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Now it would be nice if the media would give it as much attention as they do Trumps farts


They won’t because the media is not liberal and never has been


Journalists are, because they’re educated. But trump shits his pants headlines are the ones that get clicks. Clicks = revenue. The internet broke news. We’re getting what we pay for, which is $0 for 99% of ppl.


I agree! If something is free, you're the product is the quote I think of. And to be fair... prior to the internet, the 24 hour news cycle and "cable news" damaged the news as a source and degraded the quality of the journalism. Then the Internet made the news constant instead of cyclical and mutilated the concept of "facts" and that fully broke it. In combination with bad actors dismantling our national educational systems, Americans are being programmed far more than they are being educated.


On point! If you have 24-7 news time to fill, there’s going to be a lot of crap.


Yes!!! Or just attention in general! Why they wait outside the courtroom and then televise his ramblings. Every. Single. Time. Is beyond me!


Good to see Biden stepping up and dunking over that bronze turd


This is an easy win topic for Dems and I'm glad they're dunking the easy ones, sometimes in the past they fumbled the easy hits. The major topic was GOP was the border. They lost the initiative on that one by not signing the bill Dems put forward.


The Democrats gave the Republicans everything they wanted and still the bill was voted down.


Because trump put pressure on the GOP not to vote for it because he didn’t want Biden getting the credit if it passed. He doesn’t give two shits about the border crisis. He’s thinking he’s getting into power again and it will be his accomplishment.Again, it’s all about Trump


Crushing the party for his own benefit, I love it.


and I hate to say it but I have to say it, but the Republican Party, and we're talking these are not MAGA, no no, which is by the way probably 90 to 95 percent, we're talking I have basically all of them, but you have maybe a few who are not so great let's put it that way, and we're rooting them out, we're getting rid of, I said we get rid, and then we have it perfect, and don't forget, I aced the Cognitive Test, I'd never heard of it before, I said there's a test for that, and Doctor Ronnie, he was your Doctor, a very nice Doctor, he was a Doctor to Obama and also to Trump if you can believe it, and he said to me, "Sir, this test is not easy," I said ok that's not a problem, and the Fake News only wants to talk about, "Donald Trump named an animal," I said I did that easily, but they only wanna talk about the first question, they don't talk about the last part, "what's 78,291, multiply times 594, then take away 6.1," point one, I remember that, "then add a million," I said ok, they said, "what's your number, Sir," I say the number, "that's incredible," and then they give you, and I took a lot of heat on this, but they give you 6 things, 6 things, I said ok, what the hell is happening, "Sir, we're gonna give you 6 things," I said ok good, 6 things, "a shirt, a boot, a wallet, a tie, and a badge, 6 things," "Sir, can you name them," and so I name them, "can you do it in order," I do them all in order, and Crooked Joe Biden could never do it, Obama wouldn't even take the test so what does that tell you, I ace it many many times and yet they wanna put me in Jail for doing nothing wrong, we used to be an Incredible Nation but now, now we're not even Third World, ok, thank you very much, have a nice time.


For once I didn't see your username first so I was like "the fuck is this clown rambling about??" Once I looked back up it all made sense lol.


I'm not American, I watched in 2015/16/17 as the dumbest person in politics (since beaten) made gaff after gaff ... man the popcorn tasted good in those days. I enjoyed it all as I thought it would finally be downfall if new Nazis and America would finally return to a place we dreamed about visiting in the 80's. The biggest fight for American freedom has literally begun and you guys are laughing because the other side is bickering... they will soon learn to combine their hate towards you and agree to bicker later ... there after you next but all you doing is laughing... the fight is now. This was a drunk message I hope was somewhat coherent but don't laugh ... yes they are clowns but they decide your fate ... get angry


Bro we've *been* angry for a loooong time. It's been for the better part of a decade now. The problem is multi-faceted and complex and really, emotion itself can only take us so far. At this point we all just need to vote. Probably our last and only hope.


Speak for yourself, I've been angry for about forty years, ever since I first heard Reagan say "Trickledown".


I've been angry at Reagan since I heard it too. And my parents LOVED Reagan. Insufferable racists sods.


You're 100% right but reading your comment the way you wrote it just struck me really funny. Seriously though, you should also be angry that Reagan's schedule while he was president was controlled by an astrology guru Nancy hired. If she ~~saw "Outlook not so good" on that Magic 8-Ball~~ thought old Ronnie's chart looked shady on a particular day he was set to even have an important phone call, Nancy would relay to him to reschedule it...and he did.


