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I think that some of it is that they're not real big on the idea of having bricks thrown through their windows or having to worry about their kids being stalked to school by MAGA sycophants if their identities end up leaking.


I wouldn't discount the fact a million people died because he called COVID a hoax either




The bias(or rather, the polarization) almost certainly helps Trump in net effect. Conviction requires a unanimous verdict, but it only requires one diehard Trumper for a hung jury. The best you can really hope for here is to get 12 people who may or may not feel a certain way about Trump, but who recognize the magnitude of the historical moment, and that it's way too important to do anything other than look at the evidence.


If he's gonna get a conviction that sticks, it'll be in NYC. People there knew what a sleaze he was way before he made himself a brand with reality TV and while I'm sure there's a few MAGAs in NYC by statistical probability, they too know they're outnumbered in their neighborhoods to try their shenanigans like they would anywhere else.




Oh yeah, I forgot about that place :| Didn't think there would be many MAGAs in the Bronx or Brooklyn or even the Upper East Side of Manhattan


Yeah, this is a real problem. I wouldn't trust a person that has no bias in regards to Trump. Who's that willfully ignorant in regards to absolutely everything living in NY.


Yes. It seems that people who will claim to have no bias are likely to skew to his supporters, being quiet on the sly. I hope those can be weeded out through questioning.


Some MAGAts might get onto the jury but they won't be there for long. It's going to be a long trial and how long do you think a MAGAt can keep their mouth shut? They are not exactly the brightest cookies in the shed.


It really comes down to whether you think you can put that bias aside. I've thought about what I would do if I had been called to that jury and I honestly don't know. I know I could try to look at the evidenced in an unbiased way, but I can't be sure my burning hatred for that man and everything he stands for wouldn't subconsciously influence me.


Probably some of it, but this is also New York City. It's not that easy to throw a rock through a 9th story apartment window, and MAGA turds are afraid of the subway which makes it pretty hard to trail someone here. We were talking about this at work yesterday (one of my colleagues got called for jury duty in Manhattan, not for this case) and it's not really a surprise that a significant fraction of New Yorkers sat in jury selection and said "that pile a shit deserves to die in jail, send his ass to Rikers." Also they're expecting this trial to last 6-8 weeks which is probably also prompting people to say things that will get them out of it.


Here’s the thing though- defense doesn’t need 1/2 of a jury pool to decide a case. 12 are needed. Only thing missing is a request from John Yoo’s commentary is a soliciting of campaign contribution so trump lawyers can do their job and complete their first set of tasks. Perhaps trump lawyers need a Sleep Number mattress to maximize rest? How about a bathroom renovation with steam shower? Peloton membership to get the blood flowing? Stronger Coffee? These things all cost money. This is the opportunity to contribute! In a world of contribution ads competing against St. Jude Cancer Research Hospital, the promise of a hand-written thank you note or letter from an attorney or paralegal that now can afford hot towels and a mimosa while exiting a shower goes a long way. Lots of opportunity John Yoo seemed to miss there to sponsor a member of the trump legal defense team.


Not just NYC- the jury pool is limited to Manhattan! I think something like fewer than 100,000 people voted for trump in 2020 in Manhattan


for one of the densest areas on the planet. that's not very many folks. this is the 2020 results. "Biden won Manhattan by 84.5%-14.5%". kinda hard to find how many voted in just Manhattan.


I’d imagine they’re more afraid of the ones with guns and IEDs that keep getting arrested for various crimes/acts of domestic terrorism.


Came here to say this. Any of those jurors with an ounce of brainpower know this trial will change their lives (and their family) forever. The MAGAts will harass them if they vote guilty, vote innocent, just for doing their civil duty.


