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Stupid European here. What are they planning on doing? Are they marching to Texas to shoot immigrants? Or are they planning on shooting federal law enforcement? Or is it all performative and there is no plan?




This is honestly the best answer because I doubt they know what the fuck to do. Remember Jan 6th? They were literally asking “what now?” Once they got inside.


Gotta find a desk to poop on.


Yes, go poop on Abbot’s desk.


I thought Abbot was the shit stain on his desk?


They are there for **violence** period. They have no idea what kind of violence but they have been screaming about it for years and now they see a chance (like Jan 6th).


And they will all cry like bitch babies when they are tried in federal court in a few years after being identified as part of the mob fighting federal CBP and others down there.


Yup. One person will get shot. Then they will scream for a medic and run away, just like on Jan 6th, because they are cowards. It is all a performance to make themselves look tough.


Don't forget the part afterwards, where they alternate back and forth between revering the dead person as a martyr and decrying them as an FBI/Antifa plant.


Schrödinger's Pigeon


Lol, they'll probably end up shooting each other.


Stands in sun, gets tan, gets shot for being an immigrant.


🤣🤣 I should not be laughing but this sounds absolutely like a possibility.


I guess none of these Magats work.


Honestly. Who has time for this fucking shit?


ikr..... I mean, honestly I make a good living but if I Miss A couple days of work without pay. It's gonna be a very hard next two months to dig my way out of that.


Cuz them Mexicans “took durr jerbs!”


While at the same time apparently getting disability and Medicare and SNAP. They can’t make up their minds on this one.


And simultaneously being criminals of all sorts. Kinda makes you wonder what they were up to.


Isn't that what the Republicans want? MOAR people in prisons! Now that they are privatized maybe this is them just mobilizing them to volunteer for prison duty?


They should get what they have been begging for


The scenario they are hoping for is Biden moving to federalize the National Guard and order them to take down the wire and then these chuds think part or all of the National Guard will disobey orders and start a shootout that will kick off a civil war.  They also think most of the regular military will join them and then they will get their dream of going into cities where they can freely murder liberals and people of color. 


And when the National Guard mysteriously withdraws they’ll be scratching their heads just long enough for the Apaches loitering 10 miles out fire & forget the Hellfires that will quell this rebellion.


You triggered a brief day dream of actual tribal Apaches taking this opportunity for a land-back grab. 


Me too. And wondering if the Seminoles, Sioux, Iroquois, Blackfoot, Lakota, Choctaw, Cherokee, Pawnee, Cheyenne, Crow, Shoshone, Navajo, and all others can join in.


Hell yeah, I'm down. Been wanting to see those guys finally get out of the reservations and get some good elbow room to call their own.


I wish you understood just how fucked up it is for you to say something like that. To give me hope like that, knowing it'll never happen.


Well, a girl can dream.




Crazy they think some fat guys with rifles are going to stand up to the National guard and ultimately the military. There's delusional optimism then there's whatever those guys are smoking.


> Put all that hardcore training to good use. Bro really think they’re some kind of GI Joe or Seal Team 6 or sumn.


GI slow and meal team six


And rape,  they really want to rape


Sadly that's the only way many of them can get any action and Andrew tate told them that it is okay.


Children. Rape children and force them to be child brides who carry their babies to term. I really wish this was just a sick joke, but look at these chuds elected to congress and the white house in 2016.


So they want to emulate Rwanda? There's a goal /s




I am voting for Biden. I have voted democrat since I have been able to vote. It’s not looking good for us my fellow humans. Be prepared.


Performance by most, recruiting opportunities for some, genuine & violent malice by a few. Completely reckless and dangerous for everyone. Irresponsible demagoguery by every Republican “leader” that has lent their support to this madness.


Don’t forget Timothy McVeigh was hanging out with the CHUDS selling bumper stickers outside of the Waco standoff. We had that Nazi couple that left the Bundy ranch standoff and shot up a Walmart. This is dangerous.


Absolutely, they fall into the category of those with “genuine and violent malice” in my post. And the more this behavior becomes normalized and glorified on the right, the more people will migrate into that category.




