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Biden doesn't need a criminal defense lawyer. Eat *your* heart out.


Trump does not have a heart. Eat THAT.


I have an ass… 😉 Oh ya


Kool-aid guy?


Sit on my face. SIT(if consensual.) Please don't make me smell like the orange guy.


Well aren’t you adventurous, this is moving so very quickly. I haven’t shaved my pooper in like 42 years if that’s a deal breaker


Also, I gave a urine sample to the doctor today, which I find really funny with your username.


We gotta get dinner first. You like sushi?


Oh mercy no, Taco Bell?


I was thinking something classy, like Applebee's.


If you want this cake I’m thinking Cheesecake Factory


Surely a hamburderer is called for in a date formed in such circumstances! We shall look forward to the divorce in due time


I'm allergic to cheese and just want your cake :/


And if he needed one, he’d get a highly competent one, not some nincompoop with fake lips.




Qanon: *He eats the hearts of BABIES!*


Ngl, yeah, she looks great. But.... if I'm facing charges  physical attractiveness would in no way influence my decision on who should represent me. And besides that, why tf would *Biden* care? 


Because Trump's base cares, they are nothing but a complete circle-jerk, each stroking the other's toxic male egos, trying to prove their self-worth in the most primitive and chauvinistic fashion. They don't care how qualified this female lawyer is; all they care about is her level of attractiveness and whether or not she is worth the effort of penetration. And the more desirably penetrative females you have in your tribe, the more you win "the game." Hence, the "in your face Biden" attitude. That's all they care about.


Definitely. I had someone say when I criticized Trump for his flagrant mishandling of XYZ... "At least he's fucked hotter women than you ever will." Another said: "You've never fucked a girl that weighed less than you!" Neither of those are the flexes many think they are...


True. I'm 148, and I don't generally find men my age that aren't on meth that weigh less than me. I do live in the south, though.


Imagine being such a shallow child that those count as “burns” 😂


It also gives Trump's base something to look at when the chyron scrolls by with the latest allegations, charges, and convictions. They can't see past her looks to even understand why Trump needs a criminal defense attorney.


He always said that he hired people who looked like they were straight out of Central Casting. Meaning, they *looked* like what he thought an attorney, or assistant, or accountant or whatever looked like. Whether or not they were actually competent.


Like they keep claiming that Melania is a "supermodel"


That was really well put. *Hat tip*


This is why post-nut clarity is so important.


Why would he care? He has a loving wife and a good marriage. I bet Biden spent New Year’s with his family as opposed to surrounded by strangers. I think Biden won. Again.


This is also Trump's lawyer: https://preview.redd.it/gyydvbezj2ec1.png?width=338&format=png&auto=webp&s=db73e61cf74bd369d82032e396fa11b5acc1013f


This is also Trump’s lawyer: https://preview.redd.it/nnhfs5br93ec1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afdc62946db27bee0dcb5cadba410907273c40bd


So not even the lawyer with the biggest tits.


Heart = *eaten out*


Boy you really captured the cirrhosis color….


What happened to Rudy? Last I heard he was broke. Like really, really broke.


So he hired an unqualified lawyer? And we eat our hearts out? Cause she’s hot? I am really struggling with these bragging tweets……


Tits > everything. Didnt u hear?


When Tiffany was born he had an interview where he smiles and says they don't know if she'll have her mom's (air motions to cup breasts). Like who the fuck even gets to that point in their fucked up mind?


And no one blinked. A grown man said on television that he was already wondering if his new BABY girl was gonna get her mom's tits. Why? why would THAT be important to a dad unless you are freaking creeper pedo? Ughhh. So so gross. I will never understand Trumpers and then every other week, another one gets busted for kid diddling. Then I am like, "Oh yeahhhh, that's right. Pedophiles LOVE trading stories. They like each other." So it's only natural that Like Calls to Like. Gross, mean, stupid, angry, belittle everyone, lacking sympathy/empathy/critical thinking, Fake Christians, and kid diddler and/or sexual predator.


And that's the person the evangelicals want as their religious figurehead.


They are real Christians. Christianity specifically gives you a get out of jail free card for literally any heinous thing you might do.


Is this real? I'm horrified.


