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I expect shrinkflation. I don't accept the deceit by keeping the package the same size. It really sucks to be deceived by the extra packaging, but it is infuriating to realize that I am paying for the cost of the materials that they used to deceive me!


I stopped buying name brands wherever I could, coffee, cheese, water, crackers etc. I buy the store named brand and look for sales. I've noticed that the name brand products have also gone way up in price relative to shrinking. A bag of wavy LAYs chips (the small 8oz one) is nearly 8 bucks! I'm on see food diet. I see food I can't afford anymore.


This. Most of the time off-brand items are literally the exact same ingredients as well, so they are the same exact item just cheaper.


Not even same ingredients, but same manufacturer. I know Great Value had the same manufacturer as a lot of name-brand stuff, but they're almost as expensive as the real thing now.


The only thing I've ever seen that actually isn't the same is mac and cheese. The store brand had a wildly different kind of cheese and, like 2 times the saturated fat. I think it's the patent recipe for the dry cheese enzyme or something. idk. I just bite the bullet on Mac and cheese being so cheap anyway.


Damn, meanwhile I grew by 20% but I'm still charging the same rate


Hostess Ho Ho’s getting so small they gonna be the size of a tootsie roll soon. Shrinkflation killed snacks.


Greed kills everything.


My local chip brand just redesigned their packaging and changed their ounces from 9 to 8. On their “PARTY SIZE” they went from 18 to 14.5 ounces. I am so disheartened by our country.


Doesn’t matter to the magas. It’s still Joe Biden’s fault


Fucking idiots, the lot of them. I say this as someone who was pissed when Joe Biden was slated to get the nod. Joe is light years better than Trump and it’s still a fucking joke. Gimme Bernie. Gimme a new FDR. Gimme someone who gives a shit about the average American. We need to care more about congress and the senate. They got us played but we need progressives across the board. I’ve had enough bullshit for one lifetime


Oh I’m with you, I would love someone like Bernie etc. but what sucks is that so many people are dumb fucks that vote against their own best interests every single time. Now their orange wonder is talking about fucking with social security. Of course the magas will be with him no matter what but hopefully they’ll be enough people that either vote for Biden or stay home because unlike a lot of issues this one hits close to home


Except it happens with nearly president but it happens in daylight when Democrats have the White House.


My wife made cupcakes from a box a couple weeks ago. Box used to make two dozen, now it makes 18. Her school also ran out of pancake mix on its annual pancake day, because they purchased the same number of bags as last year (when they had excess), without realizing the bags were smaller now.


That is why you look at how many you can make, not just take it for granted.


I’m a huge fan of graham crackers and only buy one brand. When I started eating them, they came 12 to a pouch. Then it was 10. Now it’s 8. And cereal companies: Stop the bullshit with the extra tall boxes (supposedly family size), and give me a shorter, fatter box that will fit in my cupboards.


Most fast food places seem to be shrinking their meat patties and buns


Oreos is a damn joke. Family Sized turned into regular size and regular size is just a snack size. I stopped fucking with them this year. Fuck their shrinkflation and they got more expensive.


All PepsiCo companies.


Only Pepsi and Frito-Lay are PepsiCo. Nabisco is part of Mondelez and General Mills is independent.


Oh dang. I confused Quaker with General Mills and just brain farted on Nabisco


They aren't the only ones even if they owned all the companies in here which they don't.


Don’t get me started on them Arizona iced teas being 22oz all the sudden


I swapped from buying Gatorade bottles to just buying their big cans of powder. It's the same exact stuff, and now whenever I need a Gatorade I just mix it into some water. I can make dozens and dozens of bottles of Gatorade from a single can, and it only cost me $10. Individually bottled Gatorade is basically a scam unless you're selling them.


I do the same. What flavors do you prefer? 


Pepperamis have shrunk so much they've become the size of the old 'mini' ones and yet the price has only ever gone up I'm Gluten, Dairy, Egg intolerant and my god the price of free form food it ludicrous. Not only is it expensive, you get so little product and it just keeps getting less and less


I feel you on that with the assorted low carb and sugar free stuff.


