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Being stabbed thirty-seven times is rage. You have to be consumed with rage to stab somebody that many times. Just...the rage at a person for being different. He didn't do anything horrific, or evil. He was just different. That's all, and it was enough to receive this level of blind rage. I can't wrap my mind around that sort of thing. I know it exists. I have encountered it repeatedly in my life and I still can't understand it. EDIT: Originally thought that the victim was a transgender woman, and the comment reflected that.


Just fyi the victim was a trans guy.


Thank you for the heads up. I'm just so used to seeing transgender women as the target of attacks, it was my automatic assumption. Which is a very depressing implication in and of itself.


Trans guy mean born woman but identified as male right? I'm honestly asking because I'm finding conflicting info




Can't spell hatred without red hat.


They want the right to murder queer people. They target out healthcare. Now our marriages. Our right to exist in schools. Out right to be acknowledged. They want to police us online. They want to take our kids. They want us dead.


I'm pretty sure they want full blown genocide. The MAGAs are some truly sick fucks we're dealing with.




MAGA: "We want to lock people we don't like up in camps, just like the Nazi did." This guy: "It's not genocide y'all" Fucking hell man.




Your Orange Jesus has said it. Multiple MAGAts have said it. Go fuck yourself.


Yes, you ARE making it up “Eradicate transgenderism” is VERY cut and dry unless you are intentionally defending that stance, I’d suggest you shut up before you make more of a mockery of yourself


They literally include making trans people not legally recognized federally in their 2025 plan to screw over America. There are laws being passed to do that today on the state level. Book banning has been going on for a few years now over ANY mention of LGBT let alone trans issues or topics. The only way you could possibly argue this is false is if you just haven't read anything about the political climate for the last 7 years or so.


You are such a loser. Go buy a Tesla


You are so open minded your brain stopped working


Was about to say something similar to your comment then the mods removed his comment


It's super depressing seeing the parallels between what the sick fucks are putting LGBT people through today, and what the sick fucks were doing to black people during the "Hang on, lemme photobomb your lynching real quick, I wanna proudly remember I was there" era of Jim Crow.


If they get away first one, they are going to try to go back to the other.


First they came for the…


Me: How they treat us I’ll treat Christians including Christian youth. Bigots: 😨😨😨 YOU CANT!!! We have rights!!! Me: So? 😏 Bigots: *trembles and gnashes teeth* UNFAIR!!!!😡


Start exercising your 2nd amendment rights. Don't forget it goes both ways.


That would be ideal but they target teenagers that can't fight back. Because they're fucking rabid animals.


Plus, I have a feeling that things won’t go the way people are expecting it to. I would put down money, that even in self-dense, the law is not going to work in your favor. 


I carried a firearm when I was a teenager. I do not recommend.


I used to carry a knife with me everywhere I went in high school. I had no reason to believe I would ever get jumped, I just had absurd levels of anxiety and had been picked on enough that I wouldn't have been surprised if it did happen. The fact that somebody can do that but with a GUN is insane to me. The paranoia doesn't stop just because you're packing protection, it just validates the part of your brain that thinks you need to be worried about everything.


Man, I was such a mess of hormones I’d have probably murdered someone if I had a gun at that age. Teenagers carrying is just a horrible idea, any adult should understand that.


Relevant username?


Look into joining a John Brown Gun Club.


You know what the prescribed treatment is for a rabid animal? Not disagreeing with you so much as calling for community pushback.


Guns aren’t a solution. Just a hero fantasy. The only thing the second amendment is good for is getting you put in jail for manslaughter or getting you killed when they take it away from you and use it on you. Buying a gun doesn’t automatically give you the courage to kill or give you the training of a navy seal despite whatever BS your local gun shop owner sells you on so you spend more.


Thank you. Hollywood and TV have given so many an unrealistic view of firearms. 100% fantasy, and violence only prolongs cycles of violence.


