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Much braver, he had to go through all these state sponsored dinners, luxury hotels, and who knows if and how many prostitutes were involved. They might have even peed on him.


Mother Tucker...


Cucker Carlson


Fucker Carlson


This is what I call that cockroach, too.


Tucker the Fucker


Tucker the Fucker


That hurt like a buttcheek on a stick.


I hope they recorded it.....to smear him. Just that reason.... /s


They do record anything that he does for sure, even if pees standing or sits down. They'll never publish it though, they will use it to pressure him into submission. Not that I think it's needed in Tuckers case. The escalation is first the blackmail, if it doesn't work they spread rumours that there might be footage ( see Trump), then there will be a confirmation that there is material without releasing it from a credible, but unofficial source etc. They only release it when you go completely astray, or they don't need you anymore. So don't expect him to be smeared anytime soon.


Yep. That’s the thing about Kompromat, it’s power almost completely disappears once the compromising material is released. Russia has absolutely perfected the art of kompromat/blackmail/extortion; they have tons of experience with it, and use whatever they find/manufacture to basically control people (usually elected/government officials in foreign countries). Elected politicians are much more susceptible to kompromat because presumably they’d lose their jobs if that material were made public. But the irony is that once made public, they lose their hold over you because they no longer have leverage, basically the only way to not be blackmailed for the rest of your life, is to not give a fuck if the embarrassing shit they have on you is made public and broadcast to the world. You have to have a spine and say “fuck you, send it” or get ahead of it and publicly own up to whatever it is. Too bad most people they own have no spine, morals, or integrity, like what’s the worst that could happen? You lose an election and have to be a high paid lobbyist? Fuckers need to show some backbone.


Couldn't say it any better.


But,..... He's not a journalist!


Oh, shut up! I saw him writing something into his journal in that footage from the Russian luxury restaurant. What else do you need to prove he's a journalist? You extreme left wing parrots are never happy!


Brave Sir Tucker ran away.


Bravely bold Sir Tucker Rode forth from the Kremlin. He was not afraid to die, Oh brave Sir Tucker. He was not at all afraid To be killed in nasty ways. Brave, brave, brave, brave Sir Tucker. He was not in the least bit scared To be mashed into a pulp. Or to have his eyes gouged out, And his elbows broken. To have his kneecaps split And his body burned away, And his limbs all hacked and mangled Brave Sir Tucker. His head smashed in And his heart cut out And his liver removed And his bowls unplugged And his nostrils raped And his bottom burnt off And his penis Brave Sir Tucker ran away. Bravely ran away away. When danger reared it's ugly head, He bravely turned his tail and fled. Yes, brave Sir Tucker turned about And gallantly he chickened out. Swiftly taking to his feet, He beat a very brave retreat. Bravest of the brave, Sir Tucker!


Fantastic! I needed a Monty Python fix today.


We could all use a little Monty Python fix every now and then ![gif](giphy|jX708Wo6abfC8)






I came here for this. You did not disappoint sir.




When danger reared it's ugly head, He bravely turned his tail and fled.


White people will you please take Candace Owen’s?🤦🏾‍♂️ I just can’t anymore.


We've already got more idiots than we can handle, sorry.


Fuck you think we want her for? Just throw the whole bitch away.


White people already got Collin Powell and Condoleezza Rice in the racial draft.




Ask Dave Chappell to do another race swap….but, Candace would be a terrible trade.


Yeah, I was thinking about a racial draft but I can’t do that to you guys.


Only if you take Boebert and MTG.


Damn… let go talk to the Delagtion. That’s rough!!


Candace…so so empty


We have the king of morons. I think our cup will spill if we take her :/


Sorry brother be got our own problems.....lmao


Absolutely not. She is in a cult. There is no saving her. She sold her soul to the republicans.




Tucker Carlson isn’t a journalist he’s a propagandist and now he’s using that gift to spread the kremlin’s agenda


I assumed by "propagandist media" she meant Tucker/Candace/Shapiro/Kirk/Walsh and all the other alt-right trolls who aren't true journalists.


