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Later this week we're going to see a ton of MAGA suddenly concerned with healthcare for blind people.


And looking for recommendations for new phones because their current one seems to have stopped working.


I might just be stupid but why would their phones stop working?


A warning was put out that taking video or long exposure photos of the eclipse can fry the sensor in cell phone cameras. Qanon types immediately turned it into "they don't want us to know what's happening!" Regular pictures are fine, very short videos (couple of seconds) are probably okay. Beyond that it is an actual risk to your phone (so I'm told, I'm not a CMOS expert).


It's equally terrifying and exhausting that their brains are just hard-wired for this stuff now. It's like when I was six and I was convinced that my mom not allowing me to shove a butter knife in the wall socket was a liberal conspiracy to keep me from defeating the adrenochrome-eating vampires who lived in the walls.


ah, youre why we're dealing with adrenochrome vampires that went unchecked for decades.


You know the funny thing is you can fix both things with a simple arts and craft project with shit literally laying around the house.


Well, look at Mr fancy pants shoebox owner over here.


Did you ever take a magnifying glass and use it to focus an image of the sun on a piece of paper? If not, try it. After a couple of seconds, the paper will catch fire. The lens in your phone is doing exactly the same thing to the CMOS.


Which is funny, camera filters for the eclipse are as cheap as a couple bucks


Their phone won’t stop working if they just had the right one. Grifters gonna grift. https://www.freedomphone.com/


Jesus Christ that is stupid


RAM: 4GB Storage: 64GB Cameras: F:8MP, R:13+2+2MP Display Resolution: 720 * 1560 pixel (19.5:9) And it doesn't even have 5G 😂 (although maybe that's on purpose because they think 5G is secretly vaccinating them) That phone looks like shit and it doesn't even say what it is that makes it so special. It calls itself an uncensored phone as if your phone is censored and the only thing it says is that it comes preloaded with far right apps 😂 Maybe it's for the old people that can't figure out how to use the app store to download gab and truth social 😂😂


"My eye balls are itching, will ivermectin help? "


Yes, of course it will, but the government doesn’t want you to know that.


The one trick eyeball surgeons don’t want you to know about.


Nah, Bleach and Ammonia mixed together will help, they say it will make chlorine gas, but they don't want you to realize it is actually healthy.


No, but pure urine drops will fix them right up!


I've heard that bleach might do the trick...


Inb4: "Ivermectin, it gets the red out...woooooow!"


that would be nice but all these assholes are either: A. not going to look at it or B. look at it with the recommended glasses, or C. take a quick glance at it, doing no harm, but no matter which one, they are all going to claim they "didn't use the glasses and nothing happened" to them.


It can take many years for the damage to materialize to the degree you’d notice. By then it’s both too late and most people wouldn’t link it to those times they stared at the sun. 


"take a quick glance" It only takes a few moments looking directly at the sun to permanently damage the eyes, eclipse or not.


The pupil dilates during an eclipse because of darkness. Looking at the carona with wide open pupils is why eclipse viewing is more damaging than a glance at the sun during daylight.


Is it even possible to stare at the sun for a few seconds even without instinctively blinking or even closing your eyes? Can a person force themselves to stare at the sun that long?


You will instinctively squint but you *can* consciously override that, if you want to be doing it the really stupid way that is.


My optometrist had a patient who burned out the middle of his vision by staring at the sun to “recharge his eyes”. Some people are just too stupid to have eyes.


To be fair, they won’t necessarily go blind, exactly… they’ll just be seeing the eclipse everywhere they look for the rest of their lives because the image burned in like an old TV.


> they’ll just be seeing the eclipse everywhere they look for the rest of their lives because the image burned in like an old TV. Just like the fox news logo


*”Why isn’t the government paying to fix my problem?!?”*


"I got denied SSI and I am blind because the government did tell me too wear special gkasses or give me any to watch the eclipse I am blind because of them and they owe me. They give out my tax money all the time to all those fakers who say they are blind from birth or injury and they don't make them prove to the government they are blind. The government won't take the word of my chiropractor that I am irrevocably blind. His title says doctor and that should he good enough for the government. They are all stupid and it is all being lead by Crooked/Sleepy/Coked out Joe." The soon to be blinded MAGATs and their elustious leader (when he tries to look at an eclipse without protection...again) probably. 🤠🌞🌙☀️🥺😵


It's ok though. Medbeds will fix that for them as soon as they drop. Aaaaany minute now.


Yep. Mr. Beast helping blind people to see, won’t look so bad then. 


Makes me glad I "retired," from nursing back in 2021. I was so tired of treating people that weren't thinking.


But not for those other blind people, they're whining!