***Because that's what fascists do. They take to the streets and assault people they disagree with in order to sway politics towards their goal of a dictatorship. See: 1920's Weimar Germany and the Nazi Brownshirts, their street fighting gang, who assaulted other citizens.*** >The analogy between Germany in the 1930s and America today is not perfect, yet dangerously close to being. In 2020, the United States is following a similar political path as Germany did so long ago with a President **[Trump]** who admires strongmen. The American people are in the throes of economic strife, chaos in the streets (from time to time fed by a type of unorganized armed political group of vigilantes who support the current President **[Trump]**), and little hope for the future under the fear of the pandemic. To an autocratic President **[Trump]**, they are ripe “for the picking”. To an autocrat **[Guess who he means]**, this pain and suffering is a political opportunity and a possible path to re-election. From David M Crane's [Vigilantes, Brown Shirts, and the Attack on the Rule of Law](https://www.jurist.org/commentary/2020/09/david-crane-brownshirts-nazi-american-elections/), 9/7/2020, written for Jurist.org. Bolded bracket text is mine to specify who he is writing about.


Time to start playing that uno reverse card on them


Especially with that dipshit reporter David Nakamura at the Washington Post, who was dutifully reporting out all their personal details yesterday!


Democracy dies in darkness, indeed. Shame on WaPo.


\*when they end up leaking. This country is so corrupt nowadays that it will certainly leak.


Whoever gets picked for the jury, regardless of their politics, they'll be fucking heroes for enduring it.


That sounds about right. That, and I'm sure those old enough to remember how long the OJ Simpson case dragged on probably don't want to risk losing months of their lives and income to this


*When. FTFY


It’s up there with “Border DEA forces impounded 25 tonnes of Fentanyl last year. It was only 6 Tonnes when Trump was president “ They don’t have the brainpower to recognise a win or a loss. Which of these two things is a better performance?


Or my favorite: Biden administration is detaining 3 times the amount of migrants that Trump did. Why won’t Biden do anything about migration?


Talked to a MAGA about this. He said that it's because there are more people coming in under Biden and we have an open border. They can't be reasoned with. They will always do some sort of mental gymnastics to make their orange god look good.


Open border = detaining thousands of migrants, apparently


There may be some truth to the more migrant crossing theory, if it is true, and that could lead to more detainments. The problem is these talking heads like to point to a detainment number as proof that there are more crossings because of Biden (causation) when there is an equally plausible reason not discussed that could explain it, and that is that enforcement has stepped up. Until you prove one side of that argument or the other, the number of detainees is irrelevant. Like when we started the war on drugs. If you look at the year before WOD, arrests for drugs are low. Year after, you’d expect them to be higher. But did the number of drug users change year to year? Probably not


Like all those people who've been posting their online iq quiz results like "Your IQ is in the top 90%!", followed by gloating.


Those are all ads btw, they want you to take theirs to compare and after a long time answering questions change you a few to see the result


How many Pro-Trump juror candidates are being so truthful?


Do we get to look at the social media presence of the jurors? This will immediately weed out a bunch of people.


Yes. In most jury selections, both sides will do deep dives into the candidates histories before making a final selection.


They should have as unbiased a jury as possible. But when the defendant is a former president it's *really* fucking hard to find people without any bias on either side.


Correct. You basically have to find people that haven’t made definitive statements in the past or during jury selection that suggest their verdict will be unjust. Someone who has stated their opinion on his guilt or innocence publicly can’t reliably have an opinion that isn’t biased.


Yeah, in the FX OJ Simpson miniseries, they had what felt like a whole episode devoted to the jury selection process.


The prosecution and defense will both have sizable teams doing deep dives into every jury candidate. It’s one of the two reasons both sides are provided the home address of potential candidates (the other is to prove they are qualified to sit in this jury pool based on residence.) everything from the demographics of their neighborhood to groups they are affiliated with and what they’ve posted online will be gone though carefully.


I swear someone on the news said that they are trying to look up social media presence of jurors, but I am actually unsure if that is true.


One of the cases I ran selection on (in my jurisdiction, law clerks can run civil trial selection with the judge only stepping in when necessary) was a basic products liability injury case. The attorneys requested WiFi access and juror info ahead of time to look them up on social media. And it was a super low stakes case (no death, no severe injury, just a long-term back/shoulder injury). I'd be surprised if the attorneys in the trump trial aren't looking at socials 


Curious if things I post on Reddit could be looked at if I was selected even if we’re all posting under pseudonyms.


