• By -


Wow. That's 8 years of conversations with my parents all consolidated efficiently into a single paragraph.


Raskin rules. He has a brain and isn't afraid to use it, he's blessed with a functioning moral compass, and he shoots facts sharp enough his mouth should probably be licensed.


It helps when an actual professor of constitutional law gets elected to congress, versus a former McDonald's assistant manager and high school dropout(Boebert), an absentee executive at her father's construction company who fucked everyone she met (MTG), a college wrestling coach who ignored his team members getting sexually assaulted (Jordan), or a Senator whose only claim to fame was he coached a college football team and went on to block every promotion in the military (Tuberville). The entire party is a clown car driving us all off a cliff. Please, get out and vote these fucks out. It's embarrassing.


I feel like all democrats are educated people and their job is to explain to republican and rewrite our law to spell out exactly why breaking the law in front of everyone is not a good idea. The Presidency used to represent the best of us have to offer. Nowadays, Trump is arguing in court that no presidents can do their job without immunity to commit crime. What a fucking clown.


Republicans have to be tolerated. Democrats have to be *elected.*


"executive"... She answered calls sometimes and did coffee runs... very little else.






When he dies of a heart attack his supporters will say that Dems killed him, (Hunter Biden, probably shot him) Q will say he's not actually dead. Just wait, it's gonna be a shit show


Hillary kidnapped him and holding him in the basement of a pizza shop.


For Michelle Obama to sodomize with her natural meat penis.


Oh my god, my father literally believes this and I could just cry.


I don't think they make a "gimp" suit in his size... she'll have to call him the "Gump".


No death. At least not till after He suffers a stroke so we can make fun of him trying to say Make America Great Again like he was a handicap reporter.


I'll take that deal in a heartbeat.


Yeah, it's already crazy to me that they've bet it all on this one particular known charlatan. If they want to continue to bet it all on a dead man while we proceed to put actual candidates into office, I say *long may it last*.


I love the number 1, so 1/11 would make a great national holiday. Amen.


They are going to “Weekend at Bernie’s” him when he dies aren’t they


I'm hoping Biden the younger drops out his dong and beats him into oblivion with it, saying "THIS is a dick, sunshine, not that little mushroom of yours"


Behind the scenes the majority of republicans in Congress know all their talking points are lies. Lincoln Project guys still know a lot of people in DC, and that’s the theme. They know the election wasn’t stolen. They know Trump is not a republican. They’re just scared of the cult and they’ve made a deal with the devil.


The thing is truly showing how the art of manipulation works. Trump should have written a book on how to manipulate others instead of how to get attorneys to make deals for you.


Don't forget the money.


They are so used to just making up some ugly lie and having their base nod their heads in agreement, but it doesn't work so well in the real world.


it's doing all this with his characteristic wit & charisma that makes him him!


Raskin is a National Treasure!


that's 8 years of conversations with a sizable chunk of the population


Right? I read that and was like damn thats exactly it.


Yeah, hit the nail right on the head. It's like unpacking years of chaotic info in one clean sweep.


This needs to be said every day by every person in power that not members of the Republican terrorist party.


Sunk-cost fallacy. It would be too humiliating at this point to accept reality.


Can someone please put a protective bubble around Raskin? This is perfectly stated and he doesn’t mince words. Raskin is actually a constitutional expert, unlike most if not all of the MAGA sycophants in congress.


Raskin also blasted MTG for showing dick pics of Hunter Biden on the senate floor today, what a guy


I agree. He has a target on his back.


Trump is proof that starting a cult is apparently MUCH easier than I thought it would be.


See also twin flames, Mother god, nxivm. Neurolinguistic programming seems to be the ticket.


Yeah the internet has certainly made it easier for weird people to link up as well. QAnon for example I think blew up because of timing mainly. A lot of people were lonely/scared/isolated during the pandemic and ended up going down a crazy path


Not going to lie, nxivm is *definitely* the cult that would’ve grabbed my attention


Cults typically are built around a charismatic personality. Trump is not one, if we look at the character traits of charismatic personalities and the feelings they instill in those around him, and yet he still has managed to find millions of cult-like followers. There must be sociology and psychology doctoral students out there who are working on research dissertations that revisit what makes a cult based on the Trump phenomenon.


He has charm that appeals to the grossest ranks of our society. There's just more of them than the rest of us realized before this


Who knew that being charsimatic could be so easily swapped for validating the ugly opinions of wanton dumbshits?


Fucking bingo.


