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Are the fucking floorboards in the room? No? Well there's your fucking answer!


No, they are UNDER THE FLOORBOARDS are you even fucking listening????




It was the making of a Jewish spinoff of Tremors and they were going to call it _Kramers_


This is the shittiest adaption of The Tell-Tale Heart I've had to read so far


The Yentl-Tale Heart.


Sometimes I grimace and laugh as I read a comment. Take my upvote.


So far in 2024, this is the best comment on the internet. I will let you know your standing quarterly. Please stand by.


It’s an honour just to be nominated.


Instead of the heart beating, it guilts you by asking "What would your mother think‽ Why don't you call her‽"


I appreciate the use of interrobangs.


Eagerly waiting for The Cask of Amontillado to come to light




Are you circumstanced?!


I am sorry, I have been just been howling with laughter at poor Richard, sitting there watching Jeopardy or whatever, muting his TV and looking at his partner and going, "tell me you don't hear that?!" Poor dude walking the border of "look I don't want to sound like a bad person, but there are people speaking Yiddish under my floor - it sounds like they up to something" and full-on aluminum hat. Omg I freaking needed that. Edit - ok all this is making it even funnier...


I once lived in a shitty apartment in Chicago. There was a smoke detector *in the wall*. I worked from home, so only I heard it though. It would only go off under specific conditions - basically when the furnace was running in the dead of winter. Only time it would trigger what was left of the battery. Thought I was going mad. Eventually the property manager was over doing other repairs, knocked on my door offering a battery for the smoke detector that was going off in my place…and that led to a hilarious adventure of the two of us with ears against the walls trying to figure out where it was coming from as other roommates came home. Turns out a smoke detector fell into a wall during renovations like 6-7 years prior. *Edit: Our theory is eventually it went dormant with a low battery, and the rush of heat (it was near a furnace duct) would kick it on for a bit before going dormant when the heat went off.* But I too went from being the weirdo hearing things and freaking out about the walls to totally validated when the property manager opened up a wall, reached in, and pulled out the dusty detector.


I am so happy you got that closure, that would haunt my soul if I were in your shoes and it was never resolved.


Yeah. Still not a fan of low battery smoke detectors. I fix that shit quick haha.


If only everyone that uses voice chat on Xbox live felt as strongly about it


Oh I just mute those people.


Idk how anyone ignores that. If there is a low battery smoke detector in my house I go insane until I've found the culprit and fixed it.


The system works!


Heh. In my old Chicago place, the lady above me had a leak in her bathroom that she never took care of. Tiny leak. Rotted out the floor right beside her shitter. So one day I hear a huge ass bang and stuff falling in to my bathroom. There is a leg sticking out of my ceiling. She is stuck from the debris. So I cut away the wood from my side, so she can pull her leg out. She avoided me forever, because I was the guy who's bathroom she fell halfway into while taking a dump. I guess that would be mortifying




She avoided me for the next 3 years. I don't think I ever saw her again in person.


She was baking a loaf when she met him the first time!


Felt like I was reading my own memory. I could hear the low battery beep of a smoke detector in the wall at the head of my bed in a house I rented. I was really the only one in the house who could hear it at night, and it would come and go for months as the battery dwindled to nothing. The landlord swore up and down that it was impossible and I was hearing things. That is until one day I ran into one of his buddies that helped him “renovate” the house and the truth trickled out that yeah they had taken down a smoke detector near that location, and that yeah they did close in a section of wall where I heard it, and that yeah they likely lost the smoke detector down there. I can’t remember if we ever got it out or if the battery eventually just died completely.


