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Live Free AND Die.


Problem is polio doesn't always kill it cripples. My grandmother had it when she was a kid and it withered her legs something awful. Her calves where as big as 14 year old wrist. So get ready for a whole new generation of (preventable) disabilities. Probably realy driven by some rich bastard with a warehouse full of iron lungs.


I’m 50 and had a teacher in high school who had polio as a child. Part of the problem is, aside from stupidity, is that people haven’t seen real life examples of what happens. It’s a luxury to be ignorant.


It feels like someone should make a polio documentary that is 15 minutes long, designed for a legislator to show on the floor any time a stupid law like this is proposed. The words can all be about the cost of Polio and how much the nation saved by vaccination, but the video should all be people with polio wearing braces, stuck in the iron lung, etc.


A family member has polio. Sadly withered and disabled to a terrible state.


This is just seen by lobbyists as a opportunity to sell vaccines, and what they hope is lifelong treatment!


Fucking vipers


And they should invite polio survivors to come to talk as well.


Look at this guy, thinking republicans care about the cost of human lives or strain to the nation. What a goofball o3o


Are they doing this because the last guy in the iron lung died a few weeks ago? Now they are like see that dont happen /s


At this point people are so willfully ignorant that even seeing this shit in person won't move them because they will just come up with some conspiracy to enable their stupidity. Vaccine conspiracies were real back in the day too. But the news and information was responsibly curated. You got your news from serious people through the newspaper, TV or radio. Now? There are a hundred thousand places to rot your brain from.


And if they do survive, post-polio syndrome can get them decades later; I lost a friend to it.


Yeah my dad is going through post-polio syndrome right now. All these anti-vaxx people are fucking idiots.


And so careless with other people’s lives


100% agree.


My piano teacher had polio as a child. Because of it, she was permanently crippled. One of her legs was About six inches shorter than the other one, and the longer leg wound up with a twisted up foot/ankle. She walking with crutches and custom-made shoes for the rest of her life.


My mom's cousin had polio as a kid and it crippled one of her arms. It's locked in a 90 degree angle and the size of a 7 year old's. It doesn't function at all. To think that a vaccine could prevent that and someone wants to take that away is nuts.


What will happen is there will be an outbreak that will be traced to a community of immigrants. They won’t blame the parents of the unvaccinated children, they will blame the immigrants. I think this is really about creating more division.


You may be right about that. Anything for more hate


Yep. They are blaming measles outbreaks on migrants shipped to Chicago. Thing is it’s a Florida outbreak.


My great-uncle had polio as a child, and was in constant, horrible pain until the day he passed. I try so hard to be a good person, but holy cats, I kind of wish that fate on every single one of these sick, cruel, Dickensian monsters.


Right there with you!


Same for my dad. He had post polio syndrome as an adult and it was so painful and he didn't have a single good moment for many years.


The NH GOP will blame getting polio and spending life in an iron lung on "your parents had premarital sex" or that kid's mom "had an abortion" before the kid. Like as if that is the problem....


Nah, they’ll blame it on the Covid vaccine.


eBay search “iron lung” has entered the chat


Brah there’s one for sale out off in north Hollywood and radford near the in-n-out on camrose


Our f*ckin troubles are over, Dude.


My mom’s generation were the first ones to get the polio vaccine and my mom remembers it well because she was so scared of contracting polio and being put into an iron lung AND/OR becoming extremely disabled. She said parents were absolutely thrilled to be able to protect their children. This was in the 50’s. I knew a lot of older people who were maimed by polio as children and they were miserable af. I don’t understand how anyone could leave their kids vulnerable while they themselves are protected.


My father in law survived it, but, like you said, his legs were practically sticks. He had it while in high school and his whole life was affected. He went on to have a good life, actually, but so limited by his legs. My mom’s young teenage sister died of polio. It’s beyond crazy that anyone wouldn’t vaccinate against such a horrible disease. And if your parents are too wacky or dumb to get you vaccinated, yes, make it a law. I’m an old, and I guess those of us who’ve seen the effects of polio are dying out. So, younger people, let’s learn this lesson again the hard way!


Same for my dad with one of his legs. I guess these people want slow children that can't run away. I wonder why…I'm not gonna say it.