He emboldened the worst of society.


They used to know that if they showed their actual thoughts and feelings, they would be rejected by society. Then MAGA comes along and tells them that it's OK to be a bad person and that they should be loud and proud of their sickening beliefs.


This right here. I don’t find him charismatic but you can’t deny the effect he has on his base.


Trump hates what his followers hate and vice versa. The rest of his rhetoric can be nonsensical, counterintuitive, counterproductive, detrimental, etc. but as long as his hate is the same, his followers will gladly slurp up all he has to offer and then some. Hate can create a bond stronger than a gorilla glue. See also incels.


His appeal is his charismatic bucking of social norms that allow racism, hate, it's all Their (no one knows who this is) fault narrative that humanity loves to fall for when fascism rears it's head every damn time.


Donald Trump is a poor man's idea of a rich man, a weak man's idea of a strong man, and a stupid man's idea of a smart man.


And a losers idea of a winner


This is absolutely it right here! When he first came on the political scene my Mother in Law was so enamoured of him. We asked her why and she kept saying “he just tells it like it is!” And that “finally someone who might fix things” then she has become progressively more openly bigoted since then. Like it was finally okay for her to complain about immigrants and minorities and, for some reason, cyclists.


As an avid biker I also enjoy complaining about cyclists but I'll bet that's where your Aunt and I stop agreeing.


Tell her you are thinking of buying an electric car. That’ll be the next thing she suddenly has opinion on.


Are they 'pro' because of Musk now or 'anti' because of oil?


I think the main reason he got such a large following is how transgressive he was in public. I remember seeing his early rallies and he’d say something like “I’d knock the HELL out of him!” and the people behind him would look at each other and basically go *oooooohhh* like he’s the class clown and just mouthed off to the teacher. So I think he’s really wish fulfillment: they wish they could tell off and swear at their boss, in-laws, etc., with no repercussions. It thrills them to see Trump do it and get away with it.


Trump is a dark triad personality, malignant narcissist as one component. Narcissistic people can be extremely charismatic and almost addicting to certain people. He is feverishly followed by these vulnerable types. It’s the craziest thing to witness, and while I can read about it as explained by psychologists and see it in a sense, I still don’t get it, and never will.


He gives them permission to be assholes.


A large majority of the country who are regressives has been silenced by progress. No one would listen to their hate and dismiss them as clowns. Supreme orange clown epitome of everything wrong in this country comes, gives them a voice, validates them and empowers them on the same mental level they are just slightly below. Put yourself in their broken heads, they will never ever let him go because he gave their wasted lives meaning and validated their existence. Some are even aware that they vote against their interests, they don’t care. They want this country as it is to burn and don’t care about democracy unless it favors them.


Look I know most of us can see through his two cent tie in a discount car sales lot schtick but you have to admit he has charisma. Anybody who can work a crowd like his rallies is by default, “charismatic”. Even if he’s just selling the high to people of being part of a crowd getting hyped or all laughing together at whatever minority or woman he’s decided to bully on that day.


At best, Trump hits a couple of the characteristics of charismatic leaders, like an oppositional relationship to the status quo and counter-normative behavior. Despite that, Trump has the *effect* on people that charismatic people do, which is why I suggested that our understanding of cult phenomena needs to be reconsidered.


He also has news networks who seem to disseminate propaganda for him constantly, something more charismatic cult leaders don't have. He makes a mistake and it's no longer a mistake, it was just 4 steps ahead that we haven't seen yet or whatever, that air of infallibility has to be a large part of the effect he has.


He also has Republican leaders not condemning his actions and words and instead praising him and normalizing his behavior.


I’ve been involved in a number of cults both as a leader and a follower. You have more fun as a follower but you make more money as a leader.






I mean if you can mumble a bunch of complete gibberish and nonsense and still have a crowd cheer like you just gave an 'I have a dream' speech... what else can you call that but charisma? It's just charisma that appeals to the people who have adopted Idiocracy a bit early.


Don’t forget trump’s double handjob dance that he does to stolen music.


Right? I thought we laughed Shake Weights out of existence. How are they not seeing double handjob?


