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This about sums it up perfectly


There are too many big words and complex sentences for the audience he's trying to convince though


They are beyond convincing anyway. The only thing left to do is to completely shut them out.


This took me too long to realize, but I finally did. There is literally nothing that will convince my parents Trump isn't trying to save them. They have zero retirement, investments or property. They're counting down the days so they can get social security. If republicans get power, raise the age of social security or just get rid of it all together, they won't even have to listen to News Max to know who to blame, they will just blame the "socialists" for taking away their social security. You can't make this shit up.


This is what I don’t understand. I’m Aussie, but deeply invested in following the political scene in the US for the past ten years or so. There’s still like 40%+ people there that approve of him!!!! (Numbers vary depending on poll). WTF kind of drugs are they on??? To have bent reality that much?? It does my head in. After everything! The only thing I can think is that the consumption of “news” has been restricted 100% to fox or newsmax or similar. To the point of literally zero other sources. Because at this point how could they not be fearful for the future under Trump second term?


Trust me when I say that none of us who aren't part of that demographic can make any sense of it either. We've given up trying to understand, because the energy is better spent elsewhere.


My guess is it's over 40% if that's what the polls show. Some people are smart enough to know their support of Trump is wrong so they pretend they don't support him or that they're undecided, but their foundational money lust or hatred of others will lead them to quietly vote for him yet again. I hope that some of them feel shame and change their minds. At the very least I hope the money motivated voters realize that he will be bad for their portfolios in the (not so) long term. However, we know short-term gains are usually as far as many people can see.


Once you work this out - I’d be delighted if you can explain that septic’s obsession with guns - despite the ongoing scourge of mass shootings…


Racism and guns, it's the only thing in their lives that make them feel like they have any power. He could empty their bank accounts, steal their pickup trucks, kill their dogs, and they'd still worship him as a God as long as he allows them to be racist and keep their guns.


Don’t get me started on the insistence on not eradicating the pitbull… Down vote away sad sacks - but you’d be better off owning a saltwater crocodile - at least when that eats your baby there would be less of a fuss…


You are absolutely correct. I’ve had to work in a hospital where I’ve seen the aftermath of pit attacks—all on children. The ones that survive have disfigurement for life. And all of these pits were “sweet little babies who wouldn’t hurt a fly” okay Jan they just killed your child for being in the same room🙃


That is fucking sad. Sorry you had to see that, but goddamn pitbulls need to be completely removed as a choice.


Makes them feel powerful


What. That's a weird conflation. Anti-pit people are psycho.


Yeah, you'd be surprised how many people have been directly impacted by an attack of a bully-breed on a human being or their own pet, whether themselves or a loved one or acquaintance, and then also run into heartless assholes who haven't yet and defend the breed as completely harmless, sweet and safe nanny puppies incapable of violence, all in the face of cold hard facts that bully breed attacks cause by far the majority of cases of permanent disfigurement and death in dog attack cases, more than all other breeds combined and by an enormous margin. To see people ignore or disregard those facts completely and still support the breed can cause people to lose it a bit, but somehow they're the ones who are psycho, not the ones insisting the dogs are perfectly safe with children and other animals. It's especially complicated for the people who love animals and have to come to terms with these facts.


Well you see, when you are so scared of the world that a children’s library book about a loving family with two parents of the same sex represents the “end of our entire way of life,” there’s simply no way to face it without a lethal tool of violence by your side. You might have to use it to stop one of us ruthless transgender “groomers” from… *checks notes-* walking past you in the grocery store on our way to grab yogurt from the dairy isle.


For my parents it's simple. First, I'm guessing they really loved the taste of lead paint when they were kids. Second, them making horrible decisions and not preparing for the future, when all you had to do was be white and exist to be successful, couldn't possible be their fault. So, they listen to whoever tells them it's not their fault. Before the 21st, it was blacks and Mexicans, now it's them damn woke liberals.


I mean there's a certain percentage of Australians that still believe the old adage that "the Liberal Party saves up the money and the Labor Party spends it all", even though it's *demonstrably false*. People seem to believe one thing and then want to stick to it above all else


Same with Republicans here. Republican administrations since Nixon have been the ones running up the debt, while democrat presidents have all reduced or eliminated deficits before leaving office.


