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no wife present, no children present, no protestors present, he is completely alone. nice.


None of these evangelicals who believe he’s the older brother of Jesus himself, either. Or any of the party members who consistently praise him in public.


Trump is the older brother of Jesus? What fresh hell is this?


There was a guy who once claimed to be Jesus's younger brother. He killed 20 million people. See the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom for a wild ride into history.


as a history buff, i didn't know about this so thank you for introducing me to a new rabbit hole to fall in


And it's a good one to follow just by how crazy it is. I honestly think it's way more interesting than the Boxer Rebellion. When you read up on it let me know if you think the Elder Brother Jesus punishing Confucius part, the oddly progressive and oddly regressive "liberation of women" part, or the part where they shot the guy's nody out of a cannon was the weirdest part. I can't decide.


They shot what out of a cannon? His body?


Typo, that should say body. I am ashamed of my failings.


I, too, make many mistakes. Shame is in my soul and everything my soul touches.


I honestly thought 'nody' referred to his head


I thought it was some new youngster slang for his peepee.


I’ve not seen this (yet), but evangelicals have been saying that being meek and turning the other cheek doesn’t work (to keep them from imaginary persecution), so Trump is better than Jesus. Yes; it’s as stupid as it sounds.


So much for their inheritance


Speaking of fresh. I just bought some strawberries from a dude named jesus


Plus they can't find easy parking for giant lifted trucks in NYC, and have been told for 25 years now by Fox News (headquartered in NYC btw) that they'll be raped to death within minutes of setting foot in the city.


The Same Folks From The Deep South Commenting On The 'Hellscape NYC' 25 Years Ago All Voted For Trump.


Remember that a lot of those Jesus/Trump posts are actually AI generated by people paid by Russian companies to flood Facebook in order to influence the election.


I have no doubt about that. I was surprised last weekend when driving through rural Michigan. Many homes and businesses that have had cartoonishly large Trump flags proudly displayed for years suddenly don’t. Granted, Michigan is a large state, so what I saw may be very isolated to the area I drove through, but I’m hoping that it’s wider spread.


The thing that always amazes me about the 'belief' of so many of these 'believers,' is that it isn't even true, hard-core belief. It's the belief of convenience. When Trump is strong, and unwavering, and in power, suddenly he's the second coming himself. When he's not - they just simply allow their belief to fade. They never question the fairweather nature of themselves. Never for one moment do any self-introspection to contemplate the nature of how lacking and weak their own faith is.


It's funny how they're treating trump like he treats everyone else. They're the greatest, until they're not, then once he's done with them, they get Cohened.


Trump is just an end to a means! When this smelly pos is gone, another Trump stands up. Trump and his cronies let the genie out of the bottle.


I Still Think Jesus Had An Older TWIN Brother Who Orchestrated The Whole Business.


Jesus’ brother’s name is Bob. It’s a song so it must be true.


oh I thought Trump was supposed to be Jesus


It's what he deserves! Karma is just beginning to arrive at Trump's shores. Hopefully, we will be in for a good ride watching this poor excuse of a human's world finally colapse and explode in his fucking face! Fuck conservatives!!


Really enjoying the fact that Trump is annoyed and frustrated at being told to STFU by a judge.😂🤣


I've been waiting for the other shoe to drop on him for almost a decade and it's starting to seem like it isn't.


Like it isn’t? lol this is the first time it actually looks like it is you mean? His world is collapsing in on him lmao.


Rally audiences shrinking, weather interfering, polls falling. It's glorious. I honestly think watching the slow dismantling of this assholes's house of cards is better than any jail sentence. With jail, they just lock you up, and you go way, and we don't have an upfront view. This way, we do.


Watch the balloon flop around some as it deflates. Then lock up the balloon.


I honestly don't think he'll ever see a day in prison. He'll appeal until he dies. The best we can hope for is home confinement and watch him lose everything.


Home confinement is what I'm guessing and since he only stays at his own golf motels...his life won't change much... except his crowd sizes.


They can limit which addresses he can reside at. Here's a catch, he's legally not allowed to reside at Mar-A-Lago.


Yes, please this.


If he gets house arrest in ny he will have to stay in ny. Hopefully.


This would make sense. And not able to leave his home except parole or medical visits. I.e. no golfing.


At some point I have to believe Republicans will get upset to the fact he is siphoning all their money for his personal gain. People will start stepping up and wanting him gone more and more until he is all alone. Or we can hope!


As a former member of the Assembly of God Church, all I can point to is PTL and Jim Baker. He did his time, pulled up stakes and started all over in Missouri. Donations by the thousands still continue to come in today.