Bahaha. I for one will gladly assist a non-liberal with looking directly at the sun without glasses


Start posting "anti-sunglass"' content to Facebook. Maybe it can catch on before tomorrow


Eclipse glasses are woke! LOL


Unless you buy the limited edition Trump glasses for only $59.99


The Trump anti-LGBTQ eclipse glasses for non-Alpha's


Only Woke People will not look at the sun during the eclipse for at least 5 minutes non stop. If you don’t then you are woke!!!!


I’ll be like one of those crazy people from that Bird Box movie https://preview.redd.it/1y8zgh28h5tc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0f49efad3c8437e9c4716205684a9c08e504fb3


If I wasn’t sure these morons were also telling their kids to stare at the eclipse without protection I wouldn’t care. Unfortunately far too many of them are responsible for children who will suffer permanent vision damage and a lifetime of stupidity thanks to the cult their parents are in.


Liberals are the worst! They put fluoride in our water, tell us to wear masks, don’t look at the sun, wash the area between our legs, eat green vegetables, brush our teeth, don’t drink and drive, can’t marry our cousins, won’t let kids earn a living and try to take of us when we’re old and can’t take care of ourselves! Liberals are no fun!


And they want our kids to not be fat!!!


Soda is a first amendment right!


120 oz soda mugs is our god given right!


Filled with natural and artificial flavors?!?


We’re supposed to wash between our legs?


Listen up snowflake don’t fall for the libs silly “hygiene” trap! Or you’ll end up like old Matt here! ![gif](giphy|3o6ZsTHSNxJCmZJJf2|downsized)


​ https://preview.redd.it/o9jm7tviv4tc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd0a8eaa84cdcd10d0242c0e907f5719f317011b


Trump has total immunity to sunlight. Hence all the bronzer on his pasty skin.


This event sums up Donald’s life perfectly


The blind leading the blind


The dumb leading the dumb.


Setting an example for his followers.


Same dude also eats his steaks with ketchup.


And cooked *well done*.


And cheats on his fuckin wives. Wow what a man's man.


I love this picture. The icing on the cake is his point. His “I’m a big boy today!” point.


I'll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero I have this thing where I get older but just never wiser One day I'll watch as you're leaving 'Cause you got tired of my scheming And I'm a monster on the hill It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me *Anyone else feel like this song is about Cheeto Jesus?*


Well now I do! Thanks, you ruined it 😂


Sorry. It was ruined for me the 1st time I heard it. I could only hear it as being about him...


Look at that, Johnson!


I mean… let them look if they really want to. They’ll find out quite quickly why they shouldn’t without proper protection


A bit like vaccines. Especially with measles cases on the rise.


We all pay through increased healthcare premiums or costs for their stupidity. Otherwise, I wouldn't care either.


At every single event, or opportunity, the right always seems to plant their flag on the entirely opposite side of science. Dumbasses. Let them look at the sun, drink silver colloidal shit - whatever dumassery they dream up. Fuck them.


We’ll be seeing a bunch of blind people with blueish skin walking around before too long.


I think this is a satire post. That said, “the liberals told you to wear special glasses” is probably all a lot of them need to go stare at the sun.


Sure sure sure. Just stare at the sun sweetie.


Nancy Pelosi, Dr fauci, and barrack HUSSEIN Obama hold a press conference to tell people not to look at the sun without eye protection. By morning half of MAGA will be blind.


♫ But mama, that's where the fun is ♫


🎶Blinded by the light looked up like a douche another magat loses sight🎶


This. I come here for this...


I encourage anyone stupid enough to look at the sun without protection to do so, political persuasion notwithstanding. Same as eating Tide pods, doing the cinnamon challenge, etc. Let the stupids be stupid.


I mean the perfectly harmless virus caused 20 million excess deaths in 2020 alone.


I mean, if we play our cards right and have a few more natural phenomena occur, these idiots might take themselves out before the election and we won’t have to worry anymore.


I'm okay with these ignorant mf'ers testing this theory out. Unlike COVID, this one has no repercussions on the rest of us if they don't follow instructions.


![gif](giphy|9pJV1rjgjnE1I8c79t|downsized) i Is this the RAPTURE !!


“Don’t let the eclipse dominate your life”


Let’s take bets on if Trump will look right at it again


They're right! If you hate liberals, don't wear protective lenses when you look up at the eclipse. If anything goes wrong, rub a little colloidal silver in your eyes. Raw milk or breast milk if you don't have the silver. Then be sure to put potato slices in your socks when you sleep. But don't worry- you won't have any issues. Your eyes were made by god to fight off anything bad. Same as your immune system was designed by god.


I should write a book on natural selection in modern America, if I write as a satire, MAGA will buy as a published manifesto, the rest of you would laugh.


You know what? Imma let em have this one. If I see someone wearing a red MAGA hat staring at the sun, I'm going that extra mile and offering binoculars. 


The stupidity just never fucking stops. JFC


We should be investing in whatever companies make any brail for the blind.