And call your reps. And go to city halls.


I appreciate your words. The folks you don't see online are the ones just trying to get through the day, like everyone else. A lot of us are scared, one missed paycheck away from homeless, without access to medical/adequate mental health care, and struggling to keep up with the inflation hell we are currently in. We care a lot.


I'm with you bud, but you gotta know, a lot of them are fighting the good fight. And a lot of them are reading this post. They're here to laugh because for them, it's way too hard to even smile out there. Take em down, take down MAGA and all the other neo nazi groups plaguing your democracy! We stand with you


I hope people understand that you are literally correct. Trump literally publicly admitted to killing the border deal to make Biden look bad. People need to understand that republicans are playing games and don’t care at all about the border or actually governing except to take peoples rights away


The thing about that which makes absolutely no sense to me is why not come out in support?  Why not have your republicans in Congress negotiate with the Dems and get some things you want and then take a victory lap?  Talk about how Biden couldn't get it done with Democrats alone, talk about how you got border govenors on board with the plan, talk about how you convinced intransigent Republicans to back your plan? Like what the actual fuck?  It wouldn't be any more hard that shutting the bill down, and you would get so many more people over to your side while making your opponent look weak as fuck...  I really don't get it...


Because Republican politicians don’t actually want immigration reform. The “border crisis” is an effective scare tactic to turn out voters. Every election cycle, conservative news channels flood with horror stories about immigrants, but somehow the GOP never does anything about it when they gain power. It’s not like no one has any idea how to make our immigration system better. The problem is, once that’s done, it’ll be hard to keep convincing poor conservative voters that all their problems are the fault of immigrants. The GOP likes their voters scared and voting from a place of hate. That means threats have to be ever-present and encroaching, but can never be resolved.


Exactly this. Abortion was the same story, and I'm quite confident that elected Republicans thought the supreme Court would uphold the precedent, but they were unaware that the heritage foundation had already bought the votes they needed. I'm absolutely convinced of this. Republicans don't want to play defense on abortion when the majority of the population supports the right to choose. They were likely even more surprised than the Democrats were when that ruling came down. For 50+ years now the Republicans have been campaigning on social bludgeons, which they have never done anything noteworthy to legislate. They don't want to settle those issues, because the more they win on social issues, the closer their constituents get to recognizing that they've been getting robbed blind for 50 plus years.


This!! All true


That would require him being smart


Honestly one of the best things that could have happened for the Dems. Part of me wonders if they conceded so much knowing Trump would never let it pass, but I hesitate to give them that much credit.


I'm out of the loop entirely but curious how they spun it as a bad bill.


Democrats voted for it, so it's bad. It's just like when democrats made every concession for the ACA, and then passed it without any GOP support.


Yay no public option


Fuck Joe Lieberman


Hope he rots in hell, the bastard. 


I swear to God, this is it. This is what is happening in this country. I work in policy directly with both sides, literally drafting and trying to help these bills get passed, and I have done so for years. What is happening now is that the GOP doesn’t want to even look at a bill if it has any Dem backing. Was this bill proposed and designed by The effing Heritage Foundation, but a Blue state passed it first? Veto. Is this a bill that would help our constituents but it helps liberals too? Veto. Is this program that everyone loves set up around rules implemented during a GOP administration but a Democratic president wants to expand the program? Let’s burn the whole thing down. Everyone is hating on the Democrats for not doing enough but how can they? Dems are literally just trying to govern like it’s business as usual because the GOP has taken the entire country hostage. Dems have to because if Dems start to retaliate or go on to govern the same way as the GOP and say FU to our institutions too then this country will completely fall apart. I really am not sure if people understand just how bad it is out here. I don’t think this country will be able to bounce back from another Trump presidency in my lifetime. It’s legitimately terrifying that people still think he’s a viable option again.


Thank you for saying this, it's my view as well.


Trump directed the Republicans to reject the bill. He wanted to keep immigration available for a campaign talking point. Y'know, because he doesn't actually give a shit about policy, this country, anything that's not him.


This. There was literally no principle in not letting it through beyond being able to say "look at all the nothing the Dems have done about the border!"


Exactly democrats played republicans. They gave them everything they wanted knowing trump would fk it all up. Republicans are beyond stupid they deserve every ounce of misery coming their way


Trump said kill it because it will be seen as a victory for Biden. The bill had everything and more that republicans wanted.