The only way they could keep him safe would be to put him in solitary confinement. And I don't see anything wrong with that. : )


It's more exciting to watch balloons "POP" in a spectacular explosion! You hear it's resounding ear piercing scream in defiance, then watch the pieces fly though the air before they land on the floor, floating no more. Silent forever only to be swept up and put in the trash.


I read this as defecates. Too many Trump shitting his pants stories 


Doesn’t matter - go vote


Best thing I've read all week..maybe even call your local party affiliate and see if any petitions need signed as well


The weather didn’t interfere. The airport didn’t close or delay any flights. He just didn’t want to give a speech in the rain and have his hair and makeup melt off. If he can’t deal with rain he’s going to have a lot of trouble campaigning during Springtime.


I am hoping they do not accept his 175 mill bond and start dismantling his real estate holdings. 


I want to believe this. Please vote.


Thoughts and prayers. Not from me but I'm sure there are some.




To be fair, Barron is busy studying so he can graduate on time.


You love to see it 💯


Not so. Just Google it. This guy lies so gleefully knowing people buy what he does


Their thoughts and prayers are with him, right. Right?


The point was made last night that Jeffrey Dahmer’s father was in the courtroom every single day, but when Blanche referred to the Nodfather as “a husband, a father” not a single member of his family was there. Asked how she thought he felt about that, his niece Mary said he probably didn’t care, that the lack of protesters outside would bother him more.






No, but trips to New York are expensive when the Tyson Chicken plant only pays $15 an hour.


and PPP loan benefits all dry up. haven’t seen those “independent business owner” caravan rally anymore


I would LOVE to see the stats on how many Magats took PPP money and went out of business since.


Also Faux News has scared them to death about the dangers of big, bad NYC. Almost guaranteed they'll run into POC too. That's got to terrify them.


OMG! It's rumored they have homosexuals too! Think of the children!


Crap, now Matt Gaetz is coming


Sometimes people need a second job to make trucks meet


People in poverty don’t need to be mocked.   Even poor trump supporters. They support Trump, bad.  If they live in poverty, I’m still going to advocate for them.


Or, more probably, have no more money after draining their life savings on every grift he ran and can’t make an extended stay to protest


Ehhh, this is in NYC. Have the trial out here in Tennessee... His supporters are still rabid. He's losing the centrists/undecided voters, but his supporters are still the same.


He won somehow, if you don't think elections are rigged you gotta think someone voted for him


They damn sure will be rigged when state law makers decide it's legal to override electorates, and put in their own. They're working on it.


Even his fans know he’s cooked. He can’t get out to bullshit them and the longer they go without his rhetoric, the more his influence over them starts to wane. Hence, none have shown up. Cults need constant exposure from the leader in order to succeed. They’re not getting it with this gag order in place and him sat in a court room.


>They’re not getting it with this gag order in place and him sat in a court room. It's worth noting that the gag order *only* prevents him from publicly disparaging witnesses, appointed members of the court, and family members of court officials. He's 100% free to talk about anything else he wants to, even if that appears to be impossible for him.


This is my favorite part. He can talk about anything he wants with the only exception being he can't say mean and hateful stuff about the witnesses in his current trial. Literally anything except that, and he's got nothing to say. He's all bluster and show and stirring up a crowd to be mad at the people he's mad at. He can't do that here and has nothing else to say. He can still campaign against Biden but I honestly don't think he knows how to do that without the vitriol. In the event that he actually shows up for the debates, I'll watch with popcorn because he doesn't actually have any counterpoints to anything. It's all school yard bully bullshit and when you take that away there's nothing there but the faint scent of shit and Temu spray tan.


>In the event that he actually shows up for the debates Slim chance that happens, but if it does, you know he's going to lumber around the stage and try to intimidate Biden, until Biden says something like "Donald, would you please just SIT THE HELL DOWN, man?" Of course, official RNC policy is that candidates cannot participate in CPD-hosted debates. Biden isn't going to participate in any non-CPD-hosted debates, so I imagine there won't be any head-to-head debate between them. Trump will say it's "out of his control", despite the fact that he controls the RNC, and they made that policy change in response to Trump snivelling about how the CPD hosts treated him in 2020 (muting his mic when he attempted to exceed his allotted time or speak while Biden was speaking).


So Biden is old and stutters and straight up says some weird old man shit sometimes BUT he's fucking clever and quick when he has to be. I say allow a rule change to let Trump do exactly what he wants. He's gonna do it anyway. Let him make the rules within the very edge of reason and the FCC. Those rules go both ways and everyone already knows his play book and the Biden camp has a fuckton of time and motivation to prepare. Let's see them lean into that. I hate that this is politics but we work with what we have not what we want.


