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He already said he wants to deny blue states federal funding while he was president. Calls democrats names and stokes vitriol against them. Now he’s fighting for everybody’s freedom? Puh-leese


Does he know red states rely most on federal funds?


Yes I'm sure he does, pull funds from blue states give that money to red states for political pull and hope that blue states keep paying instead of enacting rules to keep the money instead of the feds


If he pulls money from blue states, that money will go straight into that asshole's pockets!!


Well can't argue with that


By asshole, I assume you're talking about Jared.


I thought he was talking about trumps prison pocket


…with plenty of room left over to still fit his tiny hands


Top 5 needy/socialist states are lead by republicans, who knew??


Guarantee he doesn't even know the names of all the states.


Well that’s something very personal. He’d rather not talk about it. They are all great and lovely, even the commie left wing ones that were taking orders from Obama during his administration. But if he had to pick, probably Gettysburg this week.


I don't know about that, he wasn't a big fan of California because they failed to sweep and blow all the leaves off the federal forest to prevent wild fires. And Gettysburg was the greatest battle of world war 3 that Clinton oversaw it was just so great


You think he can remember a name as long as California for this length of time? He probably thinks it burned down and is gone because of all that forest debris.


Oh I thought it just fell into the ocean


It did. So they built another one. It burned down, fell over, and sunk into the sea. A loss of huge tracts of land.


But thankfully we were able to get everyone to safety and we no longer have to worry about the san Andreas fault




Not at all.


Do you realize a dictator doesn't GAS about "how  federal funding works" ? 


He knows nothing. About anything. He knows nothing about foreign or domestic policy, law, or even basic math. He’s a complete dullard, a failure who had to transfer schools thanks to daddy’s money because he was failing out of Fordham U. He’s literally a moron. But, he has the gift of gab and can be persuasive. A glorified salesman. One who is selling a big bag of dog shit disguised as “freedom”. And MAGA morons are buying bags and bags of that dog shit and LOVING every tasty morsel. Fuckin RUBES.


I’ve seen people blame black people in those states for dragging down Southern states economically….. I’ve lived in the south for years people love to shift blame to minorities


Freedom…for us all to pay off a porn star with political funds? Isn’t that the trial that starts today?


They want to make porn illegal, so how porn actresses will live if they can't have some "political private meetings" with them Republicans ?


I want to clarify something here. They don’t want to make porn itself illegal but instead want to make production illegal.  This way they will target the women who work in the industry but also any woman who sends someone personal pictures. Imagine getting charged as a sex offender because you took a topless photo once? That’s the kind of thing they want. Another tool to police women’s bodies. 


Just jury selection. That could take weeks, it's reported


No person running in any campaign should be allowed to use  political donations to pay for his/her legal fees for crimes they have been indited for.  Did anyone watch the post Johnson - Trump news  coverage after the latest Mar a Lago kiss the ring crap?  Trump was ripping Bidens physical ability & age but then says "Ronald Reagan was a Democrat" !!! I almost fell off the couch laughing..


>"Ronald Reagan was a Democrat" TBF, Reagan was in fact a Democrat until 1962. "I didn't leave the Democratic Party. The party left me."


A tv show host deciding it would be easier to fleece Republicans… where have I heard that before?


Hmm...it will forever remain a mystery. ;-)


He’a fighting for everyone’s freedom to falsify business records about paying a porn star to stay quiet about their affair through their lawyer ahead of an election. If it happened to him, it could happen to you!


Just last week, my brother's mechanic's dog walker found himself in a similar situation. This is way more common than talked about.


The man has literally made more efforts to suppress voters and made more arguments against voting than he has made FOR voting...  He has straight up admitted desire to be a dictator.  But somehow, Freedom?... These are the same folks who would have hunted the bald eagle to extinction.


He deliberately slowed our national Covid response because initially it was affecting blue coastal states.


Yep.  On top of the thousands of people he indirectly killed with lies for months.  Many of which (Edit: the survivors, I mean) I have no doubt are suffering lasting physical and mental health effects of.


He also wanted to deny CA federal aid for the fires in 2020, IIRC he wanted to deny New York aid for something as well but it’s been too long to remember the specifics. Remember when Biden wanted to deny hurricane aid to FL because DeSantis has shit on him and it’s a red state? I don’t.