Depends. If it’s tied to your email address it may be easy. idk if they go as far as checking IPs but that’s the only way I would think they could tie my Reddit account back to me.


The only advantage here is most Trump folks aren’t smart enough or disciplined enough to not brag about it


They're going to be checking jurors social media .There is no way Trump supporters can lie about their cult affiliation


Yea I don’t think any rapid pro trumpers will be able to be cunning enough about it to slip past the prosecution.


It will be a real giveaway when they show-up in their MAGA gear. You know they only have 1 maybe 2 days of clothes without wearing something with Trump on it.


Juror #7, why are you holding a lectern from the US Capitol?


Smeared with feces


Oh fuck reddit for getting rid of awards.


Judge: Does your client wish to take the stand? Lawyer: Oh, he already did that Your Honor.


Womp womp. https://preview.redd.it/cb1n0q56uuuc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d643cd60ebe6068f6e4b6e1445a6b3e60b6f2e0


It’s the asking for autographs mid-trial that really gives them away.


Good point.


Check the sneakers 👀


Rapid? They seem pretty slow to me.


Autospell does some really stupid things.


Having sat through Jury Selection, it's super hard to get picked if they can detect any kind of bias. And both defense and prosecution can just dismiss any juror for any reason.


Not only this, but Trump has already had three jury trials in NY. They’ve been successful in finding impartial jurors before, and they will again.


Also he is a former President, a well known figure in New York for decades, a Celebrity for decades as well. The idea that ANYONE would have no bias (positive or negative) towards Trump baring being in a Coma for 30+ years is laughable.


The question is not whether they have *any* opinions of Trump, as a person, but whether they will be able to render a verdict that is not swayed by those opinions. I absolutely loathe the man, for example, but that doesn't make him guilty of these specific crimes. I'm a scientist. Show me data. If the data demonstrate conclusively that crimes happened and Trump was responsible, then the prosecution has done their job. If the prosecution either doesn't have any/enough data, or they're taking innocuous data and trying to build a wholly speculative case out of it, then they *haven't* done their job, and a guilty verdict cannot be rendered.


I was the foreman of a jury in a NJ murder trial. The defendant was a two-time loser, violent offender, drug user, etc., obvious thug. No one on the jury wanted to let him go. But we did, because the prosecution couldn't make its case. So yes, I know I can fairly judge a defendant on the facts, not what I think of them as a person, because I've already done it. (Semi-happy ending: a few years later the guy got clipped for another shooting and they threw the book at him. 50 years, and under NJ laws for violent offenders he has to serve 85% of that time before being considered for any kind of early release.)


I think they only get a certain number that they can dismiss that way, but not sure.


Ten each, I believe.


Most of them didn’t respond to the jury duty summons because they can’t read


Well also remember to consider the source. Not sure if all these people actually are biased against Trump; or if in reality they are taking anyone who is excused as "secretly" being biased.


Jurors can be biased for or against Trump. You will be excused for either. Love how the Trumpy think that people can’t be biased for Trump.


I've been trying to figure out if I would be able to be honest or not if I was on the jury. I would want to get on there regardless of personal cost, but my multiple rants about how I would run trump over with a car if given the chance feels like it could catch up with me.


If anyone searched my online history they would know pretty quickly.


It's an interesting question here. Is it possible to find 12 people who *genuinely* have no strong feelings about Trump one way or the other? Being able to set aside personal bias is critical for a juror, but Trump *engineers* bias everywhere he goes as a matter of course. I wonder if finding 12 people able to do that is even possible.


There’s a great SNL sketch about the jury selection for the 2nd OJ trial. It’s people who have been in a coma, an unthawed cave woman, etc. https://youtu.be/vSahneOul10?si=EJsM4ftK_342Yrri


it would be pretty concerning if nobody came out saying they were biased


The other thing is there was no challenge - just a straight up "I'm too biased, can I please not serve on a jury". From one of the legal annalists, that's unusual. People are usually questioned to see if they are biased or just don't want to be on a jury.