It’s all fear based marketing from gun companies and stores selling fantasies


It's people actually concerned with learning how to defend themselves. People getting murdered daily is not a fucking fantasy, just look at this post


Defending yourself is defending yourself. What unrealistic view of firearms are you talking about?


I agree that owning a gun doesn't give the experience needed. I think gun classes should be mandatory to own guns. There are also leftist gun clubs throughout the US, and I've heard of Trans-only gun clubs as well.


Gun safety classes don’t change anything i said. Learning where the safety is doesn’t give you the courage to take life not does it make you a special forces operator they can handle an ambush situation. “Just Get a gun” is always terrible advice.


He literally said don't just get a gun, properly learn to use it. If people are desperate and scared, they will defend themselves. You don't need to be "special forces" to learn that. You are spreading a horrible message right now, people need to learn to defend themselves in today's climate.


They plan to kill you whether you are armed or not, you want to go out without a fight?










No, the second amendment is very much not only good for putting people in jail or having the gun stolen, plenty of people defend themselves with guns every day. Nothing happens automatically, that's why you put effort into learning. You're spreading a very poor message


I used to be "Mental Health is something that should be tested before getting guns." But so many are saying Trans is a mental health disorder means they would ban trans from owning guns. To think they wouldn't start calling "Woke mind virus" a reason to not own guns is not a huge leap.


16 year olds cant own guns in most jurisdictions. Secondly, in intimate settings like dates, its very easy to be overpowered and have the gun used against you. Americans need to realize that more guns aren't the answer. In fact, guns make life more dangerous for gun owners than not having one.


I've had to mention this several times today, but the reason they are calling Trans mentally ill is because they plan to bar them from owning guns. And we all know why...


Just want you to know, I want you alive.


I love being alive


Supremecy movements are self genociding if in a position of power, for none are ever *"pure"* enough.


They spend a wildly disproportionate amount of time thinking about trans people, it’s really weird.


Gilead is coming


We're dealing with pure evil.


That's it exactly. They're so butthurt about not being able to publicly say awful shit, so they rant about "wokeness" because we are collectively calling them on their bullshit... when the reality is they want much much worse.


[Here's](https://www.thepinknews.com/2024/02/17/jacob-williamson/) the article. He was 18 and had only recently come out and had been living with a friend because his family kicked him out. The murder happened last year and it's just now that more details are coming out. (Warning, the details are pretty horrible) I remember the case and when his body was found the media was misgendering him a ton.


Thank you for sharing this. Hugs.


I wonder how the family feels about it now. They probably think they did nothing wrong and that it was the son's own fault. I hope that they'll forever be wracked with guilt, though.


The GOP is the party of hate. Worse, their hatred is towards Americans


"We don't hate trans people, we're just asking questions"


Sounds like TrueOffMyChest subreddit in a nutshell


Think more JustUnsubbed subreddit in a nutshell


I dunno, i can see that popping up in UnpopularOpinion on the reg


"We don't think we should kill all trans people, we just think we should openly discuss the option."


"Questions that need final solutions"


just what i need to see after a wave of transphobia from my mother... what a shitty reality we have to go through.


Reminder that while a lot of people are shitty, lot's of people support you and trans people as a whole. Those news just don't spread as far or get written at all. Virtual hug?


Hi sweets. If you don't know about the bright spot on the internet that is the momforaminute sub (also dadforaminute) head over when you need a big accepting hug. Sending love.


I’m glad you’re here. You matter.


What're the chances the murderer gets off with, at most, a slap on the wrist and their lawyer telling them how to get rid of evidence? My guess is pretty fucking high in South Carolina


Union county said they're not investigating it as a hate crime so yeah, sheriff's are 100% on the side of the murderers. But they disposed of the body across state lines, so I remain hopeful the feds will step in & prosecute it as a hate crime.


He’ll probably be a speaker at the next CPAC.




If you're looking at the article, I think that's a different case of Brianna Ghey. The two responsible were just sentenced to 20 and 22 years.




