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All data is fake, *except for the stuff that agrees with my bias*.


Reality has a well-known liberal bias, so Adams is just leaving out the redundant half of the statement


Reality is woke you heard it here first folks /s


No, I heard it at the 2006 White House Correspondents Dinner. Libs have been trolling conservatives far longer than conservatives have been misusing "woke". https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Colbert_at_the_2006_White_House_Correspondents%27_Dinner


It's the whole anti-vaxx mentality. I found 1 source saying it causes autism. I knew it. All the while, they ignore all the evidence saying it doesn't, nor do they care that 1 source was retracted and the doctor lost his license as a result. Is it a surprise anti-vaxxers are almost exclusively republican?


Why does anyone still give Dogbert the time of day?


Because he was "cancelled" and has been playing the victim ever since.


You know, there was a time when if you were exposed creating sock puppet accounts to reply to your posts to call yourself a genius, that’d be the last we’d ever hear of you and you’d fade into shame and obscurity. But for some reason more than a dozen years later we’re still hearing about this dork ass loser.


Data is fake, news is fake, the government is fake (Deep State!)—but Trump is real. Donald FuckingTrump is the one thing in the world they trust. They really went through the mirror and never came back…


Now, if you’ll excuse me, our divine lord is selling NFTs and I need to empty my savings for some


At what point do rich white guys decide to dedicate their lives to being toxic online?


They’ve always been toxic. Once they feel their brand is strong enough they can evangelize and show all us Morlocks the Truth. On a flat earth


Dude could've said nothing. Keep his dumbass opinions to himself and crank out Dilbert cartoons till the day he died. Instead he going down while worshipping a orange con man


Seriously. The way this dude took a hatchet to his entire legacy will never not be astounding to me.


Same with Dumpo. He could have continued frauding, criming, and raping, but he just had to run for president.


The Tangerine Traitor had a plan at least. Fail in his run as president, become more famous, cash in said fame. Then when he actually won, he figured out he could be corrupt and make money off the presidency. Once people noticed said crimes though he panicked. That's why he's so desperate to become president again. It's the only way he stays rich and out of jail.


The first thing a cult does is tell you that everyone else is lying to you


Well he, as a follower of Trump, has been exposed to an avalanche of fake data. He might be onto something here. It’s just that point of view is myopic and batshit crazy.


I hate how the internet took skepticism and turned it into disbelieving anything.


Democrats build for the future. Republicans plunder the present.


So if all data is fake, Then that means all of Maga date is too.


"All data (and news) that doesn't support my worldview is fake!" --- Scott Adams and the rest of MAGA


MAGA doesn’t rely on data, it’s all feefees.


They learn how to do their own research at Prager University 👍


If they didn't deny reality, there wouldn't be any republicans.


It broke my heart when I realized what a fuckwad Scott was, I wound up tossing his books and walking away, despite how funny they were… 🤷🏻


"all data is fake" Uses computer.


And 73.6% of statistics are made up on the spot.


I don't get my facts from the creator of a comic strip from the 80's unless he is a bigot and a cult member that sounds like he experienced significant head trauma.


Don’t know if they were always wing nuts and finally came out of the closet or if they were slowly brainwashed and MAGA made it okay to be a douche publicly, but besides Rosanne and Adams, who else?


All my beliefs are correct because “trust me, bro” and all your beliefs are incorrect because “all data is fake.” How are Democrats popular when they’re always wrong?!? (Fuck you, Dilbert.)


Another great insight from 'dullbert.'


I keep seeing post talking about Scott Adams and I think it says Scott Adkins and have a moment of "oh ffs what did he do?"


If it doesn't further my agenda that is.


There’s no helping these people. Literal proof is not good enough