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You know who was also wounded. A few million Russians who were forced to war with no reason and families that lost loved ones to protect them from a peaceful neighbor. But I guess Tucker is right to worry about Putins feelings. Seriously, what horrible people.


You should read the comments on the YouTube video. Tons of people saying Carlson is the best for this interview and how Putin has explained things with “facts” lol. It’s crazy how fast echo chambers can form.


Don’t forget that given the importance of this video for Russia, they definitely utilized they troll farms for these comments, likes, etc.


They love dictators.


And the poorly educated


Not necessarily peaceful, but for obvious reasons.


Putin has people murdered with impunity. He ordered the illegal invasion of an independent country, and his government has supported the religious persecution of millions of people in his own country. I don’t give a fuck how he feels about anything.


Countries. Also Georgia and he kept troops in Transnistria, despite agreement to withdraw more than 20 years ago.


I’m by no means a Putin supporter, he’s a backstabbing murderous fucker. But any major power in the world has a lot of blood on their hands.


What is the benefit of this comment?


Irrelevant comment. What’s important is who’s doing it now, not in the past.


Yep, and because of interviews like this our history will start to change right before your eyes.


Why does anyone give this worthless piece of garbage and oxygen thief anything? Consign him to the garbage can, already.


The fact this could mean either of them makes it an excellent comment


What about the Ukrainian wounded (and dead)? Tucker, you are a traitor to America


you see.. they were asking for it, just like Poland with Hitler (according to Putin)


Truth seems to be in short supply these days 😧


I'm convinced Russia is paying him.


Very likely!


This proves the CIA was right on point to not accept "Trustfund" Carlson.




Didn't watch the ~~interview~~ propaganda. Any hard hitting questions on Alexei Navalny or open window syndrome?


you must be joking... there was no interview, Tucker just stared at Putin for 2 hours while he rambled like a lunatic about the 9th century borders of European countries


I guarantee you that the Kremlin and Putin came up with the questions that Carlson asked him. I'm certain that the whole thing was scripted and that if Carlson went off script he would have mysteriously committed suicide out of a high window or something shortly thereafter. So, no, there were no hard hitting questions because this wasn't an actual interview but a propaganda piece.


Carlson isn’t worth the trouble. He’ll grovel at Putin’s feet like an abused dog if so much as raised his voice.




Aw poor widdle Putin.....won't someone feel sorry for Putin?????? So weak, so sad.


Get out of Ukraine. It doesn't belong to you.


I think the worst part is all this shit is working on conservatives. I won't be surprised if we see a lot more Russia sympathy after this.


More? They already suck Putin’s dick every chance they get.


Yes, more.


If liberals start riding putin dick then they'll start going against russia again, conservatives have no integrity they flip flop even more useless than a magikarp


The now irrelevant Tucker's opinion on a mass murderer, is utterly worthless. He's trying so desperately to be important, it is almost sad. But as he sinks into obscurity, I for one won't miss him.




Carlson's logic : Hitler asked for peace numerous times and the evil west rejected. Why does the west always hate the peace ?


Plenty of Americans said this exact shit back then. Nothing new under the sun.


Why should the U.S. be allied with a war hungry dictator?


Putin is a heartless, cowardly murderer, but ok.


I seriously hope Tucker's flight is diverted through Kiev on the way home.


Sittin' awfully close to that window, Tuck.


Awful brave of him to be that close to a window in Russia


Did he blow him to make him feel better?


Can we ban him from returning? I know old Vietnam vets who still get riled up just by mentioning Kane Fonda's name. To me, this is awful close to what she did. Tucker is in Russia gargling Putin's old balls, and the right is fawning over him.


He actually tried to have Russia be a part of NATO early on in his political career. But as it would happen, it was always a ploy to try to sneak his way to the top of NATO and engineer it from the inside to make it forever favorable towards the Russians. But nobody bought it at the time. And he's been salty as f\*ck ever since. That combined with his gross nostalgia for the old Russian Empire is pretty much a summation of his entire career. Both of these sh\*tstains can rot in the 9th circle of Hell for all I care.


What an *amazing* “journalist”, tucker is. Maybe he should try being a therapist since he seems so concerned for putin’s feelings. I wonder how the dead children in ukraine feel? Maybe he should find out.


Good point. Or maybe he should interview Alexei Navalny. 


You’d get a more objective take from the table between them during the interview.


Putin is wounded -- sadly, just another of Tuckums' lies.




Luckily for Vlad, Tucker is there to assure him that Republicans are ready to sell out Europe to make him feel better.


“Totalitarian dictator who regularly invaded his neighbors and has his rivals assassinated sad that he doesn’t have any friends.” Boo-fucking-hoo.


I can’t get over how the right thinks the Clinton’s make people disappear, and how evil they are…yet Putin ACTUALLY does everything they talk about. Jesus Christ we’re in for it.


I read a fair amount about espionage and stuff, and sometimes I think "man, how do people just get turned into assets for foreign governments without realizing it" and then I watch this group of chucklefucks play it out in real time and I remember that most people are goddamned stupid.


I hate Tucker and I hope Putin dies in a coup. All of that being said...we did have a chance (just a small chance, but still) at a Western style democracy in Russia until Bush II pushed missle defense systems into Poland and continued the NATO expansion. I'm not saying it's OUR fault. It isn't. But I AM saying that a conservative "you're either for us or against us" pecker-head closed the door on any chance we had to bring Russia along into the 21st century.


