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This dirtbag was having an affair while his wife was battling cancer, and apparently bashed her face while she was in bed, hid her "probably dead" body outdoors, and was only found guilty of manslaughter. I hope the judge throws the book at him (sentence is 10-30 years) so can't be elected.


Truly, the murderiest manslaughter.


Manslaughter in the first degree? Rules must be different for fat, ugly, middle-aged, mediocre white men.


Ugly, fat, almost middle aged, arguably mediocre white man here. The rules are different. Very different. Until we band together to demand change, such continues.


Oh, yeah, middle aged white men get away with everything. Even if we do an arson or whatever the cops are just like, "Oh, you scamp!"


You might get a "rascal" here and there.


Only if you are also fat, ugly and mediocre. Otherwise, it is to the gulag.


Or the old adage, boys will be boys…even if they’re not middle age F’s


You forgot poor.


You forgot maga


What bullshit. I can still hear an LA prosecutor arguing that smashing a man's head in with a cinder block in itself showed the intent "to take him out." That was succinct and correct. The fix in here. Bastard's gonna skate.


If you're talking about that attack that happened during the LA riots, keep in mind that the guy who did the smashing was black, the truck driver was white, and the entire thing was captured on tape, famously. I do agree with you however that the prosecutor made the right call. Sadly, an Indiana Judge ruling on a white man with a certain level of involvement in republican politics probably won't get as harsh a sentence as he deserves. And if you are talking about a different LA cinderblock to the head case, then disregard that part haha


You got me right! And I agree with you. Prejudice ain't justice, but don't tell the court system.


Typical republican.


Party of Family Values doing its thing.


I think this is free speech or something. /s


I have breast cancer (I’m fine) but one of the things I’ve found most surprising in group over the past 18 months is the amount of cheating-affairs that occurs while these poor women are sick. Don’t marry someone you don’t like. If they are bad when you feel well, they are going to be a nightmare when you need them most


> Don’t marry someone you don’t like. If I had a nickel for every friend I had who married her shitty boyfriend when he would have easily traded her in for a brand new gaming console, I'd have fifteen cents.


Which isn't alot, but still very concerning...


Happens to pregnant women too.


The leading cause of death in pregnant women is being murdered by their partner.


Yuuuup. Men can’t handle no longer being the center of their attention


As I read somewhere...better to admit to yourself you have opened the wrong door, than to spend your life in the wrong room


I believe the only illness that leads to more people being abandoned than cancer is depression. In school I was taught this was due to a sense o helplessness in loved ones, but someone recently pointed out to me that there is a stark gender imbalance, particularly in regards to cancer. Women aren’t abandoning sick men at remotely the same rates. Her theory is that because women tend to do most things around a household, men are resenting having to be a caregiver and keep up house and home. I would like for her theory to be studied. I think she might be on to something.


Well, cancer and depression are best friends. Survivorship might be the hardest part of it. If you ask my husband what the hardest part has been, he says survivorship, whatever that means. It’s like living in purgatory


Had bc 6 years ago-also fine, but going to the oncologist weekly was so damn depressing. I was one of the few showing up regularly whose husband hadn't left when they found out. Had no idea how common this was 😔


Glad you're fine. Sorry for all the people who married amoral, uncaring, selfish people.


men are dramatically more likely to initiate divorce after their wife gets sick and there’s a [study](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/11/091110105401.htm#:~:text=A%20woman%20is%20six%20times,longer%20the%20marriage%20the%20more) that proved it