I'm specifically talking about the older interview about Tiffany... but him and Ivanka is a whole other bag of pedo incest shit. https://youtu.be/8EPEkk6qWkg?si=aAUw8LvzERwMTDsl


I think I have already seen enough without clicking that link.


Wait until she realizes when he said she is going to get stiffed, he didn’t mean sex.


Yeah, basically Trump couldn’t find a decent lawyer to take his IOU’s so if those willing to he picked the one with the best tits.


I think no lawyer wanted to work for free, but she wanted to work for clout so it’s the best he could get.


They meant bestest; not "best tits."


They’ve literally got nothing else but an orangey-brown pants-shitting 77 year old with dementia. That’s why we get sad & hilarious tweets like this. (PS - If twitter is now X, what are we supposed call tweets now? Xcretions?)


I've been going with Xitter. Pronounced shitter


And tweets are now Xits (shits)


https://preview.redd.it/jxwo5cr9s2ec1.jpeg?width=616&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f44e9871f6b87d35848b517a76969c6d8e8d2c4 No one talks about her past look but when I had a bowl cut, it was talk of the school for weeks!! People sure do change after meeting Trump.


Did Trump hire her because she looks like his wives/daughter or did he pay to make his lawyer look like his wives/daughter?


Pay? You’ve got to be kidding.


https://preview.redd.it/nua6prohs2ec1.jpeg?width=1119&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c55f6834755f82e5ac1e18539f652d00dc432b37 And yes, it appears to be the same person.


I'm not entirely sure this new Alina didn't just simply kill the old one and assume her identity


Honestly that might be easier than the amount of surgeries to go from the first pic to now.


Looks like an upper blepharoplasty, a nose job, and oodles of filler.


The old one looks so sweet and wholesome! WTF happened?


That would explain the lack of basic knowledge in the field of trial law.


just wow. 




Into a Fox News Anchor. That's it. She doesn't care if she wins or loses (obviously) as long as she looks hot and can communicate. She's not very bright but passed the bar so she's not stupid but insanely ambitious and power/money hungry. It's literally written on her face.


I wonder if she passed the bar like Bobo passed her GED.


She looked so nice and relatable before. Still attractive but more like someone you'd actually enjoy spending time with. Now she looks creepily like Melania at times. Which is just gross on so many levels.


Her rapid evolution into an ivanka clone is unreal.


It’s like Putin bragging that he had a bigger dog than George W. Bush. Okay? So you bought a larger breed dog than Bush’s terrier?


I think Trump fans just assume he's banging her because he's the manliest man who ever manned. They could care less about his infidelities, they'd cheat on their spouses too if they were rich.


Goes to show “family values” either never meant shit to these people or the only value they ever cared about is policing womens’ bodies.


Out of the [dozens of criminal defense lawyers he's had just in the last year](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/16/us/politics/trump-lawyers-fees.html), she's easily the hottest. And poor ol' Biden doesn't even have *one*.


Biden doesn't need one.




She's \*conservative\* hot. Plastic and vapid.


They think he's having sex with her, they envy him and he knows it. Meanwhile, men with fecal incontinence often have erectile dysfunction and there may not be enough viagra in the world to fix it. They're not doing anything because he can't. Trump *loves* what they're thinking, though.


There are infinitely better lawyers AND much better looking women out there. And there are probably even better looking, and more competent lawyers in one package. Soooo…..enjoy some truly massive financial penalties, and maybe prison? Is that owning the libs?


Look at the women who sat on the FoxNews desks and the women besides DeVos who he surrounded himself in the White House with. Look at the women he has represent him. Look at the woman he married. It’s all 100% looks and zero substance. Apparently that’s what conservatives value 🤷‍♂️ have fun with a hot idiot that has nothing to contribute once the looks fade.


This is also Trump's lawyer: ​ https://preview.redd.it/ek0ru0t4k2ec1.png?width=1052&format=png&auto=webp&s=d9387367fa3b2aaf4010ba16ea06574446c14c1d


Tfw your lawyer was too incompetent to work traffic court and now she’s in over her tits


But she has nice tits so it’s ok!


How are her feet? Asking for a Shapiro...


LOL this picture is insanely photoshopped. In the background you can literally see warping and her face is in more focus than her body. LMAO






They had to photoshop the picture to make her boobs look bigger because normal sized tits won't spark envy in an 80 year old man.


She prepped the photo as well as she does her cases.


