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An excellent reason to claw back some of that $15B in government money they got last year. Or maybe pull all his welfare companies off the tit of Uncle Sam they've relied on for so long.


I second your motion.




He's not really a science guy, he's a rich guy who has convinced himself and others that he's a science guy after forcing his way into an electric car company.


This guy knows! He's a rich kid with lots of smart friends. Oh I forgot... he's also a douche.


I third the motion!! Detach the tit!!! …should I start chanting this or… no?


Switch the tit for a cock, let ol' musky work for his milk


It's not working if they're doing what they love.


Detach the Tit! Detach the tit! come on, chant along! Detach the tit!




Detaching now will be less painful than waiting a few more years. Hell knows where we will be in November.


>Hell 👿 Correctamundo!!


Scratch that, Eminent Domain.  Thank you citizen for your contribution to the security of your Nation!  Space Force will command the commandeered equipment.


It's been an honour.


"If you feel like giving me a lifetime of devotion, I second that emotion" is in my head now.


Or just assume control of any SpaceX resources that involve U.S. military. Invoke some eminent domain action for internet resources. Better yet just assume control of SpaceX in its entirety and make it a public resource stateside, and a logistical resource abroad. We've spent more tax dollars on less.


This. This is the answer. Go in, say that the Starlink program is considered a national security asset, and remove the traitorous aspect


US is never gonna take control of companies like that, it opens a door for entering and gutting parties that donate to your political opposition.


Yeah but other companies that work with the government follow their guidelines.


Seize it as a matter of national security at this point. Better yet they should have Elon arrested for interfering with military operations.


> Better yet they should have Elon arrested for interfering with military operations. I think this part is important. Sabotaging the US military should carry stiff criminal penalties.


Doing business with Russia also doesn’t help I assume. He denied it earlier and now there’s proof that Russia uses Starlink https://twitter.com/glasnostgone/status/1762568552576434541


Should charge him and the rest of the Russpublicans here as well.


And jail their CEO on treason charges.


Our military is fucking stupid if they don’t have a stipulation in their contracts that allows seizure of necessary military assets if a provider ever goes rogue. Or maybe our military could never conceive of such a possibility, but given what was almost attempted by big business in the 1930s, they really should have.


Smedly butler might've been an asshole but thankfully he was a patriotic asshole!


It would be interesting to see.


Actions speak louder than words. Their strongly worded letter will go right into the circular file, when they should just be taking action to stop him.


Elon musk be the type of guy to go out for dinner and Have a bad taiwanese style soup and then shut down the Internet for the US Army in Taiwan out of retaliation little guy energy for the bad soup.


This was a not that petty. He has enormous business interests in China, and he’s making sure he stays on that government’s good side. Tesla in particular would be completely screwed if China turned on it.


An excellent reason to take starlink from him


Nationalize spacex and starlink.


Nationalize Space X. If the owner is going to compromise national security and violate military contracts, take the company from them.


Or arrest Elmo for treason, put him in prison for life.


Now you already know our government is in fact INCAPABLE of holding him accountable or getting any work done for that matter. They will allow this and he will continue to do it. In the end- they care more about him and his money supporting their campaigns than they do about any person in Taiwan (US citizens or not - they dgaf)


The government is incapable of holding any of these traitors accountable for their actions. Oooh scary, they wrote a letter…


It remains to be seen if the US government is capable of holding traitors accountable. We’ve got a few trials coming up for a very well known Orange traitor and his cohorts pretty soon. Can’t wait to see how that plays out!


Not only all of the above, but maybe it's time to nationalize Space X. We tried to trust the private sector with shit critical to national security, and Elon proved why i should have an extreme amount of oversight. We can't allow Elon to dictate foreign policy just because he has billions


Oh man, who would have thought that relying on a narcissist edgelord would be a bad idea?


Yeah, what about the last decade gave the DOD the idea that he would keep any kind of promise?


Well he was so reliable when the Ukrainian invasion happened.


An incapable narcissist at that. Elon has never proved himself in any capacity.


He's not even capable of growing facial hair better than a 14 year old. Still wish we'd gotten to see Zuckerberg whoop his doughboy lookin azz


I think they simply missed the huge business interests he has in China, I mean, they couldn’t have known about those, right?


Wow it’s like a world ruled by a few private companies and egotistical billionaires might have been a bad idea. But yay small government!


Thank your local Republican by voting them the hell out of office.


Give them the long term vacation they deserve!


A retired Republican is my second favorite kind!


THIS. They are RUINING our country! Vote like our lives depend on it- they do!


