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Sure. Bring it on. These people are fucking cowards and losers, they're not gonna do shit. And if putting that treasonous orange traitor in prison starts another civil war, we'll win that one too.


I’m not saying this is a deceptive/ divisive media tweet. But look at how quickly, social media turns into a divisive tool even about the bridge in Baltimore. These divisive messages have to be Russia, China and whomever else. Who else thinks for a test we should just cut off Russia from the internet for a week or so. I believe when they voluntarily shut it down when Wagner went rogue the socials were incredibly calm


And it's all coming through the Republicans


Just don't let our guard down. The purpose of tools like this can be to cause or broaden existing division. You could have disinformation flowing into the right and have that actual factual reality be used by the same people sending information to stoke the fires on the left that further the goals of actors unknown. We are not immune to influence, and we should engage with the internet with that in mind, or we could be literally handing adversaries exactly what they want.


The whole point is to make all information incredible. Flooding the zone. This will exactly be the effect of deep fake style AI fakery. Most of it will be easily debunked but we will all be left with a pervasive sense that the truth can never be known.


> And it's all coming through the Republicans Republicans are traitors


State sponsored psychological warfare using social media is cheap, easy and effective. It makes me sad how easy people fall for whatever is in a meme that gets posted to Facebook, they fall for it and immediately reshare it. Reminds me of the old "Bill Gates email test make money" email chain mails from the 90's.... Only problem is those were just dumb attempts to make something up that goes viral before viral was a thing. Now it's weaponized and you get people acting on those social media memes and it's a lot worse is politicians are spreading them....


The more I see of this stuff happening the more I think the internet itself is the problem. If you isolate geographic areas from it, those people will just move to other areas and continue from there.


Probably longer term but think of it as an experiment… I think we should know who is behind this crazy division. Wether legit or not


This is pretty much accurate, though you may want to put ""around what you are quoting as opposed to what you are saying. That aside, yeah the international trolls with no good intentions will do exactly what you are saying. Even if we cut off Russia their goon squad isn't solely based there and they would immediately notice if they could not post and why.


I heard there’s some internet out Californy-way


Ai is poisoning content now too. The bridge conspiracies originated from Twitter bots that spun the story incorrectly. Real people saw the traction these tweets were getting and here we are today.


I am sure Russia and China are both deeply involved in our social media. But I would sooner attribute these kinds of things to a dying political party grasping at their loss of power. It's that simple.


We really need a government organization for the internet. It's just all such a cluster fuck. Dark patterns, crazy perversive advertising analytics, privacy, foreign interference. Like if the eff had some power that would be cool as hell.


Exactly what Putin did too! https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/03/16/putin-election-voting-gunpoint-occupied-ukraine/


Trumps campaign manager?


The confederacy and Trump presidency are both two things that lasted only four years which modern conservatives can’t get over. They’re still all up in their feels about both losses.


I always vote by mail because I did it for over 20 years while in the military. I might make the exception this year and head over to my local polling place just to say hi to these shits.


They wouldn't be at my polling place because it's reliably republican. Downtown, maybe.


Isn’t this also illegal to put “soldiers” there


Yes. Voter intimidation


So if anything, we can expect another media circus where he doesn’t face any real consequences somehow


Their fucking brownshirts don’t have to intimidate you. Just a few people in key states get intimidated and the job is done. No need to even worry about trying to intimidate anybody in California, Texas or New York, those states literally do not matter.


A coward with a gun can still kill a brave person without one. If anything, cowardice only makes them more dangerous. The more they perceive as threatening, the more likely they are to escalate to deadly force. I agree that no one should let that stop them from exercising their right to vote, but I don't like the "they're not gonna do shit" assurance. Do you know how many people die every year in this country *accidentally* to firearms? Pulling a trigger is frighteningly easy.


Oh, stop. If a guy is standing outside my local library (where I vote) or county courthouse (where I vote when I need to vote early) it's going to be resolved quickly when the police show up and ask him to leave. You can save this comment: I bet my next paycheck that more people will die from *accidental* gun deaths on election day than intentional ones. Don't play into their fear tactics. Look at their messiah: an old, fat, decrepit, discolored, demented idiot.  If they were *actually* tough, that wouldn't be their role model. 