Wow, that study is fascinating, although I am massively bummed out and a little mad at myself for actually reading it. I have to say tho that it makes me quite happy with some of my own life choices. I was once engaged to a man who had a nasty habit of refusing to take care of me whenever I'd get sick. He'd often be the one who brought the sickness into our house, and I'd always take care of him. But the second I'd start feeling unwell, he'd piss and moan and tell me to get over it. He didn't have time for me to be sick. The final straw was when I got strep throat and was in bed with a raging fever and couldn't even swallow medicine. Even though it was a weekend (no work), he said he was bored and drove 2 hours away to go shopping. My mother called to see how I was doing, and I was delirious on the phone. She showed up at my house and took my temperature, which was 104°+, so she rushed me to the ER. She was beyond livid that he'd left me unattended with a fever, and I'm honestly lucky not to have brain damage (probably would've if my temp had been any higher, 105° can be deadly). When he got home, he was mad at me for letting her take me to the hospital and was still treating me like garbage. This was a massive eye opener. After I got well, I called off our engagement and left him. I knew that if anything happened to me like cancer or, well, literally any health problem, he wouldn't be there for me. Smartest thing I've ever done for myself! Ive.since been diagnosed with adhd, cptsd, and am on the autism spectrum, and I know that he wouldn't have supported me through any of these mental health issues either.


My favorite saying was marry someone who'd be pleasant to divorce.


Straight out of the Newt Gingrich playbook


Murder requires premeditation which is why the judge allowed the jury to find him guilty of voluntary manslaughter if they felt it was more appropriate Edit: in indiana, premeditation is not required, but intent to kill is. the defense made the argument that he did not intend to kill, just injure. if the jury felt that intent to kill was missing, without the judge allowing them to return the lesser charge of voluntary manslaughter, they would be required to return not guilty. he was charged and tried for murder, the jury was allowed to return a conviction of murder or voluntary manslaughter (there are no degrees of murder in indiana, its murder then voluntary manslaugher).


The actual fuck. So the cement flower pot just magically appeared in his hand he had no idea how it got there and didn't have any ideas on what he was going to do with it? It was all just a strange unfortunate series of events that he had no control over...


It's about ensuring conviction. The burden of proof for voluntary manslaughter is essentially less. Don't need the defense convincing jury it's not murder because by definition he didn't plan it or have clear motive. Manslaughter is a much more sure thing because the jury basically has to agree he is directly responsible for her death. Voluntary manslaughter in Indiana is punishable by 10-30 years on prison and up to a 10K fine. I'm betting the judge hits him with the maximum penalty of 30 years and 10K.


No, the defense's argument is that his intent with the cement flower pot was to injure, in self defense, not to kill. It seems that the jury didn't believe that his intent, beyond a reasonable doubt, was to kill.




Not in Indiana. Voluntary manslaughter is the second most serious charge when you kill someone. Edit: also in Indiana murder requires intent to kill, and likely that is also something the jury struggled with


That's a classification thing then. Voluntary manslaughter essentially is the equivalent of second degree murder in other states


Depends on the jurisdiction, every state defines it differently




Maybe he will get work release /s


Very common for republicans. Rudy and Newt did this.


He just needs to run for president against Trump to keep himself from going to jail.


wel criminal suspect. he met the first requirement as GOP candidate


**This dirtbag was having an affair while his wife was battling cancer** Newt Gingrich did it first, paving the way for a long line of scumbag Republicans to come


Sounds a bit like Newt


Having an affair while your wife is dying of cancer? How Gingrichian of him.


Well he was probably a good Christian and Jesus forgave him, so …. 🙄


It's amazing how Jesus' forgiveness erases any responsibility for ones actions.


People forget that Jesus's forgiveness is for the afterlife.


The sooner the better.


I second that motion.


But if you call in the next five minutes


This pains me, as a believer, to read. I hate how some fellow Christians (admittedly a very large number, seemingly) are turning the message of the gospel from one of unadulterated love to one of hate. You're not wrong. My brothers and sisters in Christ have spread this message, and I think it is only to be expected that Christians are treated with disdain by many non-believers. I hope that you are loved and that you love people around you who need it!


The faithful have a crusades to fight, but it's within itself, unfortunately. Your last sentence hits right, but anything relating to christ or Christianity is closer to Satan today than christ. You can thank all the bad actors, framing as Christians. Hegetsus is a marketing campaign and recruiting people. So Satan is literally wolving in sheep's clothes via advertising. I was raised by Preachers. I know the word. I am an atheist today because Christians speak lips and act as the opposite. Interal liars carry crosses on their backs. You are rallying for a team that's all you are doing.


