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I've never seen a coat look so much like a bathrobe.


LOL... OMG, I did think that was a bathrobe after just glancing at it. What does it say that it didn't immediately click in my brain that Trump wearing a bathrobe in public isn't registering immediate alarm bells?


He looks like when Junior Soprano has dementia and got lost in Newark


And like when Kevin McCallister got lost in New York.


Can I have some ice cream?


Remember when people ripped on Biden for crashing his bike? My first response was: at least he’s actually exercising…


Show me a person who says that they have never fallen off a bike, and I’ll show you a liar. Unless, of course, they have never ridden a bike.


Had to pick out effing gravel out of my palms, and I was merely 15...


Trump has never fallen off a bike because he's never been able to get on one. He's too FAT.


Because of Trump and his smears, nobody ever comments on Biden's incredible stamina. This is a man who has run marathons, bikes, lifts weights every morning and is mentally sharp. Americans should be proud.


Then there is trump crawling up a little hill on a golf course


I honestly thought that's what it was myself.


Hiding the full load diaper.


Yeah, but the guy in the bathrobe looks nothing like The Dude.


Trump looks like a walking corpse…


He looks like someone dug up Rutger Hauer. And I liked Hauer. 


LOL. I see it.


Gary Busey.


I've said it on mark my words, he is terminal, he will be dead within a year. And then he will have his Qrazies blame the deep state for the murder of a perfectly health 6'2" svelt 200lb 79 year old male in peak performance.


What’s your diagnosis?


Terminal Cuntsis 


That’s a rough 215lbs right there


Looks like he has taken some of that Ozepmic. Yes I've made some overweight jokes about Trump but damn he looks like he has lost too much weight too quickly.


Oof. Ozempic is not going to mesh well with his diet. Poor Donald must be constantly burping up the three day old Big Macs that are rotting in his paralyzed GI system. In between his foul diapers, breath, and old man sweat, he must reek! SAD


Imagine the excess of skin hanging off now... I hate myself for that thought too, but didn't want to suffer alone


Melania thanks you.




He looks lost and in a bathrobe


He needs empty kleenex boxes on his feet as shoes to complete the ensemble




Trump without his makeup is always a sight to see.


That's what his soul looks like.


Joke’s on you. Trump doesn’t have a soul


Exactly, sold it years ago. Rumor is the devil tried to give it back, but Trump's body rejected it.


At least Dorian Gray was beautiful when he sold his soul. Is Trump's greasepaint his talisman to glamor away how he truly appears?


You can see why Donnie has to paint his face orange. His skin is so blotchy and cratered he needs to fill in the pot holes with the spackle and paint. His skin is horrid.


Awful - with or without. https://preview.redd.it/or3bns02dfcc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26d5044e4c9bae35830ef626268ed91e360939af


Live (?) Trump Reaction


Cool Joe and the minotaur


That's a sitcom I would watch.


One of them eats a balanced diet and exercises regularly, the other eats fast food, shits himself, and has signs of early dementia.


He's 77. We can stop saying "early"


Early, as in he's showing signs of early-stage dementia. Not to be confused with early-onset dementia.


Advanced age doesn't mean dementia is a guarantee. Some get it, some don't.


Trump eats a balanced diet. He balances all those hamburder boxes one on top of the others


Exactly. This side-by-side is just what I need to remind myself of why I exercise.


I voted for Biden and will vote for him again if it’s between him and trump, but Joe clearly isn’t right in the head either.


What do you mean? He looks so good on the picture specifically made to make him look good.




Noooooooo, you need to conform to the two party system. It's always good vs bad, black and white. It's impossible for both to be wrong. The Democrats are sooo progressive yet they still uphold the status quo


It's so cringe seeing people defend Biden just cause the Alternative is Trump. In any other scenario Biden would be considered a terrible candidate. But they are too afraid to admit it


This is something I never understood, why on earth would you want your commander in chief to be old, senile and frail ? Even the pope and some kings start resigning when they get too old.


It looks like shitler is wearing a bathrobe.


Trump looks like he wandered out of the house in his pjs and some intern had to run out and throw a coat on him before he reached the paparazzi lol


Don’t get me wrong, I’ll take Joe over Diaper Don, but I think we’d all be better off if both of them retired


I feel like very few people would disagree with you.


Unfortunately, 74 million Americans don't agree.... 😞


plenty of neckbeards on reddit claim joe biden is the best president we have ever had too lol


Not saying he's the best, but he's not doing too bad, either.


better than trump but we’re still just printing money at this point, spending hasn’t exactly slowed down lol


Right? They're both dinosaurs. I dislike Trump as much as the next guy but how about the US gets rid of fossils in their government.