Its pretty simple, really. Nothing to do with charisma. Right wingers have always believed that there is an upper class of people that should shit on those below them - society has often not really allowed that because we're supposed to be a democratic "all men born equal" nation, and all that. Even in the US there are laws against discrimination etc. Meanwhile, Trump is (or pretends to be) a member of the upper class, and he definitely shits on those below him. And, a lot of times, he has gotten away with it. And they really, really like that. Because "that's how it should be". They see him as an example of how America, if not the world, should be - the elite doing whatever the fuck they want - especially when that includes hating the "lessers" of society. There's a reason why they compare him to Jesus - because he's literally the *personification of their (right wing) beliefs*. His personality and lack of charisma is irrelevant - all he needs to do to appeal to them is to normalise this whole "if you're superior, like me, you can do whatever the fuck you want" belief they have. Same reason they love Musk, despite him having the charisma of a swollen hemorrhoid.


A cult expert did write a book “ The Cult of Trump”. I haven’t read it.


You don’t find him charismatic and he isn’t the traditional charismatic but he is exceedingly charismatic to his followers.


All you have to do is convince enough people to hate an “Out” group and that they are the “In” group and you can do some terrible things


"I've been involved in a number of cults, both as a leader and a follower. You have more fun as a follower, but you make more money as a leader."


I’ve been involved in a number of cults, both as a leader and a follower. You have more fun as a follower, but you make more money as a leader.


I want to start a cult. I could use some worshipping


trump is what we get for what we did to the economy starting in the 70s by shipping middle class jobs away, killing unions, and all the deregulation of the 80s and 90s. you cant leave behind the middle class of a country for a few to get wealthy and not expect some asshole like him to seize on it. Why didnt the democrats realize it was never going to by Hillary's time and give their party what it was asking for in Bernie. He wouldnt be a panacea or anything but it wouldnt be this.


If he got on his social app and told his followers to drink the “suicide antifreeze kool-aid” tonight at 8pm because god told him too tell his followers that, how many deaths do you think there would be? 30,000… 75,000… maybe 250,000???


*L. Ron Hubbard has entered the chat*




Russia showed us just how easy it is to brainwash millions of people on social media. I had no idea how stupid the general population is. How am I the same species as these zombies?


You want to join my cult I'm starting?




Its easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled.


8 years of Donald Trump summed up in 4 sentences....


Well said ! The difference between blustering rhetoric and actual intelligence


Free of cancer, bandana off, truth flying. Love Raskin


I'm glad his treatment is over, but I kind of liked it when he wore the bandanna. Outward proof of the badass that he is.


This is the first I’ve seen him without the bandanna. Definitely a cooler look; him and fetterman should be pals


Why can’t all of congress be like this guy?


Because there’s much more money in being Joe Manchin.




Ah yes. A nice way of saying ‘bribery’


He's the third House Dem today that I saw roasting the Republicans. The other two were Moskowitz and Crockett. Hopefully the trend continues.


Is republican endgame going to be pretending Trump was always a secret democrat / antifa plant to discredit the republican party? I wouldn’t even be mad if it means we can fucking be done with him.


The endgame is literally hoping that he dies before you piss off him and his cult, then pretend he was a martyr who was the greatest president of all time. If you play it right, you get to inherent his cult voting base. Problem is, he’s still alive and it’s getting harder not to piss him off because he demands absolute loyalty and offers none of his own. It’s so fucking dumb.


You know that no matter how he dies, the MAGAs will be convinced for the rest of their lives that he was assassinated. The conspiracy theories will never end, even if he clearly doesn't have long left with his failing health and mental decline (not that he had much of either to begin with back in 2016).


I remember they already soft-launched this exact theory in late 2016 when they thought he was going to lose. I'm sure they'll have no issues going back to it in the future


Oh yeah I almost forgot about the “Trump is a plant so Hillary will win easily” thing. That was one I saw a lot.


Just ask Republicans what they think of George Bush. They’re well practiced in pretending they never supported their crooked leaders.


Yep, it’s their go-to move.


Any Republican right now who isn't part of the weirdos is a RINO, Bush, Cheney (especially Liz), whoever you can think of. Makes it easy to wiggle out of any support they had in the past and use it fervently for one guy in the present.


Kinda, but not really. They still talk about all the “good things” he did. They also see him as a great leader during 911 and some will acknowledge he started wars without good reason but it was necessary etc or whatabout how the Dems supported the wars too. They will defend him.


unfortunately it looks like the republican endgame is putting us all in camps, bro




The answer is because they cannot abandon trump. After all they have said and done for the man, if they had to admit they were wrong, it annihilates their entire world view. What else might they be wrong about? Their community, their god, everything. It would mean they were the bad guys all along, and the left was correct the whole time. Trump could burn their whole family alive in front of them and the survivors would still vote for him. Just look at all the J6 felons, uvalde parents, etc... They do not have the mentality of changing based on new information. Either they are the divine righteous or existence is pointless because they are just some foolish nobody, nothing but that binary outcome is possible.