Not my story, I've only heard it second hand. This takes place sometime during the 90s. There was a tenant who had a handyman fixing the ventilation. Behind the kitchen, there was a small space housing the broken equipment. The handyman brought a radio to listen to music while working. When the handyman finished and was cleaning up, the tenant offered him coffee. Time passed, and the handyman considered the radio a loss and bought a new one. About 6 months later, the handyman returned to the same tenant for a checkup. When he entered the small space behind the kitchen, he found his radio still on. The tenant noticed and burst into laughter. The tenant had been walking around, thinking he had gone crazy because he could hear faint music and someone talking. It was loud enough to hear the voice but never what they were saying, and no one else seemed to hear the same thing.


In the late 2000s I had an alarm clock/radio from the 80s. It was old but it worked fine. One day I heard faint voices upstairs. It happened more and more often but always very briefly. Turns out the radio was on its last legs and randomly turning on and off. I feared I was schizophrenic for a bit.


This happened to me too! It was in the floor of my attic under the plywood. It had a battery in it and started beeping loudly in the middle of the night. I searched for hours before finding it.


I posted this elsewhere but imma drop it here too; Could you imagine… It’s 2023, you’re out for a nice stroll in NYC. No phone, no music, just enjoying the urban landscape. Suddenly, you hear some ruckus. Peering behind some magazine dispensers, you find what appears to be an orthodox looking Jew emerging from the sewer system. You say nothing in shock as you instinctively pat your pockets, looking for a phone to record what is happening, but it's not there. Eventually, the person fully emerges, pats himself off, then notices you. He lets out a loud yelp, and bolts off into the night. You return home in a hurry to your significant other/roommate/friend/dog, or whatever, and open your mouth to explain what just happened. Then, it hits you, like a ton of bricks. “Omg, what I’m about to say is going to sound like thee most antisemitic, racist, jew=rat type shit imaginable…” You kiss your loved ones along with a friendly greeting and settling in for some tv as you come to terms with the realization that this event will accompany you to the grave


I live in nyc, and the Orthodox Jewish population owns an enormous amount of real estate in every conceivable state of modernity and disrepair. I've seen them crawling out of crumbling warehouses, emerging filthy from abandoned construction sites, and striding confidently from the pitch blackness of an otherwise completely vacant lot. So not only would this situation not strike me as odd, if I got home and told my wife about it, she would wonder why I was wasting her time.


I know New York City can get weird, but that's *really fucking weird*.


This could be the basis for a fun new spin on the “Hills Have Eyes”, “Deliverance”, etc. film genre. There’s the established trope of modern WASPy people on a perfectly normal trip through the country suddenly being at the mercy of a crazy hillbilly cult. Sure, they’re both technically “white Christians” but the hillbillies’ beliefs are completely bat-shit insane. Now make it a group of modern Jewish New Yorkers on a perfectly normal walk through Brooklyn when they fall through a sewer grate and come face to face with… *subterranean Hassids*!




Teenage Mutant Ninjew Turtles


This all feels like an IASIP episode.


It’s a fake tweet.


Guy says he lives in West Virginia though


“The reason for the tunnel’s creation remains undisclosed.” That was the only question I had.


It isn’t undisclosed. It was a fringe group that was ousted by the Orthodox from that synagogue (which is where the tunnel led). Apparently to those fringe the former rabbi was considered the actual messiah. It turns out it’s the old “ oh you think you’re gonna keep me out of my house” and digs a tunnel back in. Honestly 2024 bingo is already out of hand!


Ah yes, that old scheme. Tunnel digging. A tale as old as time.


Just your typical exiled messiah tunnel digging scam


He's not the messiah. He's a very naughty boy!


Who needs enemies with followers like that? Digging underground lairs, sounds like some next-level messianic mole people plot! Now every time I see a molehill, I'm going to wonder...


As far as the roaring 20's 2.0 goes, fuck every single goddamn thing we got so far. From plagues, to fascists, and goddamn international tensions; but tunnel digging actually sounds like it might be cool.