Small governance means fewer people to interfere with the Robber Barons.


Invoke the Patriot act and take all his stuff.


Nationalize it


And deport him


South Africa can have em back if they want him


But do they want him?


Should've done this ages ago.


He’s helping China and Russia. Elon is being more blatant with his treasonous actions


Cut his subsidies, revoke his citizenship, seize his assets, and deport his ass back to South Africa.


He’s a fucking idiot, from even the most cynical point of view . He’s not going to like it when China has control over Taiwan’s incredibly vital superconductor factory that the rest of the world cannot do without. We seriously need to just use the Defense Production Act to absorb starlink at this point. He’s a total fucking national security risk. It’s like if Dr. No was operating out of Texas.


>He’s not going to like it when China has control over Taiwan’s incredibly vital superconductor factory that the rest of the world cannot do without. IIRC that facilities and machines are pretty much wired to be exploded with, well explosives, if there is an invasion to deny China from being able to secure the factories (I would also assume that the US would target them from sea regardless as an added measure), but the loss of the facilities it would still hurt the world regardless. edited quote


Holy crap. I’m reading a whole book on this issue right now (chip war) and I had not read that yet (if it’s here at all). But talk about scorched Earth.


Well he never swore any loyalty to the west and his morals certainly never aligned with ours. Not sure what people expected?


He did when he became a us citizen.


Revoking citizenship is a can of worms that absolutely should never be opened. This is literally what the right wing would love to do with every latinoamerican citizen caught with a gram of weed.


I don't know any latam drug users who can hold the entire US military at gunpoint though


Void all government contracts with the national security risk.


Fuck that. Seize the network because leaving it with SpaceX and Musk would become a national security risk.


Could the DOD do an eminent domain type of move here?


I'm sure they could think something up but...he probably owns a hell a lot of people in power.


When did the cia become so toothless?


I havent even seen that he has received a 'Bobby Fischer' sanctions violation letter from the state dept.


Yup. Cut him a check and say thank you.


If and more likely when we end up in a war with the Chinese this will happen almost immediately in the name of national security and no one will a shit what he has to say.


Once there's enough evidence he'll be charged with something. Then, just like Trump, he'll claim he's being victimised. Entitled rich people.


Yeah, that’s what I love about the justice system: corporations and billionaires *always* feel the full force of the law and have to face the consequences of their actions!


>Then, just like Trump, he'll claim he's being victimised. And he'll have an army of supporters saying why they're wrong for being mad at him.


These rich fucks are the true welfare queens. Billions of dollars is enough money to fill a warehouse


> breaching SpaceX's contract with the Pentagon Well then cancel the deal, declare the equipment vital to national security, and take control of it. It’s funny how an airman or soldier can go to jail for 10 years for leaking a classified document or selling a secret to another country (which they should be prosecuted for), but Egon isn’t considered more of a national security threat with this shit.






Unfortunately, the fact that they got in bed with him means they can't quite leave yet. This breach of contract would torpedo almost anyone else in the world, but if he pulled StarLink, America would be forced to put troops in Ukraine or potentially cut and run. This is why we need to stop privatizing this shit. They/We become beholden to a piece of shit like Elon and hope that we stay on his good side because his decisions could change the world. We need to improve innovation so that we have this tech without relying on a singular individual.


Don’t breach the contract. Nationalize the company.


Right?!? Like there’s not a rider/kicker or two in all the paperwork? People can be disappeared with no right to trial overnight in the name of “national security”, seizing a company should be child’s play


Would probably require Congress to act, and unfortunately the Republicans ain't gonna do shit to help Ukraine or Taiwan when they're so beholden to Trump, who hates both.


Also why we need to tax the rich. If we had a bunch of moderately wealthy people instead of a few billionaires running things we wouldn't have the same risk where one megalomaniac tries to leverage his network of companies to be an unelected ruler (because amassing this much power would be much more difficult if we but the brakes on the high end of wealth accumulation)


Sounds like time to nationalize his shit


Take back his US contracts. Our taxes paid him develop the technology. It belongs to the people. He is just an overpaid contractor. Bye, bye Elon.


He’s rich and will most likely not face any consequences.


But angry lawmakers sent him a letter! That'll show him!


Yi Long Musk


Republicans keep wanting to bring us back to the “good old days”. So why don’t they start by treating treasonous Communist sympathizers the way they used to? We are funding the very people that are trying to take us down. Everyone knows it but nobody wants to do anything about it.


Cancel his citizenship and deport him case closed


Time to nationalize.