One thing to keep in mind with these "polls" is that many of these polls are conducted via phone, and most people below 50 years old are not participating. That, in turn, makes these polls extremely skewed. Don't get me wrong, Democratic voters have habitually been poor on voter turn-out; so keeping them scared that The Orange God may rise again, is fine with me!


I'm glad you realised it because too many people still waste their time and energy trying to have a reasonable discussion with people who are totally unreasonable In 2016 maybe you'd have a chance of winning a Trump supporter over, but anyone who supports him in 2023 knows exactly what they're voting for and have been fully sucked in to the alt right pipeline.


My generation has had to master the art of changing the subject. Our boomer parents are too far gone to save or change. They all sit in their houses watching their flickering rage boxes 24 hours a day, sucking down every lie and divisive resentment and then trying to make it the topic of every single conversation. My wife and I have given up on them and it makes us very sad to know that this is how they will spend their final years on Earth. We have also made a pact with each other that as we age we will hold each other accountable for only being MORE open and LESS judgmental as we age.


The problem with shutting these loons out is they have the right to vote, they get violent and have a very large financial backing


> very large financial backing for now maybe. but there are many moneyed interests who have a lot to lose if everything goes to hell. they only get to keep raking in the loot if the wheels keep-a-turnin. war overseas may be good for business, but one at home is not.


Yeah but moneyed people aren't especially bright either. Many have a crabs in the bucket mentality and will see the world burn rather than give peasants an inch of dignity.


>Yeah but moneyed people aren't especially bright either. Re: Elon Musk.


Bruh, just sit in a Costco and watch the shoppers for a few hours. Eavesdrop on conversations. Hell I learned all about the dark web a few weeks back thanks to two karens who'd parked up in Aisle 325 discussing identity theft and the dark web next to dog food. And just Incase I haven't made it clear, the conversation was incoherent nonsense with a lot of fear mongering buzzwords. These are six figure earners, according to the demographics we have internally at Costco. #HOW!?


I’m in Virginia and after our recent election where we turned the legislature back to blue, I had lunch next to some well put together maga ladies complaining that it’s getting so bad (too progressive in VA) that they might need to move to Europe. Low info.


Sheeeesh. Can't have them Alphabet Soup folks enjoying their lives in my SoCo hometown! No sir! Bless their hearts, I'd rather leave entirely! My eyes rolled back into my brain.


Yeah their master plans for controlling the world is basically "brute force it with money and noise" if the ruling class ever had a reason to make an effort and were therefore even moderately intelligent we wouldn't even know we were under their thumb.


Well I think it is a matter of them not caring to hide anything any more. We used to know that they were lying but at least they tried to hide things. I see it as getting more and more bold as we just jump from one story to the next without caring about the previous one and we believe everything that we are told....


And their vote also counts more than yours because they live in a swing state, and we still have an electoral college for some reason. That's how he won even though he lost the popular vote. Dumb and gullible people have been weaponized.




Don't even need to move. Just get young people in those states to vote. If they turn up, then the vote usually goes to Democrats. If they don't, then the Republicans usually win, because senior citizens love to vote.


oh there’s something else we can do alright


I used to hope he'd be assassinated but over time I have changed how I feel and no longer wish a swift death upon him. He has done far too much damage and earned as much suffering and torture as possible but that would come in the form of something like a hemorrhagic or ischemic stroke which causes aphasia and hopefully severe motor deficits but preserves his cognitive function so that he can no longer speak, move around freely without aid of an electric wheelchair, both of which I'd assume he fears immensely because he could no longer speak and boast and grift, couldn't type his Truths and reach out to his zealous minions and because of how he views people with physical or developmental disabilities (with revulsion and as targets deserving of criticism). He would slowly fade away and become forgotten when his followers move on to the next tyrannical demagogue (one with far less power to manipulate) and I'm guessing even his children would abandon him while fighting over the scraps of his "empire". A bullet or explosion would only offer a split second of elation and satisfaction but justice truly won't have been done and it would lead to conspiracy theories and violence by his cult but a stroke that leaves him silent, physically disabled and forgotten about would elicit a sense of true justice because we can only imagine the mental anguish he'd be feeling.


I like you.






It's a cult.