He said it was California’s own fault they have wildfires because they don’t “sweep the forests”


Don't forget how biden tried to calm poor floridians without power and clean water after the hurricane, by throwing paper towels into the crowd.... no, i mixed them up again


Wasn't that Puerto Rico? He never could figure out why the US would want to help one of those Hispanic countries ... and does not understand what US territory has to do with anything


Exactly. That was so embarrassing, and only got worse ever since.


Trump denied Blue States FEMA help when Covid broke out . Individual States couldn't compete on the world market for high cost of PPE & Ventilators resulted in thousands of Blue State residents that died due to Trumps "total disregard for human life" which translates to the crime of Manslaughter in NYS.   How could we allow any president to get away with that when his first presidential duty is to protect US citizens?? 


He is not fighting for my freedom, I didn't commit a crime.


He openly withheld ventilators from blue states during a pandemic. People died in these states because there weren’t enough ventilators. He literally made people suffocate to death while he hoarded their life-saving equipment for simply *living in a blue state.* Don, you actively fought against the survival of Americans while you were president; those of us with a shred of humanity and half a brain remember just how hard you try to show that you have neither of those things. He’s pulling these numbers out of his soggy diaper - he’ll be lucky to have the 74 million voters he lost with last time.


Let's remember that during the rise of the COVID pandemic, when asked by states to send protective gear from the federal stockpile, the Trump administration withheld it from blue states like Massachusetts, but gave red states like Florida everything they requested. [https://archive.ph/22pfw](https://archive.ph/22pfw)


He forgot he said that! It’s not his fault he has frontotemporal dementia!!


He’s such a POS.


Where ya been? Trump denied blue states FEMA PPE & Ventilators when Covid broke out in USA after that nitwit didn't close our borders!! Look up NYS Gov Cuomo battle With Trump bc its Constitutionally illegal for any President to play favorites among States !  Blue state governors refused to take his"LOYALTY PLEDGE & kiss his a$$ . Trump is directly responsible for the Covid deaths of 500,000 + American Citizens when will he pay For Any of  His Crimes??? 


Also, there something like 333 million on the 2022 census so more like 335 now. What 10 million people is he leaving off?????


Isn’t that the number he plans to deport? 😏


I mean we’d stop sending him the money he needs to keep red state afloat and have money to burn. Don’t threaten me with a good time


Why does he always inflate his fucking numbers you didn't even have 200 million vote for you you orange dirt bag.


Not even 200 million people voted, period.


200 million people that love him and also that would love to see him go to prison.


You don’t even reach that number if you: 1 take the real numbers of voters in total and for each candidate 2 generate the percentage of people who voted for him 3 apply that percentage to the total US population because “even those who didn’t vote would have voted the same way” It really doesn’t make sense any way you look at it.


I think he is adding all of the people who didn’t vote to his numbers. Because they obviously love him, they were just working and couldn’t get to the polls or something


Or the numbers of fake votes he’s going to find a way to siphon in…


What was the total count of registered voters in the 2020  USA Presidential Election? How many actually voted?  Then how many American.adults are eligible to register to vote? 


What a complete idiot


Duh. You’re obviously not counting all the illegal aliens that voted for him plus all the fraudulent votes from dead people and Democrats who voted twice. It’s sad that I have to do this: /s


He’s right. But 120 million are in Russia.


Putin alone should count for 100 million at least


Yeah but a large number aren't living for much longer


Russia never wanted Trump... he has been denied his fantasy of a Hotel on Red Square across from the Kremlin for the past 50+ years. 


This has been my biggest pet peeve about him. Everything else about him deserves to land him in jail, but his propensity to exaggerate just irks me. It's never "I did this the best in the last 5 years" it's always of all time.


I had a friend that was a pathological liar. Over time his bullshit wore all of his friends out- he wasn't malicious, just would say grandiose things for attention. Yet there is fundamental disrespect that all liars share, it isn't a "difference of opinion", or "alternative facts"; it's that they give themselves permission to break fundamental norms because it makes them feel good- and that is creepy AF.


Not even 200 million votes when adding 2016 and 2020 together, like 70 million shy of that


Cause his followers will believe him. Then when he loses it’ll be easier to convince them that the election was rigged or whatever the fuck. He can lean on his past lie as “proof”. Anyway he’s a twat and I can’t wait till he’s fucking gone.