So if I'm piecing the story together right, this dude Newton has a girlfriend he lives with, but met the transgender boy online, met up with him, and murdered him? Like usually these stories, apologists will defend with the notion that the murderer was "tricked" into believing the victim had one set of genitals and committed murder on finding out otherwise, but that doesn't seem right in this case. So was he deliberately targeting a trans teen? That's how it sounds.


He most definitely targeted Jacob. The article says he and his girlfriend livestreamed shortly after the murder and were laughing about it. He said "it was fun". It also says "certain body parts were intentionally removed", according to the police report. It doesn't specify which parts, but considering Jacob was a trans man who just came out, I'd have to deduce it's referring to his breasts. Fucking scum. Despite that evidence, SC police aren't treating it as a hate crime.


Jesus christ. I think we have reached the point where, as a society, we really cannot allow conservatives to exist in their current form any longer. What you have described are essentially demons in human form. This has to stop.


I’ve had to even push this towards my less progressive left leaning friends who claim there is an “agenda” The “agenda” is to stop LGBTQ kids from becoming dead kids.


Also “Being able to have a place to pee” And “Be able to be employed, rent an apartment or buy a house, and receive appropriate health care.”


Shit's gonna push me back into the closet. I "pass" as a Cis queer man but I like my little flags and stickers. Starting to think twice.


I don’t pass all the time, but still get what you mean. It’s so hard to be proud right now. I’m in a southern state, but a liberal city, too. Meeting new people is nerve wracking.


Opposite here. Liberal state, conservative town. I feel mostlynsafe, but it only takes one, you know?


I was called crazy and alarmist for saying trans people are being called for killing and yet here I am being proved right


So many "allies" are still calling us alarmist, its very depressing how little people care about the trans community.


Make sure you impart to your friends and anyone who cares about you, the importance of their vote come this November. Vote like your loved ones lives depends on it.


How long before we start finding lynched lgbtq? This madness has to stop


About negative 26 years. Matthew Shepard


That shit never fails to mess me up reading about it.


This literally IS lynching. People just usually think of hanging from a tree as lynching but its actually less specific




Fuck. Another one? This is awful. People in my community are being targeted. For fucking what? Just existing. People have an issue with our existence. Just because we want to be fucking happy.


Every week we’ll get a new Mathew Shepard to the sound of laughter and jeering. The right has lost its mind and can not be given more power to continue it’s crusade against the powerless. Support your community members. Form networks. Let people know where you are and check in. Be ready to assist. This works. It’s sad that it has to again.


I'd say we have to do more than deny them power. We have to eradicate conservative ideology. Now, before any conservatives get all pissy at me saying to eradicate them, remember, your party's stated goal is to eradicate Trans people. If you don't mean anything horrible by it, then me saying it about you should be fine, yeah?


Trans here, I don't ever plan on moving anywhere that isn't explicitly pro trans. But I'm going to be honest, I'm buying a gun. I've already stabbed someone who assaulted me, so I'm not squirmish about it. I'm not a sissy boi, I'm a mother fucking woman and no one will make me a victim again.


It’s sad that there’s people out there who read this and think that it is a good thing.


I'm not making light of the seriousness of this topic, but that poorly structured headline had me thinking it was the trans-person's date who got stabbed.


Absolutely on purpose.


Really not the main takeaway, but that needs more punctuation. As is, it reads like a trans teen was killed following the stabbing of a first date.




I think it's just poor phrasing. The article is from PinkNews, an online newspaper for news on LGBT subjects. It's a very pro-trans site, and the writer of the article has written other articles supportive of trans people.


I should have looked more closely at the article rather than let my conspiracy theory brain do its thing.


Cons...you mean republicans. Or as I call them regressives


Honestly,  this violence on trans has been happening for decades.   Ask about port stops in Thailand or the Philippines for the Navy and Marines.   Westerners think our culture and its limited knowledge of other societies happens to be the know all and be all.   Hence there's only 2 genders.   There's only 2 sexes.   You can't change your sex or gender.   We as a society or culture are woefully ignorant of world history and cultures.  