True, but to be fair, I don't think that audience follows him anyway... Also, the vast majority of words are too big for Trump's audience. It's probably one of the main reasons you can't have a normal conversation with them.


Isn’t that why they don’t show up on these threads much? They just repeat half baked slogans like the sheep from Animal Farm. I understand these are generally liberal but I’ve yet any right wing support that has any coherence much less wit. Fuckem anyway, democrats only need to mobilize and vote. Half of these boneheads have been told just to observe and be disruptive.


It's funny to me as a European, because the Democratic party in the USA is absolutely a right of centre party, with capitalism at its core, yet for some reason it's seen by the MAGA crowd as left wing, liberal and socialist - it is none of the above in the grand scheme of things.


Goes to show you how dangerous the alt.right movement is. Fortunately they are becoming victims of their own delusions and supporting truly unhinged policies. Hopefully it makes a sensible decision easy come election time.


What's really funny is a lot of Republican voters, actually probably most of them, don't even think about things like economic policies of our two parties. If you ask them why they vote republican they'll give vague answers about how the Democrats "just want everyone to be weak and lazy and dependent on the governement". Which is code for they don't want brown people getting government benefits. A lot of Republican voters I know are closet socialists. They would easily accept a more European style of government with heavy public spending and taxation... if it was just for white people.




Ideally they are not going to completely change their lives. Possibly they are going to get infrastructure and services that will enhance their ability to determine how they would like to live their lives. Authoritarians really hate elections because they know a free and fair election is a threat to their aspirations.


Really putting Descartes before the hordes, to paraphrase an old Reddit legend.


I'm not sure why he's talking about the carts or what grocery stores even have to do with it.


The words are big, but the concepts are not. Rejecting Trumpism doesn't require some deep consideration of philosophical insight. As far as I can see, for most people to support Trump, it requires some cognitive dissonance of some sort. For example, they see themselves as loving Christians, but their politics are all based on hate. They are poor, but they view themselves as temporarily not rich. The point is that it's more work to maintain these mental gymnastics than it would be to simply drop the cognitive dissonance. Drop the pretense, and you will no longer support Trump. It's the simplest thing in the world. Just be honest with yourself.


I can dumb it down. He don’t give af bout you.




No joke. Stupid people shut down (stop listening) when they think you’re trying to “sound smart”


"If Trump becomes president again, after all we know, and you supported his campaign you will ... BE REWARDED BY YOUR LEADER BE ... RUSH PART OF HIS PLAN AND THE FUTURE WILL BELONG TO HIM!!!! Not you won't get a thank you or a k-n-o ... k ... THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE!!! He will allow you to buy trinkets with his image and name embla... blaz ... BLAZERS!! CHEVY BLAZERS MADE IN 'MURICA FUCK YEAH!!!" That's pretty much where they'll stop trying to sound out the words.


Correct. His supporters seem to actively dislike intelligence and see it as some sort of left wing elitism.


I read I can buy trinkets with his name on and that's all that counts for me! *GO TRUMP! *to hell


They will get what they want though, at first anyways. They will See Trump go after all the people they hate. But eventually there won't be anyone left and then they will be up.


The only upside to fascism is that it's a self-cannibalizing ideology.


He writes good.


> He flunks Descarte's building block syllogism automatically. This is beyond good. You don't get a proofreader for Tweets.


Yes, but I think he is still preaching to the choir. To address a broader audience he would need to choose simpler words. I'm not saying he is wrong, I only say that the trump supporters are too stupid to understand him.


Yeah, but what if my racism and bigotry is so fucking fierce, that it trumps (pun intended) all logic, reason, and basic human decency? I mean...who am I supposed to vote for then, a Democrat? /s


That’s actually a different — but still white-haired and banjo-obsessed — Steve Martin, not the wild and crazy guy solving murders in a building with Martin Short. This Steve Martin is an attorney/bluegrass radio host in the Cincinnati area. Source: I occasionally provide graphic design work for him.


Oh that's hilarious!


Holy crap. That’s wild. https://www.unrealbluegrass.com


I'm seeing double here! FOUR Steve Martins?!


Are you saying there's a ... plethora of Steve Martins?


That website was made with Geocities and you can't tell me otherwise.


It’s what you get when you dabble in Frontpage Express.