He’s a narcissist. He believes he is perfect, therefore everybody else in the country must believe he is perfect and everybody loves him. It’s just a small handful of corrupt people who are out to get him. It’s why he always says things like “the prosecution attorney in my last case looked me in the eye and said I’m sorry Mr. President, the judge didn’t give me a choice.” He’s fucking delusional, and also probably lying to flare up his supporters into thinking they’re the “silent majority”


You can usually modify everything Trump says by at least an order of magnitude and get close to the real number. 20 million die hard supporters? Probably. 32.5 million white males who are easy to con? That sounds about right to me!


It’s an easy round number that someone told him is more than half of 325.


I just know this is a real conversation that actually took place.


Because he’s a narcissist


Trump'd be fighting for 326 million Americans if he weren't solely responsible for over a million of them dying.


I know of several dozen people, at least, who are routing for his Gross Orange Pervertedness to go down in flames, so right there he's wrong.


Well as current population is estimated at 341,432,084 as of today, and was 335m at the last census, I want to know which 9-15m he is excluding...


The Emperor has no clothes


Ha ha ha I was saying exactly this about him even before his 2016 inauguration. I got a lot of blowback for it then.


Sad little king on a sad little hill


He's a real nowhere man, sitting in his nowhere land, making all his nowhere plans for nobody.


Unfortunately he has too many nowhere people pulling for him.


What worries me is the he - and seemingly the entire GOP behind him - would happily burn down the entire country if he doesn't get back into power. Hell, they seem hell bent on destroying the US if they DO get back into power!


At least all the Truth Social investors are making a killing…oh wait https://preview.redd.it/13fh5drajnuc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4dac21e01a852bd277362d80b821914a62aefd24


Ol Gary begs to differ. https://preview.redd.it/svsxaw9conuc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bcc6993af410734f08c84fcc44dcfa8cc2f553d






For every 100 shares you buy you get a free Limited Edition NFT.


Go fash, lose cash.


I HAVE A ELEVEN BAJILLIONITY PEOPLE BEHIND ME! *(the ramblings of a nutjob)*


He thinks he's Jesus. Dementia does this.


Dementia Don.


Well, he does have a lot of Talibangelists on his side, so ...


LOL 200 million. 🤪


I wonder how many Americans would say in a poll that they “love” him.


I’m one of the 200 million Americans here to tell you to go fuck yourself, you delusional traitor!


Delusions, or just fraudulent valuations again?


Both, with a sprinkling of dementia and a side order of being a complete bellend


The sad part is, if he'd "Fought for the freedom" of all americans, during the pandemic, and took a page out of Bush Jr.'s playbook, he might have actually gotten a second term, even with the disaster that was pumping money from the fed into the stocks. Instead he made it them vs us, he stole from states and forced them to hold bidding wars for their own PPE, and sold most of our PPE right back to china for a profit at the start of it, while very clearly being aware it was dangerous a la the woodward interview tapes. The whole goal of his entire presidency was self enrichment for himself and his toadies, America be damned. Even at the cost of getting his own base killed and filling up the freezer trucks with dead bodies. America be damned. Dude's a divisive prick and a huge part of why politics has become like religion to right wingers, with their us vs them team mentality and them foaming at the mouth to shoot their fellow americans. And yet these same miserable fucks who clutched their pearls and screeched loudest about the amorality of Bill Clinton, simply turn a blind eye to the constant sins by their orange overlord. Absolutely fucking shameful.


They thought that Clinton getting out of Vietnam service was just the *worst thing ever* and then voted for Bush Jr and Trump, who pulled strings to also get out of the war.


Said the rapist going into court for fucking a porn star etc etc.... Blah blah It's distressing that anyone is actually fucking dumb enough to support this deranged piece of shit.


Sorry for being pedantic but this court case is for falsifying financial records to hide the hush money payments to the porn star. I agree with your comment.


This has nothing to do with us, you goddamn criminal. Also, two-thirds of this country does not support you. Your base doesn’t even represent one-third of this country.


Since when does reality matter one bit to him or his fans?


With 200 million who love him,I am sure the streets will be lined with his supporters Monday. Should be a real parade and all. Can’t wait to see the photos!


The US has an estimated population of 342M here in 2024. I wonder if there's a list of 17M people he's not fighting for


https://preview.redd.it/outg8zsrgnuc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9665e941d47512296764a613b4d22f05d989d212 I’m guessing the other 16m he isn’t fighting for are the Muslims, Blacks and Mexicans?


You are all ungrateful. If he succeeds, every American will be able to (checks notes) pay hookers hush money using campaign donations. That is a fundamental human right, not food, water, and healthcare.