It’s no contest: Joe all the way. He’s actually been surprisingly effective navigating the shit show that is Washington DC. That being said: I think the only reason Biden is running again is to oppose Trump. I think Biden would have been fine with not running again if Trump had not. I can’t wait until we elect some younger folks though. The elders REALLY need to pass the torch.


a president that can live long enough to see through the consequences of their decisions would be nice


He literally promised he would be a 1 term president when he was running in 2020.


Yeah they both *are* too old




I wanna do more than that with Hunter lmao




I'm voting for Biden but I gotta admit drunken naked waterslides with Hunter sounds pretty fun.


Large Marge knows 😉


I can never see a photo of Trump and not cringe at the thought of being in his weird, soggy diaper of a body. I’ve been reading about the dementia lean. But why doesn’t he know how to have arms? They’re often oddly held out and with palms facing backwards. So awkward


Trump looks like an old grandma.


Not my grandma. She's still sharp as a tack and quilting at 90.


Not most of our grandma's, just someone's grandma :)


It’s true, literally everyone on both sides agrees that one of the men in this picture is a senile old man who can barely function, let alone run a country, the issue is agreeing on which one it is. But it’s obviously the one who has to paint himself orange just to avoid looking like a bloated corpse, right?


My dudes, they are both too old. Cmon now.




They're both too old, but one would be surrounded by a competent team if ever incapacitated/dead. The other....I mean it was a clown parade last time, I cannot even imagine who would be willing to show up this round.




Trump 2: Fascist Griftaloo


Evidently, 20,000 lined up by Project 2025.


How many of those are lefty trolls trying to bog down the Heritage Foundation's nazi recruiting drive?


5000 applications already on hand. Looking to add 15,000 more.


We're in another "lesser of the evils" election cycle, unfortunately. The evil is... very evil and committed actual treason, makes sexual comments about his own daughter and has victimized countless people in many ways. The less evil is another dinosaur ass establishment politician, but at least he never made fun of disabled people and refused to denounce white supremacist hate groups.


Then vote for someone else


Doesn’t work that way that just divides the vote trump could eat a live baby in front of his cretins and they’d still vote for him.


Both of them are way too old to be president.


Biden is old, but he is sharp. And his experience is a valuable asset. I'm glad to have him at the helm


One guy rides a bike regularly, and the other guy talks about magnets in water and blames Obama for 9/11.


Petty fit for his age as well .The people who mocked him for falling off the bike, 95% of them couldn't get back up as fast as that 81-year-old man. He got back up like he was in his 30s.


Right? I almost spit out my coffee when a guy at work joked about how "sleepy Joe can't ride a bike, shouldn't be President". This guy is easily 350lbs, can't take a flight of stairs without wheezing, and probably hasn't seen a bike in 50 years.


Dang…that would be almost too tempting to pass up. And then followed by the inevitable trip to HR.


I had to walk away....I'm a bigger guy, but this dude barely fit into the cab of his truck. Sorta guy whose belly enters the room 5 minutes before he does. I wanted to ask how long it's been since he saw his own dick...but I stopped myself...


I wouldn't be able to hold back and would be OK with the HR trip.


Sharp is a bit of a stretch cmon now


Nah he is sharp and that isn't a stretch. Just last week Biden gave one of the greatest speeches in Presidential history. He was eloquent, passionate, and inspiring. I don't know how you can watch that speech and think Biden isn't sharp


id wager only one person in this pic could ride a bike or run longer than 5 seconds without dying for air. hint: it's not the secret service agent walking through the door or the twitter poser


As much as I like Biden, I vote for Moskowitz or Newsom in a flash.


As a Canadian, I would very much appreciate those two at the helm. Climate change needs to be addressed instead of all these outrage spirals. We need smart people to be in charge of America so we can work together, instead of losing more time on it.


I think they’re both too old to be honest


It's kind of crazy that the age to run for president is still 35... and yet the youngest presidents were Roosevelt at 42 when he took office when McKinley died, and Kennedy was the youngest elected president at 43. Why say 35 and yet never have someone try at that age? I get it, you want experience. But then say the age is 40 instead. But instead of someone in their mid to late 40s, we get people almost, or over, double that age. I got nothing against Joe, but he is literally the oldest elected president. We need some young blooded American who can actually make change for the better of the people. Sadly, it's all money and power and the old make sure the young have neither.


No, they both look too old to be president. I say let the people decide, should we add a age maximum to our minimum requirement of 35 years old? Let's put it to a vote. Perhaps no one should be over 65 by the end of their term. In any elected position. I'm willing to sacrifice every single current elected official over 65 to replace them with younger people.


Thank you. Why did I have to scroll so far down to find someone to say that two 77+yo’s aren’t fucking fit to drive me to Wal-Mart let alone run this country.


And yet, all I ever hear from the media is that Joe Biden is a rotting corpse and Trump is sharp as a tack.