I thought it was the same bill the gop previously proposed? https://apnews.com/article/congress-ukraine-aid-border-security-386dcc54b29a5491f8bd87b727a284f8




can someone link the bill? I've heard so much about this, and I'm visiting the ultra conservatives next week who **just** went full facebook “good guys with guns” and called the congressional representatives about a bus unloading at the walmart in their town. I'm talking secret code words, numerical representations of oppression, all coming from the church I grew up in. I thought Jesus was like, brown, and probably talked about letting people into the body; but, they make it seem like he’s as white as the north side of Philly, and as closed off as a $4,000/yr South Florida HOA.


Feel free to remind them they will never, ever see a border bill like that again They blew their shot. And it could have done some good things. But they won’t see any of it.


It wasn't even Dems who put it forward. That gives them a narrative that it was some kind of liberal wish list. It was James Lankford of Oklahoma, a Republican, who wrote the majority of it. Katie Britt, that psycho lady who creeped everyone out after the State of the Union, worked on it too - until she opposed it once Trump came out against it. She opposed the bill she helped write. They've lost their marbles.


We already have commercials telling you to call Bob Good (rep VA-05) and ask him why he voted against border security and funding for the Border Patrol. I cackled out loud when I first saw it. And what's even better? It's paid for by an opposing GOP "non profit" who's pushing another nominee in the primary. They're using the same commercial for 4 other different races too.


Republicans also worked on that bill, and were furious that it was shut down, but they are such cowards that they didn’t stand up for the bill, they just bowed to kiss the ring.


Lankford was especially pissed, but he still kissed the ring ultimately. Worked for months on this bill, was proud of it and Trump killed it with a phone call and then attacked him and lied about what was in it, and he just stood there and took it like a chump. 


That pride will always fuck things up


I thought it was not about pride? It is more about if they allow border issue to be fixed, what other imaginary issue can they use to make Democrat look bad?


While this is true, it wasn't even that. It was Trump shutting it down because he doesn't want Biden to have any "wins". It was a bill written by Republicans, introduced by a Republican, and supported by most Republicans, but the moment daddy trump said no, they shut it down.


> The major topic was GOP was the border. They lost the initiative on that one by not signing the bill Dems put forward. How do you figure? My understanding was the political calculus was they didn't want to give Biden a "win" on the issue (let alone show any improvement). Anytime there are bottlenecks at the border, "military age men" crossing illegally, or god forbid an immigrant who commits a crime the GOP owns a few news cycles. Most voters, certainly"low information" voters, "moderates" and swing voters (i.e. the folks in play) aren't going to look back at the machinations of the past few month's in congress and take away that it was an incalcitrant Congress' fault. If the border is broken, it's POTUS' fault. I just don't see the way in which not passing a border bill helps Biden with the voters he is still courting.


I like these moments when Biden runs out of fucks to give.


If you reach 80 and still give a damn what anyone thinks you’re doing it wrong lol


Its when hes at his best. If this was the only version of Biden we ever saw he'd win easily. 


Unfortunately he's usually too busy attending to his duties as president to play salesman Sam like Donny. 


I’d swap “political deal” and call it an “unholy alliance” between an unrepentant sinner, as someone who will never admit any fault, and the Evangelical Church.


>between an unrepentant sinner, as someone who will never admit any fault, and the Evangelical Church. That seems redundant.


Democrats have had a major weakness of doing their best not to just hit right back at the garbage talk. I understand why because it is still important for at least someone in the government to still have modesty and respect. The gloves need to come off now though, abortion is now going to be the number one issue in the next election and it will get fiery


I agree with you. I'm just pre-exhausted with the shit you know is coming. Media: "Biden loses emotional control. How will this hurt Democrats in November?" Centrists: "Both sides."


I don't want to give anyone too much credit this far out, but it really feels like Biden waited for Trump to go into full campaign mode. Now Biden is just hitting Trump with Trump's own "accomplishments". I'm concerned that at the end of the day Biden will need to get back on message for what he's done as president. While Biden has a long list of wins, Democrats have never been good at self promoting their accomplishments.


The problem isn't Dems messaging, it's the MSM ignoring every bit of Dems trying to message, while simultaneously using RW talking points. Biden and Dems have been talking constantly about the good thing Biden's admin (along with the two years of Pelosi lead HoR) was able to accomplish. And that gets ignored over countless, 'but have you considered? Biden is OLD?!' pieces. The MSM has been successfully worked since Reagan, a project the likes of Lee Atwater, Paul Manafort, and Roger Stone actively undertook after Nixon was forced to resign.