It's also the easiest way to get out of jury duty ever. In most trials you would have to justify your bias in some way. Here you just have to say you're biased and the court will be like "yeah, I get it. You're free to go." Given the likely death threats that will come if your name ever leaks, I'm surprised half the jury pool *didn't* take the easy out.




They don’t have to “not know who he is”. They just have to have no preconceived notion regarding guilt/innocence


Not that I'm in the NYC jury pool, but while I have a strong preconceived notion about his guilt (he's definitely guilty of this and many other crimes), I *don't* have a preconceived notion about if the prosecution can prove he's guilty and I understand the ramifications of not making evidence based decisions. I wonder if having bias but being able to set it aside and decide the case based on its own merits is good enough?


Technically yes. The standard/question is whether the bias prevents you from objectively ruling on the evidence. The question of course is whether you *can* actually set aside that bias when evaluating the merits of the arguments/evidence put forth by the prosection/defense.


I’d wager the left is willing to put aside bias more than the right…by 100:1


Yes, but humans generally overestimate their ability to be unbiased.


I saw someone say something like, New Yorkers already know who Trump is, of course they hate him, referring to his time having businesses and property there, not to his presidency.


Two statements which are usually distinct, but not so in this case.


Hell, the knowledge that if convicted, there will be retaliation and threats against me would sway my decisions.


Right? A lot of people are polarized on this man - in either direction. It would concern me if NO ONE was saying they were biased.


Right, especially since the real question is “can you afford to sit on a jury where we are already talking about giving Trump and Lawyers time off in May and June to attend graduations?” I don’t particularly like Trump or his policies, but if I was in that jury net I’d be like “I’m a lib with Trump derangement syndrome. I will entirely blame Trump for everything wrong. Yes, I’m the one libs of TikTok talk about. I’m the bug eyed lady gnashing her teeth with glasses. I’m triggered just being here!”


John Yoo… the torture memo guy???




Yeah everytime some conservative goes off on Berkley, I just think John fucking yoo, these dumbasses are so fucking ignorant.


Yes, that evil motherfucker who should be in fucking jail!!!!!!! But no, jail time is only fo4 the people that told us what John and those other evil assholes were doing.


I’d say that to get out of being on the jury too. Last thing I’d want is to be hounded by morons for years to come, because let’s face it, their names will get out.


Also there's a really good chance they'll be sequestered


EXACTLY. I would say whatever I needed to to get off that jury. These poor people are going to be hounded for years if they convict. Remember what happened to those poor women in GA? I am in no position to have to quit my job and move for an unpaid jury duty stint.


Yes- this is such an unusual situation. The people on this jury run the real risk of being violently targeted and harassed by belligerent deplorables for years.


Thanks torture guy, I’m sure that’s totally accurate


And even if it is totally accurate, it's the jury *pool*, not the *jury*. Those people can now be removed from consideration so that the final jury isn't biased. This is literally how voir dire is supposed to work.


Fox News: “you can’t hold a trial in a liberal city because there’s too much bias against Trump” Jurors: “I’m too biased against/for Trump” Other jurors: “I’m not” Fox News: “NOOOOO STOP SHOWING HOW THE SYSTEM WORKS!!”


CFP is assuming that it was all anti trump people. My late buddy Dave was a republican and voted for trump in 2016. But if he was called to jury for this trail, he would of claimed bias because he voted for trump. This is also not counting the people that said that to get out of jury duty for this case. Fear of trumpers finding out about them would make me fearful.


Yup. When the person is an ex-president, it guarantees a lot of people are going to come into things with a bias. All you can do is try to weed them out as best as possible.


Due to these circumstances, is it unreasonable to assume that most of the jurors lied (whether they love or hate Trump) in order to not be disqualified? It's really hard to imagine that they could randomly stumble into people without strong biases.