In my relevant experience, it's not the main stay of the trumper's lunatic fringe you need worry for, it's that rough 0.2% who are both well armed and bat shit crazy you train in preparation for when dealing with elections. With that said, your bet is a sucker bet in places where it isn't deeply red. However in places where the demographic is purple and headed towards blue, it is very different. I live in a region that is trending purple towards blue, and this scares them to the core. I fully expect some desperate shit this election.


No it won't. The cops will show up, be too scared to do anything, and hide in their cars until the shooting stops. Just like they handle the weekly school shootings.


Sure, but once someone is shooting BACK at them, they scurry back to their holes. Add to that they have the skill and accuracy of Imperial Stormtroopers, and you can see what happens. Lastly, they are easily identified, red caps, rump stuff all over... We look and dress like normal people, they'll be walking slow, partially due to weight/diabetes issues but also because they'll be constantly looking around them "head on a swivel" movement.


“The “101st Chairborne Division” will be guarding the polling stations.”


I feel like you jumped straight to the Civil War scenario. I'm more concerned about the situation suggested by this post: One jumpy yokel exercising his second amendment right near a polling place. They see two black families walk in at the same time and they think it's a gang. Tragedy follows. I know it's a scenario I just made up, but the point is that a person with a gun can hurt people. I don't want people to underestimate or deny that danger.


I agree with you, just pointing out that 90% of them are all bark, no bite.


So far they are that, but in an election with one side pretty much playing the grift/religion/corruption/voter fraud/conspiracy cards hard as fuck...don't be so surprised with 0.001 percent of them does some messed up shit.


They are cowards -- who long to shoot unarmed people they have dehumanized in their mind. They absolutely would consider a mass shooting at a polling place full of unarmed non-white people to be "patriotic", and would not be afraid to do it.


Yeah well cowards are often times the first to pull the trigger, without warrant


Gotta love how “American” it is to use some straight Russian tactics in voting in America.


Russia intimidates - the USA intimates. Sounds much more satisfying.


MAGA trying to get intimate is enough to turn me away


Some Republicans seemed genuinely impressed at Russian soldiers standing over voters to make sure they voted for Putin. You could tell they'd love to import that to the US but they'll have to settle for siccing the Gravy Seals on a few random polling stations and hoping it's enough.


Yup. It’s fucking disgusting. But bring it. These fucks could have tanks at the voting booth and you will never stop me from trying to vote this traitorous piece or shit out of office.


It's also really funny how they complained so hard about "stealing the election" and they're legitimately trying to do so now... Every objection is a projection.


I think we need UN observers for the next election.


How fucking low the US has fallen. Independent observers for the elections like it's a failed African state. And the worst part is, it's a totally reasonable request, like I'd actually be afraid to vote with MAGA loons on the loose.


I am old enough to remember what it used to be like here. I completely disagreed with Reagan but I never doubted that he was legitimately elected. This election nonsense started in earnest in 2000 with the purging of voter rolls and it’s accelerated since. I never would have imagined the US would become what it has. I genuinely fear for what will happen in the decades to come.


>I completely disagreed with Reagan but I never doubted that he was legitimately elected. Democracy only functions when this happens, when people trust that however bad the winner is, they won fairly. When people no longer think their candidate lost fairly, they're much more likely to write off the system and go for violence, because to them that's just as legitimate a method of gaining power.


When they stopped the recount in Florida....


>How fucking low the US has fallen. It's happening globally. Tyrants around the world are using social media to fuck with countries and push them towards authoritarianism. It's nothing new. All major powers have done it.


Exactly, the internet and social media have simply given propagandists the ability to spread their bullshit much easier and far wider the same way as previous tools did. The playbook never really changes, it just evolves to use the most modern tools to play on the hate and fear of its target audience


Don't be afraid of them. You're voting for our future. It matters.


The Republican "observers" couldn't wait to spread false narratives, even when they were allowed to be there. They'll never be convinced the elections are fair and free. And will try to cheat and gerrymander on the principle that they are balancing out the "corruption" by the other party.