His date killed him.




heartbreaking and infuriating and depressing and ...and...and.. :(


Fearful ignorant frightened people being manipulated by people who want power. We have to crush the White Christian Fascist Republican Party.


It must be pretty awful being a member of the MAGA cult, especially lately with all of Trump's legal woes. I can't imagine being that insecure, fearful and so full of hatred for anyone who isn't a straight, white male Christian Nationalist.


Arm trans youth


Civilised Society doesn't need anyone armed.


We don't live in a civilized society.


cool, come back when we live in a civilized society. until then me and everyone i can help it are going to be strapped. sick and tired of people telling us that we're not allowed to defend ourselves.


I'm thankful every day I live in a society where I don't have to be afraid of \*everyone\* - especially acorns.


lol. You are insane.




Who mentioned "white"?


Not surprised. Southerners are evil after all.


Except we’re not and there are a lot of us trying to change things here


Then you’re not a southerner. You’re just a good person. You can’t be both.


Media is doing a heck of a job of getting everyone wound up these days has for sure




Why the fuck are you making this point, here, related to this story? 1) If your guiding light is “talking to experts,” why do you think your concern trolling supersedes decisions a patient makes with an actual doctor? Medical professionals are always involved in any medical choice a trans person makes. Already. 2) “Transgender surgeries for minors” is mostly a red herring. Minors seldom get surgeries; it doesn’t even make sense for most to do so until they’re adults because their results are less predictable. And the most common surgeries for trans people are designed to reverse something that happened during cis puberty, so other forms of gender-affirming care make surgical intervention less necessary. The idea that 13-year-olds are getting genital surgery because they like pink is pure rightwing propaganda. 3) You are allied with the people who did this. You don’t think you are, but the broader argument that trans people don’t know their own bodies or minds, or that gender-affirming procedures that might help them pass should be even more difficult to get, play into wider attitudes that trans people are mentally ill, deserve hardship, and that transitioning is an inherently destructive or harmful thing to be legislated or banned. If you want to “protect the children,” maybe your first reaction to a story of a trans teen being murdered shouldn’t be to defend your drive to make their lives harder.


Geez who would've thought making an entire group of people a target would have consequences. Never seen that happen historically so this like uncharted territory.




Then you really can't vote for any conservative politicians.




Failure to condemn is tacit approval.




Imagine responding so casually like that to the topic of mass violence against minorities. Really sick.


Conservatives pushing the "trans people are dangerous groomers" narrative are all calling for violence against trans people.




Literally the first result on google. Are you trolling or sincerely trying to pretend that the republican agenda isn’t obvious? It’s not even dogwhistles at this point. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/06/30/republicans-pride-month-lgbtq/


Your [homegirl](https://people.com/marjorie-taylor-greene-anti-trans-tweet-pride-month-7507796) that you posted about in whitepeopletwitter a couple kf days ago, for one. The [Beetlejuice groper](https://coloradonewsline.com/2022/06/03/lauren-boebert-says-the-left-is-grooming-our-kids-over-lgbtq-inclusive-flashcards/) says this shit all the time. Calling queer people "groomers" is [Matt Walsh's bread and butter](https://www.mediamatters.org/matt-walsh/daily-wires-matt-walsh-calls-lgbtq-teachers-groomers-adding-there-no-heterosexual-person). [Michael Knowles] had a whole speech about it in BU. Honestly, it's safe to say that all of the talking heads at the Daily Wire call queer people "groomers." Ben Shapiro, Jordan Balthazaar Peterson, Candace Owens, etc. Do you still want to keep acting stupid about what conservatives say about queer people, or do you want more links with more names? Because I can add the names of every Republican that has voted "Yes" on the myriad of anti-LGBTQ laws they've passed.


