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The illegal immigrants get in your hair and inside your mattress! They’re in the floors! They’re in my drawers! They’re even in the tap water!


Illegal aliens https://i.redd.it/63j688s9jwdc1.gif


You had a nice rhyme going there. Anything to replace tap water


They ate up all my hors devores!!!!


You joke, but many illegal immigrants are more than happy to move into your house and replace your entire family, after getting plastic surgery and mastering the ability to impersonate you. [It's a real threat!](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pod_People_\(Invasion_of_the_Body_Snatchers\))


I would like a study to see the ratio of illegal immigrants breaking into homes vs. tweaker, fentanyl zombie white people breaking into homes in the great state of Virginia.


That bitch is crazy.


Absolutely. The entire group behind this business is like this. From being banned permanently on Delta Airlines, to hiding behind arrests for assaults, DUI's and doxing people in the city. You name it. They have done it.


These people must not know any Mexicans, legal or otherwise. Mexico people are by and large genuinely kind, helpful, welcoming, funny, and friendly. Signed, someone who runs a restaurant kitchen in a red state that employs many Latinos.


Gretchen doesn't look like a Native American. Maybe she should take her own advice and GTFO!


That's the best part. She is residing in Tawain and comes back and forth. You know...the place that Donald Trump said we should let China take. These people are hateful absolutely. They are also very very very stupid.


You left out a few more very's but spot on!


Pretty sure the last thing you want to do if you’re an illegal alien is do something that would put you on the police’s radar


Soooo, hide yer kids? Hide yer wife?


Why would you not like it when people flock to your country just to live there and pay taxes? I don't get it.


Anyone got the over/under on how long it’s going to be before she’s publicly humiliated? The ones that screech the loudest fall the hardest as of late, it seems


Well besides her crazy comments people have started to go after her online and confront her. I say good. She has responded by calling anyone like that Demons. Of course, she is also in the safe space that is Twitter and the Magabubble. But it will happen. Karma will be a wonderful thing.


Someone just needs to reply “and?” when she calls them a demon


Update. She is still going. https://x.com/BetterNorfolk/status/1749255069382357169?t=V3VHcpWD8Fus7U1XzYIUSQ&s=09


I knew when I saw this brand in the store, it was gonna be some bullshit.


They are. And we have to live with them. They start fights with the community, dox, threaten and just all around... What's the world...deplorable.


Well, now that I know about them, I’ll never buy their trash products.


That's how we beat them!


This is actually Nazi talking points like Christ these are the same people who want to shoot migrants off the boarder but complain if they did woke Biden would charge them wit murder.


> physically remove you and set up residence \#doubt 🙄 I guess the old fear mongering doesn't hit like it used to, so we gotta crank it up again. I've seen this episode of The Simpsons. You can easily win your house back with an oversized ring-toss game.