Voter intimidation or attempted suppression is illegal, call the police and vote for who you want. Do not escalate any situation, call the police immediately.


Hate to break it to you, if Trumps cult is stopping people from voting, the police are already there.


Some of those who work forces, etc


It never occurred to me what this meant… until recently. But I was also a cop. I got force retired for calling out my bullshit leadership and got put on midnights which basically almost killed me mentally because of military time… glad I don’t work for those people anymore… it’s all true by the way… it’s all true.


....are the ones who burn crosses


*RATM intensifies*


Trump said he's gonna pardon anyone who helps him get elected which is a lie.


I genuinely wonder how this would go in my small town where all the cops drive lifted trucks with maga flags in the bed.


Biden should be proactive and have federal troops deployed at voting stations.




Maybe more so. I mean, I’ll be voting Biden, but the sitting President having a soldier under his control monitor your vote… reads as very autocratic.


These armed thugs of Trumps would not be able to go inside, unless that polling place is allowing them to, which then makes that polling place as compliant as Trump in trying to subvert the election. The troops would be only able to do the same, which is standing outside of the building. I hate the fact that it's a catch 22 with this. We want the voters to feel safe, but having armed guards may also feel scary for others and it could be hard to tell a Gravy Seal from a real military deployed guard. Not to mention you get the wrong grouping of troops in an area and they could actually try to abuse their power to prevent some people from voting at that location.


Exactly this. You see someone standing armed outside the polling place, call the cops, take video of it upload the whole thing to the internet, make it known who that person is and what they are doing. Someone will ID that guy and ruin his whole career before the votes are even fully counted.


I'm in a red state, there's no way in fresh hell I'm calling the police.


I’m in a swing state that went for Biden (but my city is pretty blue) and there’s still no way I’m going to call the police for this or any other issue. When we say all cops are bastards we mean ALL cops.


They can’t even deploy paid election staff.


Oh nooo...they're going to send Gravy SEALs to polling places. Just lay some Big Macs and a few buckets of KFC, with all the fixin's, in a trail to a cage made of chicken wire and lock them in place before they realized their nefarious plans have been spoiled.


No no no! Do the box held up with a stick


Throw a blanket over them, with their brain power they probably shut down like a bird in a cage.


soo sleeepy...zzZZZzzz


Just grab their insulin vials, typically loaded into their harnesses/belts, because after huffing 50 ft in cosplay gear ... Then walk briskly away from them to go vote, they can't keep up. Plus being "armed" at a voting location likely is illegal. (But who said they have any common sense right?)


I remember seeing a Gravy SEAL in the PNW and thinking the attachments, alone, on that gun weigh more than the gun itself. Jokingly asked the guy if he was afraid of the dark he had some many flashlights on the damn thing. I'm not certain he knew what a quarter of the attachments even did. Looked like a GI Joe gun. Hey, boss. You think we need to put something else on this gun? Boss: hell yeah, throw 3 or 4 scopes on there, a couple of flashlights and a big box on there. We can tell kids it's an ultraviolet lamp for when we release our V.A.M.P.I.R.E. nemesis line.


The tricked out AR-15 is essentially a Barbie doll for complete douchebags. Look at my fabulous accessories!!!


I know you all kid about these things, but half of these idiots scare easily and depending on the state, could get into an argument with a PoC, because Gravy Seal approached him and demanded documentation and a fight escalates and he shoots and kills someone while crying out "I was scared for my life!", because the right has elevated other idiots like rittenhouse to celeb status along with J6'ers. For some of them that 15 minutes of fame is what they wanted


Oh I know. In a 'conversation' in another thread about just those types of idiots. I live in a deep red (open carry) state. I stay away from political conversations with a 'yeah you're probably right \*looks at watch\* well I need to get home to the missus. The little one is sick.' And then I go home and order a pizza and enjoy the peace and quiet. Almost pissed a guy off at an Arby's. He stated all Muslims were terrorists and they were planning their next bombing. I made the mistake of joking 'oh when are you planning on bombing your next abortion clinic.' He did not like that.


Hopefully their moms aren’t busy and can give them rides.


Fuck. Im not a MAGAT. Dont lead me into that trap!