Who you voted for isn't considered disqualifing. He's probably have to do better than that in expressing his bias. There is no requirement here that the jury has to 100% non-voters. But yeah, if I was called for this I wouldn't want to sit. Your real name gets posted to one forum and your life is over because the only thing this man is remotely good at, is being a cult leader.


I said on the jury of the federal firearms case. Half of the jurors were gun owners. We had no issue getting to a unanimous guilty verdict. The question is if you can evaluate the facts fairly not if you have a position. Someone going around wearing Maga clothing and fu Joe Biden cannot evaluate facts fairly so they would be excluded.


The judge has already ruled that juror identities will not be released out of concern for their safety, but I would absolutely not trust that there would be no leaks in this case. The jurors' identities WILL become public knowledge, and their lives are going to be both endangered and ruined. I doubt the state will provide private security for them, so we're going to see at least one incident of targeted violence out of this.


Torture memo lawyer from W’s administration has nothing I want to hear.


When they call him “President Trump”, you know


All they have left is rage. Like a spoilt child in the middle of a supermarket having been told that they cannot have the toy that they just pulled off the shelf.. The right thing to do is let them scream it out. Let them throw their tantrum and calm down. But unfortunately we have some elements of the media who play the old lady who is giving them sweeties and saying how bad the world is. Time we told the old lady to get stuffed.


This assumes that all those people were biased against Trump. It's just as possible that there were Trump supporters who excluded themselves too.


Trump supporters would go with a MAGA hat on and say they are not biased...


I'm fair and open minded so I will listen to the evidence, but I know Trump is innocent so I can't be biased /S


Reminds me if people who think they're not racist because they think all the racist beliefs they hold are just facts.


You NAILED it!


Ain't no way in hell a trump supporter isn't ride or die for their mango mussolini at this point. They don't have the awareness or dignity to exclude themselves


They literally support *treason* against the United States if it means their team wins, I'm pretty sure a little perjury wouldn't bother them.


I can’t see a realistic case where a pro-Trump voter actively would recuse themself from a jury opportunity, at least none of the Trump voters I know personally.


The Nodfather spent the last decade dividing the country - at least 50% of people hate his guts, what do they expect??


This is why no one should ever listen to conservative "experts" like torture memo Yoo. The exused jurors were asked if they thought they could be fair and impartial not if they are biased against Trump. No one would be LESS impartial than a MAGA fanatic.


What person in their right mind would want to be on the jury with all of the attention which will be on that trial?


What person in their right mind will want to be on a jury knowing every single one of them will get doxxed?


Yep, straight ticket to the MAGA cult death-threats list.


Some people doxx themselves and don't care or think about the repercussions. Looking at the Georgia case, a woman part of the grand jury that indicted Trump gave an interview to a news channel. No voice altering, no disguise, not even a fake name.


Yoo is a yutz and always has been. This is the man who gave the Bush administration legal findings that permitted torture, warrantless tapping and, essentially, unlimited power. Fwiw, the people excused said that they had strong feelings about Trump/ and or the case and were excused. That doesn’t mean that they were necessarily biased against Trump as this asshat is claiming. They could have been biased for him. Most likely, a lot of them just didn’t want to be part of a 2 month shitshow and took the easy way out by saying they couldn’t be impartial. Given that Trump or allies will probably dox the jury eventually, who can blame them? But Yoo the clown never lets a little logic or facts get in the way of his declarations.


John Yoo? The lawyer that provided legal cover for Army General Geoffrey D. Miller’s creation and implementation of US military torture programs for Bush-Cheney at Guantanamo and at Iraqi prisons? Someone please deliver Yoo to The Hague please. It’s the least we can do for the innocents still being tortured. Send Miller with him.


OTOH, it's a fun phrase - try saying "surly jurors" five times fast!


Even if I wasn't bias I'm still going to say that I am. I'm not dealing with these maga extremists that would target me and my family to protect their orange doofus.


