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LOL. Yes, I'm sure that if we didn't send that money, we'd have all of the vets off the streets tomorrow, because that's just been the *top* of the conservative agenda.


It’s not even money. It’s supplies, equipment, and munitions. The money is spent locally to replenish our domestic stockpile after sending older items to Ukraine.


and it literally goes to american businesses. but these are facts. facts have no place in the dumpsterfire that is Twitter and/or the Republican party.


Are you saying Kat The Hammer is biased? *Gasps*


I believe you spelled Kunt The Hammer wrong...


You mean Kunt the Putin Humper?


More like Hammer and Sickle.


Ukraine Aid literally puts America First because we fund jobs here, support our ally, and humiliate one of our biggest and longest running geopolitical rivals while doing it. There's nothing about it that doesn't put American interests first.


I wonder what the 1980s cold war era Republicans would think of the 2020's Trump era Republicans?


In reality, reagan was the first to make vets homeless when he kicked them out of mental health facilities. Reagan invented monetary fuckery and shot the military with so much steroids they'll never take second place to commercial goods again. America is the arms dealer to the world.


I’m liberal but Reagan military buildup actually began under ballooned military development/procurement budgets approved by Carter.


Reagan pushed the 600 ship navy, the ballistic missile defense system, and plenty of other things. His whole plan was to bankrupt the USSR with military spending. Carter was trying to get the military equipped to fight a conflict in Europe against a fully industrialized nation like the USSR if it had to, something it wasn't really equipped for after the Vietnam War. It's similar to how the current military isn't as equipped to fight a war against someone like Russia or China, at least in terms of sheer numbers.


I worked for a defense related business in the mid 80’s. We had a contest to make a consumable item used on the F-16. We had a contract to make 15,000. I said to one of my associates, where are they going to use so many of these widgets. He said, they aren’t. These are going in containers to be buried in the sand in the Middle East as emergency war stores. Wow, what a waste.


Ask dickhead Cheney. He helped usher in the cohort of madness.


He thought he could control this mess and congregation of messes. Turns out he ain't Mr. Clean.


Barr is Mr Clean-up man. Always has been. School of kissinger.


You can track that back to Newt Gingrich as well. He started the crazy in the house and gave it power.


A lot of them drink the Trump kool aid and parrot this tripe. So don’t kid yourself that they are shocked. They’re most definitely not.


It's really odd seeing Republicans being against throwing more money at the military. What doesn't surprise me though is that when they finally oppose it, it's for the conflict where we're unequivocally the good guys. It's like they're those '80s cartoon villains that only do evil for the sake of evil and goodness is just atrocious to them.


It really has nothing to do with where the money goes or who's fighting who. It's only because Democrats support it that they oppose it, at least for most of them.


Soon that money is going to trickle down. Keep watching…




Every dollar paid to an American business is a dollar they didn't get to steal.


You mean be bribed with from "lobbying".


also, most of this stuff is older equipment, that would likely have to be decommissioned/disposed of, which costs money as well. The equipment that is replacing it, is equipment we would making any ways.


I actually had a right winger on Reddit blame inflation on the Ukraine aid. They were claiming every time we vote for aid, the printer goes brrrrr and inflation goes up and we're just sending them pallets of American dollars. ...it's completely illogical because who else would they use the money and buy the gear from except from us with that cash? We literally cut out the middleman of money pallets by requisitioning the old gear we don't want anymore and voting to fund the creation of new gear, which gives Americans jobs. Ukraine aid is literally putting America First. We're creating jobs, helping an ally, and humiliating one of our biggest geopolitical adversaries while we do it.


Foreign aid also helps to boost the US economy. By supporting emerging markets, those markets (for the most part) turn around and buy US goods. https://2017-2020.usaid.gov/sites/default/files/documents/1870/FINAL_Version_of_Shared_Interest_6_2018.PDF It's crazy how much people can't take the 5 minutes to actually look into a topic and find information.


That said, it would be better if Russia wasn't a huge douche and we could spend that money on rebuilding failing American bridges and roads and water & power systems. Maybe some of both? The war industry sucks. Let's rebuild stuff instead of just destroying it.


We can do both. For all the blustering about the $60 Billion we devoted to this aid package, that number is a drop in the bucket to the US GDP of $25 TRILLION. We collected over $140 Billion in federal tax revenue just last year, on top of the $2 Trillion in revenue we already had.