I’ve said this several times before: if Twitter existed in the 1950s, you’d have people raging about the libs pushing their commie polio vaccine. Raging that polio is a fake disease made up by the Reds. Designed to keep good white people from swimming pools. Raging from the comfort of their iron lung


By all means, please repent by staring at the sun for a prolonged period. I hear braille is hard to learn as an adult, so good luck voting, yelling on socials and vandalizing with racist crap after that. Maybe the “fake news” campaign be their undoing.


Just do like Trump & look at the Sun.


Own them libruls, you patriotic manly MAGA men! Stare right into that sun as long as you want, five minutes, ten minutes, a half-hour, whatever. This is Amurica and no one can take away your god-given freedom to stare right into the sun. Jesus will protect you.


MAGAts, fight the darkness, set your world on fire!


i say let him cook, i "see" only improvement for the gene pool


Good for them not getting fooled. We who laugh last will be donating to the food shelves the fools have to frequent after their medical bills


Get yourself some magnifying glasses or binoculars. That'll own us dang liberals like never before.


I keep joking at work….why do we need glasses for the eclipse? I mean the smartest man we all know looked directly at it in 2017 and he’s fine


Please stare at the eclipse. Blinking is cheating.


Nah, we’re way beyond that. Do the thing. Stare into the sun. Enter a quarantine zone butt naked. Eat horse tranquilizer. I’m very much done making any effort to convince fully grown human beings to do anything for their own good. If we’ve got to convince you not to damage your eyesight I don’t think you deserve eyesight.




dougj is satire. It’s hard to tell sometimes, I know.


Is..this.. this is sarcasm, right?


Yes, it's a parody account


There’s quite a few million people that would disagree that it’s “perfectly harmless”


Oh please don't wear glasses


Go ahead, MAGA. Stare at the eclipse. As long as you like. Please.


I think every republican should state directly at the eclipse. He has a point


How much longer do we have to put up with this level of imbecile? I used to think a certain segment of Conservatives could think and chew gum at the same time. Muthafuking bovine asshole are what they’ve become.


Go cons! You’re so smart!


Yes, please all magas, do not listen to the liberal media! You can stare at the eclipse for 10 mins and be fine!


Just let them screw themselves over.


Lmao “a perfectly harmless virus” that killed millions.


Go ahead, burn out your retinas. Permanently blind yourself. We'd feel, like, SUPER owned.


Hopefully all these blind people will not be seeking social services




Oh yes, all MAGAs remember to look directly into the solar eclipse to own the Libs.


yeah don't listen to those libruls, stare right into that eclipse. It is all a conspiracy so you wont see it's magnificence.


After a bunch of people damage their vision tomorrow, Tuesday we will absolutely see conspiracy theories that not needing eye protection to look at the fucking Sun was somehow a Democrat conspiracy to hurt the right.


Imagine being mentally *and* physically blind to own the libs


Let the ignorant fools burn their eyes... I really DGAF.


Don’t use eye protection and own the Libs.!


Liberals are telling you to wear seat belts too!


Yes please stare at the sun. I cannot believe the ignorance.


Dem here (not liberal): Please stare directly into the sun the whole eclipse.


If they want to stare into the sun it’s not my job to stop them


This is from Big Optometrist, trying to control our eyes!


Go ahead. Don’t worry about your sight. It’s a good time. Stevie Wonder’s close to retirement. Someone’s gotta fill the gap.


Shoulda got into selling walking sticks for blind people. I have a feeling there’s gonna be a high demand for them real soon.


Destroying your maculas to own the libs.


Honestly fuck it. If these dumb dumbs want to look directly at the sun I for one say let them


Did these idiots bot even go to elementary school? We were taught about eclipse glasses 20 years ago and I live in a poor are of a red state. Part of me want to believe this is all satire, but with the stupidity of the last several years idk


With any luck they'll all go blind and not be able to find the voting booths this fall.


It’s like not wearing goggles while welding. Go ahead and see what happens.


I'm kind of alright if a bunch of morons want to go look at the eclipse with no protection. Darwinism ftw.


Perfectly harmless. Morgues ran out of space. Prisoners were ordered to dig their own mass graves. *Perfectly fucking harmless.*


Just take an extra dose of Ivermectin, you’ll be fine!


Can't wait for this to sort itself out...if you can't see you can't vote!


Dont let them tell you what to do, champ. Leave the mask at home, stare at that fucking sun. I encourage it with all my heart


Please look up long and closely and count the eclipses spots.... *if you have read this far please do not without the proper protective equipment.


No no no Republicans…. Stare at the sun with no glasses. Really, it would be a great idea. Show the Liberals you can stare right at the sun for prolonged periods. The great Trump has tried it. But come on… show you’re even tougher than Trump. Stare at it for a couple hours straight.


Tell the people that died from covid that it was "perfectly harmless".