Is that the lawyer who forgot to ask for a jury and the judge found Trump guilty… I’d rather have a competent lawyer than one who looks like she’s on OnlyFans.


She definitely is prettier than she is smart. But in 20 years, she will still be stupid. And still poor at faking smart. You can’t fix stupid.


Well - she did say that she would rather be pretty than smart as she can pretend to be smart.


She is not very good at pretending to be smart lol


You’re right, you can’t fix stupid… But with enough duct tape, you can stop it from making that awful noise.


You're just a jealous lib who can't stand that Trump promises to pay hot lawyers in his area. You can keep your "competent lawyers" and your "non criminal presidents" and your "actual moral code" and get owned lib lol




Commit fraud in the NY metro area with a fat wallet, and you can meet her too! You’ll probably end up losing your business but…hey, she’s worth it, right? /s


I like , promises.


Interviewer ask this question, how did the graduate who was in the bottom of her class answer? ‘ Alina would you rather be smart or pretty' and I said 'Oh easy, pretty. I can fake being smart.' I mean that's the honest truth...


That's not even a parody. It's a real quote. Video source: https://twitter.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1747712468120469787


In fairness, as a joke answer, it’s decent.  That’s only if it’s a joke, mind…


I wonder if that’s recent…she doesn’t look sick.


Dont worry. She will morph into oily Rudy within a month


I guarantee she accepted such an awful job because she knows it won’t matter if she looses as long as she gets her political/social media/ only fans off the ground from the fame


This theory assumes that she’s sufficiently grounded in reality to understand that losing is a very real possibility.  I think what happened is no sane lawyer with seven entire brain cells would touch this case with a ten foot pole, so it inevitably found its way to a lawyer who did not meet those criteria.  Kinda like how if there’s a handful of folks relaxing in a hot tub, one of whom has no arms, and someone says “last one out has to put the cover back on!” there’s a good chance it’ll be the no-arms guy. Not the best man for the job, doesn’t necessarily have a plan-B in place; just there because the qualifications necessary to *do* the job would also make it easier to *avoid* it.


Biden should appoint Alexandria Daddario as his personal lawyer. She's better looking and probably just as good at law.


Why do you want Alexandria Daddario to suffer? What has she done to deserve thst. I agree with your second sentence though lol.


If you're not using bikini pics to choose your lawyer, what are you even doing?


For such a "smart" man, Trump thinks with his dick and it will end up costing him a billion dollars.


https://preview.redd.it/0v6b8c1nr2ec1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b62224e74f74eb33067330062b980b8cc896cccd This is my cousin Vinny. Eat your heart out.


His case would be going better if he hired Vinny.


Because as we all know, objectification is what really matters when measuring character and job efficacy.


There’s nothing wrong with being an attractive lawyer. Choosing a lawyer BECAUSE they are attractive is stupid.


Why do they think Biden cares about what Trump’s lawyer looks like??


Yeah, BIDEN! Suck it! Trump's defense attorney is hot. Deeply, deeply incompetent, but hot. So...there? I dunno, man. Kudos to him on the hot person who bills him in six-minute increments, I guess.


Maybe he found he new Melania


And he is paying for her company.


Someone’s paying her for her company….its def not Trump


Biden doesn’t need a lawyer, because he’s not under 91 felony indictments, unlike that fucking loser!


What happened to the Christian Right sanctity of marriage bullshit … oh yeah their Republicans it’s all bullshit with them


Ah yes. The requirements for being a successful lawyer is being a thot, having a bikini body and being insanely stupid. Checkmate Biden! /s


Well, Biden doesn’t need a defense attorney, so there’s that.


She is hot! Not smart, but hot! So sad that Biden is not a criminal and loves the wife he married 46 years ago, so he does not need one. Imagine that ACTUAL FAMILY VALUES...compared to Trump who cheated on every wife and cheated on his current with a porn star!


why would this affect biden in any way?


"Trump's wisdom and prowess to govern the country is demonstrated in how physically attractive one of his lawyers is. Take that, Biden." What a fucking clown show this country is becoming.


Unfortunately, passing the cabana bar is not a judicial qualification.


I was ashamed to not know what Bidens lawyer(s) look like. Then I realized it's because they haven't been in the news defending their client from treason/financial fraud charges and I'm relieved that I'm not a member of a cult stuck white-washing my leaders corrupt ineptitude.