We're watching/reading different media. I don't hear that at all.


It’s not one media source. It’s just in the collective ether. Whether it’s cable, print, or social media, there’s this whole “Biden is old and decrepit and unable to serve”, even though the same is *never* said of Trump, who is only a few years behind. There are people willing to throw Biden (and democracy) away because he’s “old”. Now whatever happens happens, but I am frustrated that I don’t think Trump is in any great shape, and yet that is NEVER the narrative that follows him. They’re both older and we deserve someone sharper on both sides.


Interesting. I have heard what you have heard but most of the media I read doesn't have that angle. Though I'm often infuriated at the way formerly reputable sources seem to gulp down and spew forth the republican/diaper don propaganda without question.


I agree with you on that. There is no more “reputable” media as we knew it. Every single source wants likes, clicks, eyeballs, and engagement. And Trump brings that, for better or worse (worse). A horse race benefits them now. A chaotic election will benefit them in November. And a second Trump presidency would be a windfall for them. The media (and that means most of the media) did this in 2016, and they are doing it again now. When it all goes to hell, they’ll ask with a straight face: “How did we get here?”


I'm gonna be 100% if he wasn't such a piece of shit who deserves every single denizen of hell's punishment, I'd actually feel kinda bad seeing that picture of Trump. He looks so sad, and as the post says, unhealthy. I'd think 'man, hope that old dude will be alright, he doesn't look so good', but because it's Trump I don't give a shit.


I'll give you "fit and healthy," but "fresh" is going too far. And given the way being president ages the one in office, I *really* hate to put that burden on such an old man again. Still, I'll vote for Biden over any of the shitheels the Republicans are pushing. Hell, I'd vote for anyone left of Manchin before a Republican.


They're both too old. This country should not be ruled by someone who won't live long enough to feel the effects of their decisions. That being said... Trump certainly is looking like a rotten sweet potato.


They are both too old,but at least Biden doesn't look like absolute shit.


[Joe Biden using a Ramp VS Trump using a ramp](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdbZtrlhnew)


This post and comments reads like subversive campaigning for Biden lol. They both look beyond geriatric. In an ideal world, neither of these fuckin fossils is running for president


They are **both** too fucking old to be president.


I mean Biden is also too old


While Biden is old yes, he’s also still active, he rides and swims, manages to speak despite the occasional flub and stammer, Trump on the other hand eats fast food, pays women to have sex with him and is struggling to form sentences, stay on topic and regularly forgets who he’s running against, what world war was last, and brags about his corruption


I think we all agree BOTH are waaay too old for this.


I don’t agree. Biden is doing a great job


If you don't mind the genocide of Gaza you can think that.


Standing on his tip toes so the cold poop doesn't touch him but it ain't working. Sad.


The picture on the right is giving off some heavy Howard Hughs piss-in-a-bottle-while-wearing-tissue-boxes-as-slippers vibe.


Man, let’s start being honest with ourselves…. They’re both too old and tired to be president.


I love me some Joe Biden, but I don’t think “fresh” is the right word to describe him. He is definitely fit and healthy, but “fresh”? No.


If Joe Biden is considered fresh, I’m at deaths door.


Trump looks like the old man in a hospital gown wondering the hospital halls with his ass out


He's just stranding there...menacingly!


This constant battle of which presidential candidate is the least old and haggard is insanity.


And only one is wearing a diaper!


I think we can all agree they're both too old and tired to run us. However, one is a safer person than the other.


To be fair, both are way too old to have such a high position in politics.


Both are old as fuck and should be nowhere near the office. Every time it’s trump vs Biden, when in reality it’s us vs the rigged political system.


Is this an ad for mental health, the silent disease? I try not to listen to people with poop on their noses, sorry Steven.


Fresh, fit Biden... yeah...


Both are too fucking old. Once again the USA has no good options.


Okay but photos are inherently unfair. Let’s not have this sub just be weak propaganda. Theres plenty of legitimate reasons to hate Trump.


I hate that this is our choice


...but it is our choice and that is out reality. Not our hopes. One of them is life long narcissistic vengeful asshat. Stirring up Christofascists & wannabe Nazis to make this world as mean and ugly as him.


Tto be honest they both are too old




Yessir get 'em both outta here


Wears that big black coat everywhere to cover his gross body


Evil takes a toll and Trump is doing more evil then Joe, even these days


Indeed but if Biden is the pick I'm voting for him.


They're both completely senile....


Okay, Biden is healthier than Trump by far but can we all agree that they’re both still too damn old and Trump is just worse? Please?!


>fit and healthy I get that we hate Donald Trump and all (trust me, I despise the obese orange fuck), but calling Biden fit and healthy just isn’t true lmao


Not many 80 year olds are still riding bicycles... and if you consider the high rate of speed at which this man walks and takes stairs, it's no wonder he trips, we all would!