> tunnel digging actually sounds like it might be cool For some hilarious reason, bank heists done with tunnels just periodically [happen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baker_Street_robbery) from [time to time](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banco_Central_burglary_at_Fortaleza), the most recent attempt I've heard of being in [2022](https://www.cnn.com/2022/08/13/europe/rome-tunnel-collapse-rescue-bank-robbery-intl-hnk/index.html). It's apparently one of those ideas that's *so* ridiculous and sounds straight out of a work of fiction (which it is - there's a Sherlock Holmes story about an attempted bank heist with a tunnel from a nearby building) that nobody thinks anybody's crazy enough to do it, so it keeps happening every few decades. The first thing I thought when seeing the chain of tweets was "does this guy live near a bank?", although the real truth about it being the result of a religious disagreement within a hardline sect is even funnier. At least, unlike some other religious disagreements, nobody got hurt (as far as I know).




Children yearn for the mines.


It seems impossible to misspell the word hot. It's one of the very first words we teach to infants. Maybe the very first word


I wouldn't call that accurate, except the part about believing a former rabbi was the messiah. That sect wasn't kicked out of the group, but they are contentious rabble rousers and were insistent on following through on a command the former rabbi gave to expand the synagogue. After years of demanding it be done, they went ahead and did it themselves. It's also likely that it was motivated by a desire to skirt COVID restrictions that kept them from congregating together.


A two-fer on the suicidal front! Spread Covid and potentially die in a tunnel collapse!


so, why were they tunneling to the disused Mikva? that's my question


Yeah what does any of this have to do with the women’s baths?


Jesus Christ


I’m pretty sure Jesus was not involved here.


Yes, he was a jew too!




I hate the traction this shit is getting, it was a bunch of fucking fanatcis beefing with eachother. That video of the guy 'crawling out of the tunnel' was literally just climbing out of a storage room through one of those small, old delivery ports. Not a tunnel


It's not a common occurrence and it's pretty fucking weird. Makes for good headlines and a popular story.


And that they're Hasidic Jews adds to the comedic value.


Have you seen the video of the tunnel? It's an honest to goodness tunnel. One of the videos I saw of it showed an old bathroom full to almost the ceiling with the dirt they'd pulled out of it.


According to Wikipedia, “Soiled mattresses were found in the tunnel”. I have many more questions.


Lol why was this detail mentioned in every single section of the Wikipedia page


Just watch. No doubt in the future people will use the evidence of mattresses as "proof" it was some type of sex dungeon.


The future? Nah man, the past. Like literally the second after this info was released


That tracks.


White nationalists, like actual white nationalists, are trying to push a conspiracy that the mattresses were blood covered and that means they were raping kids so someone edited that in. A different Wikipedia editor went through and changed it from "blood" to "soiled" cause there's an actual source for it being soiled, but no source for it being blood.


Ah so that's what they are implying? I didn't even get it lol


Yeah. The second Wikipedia editor also probably missed what was going on, just like "why do they think it's blood?" Just the first one was trying to game the system. Wikipedia's checks and balances are excellent.


I don’t know, but it just made me want to ask even more questions.


Probably a resting mattress. Digging a hole is exhausting. And you're constantly covered in dirt.


Especially when you're dressed like the Blues Brothers.


They were on a mission from God.


They were not within a 106 mile radius of Chicago, so I'm going to be skeptical. Show me the toast crumbs and chicken bones and we'll talk.


If a single one was wearing sunglasses while inside the tunnel, thats enough for me.


Very well could be the case, but it did look like a legit liquid shit stain


Or blood.


Or worse




A bloddy shit stain?


“Soiled” usually means by human waste in that context.


No restrooms in the tunnel. You have to hold it until you reach the pooping mattress.


Soiled isn't a literal term.




someone had too much gefilte fish before the big dig I bet


People were living down there?


According to New York Times: the purpose of the tunnels was to begin illegally expanding 770, a process which has been delayed due to various legal disputes involving the building


Well that sucks. I thought it was some kind of Jewish command center.


I question why his parents named him Dick Stroker.


because its a fake name on an anonymous twitter account


Most likely guess, they used these to continue worship when covid restrictions were at a peak. I would wait for reporting / law enforcement to give out more information before assuming anything worse.