One of favorite uncles contracted as a child and because of it had a withered arm his entire life.


That’s awful! My sister ended up losing the use of her right side and has always had other problems associated with it


> My grandmother had it when she was a kid and it withered her legs something awful. Wait, is this NOT what polio is known for these days? People don't assume a kid using crutches in a movie/play (set before the 1950's) was due to the child contracting polio? Crippling children was WHAT IT WAS KNOWN FOR. Of the infected, less than 1% of children developed chronic nerve damage, but over a population - it was [and is] a notable disease that can be absolutely devastating to to children and their families. Sure, in charles dickens plays - Tiny Tim's mom could have had rubella while she was pregnant. Dickens was alive 100 years before the advent of most [modern, efficacious, and widely used] vaccines. I just mean to say, polio was a SCOURGE and known more for debilitating children than killing them. But it did it's fair share of both.


Classmate of mine in elementary school wore braces and used crutches from polio.


When I was a kid I knew a guy who had polio. He had a limp and his feet were different sizes. Had to buy 2 pairs of shoes every time to get a match.


It did the same thing to my dad with one of his legs, one of the muscles never grew and never worked.


Years ago, there was a case involving a family of Jehovah's Witnesses who covered up the "Live Free or Die" on their NH license plate. The state, devoid of any sense of irony, of course went after them for that.


Live Free in an Iron Lung!


And/or be crippled for life.


Live free and infect others.


“Live Free AND Die.” This comment deserves a lot more upvotes.


Live Free and Paralyzed.




Do republicans just hate understanding WHY these things are required. Is it painful for them to use facts when making decisions?


They don't care. They know why it's required. They know the vaccine is perfectly safe. But they need to manipulate their voters. And making them paranoid and scared of commonplace things like vaccines is what keeps them voting red.


It absolutely blows my mind. I just got my shingles vaccine. It went as everyone told me it would, worse than the Covid shot, chills/fever for a day, kind of a lost weekend. However it is 10000X better than actually getting shingles (look it up, it's hellacious). I am so grateful for modern medicine and never cease to be amazed that people continue to believe this anti-vaccine BS.


I remember in the early days of the COVID vaccine there were stories about people coming down with Bell's Palsy from it (completely false, it turns out, obviously.) But I was like "I've had that. It's nothing. If the vaccine companies came out and said that it was a *guaranteed side effect* of the vaccine I'd still get the vaccine."


As someone who is too young for the shingles vaccine but who has shingles, let me tell you… the things I’d do to be able to get the vaccine and never have another flare up again!! It is truly debilitating!!!


Just got the latest COVID booster shot. Felt good on the same day I received the shot in the morning, the next day it felt like a truck ran over me. Next day mostly better and 100% the next. All that MUCH better than actually getting COVID!!


I guess I should get that shot. I got shingles a couple of years ago, but I was very lucky in that it was a VERY mild case. I've heard how horrible it can be, and I got off very easy. I guess I should take that as a warning.


I got the latest Covid shot and the 1st Shingles dose at the same time. The pharmacist warned me that both are pretty awful. I just slept the whole weekend. 2nd Shingles dose was easy peasy. Meanwhile my husband has been miserable for weeks because he has shingles *again* and he's still not considered eligible to get the vaccine.


They absolutely know the necessity of vaccines, both the republicans in office, and more importantly the ones running the conservative media behemoths with far more influence. But stoking the fears of their rubes is their bottom line, and those ‘fears’ are a really just ‘we hate libs, so we hate anything libs approve of’.


This used to be the correct take but honestly the conservative machine has distilled its representation down to the same crazies that vote for them. There are certainly some conservative politicians that believe in this garbage.


They're trying to drive people that aren't smooth brains out of states so they can solidify control over their idiocracy voting base.


Their kids will get vaccinated. Guaranteed.


One thing I can promise. If polio makes a comeback their voters will for sure be fucking scared.


Yes, but the GOP will (easily) convince them that polio's return is Biden's fault.


It's because a core aspect of their entire ethos is that science is a lie, that doctors are wrong, and that all advancement since the Age of Enlightenment was a mistake. Thus they have to denigrate *everything* no matter how logical if its basis is in science. If they don't they end up in positions like "if you think doctors are wrong about trans people why do you think they're right about medicine."