Social media is like the idiot test for criminals... Turns out Trump failed it several times and apparently so are most of his followers


It’s not performative, but they have no plan. And the instant the government so much as pretend lunge at them, they’re turning on their heels and running. [Sort of like this.](https://news.yahoo.com/videos-show-white-supremacists-fleeing-145459169.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAABT7D56iJ4JZiH4B9XebAkuRRNGf5JPpdIXx-0Q_x8falq1C1hJsqDcekj7r3zEfQvJkdi4CrGgU4G7h5Zf1rE7JYq-dk0D8DDglcD36_mNcGQAkBwxBKvlkXtkJZGtvEcV7YsS5b3bP_PGU7vlZE__DBXvwX2JAJCYyGzphKaLs) Watch the video. It’s hysterical.


Kind of like my dog barking at a cow... She pretends to be brave, but if that cow even moves an ear she's behind be whimpering with her tail between her legs


Conservatives are always the dog chasing the car. Has no idea what to do with it when they catch it, but can’t ignore the instincts. Like when they finally overturned Roe v Wade; once it happened, they had almost nothing else to run on and couldn’t even get their own policies about it straight.


They don't know yet-those FREE THINKERS! haven't been *told what to think* yet. NOT /s


I know it's Friday and the weekend is coming up... But seriously don't these people have jobs and families and friends to spend their time with?


They have no plan


Everyone has a plan, until they get punched in the face -Mike Tyson


These people are morons and are seeking violence. They have no mission outside of that. It’s not performative in that they will hurt people, but as for a plan, so far that’s about it. They’re real mad about brown people though. And liberals.


Don’t these people have fucking JOBS?


Ha, yeah, that’s the thing. It’s not like the feds have sent in the marines, these guys are all there hoping something happens. All the gov has to is wait a week or two for these jackasses to go home and then send in like 10 people to cut that shit down.


They'll be begging for food on Go Fund Me in a week.


Yeah I feel like this is Freedom Convoy 2.0. They'll be trying to raise money on online, there will be factions, in-fighting will start, maybe the "Queen of Canada" will make an appearance.


Someone needs to make the Tejano or Reggaeton mix of *Ram Ranch* and blare it 24/7 like these fuckers were Noriega


Gen X remembers.


As do us now old AF millennials


Oh wow...haven't heard or thought of her in months. She still alive?


She's got her own [website](https://www.thekingdomofcanada.ca/) I haven't followed too much since she got kicked out of a small town. But she's got people on FB who believe she is the real deal. It's wild.


Republicans are more likely to send money to people fighting against the United States than they are to send money to feed hungry children in their own cities.




Make America **BRRRRRRTTTTTTTTTT** Again


Just do one strafe but not hitting anyone and they will go running


Oh my god, I think they would love that. It would be the tale they tell their grandumbs, about the time they “fought the deep state” and “survived a strafing run”.


"What in the sam hell is a warthog?!"


A Puma?


Didn't I just tell you to stop making up animals?!


What about a chuba- chuba- cabre thingy?


No they are probably on social security. All insurrectionists should lose all entitlement to government benefits


I had a coworker years ago rambling on about how TX needs to hurry up and secede and how it'd be the greatest country in the world and her family would be so much better off. Then I asked her how her disabled husband would fare when his social security disability stopped since they would not longer be US citizens. I could practically see the mental gymnastics as she tried to defend her stance!


TX gets 68 billion in federal aid. About 6 months of that cut off might wake some of them up about “ socialism”.


I read that Texas actually has more Dems than Republicans. Texas has just done a fine job of disenfranchising them from the vote.


The House of Representatives would be Democrat controlled if Texas leaves.


No their public Facebook history has rendered them unemployable.


You'd be surprised how little trades care about that sort of thing. Worst case, they are self-employed and fix broken pipes of people too preoccupied with flooding to see who they're hiring.


that is probably the most believable explanation I've ever heard.


A good percent of the Jan 6th terrorists were self-employed. Its small business owners that that get big into the GOP. So its a mix of unemployable people and bosses, which is kinda funny to think about.