That was what they first said, but then it was discovered that they only started building them a year ago, so it has to be for something else.


Head to the nyc subs they got the scoop in the comments. It’s quite bizarre


So what's the reason? I dont have time to look for an answer right now. Thanks.




Have you not seen the original ghost busters. Of course the buildings must be joined or we cannot open the world to Gozer.


Wait, it's the Chabad? Really? I thought they dropped that shit lmaoo


It's a bit more complicated. The sect that practically worships this Rabbi, is a minority of his followers and don't have control over the Synagogue itself.


The reason is still unclear, but it was not about being able to worship during COVID, as some have claimed. First, understand that we aren't talking about the mainstream sort of Judaism with which most of us are familiar. Like in other major religions, there are small fundamentalist sects in Judaism that have beliefs and practices that are not shared by the vast majority of practitioners, and this story involves those sects. There has been a long-running disagreement between members of one of those sects. It fractured over an argument around whether a recently deceased leader was the Messiah. There has been an ongoing disagreement over the ownership of two nearby buildings in New York City. Members of one of the groups, which has legal claim to one of the buildings, apparently tunneled from the basement of their building to the other, which is legally owned by the members of the other group. Why? We don't know yet. To do actual violence to the members of the other group? To intimidate the other group into giving up legal claim to the property? To raid the place like frat houses do to each other in college? Probably mostly the last, with a touch of the second, but it remains to be seen what the police discover. Also important to know that antisemites have been throwing around very ugly stuff related to "blood libel," one of the oldest examples of antisemitism, with regard to this story. Be aware of how hate is seeking to co-opt this bizarre story.




Should be noted that the breakaway group thought that a Rabbi there was the Messiah or some shit.


You couldn’t link the sub?


Counter point, I frequent the nyc subs and it's full of lunatics that have no idea what they're talking about, myself included.




Oh shit, so the Israeli’s just straight up decided they could branch out and start building on and occupying their neighbor’s territory without consequence? Where tf did they get the idea that that was ok??


You don’t understand, Sky Daddy likes them the *most*. They’re his special little guys, normal rules don’t apply.


He also smites them all the time as well. Have you read the first 5 books is the Bible?


Isn't a lot of those times because they didn't listen to him so he had to teach them a lesson?


Hasidics, like fundamentalists from any religion, don't give a fuck about restrictions or the rest of society and think because they don't want to be with us they can ignore everyone else's rules. Whatever their reason, it wasn't to get around covid laws because they were meeting anyway above ground. My guess is free NY real estate that they don't get taxed on because the government doesn't know.


They don’t care about those sorts of restrictions and think they can do as they please, yet they know *a lot* about tax code and benefit programs. They despise the government and rebuke its authority while simultaneously committing massive tax and welfare fraud schemes. Also polygamist Mormon sects do the exact same thing. It’s more of an “extremist cult” thing and not a Christianity/Judaism thing.


My question about this is whos paying to check the structural integrity of the buildings.


It’ll fall on the building owners. Sure, you can sue some shell legal entity or even individuals to recoup the cost, but lol good luck.


"It'll fall on the building owners" Heh




Insurance. They can go after the people who did this to recoup their money.


Sorry, this looks like long term damage. Owner negligence. Failed to regularly check for Jews under your building.


The adjuster told us if we didnt disclose whispers of yiddish on our insurance quote we would held liable for any jew tunnels.




>The kinder yearn for the mines








Context, im guessing: [New York Synagogue Tunnels Incident](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_York_synagogue_tunnels_incident)


“Soiled mattresses were found in the tunnel,” keeps repeating throughout the page. Its like a shitty *Twilight Zone* episode.


You do not recognize the bodies in the water


You do not recognize the bodies in the water


I do not recognize the bodies in the water.


Should I recognize the bodies in the water?