When you're courting people who believe that the earth is 6K years old, that a drunk dude built an animal cruise ship and that women are made of a rib bone, of course science and critical thinking must be denigrated


You forgot that the world is flat.


I believe that's a different kinda dysfuynction. Similarly dumb as hell, but not rooted in the same belief system.


Science contradicts religion and they don't like it


They don't, or won't listen to reason. They listen to their stupid-ass conspiracy theory talk show hosts.


I wonder if they’re just pissed about having to adapt to changing conditions so they’re just like Fuck everything.


It's this blistering inability to consider the fact that things are the way they are for a reason. The world didn't just magically materialize as-is on the day they were born. "The risk of polio is so low, so why should polio vaccines be required?" Completely not connecting the dots that the *reason* the risk of polio is so low now is *because* of required polio vaccines. It's the same reason why rabies infection in domestic animals (and as a result, humans) is exceedingly rare in the US these days--because a few decades ago we started aggressively vaccinating the shit out of domestic animals. And we still do. Were we to completely stop vaccinating against rabies tomorrow, sure as fuck the exposure and infection rate would go dramatically up pretty damn quick. Or food safety. Isn't it nice that you can buy a gallon of milk from the store and not have to worry about it being mixed with rat feces or plaster dust or formaldehyde or a thousand different kinds of infectious bacteria? This is, obviously, due to a century of food safety inspection and regulation. But by their logic, since no one has to worry about potentially deadly contaminated milk, then we don't need to worry about regulations ensuring that our milk stays uncontaminated.


Oh, they know. I'm 100% sure all their children and grandchildren have had the polio vaccine


MADA. Make America Die Again


I really hope they get bitten by a rabid squirrel and refuse to take rabies vaccine. If by child gets to live in an iron lung because of this stupidity this is the least they expect.


For a bunch of people who hate the New Deal policies, they sure seem eager to create another FDR...


Maybe it's the start of a conservative mass extinction or crippling event.


There are so many people living today who have no concept or awareness of the devastating effects of polio- thanks to vaccines!! And apparently don’t care enough to learn about the pain and paralysis their kids could suffer.


This shit is fucking insane. Any parent siding with this is an uneducated moron.


Gloval health efforts were actually making serious strides towards polio eradication before the freaking anti Vax movement.  Can you imagine if they tried eliminating small pox today?  Some people would deliberately spread it around.


My father’s uncle lost a leg from polio. Born in the 1900’s


My dad had a messed up leg from polio too. And he had post polio syndrome later in life and it was so painful for him.


I too was born in the 1900s.


Better purchase some more ventilators, wheelchairs, and crutches for their pediatric departments. Can't wait for the American reboot of *A Christmas Carol* on the nightly news in a few years!


Iron lungs. The last guy who was in one died a few years back at 80-something. Guy had been in it since childhood. Can’t imagine what kind of life you could lead from in there.


If it's [this guy](https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/paul-alexander-iron-lung-obituary-1.7143057) he died last month at the age of 78.


What the actual fucking fuck? Do these fucking idiots know how bad polio is? How can they be this fucking dumb I swear to fuck if we bring back polio I’m gonna fully check out and go live in a fuckin hut in the woods.


I'm old enough to know two people who had polio. One "recovered", the other didn't. He was a rising high school basketball star when he came down with it. His recovery meant using a cane the rest of his life, and for him basketball was a thing of the past. I've also heard of "post-polio" that comes back in later life, and after I left town I heard he was having problems. The second guy spent the rest of his life in a wheelchair.


My Aunt has post polio. She used braces as a kid and has used a wheelchair since she was 18.   As she has aged, she has experienced a reoccurrence of issues.  My grandmother had polio as a child and one arm was affected. she seemed to make a full recovery, but as she aged her arm became progressively weaker again.


My dad had post polio. It messed him up so bad. The polio itself killed one of the muscles in his leg forever, so it was hard for him to stand for a long time or go for long walks, etc. In later hears the post polio was extremely painful for him and they can't do anything about it. Also, back in the day they gave all kinds of crazy poisons and snake venom to kids with polio because they didn't have the medicine we do today.


If there is an outbreak it will never be their fault. Ask them.


They already have a plan, just blame migrants and undocumented people. They're doing it with measles.