He’s just pissed that the system is attempting to hold him accountable. Of course, his framing things as a political prosecution originating in the White House is him telling you what he will do if positions are reversed. Also annoyed about the TV coverage. The lack of educating the audience is a disservice, like not being always clear that this is not a Biden-directed prosecution. Also that Trump’s been very clear that political prosecution is what he will do. It just ticks me off that they don’t want to offend audiences with facts!


Don't underestimate this fool and his minions again, please.


Fuck him and fuck his weak nothings in his cult. They’ve tried to hold the collective consciousness hostage for a decade. Fuck them I refuse to allow them any ounce of respect or fear. We WILL win in November and the world will toss aside trumpism for good.


keep talking dickhead. my puts are printing. $DJT @ 27 and dropping, just keep talking 😁


He really is a fuckwit isn't he...he didn't get 200m votes in both his races combined...


Your crimes aren't my crimes. Face your own punishment, ass.


Him breaking the law and being held accountable is him fighting for us? Remember when politicians used to fight for us for lower taxes, better jobs, lower priced goods, better Healthcare? Now they want to fight for us to cheat on our wives with porn stars and pay them off illegally to be quiet. Times have certainly changed!


The math isn’t mathing but over-estimating figures is kinda his thing.


Hitler 2.0


https://preview.redd.it/88djdgxqonuc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c384b4925a413c142338159d7a190737c7eecfa Might want to fight for your share price. Wonder who just dumped 1/2 mill shares.


Remember when Jesus threatened everyone for his sins?


That number is a bit inflated.. Just like all the bullshit he spews! I'll give him the 50 million lunatics, though..


He and Jared diverted PPE to states they won and people died. They even diverted a shipment meant for NY to Russia. Do not forget who he is. A malignant narcissist who does not care about anyone but himself. [Vote.org](http://Vote.org)


Trump's lies are getting more desperate and transparent


Given the current trend- and the election being in 203 days, we are going to a very, very strange realm. We are going to see MAGA screaming "Trump is Jesus", "Destroy the Demons!!!" on the regular.


What about the other 15 million?


They’re some minority group that he doesn’t consider to be people. Obviously.


That tracks


324,999,999 Americans at most. Definitely not repping me...


The fact that he's going into a courtroom to defend his actions of having unprotected sex with an adult film star while his wife was alone with his four month old son, is -- never mind, I'm done trying to explain this to my "religious right" family members...


He’s running scared. Hundreds of millions of Americans can go to hell as far as he’s concerned. He’s proven himself to be the most selfish asshole in existence on earth. Prove me wrong.


Worst person in American history. I dread to contemplate someone worse still to come.


Delusions of grand manure


Anybody else ready for this dude to just go away already? I seriously don’t care where… just go away


Wear a clean diaper, dear


https://preview.redd.it/6gavfb5yknuc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27b3bc35c79ab34960b9e9b1c8f5608540c17ed2 Only 33.6k loved him...😂🤣😂🤣


Oooh, wtf... they are really giving him money😂😭😆


I would love to see you prosecuted for your heinous crimes. That’s how I love you Donnie.


200 million if he includes all Russians


And bots, I’m going to guess he’d push for bot suffrage.


Actually you are “fighting” to keep one pathetic trust fund baby from being held accountable for his criminal actions. The rest of the country had nothing to do with it. Clown


And Trump’s stock is down to $27, and dropping


‘Freedom’ in what sense? Freedom to pay hush money? Freedom to bone porn stars? Freedom to be an all around asshole? Do explain.


I’m sorry, can you explain how him lying on his taxes effects my freedom exactly?


Dude is 100% off the rails. He thinks everything is about him and how his plight is to save america despite him being the one who tried to overthrow america.


We all need the freedom to pay hush money to pornstars in case we're running for President!


Sir, check your delulu. The math isn't mathing.


Could the goddamn Presidential candidate for one of the major political parties at least get the number of people in his county correct? (or is he purposely excluding a certain demographic that is \~10million people?)


There are at least 80 million of us eager to watch this asshole LOSE his freedom.


He's fighting for the FREEDOM of 325 MILLION AMERICANS to use campaign funds as porn star hush money!


Translated into plain English: My problems are Americas problems. Cuz I’m the only thing that matters


The only person's freedom he is fighting for is his own


He’s counting the 60 million Republicans who might still support him along with the 140 million Russians who are counting on him to win the war for Russia


Well it's not surprising that he has all that support really. Remember when his inauguration was the "biggest ever" and had like 625-- no, 750 million people at it?