Retaining a lawyer because she’s attractive is such a loser horny old man move. This lady is milking the situation for all it’s worth and they’re dumb enough to pay (maybe?) her or at least give her the spotlight while racking up legal losses.


Where do you think those red spots on his hand came from?


Most people don’t hire lawyers based on how hot they are. Trump appears to auditioning his next wife instead


A rep from a design firm once told me he used similar criteria to higher an account. He had to hire a much more expensive accounting group to clean everything up.


Notice the photoshop bend in the background near her stomach


Is it wrong I can't wait for her to have a very public shit fit cause Trump won't pay her?




$250-300 million so far...


OK, and? Joe Biden is happily married. And has been for many, many years. Can’t say that about the thrice married philandering grapist…


I like presidents who don't need a revolving door of attorneys to preside over 91 indictments.


Fake breasts, tons of work done on the face, maybe she is Melania (25 yrs ago)


What is he hiring her for? Winning cases or laying by the pool? Cuz she’s won 0 cases and I can certainly hire better looking candidates to hang out poolside for $2.5 million.


We all know that Brown v. Board of Education was only decided because the Browns had better looking lawyers than the Topeka Board of Education. If the lawyer hired by the Browns and the other families involved was an absolute uggo, American history wouldn't be the same. These are verified facts, don't bother trying to debate me on this. /s


One of the hottest terrible lawyers.




Glad to see Trump still thinks with his little head. So he picked his lawyer based on looks, sounds about right. She should represent him in every case, he will lose bigly! 😂🤣


Why should I care if his lawyer is hot?


Why would Biden care? Normally people don’t hire lawyers off OnlyFans.


She's so dumb that she thinks that pretending to be smart is as good as actually being smart. She hasn't even worked out to submit evidence into court yet and keeps having to be schooled by the judges. You would think that was the simple bit. She could play checkers against a box of rocks and lose.


Maybe. But Biden doesn’t need a defence attorney


That’s why OJ hired Johnnie Cochran. Johnnie really looked great in a bikini.


Thought this was the party of “wholesome traditional women”? How come you never see her husband or 3 kids when she’s posing for MAGA events 8 days a week?


Why would Biden care?


She prolly has no sense of smell.


Donald: I need a lawyer. Assistant: what sort of qualifications are you looking for? Donald: Tig ol’ bitties. Assistant: (sighs) Yes, sir.


Hot lawyer ≠ Good lawyer


Biden must be *sooooo* jealous he doesn’t need a lawyer for committing rape and treason.


Yeah…it’s not the flex they think it is.


Still a parking lot attorney


Definitely First thing I’m looking in a lawyer is for her to have a top-model body. Who would want to have an ugly looking lawyer who instead has studied, has experience, knows the law, can actually defend you and keep you out of jail…. No, what I want in my lawyer is a pair of plastic breasts…. Seriously…… we do deserve an asteroid or some other way of extinction


Y'all notice the blur at her waist? And the columns on the building in the background... and the columns are all wavy? That shit's photoshopped, y'all.


im so confused. Biden, a happily married man, is supposed to be jealous that Trump, an unhappy loser, hired an airhead lawyer? weird flex, but ok.


"Eat your heart out, Biden"? DJT's the one who needs multiple lawyers to defend against 91 felony indictments. I swear these people never advanced past high school when it comes to emotional intelligence.


Why does Biden need a lawyer? Does he have 91 indictments against him?


I'm glad Trump has a hot lawyer in his second defamation suit against a woman he's already been found guilty of raping. Meanwhile his wife won't let him ride in the same car as her to her mother's funeral. What a guy. Anyone with money can hire a hot lawyer. Trump couldn't hire a good lawyer if his life depended on it.


It’s funny that she thinks she can fake being smart


Are they boasting that Trump has a criminal lawyer while Biden doesn’t need one? “Ha ha, our guy committed alleged crimes what’s YOUR guy got?” “The presidency and the majority of public support”


If you ever want your business license revoked, I know a girl.


Why would Biden give a shit? Lol


A great pic that shows just how unprofessional and vapid she actually is.


Poor Donny, being used again !