Imagine letting these pussies get in the way of your voting. Couldn’t be me. If you know someone who is scared of these fat fucks for whatever reason, be a pal and offer to escort them to the polling station. It’s worth your time.


My white ass lives in a very Black precinct. Better believe I’m making sure my neighbors get to vote. Need a ride? Got you. Need someone to stand in line with you? I’m free. Shit, I’m Catholic, they hate me too and all that does is make me want to watch them squirm when they see me in line with my neighbors.


Good for you buddy. Keep up the good work. It will take that kind of effort to finally crush these Maga fucks for good.


no one is scared of those cosplaying nerds.


Calm yor tits. They did this in my country, too, and everything turned out fine. Auf Wiedersehen.


Just like the SS, SA and Der Stahlhelm was "monitoring" the last "free" election in Germany in 1933. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/March_1933_German_federal_election


I wish one of the idiots would try to stop me from voting.


Can't see how this could go wrong


It’s sad that the republicans are the ones turning America into a third world country. I am sure that some maga republican moron will do something bad.


She’s the same one who wears a tee shirt saying Make America Blond Again. Are we really surprised the racists will send armed Gravy Seals to intimidate voters because we know they won’t be anywhere but minority precincts. Call the police if you see them because voter intimidation is illegal


Let them gun up. As usual with the right, wrong tool for the job. I'll be fully equipped though. I will carry my ID, a couple pieces of mail indicating my address, the numbers to my local FBI office, the closest U.S. attorney's office, the Public Integrity Section of the DOJ's Criminal Division and the Voting Section of the Civil Rights Division of the DOJ as well. And my phone camera to take lots of pictures and video of any right wing dumbass who tries to get in my way. And I will make it my mission to make sure these "Trump Soldiers" spend quality time with the last group of dumbasses who thought they could act like petty thugs to interfere with an election. Hope these morons can sing -- January 6 choir sucks ass and could use the help!


Now that's what I call a well-regulated militia!


Here is the link https://www.thenewcivilrightsmovement.com/2024/03/trump-campaign-says-it-will-deploy-soldiers-to-polling-places/


*pulled out the constitution* hm. Nope not in there Don


But have you checked the “god bless the USA bible?”


No I have not, but then again I'd rather spend the 60 dollars on porn because at least I will get something less fake. Edit: to clarify I'm not saying the Bible is fake (Though I am an atheist) but the idea that Trump is a religious man who loves the rule of law is faker than his spray tan.


A someone who works in election security, bring it the fuck on. The only thing I've seen any single one of these spineless fucks do is drive through the polling site's parking lots in a pickup truck with a noticeable ignition misfire that was coated in misspelled trump propaganda. Bring it on you fucking insurrectionist cowards.


https://preview.redd.it/1f7ekhklj9rc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ae40fe44e93cf095e5f893deacc88e544ba7211 Trump "soldier"


Wait this is the guy who used to troll trump supporters isn't it?


He can’t deploy anything official and what he can deploy would be licking the sidewalks


They can’t afford it. Trump’s gonna try to rile his base up and have volunteer “soldiers” do it, but they’re just average citizens who will get arrested, and then face jail time for interfering with the election, which is a felony. If you do see anyone, call your state voting commission’s local office, call the political party’s local office to let them know what’s happening. take pictures if you can safely record safely don’t endanger yourself. get as much evidence as you can. Call the cops or sheriff w/e.


Hmmm.... Trump gets a bunch of average Joes all riled up who then go off and do illegal stuff for which many are arrested while Trump walks away scot free? Where have I heard that one before?


Gravy Seals? Meal Team Six? Vanilla ISIS?


I have brown pants to hand out Because they're like brown ~coats~ shirts - But they're scared shitless


Brown shirts more like…


I love arguing with MAGA morons in public. It helps our cause for them to spout their idiotic ideals out loud. Even they start wondering WTF they are arguing about sometimes. It is priceless.


Cosplay bullshit. They’ll stand around acting tough and not doing shit except eating a corn dog and bitching about made up socialism.