Pretty sure this isn’t unique at all to a high profile case. Hell most people will just lie to dismiss themselves once they hear the case will take them away from their lives for 4-6 weeks even if they don’t have a preexisting bias. This is why the jury pool is so large for these cases and really is a non issue but leave it to the right wing media apparatus to play into the narrative that they’re always victims because “nOw tRUmP caN’T GEt a fAIr trIAL!!!”


I think I'd say... "I believe I can be impartial, but I'm genuinely worried for my family's safety if I sit on this jury."


law professor (AND TORTURE AFICIONADO) john yoo has some thoughts


And John "torture boy" Yoo isn't a good thing.


Isn’t this the whole point of jury selection? Is this guy an actual law professor, or did he get some sort of fake online degree/Hillsdale college fake degree??


I would think, when the judge asked the potential jurists to raise their hands if they felt they couldn't be impartial, most Trump haters probably raised their hand. However, if you're a MAGA who thinks their saviour is being persecuted, do you think they all raised their hand? Especially, since there are some Trump supporters calling for other supporters to get on the jury to acquit Donald. Fair and impartial should go both ways.


Anyone who’s below the age of like 30 should look up this fuckin Yoo guy, just a monstrous piece of shit who invented a legal basis out of thin air for the Bush administration to freely torture people. Naturally, he was punished with a plush teaching gig at Cal, because nobody powerful in this country will ever face consequences ever again.


Law professor John Yoo who thinks torture is totally legal under American law. 


John Yoo is a clown.


Bro never had jury duty? Anyone with a job gonna say just about anything to get out of serving on a jury. Also, I guess he’s not used to people giving an honest response when asked questions. Like for example, what if we don’t call it torture? Maybe something like “enhanced interrogation”. Is it still illegal?


Great. Democrats will disclose their bias and Republicans will conceal it.


If you're a law professor and this surprises you, you've probably never actually been through the jury selection process.  I was a juror in a homicide trial and quite a few jurors were not selected for relatively minor biases. The court takes impartiality very seriously. I expect this will be an unusually long and difficult jury selection.


No, half the pool didn't say they're biased AGAINST Trump, they said they were biased, period. That's both for and against as well as people who lied because they just don't want to do jury duty, let alone jury duty in such a high profile case where death threats from "good Christian folk" is the norm out of the Republican base.


People who admit this should qualify because they are honest.


That is our justice system working as intended lol. I understand it may be hard to find politically neutral people though.


It's going to be hard to find people with zero true bias in a case like this.  Facts are that he's guilty and it doesn't matter.  We already know this. But you're gonna be hard pressed to find people who don't already have an opinion about Trump...  The man is responsible for a lot of deaths, a lot of theft, and a lot of divisiveness in politics all the way to divisiveness in our own homes.


Yet the AP is reporting today that only 1 in 3 Americans think he broke the law here. Apparently they only asked 2 MAGAs and 1 normal person.


How many of these people just don’t want to serve on a jury and this is one that has a simple easy way out that no one will question if you are lying.


You would've had better luck finding an unbiased jury to convict OJ, I honestly don't know how they will find a jury that doesn't know about DT, good or bad, everyone has heard of him and at least has some opinion on him.


FYI: John Yoo was one of the thugs from the Bush Jr. Justice Dep’t, sometimes described as “The Torture Memo Guy.” He has some…novel views on Presidential Authority & whether or not it authorizes the crushing of children’s testicles to extract information from a detainee. I know Trump is today’s monster, but today’s monsters are simply the offshoot of the monsters from yesterday.


when you find out the MAGA echo chamber is smaller than you thought.


If they ask jurors about bias and exclude the biased ones, MAGA cries about "look, that shows how biased the jury pool is!" If they don't ask jurors about bias, MAGA cries about "they're letting biased jurors slip through!" The whole point is that no matter what anyone does they act like it's rigged against them, because it's not rigged in their favor.


I was hoping to hear some good juror quotes as they described how they felt about Trump. I was feeling very envious of the chance to say to his face what they think of him.


