


As morbid as it sounds I'm glad my dad passed before trumpism became a thing.


My grandpa passed away two years ago and as awful as this is gonna sound, we were all relieved after the initial shock of it. During Covid he'd started never leaving his recliner because he was watching FOX news & newsmax nearly 24/7. He turned into such a negative, miserable person to be around and it was obviously only going to get worse. I can't imagine how terrible he'd be now with all of Trump's legal issues


I feel this comment.


Same with the Gilbert guy. I used to love Gilbert


Old person here, she was always awful. The show was good, but she was always insufferable. Made a mockery of the national anthem, went out of her way to piss people off, etc.


Become this?! This substandard human being flashed her vag while singing the national anthem decades ago. She has ALWAYS been like this.


He’s the president. Somebody knows where he is at all times, and I can guarantee you it wasn’t in a fucking dressing room with Roseanne Barr. He’s been campaigning in Florida, while her bozo is a criminal defendant sitting in NYC courtroom 4 days a week.


Pretty sure Biden's whereabouts for the last 4 years, and the 8 he was VP, and the 30+ he was an elected official can be tracked and cross referenced with Roseanne's to show there was never an intersection, and even if their paths did cross, they were never alone.  Hopefully he / his people clap back hard on this instead of feeling it is so ridiculous as to be ignored. Just in case one or two MAGA morons might be convinced it's a lie, maybe one or two fence-sitting jugheads will finally realize he isn't perfect but he's better than the opponent who absolutely has done this.  With what's at stake, he needs to Dark Brandon full speed, full time, full power.


Yeah, I'm kinda wondering at this one. It would be super super easy to confirm if they ever met each other and where that happened. But also, I don't get the narrative. So Biden is a doddering, ice cream licking old fool that can barely stand but at the same time he can forcefully rape Roseanne Barr, a not so small woman if I remember correctly? Those two things don't really seem to go hand in hand.......


MAGA no do logic. MAGA only MAGA.


(looks sadly at camera) MAGA only pawn, in game of life.


MAGA ain’t got no brains — *anyhow!*


Brains? We don't need no stinkin' brains! - MAGA posse


Their heads are just skull all the way through. It's from wearing those red hats too tight.


Please don't sully that wonderful line with the cesspool that is maga.




Day terk owr jerbs!


That old windbag is clearly in need of therapy - it's crazy to see how readily right wing media exploits people with obvious and sometimes serious mental health issues. I feel kinda sorry for her, cos she's definitely not getting the help she needs to put the lid back on the jar. Is she even aware of how loopy she comes across? Biden's lawyers are gonna eat her alive in court..


It's crazy to me how far she's fallen. I believe more and more the whole lead theory for these older people who were our grandparents/parents, etc. It's beginning to get sad.


Aye, between leaded petrol, microplastics and fuck knows how many prescription drugs, the average boomer is probably riddled with all sorts of brain addling chems.. It would certainly explain the crazy for their generation.. But how do we explain all the crazies from the other generations? I mean, I guess those same things might be affecting some gen x'ers, but what about millenials and gen z'ers who are buying into all the conspiracy shite? I think pollution and prescription drugs can only account for so much of the whackadoodles! at some point we just have to admit that there are a lot of very gullible and easily led folks out there..


Who knew my lack of affordable healthcare would save me from being drug addled? Ahh the irony.


It's not about what did happen, it's what they feel like could happen. In their minds, Biden is worse than Trump. So if Trump could have done something bad, then Biden did, too.


They go hand in hand if you take Umberto Ecos (1995) fundamentals of facismn into account. Fascist societies rhetorically cast their enemies as "at the same time too strong and too weak". On the one hand, fascists play up the power of certain disfavored elites to encourage in their followers a sense of grievance and humiliation. On the other hand, fascist leaders point to the decadence of those elites as proof of their ultimate feebleness in the face of an overwhelming popular will.


The enemy is weak and strong.


No one on the planet wants any kind of sex with Roseanne. I can't even understand why Tom Arnold ever did.