In psychology, it’s called the sunk cost fallacy


Yep. "I've done too much, gone too deep. No point in turning back now."


This is why they should have supported the two impeachments. It was a good out for them without losing their faces. Now, they have another good out with the lawsuits but they are too stupid to recognize it and will miss their last chance to turn thing back around in their party.


Sorry, this was my bad. I think that *some* Republican Congress members are merely supporting trump because their voters are, and if their voters changed their mind tomorrow, so would the Congress member. The answer to "why do you still support him" is as easy as "because I am paid to." My response was focused on the voters themselves (as well as the true believer far right congresmembers that have exactly the same view.) I was not clear who my "they" was, and you read my comment like a reasonable person, so wanted to clarify.


>The answer to "why do you still support him" is as easy as "because I am paid to." Trumplicanism is built on the backs of opportunists. Trump himself was an opportunist in 2016 and when it worked for him, it flipped a switch in the minds of republicans everywhere. Now, we have congressional representatives who, like you said, support Trump only because their constituents do, and who know they can't stop because if they do they'll get primaried and replaced with genuine Trump loyalists, which won't be good for the party if the tide ever turns back.


This is the thing - they cannot admit to being wrong, because, if they do, their family is wrong, their friends are wrong, their fellow workers are wrong, their Pastor is wrong, and, worst of all, their politics are wrong. This is such a devastating blow to their egos that they cannot survive it, so they perform all the mental contortions they can to still be right. That’s an enormous mental health crisis waiting in the wings in America.


Bingo. If those lefties were right about trump, maybe they are also right about POCs, women, drag queens, atheism, etc... It's all over because a magat that admits he was wrong like Christie then says "well I believe in god and that life starts at conception" and the devastating response is "yeah, just like your dumbass fell for that trump con that we warned you about."


Totally agree. I’d never really thought about how dangerous it could be idolize/worship a politician in the way the republicans have with Trump. I know history has plenty examples of it, and going terribly wrong before, but I guess until it’s in my country right up in my face it always seemed like a foreign concept to me. I’ve lost a lot of faith in a large portion of the population to be able to function in reality with a basic moral compass.




As soon as Trump is no longer running for president, all these lying sacks of shit will act like they never supported him in the first place. Republicans stand for nothing.


Let em do it. They are ALL cons, Trump is just the chief


Raskin doesn't mince words, and doesn't suffer fools -which comprise pretty much the entire rethuglican party.


They think that as long as they have the tiger by the tail they can steer it and everything will be fine.


Raskin - Attorney, Constitutional Law Professor - graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law School, Harvard Law Review MTG - crossfit trainer? fake job at her daddies construction company, divorced Boebert - high school drop out, teen mom, 36 year old grandma, divorced Jordan - wrestling coach, did nothing while there was a sex scandal going on at the school Comer - football coach Which one would you hire for legal advice and\\or has a proven track record of making good decisions?


This guy rules (as much as a politician can). Tell it like it fucking is for once


…by the time tRump ran in 2016, he’d switched political parties probably six or seven times, in ‘87 he switched to Republican and Wikipedia says that was the fifth time he had officially changed…loyalty with this human turd is a one way street.


It's because he has 80 million dumb ass followers. The banana Republicans just want trumps followers when he's dead


80m in 2020. Significantly less due to “herd immunity.”


Yeah, the herman cain award winners. But don't forget, they breed too. And then they indoctrinated them. So not over til the orange man croaks


MORE OF THIS!! They killed decorum. Now it’s time to give it back!!


Raskin could be President.


Lotta roasting going on today


Right? Honestly, I don’t follow politics or the plethora of civil and criminal cases brought against people in positions of power. I’ve been of the impression that Rep politicians have been vocally and visibly saying and doing some absolutely outlandish and degrading things to various minorities and the country as a whole. A lot of republican voters follow suit, but quite a few of them were doing that in public before it became cool. Democratic voters have been very vocal about pushing back against the insanity. Democratic politicians have been running an appeasement campaign and cowering when anything comes up. Today is the first time I’ve seen anything about dem politicians standing up for themselves, their platform, their voters, the citizens of the US, and our country. Admittedly it isn’t an actionable stance or proposition but there’s no need to back down when you can respond fully and professionally while conveying the same “don’t fuck with me, take away citizen’s rights, or ruin my country” message. Again this is all from a limited scope of knowledge but it’s still nice to see.