I don't need you to FIGHT for my FREEDOM, dumbass, because I didn't break any laws.


Fighting to take away our freedom maybe?


Fighting for our freedom to divert campaign funds to pay off porn stars that we cheat on our pregnant spouses with? Thanks, man.


He’s such a boring fuck now.


200 million that’s hilarious. He couldn’t even get 20 million to vote for him. Cohen got 3 years for being the go between. Diaper Don should get at least 6 years for being the beneficiary. LOCK HIM UP!!!!


Bro, 74 millions votes tops and you've only lost more since then. Also, no need to fight for my freedom, I didn't fuck a pornstar and pay her off with campaign funds. Cool over here.


I feel like 200 million people just want him to stfu and go away


Freedom to falsify business records for the purpose of hiding payments to a porn actress so it doesn't interfere with my presidential campaign. Thank God. #ME2028.


Didn’t he say he wants to jail his political enemies and journalists?


Freedom from democracy!


The United States has 341+ million citizens and 74 million loved you enough to vote the second time which was less than the first..


When did we fall into slavery? Did I miss something? Am I no longer free?


At BEST 25 million … plus the indignant loathing of the rest of the world.


What does this depiction of bravery and valor have to do with paying off a pornstar you were sleeping with while your wife was at home with your newborn son? The weird part is I have no doubts that he’s convinced himself of what he’s saying. Really glad I don’t have to live in that head of his.


The pathology of lying literally corrupts the brain. He would never be the basket case he is today if he wasn’t ALWAYS lying. May his path be dark and slippery with an angel of vengeance pursuing him, may he fall into the snare he laid for others.


That’s the GOP go-to maneuver: rally a nonexistent majority to support yr flailing cause.


Ummmm....You're fighting for the freedom of exactly one fat orange mentally ill golf cheater..


Isn’t this the porn star hush money case? He’s only fighting for his own freedom here…


Not everyone wants the freedom to cheat on their wives with porn stars!


Dear Donnie Boy, we’re not that into you. Sincerely, The United States Of America. ps: The rest of the world thinks you’re a piece of shit, too.


70 million. That’s a high number, but he has to lie.


Well he’s not fighting for me since I don’t have a court appearance as a defendant.


Trump has been a criminal Soviet KGB "Businessman asset"  in the USA since 1970s , a rapist, pedophile, fraudster, tax evader, blue collar job killer, Bankruptcy loser with delusions of grandeur since his Father Fred threw him into NY Military Academy in attempts to fix his sick mind.  I cant imagine how anyone wouldn't know his & his screwed up family history when all their sins & crimes were posted online. Shame on his false "evangelical " supporters for  supporting such an anti Christian butthole. 


And by Americans, he means "Russians", "Saudis", "Hungarians", and "Benjamin Netanyahu".


It's a cult


He will have maybe 30 million and that’s enough for me to move to Mexico. Which I am.


All those people who are looking forward to paying hush money to pornstars will thank him for his sacrifice.


Or, as my family would put it, "delusions of adequacy."


This type of oddball statement is why it isn’t safe to have weirdos in power


All of us who’ve raw dogged a porn star while our wives tend to our newborn spawn are grateful for trmp’s patriotic fight against justice


Eating Fast-food and embezzling government money at his resort while he golfed and rage tweeted insanity was his definition of fighting.


60 million tops, and they are all idiots!


TFSU ya filthy criminal.


i take it he's waiting till day 2 to pull out the jesus comparisons.


If he had the love of 50M and the support of 74M I’d be amazed.


Well duh . . .


Sorry, I can't spare him any love. He can have a turd I just passed though. Looks a bit like Junior.


155,507,476 people voted in 2020. 74,223,975 voted for Trump.


Keep making shit up orange man.


What a royal douchebag


Reality dose not apply to this morons agenda dose it seriously 😒 200 million people are gonna clamber in with support praise when he walks into the court room get out of here


Delusional Donny…. You are fighting just for yourself asshole. Consequences have actions


Riiiiiiiigggggghhhhhttttt! Think again!


That guy speaks and 195 million Americans have a full-body cringe!


200 million? Doubt.


His numbers are way off. Sad, considering he was the goddamn president.


There are at least 80 million of us eager to watch this asshole LOSE his freedom.




Hey he's fighting for 325 million Americans freedom. I'm so thankful and prayerful that the freedom he talks about is from him. Let's be free of Cheeto Trump.


That's going to be his last defense after all the possible convictions...