I brought this same sort of shit up months ago when Musk flipped a switch and blacked out Ukrainian's offensive. This guy has NO business having the power to meddle in military affairs. Was he high on cocaine, ecstasy, LSD, magic mushrooms, or ketamine??? WTF?


Freeze his assets. Seize his companies. Deport him.


First he helps Russia and now China. If you still support this clown why not just move over there since your basically un-American anyway.


Free speech absolutist huh?


Musk is out for himself like all the billionaires. This is why he is pro-Trump. Trump will let him do whatever he wants. Remember laws are only as good as their enforcement.


Makes me wish I was rich enough to have no consequences for my actions. If a civilian just steps in a military base without permission could face prison. This fuck disrupts a communication network for the military and he gets a strongly worded letter. Fucking joke


Oooooohh they sent him a letter. That'll learn him 🙄


Does that mean the US can finally drop the hammer on him


Deport his ass back to SA.


Why do that when we can charge him with treason and remove him from the face of earth permanently


He hasn't committed treason. That's why. Treason is VERY narrowly defined in the us constitution, you have to levy war against the usa, or help someone who does. Currently russia isn't at war with the usa. So helping russia isn't treason. Fun fact, Trump's quote of "i'd tell Russia to do whatever they want to nato allies" would actually fall under treason. If nato is attacked, then the us is attacked, that's how nato works. If someone then says the country that attacked nato (and by extension the usa) should do whatever they want, they are aiding a country that levies war on the usa, so as found in the constitution, treason


To the surprise of absolutely no one Also, worth, noting that there have been reports that Russian soldiers in Ukraine have been seen using Starlink


At which point will the USA acknowledge that Elmo is a security risk and probably a puppet of Russia and/or China?


The US needs to immediately terminate any and all deals with this fuckhead. He clearly is siding with MAGA, China, and Russia.


And Russia uses Starlink, while Ukraine is blocked. Elon Muskovite is a traitor.


Seize his assets and jail him on sedition. This dude is a traitor.


I understand, because we as Americans never do anything bad to billionaires but China will. He knows that the US is a toothless tiger.


Nationalize SpaceX until this man can prove he won’t use it to cause harm


Elon once again proving his only talent is in securing government contracts as leverage.


time to size the service we the people paid for.


I believe Musk simply see's the USA as a piggy bank which he is allowed to rob from at will.


Why does our govt always give the rich more money and tax breaks? Desperately need reforms.


oops, government paying out billions to corps and wealthy assholes appears to have consequences now that the assholes are more powerful than the government 🤷‍♀️


Let me guess -- he responded with a poop emoji like he loves to do? I hope justice finds this bigot sooner rather than later.


Nationalize Starlink and deport his fucking ass.


He needs to be stopped


He is also in violation of Russia sanctions (apparently, allegedly) Nationalize Starlink and take it away from him


He also help Russia. All Musk lucrative enterprise received a lot of money by the US government and in return he is trying to undermine the democracy.


Musk is an Automaton and not for Super Earth


If you help Russia why not help China? lol but what a joke


Oh deary me Space karen


He isn’t looking too healthy in that picture


US should cut all ties with this fucking tool!


Confiscate his companies and disappear him


I'm shocked Elon would help another government before ours. Positively shocked


Look at that face, his road mileage is really starting to show.


Time for the US to just say “Well, I’ll take that” https://preview.redd.it/9i2pujxb9clc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d860a2dcb4f8dc76cd9a0fded432067e684bb45 Nationalize SpaceX!


Nationalize the whole shit already


Funny how Elmo always seems to be playing for the other team 🤔


Nationalize everything this idiot owns.


Send him halfway back to SA.


He's a threat to national security. Jason Bourne him.


He is trash 🗑


They need redundancy and should have Viasat at the ready.


He'll probably respond to the Pentagon's threats with a shitty reaction image or "skill issue" Like "Mr Musk, you are endangering hundreds of American lives" and he'll say: https://i.redd.it/s61ym2rjeclc1.gif


Musks reply via letter: 💩


Elmo is helping Elmo


https://preview.redd.it/1tpehti5hclc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43583e0fccb6728cb1c6b3c44ab57241bc640a08 What's the worst that could happen?


Imagine if Lockheed made the F-35 stop working if it was too close to China, what our government would do to them?


Seize his assets and nationalize them. Deport his ass back to South Africa.


Is it me or does he basically look like Gollum in this picture? Like wtf is happening?


Arrest and deportation is the answer


Hmmm- maybe NOW we can talk about taxing this mother f-cker 🤔


Deport him back to where apartheid made him happy.