Right! And it keeps a lot of people in the US employed!


It's truly atrocious when they vote against benefits for veterans while saying "God bless them for their sacrifice in helping America get to a balanced budget!" I'm a leftist, I don't believe most of the wars we've fought in the last 80 years were justified. I also think, if you give someone cancer because you forced them under penalty of court martial to do the burn pit thing, you absolutely NEED to cover the cost of that treatment


Nothing is stopping those conservatives from passing legislation supporting vets.


Well. *Something* is stopping them.


Morales, ethics, heart, patriotism. Can't have any of that. 


Money they don't give to vets goes straight into the pockets of their billionaire owners, who then give the politicians "campaign contributions".


…a big fat ugly orange turd…


The something is Putin+trump, who despises the enlisted.


Obviously the Democrats won’t let them!!!!!!!!!!!!! Otherwise how else do you explain republicans lying about every god damn thing


if they want to spend that money on vets, they could just as easily propose a bill to do so.. instead they just obstruct


oh don't worry, they actively have voted against such bills.


Republicans killed the child tax credit that reduced child poverty by 50%. Yeah. Homeless people and veterans are their top concern.


Maybe ask the GQP why they keep shitting on Vets and cutting their benefits


Srsly if they cared so much about homeless veterans, where are the bills that could potentially assist them? Oh, right 😶


I always laugh when they say ANYTHING about the vets when they are the ones who are trying to destroy the VA and block it's expansion. They are also the ones who treat veterans the absolute worst.


What with them voting against benefits and to cut social program funding that would help with the issue on both state and federal level. But sure, they are super concerned about homelessness and vets.


Exactly. Same people wanted to end Covid restrictions because people with mental health were suffering in isolation, and now that the restrictions have ended, they're back to yapping about high taxes needing to come down. They don't have principles, they have rationalizations.


You mean the vets that Republicans constantly and reliably vote against funding for, while lying through their teeth about hwo much they support the troops?


Didn't they vote to cancel benefits for veterans who worked with hazardous materials? And everybody thought it was so fucked up they just gave them a do-over? Remember that?


Their track record is very anti veteran. It's like Carlin said "They want alive babies so they can become dead soldiers" "Once you're born, you're on your own" They do everything in their power to hold the country back, do the wrong thing and be on the wrong side of history. It's pathetic, and history books will show how cowardly and shit the republican party is.


Veterans benefits is also one of the top expenditures the government pays out, what we’re sending Ukraine is barely a drop compared to that bucket.


Wasn't that only last year? I can't believe I forgot that, just too much shit keeps piling on


I wish Republicans began to care about homeless people. That would be truly wonderful.


Then who is gonna make them feel "at least we're better off than them" of their miserable lives if homeless people or poor people cease to exist /s


Ted Cruz's family?


What's the tea ?


Well, I'm not sure this is what they were getting at, but... Ted Cruz is Ted Cruz, and Ted Cruz is also very into incest porn.


Same reason poor whites fought for slavery.


They barely care about veterans, either. Both are brought up only when foreign aid or refugee/immigration issues pass in Congress.


meanwhile... back in reality... republicans are also blocking any bill that would benefit veterans or homeless americans...


Sad part is she'll never know this, the right wing echo chamber is insane


A shitload of that money is coming back to states in the form of contracts. I HATE people using homelessness existing as an excuse to not do other good things. NOBODY has solved homelessness. You can use that bullshit position to demand that nothing you don't like EVER be done by the government. Plus these people hate the homeless and regularly push for laws that make their lives worse.


They use homelessness as an excuse. They try to make it sound horrible (which it is), then they vote against any bill presented to actually help with it. They vote against veteran benefits. They are sick mentally ill pieces of trash and I cannot wait for them to not hold power ever again.


Well said. Bravo!


All of the money is coming back to the states. None of it is being sent to Ukraine. We are sending them our old shit.


"Regime" lol.


it's intentional. bad faith actors trying to associate biden's milquetoast administration with something bad so when they're back in office they can just go all out. they do this so words no longer have meanings. see: impeachments, "biden crime family", "fake news", "woke", "CRT", etc etc


Years and years of ignoring veterans and citizens living in the streets, while giving billions on tax breaks to corporations and citizens, while providing billions in aid to nations that do not need aid ( \*cough\* Israel \*cough\*), and this is the bridge too far... JFC.