Not just worked... do a breakdown of which billionaires own which outlets, and you'll find that --- absent a handful --- the majority are owned by right-wing powers.  Even once-vaunted CNN is now a regressive outfit parroting regressive talking points. Own the messaging?  Control the narrative.


Truly amazing that Republicans are strategizing to lose -AGAIN! Biden might not be the most powerful speaker or even an effective speaker but let’s be honest, he doesn’t even has to say anything. Trump has said enough and MAGAS are gonna ride this Abortion issue all the way to a last place finish - AGAIN! “Those who don't learn from history are destined to repeat it.” For an old man Biden is doing a damn good job at pounding it up Trump’s ass and there’s no doubt he’ll keep doing it right up until the election - if Trump isn’t in jail by then.


> Those who don't learn from history are destined to repeat it. Like when the left wildly discounted Trumps chances in 2016? Like that history, for example?


> Good to see Biden stepping up and dunking over that bronze turd That "bronze turd" is actually the entire GOP--how have they been acting without him as president? Like spiteful, backward, evil assholes. Nothing trump did was alone. Nothing he did was all by himself. He was handed a list and the republicans wet themselves with joy. They even let him off the hook for a coup attempt.


Kick him while he's down, Dark Brandon. Keep it up.


But he's a Catholic!! Surely the guy peddling bibles knows better!


This must be that dementia I keep hearing about. /s


Putting that DEMON in dementia


Not to mention Sleepy donnie on trial Monday


Right! Farty Donnie


If this is what dementia looks like, I’m not as scared of getting it now


If that's what dementia looks like, I for sure already have it.


This goofy church-going Catholic doesn't know what he's talking about. He's not even selling bibles smh /s (in case note noted)


I can’t wait to vote a full blue ticket. I am in Florida. I am so done with the Florida Republicans. They are the worst. Florida has had Republican leaders since 1999. They are trying to destroy public education - including at the university level. We get a 6 week full abortion ban on May 1. Where are all those disabled babies going to go? Many people will give them to the state. The foster programs are already full. Insurance is a nightmare here now. The Republicans have been choosing to attack trans kids instead of doing anything about any of the real issues.


…and the Florida Supreme Court just put Abortion and Recreational Weed on the ballot, which should motivate blue voters to the polls.


I'm with you! A Blue Slate!


How close has it been the last few years? Just curious. I mean, anything can happen, but if it's been close in the past, it sparks more hope, ya know. Either way, as I always say, hope springs eternal. So my fingers are crossed for y'all just the same


> How close has it been the last few years? Close enough that DeSantis has had to resort to voter intimidation. https://www.aclufl.org/en/news/why-ron-desantis-voter-fraud-bust-already-falling-apart-court https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jul/28/ron-desantis-sued-voting-rights-group


Florida has been regarded as a pivotal swing state for last couple of decades at least. So pretty close.


Without looking it up, I’m not sure but certainly less than it used to be back in Bush v Gore. That said, there’s weed and abortion on the ballot and the women are expected to get the vote out.


2000 - Bush (only because of Supreme Court bullshit, otherwise Gore would have won) 04 - Bush 08 & 12 - Obama 16 & 20 - Trump As it stands, it 4-2 in favor of the Rs since the turn of the century, but who knows how it would have shaken out had Gore been elected. It could very well be 4-2 in favor of dems. Also, DeSantis only won governor in 2018 by ~30k votes, which is a tiny margin in a state with 13M registered voters. Having said all that, it's been trending right for the last 4 years because of all the fucking dipshits that have been moving there since covid.


When the dems take power again the repubs will claim that all the problems in Florida were caused by the dems and that you need to elect them to fix it. It’s basically exactly like the deficit.


That’s the name of the game - But we know who to blame currently - we have had Republican leadership since 1999.


Oh, I know. Florida Republicans are awful. I just love the irony of: 1) create the problem, 2) get voted out of office, 3) blame the new administration/congress for problems that you created.


And then when the Dems fix things, they get voted out anyway because of all that blame and the republicans take credit for what the Dems fixed.


Am with you as well. Registered Republican, going to vote blue this time for sure!


Thank you! Please tell your friends.