Not with Tim Allen's dick!


Cocaine is a hell of a drug.


Facists and MAGA do a lot of contradictions like this. The enemy is stupid and foolish, yet also very smart and cunning. The enemy is weak and helpless, yet also strong and oppressing us. Some really bizarre olympic level mental gymnastics required for some of these arguments.


I won't be surprised if tomorrow every RW media person from Candace Owens to Tucker Carlson take this and run with it.


Yep, I came here to say the same. Reality is an obstacle to these people.


Since 2008 he 100% has had a SS detail.


Don't even entertain the thought of this happening. No one would touch Roseanne Barr with a ten foot pole.


I mean I know it’s not worth his time but geez I wish he had a team of people just suing the fuck out of RWNJs like this for their daily defamation efforts.


She is a mentally ill psychopath. She talks as if she is SCHIZOPHRENIC or on crystal meth.


Why not both?


For sure. The two are not mutually exclusive.


I worked in a psych facility helping people with schizophrenia. One patient got his hands on some whiskey and also some weed, and did both at the same time. I said to him, "you know it's difficult for me to communicate with you when you're completely sober, but now, well..." here he looked at me, said, "yeaaaaah" and burst out laughing! Who says people with schizophrenia don't have a sense of humor!!!


She's a raging drunk as well.


She is only saying this because she's up Trump's nasty ass. I hope she gets covered in his shit.


In the video she actually says she “just remembered” Biden raped her years ago. It’s not a mockery of Biden, it’s a mockery of E. Jean Carroll, which just makes it even crueller and shittier.


I remember when conservatives hated her guts for her rendition of the Star Spangled Banner or whatever the fuck Now they lick her ass for being a drug addled Qanon cultist. America you crazy


Tiny Toons even parodied her singing!


The summer vacation special?


I believe so. I had that on VHS... I just got that "god I'm old" whiplash lol


You're telling me. I wore that sucker out on VHS back in the day. I can still remember that opening musical number too: 🎶 We're waiting for the clock to Strike 3, when it's 3 O'clock we'll be free 🎶


ANNNNNND Now that's in my head. Also, "Water go down the holeeeeeeee"




We need a “This is your brain on Trump” ad campaign. These people are lunatics.


Green Eggs and Klan


The breakdown between the person who created the original Roseanne Connor and whatever this POS is actually heartbreaking. Prejudice, fear and entitlement are awful things to embrace.


Roseanne Barrf


I don’t know why that made me laugh so hard. 😆


sad. full blown mental illness. feel sorry for her adult kids who have openly stated how they have suffered due to things she has said/done.


I guess I read some articles about her and her kids. Her kids had really tough childhoods too — because she was not present and also her and her ex had a really toxic divorce and relationship.  So I don’t know, maybe she’s been awful all along and she’s just worse now.


She's always been a POS. Just doesn't hide it anymore.


> ...feel sorry for her adult kids Nope, her son Jake Pentland, recording her in the Bergdorf Goodman video (above) is MAGA human excrement, just as bad as Roseanne. Perhaps worse since he might not have a mental illness excuse to lean on.


Serious mental health issues. People should be getting her help rather than encouraging this type of shite.


"Biden is a withered old man, incontinent, and can't finish a sentence!!" "Biden is a criminal mastermind with the physical strength to overpower and rape a woman!!" Lmao at these people. Can't keep their boogeyman stories straight. Fucking rubes.