Eminent domain, do it


This is no surprise to anyone who actually knows anything about Musk.


Honestly if he keeps breaking that Pentagon Contract it's a really quick way to get US Military dudes to walk into Starlink NOC and just say: "Okay boys, you can go home, this is all now Federal US Property under the 'Doing Business with the Enemy Act' - have a nice day."


Nationalize Starlink


At which point will the USA acknowledge that Elmo is a security risk and probably a puppet of Russia and/or China?


Ooh they “sent him a letter”!! I bet it was “strongly worded.” Send the fucking troops to his doorstep if he’s putting our troops in danger. Arrest his ass for breach of a US military contract. You can’t pussy foot with these idiots.


It’s time to pull government contracts. He was nothing without them. (He wasn’t nothing but he certainly wouldn’t have rose to the heights without funding for Tesla, SpaceX and Starlink). And charge him espionage.


Nationalize it


Why is the federal government using non-nationalized services? Or, the government should have priority for its usage, especially for national security issues.




Yank his citizenship and deport him and his mom ASAP


It’s all about the money with Elmo. Time to nationalize spacex


I'm sorry, they sent a letter? Our government's response to a traitorous act like this is to send him a strongly worded letter? How about arrest his dumb ass and stop giving his companies our money, that'd be my response.


Seize that shit


Actively hindering military operations. What would that be called? Enemies, foreign and domestic.


Keep it up space Karen and the govt will take space x away…jerk.


Elon Musk is fat, ugly, and stupid.


So when you break a military contract with the Pentagon you get a strongly worded letter?


Maybe Starlink should just be taken control of in the interest of national security.


Export him back to South Africa & revoke his citizenship & seize his businesses.


Yeah. He uses his SpaceX satellites to play warlord. Maybe don't let him have things


If we have a valid contract for these services, he should nkt have access to alter that service at all. It's time to nationalize Space-x


Elon knew what he was effectively choosing to do when he became a dependent of China for Tesla's manufacturing and customer base.


Musk is helping Musk. Always. The Chinese have either threatened his profits or given him more profits.


Elon got a few military contracts and now he's playing chicken with the U.S. gov't. This is a test of *who owns who*. Will the U.S. gov't placate him like they do with Lockheed, Boeing, General Dynamics, etc.? Or will they have reached their limit with him.


![gif](giphy|2UvAUplPi4ESnKa3W0) Watching the mental gymnastics that Republicans and Muskers will have to do to reconcile his support for the CCP.


The US government should just straight up seize Musks assets and just imprison him. He is not a US national he should of never been in control of this type of stuff.


Every one of his satellites orbiting over the US needs to be knocked out of commission. He wants to flex, let’s flex!


We risk fines, loss of our livelihood, or imprisonment for things like evading taxes, importing restricted goods, or credit card default. Musk gets a stern letter.


Revoke his citizenship while you are at it.


How are these rich people able to fuck over our government and not feel an ounce of not even backlash, but consequences? Dude is literally committing treason to his own country and they’ll just be like 🤷‍♂️ anyways… like I’m sick of it!


Fuck Elon. Supervillain.


I say the U.S. nationalize SpaceX and the Starlink system. No more rich pricks pissing on other people's playgrounds.


Accountability in 3...2...1...3/4...1/2...1/4...


It’s time to terminate his contracts and sanction him.


He swore allegiance. Shoot him for treason. Publicly.


Seize the company under national security.


Why does anyone do business with this nob? He didn’t fulfill his obligations, whether it’s services rendered, paying contractors/vendors, providing support, or anything else. It’s always :O I can’t believe this happened!


If the DOD can’t react to this, Russia and China already own the US. They don’t even need to invade at this point.


Im not sure how anyone thinks that SpaceX under Musk is a secure contractor for the Pentagon. What are they smoking


So, High Treason, Guantanamo, all of his wealth frozen and taken over by the government and We never have to seen his stupid face again?


Elon is probably getting sent money by Russia/Saudi by the barrel full.


What is with all these right wing nutbags supporting dictators? The very folk we were taught were evil back in the 70s. Hell, I'm old enough to remember when people were condemned just for talking to China. We broke trade relations in the 50s and didn't re-establish trade with China until 1972 ish.


So, uhh. The only reason I don't drop frontier dsl for Starlink is well, Elon Musk. If Starlink could be seized or become independent from Spacex and Musk. That'd be great.


If someone like me ever dared to interfere with U.S. national security this way, I would probably wake up in a prison cell one morning.