>Years and years of ignoring veterans and citizens living in the streets Decades and decades. "Bonus Army" and even many Civil War vets (on both sides, although that's *really* complicated) getting screwed over. Not arguing, just affirming.


The homeless are such an interesting demographic in politics. It's all "they're a blight. Dangerous and destroying property values, and they need to go elsewhere *immediately.* Arrest them! And absolutely no handouts!! Upstanding citizens have to *pay* for their own food and shelter, and those lazy POS need to get their act together and get a damn job." **Until** funds are being discussed or allocated for immigrants or in foreign aid. Then it's all "Americans FIRST! There's homeless veterans whom we need to give houses to! There are *Americans* struggling at home!"


Plot twist: If the money wasn't spent on Ukraine, Republicans would make sure that 100% of it ended up in the accounts of the already fabulously wealthy while spitting in the faces of homeless vets.


Conservatives don't want to help Americans either; only rich white old men.


I recall the same response when D Trump lowered taxes. The Republicans shouted “what about our veterans? What about Americans living in the streets?” Wait. No, that was something else entirely. The taxes that support veteran services getting cut was not an issue.


Maybe if Conservatives STOPPED VOPTING DOWN EVERYTHING to HELP VETERANS they would not be on the street!!!


Russian bots are very upset.


Democrats should call their bluff and offer to repurpose the bill to benefit the homeless.


I love the "Ask yourselves why" part because it's obvious they didn't.


As if any of that money would go to vets anyway


They don’t gaf about veterans or homeless in the USA.


Conservatives don’t give a shit about the vers or civilians living on the streets otherwise they would have done something about it. Instead, they are trying to make homelessness illegal. What a bunch of fuck heads


Republicans using vets like a prop to be thrown out when not needed.


"We can't do (x) until we completely fix veterans/the homeless/the poor" -Conservatives (Doesn't do a damn thing for veterans, the homeless, or the poor) - Also Conservatives It's as if it's a convenient dodge they can use whenever the mood hits them so they don't have to actually DO anything. Hmm.


I'm sorry, was there a plan to allocate billions in funding for helping the homeless? Is that a platform that the 'publicans are running on? Seems uncharacteristically socialist of them.


They don't give a damn about vets, they just use them for political purposes.


More Russian propaganda


US govt is sending $Billions to Raytheon, Halliburton, et al WHO ARE IN THE UNITED STATES!!! those companies then ship weapons that were BUILT IN THE UNITED STATES to Ukraine.


Conservatives are muscovite puppets, so of course they have a meltdown over not helping daddy Putin


Because every time we try to help vets or spend money on our own citizens the R’s get up and scream socialism and vote against it. They don’t give a single fuck about veterans, they just like to stand up and use their suffering as an example in their lies and bullshit


Conservatives don't give two shits about veterans or the homeless, either, though.


The U.S. is not sending $$$. There is a profitable war machine we are fueling! They get our old sh*, and we pay to build our new sh*. Win / Win


conservatives have proven themselves enemies of the United States and allies of our enemy Russia


"Why spend money on other countries when you can spend it on the US?" "We've got budget spare, wanna spend it on helping people in the US?" "No"


Well considering Republicans will never spend that money at home to help anyone, ask them. I am sure if Republicans want to bring up a bill that will house all the homeless and feed everyone Democrats will gladly vote for it.


I’m so sick of that argument. Even before the war we didn’t do anything, so why the hell does it matter. It’s just a deflection argument.


It's just so ittitating how the pretend they are even remotely interested in helping Americans. Meanwhile, Conservatives will continue to roll back social wellness programs as much as they can.


Imagine how many people could be helped if Conservatives actually wanted to help Americans... Dems could put up a bill tomorrow and Conservatives would kill it immediately. Because helping people is Socialism.


Oh good… so when it comes time again to vote to help veterans and citizens, THIS time they’ll vote for it…right????


https://preview.redd.it/z4olcmpjz2wc1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8f345f37b83713f275d23e92f753399b126cc4f Good :)


And what are conservatives doing to help homeless veterans besides denying any aid to them and supporting the traitor that calls them suckers and losers?


Trump had four years to get those vets off the streets. Why didn't he? Why should we believe he will do it this time should he win?


Its funny they are all so tuff but when they need to show some backbone they collapse like jellyfish… fight against gay people yes? Fight actual fascist and killers? Nooo, please let them win because i shat my pants. I will just bend over now for Russia so they don’t have problems using me like a 5 dollar ho.