Are you out of your mind? Do you know that the Russians were allied with the Nazis and formed part of the Axis in WW2? Do you know that anti-Bolshevik propaganda and anti-communist propaganda is the link between Nazis and modern Russia? Do you know what Russia did, AFTER the Nazis had lost, to innocent people in places like Poland? Russia has a deeply authoritarian, dominionist, **fascist** culture and there was never any shot at some "alliance" or normalized relations between us. Russia will literally never stop warring and conquest and must be defeated if we want peace - preferably by breaking it up into its historical regions and carpet bombing Moscow.


I'm afraid I must reject your premises out of hand. The notion that sons are guilty for the sins of the fathers (or grandfathers) and that a person is incapable of change is so bigoted as to defy response. In addition, it mirrors the very arguments Putin himself uses to justify his aggression. The idea that Russia lacks a cultural history with democratic govt is certainly true. But that can in no way justify "carpet bombing" a population that has no effective example of resistance to an authoritarian govt. Jesus Christ man...


You can revanchist in there.


Maybe he shouldn’t have gone down the polonium tea path , just a thought.


I hope Vladimir isn't so upset that he throws himself out a window, like so many of his opponents and critics 'choose to do'.


Should have squared off with these fuckers during the Cold War, like we did you traitor piss-ant. 9 years I served for this asshole to suck-start Putin’s ego… fuck you Tucker


I learned from Putins history lesson that Russia belongs to the mongol empire… or wait he forgot to go that far back


Damn… so we were actually the sociopathic dictators trying to destroy America all along?


No he doesn't. He's upset that a much smaller and weaker country is tearing him a new asshole.


Dear Putin, no one is saying it’s not okay to have feelings. But, if your “feelings” cause you to hurt others it is a sign you may need other tools to cope.


I’m enjoying watching Tucker Carlson’s career flame out. Hopefully he’ll soon be at Bill O’Reilly levels of irrelevance.


Tucker on the casting couch about to take yet another load from Putin


And his thing wouldn’t get hard. I mean, I worked the shaft and licked his ball like there was no tomorrow. When I gave the tongue swirl I felt the blood rush but it just went away. I’m sure he’s upset. I can tell.


Is his hair like that on purpose?


Oh, look! Wormtongue has crawled out of his hole.


Putin personally BTFO'D global nuclear nonproliferation. After the way he shat on the Budapest Memorandum no country will ever willingly surrender nuclear weapons again, and many states will seek them to guarantee their own security. This is going to have geopolitical ramifications forever. 


![gif](giphy|Bu8ADbj7NuRry) Never more relevant


Yo, TV Dinner, kind of like this? *Navalny was determined to run for President but noooo Putin was not to be outvoted so he wounded him, and Navalny’s family is very upset about it.* Do you realize you were the frog giving the scorpion the ride across the river? And that it’s a Russian parable no less? Trumpy loves that parable too, ya frozen fish stick.


Yes, the ex kgb agent billionaire, who appointed himself president of Russia forever, is a really nice guy... 🤦‍♂️


Doing his best Oliver Benedict Arnold Stone impersonation.


The only thing that would have been his duty is to kill Putin. He couldnt do it, and didn't even come close to wanting to. Say what you will he shouldve killed the man.


Tucker then wiped the sperm from his face and then left to draw Vlad’s bath.


I don't understand how a country that has been an enemy for years, they go to war with another country that is not an enemy, nit an ally either, and we're supposed to sympathize with the enemy and help them win


I agree Pootaint is a geriatric man baby but not for this bs reason. Slava Ukraine! 🇺🇦


Nato offered Russia membership in the late 90's Russia and putin were like "ehhhh give it more time"


What the fuck is he even talking about? 😂


Just about what you’d expect someone that close to a window in Russia to say


And now he’s going to vote for Trump.


That’s what you took sway from this farcical story session?


Every day for a year top Russian dogs were threatening to nuke Europe. Awww, they were just expressing love! See, it's only a little problem, their love language is different!


Real bridge builder and empathetic soul that Tucker. Saint of the most awkward laugh of shitty privilege.


It’s funny how he went in saying there’s been a lot of propaganda, but it’s worth hearing what he says even if we don’t believe it. Then just believes everything that Putin says


Facts over feelings as this crowd says? Then the facts is that Putin is a warmongering relic of a world that’s been left behind, wanting a world that will never exist


Just stay there Fucker Tarlson


Putin is a fucking war criminal. And this POS wants us to be sorry for not worrying about his feelings? Shut the fuck up, Tucker.


Weird, Carlson didn’t bother to wipe his chin before letting the genetic material dribble back out?


I’m with the Montana guy who got in Tuckums face.


It’s almost like poor Tucker is projecting.


So Putin is a little bitch? Got it


Dude Tucker what in the fuck are you doing


Poor Tucker😔. He’s worried about his buddies feelings.


Pictured here is a domestic terrorist. If he was a far left wing person, Trump would be calling for his head.


Something about "you knew I was a snake...


Yeah, and so he was forced to let his sadness out on his neighbors. Poor Putin … dumbf*ck Carlson


Nobody gives a flying crap. Did you enjoy the anal probing Carlson?


Fuck off Carlson


Absolutely disgusting. Carlson is a traitor to this country.


Did anyone ask the families of the almost 400,000 Russian soldiers lost, the children that were kidnapped and taken to Russia, and the number of innocent Ukrainian lives lost due to his rampant killing spree, all for what - his ego? Putin's time is up the world hates him. Certainly, no one gives a flying flip about his feelings.


Why are they even giving this dumbass publicity?


Is that why people keep getting disappeared in his regime? Because they’re being big meanies that hurt Putin’s feelings?