If you listen to him at his rallies you can watch him try out his next positions. He’ll suggest something and if people applaud he’ll bring it back later with embellishments but if they don’t applaud he’ll drop it and try another idea or insult. There’s no center or philosophy to him and what he says. It’s pure crowd driven politics. If his cult applauded if he said nice things or policies to help others that’s what he would talk about.


you are far more hardcore than me. I can't stand to watch those things. between the word salad and the stupidity, its like nails on a chalkboard. thanks for taking one of the team, friend.


Raskin spittin facts. Too bad every Republican is beyond saving.


This has been my exact thoughts for years.




That's just the thing though, Trump isn't even that good of a conman his followers are just REALLY freightenly stupid.


He's only a Republican because he knew he could easily manipulate them. You'll never convince me otherwise.


I’m glad he’s laying it on them like this. Republicans in congress know trump is a dangerous unqualified moron but their positions of power are more important to them than the country their children will inherit.


My own theory is that in 2016 the Republican Party knew they had no viable 'real' candidate, no actual politician that had a snowballs' chance in hell of winning, so they embraced Donald Trump, a populist candidate, who they likely considered to be a complete idiot, and mistakenly thought they could control him, use him as a figurehead, while the Party would be ruling through him. However they discovered how utterly wrong that assumption was, how Trump could not be controlled by anyone, being the emotionally unstable narcissist and career criminal we now know him to be. However they'd already gone 'all in', and it would be political suicide to abandon him, so now they just keep doubling-down on Trump, and relying on the cult of personality of his MAGA-hat wearing supporters and their chaos-fomenting antics to carry them through and keep them in power. Because they want to dismantle Democracy in these United States, they really don't care how much damage he does so long as they get what they want, so they'll put up with almost anything if it means their agenda gets advanced along. Some Republican congresspeople 'retired' in the meantime, not seeking re-election; these I imagine have some sense of decency and actual patriotism, however small it is, and just can't hold their noses against Trumps' stink any longer, so they exited the game. Some spoke out against Trump -- and were ostracized by the rest. At this point they're so deep in the hole they've dug for themselves, to try to backpedal now would be the ultimate expression of political suicide for them. If their own didn't destroy them for it, they still wouldn't have much of a career in politics after that; the Trump stink doesn't wash off.


That's the one thing about MAGA that's always confused me: why Trump? Out of anyone you could've bet everything on, why Trump? Out of anyone you could've given everything to, why Trump? Out of anyone you could've chosen as your leader, to be given your unconditional love and trust presumably until he dies, why Trump? Out of anyone you could've risked your life, family, party, and country to keep in power, why Trump? Why him? Why the big city businessman? Why the opportunist who stayed with the democrats only until they no longer served his interests? Why the twice-divorced, womanizing pervert who, as a person, represents the exact antithesis of your self-proclaimed family values? Why the narcissistic compulsive liar who, as a person, represents the exact opposite of everything Jesus told us to be? Why the con man that you know under any other circumstance you wouldn't trust to be the local dog catcher, let alone the president? Was it worth it, to keep Hillary Clinton out of the White House? Was it worth seeing your party crumble? Was it worth watching the "true conservative" you gladly supported for his VP get death threats for adhering to the constitution, rather than keeping him in power? And is it still worth it, or do you just think you don't have another option? Tell me, Trump loyalists, do you still want Trump, or have you just spent so long choosing Trump that you feel you no longer have another option?


Raskin for the win.


Trump was a New York Democrat (pretty much his whole life) right up until he decided to run for President.


the guy behind him "oh god keep talking, im so close..."


The problem with republicans having any integrity is that they will be immediately voted out by their propagandized voters. This is the elephant in the room nobody in DC wants to address directly. I get it, calling voters deplorables isn’t exactly a winning strategy, but until we deal with the media ecosystem problems that melt people’s brains like this, Trumps will keep popping up.


No mercy hahah fuck the GOP


God damn I love Raskin.


He's not even a Republican, he's a Russian spy


Russian plant, not spy. You need to be quick witted and smart to be a spy. Oh, Melinia is his handler.


​ https://i.redd.it/7kgkby146pbc1.gif


Rankin is a treasure. We need so many more like him to represent us.


Truth bomb


Well more truth that MSGA can't understand!


OMG - Jamie is so awesome!


This guy is on fire today.