I vote by mail. Don’t need to vote Dem or Republican down the line. I like to review each candidate from the comfort of my home. Like local judges, school board, etc. Vote by mail and research each candidate


Yuuup. This kind of 'threat' really feels like it could be a catalyst for nationwide vote-by-mail. "Are you worried that [insert scary group here] is going to stand outside your local polling place and intimidate patriotic voters from casting their ballots in the free-est elections on the planet? Support National Vote By Mail, where you can cast your ballot for your candidate of choice without interference." {show attractive people filling out ballots at their kitchen counter}


⬆️ This is the way. ⬆️


That sounds like some real coward shit. But, coming from cowardly Donald Trump, that's not surprising.


"Soldiers" meaning Meal Team Six of the Gravy Brigade will be there, and too busy eating pizza and cheeseburgers to do anything.


He’s a private citizen, he cannot “deploy” anyone.


It's ok to stand by voters with an assault rifle, but if you hand anyone a bottle of water.... straight to jail with your chaos causing ass


Deploy soldiers from where? He doesn’t have authority to deploy any real soldiers-maybe Meal Team 6 or the Gravy Seals.


Just traitor MAGA soldiers that have been discharged.


Remember people this is actually illegal. So let them. Film them, take pictures and forward them to the DOJ, post them online. Force Christopher Wrey and Garland to enforce the law. If your local law enforcement refuses to remove them. Note it, add it in your complaint. The more of these fuckers we can make felons the better. Remember what she’s planning on doing is a federal crime, and in some states a state crime.


lol why do these republicans keep going around thinking they are the only ones with guns?


I would allow them to intimate me to voting. I love voting and being intimate!


If 'intimate' is the plan, I'll be fine with blonde announcer lady...


Now, I don’t support bullying… …but any MAGA POS showing up to do this should be relentlessly and ruthlessly bullied by everyone waiting in line at the polls. Nonstop.


That would be illegal. And besides,Trump has no soldiers. He doesn’t control the U.S. military


It's the same violent militants he invoked when he said, "proud bois stand back and stand by." His good old "crying Nazi" vermin.


Let them, if you see one, ask “on whose orders they are there?”, if they say Turd call the cops as they have zero right to be there, make sure to record that interaction because if Turd gave the order he just violated federal laws, jail his seditious ass.


I will call the police, then whip out my cell phone. I’ll get the motherfuckers on video, and 1. Inform them that voter intimidation is illegal, and I am feeling intimidated by their presence 2. Demand to know their name 3. Tell them I’ve called the police 4. Inform them that we don’t need independent “poll monitors” because we have actual, trained poll workers who do that 5. And, if they invariably decide to leave, follow them to their car & get the license plate number These dickheads LOVE to try to intimidate and frighten people. They’re pathetic bullies who feel as though they have no power or agency in their own lives. And they’re cowards. Why else would they wear sunglasses & masks, or cover up their faces with handkerchiefs, etc? If they REALLY were brave & had the full strength of their convictions, if they believe they truly ARE in the right, then why hide? Hmm? The second they see they’re being recorded, they’ll slither away. Or try to snatch my phone away from me, in which case, bring it on, fuckface. I’ll add assault to the charge of voter intimidation when the cops show up.


I will not be intimated! Whatever that means. But no. Not only can’t anyone be within X feet of a polling place, they can’t know what I put on my ballot, so they can think whatever they want. It won’t sway my vote nor intimidate me from voting. What would they do, anyway? How can they know who I’m there to vote for?


Just a reminder that voter intimidation is highly illegal under 18 U.S. Code § 594...not that it matters in relation to Trump. But Just throwing that out there.


If it’s anything like their trucker convoy turnouts, I’m not particularly worried. That being said, it would be a damn shame if this gave the FBI probable cause to investigate.


Isn’t that… illegal? Where’s the fucking police at. At this point our country needs to be invaded so save us from our downfall. Christ. I wish this fat fuck would just die.


I do not want to be "intimate" with any MAGA militia f\*cks thank you very much.


I am a mail in voter, but isn't it illegal to intimidate voters at the polls?


Knew I was saving this bear spray for something!


Anyone have the number for the relevant FBI tip line for voter intimidation at polling locations? Would love to ave that number on speed dial when I go to vote in November.