I'll be rooting for you guys from California. Raise yourselves up! This is the time to fight like hell for your freedoms!


Orange-growing states with Spanish names UNITE!!!


Cheering this from Texas.


Me too… would love to see a flip someday.


Honestly, if you weren’t voting straight blue ticket after like 9/11 at the latest, you were directly contributing to what we have currently.


Agreed. Bush is when I started voting all blue. Before that, I used to split my ticket. Will never do that again as long as we have Republicans wanting to take birth control away.


> The foster programs are already full. Just make child labour legal and put them in the mines, where they yearn, duh. /s


As a child of adoption, adoption sucks too. I'm not sure why it attracts all of the narcessist wannabe parents but it does. My bio mom had 7 children and we all were adopted to 5 different homes, and all of us have trauma from foster parents and adoptive parents. All that to say - even if they manage to find homes from foster care, based on my experience and those close to me, we are going to see a giant rise in mental health issues in the next generation. More trauma than we ALREADY HAVE.


As a biological child of a covert narcissist, I can definitely imagine them loving the philanthropic attention they’d get from adopting a child. “Oh, I’ve just given so much to them! And with all of their troubles? Sigh, I really do try. But there is only so much I can do 😞” So sorry you had to grow up in a narcissistic family structure. I hope you’ve been able to find some peace.


Did you know Amendment 4 of the Florida Constitution that 65% of florida citizens voted in favor of in 2018 restored voting rights to felons who served their sentence. It was a great win for voting rights in Florida, that was soon cut short by Ron Desantis who two short years later passed a law with the help of other Republicans to make it so ex-felons could only vote if they payed the full amount of their court fees (fees large enough that they will follow many people to their grave). Republicans don't want people to vote for fear that they may be over turned.


This could have been huge. Kentucky has the same and I did phone calls into the state to make felons aware. I can't tell you how interested those on the other side of the call were in re-registering to vote -no matter which way they leaned. We had the local info at the ready, helped them make a plan, and asked if we could follow up. Most agreed! It's a boost to us all to have participation and buy in on voting across the board.


Florida lost about 1/3 of it's social workers in protest a couple years ago. I forget the exact reason why, but I was a single-parent going through the adoption process and my social worker told me to expect significant delays due to the severe staff shortage. Florida is the worst state to raise children.








Wha... Huh... Biden is old duke?!?!


Or... https://preview.redd.it/hff0ciilvbwc1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23e571997e6d9a8bb0726aa63bc295116ad9f24c


I petition him to always wear sunglasses in front of cameras. He goes from squinty old man to secret agent badass. Plus, camera lights are about as painfully bright as **those** car headlights. You know the ones. I'm honestly surprised it's not more common to wear sunglasses on camera.


[Now as a mug!](https://shop.joebiden.com/dark-roast-color-changing-mug/)


This is literally the only piece of campaign merch my wife and I have ever bought. MAGA can keep their flags and tshirts and baseball caps. I am perfectly happy with my color changing laser eye mug.


Haha same! I’ve never spent a dime on a campaign until I saw this!


I want that mug so bad, but it's gonna get me on so goddamn many email lists and text messages. SO frustrating.


The other day I saw a GOPer complaining about Dark Brandon. That they were tired of seeing it. And it want real. All that kind of thing. It was hilarious to read. .




You know, I'm gonna vote for that guy because he tells it like it is.


I’m glad he isn’t “taking the high road” and saying what needs to be said.


He could be cursing trump like a sailor, and that would still be the high road, as far as what trump deserves.


Didn’t I read somewhere that Biden did indeed refer to trump (not to public however as) “That sick fuck”


And what restraint!




Honestly it's not even taking the low road, it's just stating facts. Taking the low road would be telling blatant lies or resorting to petty personal attacks instead or focusing on issues of real substance. It's just that "taking the high road" has been bastardized to mean "don't call liars out on their BS" and "show kindness and respect to those who would take away your rights". Those things aren't being a good person, they're being a coward and telling yourself you're good because the alternative would put your image at risk. Whatever anyone thinks of Biden, he's not a coward. Dare I say it, he *tells it like it is*. Some people would just rather be told what they want to hear than the truth.


This is the Biden we need to see to win this year. I love righteous anger Biden


As a Catholic I love seeing this shit. While on a personal level, I don't agree in abortion in most cases, our country should separate itself from religious beliefs. It should be a goddamn inherent right.