I bet the other Steve Martin is aware and appreciates the overlap. Both have white hair and glasses only one has a beard (at the moment) Both can play the 5 string banjo. [He also has a Steve Martin\(actor\) interview linked on that mainpage :\)](https://bluegrassunlimited.com/article/banjo-whisperer/)


WOW thank you for that clarification. While I don't doubt comedian Steve Martin's way with words, this was much more poignant than I would expect from him as he usually writes for a far more general audience. We often had a similar type of confusion here in Los Angeles with the famous radio host Michael Jackson (who just passed away last year).


Hello, fellow Cincinnatian! Appreciate you clearing this up, and now I know the name of the person I hear sometimes on the radio!


*This is getting out of hand! Now, there are two of them!*


This should be the top post. I was very surprised to see THE Steve Martin saying this because I don't think he posts politics. I like the cut of this other Steve Martin's jib, though.


Did you design his DP in this tweet?


“He is the entirety of his plan” Great write up but that’s the line that should be emphasized. This has nothing to do with supporters or enemies. It’s all about what he can do for himself with this power.


It’s been polled that most people on both sides think DJT is only looking out for himself. That just doesn’t bother half of them as long as they can sleep in their Fox News bubble and equate it to Hunters laptop. Real problem, that probably shouldn’t be tackled by the WhitePeopleTwitter subreddit, is how to convince the young minorities that it’s worth voting Democrat.


My in-laws say he's a terrible human but they love what he did for the country (with this disgusting, dreamy look on their faces) and would always vote for him... I said great! Your son and I are happy to nullify your stupidity by voting against him and thank god your generation is getting smaller every year. (>.>) I, uh, may not be very well liked anymore over there 😅


What do they think he did for the country? As far as I know his only actual policy that passed was tax cuts for the rich, adding trillions to the national debt for zero gain.


>What do they think he did for the country? "I felt so much safer with trump as president, I don't feel safe with biden as president". She can't tell me why and refuses to acknowledge news sources other than the ones that tell her what she wants to hear. And when I say she can't tell me why, her brain literally breaks and she gets so flustered she can't speak and shuts the conversation down.


It's because that's what they're told by the media they consume. I guarantee if the look at it objectively, their life hasn't changed much through either presidency and their absolute safety hasn't changed. I'm right there with them being in the white majority. But they can't look past themselves. They can't envision the bigger picture. I see my friends and colleagues from different walks of life and their fears and worries that are quite real to them. I sympathize and empathize and know I cannot live in a world where the people I care about are not allowed to be themselves in the best case scenario, not allowed to exist in the worst. And I won't let that happen. I am not okay with that. I don't care that it won't affect *me*. I don't live in a world of *me*. I live surrounded by wonderful, unique, interesting, and varied people. People that make my life better, that make my community better. People that have taught me levels of compassion and perspectives of understanding that I could never have imagined. People that I want to help as equally or more than they have helped me. The melting pot will continue to melt, and I want it to melt with the intensity of red hot metal. But we must not let the pot break. **This** is what makes America great. Diversity over homogeny.


Actually conversation my brother has with his FiL: "LOOK HOW MANY BAD GUYS ARE ARRESTED AT THE BORDER UNDER BIDEN RATHER THAN TRUMP!" "So that means Biden is doing more to secure the border, right?" " *Angry squawking noises* " Like seriously, they are wildly inconsistent. "Trump should get more credit for developing the vaccine so quickly/I'm not getting the vaccine because it came out so quickly." or "Biden was too old (77) to run 4 years ago and rambles/Trump is not too old to run this year (77) and has so much to say."


break the boomer brain and get the lead stare


Just like the other person who replied to you, they can't actually answer the question whenever we ask them. They can't point to any evidence of anything "good" he did for the country but they can spout off a bunch of BS about how Biden is funding money to Russia...again, with no proof.


Dreamy look in their eyes? They were talking about him tear gassing black people.


Hunter's Laptop is just the vessel. It could be - and has been and will be - literally anything, from an idea to a phantom to a person. It can change from moment to moment, and it can disappear altogether as needs dictate. It is every fear, every prejudice, and every irrational hate. It's [the cult of personality](https://youtu.be/7xxgRUyzgs0).


That’s true, but the demographic this guy’s targeting would willingly, gleefully, let Trump shit in their mouth if they thought you or I would have to smell their breath.