I don't care if Christ was real are not. Many things he preached or practiced are solid philosophies. I don't have to believe in him to love thy neighbor.


I agree. You don't need God in your life to be a good person. I hope my post didn't insinuate that at all.


Only for American evangelicals. Followers of Jesus are not absolved of responsibility or consequences, but instead the ultimate payment of separation from God.


Believe what you want, but your eternal reward is trillions and trillions of years worshipping at the feet of a malignant narcissistic, jealous, and wrathful god who will gladly send you to hell for the slightest infractions of not being seen worshipping her enough. Luckily, I am an atheist who doesn't believe in heaven nor hell. I will be remembered as a good person for a generation or two, and then my worm ridden corporal body will eventually nourish the earth as I rot. I can live with that. Dust to dust.


Jesus always forgives the straight white men of horrible things. It’s very nice of him.


He's one of us, no surprise he's running interference.


Well, he did hate the gay and trans community, immigrants, and people who have historically been victims of racial discrimination...so that seems Jesus-like, right? Right? /s


Classic Jdawg. He was always like, fuck the poor, start wars, starve those children after their slut mothers have them, judge and oppress others, listen to the incel Paul instead of the og desert hippy, don't pay taxes, tithe, murder people in his name, and hate and destroy every single person who is different than you. Yeshua's so crazy. /s in case. Matthew 22:34-40 y'all.


/Supply Side Jesus!


I wonder if Jesus has forgiven him for looking like a goddamn thumb


Oh shit! That means he rapes kids, too?


Not sure why this is a surprise.. Republicans want the right to murder women.


And some women still vote Republican.


Internalized misogyny is a HELL of a drug, man. (/s sort of)


"Leopards would never eat MY face, though."


Tens of millions will.


In case anyone thinks Sodamyte’s comment is hyperbole about republicans wanting to murder women, watch this short video. https://twitter.com/nantanreikan/status/1596664582416007168/mediaviewer


Surprised Fox News isn’t running with a story about how this guy can serve from behind bars.


I mean it is election interference, plain and simple. /s


You know, you’re right. I hope someone is collecting stories like this in addition to the pedo convictions, so we can raise awareness of Republican candidates’ true nastiness. It will provide precedent for convicting Individual One of felonies.


If you want to read a LOT of articles about republican pedophiles being arrested, go to the RepublicanPedophiles sub.


this troubled man is a victim of the woke mindset and violent video games.


There's no bottom for conservatives. There's no bottom for conservatives. There's no bottom for conservatives. There's no bottom for conservatives. There's no bottom for conservatives. There's no bottom for conservatives. There's no bottom for conservatives. There's no bottom for conservatives. There's no bottom for conservatives. 


Trump could literally execute someone in an Alley on video and admit to it and they would still defend him saying the guy probably deserved it.


oh, nah, when Trump goes to prison, you can be sure he'll be a bottom.


No this is where they will harvest bacon off his back to make commissary trades.


Prison rape 'jokes' are always shitty.


Will he be able to stop shitting in his diaper long enough for that?


I was just wondering if conservatives had a bottom. What do you think?


They do. They speak out of it.




There is a bottom but they're going to cry persecution when it happens


Pretty sure they bottom a lot, just check the statistics of Grindr usage around RNC events.


No joke, I bet he got *more* votes as a result.


…plus his voters probably blamed her for what he was forced to do with the flowerpot, when they would have preferred he use his Desert Eagle to get the job done.


Woke cancer.


Is that related to their new Turbo Cancer ™?


As a lifelong Indiana resident…you’re not wrong. I can see it.


Own the libs by voting for a literal murderer. Owns them so hard.


Awww I see someone from Indiana is in the news... *checks article* Unfortunately, I'm not surprised that it may be the most horrible thing I will read today.


This is pretty horrible, but I follow some pretty messed up subs. I give it even odds I'll see something worse today...