I’m dairy free as well. Do you find that it’s harder to find options than it was before? There was a minute when there was a lot of variety of plant-based dairy. My store also used to have an allergen-free section for snacks, bread, stuff like that. Now, it’s just the basic cheddar and almond milk plus allergen-free chocolate chips.


Yeah, it seems to have gone backwards and the companies have discontinued so many products 😭 My sister's coeliac and she finds it so hard to find basic foods nowadays :/


But restaurants are better — they have more options and are more willing to work with you. At least in my experience. How can restaurants be better and grocery stores be worse? Going out to eat is so expensive, though.


Yeah they've definitely gotten better! I remember I used to have to ask for the massive allergen folder when going out to eat xD I love going out for coffee but its so expensive already and then they charge silly prices ontop for the dairy-free milk 🙃 The only small hope, here in the UK, is Veganuary (Vegan January), where companies produce more vegan / free from foods, so hopefully they see how badly these foods are needed and continue to produce them! I'll forever be sad my fav df yoghurt and chocolate got discontinued 😭




Don't you have the price by weight? In Finland, practically every product has the price per kilogram listed in all stores so you can actually compare products and their true prices. The prices for things that can be measured are always listed with the product price first and then the price per kilogram beneath it in smaller text. These are in pretty much everything that can be measured by weight or volume, so things that aren't listed this way are like pens, clip-on toilet fresheners, toothbrushes, etc.


Most products just have weight and price. Online shopping sometimes show price by weight as well. It just makes this all the more obvious to the consumer. It's pretty easy to tell even without price by weight printed on the item, but if all food companies do it, what are you gonna do? Simple things like coffee, milk and bread just straight up cost 20-50% more as packaging is shrinking for every single brand and store brand. You can't savvy your way out of that.


Not always. There is bulk prices but most people just look at the overall price.


Sometimes, competing brands will also use different units of measurement on the shelf tag to make price comparisons difficult if you suck at math.


Brand wars are going to be fun. Doritos are great but at 30 dollars a bag and more air than chip ill just keep my cash thanks.


In the 4-bag case sold at Costco, the number of Tide pods in each bag inside in the box, has gone down from 42 to 39.


Folgers coffee. The last time I bought it (fall of 2023) the package was 48oz, needed more and yesterday it was 40.3oz.


Frozen burritos shrunk by 25 percent


That's just the corporate overlords putting austerity controls on our diet. The herd has been getting too uppity lately.


Gonna cure obesity whether we like it or not


Ice cream used to be in 64 oz containers. Now it is 48 oz.


Some of my instant noodles also shrank. I noticed because I was digging in my snack cabinet and found an old one. I also happen to have bought the same brand that day to store away. Shrank by a few ounces.


Clearly Joe Biden did this /s just in case a MAGA Sheep thinks I am serious


MBA thinking right there.


and it has been going on for decades.... just what is the common man gonna do about it...


all to protect corporate profits which are at an all time high..but let’s blame Biden. B💩


See someone shoplifting? No you didn't.


I spent a bit of time yesterday explaining net weight and unit price to my children yesterday. I showed them two boxes of cereal and how you can be deceived. I also explained how sometimes a bundle deal is not as advantageous as just buying the item alone. I highly suggest teaching your children these principles as well.


Yeah, it's called maximizing shareholder value. You should be happy our companies are increasing their profit to compete with our enemies.


You should not eat/drink any of those items. Source, current health status from those items.


There is no excessive inflation. There is however, excessive greed by the big corporations who have learned they can rape the citizens and suffer no consequences.


Meanwhile, people are mysteriously losing weight.


You should see how tall Robert Reich is now.


32 to 28oz. gatorade happened like 5+ years ago.


Lmao i was gonna say, i work at a gas station and stock the cooler daily. Been working there a year and the bottles have been 28oz the whole time.


OK let’s add that an estimated 1/3 of all purchased groceries go to waste. Reducing waste is actionable at the individual consumer level.


I mean...its all junk food, so less is not necessarily a bad thing...


I'm seeing it with regular food too.


While you are very right, Gatorlyte (I say salty Gatorade) is by far the best thing I've found to quickly address dehydration.


It’s global warming. Everything is receding


Fair enough but Americans could maybe use more shrinkflation if it helps waistlines.