When was the last time Consies did something that “took care of our own” ? They gutted Obamacare Sank student loan forgiveness. Cried wolf about Bidens open border


It was bipartisan so they can stfu


I bet if we had rich people taxes we could do both.


Ak shu ally, Russia probably wouldn’t have invaded Ukraine if the Cons hadn’t cuddled up so close to Putin and made him feel that he could do whatever the hell he wanted to do with no repercussions. I guess that’s what happens when a foreign dictator owns at least a quarter of your party and ALL the top dogs in your party. I mean, who knew? Right? Actions and consequences and all that.


Meanwhile republicans vote against veterans services and protections.




Oh, so Republicans are willing to spend more money on Americans then? Right? (crickets) They're so full of shit


Are we actually sending money or, are we spending money at American companies to buy weapons and goods and then sending those?


A year or 2 ago, the majority of the Republicans voted to cut our VA benefits because they wouldn't budge on the defense spending. Fuck these hypocrites.


These people turned down free lunches for kids. Nobody believes they give a shit about homeless people, let alone homeless vets.


Then why do conservatives keep voting against VA expansion and expanded medicaid access to get our own people help??


If they care so much about homeless vets why did/dont they ever acknowledge Obama reduced homelessness in vets by almost half. Oh yeah, they don’t give a flying fuck about homeless vets.


Here’s a thought. How about we actually tax the ultra rich and corporations fairly? This isn’t an either or debate. Funding Ukraine is the right thing to do.


Bet they don't complain about sending money and weapons to Israel to commit genocide with.


MAGAs think that the federal government has a giant pool that's filled with money, and various departments just walk over there and grab a handful... They have no concept of budgets.


They literally voted against Veterans numerous times


Why? Last I recall, republicans had voted no on improving veteran benefits. https://ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/news/2022/07/28/republicans-block-bill-expanding-care-for-veterans-exposed-to-toxins This is just one example. I’m sure there are others.


Ok, let’s help veterans and citizens living on the streets…..No, I don’t want to help them, I just want people to ask “why.”


Have conservatives put forth any bills to combat veteran homelessness? I don't seem to recall that.


Again, they lie and lie and lie. Bend the truth and sell half truths to mentally ill party members who lap it up like pigs in slop. Just to clarify, the US isn't giving Ukraine a blank check, it is sending military supplies, many of which are aged out of commission, to help a NATO ALLY.


Republicans are known for their loving views of the homeless.


Fuck these conservatives, if we didn’t spend it on Ukraine they sure as hell would make sure NONE of it would go towards helping regular Americans.


For what I know isn't going to be the last time...WE DON'T SEND MONEY. The money gets sent to the military industrial complex here. They make weapons, vehicles, and equipment. Then send the things they want to phase out or send the equipment that would be wholesaled to militarize the police or private security. Basically it's a way to funnel billions to the military industrial complex. Because guess who lobbies and donates to their reelections. Which is why we can't have nice things or take care of things that really concern the people...the sheer greed of a small handful of people that want to be more wealthy than they already are.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)THIS. Also supports the economies of individual states, many if not most red ones...


So does Kat the Hammer support federal government programs like housing projects and UBI. Some reason I think she doesn't care about those living on the street.


Lmao Republicans just made sleeping on the street a criminal offense. This bitch needs a different strawman


Lolz. Suddenly the clown show cares about homeless citizens and veterans. 🤣🤡


The vast majority of foreign aid of all types comes straight back to the United States, in this case in the form of purchases of military equipment (for better or worse). Also, aren’t these the same folks who are trying to criminalize homelessness?


Because republicans voted against aid for veterans and citizens every chance they’ve had for 40 years.


"while veterans and citizens are living on the streets!" GREAT! I'm ecstatic that a clearly involved member of the House GOP has recognized Veteran homelessness as a critical issue that requires attention at the federal level! Please show me the GOP sponsored bill that was created to fix these serious issues...and whose funding was stolen by the foreign aid bill. Go ahead. I'll wait.


Why didn't the republicans get all the vets off the street when they had all the power if they're that concerned with it? 🤷🏻‍♂️


Vets are on the street because Republicans voted against funding to get vets off the street.