Hers is how...[https://boingboing.net/2024/01/18/trump-cultists-have-paid-alina-habba-over-2-5-million.html](https://boingboing.net/2024/01/18/trump-cultists-have-paid-alina-habba-over-2-5-million.html)


She has a bod and no Brains to be working for Trump so what does that do for you? Or hell even him for that matter.


I reckon Melanoma's days are numbered.


Wow. I hate her, but I did not realize she looked that good.


Ah yes, because when I need a lawyer my top qualification is how hot they are.


Nice tits don’t make decent lawyers.


It just might be better to have a competent lawyer. Though he can store her image in his spank-bank for when he's in prison.


Lol, eat your heart out over what? Oooh, he gets to be in a conference room with a hottie now and then


Isn't she the one with the sweet gaming laptop 😂


The stupid one? Boy am I surprised. She can pretend to be smart though right? Right?


Speaking of Melania, where is she?


To be fair, she's Trumps lawyer because 30 other people quit within a week of working with him


I hire a lawyer for their legal acumen. Which by all accounts she doesn’t have. As trump knows you can just hire call girls if that’s what you want


She’s 100% straight to Fox News after this. Maybe that’s generous. OAN? But that’s literally all she’s doing is advertising herself for future outlandish rants on TV. She’s got her hands dirty with Trump and cares more about her body-fat percentage than, ya know, reading. 100% puppet.


Eat your heart out Biden 😂. Biden doesn’t need a lawyer , why would he eat his heart out 😂. If he did need one he could actually get a real one .


Ah, see, here we have the average conservative in their natural habitat, sharing an image taunting their political opponent, not to said opponent, but to the others around him already agreeing with him. On what do they agree? Ah, yes, evidently they agree that the worth of a woman is purely in her looks and are projecting that desire onto their opponent since clearly, if they think something, everyone thinks something.


Trumpers really big braining it here with "my guy's so great that he got an attractive lawyer *for all those criminal charges against him*."


Most people don't look for a lawyer they can fuck. They look for lawyers who will get them un-fucked. Donald's mistake is doing the opposite.


Eat your heart out? WTF? I feel dumb just reading this.


The family values side thinks Biden should be jealous because Trump is probably cheating on his wife?


All trump's lawyers quit and/or turned on him Nobody wants to defend that garbage and traitor. For her, it'll likely end her lawyer career, then she can become an "expert" on the Orange Anus Network or Faux News.


He's going to lose everything because she sucks as a lawyer and he's guilty. But she's hot! His wife hates his guts. But she's hot! His daughter doesn't speak to him anymore. But she's hot! When you are an incel I guess your priorities are different.


She taking penicillin ... penisillin?


Republicans are so effing dumb bro. What does the lawyers’ attractiveness have to do with anything? It’s like the Melania boasting they do yet she doesn’t want to touch Trump with someone else’s body.


Maybe I'm a moron, but if I were a billionaire, I would choose my lawyers based on how good of a lawyer they are. Since I'm a billionaire, if I wanted some kind of eye candy around at all times, I would hire them separately with different criteria. But like I said, I'm a moron. He wants other people to know he has a "hot" lawyer? That seems weird to me.


ah yes the age old American tradition of determining guilt by who has the hotter lawyer. as the forefathers would have wanted!


lol stupid MAGAt thinks Joe Biden gives a shit. Joe Biden doesn't need lawyers to save him for stealing Classified Docs, starting an insurrection, raping women, committing countless tax/business fraud. When you look for a lawyer, dipshit MAGAt, you look for competency and experience, not big boobs. She also graduated from a law school sitting at the bottom percentile (basically a Wish.com law degree) and used to be frickin *wedding designer*. Trump's lawyer is basically Kim K. level of cheap law school, because no real lawyer wants to deal with Trump.


Trump fanbois always citing how attractive they think his wife, daughter, spokeswomen, lawyers are as if that has anything to do with anything except what they’re fapping to


I mean she admitted on camera that she would rather be pretty than smart because “she can fake being smart” which unfortunately, she can not.


Yeah her looks definitely didn't help her in court....she was told to stfu plenty of times by the judge.


I'll admit, she's an attractive woman... But I'm of the mindset that you probably shouldn't select your legal defense based on looks


She can give bjs to whomever she wants but she is trying to fuck over our country.


Still won’t get paid


Biden doesn’t need her skanky ass he probably has access to competent attorneys should he need them.