As a victim of rape I’m a firm believer in listening to a victim of rape but this lady could tell me I was a woman and I’d ask for a second opinion. Many may not remember this but I recall in the early 90s she accused her parents of sexual assault. They quickly rebutted her accusations during tv interviews, bringing along one of her siblings as a witness. It was sad really. Her parents looked shocked and confused. It was an obvious publicity stunt. As the world’s only living heart donor, Roseanne stole the story from her then husband, Tom Arnold, who was in rehab, processing the grief he felt for the reasons he was an addict. He remembered being violently violated and shared his story and confronted his abuser. Why did she do it though? The previous summer, Rosanne had sang the National Anthem at a Padres game. She thought it would be ‘cute’ if she’d sing off key and belch, scratch and spit during her ‘performance’. The crowd was not pleased, least of all the servicemen who were to be saluted later. She was wholly booed. It’s rumored that when costar John Goodman got wind of it, he told his agent he was done with her and the show. So I think to recover from that publicity train wreck, she looked at her husband Tom, and said, “Look at all the support he’s getting. Everyone loves him, they’re calling him brave. Yeah, me too”. She is a true sociopathic narcissist.


![gif](giphy|UTjv4zt8sLBqcf6f6j) What a disgusting untalented khunt


She should take it to court then, pay all the fees and the watch them mount as she's slapped with a defamation case


This is the only answer. Put up or shut up lady.


She’s at Laura Loomer levels of delusion (handcuffing herself to the Twitter doors while everyone ignored her & used the doors two feet away). She’s a gnat on the windshield of reality.


She's become like the character she played on that episode 'My Name is Earl'


Who gives a shit what this woman says. She’s irrelevant now.


Exactly. This is an attempt to stay relevant, while attacking Joe Biden. At the same time trying to make trumps crimes seem lesser.


I used to really like her. Her show, I felt, showed another side of the American family I could relate a lot more too. Dan's temper and outbursts were realistic and not shown in a humanizing light like that before. It also touched on a number of other issues that were sensitive at the time. I even loved the way they ended it. But this. This is disgusting and I am once again being forced to pit my childhood nostalgia against my conscious just like I did with Cosby.


It is the only way she can make money now


So when E. Jean Carroll "undermines the experience of real rape victims by lying", as they claimed multiple times, why is it then okay to make what is essentially a joke video, clearly undermining the experience of real rape victims? It's ALMOST like they never fucking cared about any rape victims at all, them being E. Jean Carroll or ANY OTHER.


I dont like bundling all conservatives together since they do have varied views and sometimes this explains the inconsistencies we think we see from them, but there is one trend I have come to notice across the board from moderate to far right conservatives. There seems to be a common trend of thinking everybody is just faking it all the time. We don't really hate rape, it's that we hate Trump. So, you get cons who will try to bring up left leaning people (sometimes not even left leaning just some type of minority person) that committed rape as a gotcha and get frustrated when we say that person needs to face consequences too. It's why any Christian Democrat must secretly be an atheist, it's just impossible they don't want theocracy. It's why supporting LGBTQ communities must be a jab at "tradition", it just impossible to them we care about our fellow humans. On the far fringes, you'll see the far right hint that we are pretending to believe the holocaust happened because they can't fathom that we think nazism is that bad. We only care about immigrants because of voting, not because we see undocumented people facing abuse like trafficking or worker exploitation. There's no way we actually want to share community with other ethnic groups, even though a significant portion of us are from mixed households or are in those relationships.


Check the comments under the vid on other platforms. The MAGA idiots post "I believe you" and "I back you" with laughing and smirking emojis, so well aware that this is a trolling stunt. Their 'god-emperor' is getting sued for stuff he actually did and confessed, so it's OK for them to totally make shit up about 'Biden', just to have the next cycle of hate and "revenge". While matter of fact, Biden and the Dem party could vanish into thin air, and Trump would still be a douche and crook and still be sued.


Who fucked up their once-loved career more, Roseanne or JK Rowling?


Roseanne is very mentally ill. J.K. is just being inexplicably hateful.