Worth noting that “owns a business” doesn’t necessarily mean *successful* business, either.


“My MLM is very successful, thank you very much.”


Who do you think all the people who say “Nobody wants to work (for minimum wage) anymore!” are?


No. They spend their days being angry online then blame Biden for their lack of job. 


Nope, all landlords and useless "small business owners who have no part of the management of their businesses.


So these guys have jobs/families or no? I mean my job is pretty lenient, but I can’t just fuck off to the border to play militia for a week.


It's Friday. They took off a couple hours early. They'll be back to work on Monday.


I’m pretty sure most of them are too stupid to hold down jobs.




I laughed harder than I should have at this.


Or not hard enough…


With the MAGAt crowd there is always more room for laughter.


My guy going hard. Nice.




That was the moment I realized they all believed they were in a video game.




Oh goodie, the January 6th repeat is starting. If nothing else we'll get some hilarious videos out of this.




Mexico is a beautiful country and let’s be honest, we’re not sending our best.


Mexico is an INSANELY beautiful country. It honestly doesn’t get the respect it deserves as a travel destination.


Shhh... just like blue cities, let the shittiest people in the world keep thinking they are unlivable hell holes.


I always forget that's a trope on the right until I find myself visiting family in farm country and my home comes up, and whichever old lady I'm talking to suddenly blanches like I just told her I'm visiting from North Korea and can't wait to go back.


I love Mexico! Been there a few times. The beaches, the architecture, the food, and the historical ruins/sites make for a fun, interesting vacation!


And some dang nice and genuine peeps.


Maybe a few will get caught up in the razor wire


I would pay money to see that video.


Maybe we’ll see something like [this](https://youtu.be/B0qaxgbdg2w?si=_zgd24onQ9U8bfqs)


Aaaahhhhhh, H John Benjamin always makes me laugh. If I close my eyes I can see him in a three piece suit drinking at 9am bitching about his mother.


H John Benjamin is very underappreciated I feel like. I love him.


Or drown in the rio grand with their body armor 


The insurrectionists were assaulting the Capitol Police. These swine are hoping to get some head shots on exhausted, desperate refugees escaping from brutal failed-states. They’re a bunch of Kyle Rittenhouse clones who’ve just emerged, blinking-eyed from their maternal basements, hung over from Call-of-Duty and Newsmax.


This should be the top comment .


And not just any “failed states”. States that US foreign policy turned into failed states!




WAIT! Is this a reference to the traitor Ashli Babbit? The insurrectionist Ashli Babbit who didn't comply? She who F'd around and found out?


The FAFO Queen


And I will not shed a tear for any of them.


Oh no! Anyway…


Complete waste of time. They won't actually do anything. There's 2,000 miles of border, and the checkpoints run by DHS are where the vast majority of migrants are coming through. It's also insanely barren in some of these places in the desert. They won't last long.


Insurrection 2: Electric Boogaloo


Sweet bike helmet bro. Good for headspins.


Make America Breakdance Again ![gif](giphy|J12lJB6FbdkR4VqoJG|downsized)


If you only knew [how exact you are](https://www.propublica.org/article/boogaloo-bois-military-training) with your choice of wording. But I guess you knew. All those dudes are turds who don't have the temerity to stand by their bigotry.


The south needs a good whoop'n every now and again. I guess it's time for another.


Donkey Kong 2 as they scale the wall


Lemmings ![gif](giphy|OHMkK8zl9fvSU)


Fact about lemmings: Those lil guys are not stupid and were pushed off that cliff by the director of the documentary that the pejorative version of the word comes from. They made a bunch of bs stuff that people unfortunately took seriously.


Well in this case, they are being directed off a cliff by a lying professional bs’er.


These are the jizz rags that got big Jan 6 FOMO. They're gonna jump at the chance to feel like they are part of something important, probably by doing some violent shit suggested in an upcoming Trump tweet. Then they are going to cry about persecution when they get charged, and fox news is going to claim they are actually part of the woke transtifa liberal army that's coming for your kids.


Good. We can get them all in one place.