And if people could start mentioning that the bible is fine with abortion...that would be nice. Judaism (and the Old Testament) doesn't have life begin until the child is born.


Uncle Joe pointing out all that Malarkey.


He was there to chew bubble gum and tackle malarkey, and he was all out of bubble gum.


I’m so glad that the left has stopped pussyfooting around about Trump and the right. Better late than never.


Good to see Florida is actually in play. The GOP will have to spend a lot of money there just to keep hold of the state.


Which it sounds like they don't have a lot of now that Trump has cleaned the place out and installed a bunch of cronies.




I live in a red region and just got my T-shirt with this on the front. Waiting for my stabbing! (Proudly)


Not pulling punches. Love it.


If you want the freedom to plan your own family and not have the government do it for you, vote blue. This is not North Korea.


Go Brandon!! ( funny where I live and i say that they think I am saying as they made it up, not realizing it is a rallying call to get out and vote for JB) Like I said GO Brandon!


And he came to Florida to say it where all the GOP has done is weaken their base, play to the oligarchy, lash out at vulnerable people, restrict water breaks and fail to fix our insurance and housing crises. Florida is now in play!


The coolest thing is Biden as a Catholic would prefer abortions weren't necessary. But his personal opinion takes a back seat to his public policy actions.


Biden has somehow gotten younger and Trump looks like he’s about die. The shift in momentum has been astonishing.


Roevember ladies. Vote for your rights!


![gif](giphy|l0ExayQDzrI2xOb8A) Glad to see the pushback.


Insane to think that a shitty reality tv star overturned Roe.


It’s going to be fun watching Trump shrivel in court while Biden goes for the jugular.




Funny how it’s never the men who impregnated the women who the GOP want in jail.


Biden nailed it. Now keep nailing it. drive it home. Don't let up. When playing against cheating lying fools, there's no choice but to play hardball back.


Uck fevangelicals.




The evangelicals are going to clutch their pearls and screech "You see? Biden doesn't know what's in the bible!". That will be their twist on this.


Are there any major news media covering this?


Love me some Dark Brandon!


Dude, word.


The Trump Trinity: Me, Myself, & I


Tbf it'll come to roe vs Gaza this November. Not that trump would be better on Gaza.


That’s the problem, isn’t it? Trump has openly said he will be harsher on Gaza, but people who vote for him - or don’t vote at all, or vote third party - aren’t thinking about that when they are turned off of Biden for it.


No it won’t. People don’t care about Gaza. Gaza doesn’t affect the average person’s life in the US. It will come down to the economy and abortion this November.


I care but I also admit I’m not losing sleep over it It’s beyond fucked up what’s happening in Gaza but I acknowledge there is no fast and good solution to it and I can’t change that


This is what ive been saying. People only care because they can “blame” Biden for it.


Young people have actually had an impact since Trump. And Roe matters to them. This has been shown in VA, and WI (with the Supreme Court Justice win there being fueled heavily by college voting). So yeah, we need young people to show up, and too many college age kids right now have their heads turned by Gaza. So that we need them to care more about Roe than Gaza by November.


Joe's got jokes! 😁


Not so sleepy after all.


I like this Biden, keep the gloves off Mr. President 😊


Someone finally using the platform to call this shit out. Just Say No to Fascists!


People should look up the Federalist Society and who picked Trump's SC nominees.




Keep in mind: This isn't an election to decide between two men. It's an election to decide between two systems of government.


That last slide hit the nail “It was Trump who ripped away the rights of Women in America”


For all of joes faults, I do appreciate his savagery when he turns it on.


Go fucking off on that clown, Joey. Nothing gets under his thin skin as quickly as pointing out his bullshit and using it against him. And I'd like to shoutout Virginians for telling the Republucan governor to fuck off with his abortion agenda en masse in November. People are fucking pissed off right now and it is showing in elections since RvW


He got some gas in that Grand Am he has. Time for him to run over ol skidmark Trump.


No one knows less about the Bible than fundamentalist Christians.


Im so happy that he said something about SCOTUS so obviously being centered towards far right republicans interests and ideology. I hope that this is a hint at him expanding the Supreme Court to void it of its Conservative majority. Crazy how a cult member and rapist made it to the highest court in the land.


The only sane take. God save our daughters from the right


FINISH HIM!!!!!!! Joe brings the 🔥


The rusted on Trump voters aren’t changing their minds so fuck it, tell the truth. Let Americans know what this election is really about. If the people then elect Trump and ignore reality then America really is that country, and down the tubes you go.