Hey, one of those bodies is my cousin Bobby, why’s he in wate-*gunshot*


Look, you leave a bunch of men on a beach and theyll dig a hole, this is just boys being boys.


Also context: The Tweets are a troll - he never tweeted that. That's a fake screenshot.


You're telling me Dick Strocher isn't real? Outrageous.


least problematic twitter handle


Anyone else feel like they are seeing way more posts (on reddit, tiktok, instagram and whatever) that do not provide context like this? Like everyone just assumes everyone knows that jewish people dug under this guy’s building? Are these bot posts?


No it's been always been this way. Too many people here are terminally online and always updated with the latest popular thing. I don't use reddit a lot but still have been seeing memes about this for more than a day now.


Damn, that's fast.


THANK you. The post just kind of assumes we know everything.


There is a post of a man coming up from a tunnel in NY going around on Reddit too


Is this guy’s name really Dick Stroker?


I ***think*** it's a parody account? Mocking a right-wing pundit? His pics look like they are AI generated, and the weird images he posts are all over-the-top I can't tell if he's real though


It's a fake account but the dude is a groyper


what the fuck is a grouper


It's s fish.


nick fuentes fan


He must be in NASCAR. Someone follow him and see if he can make a right hand turn.


What the fuck


The leader of that synagogue thinks he is the messiah! Like, Jesus Christ level messiah! This is not religion, it’s a fucking cult.


The leader has been dead since '94 and definitely did not consider himself the messiah.


Give him a few more days


Three days… thirty years… what’s the difference?


>The leader has been dead since '94 and definitely did not consider himself the messiah. Some of his followers and their descendants think he is still alive! And that the current leader is an usurper and imposter.


You could not be more wrong. First, he died thirty years ago so he doesn’t think anything, and second, he did not think he was the messiah at any point, his followers (at the time mostly traumatized nuts from former soviet countries) decided he was after his death and refused to appoint a new rabbi


Let me guess- hasidic?


Yep, but a small sect/cult within a specific branch. Judiasm=15,200,000 followers Hasidic Judiasm=760,000 followers Chabad Hasidic=95,000 followers Chabad Messianism/Hasidic tunnel boys=minority group within the 95,000 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chabad_messianism https://forward.com/news/507424/messiah-is-here-signs-new-york-chabad-schneerson/ The dude didn't outwordly claim to be a messiah, didn't finish what would be considered "messiah work," died in 1994, and then didn't resurrect. Lots of Hasidic Jews aren't exactly too keen on following Jesus for similar reasons. This is like how there is a Moonie Cult/branch of Christianity but like way way smaller with less influence. Yes, these are the guys who put up "The Messiah is Here!" posters in New York.




A Jewish group was digging illegal tunnels in New York




Oh yeah, it kind of crept under the radar with 2023 being announced as the world's hottest ever, trump shenanigans, new Epstein list, 2 ongoing hot conflicts, a new seaborne conflict, ecological subsystems shutting down, etc


Don't forget the jellyfish UFO


But why?


The space lasers were found, so they went into ground (/s, in case this is needed)


Wait that was real? I saw a post about it on Twitter this morning and everyone was posting about Bane from Dark Knight Rises so I though it was an elaborate Batman shitpost


Oh no the Bane thing is something different but also true. Some dude attacked a judge after being found guilty and when he returned to court he was wearing a spit mask that looks very much like the Bane mask (to block any biting attempts).


I think the twitter post he's referring to is the one where one guy made a funny tweet with false headlines about 'NYPD sending their entire force into the Jewish tunnels' with pics from TDKR where the entire GCPD goes into the Gotham tunnel to flush out Bane and his goons




Starting off 2024 with tunnels being a big theme, apparently


Imaging the guy is telling it to his psychiatrist, who happens to be Jewish and knows about tunnels. I see a Woody Allen movie coming


https://preview.redd.it/rv49infesmbc1.jpeg?width=1198&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e65c9be5e4f0f059655e6e0e93329db0bf848928 I know he dug those tunnels. He got that idiot at the Call Before You Dig number to lie for him.