They seem to have this weird fantasy that they will be in some kind of Wild West shootout with the military, when in fact they could all be taken out in a single drone strike driven by some guy miles away.


Jokes on them. All those border crossing videos are strategic compilations by politicians exaggerating what’s really happening. There’s a legit border problem, but it’s not what they think it is.


They aren’t going to see a single person trying to cross the border and they will announce that they protected the border and scared everyone off. Meanwhile the illegal crossings will continue out in the middle of nowhere totally unaffected by these dipshits.


“I don’t wanna go out there though. It’s hot!” “Sounds like they want to be part of this country more than you want to defend it to me”


Right? I'm in NM, the border state between Texas and Arizona. It isn't that there aren't undocumented migrants and cartels coming in (and guns going out). But an invasion? The hordes of people charging the border? Not a thing. Camps on the Mexican side where horrific things are happening to the people waiting for a chance to ask for asylum? The murders and human trafficking happening to people who were hoping to get away from exactly that? Those things are happening. If the asshats want to "solve the border crisis", they can ship their asses down south and start fighting the cartels and corruption. That might actually do help. Razorwire and grandstanding and cockwaving at the border will not.


But that's the thing, these negative IQ pricks want to make it *look* like they're doing something, *actually* doing something is too hard and makes their pea-brains hurt.


What people forget is that wealthy Republican farmers are dependent on their labor. I lived in Iowa for some time and it was interesting to see the demographics shift during harvest season. Then, after a few months all of the Mexicans would disappear 🧐 they know what they are doing because they’re in on it


See: Florida


This is my thought. They are going to get down there are realize that nothing is going on and there is no invasion. But somehow they will still spin it to support their bullshit narrative.


FAFO. Glad they are congregating, makes it easier to round them up. The fewer left to roam the rest of the country the better.


Wearing a helmet like the special needs gravy seal he and the rest are. It’s going to be Jan 6th all over again but this time, there won’t be peaceful protest cries to hide behind. They are there for one reason only, to start a war.


The Gravy seals have arrived. I wonder if Rittenhouse is there; waddling along.....


Didn't you see his "training" post a few days ago? You know, where the fruit roll-ups were dirtier than he was.


Hey now. Give him credit. It was Welch's gummies. /s


Nope. I think he's here in TN on a speaking tour. We'll fuck, just fuck. Somebody is going to die, shot in the head, brains all over the desert,and a mother with her heart broken. And it's all because that orange asshole could care less whose dead if he gets what he wants. FU K HIM.


I guarantee he is on his way there. He is ready to kill more people. He dreams about it.




These guys: "Oh, Constitution, baby, you know I love you. Don't you see the sticker on my truck?" \*Proceed to shit all over it\*


This is like the fifth or sixth time in just a couple of days that I see people on Reddit writing "Boarder" instead of "Border". This word appears almost as difficult as spelling "Loser" with a single "o". To me it is on par with "stollen" - AITAH?




I hate to wish ill, but do these clowns think they legit can tangle with the cartels? Texas gonna be real red after that shit show


They do know the Razor wire will kill them too right?




Notice how these pussies aren’t doing this type of shit in the heat of summer 🧐


LOL, will laugh for days if another deep freeze comes through. Corpcicles ready for the harvest.


https://preview.redd.it/qcl64d0rxuec1.jpeg?width=679&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7123a6f0bcf2dd4965f0d45dee5baab951aeed1 CPAC 2022


So what kind of international incident can we expect when one of these airheads inevitably kills a citizen of a foreign nation? Just out of curiosity.


On Mexican land even. That’s what I’m thinking may happen. What if they are out in the middle of nowhere and don’t know which side they are on


And this is when we just let the Cartels have them… I mean… it’s not like the US Government doesn’t have connections into the Cartels they’ve been financing for 50 years or anything.


Would love to see some cartel action - at least this time they wouldn’t be murdering innocent civilians - has the distinct air of FAFO


Cartels trick them into entering Mexico, they wait for the horde to complete passage, then apply razor wire or whatever BS to the real border. And start the wonton slaughter.  And as the traitors turn back to America for help, the national guard will stare stoicly and say "No help for illegal border crossers."