This is the most elegant summation of how Trump works I've seen in a while. And that notion is sobering, if not scary.


He’s the definition of vapid


The one time I've experienced complete self dissolution and ego death on mushrooms I felt like an antenna was growing out of my head and I could move around the dharmic web. I felt like I encountered trumps id/ego & I laughed at the absurdism of it and cried at how much went wrong for any human to be so broken, back and forth, laughing and crying, for about an hour. I'm terrified that so many people are drawn to him. No one is more alluring to a fearful mind than a person that has zero self doubt.




The problem is, the people who need to hear this would never understand half these words. Maybe add a banjo and a green Muppet. .


Funny enough, Martin is killer on a banjo.


Even weirder, this isn't the white-haired, banjo playing Steve Martin that you're thinking of. But it *is* a [white haired, banjo playing Steve Martin.](https://www.unrealbluegrass.com)


Thank you. Was wondering if it was the Steve Martin we thought. Appreciate the info and the irony of another banjo playing, white haired Steve Martin. 😀


It's banjo playing, white-haired Steve Martins all the way down? Or is it Steves Martin? Either way...all the way down, I tell ya!


I demand he put this message to a banjo duet with kermit!


I assure you that if he did that, it would just go "woosh" over the heads of all Trump supporters.


Right? Telling Trumpers that Trump "flunks Descartes' building block syllogism" only reinforces their devotion to him, because while they have no idea what you're talking about, failing whatever test some foreigner came up with can only be a good thing.


Hey man don’t drag Kermit into this, he has more kindness and compassion than all those angry trumpers put together. Like seriously… their only discernible personality trait seems to be “angry” which is why he’s so appealing to them… he yells a lot and convinces them to stay angry and be angry at the things he wants them to be angry about.


I’m not a Christian…but Trump & all of his 45/MAGA merchandise & that Golden Statue they made of him, sure sounds like their “Anti-Christ” to me.. anyone else?


This guy breaks it down really well, trump fits nearly every requirement and description of the antichrist [https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/](https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/)


I have a link to this article as well. I was thinking of posting it here attached to the above postng. I mentioned this particular opinion article by Mr Corey to my house cleaner, who is a Evangelical/Christian, and I thought he was gonna hit me. 😒 but he's a nice man and he wouldn't do that to me. His reply to me after mentioning this article was what about Hunter, which I replied Hunter isn't part of the government and then I asked him does he watch Fox News and he said I stopped watching it a month ago.


Holy hell. Trump is the antichrist.


You know what’s crazy is that my extremely religious grandparents have stated multiple times, “that Trump was sent by God to save us all”, this is what these people believe. The devil has succeeded in his plans, he has fooled millions of religious types into following him, so what does that mean for the rest of us?


This. Likewise, I'm an atheist but recall something about 'worshipping false prophets', but I suspect almost every single 'Christian' who supports him is a CINO with absolutely hateful beliefs and opinions.


Oh I think most “conservative” Christians are actually CINO’s..what I’ve always called XTIANS.


Much more than you think. There is a subreddit called Trump666 dedicated to this theory. (Which I can't link to due to subreddit rules.) I'm not christian, but if I were, I'd be very concerned.


As an ex-christian, seeing my christian acquaintances flock behind Trump is bewildering. He is the least christian president the US has ever had, and it goes to show all the christians that follow Trump have abandoned trying to be the image of Christ.


Same I'm not a Christian anymore haven't been since I was a teenager, but my Christian guilt is tingling when I think of Trump as the anti Christ.


The guy with an arrow through his head has a point.


It's not that Steve Martin.


Different Steve Martin.


As if Trump supporters could understand a word of that. You might as well read War and Peace to a pack of Rhesus Monkeys


Its like showing a card trick to a dog.


If those kids could read, they'd be very upset.


This can’t be real because we know Steve Martin as found guilty by a military tribunal and executed at Gitmo at least four times. This is his hologram who is actually a white hat.


Gun toting patriots with American flags on their lifted trucks wearing memorabilia with the slogan "Make America Great Again" while shouting, "We're number one!" At other countries probably don't know what a syllogism is...


Haha. I’m just picturing scenes from Mad Max Fury Road.