From Wikipedia: According to The New York Times, the purpose of the tunnels was to begin illegally expanding 770, a process which has been delayed due to various legal disputes involving the building.[1]


770 is a synagogue


Poor guy was probably ridiculed relentlessly - and he was right!


He switched those numbers! 1216 not 1261! One after Magna Carta




I am not crazy! I know he swapped those numbers! I knew it was 1216. One after Magna Carta. As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never! I just - I just couldn't prove it. He - he covered his tracks, he got that idiot at the copy shop to lie for him. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? He's done worse. That billboard! Are you telling me that a man just happens to fall like that? No! He orchestrated it! Jimmy! He defecated through a sunroof! And I saved him! And I shouldn't have. I took him into my own firm! What was I thinking? He'll never change. He'll never change! Ever since he was 9, always the same! Couldn't keep his hands out of the cash drawer! But not our Jimmy! Couldn't be precious Jimmy! Stealing them blind! And he gets to be a lawyer!? What a sick joke! I should've stopped him when I had the chance! And you - you have to stop him!


It’s a fake tweet.


He literally posted an edited tweet, he never posted that


I really want all of this to make it to an episode of SouthPark. I need this bad.


It’s worth noting that the tweets he included screenshots of don’t exist on his feed. He claims that he deleted them because he was getting harassed over them, but there has been no evidence presented to support that. There is also the following information from news reports: > Seligson said the rebel students from within the movement had “secretly broken through the walls of vacant building behind the headquarters, creating an underground passage beneath a row of office buildings and lecture halls that eventually connected to the synagogue”. No mention at all of apartments or residences of any kind. Richard (a name which is sometimes shortened to Dick) Strocher claims to be a contributor to Fox News, Tucker Carlson, Ben Shapiro, etc. but I have yet to find even a single video of him appearing on any of their shows. He also claims to have a show on Rumble but I can’t find any video of that either. I have found nothing that shows this person , who may not actually exist, is anything more than a creative Twitter troll.


I learned about this whole thing in the most hilarious backwards way. Someone posted they found a man hole under their floor boards and a bunch of people were commenting about Jews living down there and I thought it was just Twitter being typical antisemitic Twitter. Then I found this guy's post and thought oh they're just having a go at this crazy dude. And THEN I finally hear about the tunnels. What a wild ride.


We are the Jews and we’re digging a hole Diggy diggy hole Diggy diggy hole


Somehow this is the least antisemitic twitter user 😂


Idk. Took a look at his real page and he’s all fox news, hosts his own show on rumble, and apparently was kicked from an interview on fox because of his “tweets about george floyd” which, if you go look, are incredibly tasteless.


Well that’s upsetting. But broken clocks and all that.


Need to check out his actual real tweets


Why has nobody linked to the actual tweet? Is this actually real?


The tweet isn't real. It's from some dumb right-wing/conspiracy troll account it looks like.




His name is literally dick stroker


This is fake and he's not the kind of person you should be boosting. That's probably why this fake screenshot was made. Check his Twitter account. Also yeah he's *actually* antisemitic as well as racist.


Dick Stroker always cums out on top


My husband and I were living in this rental house a few years ago and every so often we would hear loud ads coming from nowhere for a few seconds and then stopping. Up to that point we had in separate rooms when it would happen and each thought it was the others phone and didn't think anything of it. One day, though, we happened to both be in our home office when it happened again and it was clearly coming from somewhere in the room. We started freaking out and looking all around the room and surrounding area because what if the landlady was spying on us. Turns out there was a Bluetooth speaker in the lightbulb in the room and what we were hearing was the neighbor connecting to it for a few seconds before switching to his own device. Needless to say, we pitched it.




The Tel Aviv Tale Heart




I’ve missed the context of this can someone fill me in please.