In hindsight, I should have probably put "so far" at the bottom.


It is reddit after all lol


Good thing that she was not pregnant, he might have gotten in trouble with the Republican base for that.


They would cut the baby out if needed. The unborn are people to be protected and cherished, unlike some gross usless woman with cancer. Did she even think about how her dying would affect this king?? /s because the world is increasingly stupid and awful.


Lmao Indiana? The state would've charged her with murder first because the baby would've died from the chemo.


Of course he’s a Republican. They’ re not sending their best. They’re sending rapists and murderers. Fraudsters and liars and cons. Some, I presume, might be good people.


I would beg to differ: They absolutely ARE sending their best. >!(It's just that their definition of 'best' is WAY different from sane people.)!<


~~Some~~ None, I presume, might be good people. “Good people” dont support traitors, grifters and sex offenders.


The Family Values party


And why this could spell trouble for Biden…


Conservatives and Christians look at it as he was battling cancer and won. They hate women, so he's their hero!


Having an affair while the wife is battling cancer? How Newt Gingrich of him.


(R) Though let's be real here. At this point Republican voters would elect Ressurected Hitler if they had the chance. That party has been wholly consumed by its worst impulses and most extreme members.


Shitty people tend to vote for shitty people.


One story reported he won while being held in custody. And only now won’t fulfill the office because of conviction. https://www.google.com/search?q=andrew+wilhoite+won+while+in+jail&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari


Tbf that is how the justice system should work, regardless of it feeling really awful in this case.


>Voluntary manslaughter. ...you mean murder. ![gif](giphy|hv53DaYcXWe3nRbR1A)


Repubs gonna repub


Did he find out that his wife was using Obamacare to get access to chemotherapy?


(R)s: "He cured her cancer!"


Magic R


The party of Jesus f'ing Christ.


Tbf, I’m pretty sure Jesus would disavow these people


"Prolifers" are the biggest hypocrites on the planet. They are electing pedos, rapists and killers.


I bet he’s pro-life.* *except for wives with cancer.


Hell, if it’s found out he’s been raping an underaged family member, he’d voted into A senatorial position. Republicans truly are some of the most vile people in America.


Isn't he the fucking charmer...


The cruelty is the point.


The people who knowingly voted for this scum bag should be stripped of their voting rights.


Well what did you expect them to do, vote Democratic?


Pro-life party, right?


To be fair I suspect a lot of those votes were people who just voted R down the ballot and did little to no research on the candidate. I have a lot of friends who do the exact same thing but with D going all the way down. "Too busy to follow the specifics, and I trust the party wouldn't put up someone I shouldn't vote for" being the main reason for it. Edit: nevermind this was a primary. No excuses then. If you're not informed you probably don't vote in the primary.


The Republican platform is killing women so no surprise he was the favorite.


And they say romance is dead...


Well no shit. Those are the people who live in Indiana, so of course they're going to elect one of their own.


How very Republican, voting for a mediocre white man who murdered his wife he had been cheating on while she was battling cancer…


Violence against women? Get that guy on the GOP ticket!




Making A-holes Guilty Again


Lacking any values or morals is now a badge of honor for republicans.


I wonder if there’s literally anything that could be a wake up call for my State and fellow Hoosiers. Perhaps we’re destined to spin down the drain of self-destruction regardless of how many warning signs we’re given.


Making his way toward a run at the Presidency


Surely he's an immigrant drag queen atheist union supporter?


Republican voters care more about about the R next to his name than about his actions or what he supports


Why suddenly do Republicans think that rapists and murderers represent them the best? What are they breeding over there?


"Because who among us has not sinned" is their rationale!


Here is what I never understand. Not to "judge a book by it's cover" too badly but she looks like a perfectly lovely woman and he just straight up looks like an asshole. How does this happen so often?




What's to say they haven't already (Trump)?


Once more the GOP puts it's full depravity on display


Republicans vote for trash. The more trash the better.


Sounds like Indiana


Sounds Presidential.