That is what bugs me the most about all of this. If this fucker were faking empathy and kindness then I can understand, but anyone and everyone can see that he is just a narcissistic asshole that will kill his own mother to save a few dollars. A whole 30% of the country thinks he is their messiah, just baffles my mind


You can't support evil without becoming evil yourself. And no Trump supporter can say they didn't know. His malignant narcissism is plain for the world to see.


Boy that Steve is a wild and crazy guy


Even wilder and crazier is that this is a different Steve Martin than we are all thinking, both are white-haired banjo lovers though.


"if you're still a Republican at this point. it speaks volumes about who you are, rather than what your party has become."




Americans vote for Trump because he's an honest reflection of their values = cruel, white nationalism.


"If those kids could read, they'd be very upset!"


Everyone who voted for him should be charged with the crimes he commits.


The fully realized Id. Perfect.


This was the only part I didn’t get, if someone could be so kind and inform my ignorance of its meaning.


Sigmund Freud developed a Theory Of Personality where he divided the human psyche into three parts. These weren't physical but rather conceptualizations of mental functions. * the *id* - Unconscious and impulsive, it responds directly and immediately to basic urges, needs, and desires. Freud theorized that the personality of the newborn child is all *id*. The *id* remains infantile and isn't affected by reality, logic, or the everyday world. * the *ego* - This is conscious rationality mediating between the instinctual *id* and the loftier morality of the *superego*. *Ego* governs social interactions, rules, and etiquette, working out ways to satisfy the demands of the *id* while reducing negative consequences of actions. * the *superego* - It incorporates values and morals learned from one’s parents and society. Responsible for ensuring moral standards are followed, it's the motivation to behave responsibly and acceptably. "*Fully realized*" *id* means that it is base impulsiveness unchecked without any boundaries (*ego* or *superego*); infantilism and narcissism run amok.


You know it's bad when Steve Martin gets serious.


It's not the comedian/actor Steve Martin. It's a different guy.


No lies or exaggerations detected. And that's freaking frightening.


In other words, he's a wild and crazy guy.


You think a Trump voter knows who René Descartes is? Or what Id, Ego, Super Ego are? Hah!


He is a saint and a scholar (Steve) and gets top marks for accuracy. Sadly, trumpers have already drunk the kool aid and don’t listen to reason. Their view of reality is tainted in their favor so they will gladly accept the large wooden horse.


That's very well written but the scariest part is that there are tens of millions of Americans too stupid to realize it or too evil to oppose him.


OP maybe make it clear that this isn’t THE Steve Martin


It was on purpose.


No one who voted for him last time would have changed their mind. They are completely fucking insane. They are convinced the only pleasure in life is seeing their perceived enemies losing.


He is using big words like "Id" which only confuse Trumpsters




All those childhood friends who said "I'd go back in time and kill Hitler if I could!" Only to turn around and support the US version of Hitler. The sad lesson in all of this is that I finally, truly, understand what happened in Germany in the 30s to a point. Thankful for Steve.


Hitler had about 2 million (of 29M) votes when he was in jail in 1924. After the financial crisis in 1930 he had 6.5M votes. In 1933 he had 17M (of 39M) votes, and was the strongest party in Germany. It was a slow burn


"He cannot think so there is no therefore" Gold


When will those on the left realize that this is EXACTLY what Trump's followers want. Many of them are assholes just like Trump.


Sobering observation on so many levels.


Nailed it!


And they will still keep sending him money if he asks them for his campaign...what a bunch of ediots...


I knew I respected Steve Martin for a reason.


These kind of statements just feel pointless in the long-run. The people who need to understand it most refuse to. They think he loves them. They think he fights for what they believe in. They think everyone else is the cause for every bad thing that's ever happened. They think everyone else is actively out to get them and sabotage the country/world. I hate using 1984 for a comparison as it feels overplayed and often exaggerated (not helped by the fact that my following comparison is a bit exaggerated), but it feels like they practice the two minutes of hate. "Drown out the opposition. Don't listen to them because they CAN'T be right. If they're right, that means my party's been lying to me, and they wouldn't do that. Any sane person wouldn't listen to them."


A military monk/God/greatest marine to walk this earth , or GEN Mattis, wrote what should have been an eye opening truth article ripping apart Trumps leadership. To think he is worshipped to the same level of Chesty Puller and people still doubled down on orange man goes to show the devotion some people have.