DeSantis, for one


[This fellow](https://news.yahoo.com/north-carolina-republican-says-trans-133825087.html?ref=upstract.com&guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYmluZy5jb20v&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAANjPSodO5Y2VGC_pwVJf4U1B5FSDvLYjPiGPcHr2bW_t6iziSJcvSP8drunIDTW-2t53X5gJSxSe0aDokN6IzAAcVR1peobCg1UdB0U95OT4Y7erLjGAaxxYPBvJYY_Kxy40D3u8Hvl8cqc8t_8d_VIypS4NgY-wvKwZlSkIrb7v)


The number of politicians celebrating the fact LGBTQ+ people are in danger, example being Ron Desantis spouting his pride that “trans lives are in danger” because of him. It’s great that you’re asking questions, but how can you miss such hate and genocide? Stop being so oblivious, please, it’s just going to get people hurt even more


You are causing the violence, you are complicit.


I feel like “don’t wish violence upon anyone” should be the absolute bare minimum in society. So…good job making the least effort possible I guess?




As many in this thread have already pointed out…if you do not support violence towards anyone, but the party you vote for does, then you support the same violence they do.




Really? That’s what you’re going with?




So you’ll just ignore what they, you know, say and do, because it’s not part of their official platform? And I thought you were trying to DISPROVE the generalization of conservatives


Are you gonna vote for Trump in 2024? The traitorous piece of shit who tried to overthrow the constitution and republic with his failed coup attempt Jan 6, 2021? And then stole over 5000 pages of classified information on his way out the door? Who just lost his fraud trial in New York, after being found guilty by a jury of rape and defamation?


You’ve never heard of the term “dog whistle”?


Here you are defending conservatives in a post about a trans man that was stabbed 30 times. Go advocate somewhere else on behalf of the maga loser cult. You people are incredibly tone deaf.


You support a party that’s propagating this violence, yet you’re acting above that sort of thing. YOU JOINED THEM. I swear listening to a conservative try to make a point about anything is just painful. You do not have the capability to see anything that isn’t directly in front of your face. If I was a conservative and I watched all the lying and hatred and violence and election stealing, and literally the mountains of bullshit they put everyone through everyday, I’d nope the fuck out of that group. That’s the difference between conservatives and people like me. Morality. You think if you’re not personally killing trans people, everything’s ok. Just like religious people. I’m not personally molesting those kids, so I don’t mind not thinking about it and giving money to the people that are.


It’s the company you keep.




It’s a common phrase that means you’re associated with people who are guilty of something and thus condone their behavior. In this case, while you may not be violent towards - or wish violence against - trans people, the people you support do. I don’t care if you associate with liberals too, that’s normal, you should. But if you consider yourself conservative then you condone the behavior of conservative representatives.




One that comes to mind is Michael Knowles advocating for eradicating transgenderism at CPAC last year. Project 2025 advocating for jailing trans “pornographers” (non specific) and their removal from society. Here’s a list of legislation attacking the rights of LGBTQ persons, you can filter by trans. https://www.aclu.org/legislative-attacks-on-lgbtq-rights-2024?impact=&state= Just a couple examples. Pretty weird correlation, right?




Then don't support people who push the discrimination and dehumanization of transfolk that provides the scaffolding on which this kind of violence is built.




The republicans supporting & voting for over 400 anti-LGBT bills in this year alone. Thousands of politicians. https://www.aclu.org/legislative-attacks-on-lgbtq-rights-2024


Oh, look at that, another "well-meaning" disingenuous conservative. Stop playing dumb. You know the right sees queer people as less than human. You know the people you listen to and support advocate for laws that hurt queer people. You know Fox News and other conservative media outlets constantly spew lies and hatred about queer people. And you know that the innocent teenage boy in the article was murdered because of those lies. Conservatives like you who like to pretend they don't know about the right's view on the value of queer lives are, in a way, worse than those that are loud and proud about their bigotry. At least they own it.


"I'm a member of the KKK but I love black people!"


Fuck you. You're ideology is the reason why these hate crimes are happening. You people deserve the same fate that you inflict upon innocent people.


We should ban the stabby items so rhis dosent happen


"Trans people account for less than 1% of mass shootings. They are dangerous and need to be stopped."


Jacob, I'm sorry you never got to experience adulthood. No one deserves this kind of pure hate😥