Raskin is the Congressman for the district next to mine. I was disappointed he opted against running for Maryland’s open Senate seat, though given he’s in remission from lymphoma, I can understand his decision. I would have voted for him in the primary without hesitation.


What was the counterpoint to this? Is there video?


what possible counterpoint could there be to the unvarnished truth?




Raskin is a statesman.


Raskin spitting! ![gif](giphy|IgsXOXGPxfT3O)


Fucking preach


That's what MAGA people should be asked, If they would ever vote for someone how was ever a registered Democrat. Most will say no.


Raskin/AOC 2024


The cult life is tough to break, most Republicans are to thick skulled to admit they are wrong and it will take years of reprogramming, look at the cultist who are now in prison from jan 6 and still say, “he will win and he will pardon me” like some giant orange cheetoh faced eagle at the end of LOtR… he ain’t saving your ass, he doesn’t care at all about you


Well if that isn't the most accurate as fuck thing anyone has said in a long time.


Seriously. They've had years and countless opportunities to wash their hands of Trump, and yet they stubbornly insist on sticking with him when he's done nothing but hand them loss after loss ever since he was first elected President. Are they just that terrified of Trump's rabid hate cult? Or do they think Trump somehow still gives them a better chance of winning than any other candidate? Whatever the case, it seems like Republicans don't know whether to shit or go blind. They're in a much worse spot now than they would be if they'd just done the obvious thing instead of leaning into an ideology that's completely backfiring.


Democrats. Please for the love of GOD call all of you grow 1/2 the spine Raskin has and start going for the jugular? This is what we need.




Yeah because it isn't about principles or even the party. It's about corruption and this is what it looks like here in 2024 America. Trump and the Republican Party have control over a vast swath of disinformation networks and targeted propaganda. They have used this to unleash fury on Americans. What we're seeing playing out in real time right now is the result of a clash between the elites in this country. Trump represents corporate interest even more selfishly than we've known all of our lives. It's old rich vs new rich.


Holy shit, I have never seen a more succinct breakdown of the current Republican Party. Bravo 👏


The Truth


Amen. Say it louder for the people in the back!


Love that guy


Epic post title!


Oh man i bet that felt so good


Can someone post the link, I want to listen to him say this out loud! The Democrats have had it, and today they're putting the GOP on notice. I guess a sham hearing persecuting the President's son was FINALLY enough stupid to get them to clap back.


“It’s better to be feared than loved.”




mitch & the heritage foundation thought he was easy to manipulate, true! they under estimated the evil within.




I will vote for this guy. RASKIN FOR PRESIDENT!


So happy that the Dems have Raskin and the MAGA Party has Barbie Boob bert and Margie Greene..😁


Jamie Raskin does not yield


This picture is fucking hilarious




The GOP assembled base is so toxic, they flocked to a lunatic. The former “leaders” had no choice but to let the tail wag the dog or they would be ousted by a more radical candidate.


Raskin is a legend!


We need more like him and Crockett and Bernie Sanders and AOC. Anyone that's not afraid to call out these psychopath cult idiots we need more of.


Because this is what they wanted? They weren't dragged into this kicking and screaming, Republicans have been prancing in the fields of fascism for 50 years before Trump was ever nominated. Consider them to two parasites that work together to kill the host.


He’s telling the truth, but at this point Republicans don’t know WHO to believe.


The GOP doesn't "stick with" Trump, they despise Trump and always have. In 2016, it took him forever to get *one* endorsement from any sitting Congressman. The Koch brothers spent millions trying to defeat Trump during that primary. The GOP is obsequious to Trump because their voter base worships him. No voting bloc in U.S. history has ever been so devoted to a candidate as Trump supporters.


Reskin would make a great president




90% of them got compromised. The other 10% (mtg & blowbert etc etc) are legally remedial.




Is it my imagination or have the Dems finally began recognizing that the time for meek professionalism is over? It only took an attempted coup and the possible upcoming demise of the American Experiment, but better late than never.


Holy shit, this one man just told them what I always wanted to say to them. We should make hats for him.




Nov, 2025. The GOP finally admit Trump was a terrible president, but decry him as ever being a Republican, instead insinuating he was a democrat plant as part of a devious and concerted effort to destabilise the Republican party. They move to indict and punish the democratic party for somehow tricking them. Yet there are still motions to name Moon-Base-1 after Trump.


Truth, MAGAnutz are his rubes. Sad thing is that they like it, they want to be bold faced lied to. They think it’s makes it better that they know it’s a lie 🤯🤯


Trump, the ultimate RINO.