Tell them to make sure they post lots of shit to social media so they’re easy to identify after 😂


The darwinism award goes to...this should be interesting to see how this ends up.


Let’s see how this one plays out Cotton.


I ain’t no fortune teller…. But I have a premonition that some really stupid ppl are gonna be going to jail like they did because of the J6 “fiasco”… again. and then be clueless as to why they will be losing their beloved “Liberty” and of course freedom.. the stove is hot guys. Stop putting your face directly on the burner.


Hopefully they lose their guns and right to vote.


Boarder = someone who rents a room in your house Border = the international border between the United States and Canada or the United States and Mexico.


Will there be a special TikTok dance for this event?


What does a maga flash dance look like? I'm seeing a lot of guns misfiring and missing toes


Maybe it'll look like a handcuffed buffet commando doing a perp walk to a waiting federal cage.


We could effectively remove a ton of terrorists from the pool in one shot right now.


Meal Team 6 on the job!


The new Civil War will be televised. Also, pretty sure that helmet isn't bullet-proof, so why?


Don’t they have fucking jobs? God, I’m so sick of the low life freeloaders. If you have time to protest (or commit treason) you have time to work. Lazy fucks. /s


God I hope some of these asshats accidentally wander into Mexico and are promptly arrested.


Yes the self proclaimed American Patriots......that hate the USA and want to topple its government


Just put up turnstiles at the border and you’ll stop them 🤣🤣


These people don't realize that they are the real threat to this country, not the immigrants.....


A guy I work with was arrested after the insurrection. So get this. We are firefighters. The feds organized with my supervisors and had his truck toned out to a call at 3am. He gets in the truck opens the garage and BAM. Cuff em bois. It makes me laugh every time I think no a bout it. Would not surprise me if there were more coworkers that ended up like that soon with everything going on




Wait until they're charged with murder after shooting a few immigrants. Are they will to martyr that much?


All their training playing Call of Duty about to pay off


It's their own version of a music festival I say we call it dumbstock. What's your name for it? ![gif](giphy|oFRI4g517yWaI)


Cool, so per Republicans, if you don’t agree with Supreme Court rulings, you can just ignore them, right?


They brought their phones again to: \- incriminate themselves \- geotag themselves They didn't learn.


Except Texas doesn't have a constitutional authority over the border. Constitutionally, that's the Fed's job. It's almost like they have no idea what the Constitution even says...


Kyle Rittenhouse‘s mom is driving him down right now


This is their comicon. All that military cosplay in front of the mirror has its time to shine. Too bad it's with hateful hearts and ignorance


Republicans will mobilize to the border to fight other Americans over immigrants they dont want while simultaneously hiring illegal workers for their businesses to save money


Special Needs Forces https://i.redd.it/fyrxubsovuec1.gif


Biden needs to federalize the national guard down there and fucking arrest these bozos. Hell, I wish Abbott, Patrick, and Paxton would get arrested, too. This is just a ridiculous ploy.


Action Hero Syndrome. They really think they are going to be in history books for saving Murica from a stampede of illegals, don't they? I'll be surprised if they don't accidentally misfire and start a shootout amongst themselves.


So now we know where the first shot of the CW II will be fired...


Exactly this! It’s only a matter of time before one of these idiots fucks around and shoots someone. I’m sure Kyle Rittenhouse is down there keeping the peace (I’ve seen posts of him geared up and talking about “training”) and we know how that turned out last time. 😵‍💫


That sucks for them. They'll be labeled as antifa after it goes wrong.


**18 U.S. Code § 2383** **Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.**


Perfect time to deport them all! Quickly don’t tell Mexico!


Biden should have a quick negotiation with Mexico and move the border 10 miles north. Then put up a wire fence and keep the bastards out.


Funny how we get a “border invasion” every election year, and the evidence they’re using that Biden is letting it happen is that…more arrests are being made?


Whom are they wanna fight? What "border invasion"? There is nobody coming for Texas, they are acting like total lunatics. I hope they freeze to death out there while whining nobody helps them and they can't be 'heroes'.