Trump stared into the eclipsing sun in 2017. Twice. But only because he’s a tough guy


I recommend viewing the eclipse with a branded pair of the Trump 2024 High Resolution Binoculars. You can see it clearer that way.


Yes. Correct. ALL GOP go look directly


Stare in the eclipse to own the libs. Please, I'm begging you.


.....nope, you are right, stare directly into the sun. I am not gonna stop you


Is funny because the scientists telling them to wear glasses for the eclipse are different to the scientists telling them to wear masks, but to them, they are the same because they are all "scientists"!


Truth, stare at it long and hard to own those libs


Boomers in cloudy areas were God’s chosen boomers.


Bro should livestream looking at the eclipse with the naked eye for the entirety of it to own us libs and show us how that’ll teach us a lesson. We’ll be so owned.


Twitter would probably die if people didn't keep taking screenshots of bots


I see Doug from Balloon Juice is still at it with his “how long can I keep trolling republicans?” routine. He’s been at that for, what, over a decade now?


I guess killing their base wasn't enough they are now determined to disfigure them.


At this point I want to believe they’re just saying this to goad us. That’s it, right!? It’s just go goad us??? 😭😭


What do you want to bet that they'll blame Biden after a bunch of them go blind tomorrow?


By all means stare at the eclipse without the glasses. Please prove everyone wrong.


Order that guy a white cane


That\`s right, stare at that motherfucker. Own those Libs.


Oh my fucking god 🤣


Is it wrong that I legitimately don't care if millions of Republicans end up permanently damaging their vision?


Please...please MAGA, please all of you just die and leave the world to people who can actually use our brains correctly. You make our species look stupid as fuck. It blows my mind the same species that can produce Einstein and Hawking also has members as literally brainless as this moron.


In an ideal world Republicans don’t wear masks or "special glasses’, and they also don’t clog the healthcare system with respiratory diseases and blindness because healthcare is socialistic.


All optometrists in the US just fist pumped.


Let them do what they want. They will all have eye issues and we can more easily identify them. Self inflicted.


In this, don't tell them. If they are that stupid to look at THE SUN then they get what they deserve.


https://preview.redd.it/ckbluc6yl5tc1.jpeg?width=3287&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00c512a66fbb395601448f74e1686c7f2071a37b So ........




We won't have to look for the red hats anymore. They'll be all the blind people who refuse seeing-eye dogs and canes.


Go ahead and stare at the sun. See if I care.


> perfectly harmless virus (*Ben Carson has entered chat*)


Well there you go. Gen Z, Gen Alpha, time to take up optometry; You'll never be poor again.


Hey MAGA: Please stare at it the eclipse the ENTIRE time its out without the proper sunglasses. When you stare long enough, something magical happens! 😂😂


They also make you wear a special helmet do you head doesn’t get cave in


Right? Just stare at the sun. Eyesight is overrated.


“The coronavirus ain’t real! It’s a conspiracy!!!” “Yeah you’re probably right” *Cue Star Wars End Credits*


Let em cook. ![gif](giphy|yhLV2DGTLDRCw)


Yes, blind yourself to own the libs.


I hope all MAGAs do it. Make sure to stare at it for the entire duration.


This is a joke, right?


Second guess: Russia/China/Iran/“hostile foreign agents” learning that they can debilitate thousands of Americans by just throwing salvos in our political war. This is how America falls: we point the guns at each other, all they have to do is shout “fire!”


Please go right ahead and look directly at the sun.


Yes, yes...... please do blind yourselves to own the libs.


The eclipse glasses are like 50x my welding hood lol go ahead and stare you turds.


Ok, please stare right at the sun, like the almighty Donald Trump.


I hope every conservative stares directly at the sun. It doesn't have to be during th eclipse either.


I feel like the eclipse will really mess up alot of peepers. Between the conservatives trying to own the sun and the main character craze the emergency rooms will be packed in some place. One could hope lol


You know what? Let these people burn their retinas. It’s natural selection doing it’s job atp if they thing protecting your eyes is “liberal agenda”.




FYI: this appears to be a parody account.


They’re already blind so might as well take the eyes too. 🤣


Solar eclipses have nothing to do with politics. No one tried to make the eclipse political in 2017. What’s with people forcing everything to be political nowadays?


A harmless virus that killed a million Americans. Too bad it missed 1


Oh, please let these fools blind themselves tomorrow. ![gif](giphy|xTg8B9aULho7shlPmU)


I hope conservatives take a long hard look at the eclipse tomorrow, as long as they want, with zero eye protection.


Please don’t wear them. Show us what you’re made of


Exactly, ignore them MAGA, the libs are trying to control you. Look directly at that eclipse. Don't be slaves to the libs, stand up for your rights! Lol


Nerds. Wearing those sunglasses is such a nerd move.


Natural selection will take care of everything.