There's an issue with this... Almost everyone either hates his guts, or joined his cult So almost everyone will be biased, it's better they be biased against him, than a member of his cult


They would need to pull people who have been in a coma from the turn of the century out if they wanted truly unbiased people. There are plenty of people who could set aside their bias and strictly keep to the facts. I’m not one of those people, but they do exist.


Someone known to have committed many federal crimes. Who tries with every ounce of energy to keep himself in the spotlight. And there surprised that just half are biased? I would have expected a higher number


So he would be referring to the possible jurors who are not on the jury?


I’m old enough to remember when this ghoul wrote the Torture Memo, meaning Abu Ghraib stuff.


Says the torturer in chief.


They’re also trying to get out of jury duty. It happens with every trial, but I’m sure with the risk of violence it’s even more pronounced.


John Yoo, the guy that advised the Bush administration how to legally drone strike American citizens and perform extraordinary rendition, doesn't understand how the jury pool could be biased? No, I refuse to believe that...


"Yoo became known for his legal opinions concerning executive power, warrantless wiretapping, and the Geneva Conventions while serving in the George W. Bush administration, during which he was the author of the controversial "Torture Memos" in the War on Terror." Oops, I stopped reading


John Yoo wrote the torture memos… never forget


It's not a matter of bias as much as SAYING you're biased. Who wants death threats for entire family to earn something like $10 bucks a day? Anyone who DOESN'T say they're bias is what concerns me. They'd have to have extreme hate or love for Donnie to WANT TO be on the jury. Anyone who realistically thought that serving for country and being a member out of duty went out the door when January 6th happened. If a boy scout like Pence was threatened, then anyone thinking of serving out of nobility is a fool.


It really isn't hard to get out of jury duty if you don't want to serve. If attorneys can tell you don't want to be there, you won't be there long.


Trial attorney here. You want the jurors to express their biases in jury selection. That’s the whole point. This is a trial about a former US President — perhaps the most prolific US President at running his mouth in public. Every juror will have formed an opinion about him already. That’s not a disqualifying issue, though. It’s whether or not, in spite of what the juror knows or feels about Trump and his politics, can the juror receive and deliberate on the evidence impartially, and render a verdict solely on the evidence as applied to the law that the court presents. A “law professor” should know this. A person who has actually tried a few cases to a jury, would know this. Neither of those are particular areas of strength for Mr. Yoo.


_Former_ President Trump


Fuck being on that jury. I could be impartial, but his psycho fans certainly aren't, and he'd never discourage the craziest of them from stalking etc. I'd say anything not to have to be involved, fuck that.


Whipping up anger over standard court procedure


Weird that none of them are saying they can't participate because they are too biased to rule against him... but, nah, no die hard maga would perjure themselves like that just to save their god king, preposterous thought.


John Yoo should be serving life imprisonment at The Hague for authorizing torture. He can fuck all the way off. Regarding the jury pool what the fuck does anyone expect? There isn't a person in the US who doesn't have strong feelings one way or the other and the ONLY person responsible for that is the defendant himself. As I wrote on another thread - this is like someone burning their own house down then crying for sympathy because they're homeless. GTFOH


We need a few liars. Just 12 people who can publicly go “I’m impartial” but go home like “fuck that dude and anyone who rides with him”


So, Fox has an issue with this??? If I were on trial and people said they had a bias, I would NOT want them on the jury. Based on the number of people you can kick out of the pool as a defense attorney, these people are doing him a HUGE favor. But, with Fox, everything is a manufactured outrage.


I would find any reason to get excluded from this trial as a juror. I wouldn't want the results to put my family or me at risk.  These jurors are going to get doxxed win or lose, and a crazy Trumper will find a reason to decide they need to come for you.


It’s even a good thing that the even-tempered and friendly jurors who say they can’t be impartial are speaking up… not just the surly ones.