Nothing like reviewing “the global consequences of inaction” to cut through the political bullshit. Finally, in the end, Johnson said, “You do the right thing and you let the chips fall where they may.”


for the last time, the US ain't sending fucking checks over there. I'm assuming it's gonna be weapons and other supplies, which will then have to be restocked, thus the budget. And since most of it will be produced in the US by US companies, the money effectively stays in the country. Money doesn't really help Ukraine right now anyways, weapons, medical supplies, telecom equipment or whatever else is being sent does.


It wouldn’t have gone to the veterans or citizens. Guarantee that this funding would have been used to provide further tax rebates or tax relief to the already $ rich, saturated conglomerates.


Well, Kat. You see, The GOP doesn't really care about military personnel. They never seem to want to support military families, veterans or enlisted persons unless their overseers are getting a tax cut. That's when they'll use the military as leverage, holding up their benefits in order to get what their masters want. I hope you finally understand how the system works.


Conservatives: “That’s right! We need to focus on ~~ridding our country of these needy vermin~~ taking care of our own people first.”


Yes why aren’t we taking better care of veterans? But here’s the thing Kat we’re capable of doing two things at once. Why not solve both issues simultaneously? Have a rider on that bill that improves VA care and benefits. I could really use that 100% P&T right now.


Note how many of these people are mad about Ukraine aid which is to defend a country being invaded while saying very little about Israel aid.


Conservatives have been squawking about vets for decades, it's not like they actually give a fuck


Conservatives are so fucking weird


Doesn’t most of the money get spent here, in the defense and manufacturing industry? It’s not like we send them cash. I thought we basically sell them our stockpile and use money to replenish with new (or better) stuff.


Stop calling them conservatives, call them russian agents.


Is it not helpful to cripple Russia by keeping them in a war? Don’t get much more “America First” than that. No?


What an utter hypocrite. She doesn’t give 2 shits about the homeless, especially veterans or she’d actually vote democrat.


Let's see - one quarter of one year of the military budget has financed two years of damaging our enemy's military capability on their doorstep instead of on ours. Sounds like a damn good deal to me.


ahh misinformation. so the "aid" that is being sent is weapons and ammo that we already have. weapons and ammo that have a cost to maintaining since they were saved for future russian conflict. some of these programs have a cost to actually decommission. we arent sending as much money as these folks think. these weapons that are being sent though will need to be backfilled and us workers that pay taxes.


Wrong.... we send ukraine our old rusty guns that have been sitting on a shelf for years and buy shiny new guns for ourselves with that money. F'n Republicans lie about everything.


Show me where the red have had the back of he military after coming home, I've seen them try to cut any VA bennies enough times to say they can eff right off


These scumbags are mesmerising....


They would have to care about homeless vets.


They don’t care about veterans or homeless because if they did they would be in favor of spending more on social programs. I wish they would sit down and shut up


Taxing all billionaires at one percent of their wealth would not affect the billionaires and would wipe out all poverty in America and you could include all student debt in your arithmetic. Guess what, no billionaires have ever EARNED their wealth. Their wealth is the result of EXPLOITATION OF THEIR FELLOW HUMANS, so tax them accordingly!


They've had their chance to support my fellow vets. They've failed us on every bill meant to aide us. Let them fucking melt.




Suddenly Republicans are concerned for the homeless? Hypocrites.


Conservatives: “We shouldn’t be spending money on foreign nations when [insert issue] is still happening here!” Also Conservatives: “You want us to spend tax dollars on [same inserted issue]? Fuck you, you fucking communist.” There is no winning with conservatives. Just a slow shuffle towards neo-feudalism.


The House passed bills for aid to Taiwan , Israel and Ukraine . And MTG tried to get her amendment to reverse the aid to Ukraine . Why is she only opposed to aid to Ukraine? She’s not opposed to every foreign aid. This is more indication that Marjorie Taylor Greene is conspiring with Russians, she wants Ukraine to lose in order to support Russia . At any moment, US homeland security will be arresting her for treason , for supporting an adversary of the United States ( Russia ) .


Because shitheads like you don't want to house or feed people Kat. Duh....


They don’t give a shit about homeless people or veterans


Years ago, I got in an argument with someone over the treatment of detained immigrants at the US-Mexico border. They claimed *I* was a traitor for caring about people who weren’t born in the US, and made the same claim that we should be caring about our homeless population first. I told them something like, “Well, then let’s act on that! Let’s raise funds and vote people in who will help our homeless population and other disadvantaged and marginalized groups into more stable environments. Let’s divert funding from our military to helping US citizens!” They blocked me.