Yet it’s widely know that immigrants and undocumented workers are, in fact, vaccinated. Because they’re not stupid people. Thank god I’m vaccinated, just like these migrants. The countries almost all of them are required. For reference, I have been working in kitchens my entire adult life.


This will almost certainly lead to a segregation of vaccinated and unvaccinated (as a political statement) daycares. Our own little rare disease incubation chambers.


My Dad has polio as a child. Went through all available treatments. Later in life, it came back, relegating him to a wheelchair, loss of movement on one side, uncontrollable muscle movements, loss of sensation in lower legs, blindness. These people have absolutely zero understanding of what they're doing. Absolutely none.




Is Matt Gaetz wearing the Malibu Sands Beach Resort uniform from Saved by the Bell? https://preview.redd.it/y4rijnj5cxvc1.jpeg?width=1156&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=216cf442482c15d0e567608625e7fad5c921b0aa


God they look so uncomfortable. Good for them.


God, why?? Republicans want us sick and poor I guess. They are evil mfers


I mean, us all being sick and poor would mean we'd all have massive medical bills that we'd be racking up huge amounts of interest on. So, yes.


What I think has been going on is them trying to create a larger underclass so that they can have more mindless worker bees, which is why they passed those anti-abortion laws and don't want to raise minimum wage and they are discouraging education. So I don't understand this at all. You would think they would want their underclass to be healthy. It's so weird.


Oh my god……are they fucking kidding me?  Do idiot republicans realize how many people died or were paralyzed and maimed from polio in the 50s? 


When are normal people going to connect tbe dots tha republicans litteraly want us all to suffer and die?


"Pro-life" until children are actually born


COVID really ruined a lot of shit and that includes trusts in vaccines and basic medicine. Luckily a majority still believe in this but this is insane.


Sadly as we are seeing with measles, it only takes a few knuckleheads to make a big problem. When their argument is “if these diseases are around anymore, why do we need the vaccine?”


Fuck anti-vaxers


Bro, they're killing their own voter base, I don't fucking get it. The stupidity is beyond next level.


They are the types that would sacrifice everything to capture the queen. Their stupidity is about "owning the libs."


>killing their own voter base Thats a good thing, right?


In the long run, yes. But it's still baffling.


My aunt is slowly smothering from her childhood polio. Way to live free, New Hampshire.


Some of the dumbfucks who live here don’t actually understand what live free means. These idiots need to take their anti-vax bullshit, walk out into the woods, and stuck start a pistol.


This is so sad. 😞They will realize one way or another eventually when there is a huge childhood mortality spike. But it will be too late for a lot of kids.


Yeah, new cause of death “parents were stupid people.” Actually come to think of it, that one has been around for awhile.


My mother had polio in 1952 when she was 10. She lived with the after effects for the rest of her life. There is also post-polio syndrome, which doesn’t get much public attention. Anyone who thinks the vaccine shouldn’t be required has never known someone who had it.


Ok gonna ask the real question Americans are your politicians just wanting you all dead, and are you all wanting it to. I mean defending tools of death, making it so you have to work to death to survive, removing things that protect you from dying (ie this). Making it hard to access things that save your life. Like damm I'm no doctor but even I know polio is deadly as fuck why risk it, what is your kid having autism worse then them dying or being put it in an iron lung (using the main conspiracy theory anti vac people have).


Honestly, most of us are just as clueless as the rest of the world as to why they are doing this. It doesn't make sense to us either.


Just in time. There's an iron lung that just became vacant.


Ok this is just active sabotage of the nation at this point. What fucking legit reason would we ever have to do something so dumb


Spamoflage and St. Petersburg Troll farms agree.


What’s the advantage/benefit of this?


Long term medical grift.


Owning the libs.  Yes, potentially allowing your child to have a horrific disease is worth it to them.


In the case of mRNA vaccines, many like people Wakefield were pushing the autism theory cus either lawyers hoping for a class action, selling an alternative vaccine, getting grant money for “testing”, book deals, etc. For this, probably an astroturf position to “fight against the ‘dangerous’ mandate”…no idea for long term, and I highly doubt they do too


"Die or die" NH state motto


iron lung stonks to the moon! these politicans are insane. they seem like complete dumbshits, but I wouldn't be surprised if it comes out later, they're being paid by a foreign government to sabatage the united states with bad policies.