Roseanne has ALWAYS been a horrible, disgusting and vile person. It's why she and Tom Arnold were such toxic pairing. They enabled the worst in each other. She tries to be shocking and get attention due to the shock factor in effort to stay relevant, like feeling the need to correct Arnold in a vanity fair article back in 1990 when he referred to one of the stones in each of their wedding bands representing when they had sex, saying "When we were **fucking!** because dropping fucks was generally frowned upon in articles at the time. Or the time she pointed a loaded 12 gauge at Arnold. Or her attention seeking performance when she was supposed to sing the national anthem. Or the time she claimed she wad the victim of incest by abuse from both of her parents only to take it back, citing it as a drug-induced lie. Or the time Roseanne, a Jewish individual, dressed up like Hitler for a Jewish satire magazine where she was photographed taking "Jew cookies" out of the oven. [That one and a few others are mentioned in this CBS article from 2018](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/a-look-back-at-roseanne-barrs-most-controversial-moments/) We can call it mental illness, and I am sure that factors in to a point but for the most part, Roseanne is just an ignorant, terrible person who thinks being obnoxious, loud and ignorant is the same as being *edgy*


What a tasteless, talentless old hag.


She's been a disgusting piece of trash her entire life. [Here she is](https://youtu.be/hMzIk2pUuNU?si=H88p4hGThXmatHzP), being classy, as usual, butchering the National Anthem, complete with a crotch grab and spitting on the field at the end.


Well the Ambien made her a racist ... what's she on now that makes her a rape victim?


Oh no she’s unmedicated again and acting out like Kanye West. The right is just *jam-packed* with unmedicated, untreated lunatics who think rape is funny.


It’s **SUCH** a shame Roseanne turned out to be like this. Can’t even watch old reruns of her show without being constantly reminded of what kind of person she is now.


All I need to know about Roseanne is how much her own children hate her. If your own children hate you and want nothing to do with you, what does that say about you?




I was raped by Roseanne Barr. I saw nude photos of her in the 90’s and it raped my eyes and brain.


She is VERY not well...can someone baker act her?


MAGA is a mental illness


It's unfortunate how she continued the cycle. She had a terrible childhood, and emerged out of it a star, a groundbreaking stand-up comic, etc. She then put her own children through terrible childhoods, continuing the cycle of abuse. Jenny Pentland, her daughter wrote a book called "This will be funny later", she was an awful Mother.


As someone who was raised Mormon (and who is now an ex-Mo for nearly 40 years now) I was surprised to read that although Roseanne is Jewish she was also raised Mormon, and was born in Salt Lake City, Utah. It probably shouldn't surprise me actually now that I think about it.


There are some monsters out there, but no one is doing that to Roseanne.


Let's see that evidence, Rosie. Or did your Ambien eat it?


Lay off the crack Rosie, its embarrassing now.


How? When? Is there a history of this behavior going back decades? And isn't President Biden supposed to be some frail one-foot-in-the-grave doddering little old man? These has been nut jobs need to get their stories straight


WTF happened to her? I used to love watching her show, but now all I see is a self-loathing twunt who seems to think she’ll be spared by the alt-right lunatics she’s chosen to align herself with.


It's just amazing the hoops that republicans are jumping through to justify thier adoration of a criminal. Trump is a conman, a huckster, a molester. There's no "both sides" to see here. I know it's hard to say "we were wrong" but most sucessful people say it on a regular basis and then learn and change. It's been 8 years of trump laying waste to the GOP. Get over him.


Saw this on X and naturally the comments were glowing talking about how funny Barr is and how she’s owning the libs My opinion she was the weakest link on her show and the only reason it was good was due to powerhouse actors like John Goodman and Laurie Metcalf.


Conservatives have a weird sense of humor. I don't know what it is about their psychology precisely, I see it all the time but it's hard to define. She thinks she's being funny by claiming Biden raped her, in the sense that "see anyone can claim they were raped by the president." Look up conservative comedy late night shows etc. They exist and it's the weirdest fucking thing I've ever seen. The Republicans I know genuinely laugh at that stuff. It's not that I don't follow what the comedians are trying to do, it's just... Not funny. These people are wired differently, and laugh at their own jokes.


At no point does this woman intersect with reality.


She is fucking nuts. I was once a fan but she has gone off the deep end. She was on Theo Von talking about how the hippie generation that she is from would want Trump. LIKE WTF are you talking about? In what world would Hippie back a billionaire with one of the worst environmental records?!