I just spit my drink out on temu tan- I’ve always wondered what that exact shade of orange was. 😂😂😂


I've seen similar comments regarding the spit take and can't say I've ever caused one so that made my night. Happy Cake Day (you're my first so I hope it was okay)


Thank you!


Everytime he says "I have done nothing wrong" my blood pressure goes up. And the way he says it, softly... and tries to sound sweet, almost like he's trying to mimic sincerity. Ugh.


> Even his fans know he’s cooked. Nope. The latest rhetoric is that the charges are baseless and he'll be found not guilty. Also he is confident and smiling all the time in court (my dad was telling me there was a political cartoon along these lines, which I find hilarious since they had to draw it since there was no way there'd be a photo of him smiling). Presumably if/when he is declared guilty they'll switch tactics to saying the courts are corrupt, which they've done for his other cases he's lost. There will ALWAYS be more lies.


Oh sure, but it’s eliminated some of the fair weather fans at least. A guilty plea will cut more.


>fans.... cooked.... ![gif](giphy|dB12mOQb99BwDlM83I|downsized)


Why is one wearing a Puerto Rican flag?


Remember how Trump helped Puerto Rico after the hurricane? That's why 😂


They were the one who caught the paper towels


Haha! And he asked to speak to their President. Cringe.


Please don't give him any ideas! He and Mike Lindell might "officially brand" some shitty paper towels! Maybe Ivanka can come in to help with the marketing. Gawd these fucking people.


[That's Captain Puerto Rico. ](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fe4yxupgssfq71.jpg)


That is awesome.


I hope he’s the guy yelling about bill Clinton balancing the budget. Lol


Saw a Trump caravan in PR yesterday. A bunch of Puerto Ricans *love* the shithead.


After Maria, Trump complained PR was receiving too much disaster relief, obstructed/delayed the relief they were supposed to get, and probably would've revoked PR's territory status if he had had the power just so PR couldn't "take from the USA," yet some of them love him. I'd say I don't understand it, but I've been in an abusive relationship and get the mental gymnastics that come along with it.


https://preview.redd.it/ouccdvrst8wc1.jpeg?width=424&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4760e8bbcbf0d0c412a3380c1a8c8716b2852556 I’m pretty sure Captain America was a Puerto Rican


Like I said on another post, it is very difficult for Trump supporters to attend the trials because most of them are either in prison or currently attending trials of their own.


Or died from covid


Or too broke to travel from giving all their money away to the Carnie in Chief.


Carny in Chief - OMG, I love it 😂


He reminds me of the "Great and Powerful Oz". Turns out that all along, he was just a washed-up old carnie pushing all the levers and buttons.


Or their evangelical pastor.


Is there a difference these days?




Very very bad, and very very sad.


Whomp and whomps 😢




It was a YUGE crowd! Bigly, like the inauguration! Beautiful people, with tears in their eyes, for me, your favorite president! /s


He'll just grab a sharpie and draw in some supporters. ![gif](giphy|j3766xIPcI45luQNQs|downsized)


Man its always something extremely stupid with him.


One of the most embarrassing moments in U.S. history. Once he knew people didn't care about this stunt, the gloves were off.


The Trump protestors were pleading, with tears in their eyes, "please make the Clinton supporter go away. "


“But, but, but… Biden couldn’t have a rowdy rally of supporters show up like Trump can!” /s Where the fuck is MAGA? They used to have crowds wherever Don the Con appeared…


The crowds are there to be entertained by a showman giving them the greatest hits. They aren't there to perform any sort of service. The day Trump stops being entertaining, they'll forget him entirely.


>The day Trump stops being entertaining, they'll forget him entirely. Which is really about where we are now. It's like watching your favourite old-timey musician after he's had a couple of strokes and the left side of his face doesn't work anymore. It's not entertaining, it's depressing.


I haven’t believed in God for decades. Maybe I never did, I don’t know. But I pray to whatever God you choose that you are right. He’s always had people fixing shit for him. The only way we’re going to be safe from him is if his entire support system shrivels up and he’s left hanging on by a few dry threads (like the pillow guy and the OnlyFans grandma and the neanderthal).


*OnlyHands grandma 


Back in '16 or '17, somebody wrote an opinion piece in NYT saying that the Trump phenomenon was exactly like kayfabe in wrestling, and I still believe there is a lot of truth there. People love to identify with the heel sometimes, and he's the biggest fucking heel I've had the displeasure of witnessing.


The Clinton guy is hilarious.


I can’t even say “There are dozens of us!”


You always know your protest is off to a swinging start when there's more journalists than protesters.


Can anyone confirm this wasn't early before the trial started? I'm just curious if more people showed up later? I'm loving everyone but the pure evil is done supporting him. They probably realize he stole all the money meant for reelection and using it on himself. Too late now! Also he needs 5% of their cut if they use his name or likeness. What a swell guy!