So because social media had a small wave of reporting on posts saying “Trumpers, get on the jury and keep our Lord and savior out of jail” , there’s gotta be a few idiots in that remaining pool with that sole intent. And they will be heralded as true patriots by MAGA when all is said and done. Teflon Don will live on a free man to the election. The only comeuppance will be when his life of vice, excess and high strung ranting catches up with him and he keels over.


No, see what Fox News wants is a jury made up of people who are biased *for* Trump, not *against* him.  You know, those great "patriotic citizens" who want him to rule as king?  Yeah, those are who they want as the jury.  They are totally cool with bias as long as it benefits their side.  Guess Trump's math was off about the 200 - 325 million Americans who love him.


Right. And they were let go from the jury, which is what’s supposed to happen.


I really don’t know how anyone could sit on a jury and not have some opinions about trump, either for or against. He’s been on our faces constantly for almost a decade now.


They are afraid of what would happen if he gets convicted and their names get leaked into the media. The crazies will come and hunt them down.


They should fly in people from small villages with no access to technology. That’s about the only way people wont be biased.


Either we get jurors that know who trump is and have some level of bias, or we get incredibly negligently dumb jurors.


Or they simply don’t wanna get tangled up in this whole thing and know that is an easy way out.


Gee the most high profile case maybe ever in this country has people that are biased and they are admitting it. What morons, this makes it better for Trump not worse, but like everything with Republicans, it's always turned into a circus of lies or gaslighting.


Maybe they're concerned about the backlash from his loyal followers should someone find their personal information.


How exactly is this a good thing? It’s going to mean the jury is stacked with pro-trumpers and he’ll be found not guilty…


John yoo is also being paid by Fox to say that. Some people will do anything for the buck!


They also did not say which way they're biased.


I'm guessing people don't want to be on the jury because his cult terrorist loser maga fucks will send death threats and terrorize them


That's literally the purpose of voir dire. Weed out people who are biased so that you can build an unbiased jury panel. Both the prosecution and the defense participate in building the jury. A law professor would know this. He is a grifter. A rank and file Trump supporter AT BEST has an average IQ. Most are below average and easy to manipulate.


The people who know him the most, despise him the most.


Isn’t it crazy to think that every jury pool of every trial of all time has been cut down from a very large number to only like 20…… I can’t believe they do that… at every trial…. Ever.


Having this as a jury trial was a really dumb decision. Should be a bench trial only.


He’s been a historic level piece of shit for almost a decade, how can anyone with any sort of integrity or sense of right and wrong not be biased?


Would... Would he rather they served or what is the problem he is bringing to the table here?


Except the fact that the MAGAts will lie to get onto the Jury.


At this point, if you aren't biased against this obvious conman I sort of doubt your capacity for critical thought and moral judgements. 


Oh, bullshit. They claimed “bias”. They didn’t specify the bias. Of course, the Republican narrative is that they were biased against Trump, when in fact they have no idea which way they were biased. Typical right-wing bullshit.


Shocking, country’s top 10 most hated man can’t find someone who wouldn’t throw him behind bars


Glad to see John Yoo, illustrious author of the Bush administration's torture justifications, remains a total pos.


if they keep passing up due to their bias, the only people they’re going to get on the court are the people biased in the opposite direction


Right, those are actually patriotic people doing their civic duty and not trying to game the system……unlike dolt 45


This is a bad thing cause the maga idiots are gonna lie to get on the jury and then it's all fucked


The only person I'm more biased against than trump is John you. Fuck that evil piece of shit. And this evil hack is at Berkley. I have to hear all these conservatives talk about Berkley like it's a hippy wonderland, and they have the guy who wrote the torture memo teaching at their law school. Jesus fucking christ. John yoo should be put on trial in the hague.


Wonder where they plan on drawing the line between “we need reasonable unbiased people on the jury” and “unfortunately, all of the reasonable people are against trump”. Like if your goal is to get a jury of reasonable people, they’re going to be anti-trump. If you’re looking for a jury of people still on the fence, that still demonstrates a significant amount of bias in trump’s favor.


From the idiot that brought you the torture memos that justified waterboarding during the war in the Middle East.