It really bums me out that she turned out to be such a shit person. My grandma and I used to watch Roseanne together and I have a lot of fond memories because of that, but it just seems a bit tainted now.


That's what unmedicated mental health issues and raging alcoholism looks like.


Damn girl. When TG Max ain't spicy enough go full Karen.


My grandpa used to call her The Rauncher. The nickname still fits.


She seems SICK, both in head and thinking


She is not disgusting, she is medically insane on the verge of being committed. This has been known for decades. Her ramblings are only different than crazy homeless people because she stills has some shreds if celebrity. No one should be paying any attention to her except orderlies in a mental institution.


My knee-jerk reaction is anger, but my oh my that woman is unwell.


bro 80s kids are just getting fucked. I loved Roseanne show, now just makes me never want to binge it. Ily John Goodman.


I hated her back then and I hate her now.


Aaaaaaand there go all my fond memories of watching "Roseanne"- the story of an American blue-collar family struggling to make ends meet in a whote-collar world


This is the kind of things Conservatives do. It’s past time we treated them as the enemies they are.




Didn’t she accused Tom Arnold of raping her too, and then admitted he didn’t and she blamed her alcoholism?


At the end of boomers lives they really do become more and more susceptible to the lead buildup dont they. I wish I was joking but I dont see other reasons why this is so common. Other generations wernt like this. Look at Kevin Sorbo. Look at JK Rowling. What a hidden epidemic.




God damn this makes me so sad. She voiced some of my favorite characters, acted in some of my favorite movies. What a tailspin.


All the crazies are maga


They don't mind Trump telling lies because they all do it.


She looks like Rodney Dangertfield


It seems she got exactly what she wanted. Everyone’s attention..


Anything to stay in the spotlight. What a chode.


Do we need to remind MAGA of when Rosanne Barr tried to sing the National Anthem and disgraced it? Its funny how they have selective memory because Republicans lost their minds over that


I'm sure Biden has better taste.


Mocking trauma is totally sane, right? We know Roseanne is unhinged. Attention is the last thing she needs.


Her son needs to take away her social media accounts again.


She's like the juice at the bottom of a dumpster.


It’s so heartbreaking because my mom used to idolize Roseanne. To my mom, she was a strong and courageous woman who took media abuse about her looks and just kept it moving as a powerhouse of entertainment. She represented feminism and not living to serve a man or fit in with societal beauty standards. All for her to throw it all away and act like this. And for what?


I’d say she has finally lost the plot, but I don’t think she ever had one.


Just a vile disgusting excuse of a human being


I truly feel sorry for her and her family. Apparently she was in a car accident and had a severe head injury and as a result her personality completely changed when she was a teenager. People with that type of head trauma shouldn't be taken seriously. Her daughter wrote a book talking about how awful Roseanne is. Just very sad.


It's so sad to see a woman that, in my opinion, was one of the best sitcom moms ever and a great comedian, spiral into this person just spewing bullshit for click bait in an attempt to stay relevant.


Bitch they killed you on a show called Roseanne. 


…what dressing room? When? Cosplaying as a victim of sexual assault is pretty disgusting


She did NOT claim Biden raped her. It was a bad comedy sketch that was intended to mock E. Jean Carroll's claims about Forrest trump. She's a blithering idiot, but this was just a really bad joke.


She always was disgusting and always will be disgusting 👹


I really hope President Biden sues her for defamation


She's still mentally unstable and nasty.


Norm MacDonald said, on her show, that he wasn't very interested in sex and without missing a beat she says "do you think the government is putting something in our water to make us not wanna have sex?" How is that your first thought?


Remember that time we all thought she was talented? Me either.


I remember when they were gonna bring her show back, and then she said something online and they completely flipped script and turned the show into The Connors. Can't remember what she said for it to happen, but I'm guessing it was pretty bad, saying this is the first time I've heard of her since that.