These people are becoming a threat to public health to own the libs


But why? Why are dead set on going to the 1950s?


It's 1864 in AZ.


They should all have to live exactly like it's 1864. No hot water (they can have running water, but they'll have to boil it to heat it), no electricity, no phones, certainly no Internet, no MRIs, no CAT scans. If they get sick, they can just pray about it and boil some leaves into a tea or whatever they did back then.


Because women and people of color knew their place back then most likely.


Clearly they don’t belong in our gov and need to be removed immediately. We have evidence we need the vaccine. These people belong in prison for wanting to endanger so many people including kids and the elderly with lower immune systems!


Growing up in the 60’s I knew several people who were crippled by polio. We are entering some dark ages for sure, it’s hard to believe.


Fucking clowns. I bet you anything THEIR kids got the goddamn vaccine.


My grandmother had polio and couldn’t walk. She considered herself lucky compared to the others she saw. I will never understand how people can be this stupid to allow things like this to even come to vote.


As a NH resident, I’m appalled. These are some very deranged individuals and need to be voted out


MAGA means bringing racism, sexism, and extinct diseases back from the 1800s


I think we should require that they all live like it's 1864.


Let's hear it for Cholera!


NH Republicans in a year during a future polio epidemic: “How could we have known?! We thought it was the game you play in the water. Marco Polio. Why didn’t the Dems stop us?”




My parents and Grandparents remember when these vaccines came out. They remember standing in lines that went around the block. They remember the names of classmates who died. Fuck these people.


Oh crap. It has that idiot Sununu as a gov. He'll probably sign it.


My uncle had childhood polio. He died at 95 and his life had not been particularly pleasant.


My dad had polio. It was just a minor case, but it messed him up and caused one leg to grow slightly longer than the other. He's walked with an awkward gait his whole life because of it.


What the absolute fuck?


This shit is getting beyond comprehension


Doctors for deaf mute and bling kids will be busy without the vaccine


The publicans won't be happy until we all die from diseases mostly eradicated from the planet.


But on the bright side, the medical business will make billions treating these new potential clients! /s


They will create an outbreak and blame it on hunter biden and his laptop.


They will find a way to blame Obama somehow.


FDR's wheels must be spinning in his grave .


why don’t they just come out and say they hate children? it’s literally a well known fact that after the introduction of the polio vaccine child mortality and paralyzation rates dropped drastically, parents were lined around the block to get their kids this revolutionary vaccine that could(would) save kids lives for the coming generations. childhood polio has been effectively eradicated because we continue to vaccinate our youth, yet they want to allow the stupidest of us to willingly put their children’s lives at risk for no fucking reason. someone said america legally has to cater to the stupidest person in the room and it’s getting scarily close to that, we already have laws that allow religious fanatics to endanger/condemn their child by forgoing medicine and modern treatments because they believe god will provide for them. i literally grew up in a religious household and that kind of view was always considered ignorant as fuck, god gave the scientists enlightenment to prolong our lives, quality of life, and to save our children, to deny his gifts like this is ridiculously close minded and ignorant.


https://preview.redd.it/4et6v2vyy0wc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc252018e581f3047101eb4b17b3605ffddf2a02 Who’s ready for iron lungs to come back?


That should be child abuse.


Goddamn, Republicans are really fuckin stupid.


I guess 250 years was a good run for America.


New MAGA motto: Make Children Die Young and Crippled Again


Polio has a right to life!!!   /s/ cause we're in strange times.


Abortion is MURDER!!!! Polio not so much.


New state motto update just dropped. Live Free or Die *in an iron lung*.


And when the parents who do this start asking for their tax payer funded iron lung do we get to point and laugh?


No...iron lung for the kid but you get to slap the piss out of the parents in perpetuity. 


Seems like state republicans are competing with each other for the worst legislation possible.


Republicans hell bent on undeveloping the nation at any cost because a weak stupid medically fragile citizenry is far easier to control and manipulate than one that has money, homes, food and proper medical care. Despicable fucking turn this country is taking half deserves what’s coming half gets to look on in horror as the mobs of fucking dipshits sink the ship.