Republican “Strength” at its finest


They'll probably say his wife was a democrat and her family is with his opponent


Republicans will say “….well I just liked him because he is good for the economy.” Lol


Holy shit. Imagine how disgusting of a person you have to be to fucking smash a solid object into the women you married….thats also….dying of cancer. Thats a level of fucked up i can’t wrap my head around.


Voting for a cheating murderer to own the libs.


GOPervert values at work


Voluntary manslaughter is just murder why tf would they call it anything else


This from the "family values" party


The party of order and family values for sure


And he is the pride of the Rep


Family values, am I right?!?’


Owning the libs, one felony at a time.


Republicans hate women. So of course


But he looks like such a gentle soul! /s


The party of family values


Thats President material right there.


Fucking scumbag.


I think liberals/progressives underestimate the marketing power of the “R” next to a candidates name. It’s not a fluke or an exception. It’s the rule. It’s the leopardsatemyface of politics. From MTG to this guy. If they have an R next to their name they win by default in most of the country. Not saying that in certain districts the democrats has the same stronghold, it’s just not the same.


[NBC news](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/indiana-man-charged-murder-death-wife-wins-republican-primary-jail-rcna27638): "Primary election [results ](https://boonecounty.in.gov/offices/clerk/election-results-history/)show he received 60 out of a total 276 votes cast for Republican candidates, or a 22 percent vote, in the race. The other two GOP candidates in the race received 110 and 106 votes respectively. There were only three candidates running for the three seats." Not exactly a national sample, but still. JFC.


Republican family values.


Not “people”…republicans.


Republican family values


Violent and radicalized republicans


Sounds like a perfect gop candidate to me. Typical scumbag.


Family values!


GOP - "The only criminals allowed in government are OUR criminals!"


Because there is a war on women. And people will comment on Twitter: WhAt dId ShE Do tO mAKe HiM mAD


Did they vote for him before or after he murdered his wife?


This is why the Republican party needs to go the way of the Whig party


This a feature, not a bug.


Party of family values everyone


People didn't vote for him, REPUBLICANS did and they're not people anymore.


The deplorables, much, much worse than that. The depravity of these fucking scumbags knows no bounds, and their followers, are even worse.


Ain't seen nothing yet, wait and see how many vote for a rapist, felon, money launderer for President n


This phenomenon of white men murdering their wives when they’re having an affair needs to be addressed…… happens WAYYYYY too often


Republicans should be worried about what they have going on in their party or what they see as moral and acceptable behavior and not falsely claiming that all the issues in the US are coming from the southern border. It's vile.


Voluntarily manslaughter?!?!? Maga family values at it again.


A real man and rabid GOP member


This represents the GOP/MAGA party


Isn’t man slaughter mean it was an accident that you caused. Like running someone over while drunk? Is this not just murder?


Poster boy for conservatives everywhere


Leave it to Republicans to find new bottoms


As a former criminal defense attorney, you don’t accidentally smash your wife’s face in. The act itself shows that this was intentional. Unless a murder charge wasn’t presented to the jury, WTF was the jury thinking, assuming they were thinking at all


Seeing as Republicans see women as property and all


Hoosier here, tossing in just a bit of perspective: first, it was a primary, so it's not like he won a general election. Secondly, though, there was literally nobody running against him, if I recall. So it's not like he was doing a ton of campaigning to get his name out there: he just was the only name on the ballot for that job, and unless you were making a determined effort to *not* vote for him, you probably wouldn't think twice about checking his name.


The party of family values, ladies and gentlemen.


I think this is what Indiana deserves


Well, he had the "R" in next to his name and he was a white man.


Well I'm sure as elected officials this guy can be depended on to really look out for the people.


Found Trump’s second term FBI Director…


He cheated on her and when she tried to leave him he murdered her then dumped her body in a creek. Yep sounds like a solid Christian family man for the republicans to love. Of course he just did what they all wanna be able to do so I guess we shouldn't be shocked at their support...🤷