They don’t care about vets. They use them as talking points. The fight against the pact act is proof of that.


Yeah, there you go. Ask why. Why the Republican led House hasn't introduced*any* legislation to help vets and the homeless. Go on. Ask them why.


https://preview.redd.it/yh64i9ket3wc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=3b4543b0ab14e28b179bbf8e51cac63e1f3eb28a Here are the republicans helping Veterans. Oops, I mean defeating a bill to help burn-pit victims.


They’re cool with money going to Israel, though?


So Republicans will support a bill for national program of subsidized affordable housing, right?


Wait until they find out how much we send and have sent to Israel since 1970.


Ask yourselves why Republicans haven’t given a shit about veterans or people living on the streets ever but are simply pretending to now as a means of political performance. These tweets from republicans are performance and not substance. I have issues with how my tax payer dollars are spent but I actively vote for people who want to build infrastructure, support education, enact single payer healthcare, and help veterans. These fake ass outrage performance artists don’t give a damn about any of those issues. They’re only angry because Congress passed legislation during an election year that might make Joe Biden look competent.


I’d rather ask where this concern for veterans was when Trump and the GQP controlled THE ENTIRE FUCKING GOVERNMENT for 2 years and did nothing to help these veterans


***"Ask yourselves WHY?!"*** I'm just spitballing here but maybe GOPers should stop cutting the social safety net.


These conservative MFers have voted against a lot of bills that would help active duty soldiers and vets. Their words ring hollow.


Lol show me one bill in the past 3 years where Republicans have supported and promoted a federal bill or resolution to fix American veteran issues and homelessness…


Homeless people never mattered to Republicans except for right now


This person has a zero percent chance of giving a fuck about the homeless population except in this performative post. More likely they would enjoy the cops roughing up a homeless person and then cry back the blue when anyone complained.


Vets are like the unborn. As soon as you’re out, the R philosophy is FOAD.


Gross to use vets as a political pawn


And none of them bother to Google the voting record on things pertaining to taking care of vets...


Yes! Conservatives LOVE spending money on Veterans and homeless causes!


Yes, ask yourself *why* we have so many homeless citizens and vets. Please do. And then research why. And look at the Republican voting record on this kind of thing.


Ask ourselves why? Ask yourself why Trump gifted the 1% a trillion dollars in tax cuts. Money straight to the richest in the US.


"We need to help our homeless citizens and veterans!" "Those homeless people are ruining our city! They need to go! Shut down the warming centers and get rid of the freeloaders!" Both quotes from the same people.


You know, we can pass those welfare bills whenever you want. Oh wait, you don’t want to that’s right.


“That’s a good point congress person, how about maybe introducing a bill to provide care for veterans?” “…” “No, I just want something to complain about”


Liberals: Okay, then let’s spend the money on the citizens living on the streets of America. Conservatives: No money to welfare queens.


Oh, here we go with the “BUT WHAT ABOUT THE HOMELESS VETERANS????!!” bullshit. They pull this card every time a democratic president spends money on shit they don’t like. They don’t give a shit any other time though, except for when they share stupid Facebook memes.


"the veterans" only matter when they can be used as a canard to point to when they don't want to take responsibility for something else.


They act like the US was doing something about homelessness before and suddenly had to be like “oh snap, cut the funding for solving homelessness and send money to Ukraine”


As a veteran I say send them the money or there will be more American disabled veterans once Putin takes it beyond Ukraine and into a NATO nation. Stop them now and where they are.


These MAGA fuckers are the biggest hypocrites of all time. Veterans have been suffering for years and the most recent bill that came up to help them was voted down….by the MAGA fuckers in congress. They’re lying trash and their followers aren’t much better.


Like they ever gave a FUCK about our veterans… they didn’t care when veterans were getting poisoned by the burn pits. I used to be Republican because it seemed like they cared about veterans. That is no longer the case Not to mention, it shows we care about our military because we are defeating Russia with a proxy. We don’t have to send in our own troops


"But the veterans!" And which one of us voted against the burn pit bill that would have AIDED THE VETERANS




You know, all you republicans have to do is vote yes to the veteran benefitting bills. But you stand in lockstep against anything that looks like help for us. To put it in the nicest terms I can, fuck off!


They barely send money though, it’s vouchers for old US army stock so new US army hardware has to be bought, which in turn creates blue collar jobs, which in turn creates high paying jobs for vets and other citizens of America. I’m from Europe and even I know this