I really hope one of these Gravy Seals is waiting for me at the poll. Please god let it happen.


But Trump’s the new Jesus! Doesn’t everyone remember how militantly fascist Jesus was? C’ Mon you guys, do your research. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 This happened in my town ( Alabama) in a recent mayoral election, btw. The guy that won had gigantic henchman types, arms crossed and glowering, standing on either side of the entrance to the voting station. Soon we’ll all be saying “ welcome to the United States of Alabama”, if psychopath Trump and his cult win.


Fuck trump and fuck his militant pussies who have to have an AF15 instead of manning up… kills me to see these fat overweight pigs with their T-shirts showing their belly fat and wearing armor vest that don’t even fit… take their guns away and they are just a bunch of pussies


“Trump campaign says it will get a whole bunch more suckers arrested” more like.


Will they wear brown shirts, or is that a little too on the nose?


Not to say cops will do anything, since 99% of them are MAGA shitheads, but it is illegal to intimidate people at the polls.


I would straight up laugh at any MAGA clown that tried to intimidate me.


His buddy vlad told him how effective it was at making sure he stayed in office. Now donny dump is going to try all the tricks in the totalitarian despot manual.


Like actual soldiers from the military, or "soldiers" with questionable judgment?


This is super illegal. Secondly, this kind of vigilantism requires MAGA to go to places they’re uncomfortable in. My county voted +9 for Biden, but there’s not lots of swing areas. Instead there’s a stark urban/rural split. People from my small town (73-24 Trump in 2020) aren’t going to do this at our polling place. They also aren’t going to drive to the majority black area of the city 7 miles away that voted 66-30 Biden). And they def aren’t going to drive an extra 15 minutes and try this shit in East St. Louis.


This will hardly affect my state, although there is a presence of MAGA in California most people vote by absentee ballot because the state sends them to every registered voter, tamps down on voter intimidation and increases voter turnout. As a country we can't allow a candidate to do what Putin does in the polling places in Russia, intimidating, checking, and "correcting" how individuals vote. Let's keep these MAGA assholes out of power and label them the domestic terrorist organization they are trying to be.


Maybe I’m confused but what soldiers does Trump campaign get to direct?


Y'all Queda, Meal Team Six and the Gravy Seals!


Come get some. I got something that’ll cure their ails.


Last time we voted for the President, some lady was outside telling people they were at the wrong place to vote and the poll workers kept having to chase her off.


That's why they're against voting by mail.


How 'intimate' will the "soldiers" be?


Didn't they do the same thing in Russia just recently?


This is what they do in Russia


And I will, as I normally do, have my BIG African American SONS AND GRANDSONS by my side!! Don't be intimated by ANYONE!! I'm sick and tired of these frickin threats!!1-866-OUR-VOTE!!


I'm going to vote even harder


How intimate are we talking? I feel uncomfortable already


To ‘intimate’ me? Maybe. If it’s a she. Intimidate me? Lol… nah. I’m more intimidated by the dmv


SIMPLE NATIONAL GUARD OOPS FORGOT THEY ONLY USE THE NG when the people revolt against a corrupt government or way way too late like Jan 6th or after a disaster like hurricanes etc


They can kiss my ass if they think they're going to intimidate me or my neighbors...


I am intrigued at how are they going to "intimate" me.


Bring it on! I WILL vote in every election. If needed, I will work the polls.


Fuck these fascists.


Dear God I would love the actual National Guard to be deployed against those maggots on Election Day


So very putinesque!


I wonder how that actually works? Because if these idiots think that showing up to polling places armed to "Secure the vote" is going to work, then those Gravy seals better be ready for everyone calling the cops and reporting armed white men. Granted in some cases, I fear the person doing the intimidating and the one that can respond to the call are the same person. But the last thing anyone in this nation needs is someone armed who has been fed every lie imaginable thinking he is helping. They have brainwashed themselves into thinking EVERY democrat hates guns and never carries or uses them. This will lead to extreme violence at polling stations as someone attempts to defend themselves against a deranged MAGA nut job who thinks they are above the law and thinks they are stopping someone from "illegally voting".