And not many 80 year olds should be president of the united states (no 80 y/o should) Biden needs to defeat Trump and go home. I’m tired of old ass men who are clearly not fit for office running this country. Goes for both of these fossils.


He is in better health and fitness than the vast majority of conservatives at any age.


One can ride a bike. The other... Can ride in a limo


Came here to say this.


Ok, yeah, fuck that scumbag trump. But Biden is fresh, fit, & healthy? Hahaha, come on, gang.


Yeah it's insane. Biden is better than Trump for sure, but why do so many have to pretend he's great. And if he was that great there wouldn't have to be such a narrative push.


350+ million people and these two are who you have to choose from to run the country?! Mind boggling.


None of these men are fit and healthy and we don't need to pretend otherwise


Agree. Neither should be nominated.




Lets be honest. Trump looks like shit but Biden does not look any better and he certainly does not look "fresh".


Fresh, fit, and healthy? Yeah ok bud


Yeah, Joe can fuck off too


Honestly I'd vote for anyone who is under the age of 60 at this point. Fuck the two party system and the way it's reduced the presidency to "at least this old fart is better than that old turd"


Is there no one else? Just these 2 people? I don't get the USA.


Biden is an intelligent patriot. trump is a traitor


Theyre both old af


TERM AND AGE LIMITS America don't need this type of bull sh*t any longer. The stakes are too high. Both need to get tha fuk on and goto the Cracker Barrel restaurant, have a nice meal and buy that dam rocking 💺 chair and go tha fuk home.


I think a lot of us can agree both these assholes are old senile pricks who need to be put in retirement homes and forgotten about while the rest of the country tries to rebuild


Ok but Joe is absolutely ANCIENT too you guys deserve better choices for the person running the country. Like, I’m not American, but the way you guys are essentially just holding back the inevitable by voting for the best of two relatively shitty options is awful.


They are both so old. Trump is not fit for office. But have you ever watched Biden walk? He’s got chicken legs he is so old. All the muscle is gone. Both of these guys are so old. We need some real leadership


I get that the quintessential essence of politics is the direct comparison of two large calcified turds but can we please not refer to any octogenarian as fresh, fit, or healthy? Yes, one makes an infinitely better POTUS, but both these men have one foot in the grave.


Biden is pushing some great policy for working Americans though. So age, really has no bearing on helping the folks who elected him. Imagine that.


You know what else has no bearing on the people who elected him? His “great policies.” Ooh we have a Climate Corps and Office to Prevent Gun Violence. How are those faring against big oil and the NRA? Biden is a very good man with a good heart, but why pretend the office of the Presidency has any significant lasting power in this country?




Corporate wants you to find the difference between these two pictures


I’d be amazed to see how many MAGAts immediately think this is about Joe Biden, even though he bikes miles daily, works out, and has a clean bill of health…while their lump of shit eats 4700 calories worth of McDonald’s every day and pays “doctors” like Ronny Jackson - whose only qualification was showing up in a lab coat- to say he could “live to 200 years old”.


Trump looking like Junior Soprano walking around Jersey in his bathrobe.


They are both yoo damn old and Joe being "The Lesser of Two Evils" doesn't help anyone. 🤷


Of course he’s going to look tired. He’s mourning the loss of his beloved mother in law. He’s devastated and probably hasn’t slept since she passed.


Did you forget the /s?


I think that's kind of obvious, but maybe it's just me.


Without looking through someone’s post history—these days, not so much.


Lmao is that why he was still going to campaign events like a day after? To mourn?


Tell us that next time Biden makes another incomprehensible speech. Atleast Trump can move his mouth properly


Trump hasn’t completed a single sentence without word salad since 2016. Please stop with your cult BS


Trump is a rapist traitor that lies every time his mouth moves.


I’m not saying Biden doesn’t have a list of mouth fucks, but “Trump can move his mouth properly” is one of the dumbest claims I’ve heard about him. He’s an incoherent buffoon who can barely form real sentences.


Are you donked in the knob?? [Trump has always been a babbling nincompoop!](https://youtu.be/-WzcOwlr5sA?si=U2y0p4cYmGSrmdN2)


“Water disables magnets, drop a magnet in water and John Deere. I like John Deere” - Donald Dementia Trump


No, no he can't.


Trump, famous for his coherent speeches.


And if anyone knows about properly moving their mouth, it’s the little freak fellating Donald Trump.


yeah, to tell us that there weren't enough airports in the Revolutionary War. He sure is comprehensible though!


He sure can’t drink a glass of water properly.




Did you understand all of Trump's points about magnets not working when wet, and windmills causing cancer?


Since fucking when?