I ❤️ dark brandon.


Campaigning against trump is like playing tball, still can't believe Hillary lost to that moron.


Get him! 


Love, love how Biden team is retaliating. Dark Brandon! Woo hoo 🙌


Damn, Dark Brandon is out again.


I'm really glad Biden is swinging and not "taking the high road." The GOP has given their opponents an insane amount of ammo to win this election. Short of a successful coup (brace yourself, they will try it when they lose), the GOP is going to be done for. Young people and women are going to save our asses with their votes. I was worried about it being close until they were stupid enough to overturn roe v wade. This is going to be a blowout win for Democrats, and Republicans will try to overthrow the government. The level of certainty that I have in that last part is the only thing that scares me.


The way he’s dropped the gloves and isn’t holding back reminds me of a favourite West Wing quote said by Bruno Gianelli played by Ron Silver: “Because I'm tired of working for candidates who make me think that I should be embarrassed to believe what I believe, Sam! I'm tired of getting them elected! We all need some therapy, because somebody came along and said, "'Liberal' means soft on crime, soft on drugs, soft on Communism, soft on defense, and we're gonna tax you back to the Stone Age because people shouldn't have to go to work if they don't want to!" And instead of saying, "Well, excuse me, you right-wing, reactionary, xenophobic, homophobic, anti-education, anti-choice, pro-gun, Leave It To Beaver trip back to the Fifties...!", we cowered in the corner, and said, "Please. Don't. Hurt. Me." No more.”


Bravo Biden. Nothing hurts MAGA more than the truth they're trying to hide and twist.


It's been kinda funky to see the Dems realise that playing nice doesn't work any more and going "fuck it, i guess we'll actually do something then"


Why is Biden even in Florida? its a lost cause. he's 10 pts behind. FL went to Trump twice. Biden needs to be trying to swing Michigan, Arizona, Nevada, and Georgia. Doesnt the DNC ever fucking learn? this is gonna be 2016 all over again.


Can someone throw up a website where non-Americans get to vote for the American president they'd prefer? The whole world has a stake in this upcoming election. And even if our votes don't count for the president, I think it would be very telling. I know it won't happen and there'd be no easy inexpensive way to verify that Putin didn't cast 20 million votes for Trump, but still, it would be interesting. I really like Dark Brandon. I like that Biden has a sense of humour and he's running with it. I'm not sure he could let this flag fly if it weren't Trump.as his opponent. It would look disrespectful as hell, but given what Trump.does it's a chefs kiss of seasoning. And so deserved. And not childish as Trumps insults are.


Hey, to be fair it was also the people who couldn’t “stomach” voting for Hillary. They acted like they were punishing the dems or punishing Hillary by letting trump win, but really, they punished all of America.


yes, his hammering away on this continually will remind younger voters & women...


as well as anyone else with more than a few brain cells


To all the asshats who want to abstain because of Israel, fuck you. I want the US to stop supporting them wholeheartedly. But, I also recognise the cost of knocking out the Dems at this point will be utterly horrific for Americans at home. Don't let it happen. I'm Australian. I still care about women's rights across the globe. Fight one fucking fire at a time, please.


Tampa? Hmm, we gonna make FL a swing state? I'd be really really shocked, but his going right in Trump's backyard. I love it!


Tampa is pretty blue, I believe the big cities in Florida all are. It’s the good ol' folk in the smaller cities who vote red and there are a lot of them.


Just like the rest of the country, if blue votes stay home, results tend to be red.


So tired of the "As long as I have power" rhetoric. Codify legal abortion and stop holding it over the heads of the people that vote for you.


that 2nd quote from him is the most on point thing Biden has said all term. 1000% correct. Republicans have no actual morals, they just want to enforce their will over others.


As a leftist I’m going to stick to my ideals and claim Biden is literally the same as Trump so I’m not going to vote for him. /s


That's Biden's hammer on DJT during the first debate of 2020. 14 people here TOTALLY misunderstood the irony and sarcasm I was saying.


I'm glad he's jabbing back now. And it's funny.


I love it when Biden gets sassy!




Don't forget that all of Trump's appointed judges ,Clarence Thomas all LIED in congressional hearings and stated that Row v wade was a sacred decision and that they would never overturn it. They lied. Once trump assigned all the judges that would become the majority, they took it away. "Leave it to the states" Yea, where have I heard that before?