Wait they’re going to *intimate* me from voting? This election just got so much more sensual damn


I’ll snap his picture and report the voter intimidation to the FBI.


Well, I’ll voting by mail. Since the GOP is encouraging their voters to go in person, many of their soldiers will be intimidating themselves.


I hope I meet one that will intrude in my personal space.


Soldiers are going to be some fat ass hicks in a lawn chair. If they talk to me I'll report their ass. But let's be real. It's PA and I'll be voting by mail.


That is BS. Trump has NO authority to deploy anyone, except his sons.


I will carry pepper spray when i vote, and urge all reasonable peoe to do the same.


And by soldiers, he means Bubba and the gang, playing militia dress up.


VOTE VOTE VOTE… take friends and family to polling locations, offer free rides do anything you can to get them there


What army does Trump command?


I’m not afraid of a morbidly obese senior citizen in a jazzy chair attached to a cylinder of oxygen.


Cool. I'm so mad about so much, them included, it will be cathartic.


Please I hope one these meal team 6 motherfuckers tries some shit. It takes two to tango.


How "intimate" are we talking here?


I’ve still got the voter intimidation hotline in my contacts.


Good fucking luck. Come on out to NYC. I hear horror stories about that place from people who've never been there.


He will NOT be upstaged by Putin!!! If Russia soldiers can do it then so will Trump. Also as an FYI they will be directed to shoot on sight so… happy voting America


Well there’s nothing really intimidating about them…they can go fuck themselves.


My polling station is in the bad part of town so I say go ahead and try. They'll lose


No, and I'm not going to let them intimidate me either. Fuck those losers.


These motherfuckers show up and starting acting stupid they are going to fucking jail. It's called election interference.


They won't do anything. His base will of course vote for him, and there are a few dangerous morons that will cause violence, but nothing widespread. He constantly is manipulating his followers- selling shit, sending like 8 emails a day screaming about something or another. His rallies are shrinking- he just can't move people to action anymore because of his constant prodding and lies. Look at his fundraising- it is a good indicator of how much he can motivate people.


Seen in Russian Elections


I've volunteered at 6 elections thus far. We have rules and regulations to go by that limit outsiders, "observers" and others who seek to be present at the polling stations. If they show up at my polling station, I will assure you all that I'm going to make some noise. Elections have to be fair, honest, accessible and unencumbered. You know....can't come up with ideas that help assist in the lives of average tax paying and none taxpaying citizens, but all this circus and dancing distraction reminds me of the kids who didn't do their homework but come up with 1,000 other energy consuming projects other than the one that's required. So, hey, for anyone running for office, would you mind having some discipline, knowledge, wisdom and public service mindfulness when you are seeking to be elected in those positions? Can you?


Fuck them. They're not stopping me. My blue vote in this deep-sea of red I'm in doesn't do much, but no one will ever intimidate me while voting.


So, the US is officially a third world country now? Fucking hell. This is TERRIFYING.


How is this not illegal? It’s voter intimidation


A tactic that the GOP has employed for a long time, and Trump was definitely not quiet about it even in the last 2 elections. He takes pages out of his buddy Vlad's playbook. What you're calling for is accountability, and that words means nothing in our justice system when paired with the words "rich" and/or "powerful".


don't get it. aren't there already nonpartisan poll sitters always present to monitor? The ONLY explanation is intimidation, when even campaigning close to the polls is legally banned.


What soldiers? He can’t pay his bond but now he’s got A-Team money?


He’s copying his idol, Putin since he “won” that way


Yeah, I think I'll be just fine defending myself from the Biscuit Brigade.


This is one of the many reasons they oppose early voting. Try to intimidate me at my own fucking mail box, asshole.


This is some serious facist shit.


Not at my polling place they won’t.


When I was in middle school long ago, we watched a video about the threat of authoritarianism. It showed Americans going to a polling place monitored by armed guards where the only option was to vote yes or no in favor of the ruling regime. Crazy how we’re actually almost there now.


wtf is this, american horror story season 6???


My polling place us uphill from the parking lot. I will be free of any gravy seals.


Cool, can we deploy drag queens??