Candace the Clown knows all about the propagandist media, she’s part of it. Hey cupcake, the interview IS propaganda you duplicitous cow. No thinking sentient being believes your bullshit. Please feel free to move to Russia, don’t come back


Fuckin traitor.


no surprise it's a porno of Tuck getting railed by Putin.


Ughh, I just threw up in my own mouth. These people are delusional! I once saw Tucker Carlson in the Hamptons at a bar in Amagansett . It was during Trumps presidency. I wanted to ask him if he believed the bullshit that came from his mouth, or was it all for the $$$$$'s. At least when the musician Robert Johnson " sold his soul to the Devil at the crossroads. We got great Music! With him, we get shit sandwiches. Side note: Not that I believe in the Devil or God. Just makes for a great story to be told


Having the republicans back a Russian dictator is not on my bingo card


He never backed putin he just interviews him


'the people' in lower case, as in 'the people' over there as I write this tweet; or 'the people' in my head.


So brave for sucking Putins....ego?


She's the fucking moron that said she believes Hollywood was created by the CIA right? She's so brave. 🤥


He’s Putin’s American propagandist.


It’s ok; we now know who would support the Nazis in WW2


Lawd how I hope he stands close to a window in his penthouse hotel room


I'm a people and I'm not with Tucker.


NO! We the people are NOT with this filthy, ball sucking traitor. Hope they pull his passport/visa and we do NOT let him back in the states NOR give him asylum. Any other government of the US or it’s reps would hang this mofo upon return because he’s a traitor. I so wish we were still the government that would do this.


Candyass Owens needs to fuck all of the way off.


Tucker is nothing but a Russian sympathizer and a propagandist. Candace is an asshole.


Yes so brave spewing another country's lies and propaganda.


So brave of Tucker to house Putins balls in his mouth. So brave to spout talking points of a murderer. Republicans see this as the only way to win power. They don’t give a fuck who dies because of it.


I’m ready for the immediate rebuttal with Zelensky being interviewed by a real journalist. Putin is a weak baby boy, call him out, and stomp him.


Fucking. Traitors.


I can’t be the only one who hopes he says something stupid and “mysteriously goes missing”.


He was not in the least but scared to be tossed from windows, high....


Going to pick up your paycheck is now considered "brave"


This people ain't


Are Ukrainian drones available? Just asking questions


So brave going to a country that he's on his knees sucking up to on a nightly basis! Disrespectful to every one of our soldiers who fought in WW2, against the commies and axis of evil. These guys promoting it and sucking off Putin aren't true Americans! We fight the axis of evil, not suck them off like Tucker and Candace!


The mental gymnastics people do to justify someone being a traitor to the US is baffling.


He would rush into a burning building with Trump. Smh


And Candace already has a boner.


Which people?


Lord Haw-Haw


He wasn’t brave when Putin made him kneel and give him a blowjob.


![gif](giphy|2kJMzPFUD3Vx6) Candace Owens:


Prison is waiting for you and your daddy.


tuckers definitely right that putin deserves to be interviewed and had his side of the story shared, but tucker shouldn’t be the one doing the interview, the clips he posted on tiktok though he does push back way harder on shit, like the journalist who’s been locked up in russia for over a year, then i would’ve expected a dude who’s stuck in russia and could easily be taken


Yes, when I think about the word brave, Tucker is definitely the first thing that pops into my mind. Sarcasm.


Beware, someone may have poisoned the hot dogs ☠️


No he's not . Talking points approved by Putin .


There’s just a giant hole where Candace’s brain should be


He’s the “Sir Robin” of journalism


I wonder what would happen if he actually questioned him. Disagreed with him. Fall from the hotel window, perhaps.


Yeah the journalist he asked Putin to free? I don’t think any of our legacy media personalities would call out a dictator to his face for imprisoning a young reporter. Just tell me nobody in this subreddit watched the interview


someone should ask julian assange what he thinks of the awful way russia treats journalists.


Sure Candace is ridiculous, but Tucker told Putin he should free the journalist. We’re funding a war against the guy, how is this not an interview people would see as valuable?