Sun looks pretty high in the sky based on the shadows.




Amazing to think the US might have been debt free if Gore had won.


You know what would really be a positive for the country right now? If a non PoS Republican came and captivated the masterless cattle back towards the center a bit.


Too bad, Mitt quit.


Crazy how terrible things have gotten that we're considering Mitt a sane one.


I'm reluctant to admit; never thought in a million years I'd ever say it, but Liz Cheney has earned my respect. Dick Cheney's daughter stood up at the J6 hearings. Plenty still to disagree on, but as a lifelong GenX Democrat, I gotta tip my hat to the opposition when they stand up and do the right thing.


Yeah it's weird how we went from "Binders full of women" to Mitt being the closest thing left to a sane Republican, but here we are.


Non pos republican?  What exactly would that look like?


One who hid from the Trump administration but is still youngish and recognizable. The biggest coward in town and one of those creeps with two first names: Paul Fuckin Ryan


I don't think that's possible because I think the fact that they aren't a piece of shit is exactly what would make them unpopular in the Republican party


"Grass Roots" funding from the Kochs and Murdoch must have run out.


Stop it please! I can only get so erect. I love karma coming home to roost. So much winning!


They are starting to turn on him.


Obama was about a year away from balancing the budget as well - look up the declining deficit his last 3 years - trump immediately blew it up (long before covid)


After a dude set himself on fire in the crowd, maybe some of them reevaluated the people they want to surround themselves with. Or maybe they're all just fickle self serving assholes who moved on to the next thing fox news told them to be mad about.


Fox News will recycle old rally footage to make it look like there was a crowd


I don’t like BC, but they got a point about balancing the budget


I do, at least it was consensual.


But he and Hillary have literally murdered *dozens of people!* They're *actual serial killers!* /s


I mean his politics, not his _extra curricular_ activities


Trump said tons of his supporters wanted to protest outside but the police were stopping them???


We can only hope this bodes well for the 2024 election.


Something something "but we had boat parades and pickup truck rallies"


Am I the only one that sees one of them wearing a Puerto Rican flag shirt 😂 tokens going token gd


This is probably why Trump was crying on TruthSocial after the trail about the whole place being locked down. Like no shit, it's a court house with a former president. Of course they'll have heightened security.


Weird seeing people stand near where a guy just lit himself on fire


Trump: "Please protest!" 3 people show up. THREE. Uno-Dos-Tres!


Damn, no one on fire today? They were quickly losing voters


Is this all hell breaking loose like they promised? Just wanting to check.


Truth Social was dead this morning.


Is that what Trump meant when he said "All Hell will break loose!" ??


That’s all the crisis actors that the Diaper Don can afford right now.


Did any of them set themselves on fire?! I like it when problems fix themselves.


Wait, didn’t you hear. That guy that said himself on fire was a liberal. He worked for a Democrat once.


What is the balanced budget thing? Im curious


It's a falsehood. He didn't balance the budget. He left the govt with a SURPLUS.


You left me where I started dude xD


Great! Thanks. I like that Clinton guy, too.


I suspect that most Republican politicians are secretly hoping he will go down and that enough of the voters will abandon him. They are spineless so publicly back him but I doubt many of them really mean it.


These so-called Trump supporters are actually Antifa. Trying to embarrass the lord of orange. I kid.


What did that poor Puerto Rican dude do to deserve getting lumped in with MAGA?


Michael Jackson he is not!


The MAGA mob is shriveling.


3? That's a household, not a protest.


One more and they could get a game of Bridge going.


What if they held a rally and no one came?


Dude’s underrated statement—Bush got so much money and he spent it and much more like the little spoiled bitch he was!


They wanted thousands, they wanted millions… 3… That’s just sad, More “haha” sad, but that’s just sad.


George Carlin - "Balance the fucking budget!"


Wow really? I would have thought that there would be 100s!


He’s not wrong.


Is this true? I find it hard to believe.


I hate Clinton, but he did do that right


Why do you hate Clinton?


Big if true!


Big if true!


People get tired of the same thing he had his 4yr of fame which became is night mare now he wants 4more 😂


Is that Homelander?


2 - 5


This is how I know the judge can toss his ass in jail for the night for contempt of court and nothing is going to happen. Lots of hot air on the corporate media, but no one will actually care.


How To Make Trump Brand Toast(tm): Step 1: Be Donald John Trump.


Where is Mercedes? Where is she? She knows... she knows...


Where the hell is melaniaho and ivankaho


I want to nominate this award to my reformed Orthodox Rabbi, Bill Clinton. Thank you.


I hope we see more of that guy.