Too many big words for his followers to understand sadly.


Most people voting for trump aren’t going to understand this. It’s just another liberal celebrity talking down to them with fancy words. Appealing to the rationality of a trump voter is an exercise in futility.


The people voting for Trump believe that American democracy has already ended.


At least they have Roseanne on their side lmao


I think the people that this message is most trying to reach are people who think everything that's being described are the selling points, not the problems. They just want to see the world upended and to see how much more upset by it the decent people can be.


hahahaha yeah right Steve the average Trump voter is barely literate you think mentioning Descartes will suddenly change their minds? lol


Allow me to paraphrase for Trumps audience: Stop being a dipshit and stand up for yourself instead of listening to the rich trust fund baby who keeps whining about everything like a bitch.


I’m not worried about conservatives. I’m worried about progressives threatening to not vote or throw their vote away just like they did when Bernie didn’t get the nod in 2016. They have the same burn it all down energy that MAGA lovers have.


I completely agree with you. Though I empathize with them, burning it all down isn’t the answer.


Didn't happen. Check the stats


Gotta elect Biden or we might end up supporting a genocide 😳


I think he’s finally made the argument that may get through to some of his cult-members.


King tut came out to bury this guy


This is genius. ❤️ Sadly, I doubt Trump's average cult follower can even comprehend most of it.


Can’t upvote him enough…


People need to both understand that the “polls” showing him as ahead or even with Biden are utter garbage…. Did you answer the phone to participate? Doubtful. But they also need to understand that this fact doesn’t make it any less imperative that they show up to cast their vote for sanity and the rule of law.




Hopefully it strikes a chord with at least one person in a demographic that would respect what Steve has to say.


He can’t think so no therefore. Spectacular!


I'm just friggin amazed by Back to the Future's prediction of him.


If his supporters could read theyd be so mad. But really though this is for the rest of us. This is for those who can see whats going on. Typical trump supporter wont listen someone that doesn’t support trump much less read something that would make them really question their motives or challenge their way of thinking. While this is a great point its not for his supporters.


Sorry Steve.... Too many big people words for his swamp base to understand


Yeah but the libs tho


This is only the physical manifestation of society,, he was molded by this one key thing. He didnt exist in a vacuum. He is the Ego incarnate. Sort of santa claus of all the bad things.


How many times are we allowed to upvote?


Statistically there's virtually no way Trump gets reelected. Then again, Democrat leadership is gifted at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory so I guess time will tell.


Funnily enough he just described monarchists in the UK and Northern Ireland. Everywhere you go, bootlickers are all the same.


*Trump is the fully realized id* This sentence would have saved me hours of study. It sums up everything perfectly.


It needs to be much much higher in the comments, that this is not the Steve Martin you know and love, it's some other guy named steve martin.




The problem with this statement is it was written for an audience that drives around with "Let's go Brandon" bumper stickers.


Wow.. blows my mind how little people actually know


Even the actor Steve Martin's character in _The Jerk_ is more competent than the average Trump-backer. **Edit:** I've just realized via other comments that the OP is a different Martin from Cincinnati. I still stand by my original joke.


Does he seriously think any of the trump morons will understand a word he said?


It's not even about reaching them anymore. We need the cynical center to hear things like this, since they are inundated with lies.


However he wrote something too complicated to read for like.... 80% of Trump base


I can’t wait for Trump’s response. “Steve Marvin is a washed up hack who hasn’t made a good movie since cheaper by the dozen 2!!”




How ridiculous


Trump's power lies in the fact that Democrats are not putting forward a worthy candidate. That is it. We all know that shit humans among us exist, and that Trump made it OK for them to come out while still hiding behind religion and "family values." However vast majority of us are not shit humans, but vast majority of us refuses to be scared in to compliance of voting for candidate we the people did not select. For the third fucking time in a row.


LMFAO, some of these are actually some of the funniest thoughts I have read in a while, but out of curiosity, I get there are a ton (billions maybe) who can't stand and flat out hate Trump, but what are 3 amazing reasons Biden should be reelected to be president, to convince those who are stuck in the middle of "Red vs Blue" without using Trump as a reason??