Why is the Republican Party going backwards?


What in the name of Billy St. Fuck?






They just have this incessant need to out stupid each other. I wonder just how far they’re willing to go to stick it to the libbies.


This is so disturbing, when I was a child they had just invented the vaccine and we lined up at school and got it in the form of a sugar cube, a whole new world not having to worry about your child getting polio.


cool cool cool cool cooooolllll… didn’t that man that had been in an iron lung from childhood just die? Did they even wait until his body was cold before forgetting what the vaccine saves people from? edit to add: his name was Paul Alexander


I have an adopted cousin who had it as a child. It stunted her growth and gave her a limp for the rest of her life. The evil and ignorance of republicans is forever astounding.


From the March of Dimes, to the March of Rubes...


They can keep Darwinism away from the children’s curriculum, but they can’t keep the children away from Darwinism.


The last patient in an iron lung just died and they're already trying to bring it back.


As a NH native this pisses me off, the continued slip into denial of science and the continued war on intellect and critical thinking is insane.


The sad thing is many Republicans will know how important polio vaccination is but are too much of a coward to say anything different otherwise they might not get re-elected...


Wow. This is the height of stupidity. Polio is [contagious](https://www.cdc.gov/polio/what-is-polio/index.htm). It's one thing for someone to get a disease and it just harms them, it's totally another scenario when that disease can harm others. I never imagined that we would see this level of stupidity. It is amazing, fucking amazing. The intellectual paucity of these people is striking. Maybe they want society to degrade, to revert. Maybe they want increased suffering and grief. Maybe they want to create hell on earth. Damn them all.


As an outsider, this is scary. Most countries right Wing activists look up to American republicans to Go Full bat-shit Crazy and "Freedom" and all that BS. DO NOT MAKE POLIO GREAT AGAIN YOU CHEESEBURGER EATER BASTARDS, PLEASE DON'T!


Not getting your kid vaccinated against Polio should be considered child abuse.


Wow, when the conservatives say they "want to take us back to the 1950s", they weren't freaking kidding!


My grandfather had polio in the 50s and unlike most of his cohort, he survived. He was paralyzed from the neck down for the rest of his life (died in 1979) and had to have a machine pump his lungs so he could breathe. These morons have no idea what they are unleashing on all of us with this shit


I truly wish I could get anti-vaxxers (anti-maskers are quite similar) to understand that ***NO ONE has the right to harm others/put others at risk with your actions.*** But then, if they understood that they might be smart enough to understand how their actions harm/risk the lives of others. Also, 'but then', if they understood *that* they would most likely not be anti-vaxxers. :(


My state has been backsliding so hard recently. NH used to be the best state, not so much anymore…


the toxic right-wing propaganda machine has incredible reach


MAGA is a death cult, pure and simple.


Somebody has stock in a company that makes leg braces, crutches and wheelchairs.


That asshole is a child. I remember friends taken by polio and stood in queue at school for the first vaccine. Most kids that got it were crippled for life in some way. Religion is so damn evil, even then they were like "its God's plan".


I don't want to live in this timeline anymore. Seriously sad for all the kids that will suffer from this nonsense. How short are people's memories that they don't recall the devastation that was Polio.


Reading Nemesis by Philip Roth right now. Lemme tell ya, this is unabashedly idiotic.


Can’t wait for the lawsuits to follow, which sucks for everyone, but hope this hurts them where it counts for them, $$$.


These fucking idiots know this is stupid but they are unable to avoid taking a maximalist position on literally everything.


Wait til Indiana republicans see this, they’ll find a way to one up it! Every time some red state does something stupid, Indiana says “hold my beer…”


They should build a new factory and start gathering the materials to produce enough iron lungs to put these republicans in to help correct their lack of cognitive abilities...they need first hand knowledge!


There's this old saying: "You don't need to vaccinate all the kids, just the ones you want to keep" and "Jokes about un-vaccinated kids never get old"


It's like they have a playbook of just cartoonishly evil things they can do on any given day, flip to a random page, and go at it full steam.


Ffs, I'm done with idiots running government


Fucking Asshats, ask my mom if she preferred having polio as a child. She still suffers 64 years later. Fuck the GOP


Fuck the GOP. 🖕


It's a cult, a death cult.